"Core" coverage refers to sources which are indexed and abstracted in their entirety (i.e. cover to cover), while "Priority" coverage refers to sources which include only those articles which are relevant to the field.
This title list does not represent the Selective content found in this database. The Selective content is chosen from thousands of titles containing articles that are relevant to this subject.
*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Coverage Policy | Source Type | ISSN / ISBN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | Peer-Reviewed | PDF Images (full page) | Country | Availability* | MID |
Core | Academic Journal | 2153-4721 | (mt) Marine Technology | Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers | 04/01/2010 | 04/30/2020 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BA4D |
Core | Magazine | 1539-5251 | .net Magazine | Fawcette Technical Publications | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QEN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | 10th Annual International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, Systems Sciences & Engineering | Conferences on Computer, Information, Systems Sciences & Engineering | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HOWM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | 16th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | LAIR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9781631900501 | 2016 10th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth) | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | | Slovakia | Coming Soon | KFTK |
Core | Magazine | | 3'14 Magazine | Association Polytechnique Insights | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | NKYU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2254-4143 | 3C Tecnologia | Area de Innovacion y Desarrollo, SL | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2022 | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | G9OH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2254-6529 | 3C TIC | Area de Innovacion y Desarrollo, SL | 09/01/2013 | 12/31/2022 | 09/01/2013 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | G9OI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670044 | 3G Wireless Technology Quick Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4791 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | 7. Kolloquium Mobilhydraulik | KIT Scientific Publishing | 09/01/2012 | 09/30/2012 | 09/01/2012 | 09/30/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92Q |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | | 7th International Workshop on the Integration of Solar Power into Power Systems | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | LAIS |
Core | Magazine | 0744-7868 | 80 Micro | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 01/01/1985 | 06/30/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 80M |
Core | Trade Publication | 1122-1429 | A & L: Aluminium, Alloys, Pressure Diecasting, Foundry Techniques | PubliTec | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | | Y | Italy | Available Now | K00A |
Priority | Magazine | 0567-3933 | A.M.S. Archives of Industrial Health. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 06/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9FM |
Core | Dissertation | 1799-4934 | Aalto University Publication Series. Doctoral Dissertations | Aalto University Foundation sr | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | KBSB |
Core | Magazine | 0149-1423 | AAPG Bulletin | American Association of Petroleum Geologists | 09/01/1976 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QVG |
Core | Trade Publication | 1532-8813 | AATCC Review | American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QJG |
Core | Pamphlet | | ABC's of Nuclear Science: Nuclear Structure | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWS |
Core | Pamphlet | | ABC's of Nuclear Science: Radioactivity | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWU |
Core | Pamphlet | | ABC's of Nuclear Science: Reactions | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWV |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1051-5526 | Aberdeen's Concrete Construction | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 02/01/1990 | 03/01/2001 | 01/01/2000 | 01/01/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1086-4822 | About Campus | Sage Publications Inc. | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | G0A |
Core | Trade Publication | 1066-3878 | ABQ Correspondent | ABQ Communications Corporation | 02/01/2007 | 03/30/2013 | 02/01/2007 | 03/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2X2X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2616-471X | Abyssinia Journal of Science & Technology | Wollo University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ethiopia | Available Now | MR7Z |
Priority | Magazine | 0190-2946 | Academe | American Association of University Professors | 01/01/1979 | 03/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ACD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-7904 | Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering | Academic Association for Manufacturing Engineering | 03/01/2011 | | 03/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BCKR |
Core | Magazine | 1528-7203 | Access Advisor | Advisor Media Inc | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 16GC |
Core | Magazine | 1093-9105 | Access-VB-SQL Advisor | Advisor Media Inc | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QEO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0001-4664 | Accountancy | Wolters Kluwer UK | 01/01/1965 | 07/31/2019 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ACC |
Core | Magazine | 0001-4672 | Accountancy Age | Contentive | 05/26/2005 | 03/31/2011 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13DX |
Core | Trade Publication | 1068-6452 | Accounting Technology | Arizent | 07/01/1997 | 05/31/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0HO |
Core | Trade Publication | 1044-5714 | Accounting Today | Arizent | 07/01/2003 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 43Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2088-9860 | Aceh International Journal of Science & Technology | PPs-Unsyiah | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | FI5X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-3716 | ACET Journal of Computer Education & Research | Association for Computer Educators in Texas | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 223H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0889-325X | ACI Materials Journal | American Concrete Institute | 01/01/1987 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QVF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0889-3241 | ACI Structural Journal | American Concrete Institute | 01/01/1987 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QVE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0360-0300 | ACM Computing Surveys | Association for Computing Machinery | 10/02/2011 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | UTE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1550-4832 | ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3T |
Core | Magazine | 1542-7730 | ACM Queue | Association for Computing Machinery | 05/01/2007 | | 05/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 14E5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BGJS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1549-6325 | ACM Transactions on Algorithms | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 22QW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-4665 | ACM Transactions on Autonomous & Adaptive Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 06/01/2007 | | 06/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CN8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1529-3785 | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic | Association for Computing Machinery | 07/01/2004 | | 04/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 88D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-2071 | ACM Transactions on Computer Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/1991 | | 06/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TSC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1073-0516 | ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) | Association for Computing Machinery | 03/01/2003 | | 04/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 88E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0362-5915 | ACM Transactions on Database Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 08/02/2011 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TDA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-9087 | ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 07/01/2007 | | 07/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CN6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0730-0301 | ACM Transactions on Graphics | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 88K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2573-9522 | ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction | Association for Computing Machinery | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MZW7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-9224 | ACM Transactions on Information & System Security (TISSEC) | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2003 | 04/30/2016 | 01/01/2009 | 04/30/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 88T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1046-8188 | ACM Transactions on Information Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 06/01/1996 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TNS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1533-5399 | ACM Transactions on Internet Technology | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2006 | | 02/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 22QX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-4681 | ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data | Association for Computing Machinery | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 22QY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-3500 | ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | NNS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-3301 | ACM Transactions on Modeling & Computer Simulation | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2YK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1551-6857 | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications & Applications | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2006 | | 02/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 14E6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2471-2566 | ACM Transactions on Privacy & Security | Association for Computing Machinery | 05/01/2016 | | 05/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L4LK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0164-0925 | ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/1991 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1550-4859 | ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2009 | | 02/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-331X | ACM Transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/1997 | | 04/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 88V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-3077 | ACM Transactions on Storage | Association for Computing Machinery | 06/01/2007 | | 06/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CN5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1559-1131 | ACM Transactions on the Web | Association for Computing Machinery | 05/01/2007 | | 05/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CN7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BGM2 |
Core | Academic Journal | | ACM/IMS Journal of Data Science | Association for Computing Machinery | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N32Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-599X | Acoustics (2624-599X) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0906-4702 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section A, Animal Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B5D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0906-4710 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil & Plant Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B68 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-9145 | Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica | Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica Editorial Office | 01/01/2005 | 10/31/2006 | | | | Y | | China | Available Now | 171T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-5261 | Acta Biochimica Iranica | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NEU0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2576-6724 | Acta Chemica Malaysia (ACMY) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMJP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0324-721X | Acta Cybernetica | Institute of Informatics, University of Szeged | 12/01/2016 | | 12/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | KBE7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2590-4043 | Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMQX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-8243 | Acta Electrotechnica & Informatica | Sciendo | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 90BI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1841-3323 | Acta Electrotehnica | S.C. Mediamira Editura s.r.l, Cluj-Napoca, Romania | 07/01/2011 | 10/31/2020 | 07/01/2011 | 10/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 6SJG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2644-4690 | Acta Hydrologica Slovaca | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrology | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | NB78 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2602-3563 | Acta Infologica | Acta Infologica | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MZWI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-5903 | Acta Informatica | Springer Nature | 10/01/1996 | | 10/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CQS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2521-0874 | Acta Informatica Malaysia (AIM) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMJT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1339-5629 | Acta Logistica (AL) | 4S Go, S.R.O. | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | LUKR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-1370 | Acta Manilana | University of Santo Tomas-Research Center for the Natural Sciences & Applied Sciences (RCNAS) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Philippines | Available Now | NFKH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3851 | Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica | Acta Materiea Compositae Sinica Editorial Department | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JS10 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2601-8799 | Acta Materialia Transylvanica | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N066 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-2393 | Acta Mechanica Slovaca | Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | EV4F |
Core | Academic Journal | | Acta Mechatronica | 4S Go, S.R.O. | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | N2TC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-1532 | Acta Metallurgica Slovaca | Technical University of Kosice | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | JZXX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0962-4929 | Acta Numerica | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7XA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1517-4492 | Acta Scientiae (1517-4492) | Acta Scientiae | 01/01/2022 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | N8J8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1339-9640 | Acta Simulatio | 4S Go, S.R.O. | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | N2TB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1221-6542 | Acta Technica Napocensis. Electronica-Telecomunicatii | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Electronics, Telecom & IT | 12/01/2010 | | 12/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BA5S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1221-5848 | Acta Technica Napocensis: Civil Engineering & Architecture | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Constructii | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FWOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-2555 | Acta Technologica Agriculturae | Sciendo | 03/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | GXJ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Acta Tecnología | 4S Go, S.R.O. | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | N2TA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-7149 | Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Technical Series | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BEZX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0882-7516 | Active & Passive Electronic Components | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2002 | | 03/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J1J |
Core | Magazine | 2682-1265 | ActuIA | ACTUIA | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | MMUB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1570-8705 | Ad Hoc Networks | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RXG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1059-7123 | Adaptive Behavior | Sage Publications | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ABH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471607915 | Adaptive Blind Signal & Image Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471492870 | Adaptive Filtering & Change Detection | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814415941 | Adaptive Mobile Robotics - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Climbing & Walking Robots & the Support Technologies For Mobile Machines | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470848258 | Adaptive WCDMA | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470846896 | Adaptive Wireless Transceivers | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPP |
Core | Magazine | 2835-7345 | ADAS & Autonomous Vehicle Engineering | SAE Media | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NFNX |
Core | Trade Publication | 0001-821X | Adhesives Age | Chemical Week Associates | 01/01/1967 | 08/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0E7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1551-9899 | Adhoc & Sensor Wireless Networks | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 11/01/2006 | | 11/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1UHH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2147-1630 | Adiyaman University Journal of Science & Technology / Adıyaman Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi | Adiyaman University, Institute of Science / Adiyaman Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FNPL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0223-5439 | Administration | Association du Corps Prefectoral et des Hauts Fonctionnaires du Ministere de l'Interieur | 01/01/1921 | 06/01/1923 | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | 3234 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471290995 | ADSL, VDSL, & Multicarrier Modulation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKK |
Priority | Magazine | | Adult Education & the Library | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1925 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2FZ |
Core | Academic Journal | | Advanced Agrochem | KeAi Communications Co. | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NKN4 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Advanced Control for Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2055-0308 | Advanced Device Materials | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HL95 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471626923 | Advanced Digital Signal Processing & Noise Reduction | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2199-160X | Advanced Electronic Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2014 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBT0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1614-6832 | Advanced Energy Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1474-0346 | Advanced Engineering Informatics | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KJH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2812-9709 | Advanced Engineering Letters | Serbian Academic Center | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | N6TC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1438-1656 | Advanced Engineering Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OKY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-3246 | Advanced Engineering Science / Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu | Advanced Engineering Science Editorial Office | 10/01/2019 | 12/25/2022 | 10/01/2019 | 12/25/2022 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LBEJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1616-301X | Advanced Functional Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OKZ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813140615 | Advanced High Strength Steel & Press Hardening - Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (Ichsu2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOC |
Core | Trade Publication | 1042-0711 | Advanced Imaging | Cygnus Business Media | 04/01/2007 | 08/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AVC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2640-4567 | Advanced Intelligent Systems (2640-4567) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LXGQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Advanced Management | Society for Advancement of Management | 01/02/1939 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 6SK9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2055-0340 | Advanced Manufacturing: Polymer & Composites Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HL94 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814696012 | Advanced Material Engineering - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813141605 | Advanced Material Science & Engineering - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference (Amse2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCO4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814322782 | Advanced Materials & Processing 2010 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on ICAMP | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-600X | Advanced Materials in Engineering | Isfahan University of Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering | 03/01/2016 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KBZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-7350 | Advanced Materials Interfaces | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/02/2015 | | 04/02/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JZVP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-526X | Advanced Materials Science & Technology | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZMM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2365-709X | Advanced Materials Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/02/2015 | | 04/02/2015 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBT1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813200463 | Advanced Materials, Technology & Application - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference (Amta2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-7467 | Advanced Modeling & Simulation in Engineering Sciences | Springer Nature | 03/21/2016 | | 03/21/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQDQ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1065-0555 | Advanced Packaging | Clarion Events, Inc | 04/01/2003 | 01/31/2009 | 04/01/2003 | 01/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9C7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2791-1519 | Advanced Photonics Nexus | SPIE - International Society of Optical Engineering | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NM58 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2772-834X | Advanced Powder Materials | KeAi Communications Co. | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2511-9044 | Advanced Quantum Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LE53 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-1864 | Advanced Robotics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8P1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2198-3844 | Advanced Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6Z7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2366-7486 | Advanced Sustainable Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L349 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1615-4150 | Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OL2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1178-6949 | Advances & Applications in Bioinformatics & Chemistry | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2012 | | 05/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B02U |
Core | Academic Journal | | Advances in Aerodynamics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LX3Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6531 | Advances in Aerospace Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2015 | | 05/01/2015 | 06/16/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6PL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1743-6753 | Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional & Bioceramics | Sage Publications | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1E2Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-8678 | Advances in Applied Probability | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1997 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1JC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7470 | Advances in Artificial Intelligence (16877470) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 10/12/2017 | 01/01/2008 | 10/12/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 903G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7594 | Advances in Artificial Neural Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 08/08/2016 | 01/01/2008 | 08/08/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8027 | Advances in Bioinformatics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2020 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NBX |
Core | Academic Journal | | Advances in Bridge Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MWEZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2975-3848 | Advances in Civil & Architectural Engineering | Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek-e-GFOS | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | N6LE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8086 | Advances in Civil Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NBY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1019-7168 | Advances in Computational Mathematics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BQI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2837-1739 | Advances in Computational Science & Engineering (ACSE) | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N71N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6620 | Advances in Computer Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2015 | | 05/01/2015 | 05/20/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6PI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2735-5977 | Advances in Computing & Engineering | Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | MZER |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8108 | Advances in Condensed Matter Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NBZ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813149120 | Advances in Cooperative Robotics - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on CLWAR 2016 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-3359 | Advances in Decision Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | 12/29/2017 | 01/01/2010 | 12/29/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B54T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1336-1376 | Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | D9FJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6655 | Advances in Electrical Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2015 | | 05/01/2015 | 10/22/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6PV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6663 | Advances in Electronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2015 | 05/28/2015 | 05/01/2015 | 05/28/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6PO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-0263 | Advances in Engineering & Intelligence Systems | Bilijipub Publisher | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N89I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0965-9978 | Advances in Engineering Software (1992) | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J8B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7101 | Advances in Fuzzy Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5893 | Advances in Human-Computer Interaction | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 32RE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-1744 | Advances in Industrial Engineering | University of Tehran | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N1PN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1895-9881 | Advances in Manufacturing Science & Technology (De Gruyter Open) | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | 04/13/2015 | 08/01/2013 | 04/13/2015 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FULQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2374-068X | Advances in Materials & Processing Technologies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K61Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1730-2439 | Advances in Materials Science | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FQL2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8434 | Advances in Materials Science & Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9120 | Advances in Mathematical Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1930-5346 | Advances in Mathematics of Communications | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGKX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8132 | Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Sage Publications Inc.) | Sage Publications | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 8NC4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1258-5769 | Advances in Modelling & Analysis A | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N7FL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1240-4543 | Advances in Modelling & Analysis B | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N8L0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5680 | Advances in Multimedia | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3GPE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-560X | Advances in New & Renewable Energy | Editorial Office of Advances in New & Renewable Energy | 02/01/2019 | | 02/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAUI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7276 | Advances in Nonlinear Optics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9147 | Advances in Operations Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-6393 | Advances in Optical Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-563X | Advances in OptoElectronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 06/18/2019 | 01/01/2008 | 06/18/2019 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3GPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6841 | Advances in Pharmaceutics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/02/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0730-6679 | Advances in Polymer Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O34 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-181X | Advances in Power Electronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2009 | 02/08/2018 | 01/01/2009 | 02/08/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AYTN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6876 | Advances in Radiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 11/30/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 11/26/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2080-4075 | Advances in Science & Technology Research Journal | Society of Polish Mechanical Engineers & Technicians | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | FWMV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8655 | Advances in Software Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/2008 | 11/30/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NC9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1078-6236 | Advances in Systems Science & Applications | International Institute for General Systems Studies (IIGSS) | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K5C7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5915 | Advances in Tribology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30MB |
Priority | Magazine | | Advertising & Selling | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/12/1927 | 02/11/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Advertising & Selling & the Advertising Agency | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1948 | 04/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G3 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0001-8899 | Advertising Age | Crain Communications | 06/29/1998 | 06/29/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ADV |
Priority | Magazine | | Advertising Agency & Advertising & Selling | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1949 | 03/01/1955 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Advertising Agency Magazine | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/29/1955 | 12/20/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0737-4232 | Advertising Arts. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1933 | 05/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9FZ |
Core | Magazine | 1930-7446 | Advisor Guide to Microsoft Access | Advisor Media Inc | 01/01/2006 | 10/31/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1WID |
Core | Magazine | 0899-5788 | AEG News | Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists | 07/01/2018 | | 07/01/2018 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JZXO |
Priority | Magazine | 0736-1661 | Aera. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1919 | 11/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9G4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Aerial Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1922 | 07/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Aerial Age Weekly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1920 | 12/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2G9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Aero Digest | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 12/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-5048 | Aero Weaponry | Aero Weaponry Editorial Office | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N1K5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-669X | Aero/Space Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1958 | 01/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9G5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4352 | Aeronautical Engineering Review. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1942 | 04/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9G6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-9240 | Aeronautical Journal | Cambridge University Press | 01/02/1968 | | 08/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QVD |
Priority | Magazine | | Aeronautical Journal (1897) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 12/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GD |
Priority | Magazine | | Aeronautics Bulletin (United States. Dept. of Commerce. Aeronautics Branch) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GE |
