Diverse Books

Find books that are both windows and mirrors for the kids you work with.

Find the books you need

You (and the kids you teach) want books about all kinds of kids by all kinds of authors. Culturally diverse, ability diverse, and religiously diverse books reflect their lives as well as give them windows into the lives of other kids.

Our thoughtful metadata includes “people first” language, giving you lots of way to search for diverse books. Find these books fast with our Books with Diverse Characters search strategy.

We also make it easy to find books about cultures and places. Check out our Exploring Books By Culture search strategy to find books that help your kids explore diversity around the globe.

Discover Books Based on Culture or Place

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Encourage your community to read more diversely with easy-to-share flyers, social media posts, bookmarks, and more from LibraryAware. Edit these templates to reflect what your community needs or create your own!

Diverse Books for Kids Printables

Love these templates? Print them off to use in your library (Afrofuturism, Transgender Awareness Week, and differently-abled characters). LibraryAware customers can create and edit their own.

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