EBSCOed for Schools


Providing single search navigation for all your schools integrated online content, EBSCOed allows fast, easy access to all approved resources at both state and district levels.

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EBSCOed for Schools

Ref Link: https://www.ebsco.com/resources/ebscoed-for-schools-video

Trying to navigate online education resources is often more difficult than the schoolwork itself. They can be unorganized, unconnected, unmanageable.

The EBSCOed platform offers a much simpler, stronger solution.

It empowers schools and school systems of any scale to aggregate and streamline access to all their digital resources. Providing single search navigation for all your schools integrated online content, EBSCOed allows fast, easy access to all approved resources at both state and district levels.

It provides a gateway to their online textbooks, a single access point for all textbook vendors, so students and teachers don't have to be bothered with multiple logins or entry points, and teachers and technology coordinators don't have to worry about connecting various vendor portals and mobile apps.

It also includes integrated access to test preparation resources, online library solutions, teacher professional development, and supplemental resources.

The EBSCOed platform creates a straightforward, consistent user experience for all students eliminating the need for special training and supporting student and teacher mobility across the state. It also bridges the connection to and increases the value of your school's existing LMS and SIS solutions such as PowerSchool, Schoology, Clever, ClassLink and Google Classroom.

It supports grade level, college-readiness and career development learning pathways, and it supports customized development at the state, county, district, and school levels.

Simplified, streamlined, integrated, EBSCOed gives teachers, students, and parents an easy-to-use portal for all approved educational resources so they can spend less time worrying about navigation and more time dedicated to their education.

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