Priority | Magazine | | Aeronautics Bulletin. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Institute of Aviation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1947 | 01/02/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2940-3391 | Aerosol Research (AR) | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N75X |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-6826 | Aerosol Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/23/1981 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6G |
Core | Magazine | 1938-9310 | Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing | Society of Manufacturing Engineers | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LAQV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2226-4310 | Aerospace (MDPI Publishing) | MDPI | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | D2GH |
Core | Magazine | 0740-722X | Aerospace America | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1984 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ARO |
Priority | Magazine | 0736-2536 | Aerospace Engineering | SAE International | 09/01/1959 | 01/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 106C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-1070 | Aerospace Knowledge & Technology Journal | Malek Ashtar University of Technology | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NER0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0568-0727 | Aerospace Technology | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 07/17/1967 | 06/17/1968 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3MXA |
Priority | Magazine | 0001-9321 | Aerospace. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1967 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9G8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1549-4950 | AES Journal of the Audio Engineering Society: Audio, Acoustics, Applications | Audio Engineering Society | 01/01/1958 | 11/30/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QV4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1434-8411 | AEU: International Journal of Electronics & Communications | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GXO |
Core | Magazine | 2074-0379 | African Fusion | Crown Publications | 01/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | | South Africa | Coming Soon | FI8O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2316-0861 | African Journal of Applied Statistics (AJAS) | Statistics & Probability African Society | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | NDEZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-4870 | African Journal of Biological Sciences | African Journal of Biological Sciences | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | LULP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2006-1781 | African Journal of Computing & ICT | African Journal of Computing & ICT | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MR85 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2744-5151 | African Journal of Engineering & Technology | Sudanese Researchers Foundation | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Sudan | Available Now | MU9Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1449-2679 | African Journal of Information & Communication Technology | University of Technology, Sydney | 01/01/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/01/2013 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | 77S0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1811-7295 | African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science & Technology Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KFPW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2042-1338 | African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU2H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2147-5296 | Afyon Kocatepe University Journal of Science & Engineering / Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi | Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Science & Literature | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FXZO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498155 | Agent Technology for Communication Infrastructures | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2766-8541 | Aggregate | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N3FP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-3145 | Agrochemicals (2813-3145) | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6PZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2490-3434 | AGROFOR International Journal | University of East Sarajevo | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | MZO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-6552 | Agroindustrial Science | Agroindustrial Science | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Peru | Available Now | N1FJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0379-5837 | Agronomical Research in Moldavia / Cercetari Agronomice în Moldova | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2020 | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FKTK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1117-9996 | Agrosearch - A Journal of Agriculture, Food & Development | University of Ilorin, Faculty of Agriculture | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0951-5666 | AI & Society | Springer Nature | 05/01/2003 | | 05/01/2003 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | P4B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0896-6664 | AI Applications in Natural Resource Management | AI Applications | 01/01/1989 | 01/01/1994 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LXW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1051-8266 | AI Applications: Natural Resources, Agriculture & Environmental Science | AI Applications | 02/01/1994 | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KNL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0921-7126 | AI Communications | IOS Press | 03/01/1997 | | 03/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 0RI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0890-0604 | AI EDAM | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-0943 | AI in Civil Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N470 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0738-4602 | AI Magazine | AI Magazine | 06/01/1996 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AIG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-6510 | AI Open | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LK |
Core | Academic Journal | | AI Perspectives | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | 01/17/2025 | 01/01/2017 | 01/17/2025 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LX3R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-1452 | AIAA Journal | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/03/1963 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AIJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-1541 | AIChE Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1958 | | 06/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 44H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1542-8117 | AIHA Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2003 | 01/01/2002 | 11/01/2003 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QVC |
Priority | Magazine | 1529-8663 | AIHAJ | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2000 | 07/01/2002 | 07/01/2000 | 05/01/2002 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | DDD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2578-1588 | AIMS Electronics & Electrical Engineering | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MY4E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1073-161X | Air & Waste | Air & Waste Management Association | 01/01/1993 | 12/31/1994 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KS7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-4168 | Air (2813-4168) | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6Q0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Air Affairs | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1947 | 12/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GL |
Priority | Magazine | | Air Commerce Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 12/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GM |
Priority | Magazine | | Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1955 | 06/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GN |
Core | Magazine | 0002-2500 | Air Progress | Challenge Publications | 01/01/1983 | 10/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AIR |
Priority | Magazine | | Air Transport | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1943 | 03/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GO |
Core | Trade Publication | 1357-4051 | Aircargo News | DVV Media International | 08/08/2016 | | 08/08/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBSH |
Priority | Magazine | 0002-2667 | Aircraft Engineering. | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1958 | 10/01/1982 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9GF |
Priority | Magazine | | Airway Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1928 | 10/03/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1944-3900 | AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction | Association for Information Systems | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FARL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-3458 | AIS Transactions on Replication Research | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBIE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1039-7841 | AJIS: Australian Journal of Information Systems | University of Canberra | 09/01/2003 | 12/31/2004 | | | | Y | | Australia | Available Now | ROJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2587-1277 | Aksaray University Journal of Science & Engineering | Aksaray University | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N8R4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2536-7633 | Akwapoly Journal of Communication & Scientific Research | Akwapoly Journal of Communication & Scientific Research | 06/01/2019 | | 06/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRBW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1818-1171 | Al-Khawarizmi Engineering Journal | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | 10/31/2018 | 01/01/2018 | 10/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCE2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2521-9154 | Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | N6ZN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1815-4816 | Al-Rafidain Journal of Computer Sciences & Mathematics | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 07/01/2014 | 07/31/2014 | 07/01/2014 | 07/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCE6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0364-4006 | ALA Bulletin. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 08/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0178-4617 | Algorithmica | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | O54 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843895 | Algorithms for Communications Systems & Their Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-063X | Alloys | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ78 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Alternative Antriebskonzepte bei sich Wandelnden Mobilitätsstilen | KIT Scientific Publishing | 03/01/2012 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2012 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92V |
Core | Magazine | 0146-1001 | Alternative Sources of Energy | Clarion Events, Inc | 04/01/1978 | 10/01/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LXX |
Core | Trade Publication | 1475-455X | Aluminium International Today | Quartz Business Media Ltd. | 09/02/2011 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q0B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0285-5240 | ALUTOPIA | Kallos Publishing Co. Ltd. | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPY2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1075-5292 | America's Network | Questex Media Group | 02/15/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AWK |
Priority | Magazine | | American Architect | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1917 | 08/17/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GW |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | American Architect & Architecture | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1936 | 02/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BOUA |
Priority | Magazine | | American Architect & the Architectural Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/06/1921 | 12/31/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GX |
Priority | Magazine | | American Architect (1925) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/14/1925 | 09/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2GY |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4913 | American Aviation. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/22/1923 | 01/22/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GO |
Priority | Magazine | | American Bankers Association Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 06/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2H1 |
Priority | Magazine | | American Builder | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 10/01/1930 | 02/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6L4Z |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | American Business | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1935 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BPAX |
Core | Trade Publication | 0002-7812 | American Ceramic Society Bulletin | American Ceramic Society | 11/01/1936 | | 01/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6VQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | | American City | Journal Collection (Sage) | 06/01/1921 | 06/01/1921 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 6SKH |
Core | Trade Publication | 0149-337X | American City & County | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | 09/30/2018 | 01/01/1997 | 09/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AMY |
Priority | Magazine | | American Cosmetics & Perfumery | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1972 | 12/01/1972 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2H5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0002-8266 | American Dyestuff Reporter | American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists | 01/15/1922 | 07/01/1999 | 07/01/1998 | 06/01/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9UQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-8282 | American Economic Review | American Economic Association | 09/01/1929 | 03/01/1932 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AER |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-8304 | American Education | US Department of Education | 03/01/1965 | 07/01/1965 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HWD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-8312 | American Educational Research Journal | Sage Publications | 11/01/1968 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 02Y |
Priority | Magazine | | American Engineer | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 01/01/1913 | 05/01/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6F5W |
Priority | Magazine | | American Exporter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 10/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2H8 |
Priority | Magazine | | American Forestry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1916 | 01/01/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HA |
Priority | Magazine | 0002-8541 | American Forests | American Forests | 01/01/1914 | 01/01/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AFE |
Priority | Magazine | 0002-8584 | American Gas Association Monthly | American Gas Association | 01/02/1919 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LXZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4387 | American Gas Engineering Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1917 | 02/26/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GX |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4409 | American Gas Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/05/1921 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GY |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4395 | American Gas Light Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/29/1913 | 12/25/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-8894 | American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | 05/31/2000 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0HR |
Priority | Magazine | | American Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HE |
Priority | Magazine | | American Industries (1928) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1928 | 11/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HF |
Priority | Magazine | | American Industries Pocket Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1926 | 03/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9165 | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Elsevier B.V. | 01/03/1958 | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AJC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0195-6744 | American Journal of Education | University of Chicago Press | 11/01/1979 | 08/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JRD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1552-4825 | American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 65GB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9351 | American Journal of Mental Deficiency | American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities | 09/01/1961 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BOU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9505 | American Journal of Physics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1958 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | APY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9572 | American Journal of Public Health & the Nations Health. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1955 | 11/01/1966 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9H2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9599 | American Journal of Science | Kline Geology Laboratory | 01/02/1920 | 11/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ASE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9602 | American Journal of Sociology | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/1929 | 05/01/1932 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AJS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1536-4585 | American Journal of Undergraduate Research | American Journal of Undergraduate Research | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BDGR |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0002-9769 | American Libraries | American Library Association | 07/01/1977 | 05/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AML |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4425 | American Lumberman. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1918 | 07/03/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9H5 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1041-7958 | American Machinist | Endeavor Business Media | 01/23/1913 | 01/01/2010 | 01/01/1997 | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1OP |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0886-0335 | American Machinist & Automated Manufacturing | Penton Publishing | 01/01/1986 | 07/01/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RE |
Core | Magazine | 1547-1934 | American Machinist's Cutting Technology | Penton Publishing | 05/01/2004 | 10/31/2005 | 09/08/2004 | 09/01/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VTU |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5154 | American Machinist, Metalworking Manufacturing. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/08/1960 | 06/22/1964 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9H6 |
Priority | Magazine | | American Management Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 12/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9890 | American Mathematical Monthly | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | 10/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AMM |
Priority | Magazine | 0094-3096 | American Metric Journal | American Metric Journal Publishing Co. | 01/06/1977 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82RF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-004X | American Mineralogist | De Gruyter | 01/01/1958 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | AMO |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0277-8688 | American Mining Congress Journal | American Mining Congress | 01/01/1978 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RH |
Priority | Magazine | 0003-0333 | American Paper Industry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1965 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9H7 |
Priority | Magazine | | American Perfumer & Aromatics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 07/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HS |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-0896 | American Perfumer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1959 | 12/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9H8 |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | American Photography | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1941 | 12/01/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BPBV |
Core | Trade Publication | 0744-6616 | American Printer | OutputLinks, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | | 03/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PRA |
Priority | Magazine | | American Printer & Lithographer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1957 | 09/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2HU |
Core | Magazine | 0003-0996 | American Scientist | Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, Inc. | 03/01/1958 | | 01/01/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now‡ | ASI |
Priority | Magazine | 0195-7872 | American Society for Testing Materials. Standards. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 01/02/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9HB |
Priority | Magazine | 0379-0940 | Americas | Organization of American States | 01/01/1921 | 07/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2456-6616 | Amity Journal of Computational Sciences | Amity University Greater Noida Campus | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MWA6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-2430 | Analele Universitatii 'Ovidius' Constanta - Seria Chimie | Sciendo | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | G5BL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1453-1275 | Analele Universitatii din Craiova. Seria Biologie, Horticultura, Tehnologia Prelucrarii Produselor Agricole, Ingineria Mediului | University of Craiova, Analele Universitatii din Craiova, seria Biologie, Horticultura | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | K2M8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-1030 | Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OAO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471190448 | Analysis & Design of Integrated Circuit-Antenna Modules | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471017509 | Analysis Methods for RF, Microwave, & Millimeter-Wave Planar Transmission Line Structures | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-2700 | Analytical Chemistry | American Chemical Society | 01/02/1947 | 06/19/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ANC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-7928 | Analytical Chemistry Letters | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ETVT |
Core | Academic Journal | | Analytical Science Advances | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZ5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-2203 | Analytics (2813-2203) | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6Q1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-0545 | Anatomia | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0044-8249 | Angewandte Chemie | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/02/1932 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OL3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1433-7851 | Angewandte Chemie International Edition | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 44U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0277-9498 | ANL/ES - Argonne National Laboratory | Argonne National Laboratory | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NMZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-3804 | Annalen der Physik | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OL4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1732-1360 | Annales UMCS, Informatica | Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin | 08/01/2013 | 07/31/2016 | | | | Y | | Poland | Available Now | FR2T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2080-9751 | Annales Universitates Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia | Press of Pedagogical University of Cracow | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MSGE |
Priority | Magazine | | Annalist | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1921 | 10/24/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2I8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0736-9387 | Annals of Dyslexia | Springer Nature | 12/01/1982 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BM5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2516-0281 | Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) | International Association for Educators & Researchers (IAER) | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8JT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0976-8467 | Annals of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Logic & Fuzzy Systems | Mili Publications | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | HE27 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1947-5683 | Annals of GIS | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8HY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1012-2443 | Annals of Mathematics & Artificial Intelligence | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BQJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-5330 | Annals of Operations Research | Springer Nature | 08/01/1984 | | 08/01/1984 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BQK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2544-6320 | Annals of Science & Technology | Sciendo | 12/01/2021 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N06D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-7091 | Annals of Software Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2002 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BQL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-7162 | Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science | Sage Publications | 01/01/1924 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AAA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0970-972X | Annals of the National Association of Geographers, India | Prints Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 06/01/2018 | | 06/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LW7R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0077-8923 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1938 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | YQR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1221-454X | Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati Fascicle III: Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control & Informatics | Galati University Press | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 77SW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1221-4620 | Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati: Fascicle XI, Shipbuilding | Dunarea de Jos University of Galati | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BAKB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-0713 | Annals of the University of Oradea: Facsicle of Management & Technological Engineering | Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle of Management & Technological Engineering | 12/01/2015 | | 12/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | KBU2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-7165 | Annals. Computer Science Series | Tibiscus University - Faculty of Computers & Applied Computer Sciences | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | AZVP |
Priority | Magazine | | Annual Handbook of Product Design | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1953 | 01/01/1955 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2I9 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2179 | Annual International Conference on Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVQ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-1652 | Annual International Conference on Advances in Distributed & Parallel Computing | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVP |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2301-394X | Annual International Conference on Architecture & Civil Engineering | Global Science & Technology Forum | 03/18/2013 | 01/31/2019 | 03/18/2013 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | GQK5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2462 | Annual International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BICB) | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2301-3761 | Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Chemical Process | Global Science & Technology Forum | 02/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | 02/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | GQK6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-1679 | Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia & Allied Technology | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2018 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B44T |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2195 | Annual International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation & Technology | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVS |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2446 | Annual International Conference on Control, Automation & Robotics | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2136 | Annual International Conference on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2017 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B44W |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Applications | Global Science & Technology Forum | 11/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | 11/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | GQK7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-1857 | Annual International Conference on Materials Science, Metal & Manufacturing | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | EGAS |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2233 | Annual International Conference on Network Technologies & Communications | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDW0 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Annual International Conference on Optoelectronics, Photonics & Applied Physics | Global Science & Technology Forum | 02/04/2013 | 01/31/2016 | 02/04/2013 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | GQK8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2251-2217 | Annual International Conference on Software Engineering & Applications | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDW6 |
Priority | Report | | Annual Report of the United States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2IA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4200 | Annual Review of Information Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | 02/28/2015 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 11G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1367-5788 | Annual Reviews in Control | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OMA |
Priority | Magazine | | Anthropological Series (University of New Mexico) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1936 | 01/05/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ID |
Core | Trade Publication | 1860-5230 | Antriebspraxis | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 11/01/2014 | 10/31/2016 | 11/01/2014 | 10/31/2016 | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1446-1811 | ANZIAM Journal | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NY4 |
Core | Magazine | 0725-4415 | APC (Bauer Media Group) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 06/01/2005 | 10/31/2013 | 06/01/2005 | 10/31/2013 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1DK6 |
Core | Magazine | 0725-4415 | APC (Future Publishing Ltd.) | Future Publishing Ltd. | 11/01/2013 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HLXN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-2877 | APL Bioengineering | American Institute of Physics | 06/01/2019 | | 06/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LB1S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2378-0967 | APL Photonics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KBAE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0938-1279 | Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication & Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NN9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-6811 | Applicable Analysis | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J1O |
Core | Magazine | 1073-9564 | Application Development Trends | 1105 Media, Inc. | 04/01/2003 | 06/30/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7CF |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813141117 | Application of Materials Science & Environmental Materials - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference (ASMEM 2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOL |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486435 | Application of Programmable DSPs in Mobile Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKN |
Priority | Magazine | | Applications & Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 01/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2II |
Core | Trade Publication | 1973-7238 | Applicazioni Laser | PubliTec | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | | Y | Italy | Available Now | JNCX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-5203 | Applied & Computational Harmonic Analysis | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JSJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1802-680X | Applied & Computational Mechanics | University of West Bohemia | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | EG8Z |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0099-2240 | Applied & Environmental Microbiology | American Society for Microbiology | 12/01/2004 | 12/01/2004 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7667 | Applied & Environmental Soil Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NCC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2689-5595 | Applied AI Letters | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MPSB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0883-9514 | Applied Artificial Intelligence | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1996 | | 02/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1176-2322 | Applied Bionics & Biomechanics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3AUC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-0464 | Applied Biosciences | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZFB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9724 | Applied Computational Intelligence & Soft Computing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 902L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-8683 | Applied Computer Systems | Sciendo | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FTFP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2771-392X | Applied Computing & Intelligence | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6IL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2956-3119 | Applied Cybersecurity & Internet Governance (ACIG) | NASK: National Research Institute | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N66N |
