It's no secret we at NoveList love LibraryReads and the awesome work they're doing helping connect reads to great new books. In 2013 we committed to creating handwritten read-alike recommendations for every tile on the monthly LibraryReads list. Now, we've partnered again to deliver the monthly LibraryReads list via NextReads to the subscribers at your library.

The LibraryReads newsletter will contain the same content as the current LibraryReads newsletter and website, with all titles linking directly to your catalog so patrons can easily place a hold right then and there. As with the New York Times newsletters, the LibraryReads newsletter will not have an Advance List, but you can sign up on the LibraryReads website to receive advanced notification of the selected books two to three weeks ahead of time to purchase new books or prepare your catalog. If you have more questions about this new list, please check out our FAQ.

This newest member of the NextReads family of newsletters is one we’re incredibly excited about and can’t wait to share with you and your readers. Public library staff play an incredibly important role in helping build buzz for new books and authors and matching readers with books they’ll love, and we think the LibraryReads newsletter will help you do just that.

If you're a current LibraryAware/NextReads subscriber, you can look for the first issue to arrive February 1. After that, we start promoting! We prepared some tips for promoting your newsletters to help you get this list and others to your readers.