McMaster University

The DynaMed partnership with McMaster University allows DynaMed to use the ratings from their network to help select the best available evidence that is both relevant and useful for clinicians.

McMaster University: The DynaMed partnership with McMaster University allows DynaMed to use the McMaster PLUS systematic identification and validation of clinical research articles, and the ratings and comments from their global network of physicians across disciplines to help select the best available evidence that is useful for clinicians. This partnership brings together the two systems that have established world-class systematic evidence monitoring services.

McMaster PLUS: McMaster University’s Health Information Research Unit uses its Critical Appraisal Process to identify studies and systematic reviews that are scientifically sound. Articles from the 120 top journals that meet the validation criteria are then rated by some of more than 8,000 frontline clinicians for relevance and newsworthiness through the McMaster Online Rating of Evidence (MORE™) system. The entire database of selected articles, their ratings, and rater comments is available as McMaster PLUS.