Core | Academic Journal | | Applied Earth Science | Sage Publications | 01/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | N7ZZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2829-4998 | Applied Engineering & Technology | Applied Engineering & Technology | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NA8L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2466-4677 | Applied Engineering Letters | Serbian Academic Center | 01/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | N6TD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813146570 | Applied Engineering, Materials & Mechanics - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference (Icaemm 2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOV |
Priority | Magazine | 0361-0136 | Applied Hydraulics & Pneumatics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1958 | 05/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9HP |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3933 | Applied Hydraulics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 08/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9HO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2621-2536 | Applied Information System & Management (AISM) | Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N9LR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-669X | Applied Intelligence | Springer Nature | 07/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OC7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0307-904X | Applied Mathematical Modelling | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J8Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 0096-3003 | Applied Mathematics & Computation | Elsevier B.V. | 02/15/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2444-8656 | Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Sciences | Sciendo | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K61C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2994-7669 | Applied Mathematics for Modern Challenges | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6PX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2769-0911 | Applied Mathematics in Science & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2022 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N4K7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3161 | Applied Mechanics | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-6900 | Applied Mechanics Reviews | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 07/01/2003 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 8MY |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814733861 | Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics & Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Ammis2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0175-7598 | Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2287-5123 | Applied Microscopy | Springer Nature | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | H8QJ |
Priority | Magazine | 1075-0207 | Applied Microwave & Wireless | SciTech Publishing, Inc. | 01/01/2001 | 10/01/2002 | 01/01/2001 | 10/01/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QVB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3501 | Applied Nano | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2190-5509 | Applied Nanoscience | Springer Nature | 04/01/2016 | | 04/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ESHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2364-8228 | Applied Network Science | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1BU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-9274 | Applied Numerical Mathematics | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-6935 | Applied Optics | Optica Publishing Group | 01/02/1967 | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AOT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1559-128X | Applied Optics (1559-128X) | Optica Publishing Group | 11/02/2011 | 02/28/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | B0Z7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2190-5525 | Applied Petrochemical Research | Springer Nature | 03/01/2013 | 12/31/2021 | 03/01/2016 | 12/31/2021 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FET0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-6951 | Applied Physics Letters | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 7Y1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2702-4288 | Applied Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N2AQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1454-5101 | Applied Sciences | Balkan Society of Geometers (Societatea Balcanica a Geometrilor) | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 1CFN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2076-3417 | Applied Sciences (2076-3417) | MDPI | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | FDTU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2562-7775 | Applied Set-Valued Analysis & Optimization | Biemdas Academic Publishers | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N2RS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1568-4946 | Applied Soft Computing | Elsevier B.V. | 05/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PQF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0570-4928 | Applied Spectroscopy Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1999 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GH3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9623 | AppliedChem | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9909 | AppliedMath | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2048-7703 | APSIPA Transactions on Signal & Information Processing | Now Publishers | 10/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EV6O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2576-5299 | Arab Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2018 | | 07/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LRMO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1120-6861 | Archeologia e Calcolatori | All'Insenga del Giglio s.a.s. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | FKGQ |
Priority | Magazine | 0003-8539 | Architectural Forum | Billboard Publications Inc. | 01/01/1919 | 03/01/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3MZY |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0003-858X | Architectural Record | BNP Media | 06/01/1912 | 11/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now‡ | ARR |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Architecture & Building (New York, N.Y.: 1911) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 03/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BOZF |
Priority | Magazine | | Architecture (New York, N.Y.: 1900). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 05/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9HV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0933-5846 | Archive for Mathematical Logic | Springer Nature | 12/01/1996 | | 12/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | EIZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0137-5075 | Archives of Acoustics | Polish Academy of Sciences | 02/01/2014 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | 3KJQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2972-4325 | Archives of Advanced Engineering Science | Bon View Publishing | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NC7A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1134-3060 | Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GB3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1230-2384 | Archives of Control Sciences | Polska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Automatyki Politechniki Slaskiej | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | G1Y |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-9896 | Archives of Environmental Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1960 | 11/01/1966 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AEI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1897-3310 | Archives of Foundry Engineering | Polish Academy of Sciences | 01/01/2013 | | 10/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | FSXU |
Priority | Magazine | | Archives of Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Medicine | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/02/1951 | 12/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2IW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1897-2764 | Archives of Materials Science & Engineering | International OCSCO World Press | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | B2FC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0860-7001 | Archives of Mining Sciences | Polish Academy of Sciences | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | FULV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1946-2166 | Argument & Computation | IOS Press | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | B7K8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Arizona University Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1931 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2IY |
Priority | Magazine | | Arkansas Geological Survey. Information Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2IZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Arkansas. University. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2J0 |
Core | Magazine | | ARMA Magazine | Association of Records Managers & Administrators | 01/01/2019 | 07/02/2019 | 01/01/2019 | 07/02/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MAPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2410-9355 | ARO: The Scientific Journal of Koya University | Koya University | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | MXCY |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-4056 | Ars Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1959 | 12/02/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9I1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-3125 | Art Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/1961 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ARE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-3249 | Art Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1977 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ARJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495819 | Art of Error Correcting Coding | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1989-3612 | Artefactos: Revista de Estudios Sobre La Ciencia Y La Tecnologia | Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MI0N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-3702 | Artificial Intelligence | Elsevier Science | 09/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3GZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2811-0854 | Artificial Intelligence & Applications (2811-0854) | Bon View Publishing | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NCPK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-8463 | Artificial Intelligence & Law | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OCP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-2113 | Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture | KeAi Communications Co. | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MCH2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-5441 | Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences | KeAi Communications Co. | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0933-3657 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-2821 | Artificial Intelligence Review | Springer Nature | 09/01/2002 | | 10/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OCR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-5462 | Artificial Life | MIT Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ALF |
Selective | Magazine | 0360-1900 | Asa Bulletin. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1931 | 03/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9I8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1932-2135 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9Y4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2289-2192 | Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology & Multimedia | Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology & Multimedia | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | MNND |
Core | Academic Journal | 2364-1177 | Asia-Pacific Science Education | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | I6YP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1561-8625 | Asian Journal of Control | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2011 | | 05/01/2011 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BA3Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2077-1142 | Asian Journal of Engineering, Sciences & Technology (AJEST) | Iqra University | 03/01/2011 | | 03/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | E74I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2980-4868 | Asian Journal of Engineering, Social & Health (AJESH) | Global Publisher | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Philippines | Available Now | N79U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2193-5807 | Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | 04/01/2014 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FYUK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1976-1597 | Asian Journal of Technology Innovation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EG6K |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0569-8197 | ASLE Transactions | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/02/1977 | 10/01/1987 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3N0N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-3806 | Aslib Journal of Information Management | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GVEB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-253X | Aslib Proceedings | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/03/1949 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NCZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2832-8450 | ASME Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/2023 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | N8E8 |
Core | Magazine | 1535-8011 | asp.netPRO | Informant Communications Group, Inc. | 09/01/2003 | 10/31/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QEQ |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-7187 | Asre Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1919 | 05/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IA |
Priority | Magazine | | Asse Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1970 | 09/01/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2JS |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814725231 | Assistive Robotics - Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Climbing & Walking Robots & the Support Technologies For Mobile Machines (Clawar 2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOX |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Association of Special Libraries & Information Bureaux Proceedings | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1924 | 01/02/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2JT |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0090-1210 | ASTM Standardization News | ASTM International | 01/01/1973 | 11/01/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BGRS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2199-3955 | ASTRA Proceedings | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | HKY9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-6213 | Astronautics & Aeronautics | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1964 | 12/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3N0V |
Priority | Magazine | | Astronautics & Aerospace Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1963 | 12/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2JU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0374-2466 | Astronomical Herald | Astronomical Society of Japan | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ0E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1366-8781 | Astronomy & Geophysics | Oxford University Press | 02/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2VL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0346 | Astronomy (2674-0346) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814603157 | Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics & Detectors For Physics Applications - Proceedings of the 14th Icatpp Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCM4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471415435 | Asynchronous Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNM |
Core | Academic Journal | 8756-2324 | AT&T Technical Journal | Bell Labs | 01/01/1985 | 05/01/1996 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AJL |
Core | Magazine | 0889-8979 | AT&T Technology | Bell Labs | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ATY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471623823 | ATM Signalling | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1352-2310 | Atmospheric Environment | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2T3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-6981 | Atmospheric Environment (00046981) | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1967 | 05/01/2002 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M7Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-1686 | Atmospheric Environment. Part A, General Topics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1990 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1X38 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-1272 | Atmospheric Environment. Part B, Urban Atmosphere | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1993 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M7P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-6931 | Atomic Energy Science & Technology | Editorial Board of Atomic Energy Science & Technology | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4W0 |
Core | Magazine | 0004-752X | Audio | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01/01/1958 | 03/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ADI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1448-6563 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3CNZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1449-8618 | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | Australasian Journal of Information Systems | 01/01/2005 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | 14D9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1369-1473 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BM8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0812-0099 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7ZV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-0618 | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 17WA |
Core | Magazine | 1322-9753 | Australian Macuser | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1997 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | UMU |
Core | Magazine | 1329-9484 | Australian MacWorld | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 03/01/1998 | 05/30/2011 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2YB |
Core | Magazine | 0725-4415 | Australian Personal Computer | ARE Media Pty Limited | 09/01/1994 | 05/31/2005 | 06/01/2002 | 05/31/2005 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ACJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2310-5607 | Austrian Journal of Technical & Natural Sciences | Premier Publishing s.r.o. | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | KZ0G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-2899 | AUT Journal of Civil Engineering | Amirkabir University of Technology | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDWM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-2910 | AUT Journal of Electrical Engineering | Amirkabir University of Technology | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MRCC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-2937 | AUT Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Amirkabir University of Technology | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | ND6Z |
Core | Magazine | 1003-8639 | Auto-Electric Parts | Changsha Automotive Electrical Magazine Co., Ltd. | 10/01/2024 | | 10/01/2024 | | | | Y | China | Available Now | MTOX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0928-8910 | Automated Software Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OD8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-111X | Automatic Welding / Avtomatitcheskaia Svarka | International Association Welding (Paton Publishing House) | 01/01/2018 | 06/30/2024 | 01/01/2018 | 06/30/2024 | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | L3J4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-1098 | Automatica | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J9D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-1144 | Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing & Communications | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2006 | | 11/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ELE |
Priority | Magazine | 0896-6052 | Automation | Penton Publishing | 10/01/1987 | 12/01/1991 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6JR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-1179 | Automation & Remote Control | Springer Nature | 10/01/1966 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N95 |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-1160 | Automation (1954). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4052 | Automation (2673-4052) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2312-3125 | Automation of Technological & Business Processes / Avtomatizaciâ Tehnologiceskih i Biznes-Processov | Odesa National University of Technology | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HC6J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0178-2312 | Automatisierungstechnik | De Gruyter | 03/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FS3Z |
Priority | Magazine | | Automobile | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1913 | 10/25/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2JZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Automobile Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1921 | 11/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-1438 | Automobile Quarterly | Automobile Heritage & Communications, Inc. | 01/05/1977 | 01/03/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3703 | Automobile Technology | Automobile Technology Editorial Office | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQLR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1003-8817 | Automobile Technology & Material | Automobile Technology & Material Editorial Office | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N09N |
Priority | Magazine | | Automotive & Aviation Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1942 | 06/15/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-6329 | Automotive Digest | Automotive Digest Editorial Office | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTP0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0307-6490 | Automotive Engineer | Caspian Publishing | 11/01/1925 | 12/31/2017 | 02/01/1997 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HS9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-6546 | Automotive Engineer (1674-6546) | Auto Engineering Editorial Office | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N8J5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0098-2571 | Automotive Engineering (0098-2571) | SAE International | 07/01/1972 | 12/01/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 65K |
Core | Magazine | 2331-7639 | Automotive Engineering (2331-7639) | SAE Media | 01/01/2014 | 08/31/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | JV7K |
Core | Magazine | 1543-849X | Automotive Engineering International | SAE International | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AEG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2615-6202 | Automotive Experiences | Automotive Experiences Journal | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8MB |
Core | Trade Publication | 1099-4130 | Automotive Industries | Automotive Industries | 11/01/1917 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ATI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1387-2532 | Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | ODB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2730-616X | Autonomous Intelligent Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N51R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0929-5593 | Autonomous Robots | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | ODC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0001-2890 | AV Communication Review | Springer Nature | 12/01/1970 | 12/01/1970 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 3N2M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1390-5384 | Avances en Ciencias e Ingenierías (ACI) | USFQ Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | FALF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471988632 | Avatars in Networked Virtual Environments | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNN |
Priority | Magazine | | Aviation & Aeronautical Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 10/15/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Aviation & Aircraft Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1920 | 12/27/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Aviation (Journal Collection (Sage)) | Journal Collection (Sage) | 11/15/1920 | 06/01/1947 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3N2O |
Priority | Magazine | 1041-0619 | Aviation Age. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 09/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9II |
Priority | Magazine | | Aviation Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1931 | 05/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0190-3624 | Aviation News. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/19/1930 | 06/30/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Aviation Week | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/07/1947 | 12/30/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2K7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0005-2175 | Aviation Week & Space Technology | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/02/1967 | 07/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AVW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2639-0213 | AVS Quantum Science | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBIT |
Core | Academic Journal | 3041-2374 | Avtomatične Zvarûvannâ | International Association Welding (Paton Publishing House) | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | | Ukraine | Coming Soon | NQ8N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-2531 | Azerbaijan Chemical Journal | Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Azerbaijan | Available Now | NB2R |
Core | Magazine | 1530-2369 | B to B | Crain Communications | 03/27/2000 | 12/31/2013 | 03/27/2000 | 12/31/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8MU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2078-8665 | Baghdad Science Journal | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | H03C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2536-9946 | BAHETH | IEREK Press | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | LQ08 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1999-4974 | Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology | Bahria University Press | 02/01/2013 | 02/28/2013 | 02/01/2013 | 02/28/2013 | | Y | | Pakistan | Coming Soon | FI77 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2545-479X | Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics | Goce Delchev University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | North Macedonia | Available Now | MYZJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-8942 | Baltic Journal of Modern Computing | University of Latvia | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | HCU8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-9604 | Baltic Journal of Real Estate Economics & Construction Management | Sciendo | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | L6BF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1822-427X | Baltic Journal of Road & Bridge Engineering (Baltic Journal of Road & Bridge Engineering) | Baltic Journal of Road & Bridge Engineering | 03/01/2006 | 12/31/2017 | 03/01/2006 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 2WOK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1822-427X | Baltic Journal of Road & Bridge Engineering (RTU Publishing House) | RTU Publishing House | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | LU8R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2468-9238 | Bamboo & Silk | Brill Academic Publishers | 04/01/2018 | | 04/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LABX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0304-9809 | Bangladesh Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | Bangladesh Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | 10/01/2017 | | 10/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Bangladesh | Available Now | HEV8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bank & Quotation Record | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1928 | 03/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0730-4080 | Bankers Magazine (New York, N.Y.: 1896). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 06/01/1943 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IM |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-5476 | Bankers Monthly | Faulkner & Gray Inc. | 01/01/1938 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 64F |
Priority | Magazine | | Bankers Monthly (1917). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 12/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IN |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0005-5492 | Banking | American Bankers Association | 10/01/1934 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | J0G |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-5506 | Banking Law Journal | Reed Elsevier Properties SA | 07/01/1943 | 12/01/1947 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BKJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1091-6385 | Banking Strategies | BAI Publishing | 09/01/1996 | 04/30/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BSG |
Core | Trade Publication | 0266-0865 | Banking Technology | Informa Business Intelligence | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2011 | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2011 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-5670 | Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok - Kohászat | Hungarian Mining & Metallurgical Society | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | M9YG |
Priority | Magazine | | Barrons (Boston, Mass) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1930 | 08/03/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KD |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-6073 | Barrons National Business & Financial Weekly. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/10/1942 | 12/30/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IO |
Core | Magazine | 1541-3004 | Baseline | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 08/01/2002 | 10/11/2017 | 08/01/2002 | 10/11/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2807-5811 | Basic & Applied Computational & Advanced Research Journal (BACARJ) | Future Science | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N3LG |
Priority | Magazine | | Battelle Technical Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1967 | 11/02/1968 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2313-0105 | Batteries | MDPI | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | L25S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2566-6223 | Batteries & Supercaps | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LE59 |
Core | Magazine | | Battery & Electrification Technology | SAE Media | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NFNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2706-784X | BAU Journal - Science & Technology | Beirut Arab University | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Lebanon | Available Now | MFQ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0171-5445 | Bauphysik | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0932-8351 | Bautechnik | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBI |
Core | Magazine | | Baverstam Associates' Electronic Newsletter | Baverstam Associates | 01/01/2014 | 05/29/2017 | 01/01/2014 | 05/29/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | H7XZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2006-6996 | Bayero Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences | Bayero Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | FBLG |
Priority | Magazine | 1081-3357 | BE Radio | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2002 | 07/01/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1A9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3762 | Bearing | Bearing Editorial Office | 04/01/2019 | | 04/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LASZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0144-929X | Behaviour & Information Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6Q |
Priority | Magazine | 0005-8564 | Bell Laboratories Record. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0005-8580 | Bell System Technical Journal | Bell Labs | 01/01/1927 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1463-5771 | Benchmarking: An International Journal | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NE4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-8535 | Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences | Springer Nature | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | L3MQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2365-2055 | Berichte aus der Sensorik und Messtechnik | Shaker Verlag GmbH | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NA8R |
Priority | Magazine | | Berichte Der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 12/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2192-6247 | Berichte des Instituts für Informatik | Institut fuer Informatik der Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | | Germany | Coming Soon | LDXO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1086-3818 | Berkeley Technology Law Journal | University of California School of Law | 07/01/1997 | | 05/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1L4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0005-9900 | Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBA |
Core | Magazine | 1048-5376 | BF Bulletin | Special Libraries Association, Business & Finance Division | 01/01/2004 | 09/30/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ROX |
Priority | Magazine | | Bibliographical Contributions (United States. Dept. of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KV |
Priority | Magazine | 1050-1037 | Bibliographical Series (University of Minnesota). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1926 | 01/03/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9IU |
Priority | Magazine | | Bibliography (United States. Office of Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2KX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-2289 | Big Data & Cognitive Computing | MDPI | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU1X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-5655 | Big Data in Water Resources Engineering (BDWRE) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMW3 |
