Leadership is a crucial competency in the nursing profession. There are various skills and traits that ladder up to effective nursing leadership. To help nurses develop these skills, Dynamic Health, which offers evidence-based skill and competency development content to nurses and health professionals, has launched leadership content covering 12 competency categories of with more than 350+ topics anticipated. Dynamic Health Editor in Chief Diane Hanson shares details on the tool’s new Leadership content and why it matters.

Who will benefit from this new content? 
We’ve developed this new leadership content with point-of-care nursing and health professional leaders in mind (managers, supervisors, charge nurses, etc.). It is designed specifically for those looking to take their professional growth and team development to the next level. Our goal is to synthesize research aimed at building leadership skills and bringing best practices to the forefront. If a nursing leader wants to find content fast, they should be able to locate that information right away – helping them to keep their focus on patient care and benefit from streamlined professional development.

12 categories of leadership content with more than 350+ topics are anticipated. That is an impressive number of topics. 
Dynamic Health is the only tool that includes this level of breadth and depth of content! However, all topics will not be released at once – they will be released over time to ensure thoughtful, evidence-based information is included in each one. At launch, we are expecting the first nine titles to be live.

What type of content can we expect to see within these categories? 
We’ve pulled together evidence-based information that is relevant to nurse leaders. Each topic includes an overview, best practices and strategies. The categories are as follows:

  • Case management
  • Finance and budgeting
  • Healthcare costs
  • Human resources
  • Leadership development
  • National patient safety goals
  • Process, theory and models of care
  • Professional development and education
  • Staffing and scheduling
  • Quality, compliance and patient satisfaction
  • Workplace
  • Preceptorship

Why did the Dynamic Health team feel that it was necessary to develop this content? 
This new set of content is part of our ongoing efforts to provide point-of -care decision support and expanded educational opportunities. Nurse and health professions retention remains an ongoing challenge. By providing high-quality, easy-to-access leadership information in a streamlined, efficient manner, we are helping nurses and health professionals build the skills they need to provide transformational leadership.