Interdisciplinary Care teams play a vital role in improving patient care and quality outcomes. By treating the whole patient — physically, nutritionally, emotionally and psychologically ― with a well-rounded team of clinicians, this holistic approach helps to ensure continuity of care. However, for interdisciplinary care teams to function like well-oiled machines, it’s important that all of the team members are on the same page regarding the information they use to treat their patients.

So how do you achieve this?

Trusted Content

Evidence-based medicine is the standard when it comes to safeguarding quality patient outcomes, because treatment plans are based on the latest clinical evidence and not what has always been done. Providing interdisciplinary care team members with access to information resources that are continuously updated to reflect the latest evidence available ensures patients will receive the highest level of care possible.

Role Specific Information

While you want your interdisciplinary care team members to have access to quality evidence and information, it’s equally important that the information be presented through the lens of their specific role. As the term interdisciplinary implies, team members range from doctors and nurses to dietitians and social workers. The information each team members turn to should reflect the same evidence while still mapping to the workflow of their individual role.

Easy Access

It’s crucial that the information resources interdisciplinary care teams utilize are easy to use and easy to find. By choosing information resources that will easily integrate with your electronic medical records, learning management system and intranet, you can make sure your valuable resources are where your clinicians are. Information resources for interdisciplinary care teams should also be user-friendly. Powerful search functionality, easily digestible content and linking capability to original research will allow team members to get to the right information, fast.

Finding information resources that have the ideal combination of trusted content, role specific information and easy access will allow your interdisciplinary care teams to reach the next level of patient-centric care. With EBSCO Health’s suite of evidence-based, point-of-care resources ― created by an interdisciplinary team of clinical experts ―  you can do just that. Click below to learn how.