Core | Magazine | 2376-7383 | Big Data Quarterly | Information Today Inc. | 02/01/2017 | | 02/01/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L1T8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2273-1709 | BIO Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | FS57 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1898-9403 | Bioarchaeology of the Near East | University of Warsaw | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K57F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1470-8175 | Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J9H |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814596374 | Biocomputing 2012 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCTE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814596367 | Biocomputing 2013 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCM7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814749404 | Biocomputing 2016 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCP8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813207806 | Biocomputing 2017 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0276-5055 | BioCycle | BioCycle Connect, LLC | 01/01/1981 | 11/30/2019 | 01/01/1995 | 11/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCY |
Core | Trade Publication | | BioCycle CONNECT | BioCycle Connect, LLC | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MBEC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2380-6761 | Bioengineering & Translational Medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JZW1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-9702 | Bioethics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6PJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2292-8782 | Biofuel Research Journal | Alpha Creation Enterprise | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | MRCE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1367-4803 | Bioinformatics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N56 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1934-8630 | Biointerphases | American Institute of Physics | 11/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2F7L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0340-1200 | Biological Cybernetics | Springer Nature | 08/01/1996 | | 08/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | EJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Biological Imaging | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQBM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-4066 | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JT0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-5854 | Biomass Chemical Engineering | Editorial Office of Biomass Chemical Engineering | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ8C |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814520812 | Biomat 2012 - International Symposium on Mathematical & Computational Biology | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814602211 | Biomat 2013 - International Symposium on Mathematical & Computational Biology | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814667937 | Biomat 2014 - International Symposium on Mathematical & Computational Biology | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813141902 | Biomat 2015 - International Symposium on Mathematical & Computational Biology | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCO5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-9834 | Biomedical & Biotechnology Research Journal | Wolters Kluwer India Pvt Ltd | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MV01 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-341X | Biometrics | Oxford University Press | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3VW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3444 | Biometrika | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N57 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814449137 | Biomolecular Forms & Functions: A Celebration of 50 Years of the Ramachandran Map | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCN9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4125 | Biophysica | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3525 | Biopolymers | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2003 | 03/31/2004 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O37 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-6374 | Biosensors (2079-6374) | MDPI | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | DRYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1465-4644 | Biostatistics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N58 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2405-4518 | Biosurface & Biotribology | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L3AZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0860-7796 | Biotechnologia | Termedia Publishing House | 06/01/2016 | | 06/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K4KH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-4513 | Biotechnology & Applied Biochemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NA1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3592 | Biotechnology & Bioengineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | 03/15/2004 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O39 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1226-8372 | Biotechnology & Bioprocess Engineering | Springer Nature | 05/01/2014 | | 01/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B4KD |
Core | Academic Journal | 8756-7938 | Biotechnology Progress | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3835 | BIT: Numerical Mathematics | Springer Nature | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | EHO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2976-8705 | BJR Artificial Intelligence | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NOFF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2498-8332 | BKL Mining - Oil & Gas / Bányászati és Kohászati Lapok. Bányászat, Kőolaj és Földgáz | Hungarian Mining & Metallurgical Society | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | KB7A |
Priority | Magazine | | Blast Furnace & Steel Plant | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2L4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-6359 | Blasting & Fragmentation | International Society of Explosives Engineers | 08/01/2018 | | 08/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JQ0J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-5288 | Blockchains | MDPI | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | NK9J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0213-3474 | Boletín Académico: Journal of Research & Contemporary Architecture / Revista de Investigación y Architectura Contemporánea | Boletin Academico: Revista de Investigacion y Architectura Contemporanea | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | HE1Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1120-2440 | Bollettino del CILEA | Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l'Elaborazione Automatica | 07/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | 07/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | 77UM |
Priority | Magazine | | Booklist (Chicago, Ill.: 1917). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1932 | 08/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9J6 |
Core | Report | 0947-7314 | Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte | Leibniz-Institut fur Agrartechnik und Biookonomie e.V. | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KPA3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-9124 | Boundary Field Problems & Computer Simulation | RTU Publishing House | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | FTFY |
Priority | Magazine | | Bradstreets | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1924 | 08/13/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LC |
Priority | Magazine | | Bradstreets Weekly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/20/1932 | 02/25/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-8950 | Brain: A Journal of Neurology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2RY |
Priority | Magazine | | Branch Library Book News | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1919 | 12/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LE |
Priority | Magazine | | Brass World | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1930 | 12/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LF |
Priority | Magazine | | Brass World & Platers Guide | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1920 | 12/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LG |
Priority | Magazine | | Brass World & Plating-polishing-finishing | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 05/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1984-2902 | Brazilian Journal of Information Systems (iSys) / Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | | Brazil | Coming Soon | N75V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2316-9842 | Brazilian Journal of Thermal Analysis | Brazilian Journal of Thermal Analysis | 01/01/2018 | 07/31/2019 | 01/01/2018 | 07/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | JEPF |
Priority | Magazine | 0006-9760 | Brick & Clay Record. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/11/1921 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JD |
Priority | Magazine | 0197-3878 | Brickbuilder | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 12/01/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1573-2487 | Bridge Structures | IOS Press | 03/01/2005 | | 03/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 15UD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1467-5463 | Briefings in Bioinformatics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2041-2649 | Briefings in Functional Genomics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B833 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0508-3443 | British Journal of Applied Physics | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1967 | 12/04/1969 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9JF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2689-5315 | British Journal of Computer, Networking & Information Technology | African British Journals | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MLNT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0007-1005 | British Journal of Educational Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/1952 | 02/01/1977 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJE |
Priority | Magazine | 0007-1625 | British Plastics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JG |
Core | Magazine | 1523-2557 | Broadband Monthly Newsletter | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30YV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471004547 | Broadband Packet Switching Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471978466 | Broadband Signalling Explained | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486619 | Broadband Wireless Mobile | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0007-1994 | Broadcast Engineering | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1997 | 10/31/2013 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 19A |
Core | Magazine | | Broadcast Engineering (World Edition) | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2006 | 10/31/2013 | 01/01/2006 | 10/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 172M |
Priority | Magazine | | Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Enginemens Magazine | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1915 | 05/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1358-3948 | BT Technology Journal | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | ODV |
Priority | Magazine | | Building & Housing Publications. United States. National Bureau of Standards | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/03/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1351-010X | Building Acoustics | Sage Publications | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N42 |
Priority | Magazine | | Building Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 09/02/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LU |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471246817 | Building Electro-Optical Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKR |
Priority | Report | | Building Materials & Structures Report (United States. National Bureau of Standards) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LW |
Priority | Magazine | | Building Systems Design | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1969 | 10/01/1979 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2LZ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0007-3725 | Buildings | Endeavor Business Media | 01/27/1926 | 06/23/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BLD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2075-5309 | Buildings (2075-5309) | MDPI | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | FDTV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1224-7928 | Buletinul AGIR | Asociatia Generala a Inginerilor din Romania | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MPNC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0568-465X | Bulgarian Journal of Crop Science / Rastenievdni Nauki | Institute of Agricultural Economics | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | JZ3G |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Arkansas Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/03/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (California State Mining Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (California. Division of Mines) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1927 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Geological Survey of New South Wales) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2M9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Georgia School of Technology. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MA |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MC |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Idaho Bureau of Mines & Geology) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MD |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Illinois State Water Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ME |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Illinois . Labor Statistics Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MF |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Illinois State Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MG |
Priority | Magazine | 0073-4918 | Bulletin (illinois. Natural History Survey Division). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JM |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Iowa Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MH |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Kansas Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MI |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Kansas State Agricultural College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Kansas State College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ML |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Kentucky. Bureau of Mineral & Topographic Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/03/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MN |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Louisiana. Dept. of Conservation) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MP |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Maine Technology Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1937 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Minnesota Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MS |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (National Bureau of Economic Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 06/25/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MT |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (New Mexico. Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MX |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (New York University. Institute of International Finance) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1929 | 10/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2MZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Newfoundland. Dept. of Natural Resources. Geological Section) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (North Carolina. Dept. of Conservation & Development) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (North Carolina. Geological & Economic Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Ohio. Division of Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Oregon State College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1947 | 01/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Pennsylvania State College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Pennsylvania State College. Mineral Industries Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/02/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Pennsylvania. Department of Forests & Waters) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1925 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2N9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Purdue University. Dept. of Engineering Extension) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NA |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Purdue University. Engineering Extension Service) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/02/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NB |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Rutgers University. Bureau of Economic & Business Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/02/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NC |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (South Dakota School of Mines) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NG |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (State Geological & Natural History Survey of Connecticut) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NH |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States National Museum) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1918 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NK |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Bureau of the Census) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NL |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Childrens Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NM |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Division of Labor Standards) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NN |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Farm Credit Administration) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NO |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Federal Board for Vocational Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1918 | 01/02/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NP |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (United States. Naval Consulting Board) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NR |
Priority | Magazine | 0738-5056 | Bulletin (University of Arizona. Agricultural Experiment Station). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1923 | 09/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Florida. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/03/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NT |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Georgia) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1939 | 01/05/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NU |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Maine. Technology Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NV |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Minnesota. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2NX |
Priority | Magazine | 0735-4169 | Bulletin (University of Missouri. Engineering Experiment Station). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JR |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Southern California. School of Commerce & Business Administration) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (University of Washington. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1951 | 01/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Washington State. Division of Geology) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Wisconsin Geological & Natural History Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Wyoming Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin (Wyoming. State Geologist) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2O8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1176-4120 | Bulletin of Applied Computing & Information Technology | Computing & Information Technology Research & Education New Zealand (CITRENZ) | 12/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | 12/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 77UW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1801-1217 | Bulletin of Applied Mechanics | Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 12/01/2010 | 10/01/2013 | 12/01/2010 | 10/01/2013 | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | B2FN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0190-745X | Bulletin of Bibliography | Faxon Co | 01/02/1926 | 05/01/1952 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3I0J |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of Bibliography & Quarterly Dramatic Index | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1918 | 01/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2476-6097 | Bulletin of Earthquake Science & Engineering | International Institute of Earthquake Engineering & Seismology | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KC25 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2089-3191 | Bulletin of Electrical Engineering & Informatics | Institute of Advanced Engineering & Science | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8GL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1345-3807 | Bulletin of Glaciological Research | Japanese Society of Snow & Ice | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MXWY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2360-4697 | Bulletin of Romanian Chemical Engineering Society | Matrix Rom | 01/01/2014 | 07/31/2018 | 01/01/2014 | 07/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | JYYZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2614-0047 | Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory & Application | Bulletin of Social Informatics Theory & Application | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N9I3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-288X | Bulletin of Soil & Water Conservation | Bulletin of Soil & Water Conservation Editorial Office | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ7T |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Affiliated Engineering Societies of Minnesota | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OH |
Priority | Magazine | 0883-9247 | Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 10/31/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JS |
Priority | Magazine | 0885-7040 | Bulletin of the American Ceramic Society. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1922 | 05/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JT |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the American Institute of Banking | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1940 | 10/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OM |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1916 | 12/04/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ON |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the American Institute of Mining Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 05/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OO |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the American Library Association | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 02/01/1933 | 04/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5754 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-0007 | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | American Meteorological Society | 06/03/1936 | | 07/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BMT |
Priority | Magazine | 0893-2743 | Bulletin of the American Petroleum Institute. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1922 | 12/02/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JV |
Core | Magazine | 0095-4403 | Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science | American Society for Information Science & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 11/30/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1XF4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1931-6550 | Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2000 | 03/31/2013 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BSI |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the American Society for Testing Materials | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1956 | 12/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OQ |
Core | Magazine | 2373-9223 | Bulletin of the Association for Information Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2013 | 07/31/2017 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H7HM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-9727 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NYG |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4131 | Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Bureau of School Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1931 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2OY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-2673 | Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan | Oxford University Press | 09/01/2024 | | 09/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 10BD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-1625 | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society Editorial Office | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MMII |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Illinois University Agricultural Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2P5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Illinois University Engineering Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2P6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2414-0597 | Bulletin of the Institute of Chemistry & Chemical Technology | Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry & Chemical Technology | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Mongolia | Available Now | MZNR |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the International Management Institute | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 12/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2P9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0917-2270 | Bulletin of the Japan Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | Japan Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS16 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2616-7263 | Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Technical science & Technology series | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | NM3Z |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Lloyd Library of Botany, Pharmacy & Materia Medica | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-6093 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7XK |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the National Association of Secondary-School Principals | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/03/1950 | 08/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PE |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5227 | Bulletin of the National Research Council. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/02/1919 | 01/03/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9K2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-7466 | Bulletin of the New York Public Library | New York Public Library | 05/01/1913 | 03/01/1952 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HX2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2537-2726 | Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Electrical Engineering. Power Engineering. Electronics Section | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N06K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2537-4869 | Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Machine Construction Section | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N06L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2537-4990 | Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Iași, Mathematics. Theoretical Mechanics. Physics Section | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N06M |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Russell Sage Foundation Library | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1919 | 10/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PN |
Priority | Magazine | 0882-0309 | Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1929 | 01/03/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9K5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, la Jolla, California | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1934 | 01/04/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Seismographic Stations (University of California) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1935 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0037-1106 | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | Seismological Society of America | 02/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GZ8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Taylor Society | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1924 | 04/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PT |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Chemistry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/02/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PU |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Standards | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1913 | 07/12/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PV |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PW |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Forest Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/08/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PX |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1917 | 01/28/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PY |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Office of Public Roads | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/04/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2PZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Women's Bureau | US Women's Bureau | 01/01/1920 | 01/05/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DBYK |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the United States Womens Bureau | US Department of Labor | 01/03/1921 | 01/05/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of Missouri, School of Mines & Metallurgy | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1916 | 01/02/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of South Carolina | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1925 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin (Engineering Series) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Bureau of Business & Economic Research | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Engineering Experiment Station Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Engineering Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1911 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Q8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of the Virginia State Library | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 08/02/1924 | 01/02/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 575J |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0042-9686 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization | World Health Organization | 04/01/2008 | 04/01/2008 | | | | Y | | Switzerland | Available Now | BUW |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin of United States Bureau of Mines | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/05/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QA |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin Series (Oregon State College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/02/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QB |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Arizona State Bureau of Mines | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QD |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Association of American Railroads | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QE |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. California Agricultural Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QF |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Canada. Forest Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QG |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Colorado Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QH |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Division of Geology. Tennessee | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QI |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3569 | Bulletin. Engineering Experiment Station (University of Kentucky). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1949 | 01/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9K8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Florida State Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QK |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. General Series (University of Missouri. School of Mines & Metallurgy) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1918 | 01/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QL |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Geological Survey of Alabama | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QM |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Geological Survey of Canada | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QN |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Iowa State College. Engineering Extension Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QO |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1924 | 01/03/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QP |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Mississippi State Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. National Institutes of Health (U.S.) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QR |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. National Research Council of Canada | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QS |
Priority | Magazine | 0740-6312 | Bulletin. National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1917 | 05/01/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9K9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. North Dakota Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QU |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QW |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Ohio Biological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2QX |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. State of Oregon Department of Geology & Mineral Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-272X | Bulletin. Texas Engineering Experiment Station. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KB |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Hawaii (Honolulu) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1938 | 06/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Illinois. Bureau of Business Research | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/21/1925 | 01/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Kansas | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1925 | 01/03/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Kentucky. Bureau of Business Research | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/05/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Michigan. School of Forestry & Conservation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. University of Oklahoma | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/15/1925 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2R9 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2193 | Bulletin. University of Tennessee Engineering Experiment Station. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KC |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/04/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RB |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RC |
