1. To start with, would you like to tell us a bit about yourself and your background؟

Before joining EBSCO, I was an Oncology Care Consultant in Novartis Oncology, working with the top medical experts in Egypt. I helped foster an awareness of newly launched drugs, gathering insights related to disease areas and patients’ unmet needs, and developing medical and marketing plans that align with company strategy.

2. What does your work at EBSCO look like at the moment؟

At EBSCO, my title is Training Specialist, and my job includes developing and conducting training sessions on our diverse EBSCO portfolio for researchers of diverse skills and backgrounds. Also, I advocate on behalf of users, providing suggestions and feedback regarding product enhancement to meet ever-evolving user expectations.

3. Which products and solutions are covered in your training agenda؟

I provide training on all EBSCO products, including databases, EBSCO Discovery Service, e-books and ordering systems such as EBSCOhost Collection Manager.

4. How do you see the future of trainings online vs. offline؟

Since the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, there has been a large-scale transformation of how trainings are being conducted.  Online training sessions have offered the flexibility of being conducted from practically anywhere in the world, saving time and resources and making it a necessity to incorporate this strategy in any future training delivery. You can, however, miss the personal, hands-on interactivity when learning online. Face to face learning offers this unique opportunity to have organic conversations and build relationships, enhancing the whole learning experience. The best of both worlds would be blended learning. I personally think frequent, online sessions along with occasional in-personal trainings could be presented for an optimal learning experience.

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