Enable Patient-Centered Care

Help your patients and clinicians have meaningful and informed shared decision-making conversations, leading to improved outcomes and higher satisfaction. 

DynaMed Decisions puts patients at the center of care and offers a variety of tools to help clinicians calculate a patient’s individual risk profile and provide tailored clinical guidance. These tools surface relevant clinical practice guideline recommendations based on each patient’s data. Additionally, shared decision-making tools include customizable interactive views of the benefits and harms of various treatment options allowing providers and patients to arrive at best care decisions for each patient’s unique needs. 

To complement DynaMed Decisions’ Smart Tools, the solution also offers a robust collection of Option Grid decisions aids. These decision aids are developed by a team of clinical experts, using the most current evidence, and focus on the questions patients most frequently ask when they need to make preference-sensitive decisions.  

Utilizing both tool sets in unison, underscored by the same trusted evidence bases, provides clinicians and patients with a complete picture of the decision they are tasked to make and helps patients take an active and engaged role in their health care. 

Ready to learn more about DynaMed Decisions?