Priority | Magazine | | Bulletin. Virginia Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RD |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2592 | Bulletin. Yale University, School of Forestry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KD |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495079 | Bulletproofing TCP/IP-based Windows NT/2000 Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKS |
Priority | Magazine | | Bureau of Educational Research Bulletin (University of Wisconsin) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1925 | 03/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RF |
Selective | Magazine | | Bureau of Educational Research Monographs. Ohio State University | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/03/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RG |
Priority | Magazine | | Bureau of Fisheries Document (United States) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RH |
Priority | Magazine | | Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington, D.C. Bulletin. Miscellaneous Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1916 | 01/08/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0091-1801 | Bureau of Standards Journal of Research. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1928 | 12/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KE |
Priority | Magazine | | Burroughs Clearing House | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RN |
Priority | Magazine | | Bus Transportation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1922 | 12/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0191-4642 | Business & Commercial Aviation | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BCA |
Priority | Magazine | 0163-531X | Business (Atlanta, Ga.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 05/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KG |
Core | Magazine | 1538-1730 | Business 2.0 | Meredith Corporation | 07/01/2000 | 10/31/2007 | 11/01/2002 | 10/31/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5VU |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Branch of the Newark Public Library | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/02/1928 | 11/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RS |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Bulletin (University of Colorado. Bureau of Business & Government Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RT |
Core | Trade Publication | 0162-3885 | Business Communications Review | UBM Tech Web | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCM |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Education Series (United States. Division of Vocational Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1939 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-6813 | Business Horizons | Elsevier B.V. | 09/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BHZ |
Core | Magazine | 1042-0746 | Business Information Alert | Alert Publications Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1TM |
Core | Trade Publication | 0266-3821 | Business Information Review | Sage Publications | 01/01/1997 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1P5 |
Core | Magazine | 1552-2326 | Business Integration Journal | Thomas Communications Inc. | 07/01/2003 | 11/30/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | REB |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Research Studies (Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2RZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1521-7027 | Business Solutions | Jameson Publishing | 03/01/2003 | 06/16/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QES |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Studies. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1943 | 01/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2S0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Business Week (Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson)) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/07/1929 | 12/28/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2S2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-5658 | BVICAM's International Journal of Information Technology | Institute of Computer Applications & Management | 01/01/2010 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/2010 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EUJ1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Byte | United Business Media | 01/01/1983 | 02/01/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RS |
Core | Magazine | 0360-5280 | Byte.com | United Business Media | 01/01/1984 | 07/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BYT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2311-5629 | C | MDPI | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU1Y |
Core | Trade Publication | 2474-7408 | C&EN Global Enterprise | American Chemical Society | 01/04/2016 | 06/25/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | L51F |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088880 | C++ Paso a Paso | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87ML |
Core | Trade Publication | 1075-2838 | C/C++ Users Journal | United Business Media | 01/01/2004 | 02/28/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 06O |
Core | Trade Publication | 0317-6878 | CA Magazine | Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2013 | 07/01/2001 | 12/31/2013 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | CAM |
Priority | Magazine | | Caa Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/15/1945 | 07/20/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2S3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2468-2322 | CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L3MT |
Core | Magazine | 2589-6164 | CAD-Magazine: Werktuigbouwkunde & Productontwerp | CMedia B.V. | 03/01/2018 | 09/30/2018 | 03/01/2018 | 09/30/2018 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LFGY |
Core | Trade Publication | | Cadalyst | Questex Media Group | 07/01/2001 | 02/28/2009 | 07/01/2001 | 02/28/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 46E |
Core | Magazine | 0887-9141 | Cadence | Questex Media Group | 07/01/1990 | 09/30/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CAD |
Priority | Magazine | | Caldwell-Clements Tele-tech | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1951 | 10/01/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2S8 |
Priority | Magazine | | California Department of Public Works. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SA |
Priority | Magazine | 0008-1477 | California Safety News. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1918 | 04/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2755-094X | Cambridge Prisms: Plastics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8KL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2617-3948 | Cameroon Academy of Sciences Journal | Cameroon Academy of Sciences | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Cameroon | Available Now | MRCG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1065-0741 | Campus -- Wide Information Systems | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NE9 |
Core | Magazine | 1073-1849 | Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly | Applied Mathematics Institute of the University of Alberta | 03/01/2009 | 06/30/2013 | 03/01/2009 | 06/30/2013 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 1BD |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0008-3186 | Canadian Chemical Processing | Zanny Publications Ltd. | 04/01/1945 | 08/01/1984 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82RU |
Priority | Magazine | | Canadian Chemistry & Metallurgy | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 12/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SG |
Priority | Magazine | | Canadian Chemistry & Process Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 05/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SH |
Priority | Magazine | 0316-2184 | Canadian Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 12/26/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9KV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-3674 | Canadian Geotechnical Journal | Canadian Science Publishing | 02/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Canada | Available Now | 35H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4034 | Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1952 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G9N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0315-1468 | Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering | Canadian Science Publishing | 02/01/1997 | | 02/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4204 | Canadian Journal of Physics | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 34D |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0008-4212 | Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology | Canadian Science Publishing | 11/01/2005 | 11/01/2005 | | | | Y | | Canada | Available Now | 34Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0703-8992 | Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G2G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0319-5724 | Canadian Journal of Statistics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1973 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H86 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4433 | Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/2016 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N3S |
Priority | Magazine | | Canadian Mining & Metallurgical Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1958 | 09/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SJ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0008-4492 | Canadian Mining Journal | BIG Mining LP | 01/14/1927 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 1K5 |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | | Canadian Welding Association Conference Papers | Canadian Welding Association | 07/01/2013 | 07/31/2013 | 07/01/2013 | 07/31/2013 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | FYV4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814383639 | Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy & Related Topics - Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMR |
Core | Academic Journal | | Carbon Energy | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2769-3333 | Carbon Neutralization | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N7EG |
Priority | Magazine | | Carnegie Scholarship Memoirs | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 01/01/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1844-9689 | Carpathian Journal of Electronic & Computer Engineering | North University Centre of Baia Mare, Electronic & Computer Engineering Dept. Engineering of Faculty | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BA61 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2075-9827 | Carpathian Mathematical Publications / Karpats'kì Matematičnì Publìkacìï | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | GU7L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1523-0406 | Cartography & Geographic Information Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/09/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 38M6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-9114 | Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research | Caspian Journal of Applied Sciences Research | 01/01/2012 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/2012 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | FDTM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2476-4418 | Caspian Journal of Computational & Mathematical Engineering | S.M.Ali Raeisian | 01/01/2017 | 03/31/2018 | 01/01/2017 | 03/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KAVT |
Priority | Magazine | | Cassiers Industrial Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/26/1923 | 12/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SP |
Selective | Magazine | | Cassiers Mechanical Handling | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 03/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0161-4940 | Catalysis Reviews: Science & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1968 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 26T |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0884-0598 | Catholic Educational Review | Catholic University of America Press | 03/01/1955 | 12/01/1969 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HXI |
Core | Trade Publication | 0893-4843 | CD Computing News | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | 10/31/2020 | 07/01/1999 | 10/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1NZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-0833 | CD-ROM Professional | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1996 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CDM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471491842 | CDMA: Access & Switching | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2509-7075 | CE/Papers | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L3K6 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1045-2710 | CEE News | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/1997 | 09/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1865-5025 | Cellular & Molecular Bioengineering | Springer Nature | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B40I |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471316527 | Cellular Connection | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPU |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471956419 | Cellular Mobile Radio Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1997 | 01/02/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/02/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1847-2001 | Central European Conference on Information & Intelligent Systems | Faculty of Organization & Informatics | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | | Y | Croatia | Available Now | FY72 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0196-6219 | Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2018 | 05/01/2009 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 12K1 |
Priority | Magazine | 0196-6219 | Ceramic Engineering & Science Proceedings. | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/05/2004 | 01/01/2001 | 01/03/2004 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9L2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0009-0220 | Ceramic Industry | BNP Media | 01/01/1941 | 05/30/2019 | 01/01/1995 | 05/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CEI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0366-6913 | Ceramica | Associacao Brasileira de Ceramica | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 1CJY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2571-6131 | Ceramics (2571-6131) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-3211 | Cerebral Cortex | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | 05/31/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS1 |
Core | Magazine | 1529-6903 | Certification Magazine | BetterWork Media Group | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QET |
Selective | Magazine | | Certified Public Accountant. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1932 | 12/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9L3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1974-9791 | CET Journal - Chemical Engineering Transactions | AIDIC Servizi Srl, Italian Association of Chemical Engineering | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | JKI7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-000X | Challenges in Nano & Micro Scale Science & Technology | University of Sistan & Baluchestan, Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MYAE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0009-1383 | Change | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1977 | 09/01/1977 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CHG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1054-1500 | Chaos | American Institute of Physics | 07/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 7YB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2687-4539 | Chaos Theory & Applications (CHTA) | Chaos Theory & Applications (CHTA) | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N6ZT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814350334 | Chaos Theory: Modeling, Simulation & Applications - Selected Papers From the 3rd Chaotic Modeling & Simulation International Conference (Chaos2010) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814405638 | Chaos, Complexity & Transport - Proceedings of the CCT '11 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCML |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0730-6407 | Character & Personality | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1940 | 03/01/1945 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M91 |
Core | Magazine | 1525-4011 | Charleston Advisor | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/2004 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ROZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Chart Series (United States. Childrens Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SY |
Priority | Magazine | | Chase Economic Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 04/13/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2SZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-9744 | ChemBioEng Reviews | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2016 | | 04/01/2016 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JZVQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-0216 | ChemElectroChem | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/02/2015 | | 04/02/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JQ0U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2305-7084 | ChemEngineering | MDPI | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU1Z |
Core | Trade Publication | 0009-2347 | Chemical & Engineering News | American Chemical Society | 01/10/1942 | 12/31/2015 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CEW |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemical & Metallurgical Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1918 | 07/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2T1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-2355 | Chemical & Petroleum Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N98 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0208-6425 | Chemical & Process Engineering | Polish Academy of Sciences | 01/01/1967 | 02/01/1973 | | | | Y | | Poland | Available Now | D2T2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemical Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1923 | 02/11/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2T3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8867 | Chemical Age (New York, N.Y.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 02/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9L8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemical Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1920 | 03/01/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2T5 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0302-0797 | Chemical Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1983 | 08/02/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LA |
Core | Magazine | 0009-2460 | Chemical Engineering | Access Intelligence LLC | 07/01/1997 | | 06/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1K8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0930-7516 | Chemical Engineering & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OL9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-9954 | Chemical Engineering (China) / Huaxue Gongcheng | Hualu Engineering Science & Technology Co Ltd. | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K5BM |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemical Engineering News | Chemical Engineering News | 09/06/1982 | 09/26/1983 | | | | | | | Available Now | 9WP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0360-7275 | Chemical Engineering Progress | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 01/01/1947 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QV8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8409 | Chemical Industries Week. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/20/1951 | 05/19/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LD |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8883 | Chemical Industries. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1933 | 12/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0367-598X | Chemical Industry / Hemijska Industrija | Association of Chemical Engineers | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | DURD |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8344 | Chemical Markets. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1929 | 09/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LE |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemical Record-Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/23/1925 | 05/18/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2T9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-2665 | Chemical Reviews | American Chemical Society | 04/01/1924 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CMV |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0009-272X | Chemical Week | IHS Markit Ltd. | 05/26/1951 | 12/28/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CWK |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemicals (H.W. Wilson) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/26/1925 | 04/16/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2TA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-2851 | Chemie in unserer Zeit | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-286X | Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT) | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0340-9961 | Chemie Technik | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 11/14/2018 | | 11/14/2018 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KGEP |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemische Fabrik | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1928 | 04/25/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2TB |
Priority | Magazine | | Chemistry | Chemistry | 01/01/1965 | 11/01/1965 | | | | | | United Arab Emirates | Available Now | MFL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0453-073X | Chemistry & Biology / Kagaku to Seibutsu | Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology & Agrochemistry | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ25 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-3068 | Chemistry & Industry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/02/1937 | | 07/05/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0947-6539 | Chemistry - A European Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1861-4728 | Chemistry - An Asian Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4583 | Chemistry Proceedings | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0944-5846 | Chemkon - Chemie Konkret | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDDV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2199-692X | ChemNanoMat | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2014 | | 05/01/2014 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBT5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-7439 | Chemometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2367-0932 | ChemPhotoChem | Wiley-Blackwell | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L4GE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-0323 | ChemPhysMater | KeAi Communications Co. | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2192-6506 | ChemPlusChem | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ETV4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1864-5631 | ChemSusChem | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 84U0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2570-4206 | ChemSystemsChem | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0045-6632 | Child Care Quarterly | Springer Nature | 06/01/1978 | 12/01/1981 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 237B |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0009-3920 | Child Development | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1944 | 04/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CDV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0009-4021 | Child Welfare | Child Welfare League of America | 10/01/1969 | 04/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CWF |
Core | Academic Journal | | Children's Technology & Engineering | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 06/01/2010 | 08/31/2018 | 06/01/2010 | 08/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BFKM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0718-5820 | Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research | Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Chile | Available Now | 6MTZ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0273-656X | Chilton's Automotive Industries | Automotive Industries | 04/01/1994 | 05/01/1994 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1H2M |
Priority | Magazine | 0193-323X | Chilton's Food Engineering | Reed Business Information | 04/01/1951 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 95U0 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0746-2395 | Chilton's I&CS | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1983 | 09/01/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82RV |
Priority | Magazine | 0360-8565 | Chilton's Oil & Gas Energy | Reed Elsevier | 01/01/1975 | 02/01/1976 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MFM |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0273-656X | Chiltons Automotive Industries (1976). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LG |
Priority | Magazine | 0164-5137 | Chiltons Iron Age. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1977 | 09/23/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-4315 | Chimica & L'Industria | Societa Chimica Italiana | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | LRE8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Chimie & Industrie | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 12/03/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2TQ |
Core | Magazine | 1672-2701 | China Cleaning Industry / Zhongguo Xidi Yongpin Gongye | China Cleaning Industry Editorial Office | 05/01/2018 | | 05/01/2018 | | | | Y | China | Available Now | LAUO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-4578 | China Petroleum Machinery | China Petroleum Machinery Editorial Department | 08/01/2017 | | 08/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KC01 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-9278 | China Plastics / Zhongguo Suliao | Journal Office of CHINA PLASTICS | 06/26/2018 | | 06/26/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAYU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-508X | China Pulp & Paper | China Pulp & Paper Magazines Publisher | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JGKA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-890X | China Rubber Industry | Editorial Office of China Rubber Industry | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MSMR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-2284 | China Rural Water & Hydropower | China Rural Water & Hydropower Editorial Office | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTRK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-2783 | China Sciencepaper | China Sciencepaper | 12/15/2015 | | 12/15/2015 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FWOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-0041 | China Synthetic Fiber Industry | China Synthetic Fiber Industry Editorial Office | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MSQD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-4939 | Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics | Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics Editorial Office | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K5BI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-1469 | Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering / Qiche Gongcheng Xuebao | Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering Editorial Office | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | LAYP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-604X | Chinese Journal of Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8P2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-4708 | Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics / Jisuan Lixue Xuebao | Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics Editorial Office, Dalian University of Technology | 02/01/2019 | | 02/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4XP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-5773 | Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics | Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics Editorial Office | 04/01/2019 | | 04/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JS0X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-1035 | Chinese Journal of Inorganic Analytical Chemistry / Zhongguo Wuji Fenxi Huaxue | Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Technology Group | 04/01/2019 | | 04/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LM4C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-6652 | Chinese Journal of Intelligent Science & Technology | Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd. | 03/01/2021 | | 03/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MS0O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-2780 | Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystal & Displays | Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystal & Displays | 02/01/2014 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | HACP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-109X | Chinese Journal of Network & Information Security | Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd. | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MPP0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-4468 | Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology | Shanghai Society of Refrigeration | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JPZX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0729 | Chips | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ77 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814618212 | Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons & Nuclei - Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-0042 | Chirality | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OB4 |
Priority | Newspaper | 0009-5982 | Chronicle of Higher Education | Chronicle of Higher Education | 05/02/1977 | 07/06/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CRN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1390-681X | CienciAmérica | Revista Cienciamerica | 01/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | N70Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2519-6979 | Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal | Cihan University-Erbil | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | MY9I |
Priority | Magazine | 0317-0926 | CIM Bulletin | Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum | 10/01/1976 | 09/01/1996 | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 10W1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1700-2729 | CINDE Journal | Canadian Institute for Non-Destructive Evaluation | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | JPZU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0894-9301 | CIO | IDG Communications, Inc. | 12/15/2002 | | 09/01/2006 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CIX |
Core | Trade Publication | | CIO Dive | Industry Dive | 08/13/2024 | | 08/13/2024 | | 0.1 | | | United States of America | Available Now | NN8Y |
Core | Magazine | 1535-0096 | CIO Insight | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 06/01/2002 | | 06/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-6120 | Circuit World | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NED |
Core | Magazine | | Circuit: The Magazine for Security Professionals | British Bodyguard Association | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B645 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular (Geological Survey of Alabama) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/03/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular (Georgia School of Technology. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0073-4926 | Circular (illinois. Natural History Survey Division). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1938 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular (New Mexico. Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular (Oklahoma Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular (South Dakota. Geological & Natural History Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/04/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular of the Illinois University Engineering Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1917 | 01/03/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular of the United States Bureau of Standards | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/06/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2U9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular Series (Oregon State Agricultural College. Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UA |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular Series (University of Michigan. Dept. of Engineering Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1927 | 01/02/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UB |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular. California Agricultural Extension Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UC |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular. Engineering Extension Department (Purdue University) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UD |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular. Purdue University. Agricultural Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UF |
Priority | Magazine | | Circular. United States Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/09/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UG |
Priority | Magazine | 0099-3379 | Circular. University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2166-0727 | CISTI (Iberian Conference on Information Systems & Technologies / Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação) Proceedings | Conferencia Iberica de Sistemas Tecnologia de Informacao | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | B8IX |
Core | Academic Journal | | City University International Journal of Computational Analysis | City University International Journal of Computational Analysis | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | MZ5R |
Core | Academic Journal | 1336-5835 | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Sciendo | 05/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | HBH8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Civil Aeronautics Bulletin (United States. Civil Aeronautics Authority) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UI |
Priority | Magazine | | Civil Aeronautics Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 04/15/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UJ |
Core | Magazine | 0885-7024 | Civil Engineering (0885-7024) | American Society of Civil Engineers | 10/01/1930 | | 01/01/1997 | 03/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CIV |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0305-6473 | Civil Engineering (London, England). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1983 | 08/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LS |
Priority | Magazine | 0009-7853 | Civil Engineering (New York, N.Y. 1930). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1952 | 07/01/1965 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LT |
