PSYNDEX: Literature and Tests
Produced by the Leibniz Institute for Psychology, this database provides comprehensive bibliographic references from research and applied fields in psychology from the German-speaking countries.
Detailed Records Searchable in German and English
This resource combines two database segments:
PSYNDEX Literature includes records of articles, books, chapters, dissertations, and intervention programs from German-speaking countries, which are indexed according to the highest standards in the field.
PSYNDEX Tests includes detailed descriptions and reviews of psychological and educational tests in use in German-speaking countries.
About 40% of the records available in PSYNDEX are English or have English abstracts, and German-language records have English title and abstract translations. Records contain numerous indexing fields as well as controlled descriptors and classification categories licensed by the APA, allowing for combined searches with the PsycINFO database at the EBSCOhost interface.
PSYNDEX is searchable in German and English, making it an indispensable retrieval tool for English-speaking researchers requiring additional content coverage.
Broad Subject Coverage
Subject coverage for PSYNDEX includes psychology as well as psychology-relevant topics from the behavioral sciences, neuroscience, medicine, education, sociology, sports, linguistics, business management, and criminology. Content is updated on a monthly basis, with a complete reload at least once a year.