Our Account Executives (AEs for short) in the Middle East & North Africa’s region, Leina Barsoum and Dayane Nehme, are responsible for libraries in the field of education and science and work together in EBSCO in Lebanon. They help our customers every day by providing answers to their questions, further information, presentations, demonstrations of products and more.

We recently asked them to provide insight about their roles at EBSCO.

?What do you do at EBSCO

We are Account Executives, handling medical, academic, corporate, and school markets in the Middle East and North Africa region. We are responsible for servicing all existing business relationships and securing the renewal of all existing subscriptions as well as selling upgrades and additional products. We deal with customers on a very individualized basis, making sure that all their needs are accomplished.

?What does a typical workday look like for you

Dayane: When working from home, managing my time is a priority. I start my day with spending some time with the family and arranging their day. Then I check my daily ‘to do’ list and I make sure to Block out time in my day to accomplish these tasks. I stay connected with my colleagues at EBSCO by phone video call or emails. I also stay in touch with my customers and respond to their needs in a timely manner. I finish by wrapping up tasks and making tomorrow's to-do list.

Leina: Being a working mom is not easy at all and especially when you feel that you need more than 24hrs/day. But with time management your daily tasks will become easier; waking up early in the morning allows me to arrange my kids’ day schedule and after that I start working with my colleagues, clients, and partners to respond to their needs on a daily basis.

?What do you like most about your job

Dayane: There are so many wonderful things about working for EBSCO. My favorite is working with the international team and being in constant contact with people from different countries and cultures. I also love EBSCO’s culture and how supportive the company is with their employees; I enjoy working with the MENA team specifically. The people I work with are great; they're enthusiastic, very knowledgeable and fun to work with, I really learn a lot from each one of them. 

Leina: Working with EBSCO and with the MENA team gives you a feeling beyond expression, the enthusiasm and motivation we have leads us to accomplish great results.

?Want to know more about the MENA Sales Team

Read interesting information about your local contacts in the following blog article.