Priority | Magazine | | Civil Engineering Asce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1965 | 08/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-2093 | Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal | University of Tehran | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MREI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1805-2576 | Civil Engineering Journal | Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | KC03 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2476-3055 | Civil Engineering Journal (2476-3055) | Civil Engineering Journal | 01/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N8OC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4109 | CivilEng | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0954-6146 | Clay Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 02/28/2014 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8S84 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-6772 | Clean Coal Technology | Clean Coal Technology | 12/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | 12/01/2023 | 06/01/2024 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | G9DN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0918-7510 | Clean Energy | Oxford University Press | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L13C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2571-8797 | Clean Technologies | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ3 |
Core | Magazine | 0917-1819 | Clean Technology / Kurīn Tekunorojī | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPY7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471942047 | Cleanroom Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471868422 | Cleanroom Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2249-457X | CLEAR International Journal of Research in Science & Technology | Chinniah Lakshmiammal Educational Academy & Research (CLEAR) Foundation | 07/01/2011 | 07/31/2011 | 07/01/2011 | 07/31/2011 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | DALE |
Priority | Magazine | | Cleveland Public Library. Business Information Bureau. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/02/1930 | 04/02/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UM |
Core | Trade Publication | 1059-3470 | Client Server Computing | King Content | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CIC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1756-5529 | Climate & Development | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6SCJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2514-183X | Clinical & Translational Neuroscience | MDPI | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | L94Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-7857 | Cluster Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BS1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1091-0646 | Coal Age | Mining Media International | 09/01/1996 | | 09/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1IF |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0009-9910 | Coal Age (00099910) | Mining Media Inc. | 11/06/1915 | 01/01/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82S4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-1986 | Coal Geology & Exploration | Xian Research Institute of China Coal Research Institute | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ80 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0253-2336 | Coal Science & Technology (0253-2336) | Coal Science & Technology | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | G5GA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2166-4250 | Coastal Engineering Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1998 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8JG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-964X | Coasts (2673-964X) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-8639 | Coatings & Protection / Tuceng yu Fanghu | Coating & Protection Editorial Office | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MD1G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-6412 | Coatings (2079-6412) | MDPI | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | DRYF |
Core | Trade Publication | | CoatingsPro Magazine | Association for Materials Protection & Performance (AMPP) | 09/01/2020 | 11/01/2021 | 09/01/2020 | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU0Q |
Core | Trade Publication | 2475-1499 | CoatingsTech | American Coatings Association | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FALE |
Core | Magazine | 1547-5166 | CODE Magazine | EPS Software Corp. | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LFM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-2009 | Cogent Chemistry | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-1916 | Cogent Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-1843 | Cogent Environmental Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-1932 | Cogent Food & Agriculture | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-2041 | Cogent Geoscience | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2331-1940 | Cogent Physics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H8IZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2517-7567 | Cognitive Computation & Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MKJI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-2413 | Cognitive Robotics | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0364-0213 | Cognitive Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CGN |
Core | Magazine | 1085-5262 | Cold Facts | Cryogenic Society of America | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JQ1U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-6998 | Collagen & Leather | Springer Nature | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N5IC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2633-9137 | Collective Intelligence | Sage Publications | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N9E2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0010-0870 | College & Research Libraries | American Library Association | 04/04/1951 | 01/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CRL |
Priority | Magazine | | Colliery Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 10/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2US |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-5377 | Colloids & Interfaces | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1692-7257 | Colombian Journal of Advanced Technologies / Revista Colombiana de Tecnologías de Avanzada | Universidad de Pamplona, Facultad de Ingenierias & Arquitectura | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | LR54 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1055-9701 | Color Publishing | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CPU |
Priority | Magazine | | Color Trade Journal & Textile Chemist | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1923 | 11/10/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UW |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8433 | Color Trade Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 08/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9LX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-6447 | Colorants | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0010-1958 | Columbia Law Review | Columbia Law Review | 01/01/1938 | 12/01/1938 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CAV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0209-9683 | Combinatorica | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NNL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0963-5483 | Combinatorics, Probability & Computing | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZL |
Priority | Magazine | 0010-2172 | Combustion (0010-2172) | Combustion Publishing Co. | 07/01/1957 | 04/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MFN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-2202 | Combustion Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/1972 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FPK |
Priority | Magazine | | Commerce & Finance | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1924 | 11/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2UY |
Priority | Magazine | | Commerce Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 04/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2V0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Commerce Reports | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1937 | 09/28/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2V1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0010-2903 | Commercial & Financial Chronicle | CDA Investnet | 01/01/1920 | 12/26/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3N8Y |
Core | Magazine | 1081-3128 | Commercial Image | PTN Publishing Company | 02/01/1995 | 10/21/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | COG |
Priority | Magazine | | Commercial Standard. United States. National Bureau of Standards | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 01/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2V4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Communication & Electronics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 01/02/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2V7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0363-4523 | Communication Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1976 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CMD |
Priority | Magazine | | Communication Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1953 | 01/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2V8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0363-7751 | Communication Monographs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1976 | 06/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CMN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0146-3373 | Communication Quarterly | Eastern Communication Association | 03/01/1976 | 03/01/1976 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CQT |
Priority | Magazine | 0161-374X | Communications (New York. 1937). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1947 | 12/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9M0 |
Core | Magazine | 1534-2840 | Communications Convergence | United Business Media | 06/01/2001 | 10/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FTG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2287-7843 | Communications for Statistical Applications & Methods | Korean Statistical Society | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H8QB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2651-4001 | Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences | Communications in Advanced Mathematical Sciences (CAMS) | 01/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7T4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0748-8025 | Communications in Applied Numerical Methods | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/1992 | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/1992 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2502-9258 | Communications in Science & Technology | Komunitas Ilmuwan dan Profesional Muslim Indonesia | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | KQ95 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2373-7484 | Communications in Statistics: Case Studies & Data Analysis | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HDM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-0918 | Communications in Statistics: Simulation & Computation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I3E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-0926 | Communications in Statistics: Theory & Methods | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I3G |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-3632 | Communications News | Nelson Publishing | 07/01/1993 | 03/31/2009 | 01/01/1999 | 03/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CNW |
Core | Magazine | 0001-0782 | Communications of the ACM | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/1965 | | 01/01/1965 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ACM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1543-5970 | Communications of the IIMA | International Information Management Association (IIMA), Inc. | 07/01/2010 | | 07/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8W9K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2837-0562 | Communications on Analysis & Computation (CAC) | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N75U |
Core | Academic Journal | 1534-0392 | Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGKY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-3640 | Communications on Pure & Applied Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BUY |
Core | Magazine | 1093-8176 | Communications Solutions | Technology Marketing Corporation | 03/01/2003 | 09/15/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7K4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471986256 | Communications Technology Explained | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0091-5521 | Community College Review | Sage Publications | 07/01/1977 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CCR |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Compact | Journal Collection - Historical Abstracts & America History & Life | 03/01/1972 | 09/01/1976 | | | | Y | | Mexico | Available Now | 3INF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471417170 | Compact & Broadband Microstrip Antennas | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1930-5370 | Comparative Connections: A Triannual E-Journal on East Asian Bilateral Relations | Center for Strategic & International Studies | 10/01/2007 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1WRO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0305-0068 | Comparative Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1969 | 06/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CPE |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Comparative Law Series | Carolina Academic Press | 01/01/1940 | 09/01/1940 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | B8YT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2194-3206 | Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling | Springer Nature | 02/15/2016 | 09/30/2020 | 02/15/2016 | 09/30/2020 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQDH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1076-2787 | Complexity | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OM9 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Composites & Advanced Materials | Sage Publications | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MN48 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-3538 | Composites Science & Technology | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-437X | Compositio Mathematica | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OE7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-6918 | Compounds | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF8 |
Core | Magazine | 0010-4426 | Compressed Air | Compressed Air Magazine | 11/01/1981 | 12/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M72 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-1952 | Compressed Air Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9M4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843123 | Compressed Video Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0101-8205 | Computational & Applied Mathematics | Springer Nature | 09/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 1CKX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2577-7408 | Computational & Mathematical Methods | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1381-298X | Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OE8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1476-9271 | Computational Biology & Chemistry | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q10 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2195-3961 | Computational Cognitive Science | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | 08/11/2016 | 01/01/2014 | 08/11/2016 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FV57 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1016-3328 | Computational Complexity | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N7N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-7721 | Computational Geometry | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0824-7935 | Computational Intelligence | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0891-2017 | Computational Linguistics | MIT Press | 12/01/2002 | | 12/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 18J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0927-0256 | Computational Materials Science | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1046-283X | Computational Mathematics & Modeling | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N9D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1609-4840 | Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics | De Gruyter | 04/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 1HIJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2228-5687 | Computational Methods in Civil Engineering | University of Guilan, Department of Civil Engineering | 12/01/2011 | 03/31/2013 | 12/01/2011 | 03/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | DBKU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2228-7698 | Computational Methods in Engineering | Isfahan University of Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KC04 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814458832 | Computational Models of Cognitive Processes - Proceedings of the 13th Neural Computation & Psychology Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0926-6003 | Computational Optimization & Applications | Springer Nature | 09/01/2002 | | 10/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OEA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2029-9966 | Computational Science & Techniques | Klaipeda University | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | HH23 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2730-6852 | Computational Urban Science | Springer Nature | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-0433 | Computational Visual Media | Springer Nature | 11/01/2015 | | 11/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1E7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1531-4944 | Computer & Internet Lawyer | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 09/01/2000 | | 09/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8RM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-5453 | Computer & Knowledge Engineering | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N6CM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9162 | Computer (00189162) | IEEE | 01/01/1977 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PUT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8396 | Computer Aided Geometric Design | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1546-4261 | Computer Animation & Virtual Worlds | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W5B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-3773 | Computer Applications in Engineering Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3D |
Core | Trade Publication | 1063-312X | Computer Artist | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1995 | 07/31/1997 | 01/01/1995 | 07/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CUT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0958-8221 | Computer Assisted Language Learning | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-4531 | Computer Bulletin | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0140-3664 | Computer Communications | Elsevier Science | 03/15/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-4566 | Computer Design | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1967 | 07/01/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IN3 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1524-1238 | Computer Design's Electronic Systems Technology & Design | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1999 | 07/31/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CDE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2252-4274 | Computer Engineering & Applications Journal | Universitas Sriwijaya, Faculty of Computer Science, Department of Computer Engineering | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | KSDB |
Core | Magazine | 1361-3723 | Computer Fraud & Security | Mark Allen Holdings Limited | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2021 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JQK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-7055 | Computer Graphics Forum | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNX |
Core | Trade Publication | 0271-4159 | Computer Graphics World | Computer Graphics World, LLC | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OMP |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQM |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQN |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Canada | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQO |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: China | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQP |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Europe | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQQ |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQR |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQS |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQT |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQU |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Japan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQV |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Spain | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQW |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | 01/01/2003 | 03/31/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQZ |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQX |
Core | Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WQY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-4620 | Computer Journal | Oxford University Press | 02/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0096-0551 | Computer Languages | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 06/01/1996 | 03/31/2002 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CUG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1477-8424 | Computer Languages, Systems & Structures | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 04/01/2002 | 12/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PPV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2212-473X | Computer Law & Security Review | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JQL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1610-7608 | Computer Law Review International | De Gruyter | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FUM4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0742-1192 | Computer Lawyer | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 08/31/2000 | 01/01/1999 | 08/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VVE |
Core | Magazine | 1076-9862 | Computer Life | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 01/01/1995 | 07/31/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CML |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-4598 | Computer Measurement & Control | Magazine Agency of Computer Measurement & Control | 11/01/2017 | | 11/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L174 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-2607 | Computer Methods & Programs in Biomedicine | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-7825 | Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics & Engineering | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2168-1163 | Computer Methods in Biomechanics & Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualisation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKQY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2720-4081 | Computer Methods in Materials Science | AGH University of Science & Technology Press | 01/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | M8P0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1083-3455 | Computer Modeling & Simulation in Engineering | Sage Publications | 08/01/1996 | 11/30/1999 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CME |
Core | Magazine | 1463-6875 | Computer Music | Future Publishing Ltd. | 07/01/2016 | 11/30/2024 | 07/01/2016 | 11/30/2024 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9J7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0148-9267 | Computer Music Journal | MIT Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CMJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1389-1286 | Computer Networks | Elsevier Science | 03/12/1999 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 5RH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-7552 | Computer Networks & ISDN Systems | Elsevier Science | 10/01/1996 | 03/11/1999 | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | CWY |
Core | Magazine | 0010-4655 | Computer Physics Communications | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HA |
Core | Magazine | 0883-5683 | Computer Pictures | Montage Publishing Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 02/28/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CPC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0899-126X | Computer Protocols | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | 09/30/2019 | 07/01/1999 | 09/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1O1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0899-126X | Computer Protocols (0899-126X) | Worldwide Videotex | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MO8V |
Core | Pamphlet | | Computer Resources for Persons with Disabilities: Hardware Resources | National Information System | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | C40 |
Core | Pamphlet | | Computer Resources for Persons with Disabilities: National Information Resources | National Information System | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | C39 |
Core | Pamphlet | | Computer Resources for Persons with Disabilities: Software Resources | National Information System | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | C38 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1066-7598 | Computer Retail Week | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 07/19/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CPW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1508-2806 | Computer Science | AGH University of Science & Technology Press | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | GQU2 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814651004 | Computer Science & Engineering Technology (Cset2015), Medical Science & Biological Engineering (Msbe2015) - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Cset & Msbe | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1820-0214 | Computer Science & Information Systems | ComSIS Consortium | 06/01/2009 | | 06/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | B291 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813146419 | Computer Science & Technology - Proceedings of the International Conference (Cst2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1512-1232 | Computer Science & Telecommunications | Internet Academy, Registered Union | 12/01/2009 | | 12/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Georgia | Available Now | 1CKY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-7493 | Computer Science (1407-7493) | RTU Publishing House | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2011 | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | 62M2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-3408 | Computer Science Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EHX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-9179 | Computer Science, Engineering & Technology | REST Publisher | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NC8X |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813200432 | Computer Science, Technology & Application - Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference (Csta 2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-0324 | Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum | MDPI | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IX |
Core | Magazine | 2768-1009 | Computer Security Update | Worldwide Videotex | 04/01/2001 | | 04/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EW8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-2308 | Computer Speech & Language | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 89D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0920-5489 | Computer Standards & Interfaces | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-9724 | Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing | Springer Nature | 02/01/1997 | | 02/01/1997 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OEB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-6192 | Computer Systems Science & Engineering | Tech Science Press | 11/01/2002 | | 11/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0278-9647 | Computer Technology Review | West World Productions | 07/01/1997 | 10/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0IM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0179-1990 | Computer und Recht | De Gruyter | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | CG0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1077-3142 | Computer Vision & Image Understanding | Academic Press | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2TG |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-4787 | Computer Weekly | TechTarget, Inc. | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3BM |
Core | Trade Publication | 0899-9783 | Computer Workstations | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1093-9687 | Computer-Aided Civil & Infrastructure Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | D93 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-4485 | Computer-Aided Design | Elsevier B.V. | 04/15/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBH |
Core | Magazine | 1055-5072 | ComputerCraft | CQ Communications, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MER |
Core | Magazine | 0969-2053 | Computergram Weekly | ComputerWire | 11/20/2000 | 12/31/2003 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C2Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0895-6111 | Computerized Medical Imaging & Graphics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-1354 | Computers & Chemical Engineering | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0097-8485 | Computers & Chemistry | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2002 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBO |
Core | Academic Journal | 8755-4615 | Computers & Composition | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JPW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0360-1315 | Computers & Education | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-7906 | Computers & Electrical Engineering | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CGB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-1699 | Computers & Electronics in Agriculture | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JW |
Core | Magazine | 0045-7930 | Computers & Fluids | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 05/01/2002 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-3004 | Computers & Geosciences | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-352X | Computers & Geotechnics | Elsevier B.V. | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0097-8493 | Computers & Graphics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JBZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0360-8352 | Computers & Industrial Engineering | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 04/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CGF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2757-8259 | Computers & Informatics | Mehmet Tekerek | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | ND16 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0898-1221 | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JC0 |
Core | Magazine | 0305-0548 | Computers & Operations Research | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | COT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-4048 | Computers & Security | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CAY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-7949 | Computers & Structures | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JC1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1048-6798 | Computers & the History of Art | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/1999 | 12/31/1999 | 12/01/1999 | 12/31/1999 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-4817 | Computers & the Humanities | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2000 | 11/30/2004 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CHM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-4825 | Computers in Biology & Medicine | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/2002 | 08/26/2015 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JC2 |
Core | Magazine | 1544-3574 | Computers in Entertainment | Association for Computing Machinery | 04/01/2007 | 11/30/2018 | 04/01/2007 | 11/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CN9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0747-5632 | Computers in Human Behavior | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 07/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JC4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0166-3615 | Computers in Industry | Elsevier Science | 07/01/1979 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | CII |
Core | Magazine | 1041-7915 | Computers in Libraries | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1993 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CLB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0894-1866 | Computers in Physics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1997 | 01/01/1999 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82S5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0738-0569 | Computers in the Schools | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CIT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0198-9715 | Computers, Environment & Urban Systems | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JC5 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-4841 | Computerworld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 06/30/2014 | 07/01/1999 | 06/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWD |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-4841 | Computerworld (Online Only) | IDG Communications, Inc. | 02/24/2020 | | 02/24/2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MC2Q |
Core | Trade Publication | | Computerworld Digital Magazine | IDG Communications, Inc. | 08/01/2014 | 06/30/2017 | 08/01/2014 | 06/30/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HR55 |
Core | Magazine | 1023-4934 | ComputerWorld Hong Kong | Questex Media Group | 09/01/2007 | 12/31/2018 | 09/01/2007 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AFT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-485X | Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CQX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-3385 | Computing & Control Engineering | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1997 | 05/31/2007 | 02/01/2003 | 05/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-9150 | Computing & Informatics | Institute of Informatics | 09/01/2009 | | 09/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | 54YD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1352-9404 | Computing & Information Systems | University of the West of Scotland, School of Computing | 02/01/2010 | 05/31/2019 | 02/01/2010 | 05/31/2019 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 95VR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2237-2903 | Computing & System Journal (C&S) / Revista de Sistemas e Computação (RSC) | FACS Servicos Educacionais S.A. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | H01L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-9360 | Computing & Visualization in Science | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | 02/28/2020 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NOO |
Core | Magazine | 1361-2972 | Computing (1361-2972) | Incisive Media Services Ltd | 05/26/2005 | 12/31/2016 | 05/26/2005 | 12/31/2016 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13E2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1521-9615 | Computing in Science & Engineering | IEEE | 07/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5MQ |
Core | Magazine | 1340-7228 | Computing Japan | Japan Inc Communications, K.K. | 01/01/1997 | 10/31/1999 | 01/01/1997 | 10/31/1999 | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | 1DJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2972-3701 | Computing Open | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NA62 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1546-6086 | Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part A: Bridging Education & Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2012 | 01/19/2020 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | DD7L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1552-5031 | Concepts in Magnetic Resonance. Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2012 | 06/17/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9JW |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0010-5317 | Concrete | Concrete Society | 02/01/1916 | 02/01/1961 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ZYG |
Core | Magazine | 1533-7316 | Concrete Construction | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 11/01/1999 | 03/31/2020 | 01/01/2000 | 03/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | E5N |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0010-5333 | Concrete Construction (00105333) | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82S6 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0162-4075 | Concrete International | American Concrete Institute | 01/01/1991 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QVI |
Core | Magazine | 1528-0187 | Concrete Producer | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 09/01/2003 | 04/30/2018 | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | E5O |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-5368 | Concrete Products | Mining Media Inc. | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 19F |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9685 | Concrete-Cement Age. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1912 | 02/01/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9M8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-0626 | Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BV0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-3108 | Concurrency, Practice & Experience | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1989 | 12/31/2000 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | VY2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-293X | Concurrent Engineering: Research & Applications | Sage Publications | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IZF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2410-3896 | Condensed Matter | MDPI | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU20 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814340786 | Condensed Matter Theories, Volume 25 - Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2657-8603 | Conference Quality Production Improvement (CQPI) | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N06O |
Priority | Magazine | 0010-5899 | Congressional Digest | Congressional Digest Corp | 10/01/1928 | 10/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CGD |
Core | Magazine | 1441-5488 | Connected | Lanella Media | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MT5G |
Core | Trade Publication | 2150-5276 | Connected Planet | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/2009 | 04/30/2010 | 09/01/2009 | 04/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AXZ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0954-0091 | Connection Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CNE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814340342 | Connectionist Models of Neurocognition & Emergent Behavior: From Theory To Applications - Proceedings of the 12th Neural Computation & Psychology Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSF |
Core | Trade Publication | | Connectivity News | Worldwide Videotex | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MOO0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1383-7133 | Constraints: An International Journal | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 63G |
Core | Magazine | 1449-759X | Construct Magazine | Australian Institute of Building | 11/01/2023 | | 11/01/2023 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MR7I |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0270-1588 | Construction Contracting | Bobit Publishing | 02/01/1978 | 06/02/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82S7 |
Core | Industry Report | 1000-1212 | Construction Machinery & Equipment | Construction Machinery & Equipment Editorial Office | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAXT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0385-9878 | Construction Machinery & Equipment / Kensetsu Kikai | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ2J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7108 | Construction Materials (2673-7108) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZGW |
Priority | Magazine | | Construction Methods | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 01/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2544-963X | Construction of Optimized Energy Potential | Sciendo | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NBLO |
Core | Magazine | 1070-4531 | Construction Products | Gordon Publications | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HCP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-7329 | Construction Science | Sciendo | 08/01/2007 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 62M0 |
Core | Magazine | | Construction World | Crown Publications | 04/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | | South Africa | Coming Soon | FI8R |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0010-7107 | Consulting Engineer (Barrington, Ill.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 08/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9MC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0892-5046 | Consulting-Specifying Engineer | WTWH Media, LLC | 01/01/1987 | | 01/01/2006 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16X |
Priority | Magazine | | Consumer Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1957 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VI |
Priority | Magazine | | Consumers Research Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1936 | 04/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0010-7476 | Contemporary Education | Contemporary Education | 01/01/1968 | 06/01/1974 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CPD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0361-476X | Contemporary Educational Psychology | Academic Press | 07/01/1977 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CEP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2686-5564 | Contemporary Mathematics & Applications | Universitas Airlangga | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXNW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471443414 | Content Distribution Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKV |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | 9780976757733 | Continuum & Distinct Element Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics - 2013 (Proceedings of the 3rd International FLAC / DEM Symposium) | ITASCA Consulting Group, Inc. | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | I6JI |
Core | Magazine | 0110-1382 | Contractor | Contrafed Publishing Co. LTD | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JURO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0863-1042 | Contributions to Plasma Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BV1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1754-1751 | Control & Automation | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 06/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 06/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4UCS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0324-8569 | Control & Cybernetics | Sciendo | 03/01/2008 | | 03/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GR5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-0920 | Control & Decision | Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui | 10/01/2019 | | 10/01/2019 | | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | JKMV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1480-1752 | Control & Intelligent Systems | Acta Press | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | YS5 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0010-8049 | Control Engineering | WTWH Media, LLC | 01/01/1958 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17C |
Core | Magazine | 1532-1274 | Control Solutions | Clarion Events, Inc | 09/01/2000 | 03/31/2003 | 09/01/2000 | 03/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q7S |
Core | Magazine | 1546-1270 | Control Solutions International | Clarion Events, Inc | 04/01/2003 | 03/31/2004 | 04/01/2003 | 03/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PQ8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814407595 | Controllable Synthesis, Structure & Property Modulation & Device Application of One-Dimensional Nanomaterials - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on One-Dimensional Nanomaterials (Icon2011) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471161219 | Coplanar Waveguide Circuits, Components, & Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNR |
Priority | Magazine | | Cornell Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1935 | 05/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VV |
Priority | Magazine | | Cornell Extension Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-9312 | Corrosion | Association for Materials Protection & Performance (AMPP) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 47V |
Core | Trade Publication | 1326-1932 | Corrosion & Materials | Australasian Corrosion Association Inc | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | FCM9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-5558 | Corrosion & Materials Degradation | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-015X | Corrosion & Protection in Petrochemical Industry | Corrosion & Protection in Petrochemical Industry Editorial Office | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MT5Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 0892-4228 | Corrosion Engineering | Allerton Press, Inc. | 06/01/2015 | 12/31/2018 | 06/01/2015 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 10C6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1478-422X | Corrosion Engineering, Science & Technology | Sage Publications | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0334-6005 | Corrosion Reviews | De Gruyter | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F274 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-938X | Corrosion Science | Elsevier B.V. | 01/14/1977 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KH9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Cosmetics & Perfumery | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1973 | 12/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2VY |
Core | Magazine | 0361-4387 | Cosmetics & Toiletries | Allured Publishing Corporation | 01/01/1976 | | 08/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RB6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-9284 | Cosmetics (2079-9284) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI5W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2231-4210 | Cosmos Journal of Engineering & Technology | Globus Publication | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N3JN |
Core | Magazine | 1832-522X | Cosmos Magazine | CSIRO Publishing | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AYOZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0160-7960 | Counseling & Values | Brill Academic Publishers | 07/01/1978 | 07/01/1978 | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | COV |
Priority | Magazine | | Coventry Public Library Readers Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1923 | 07/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2W6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0732-8435 | CPA Journal | New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CPA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814566421 | Cpt & Lorentz Symmetry - Proceedings of the Sixth Meeting | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL6 |
Core | Magazine | 0097-8140 | Creative Computing | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 01/01/1984 | 12/31/1985 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CRC |
Priority | Magazine | 0011-0973 | Credit & Financial Management | National Association of Credit Management, Inc. | 02/01/1931 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92MU |
Priority | Magazine | | Credit Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2WB |
Core | Magazine | 1040-838X | Critical Reviews in Environmental Control | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1973 | 01/02/1992 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M7B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-3389 | Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1AY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-8436 | Critical Reviews in Solid State & Materials Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1B7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1529-8728 | CRM Magazine | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T5D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1330-0083 | Croatian Meteorological Journal / Hvratski Meteorološki Časopis | Croatian Meteorological Society | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | FB3B |
Core | Report | | CRPD Research Reports: Technology | Center for Rural Policy & Development | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2010 | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 62AG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1340-7902 | Cryobiology & Cryotechnology / Teion Seibutsu Kogaku Kaishi | Japanese Society for Cryobiology & Cryotechnology | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ1G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0011-2275 | Cryogenics | Elsevier B.V. | 04/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JD2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0161-1194 | Cryptologia | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 11Z0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0232-1300 | Crystal Research & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N6T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0889-311X | Crystallography Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1987 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J2I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2073-4352 | Crystals (2073-4352) | MDPI | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | DRYG |
Core | Magazine | | CSO Forum | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 10/24/2022 | | 10/24/2022 | | | | | India | Available Now | N30Q |
Core | Magazine | | CT Reports | Access Intelligence LLC | 07/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | 07/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 95X8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-4140 | CT Theory & Applications | Editorial Department of CT Theory & Applications | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LALZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2027-8101 | Cuaderno Activa | Tecnologico de Antioquia, Institucion Universitari | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | I6E2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-2341 | Current Biotechnology (2095-2341) | Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Biotechnology | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NEWL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2364-5504 | Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering | De Gruyter | 09/01/2015 | | 09/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JQ2N |
Core | Academic Journal | | Current Scientia | University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Faculty of Applied Sciences | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Sri Lanka | Available Now | NBM3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2353-7396 | Curved & Layered Structures | De Gruyter | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JQ2O |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1931-4329 | Custom Builder | Scranton Gillette Communications Inc. | 10/01/1987 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3MDM |
Core | Trade Publication | 0895-2493 | Custom Builder (08952493) | Gruner & Jahr AG & Co. | 01/01/1993 | 04/30/1999 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | CBD |
Core | Magazine | | Customer (Technology Marketing Corporation) | Technology Marketing Corporation | 09/01/2012 | 07/31/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FR74 |
Core | Magazine | 1533-3078 | Customer Inter@ction Solutions | Technology Marketing Corporation | 01/01/2001 | 08/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWH |
Core | Magazine | 1542-0906 | Cutter Benchmark Review | Cutter Consortium | 03/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 03/01/2013 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QER |
Core | Magazine | 1522-7383 | Cutter Business Technology Journal | Cutter Consortium | 10/01/2016 | 12/31/2021 | 10/01/2016 | 12/31/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KQ52 |
Core | Magazine | | Cutter IT Journal | Cutter Consortium | 03/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | 03/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QEW |
Priority | Magazine | 0011-4189 | Cutting Tool Engineering | Cutting Tool Engineering | 01/01/1977 | 09/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BLNW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1049-9652 | CVGIP: Graphical Models & Image Processing | Academic Press | 01/01/1991 | 11/01/1994 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1049-9660 | CVGIP: Image Understanding | Academic Press | 01/01/1991 | 11/01/1994 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2772-9184 | Cyber Security & Applications | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N7FO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-1788 | Cyber Security & Data Governance | Editorial Office of Information Technology & Network Security | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NA0I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0196-9722 | Cybernetics & Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B71 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1060-0396 | Cybernetics & Systems Analysis | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N9F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-3246 | Cybersecurity (2523-3246) | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LX45 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2832-1006 | Cybersecurity Pedagogy & Practice Journal | Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6X8 |
Core | Magazine | 1082-9873 | D-Lib Magazine | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EB0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0022-3786 | D.E. Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1970 | 12/02/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9MW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1726-9687 | DAAAM International Scientific Book | DAAAM International | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | 94Z1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0738-100X | DAC: Annual ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2008 | | 02/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3O |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471490784 | DAFX | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2343-6743 | Dama International Journal of Researchers | Dama Academic Scholarly & Scientific Research Society | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ghana | Available Now | MRD7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2596-9196 | Danish Journal of Transportation Research / Dansk Tidsskrift for Transportforskning | Traffic Research Group at the Department of Build Environment, Aalborg University | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Denmark | Available Now | MR7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-023X | Data & Knowledge Engineering | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3JY |
Core | Academic Journal | | Data & Policy | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MI1C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2306-5729 | Data (2306-5729) | MDPI | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI5Y |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843178 | Data Acquisition & Signal Processing for Smart Sensors | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471485605 | Data Broadcasting | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKY |
Core | Magazine | 0363-6399 | Data Communications | United Business Media | 07/01/1993 | 10/31/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DCM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471975151 | Data Communications Networking Devices | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471416562 | Data Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1384-5810 | Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery | Springer Nature | 10/01/2002 | | 10/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OEI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470848562 | Data Networks: IP & the Internet | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VL0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0011-684X | Data Processing (0011684X) | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1967 | 12/01/1986 | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 82SD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2364-1185 | Data Science & Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1CB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-3187 | Data Science & Management | KeAi Communications Co. | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NKL2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1683-1470 | Data Science Journal | Ubiquity Press | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1CLQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2580-6769 | Data Science: Journal of Computing & Applied Informatics | TALENTA Publisher, Universitas Sumatera Utara | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXDC |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471412540 | Data Warehousing Fundamentals | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VL1 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Data-Centric Engineering | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQBS |
Core | Magazine | 0162-4105 | Database | Information Today Inc. | 02/01/1991 | 07/31/1999 | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DBS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0265-4490 | Database & Network Journal | AP Publications, Ltd. | 02/01/2003 | | 12/01/2011 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QEY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2069-3230 | Database Systems Journal | Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FBMY |
Core | Magazine | 1547-9897 | Database Trends & Applications | Information Today Inc. | 04/01/2003 | | 03/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QEZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0011-6963 | Datamation | Jupitermedia Corporation | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DAT |
Priority | Magazine | | Datamation (Online). | Jupitermedia Corporation | 03/01/1998 | 09/01/1999 | 06/01/1998 | 03/01/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9MY |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0011-7145 | Db | Db | 01/01/1983 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82SF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2193-8636 | Decision Analytics | Springer Nature | 03/09/2016 | 01/26/2017 | 03/09/2016 | 01/26/2017 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FR57 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814619967 | Decision Making & Soft Computing - Proceedings of the 11th International Flins Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2560-6018 | Decision Making: Applications in Management & Engineering (DMAME) | Regional Association for Security & Crisis Management | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | N8O1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-9236 | Decision Support Systems | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 1KK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0011-748X | Defence Science Journal | Director, DESIDOC, DRDO, Publisher of DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | 07/01/2007 | | 07/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 3CME |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-3459 | Defence Technology | KeAi Communications Co. | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | GUPN |
Core | Magazine | 1163-619X | Defis CEA | Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | KHZM |
Priority | Magazine | | Department Circular (United States. Dept. of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1917 | 01/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2WS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088156 | Desarrollo de Grandes Aplicaciones Distribuidas Sobre Internet | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0971-4383 | DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | Director, DESIDOC, DRDO, Publisher of DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | | | | Y | | India | Available Now | RP9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-0643 | DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology | Director, DESIDOC, DRDO, Publisher of DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | India | Available Now | 82AF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0929-5585 | Design Automation for Embedded Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OEJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0011-9342 | Design Engineering (00119342) | Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 9271 |
Priority | Magazine | 0199-5308 | Design Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/02/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9N4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0747-9360 | Design Issues | MIT Press | 01/01/1993 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DIU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0011-9407 | Design News | United Business Media | 01/01/1977 | 12/31/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DES |
Core | Academic Journal | 1785-6892 | Design of Machines & Structures | University of Miskolc | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | LU3Q |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471182443 | Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas & Transmission Lines | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2053-4701 | Design Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K4G8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814730501 | Design, Manufacturing & Mechatronics - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Icdmm2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPP |
Core | Magazine | 0163-6669 | Designfax | Nelson Publishing | 04/01/2014 | | 04/01/2014 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 95Y9 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471851950 | Designing the Total Area Network | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VL3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2411-9660 | Designs | MDPI | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU21 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-1022 | Designs, Codes & Cryptography | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OEK |
Core | Magazine | 1085-0422 | Desktop Engineering | Peerless Media | 04/01/2013 | 08/31/2016 | 04/01/2013 | 08/31/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | YS6 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471095170 | Detection, Estimation, & Modulation Theory, Part I | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNU |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471446781 | Detection, Estimation, & Modulation Theory, Part III, Radar-Sonar Signal Processing & Gaussian Signals in Noise | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-7264 | Detergent & Cosmetics | Detergent & Cosmetics Editorial Office | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6VF |
Core | Trade Publication | 0342-166X | Deutsche Verkehrszeitung | DVV Media Group GmbH | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KFB0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 2151-2906 | DevConnections | Penton Media, Inc. | 11/01/2009 | 04/30/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BE7C |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498698 | Device Modeling for Analog & RF CMOS Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNW |
Core | Trade Publication | 2154-719X | DevProConnections | Penton Media, Inc. | 04/01/2011 | 05/01/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BE7D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-852X | Diamond & Abrasives Engineering | Zhengzhou Research Institute for Abrasives & Grinding | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LASE |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471986249 | Dictionary of Multimedia & Internet Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VL7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Dielectric Materials & Applications | Materials Research Forum LLC | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KSVF |
Priority | Magazine | 0012-2610 | Diesel Equipment Superintendent | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1961 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9N7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-1612 | Diesel Power (00961612) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1940 | 06/02/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9N8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-6470 | Digital | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471858942 | Digital Audio Broadcasting | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VL9 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471317791 | Digital Communication Over Fading Channels | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471502753 | Digital Communication Receivers: Synchronization, Channel Estimation, & Signal Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLB |
Core | Trade Publication | 1931-499X | Digital Content Producer | Future Publishing Ltd. | 05/01/2006 | 03/31/2009 | 05/01/2006 | 03/31/2009 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2QFD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1462-6268 | Digital Creativity | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EHY |
Core | Magazine | 2638-1702 | Digital Engineering 247 | Peerless Media | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MB3F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2691-199X | Digital Government: Research & Practice | Association for Computing Machinery | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MZW3 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471374077 | Digital Image Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2059-5816 | Digital Library Perspectives | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX6B |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471439950 | Digital Logic Testing & Simulation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNX |
Core | Magazine | 1056-7038 | Digital Media | Joss Group | 01/01/1994 | 05/31/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DIM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9783982008066 | Digital Proceedings of the 'Virtual 4th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium' | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | MMV2 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9783982008073 | Digital Proceedings of the Virtual '10th International Workshop on Integration of Solar Power & Storage into Power Systems' | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2019 | 01/31/2020 | 01/01/2019 | 01/31/2020 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | MMV3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9783982008080 | Digital Proceedings of the Virtual '19th International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants' | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | MMV4 |
Core | Magazine | 1433-2620 | Digital Production | Busch Glatz Germany GmbH | 01/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | L5GP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2055-768X | Digital Scholarship in the Humanities | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEO9 |
Core | Magazine | 1051-2004 | Digital Signal Processing | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | L15 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471295464 | Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Perspective | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLD |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471293620 | Digital Signal Processing: Laboratory Experiments Using C & the TMS320C31 DSK | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1918-3666 | Digital Studies / Champ Numérique | Open Library of Humanities | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KC07 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2692-1626 | Digital Threats: Research & Practice | Association for Computing Machinery | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MZW9 |
Core | Magazine | 2164-0963 | Digital Video | Future Publishing Ltd. | 09/01/2011 | 01/31/2018 | 09/01/2011 | 01/31/2018 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DRZV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781402028175 | Directory of Microbicides for the Protection of Materials: A Handbook | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C32 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-0809 | Discover Artificial Intelligence | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N292 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2730-7700 | Discover Chemical Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N293 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-6955 | Discover Data | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4KW |
Core | Academic Journal | | Discover Energy | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N294 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2730-7239 | Discover Internet of Things | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2730-7727 | Discover Materials | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-6564 | Discover Mechanical Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NA4O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-9229 | Discover Nano | Springer Nature | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N5IA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0179-5376 | Discrete & Computational Geometry | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O58 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1531-3492 | Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BCAE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-1632 | Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGKZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0166-218X | Discrete Applied Mathematics | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3K4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1026-0226 | Discrete Dynamics in Nature & Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J2Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-6703 | Discrete Event Dynamic Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0012-365X | Discrete Mathematics | Elsevier Science | 01/17/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3K5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-9265 | Discrete Mathematics & Applications | De Gruyter | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | C2A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1365-8050 | Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) | Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS) | 03/01/2003 | | 03/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | OMY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1572-5286 | Discrete Optimization | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FVR |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087005 | Diseño de Compiladores | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2165-8188 | Display & Imaging | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LA8E |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471499466 | Display Interfaces | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0141-9382 | Displays | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0926-8782 | Distributed & Parallel Databases | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OEN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0178-2770 | Distributed Computing | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NP4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Distribution Cost Studies. United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/04/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2X3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814425971 | Diversities in Quantum Computation & Quantum Information | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMD |
Core | Magazine | 1521-2912 | DM Review | Arizent | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5GU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7272 | DNA (2673-8856) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH0 |
Core | Magazine | 1081-4078 | Document Processing Technology | RB Publishing Co. | 08/01/2003 | 06/30/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 61S |
Core | Magazine | 1081-4078 | Document Strategy | RB Publishing Co. | 08/01/2004 | 09/01/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | A9H |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780415304504 | Domain Oriented Systems Development: Perspectives & Practices | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 10/24/2002 | 11/23/2002 | 10/24/2002 | 11/23/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13K8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Domestic Commerce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1945 | 09/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2X9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Domestic Commerce Series. United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XA |
Priority | Magazine | | Domestic Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1913 | 06/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XB |
Core | Magazine | | Dossier-Construction | Knowledge Bylanes | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | | | Pakistan | Coming Soon | MFIB |
Core | Trade Publication | 0888-3076 | Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools for the Professional Programmer | United Business Media | 03/01/1984 | 06/30/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DOB |
Core | Trade Publication | 1044-789X | Dr. Dobb's Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Programmer | United Business Media | 07/01/1998 | 05/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2S8 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1044-789X | Dr. Dobb's Journal: The World of Software Development | United Business Media | 01/01/1997 | 02/28/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2WZG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-4375 | Droplet | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N7EA |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0012-6527 | Drug & Cosmetic Industry | Allured Publishing Corporation | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92N3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1012-0726 | DSI Technical Bulletin / DSİ Teknik Bülteni | DSI Technical Bulletin / DSI Teknik Bulteni | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | HDMY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471207542 | DSP Applications Using C & the TMS32C6x DSK | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Dun & Bradstreet Monthly Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1933 | 12/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XF |
Selective | Magazine | | Dun & Bradstreet Weekly Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/04/1933 | 03/18/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XG |
Priority | Magazine | | Duns International Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1924 | 06/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XI |
Priority | Magazine | | Duns Review & Modern Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1953 | 12/02/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XK |
Priority | Magazine | | Duns Review (1893) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1924 | 02/25/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XL |
Priority | Magazine | | Duns Review (1937) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1937 | 07/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XM |
Priority | Magazine | | Duns Statistical Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1943 | 09/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XP |
Core | Magazine | 1541-0943 | DV: Digital Video | Future Publishing Ltd. | 02/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | 06/01/2005 | 08/31/2011 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8LO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1468-9367 | Dynamical Systems: An International Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HZI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471298588 | Dynamics & Control of Large Electric Power Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VR1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8716 | Dynamics (2673-8716) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZGX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1847-8948 | e-GFOS | Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek-e-GFOS | 11/01/2012 | 12/31/2021 | 11/01/2012 | 12/31/2021 | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | FDTJ |
Core | Magazine | 1862-7897 | E-HEALTHCOM | Health-Care-Com GmbH | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | LRMS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1897-7979 | e-Informatica | Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | EGMQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1790-5613 | e-Journal of Science & Technology | e-Journal of Science & Technology | 09/01/2008 | | 09/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Greece | Available Now | 77Y0 |
Core | Magazine | 1530-6399 | e-learning | Questex Media Group | 09/01/2001 | 03/31/2003 | 09/01/2001 | 03/31/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HC0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1618-7229 | e-Polymers | De Gruyter | 06/01/2001 | | 06/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | QJZ |
Core | Magazine | 1538-4705 | e-Pro Magazine | Penton Publishing | 02/01/2003 | 05/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QF0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1528-8226 | e-Service Journal | Indiana University Press | 09/01/2001 | | 09/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FT3 |
Core | Academic Journal | | E-Ti: E-Review in Technologies Information | Revue Internationale Eti | 12/01/2006 | 12/31/2015 | 12/01/2006 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Morocco | Available Now | 1UQ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1114-8802 | E-Ti: Electronic Journal of Information Technology | Revue Internationale Eti | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Morocco | Available Now | L0K1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2267-1242 | E3S Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | GUIO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | EA National Conference Publications | Engineers Australia | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | L0GY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2593-7650 | EAI Computing & Communication in Emerging Regions - CCER | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | NB25 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2790-7511 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on AI & Robotics | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | NB24 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2409-0026 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-aware Systems & Applications (CASA) | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | MI1E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2410-0218 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks & Intelligent Systems | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | MI1F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2518-3893 | EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities | EAI - European Alliance for Innovation n.o. | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | MI1H |
Core | Magazine | | eAI Journal | Thomas Communications Inc. | 03/01/2003 | 06/30/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6XE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-4352 | Earth Observation & Geomatics Engineering | University of Tehran | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAGC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2770-5714 | Earthquake Engineering & Resilience | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N7HR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-8847 | Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | 06/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7U |
Priority | Podcasts | | Earthsky (Web Site) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/2007 | 01/01/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BRNN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2707-5389 | East African Journal of Engineering (EAJE) | East African Nature & Science Organization Journals | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Kenya | Available Now | NMEE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2707-5346 | East African Journal of Information Technology | East African Nature & Science Organization Journals | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Kenya | Available Now | NMEH |
Priority | Magazine | | Eastern Underwriter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1930 | 04/19/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1729-3774 | Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies | PC TECHNOLOGY CENTER | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FXR9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0755-5016 | Eau, l'Industrie, les Nuisances | Editions Johanet | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | KBDO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0164-6362 | EBN | United Business Media | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EW6 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471521839 | eBusiness Essentials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-4260 | EC&M Electrical Construction & Maintenance | Endeavor Business Media | 07/01/1996 | 01/31/2024 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ETM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | EC: Economics & Computation | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N7ZL |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9781595936530 | EC: Electronic Commerce | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2008 | 02/28/2013 | 02/01/2008 | 02/28/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3P |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | ECIAIR Proceedings of the European Conference on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics | Academic Conferences International | 10/01/2019 | | 10/01/2019 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MOPN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1898-6196 | Ecological Chemistry & Engineering S / Chemia i Inzynieria Ekologiczna S | Sciendo | 01/02/2014 | | 09/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQL4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2719-7050 | Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET) | Polish Society of Ecological Engineering | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MP62 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2081-139X | Ecological Engineering / Inżynieria Ekologiczna | Polish Society of Ecological Engineering | 02/01/2015 | 12/31/2020 | 02/01/2015 | 12/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | HNC2 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Ecological Genomics | De Gruyter | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FUM7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0046-1121 | Ecology Law Quarterly | University of California School of Law | 12/01/2003 | 12/01/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 04W |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-0109 | Economic Geology | Economic Geology Pub. Co. | 09/01/1915 | 01/01/1955 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SKO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-0128 | Economic Geology & the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists | Economic Geology Pub. Co. | 01/01/1914 | 09/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QVN |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic Geology Series. Geological Survey of Canada | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/03/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-0133 | Economic Journal | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1924 | 09/01/1927 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EJN |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic Paper (Washington, D.C., U.S. Bureau of Mines) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XY |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic Papers (North Carolina. Dept. of Conservation & Development) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2XZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic Review of the Soviet Union | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1929 | 03/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic Series (Washington, D.C., Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/08/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Economic World | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1924 | 03/07/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-0613 | Economist | Economist Newspaper Limited | 01/05/1924 | 12/28/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ECO |
Priority | Magazine | | Econostat | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/25/1933 | 12/16/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1525-2531 | EContent | Information Today Inc. | 08/01/1999 | 12/31/2019 | 08/01/1999 | 12/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6FU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-4129 | Ecosystem Health & Sustainability | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 03/01/2016 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | JZVR |
Priority | Magazine | | Edison Electric Institute Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1933 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y5 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-094X | Editor & Publisher | Curated Experiences Group | 01/03/1948 | 12/21/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EPB |
Core | Trade Publication | 0012-7515 | EDN | AspenCore | 01/05/1977 | 06/30/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NDE |
Priority | Magazine | 0012-7515 | EDN Products Edition | Gordon Publications | 03/03/1997 | 03/03/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EDN |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0012-7523 | EDP Analyzer | United Communications Group | 01/01/1983 | 08/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SI |
Core | Trade Publication | 0736-6981 | EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control & Security Newsletter | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1997 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1KP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-1172 | Education | Project Innovation Austin LLC | 01/01/1929 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EDU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-1245 | Education & Urban Society | Sage Publications | 11/01/1977 | 02/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EUS |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-127X | Education Digest | Prakken Publications | 09/01/1936 | 12/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EDD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8329 | Education for Information | IOS Press | 03/01/1996 | | 03/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | EFI |
Priority | Magazine | | Education Series (University of New Mexico) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1934 | 01/02/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Y8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-1644 | Educational & Psychological Measurement | Sage Publications | 01/01/1944 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EPM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-161X | Educational Administration Quarterly | Sage Publications | 09/01/1969 | 12/01/1987 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EAQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0148-5806 | Educational Communication & Technology | Springer Nature | 09/01/1978 | 12/01/1980 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 3NKC |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-1784 | Educational Leadership | Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development | 10/01/1943 | 04/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EDL |
Priority | Magazine | | Educational Monograph. University of Minnesota | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0046-1520 | Educational Psychologist | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1976 | 09/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EPY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-189X | Educational Researcher | Sage Publications | 06/01/1977 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 03A |
Priority | Magazine | | Educational Series (Illinois State Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-1946 | Educational Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1977 | 09/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 27M |
Core | Magazine | 0013-1962 | Educational Technology | Educational Technology Publications, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 03/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EDT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-2004 | Educational Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1961 | 04/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ETY |
Priority | Magazine | 0090-5356 | Ee/systems Engineering Today. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1973 | 05/02/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9NV |
Core | Trade Publication | 0149-0370 | EE: Evaluation Engineering | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2021 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5GT |
Core | Academic Journal | | EGUsphere | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MZM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1110-2586 | Egyptian Computer Science Journal | Egyptian Computer Society | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | FV0A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8493 | Egyptian International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Technology (EIJEST) | Egyptian International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Technology | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | MKA2 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Egyptian Journal of Information - Compunet | Egyptian Society for Information Systems & Computer Technology | 06/01/2016 | 06/30/2018 | 06/01/2016 | 06/30/2018 | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | H62W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-9832 | Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute | Egyptian Journal of Plant Protection Research Institute | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | N7VW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1422-9331 | eJOV: The Electronic Journal for Virtual Organization & Networks | Electronic Journal for Virtual Organizations & Networks | 01/01/2008 | 08/31/2012 | 01/01/2008 | 08/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | BAQ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-6710 | El Profesional de la Información | EPI SCP | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | EI0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0146-0706 | Elastomerics | Communication Channels | 01/01/1977 | 08/01/1992 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QV5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-2095 | Electric Drive | Electric Drive Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQKQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-128X | Electric Drive for Locomotives | Electric Drive for Locomotives Editorial Office | 11/01/2023 | | 11/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQLO |
Priority | Magazine | | Electric Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 03/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-449X | Electric Machines & Control / Dianji Yu Kongzhi Xuebao | Electric Machines & Control | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FXT9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-9649 | Electric Power | Electric Power Editorial Office | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6OY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-3203 | Electric Power Engineering Technology | Editorial Department of Electric Power Engineering Technology | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N1BW |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9715 | Electric Railway Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1913 | 12/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9NX |
Priority | Magazine | | Electric Traction | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 02/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YH |
Priority | Magazine | | Electric Traction & Bus Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1932 | 02/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2619-9831 | Electrica | Electrica | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MFZ8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813100305 | Electrical & Control Engineering & Materials Science & Manufacturing - the Proceedings of Joint Conferences of the 6th (Icece2015) & the 4th (Icmsm2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-4244 | Electrical Business | Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 8T5L |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-4252 | Electrical Communication | Lucent Technologies | 03/01/1948 | 01/01/1990 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82SJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1839-2288 | Electrical Connection | Lanella Media | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8RWR |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-4260 | Electrical Construction & Maintenance | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/2011 | 01/01/1997 | 11/01/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-272X | Electrical Engineering & Electromechanics | National Technical University, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute | 11/01/2014 | | 11/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HOJH |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9197 | Electrical Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 12/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9NY |
Priority | Magazine | | Electrical Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1938 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9189 | Electrical Manufacturing. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 09/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9NZ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-4384 | Electrical Review | Saint John Patrick Publishers Ltd | 07/07/1917 | 11/08/1957 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8SW3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Electrical Review & Western Electrician | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1913 | 06/30/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YN |
Priority | Magazine | | Electrical West | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-4457 | Electrical World | S&P Global, Inc | 01/04/1913 | 04/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWR |
Priority | Magazine | | Electrician. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1920 | 10/10/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O0 |
Core | Magazine | 1609-3615 | Electricity & Control | Crown Publications | 01/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | | South Africa | Coming Soon | FI8S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4826 | Electricity (2673-4826) | MDPI | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MY19 |
Core | Magazine | 2331-1223 | Electricity Policy | Electricity Policy | 01/01/2016 | 03/16/2017 | 01/01/2016 | 03/16/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FTAS |
Core | Magazine | 0013-4589 | Electro Optics | Europa Science Ltd | 06/01/2007 | | 06/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 24RI |
Priority | Magazine | 0745-5003 | Electro Optics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 08/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814340229 | Electro-Rheological Fluids & Magneto-Rheological Suspensions - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSS |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-4635 | Electro-technology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1960 | 02/02/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-0397 | Electroanalysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3293 | Electrochem | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0424-8090 | Electrochemical Technology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1967 | 11/01/1968 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O2 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471354406 | Electrodynamics of Solids & Microwave Superconductivity | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-279X | Electromachining & Mould | Electromachining & Mould Editorial Office | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAS2 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471110033 | Electromagnetic Propagation in Multi-Mode Random Media | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-6343 | Electromagnetics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B76 |
Core | Academic Journal | 3041-2382 | Electrometallurgy Today / Sovremennaya Elektrometallurgiya | International Association Welding (Paton Publishing House) | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | L46O |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814340267 | Electron Cyclotron Emission & Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (Ec-16) - Proceedings of the 16th Joint Workshop (With CD-ROM) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUD |
Priority | Magazine | | Electronic & Radio Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1957 | 12/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-5170 | Electronic Communication & Computer Science | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZ7O |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-4872 | Electronic Design | Endeavor Business Media | 02/01/1977 | | 01/06/1997 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EDS |
Core | Trade Publication | 1077-9949 | Electronic Education Report | Market Research.com | 07/01/1997 | 11/18/2014 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 10D |
Priority | Magazine | | Electronic Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1966 | 12/01/1972 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YR |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-4902 | Electronic Engineering | UBM Information Ltd. | 01/02/1958 | 12/31/2001 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ENI |
Core | Trade Publication | | Electronic Engineering Design | UBM Information Ltd. | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2002 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IY8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0367-0562 | Electronic Industries & Tele-tech. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1956 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0884-481X | Electronic Industries. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 07/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O3 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1076-0490 | Electronic Information Report | Market Research.com | 09/01/1999 | 09/25/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1RT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1985-7721 | Electronic Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology | Universiti Tenaga Nasional, College of Information Technology | 05/01/2009 | | 05/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | B4ZR |
Core | Academic Journal | | Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology | National Weather Association | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BNSC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1443-9255 | Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering | Electronic Journals for Science & Education International | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1CN8 |
Core | Magazine | 0278-3258 | Electronic Learning | Scholastic Inc. | 07/01/1989 | 05/31/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ELE |
Core | Magazine | 2644-3570 | Electronic Learning in Your Classroom | Scholastic Inc. | 09/01/1997 | 05/31/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3AI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3978 | Electronic Materials | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7E |
Core | Magazine | 0745-0311 | Electronic Media | Crain Communications | 07/01/1996 | 03/04/2003 | 07/01/1996 | 03/04/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ERM |
Core | Trade Publication | 0884-4720 | Electronic Musician | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01/01/2002 | 08/31/2023 | 01/01/2002 | 08/31/2023 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-5739 | Electronic Processing of Materials / Elektronnaya Obrabotka Materialov | Institute of Applied Physics | 11/01/2017 | | 11/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Moldova, Republic of | Available Now | KXP2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1097-9190 | Electronic Publishing | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1995 | 03/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EPU |
Priority | Magazine | | Electronic Technology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1960 | 09/01/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2YU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0883-4989 | Electronics | Penton Publishing | 10/06/1983 | 03/31/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ELC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1942-9533 | Electronics & Communications in Japan | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8OHI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1990-5548 | Electronics & Control Systems | National Aviation University | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FXXH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1392-1215 | Electronics & Electrical Engineering | Electronics & Electrical Engineering | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 300A |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-5127 | Electronics & Power | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1967 | 11/01/1987 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82SM |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0266-3244 | Electronics & Wireless World | Nexus Communications | 10/01/1983 | 09/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SN |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-5070 | Electronics (1930). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1932 | 09/22/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9O7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1450-5843 | Electronics / Elektronika (1450-5843) | University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | K5DQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-5194 | Electronics Letters (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PN9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-5194 | Electronics Letters (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHL |
Core | Magazine | 1067-9294 | Electronics Now | Poptronix Incorporated | 01/02/1993 | 12/31/1999 | 03/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ELN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1479-8336 | Electronics Systems & Software | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/2003 | 05/31/2007 | 02/01/2003 | 05/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PND |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0748-3252 | Electronics Week | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/23/1984 | 06/10/1985 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-5224 | Electronics Weekly | Metropolis International Group Ltd. | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IHO |
Core | Trade Publication | 1365-4675 | Electronics World | Datateam Publishing, Ltd. | 10/01/1983 | | 10/01/2010 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EWW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814740128 | Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Information Science - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Eeeis2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2189-2636 | Electrophoresis Letters | Japanese Electrophoresis Society | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRYR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-227X | Electroplating & Finishing | Electroplating & Finishing Editorial Office | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6VP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0861-4717 | Electrotechnica & Electronica (E+E) | Union of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications (CEEC) | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | KB5B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1582-5175 | Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica | ICPE SA (Editura Electra) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | GDS5 |
Core | Trade Publication | 2366-1860 | Elektronik Journal | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 04/20/2021 | 11/10/2021 | 04/20/2021 | 11/10/2021 | | | | Germany | Available Now | MMVC |
Core | Magazine | 0013-5690 | Elektronikk | Elektronikkforlaget AS | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | | Y | Norway | Available Now | L1SW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0204-3572 | Èlektronnoe Modelirovanie | Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | L6NG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-5984 | Elementary School Journal | University of Chicago Press | 02/01/1929 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ESJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2692-580X | Elementary STEM Journal | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 09/01/2018 | 05/31/2023 | 09/01/2018 | 05/31/2023 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFK4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471062592 | Elements of Information Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1991 | 01/02/1991 | 01/01/1991 | 01/02/1991 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471839385 | Elements of Photonics, Volume I | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471408154 | Elements of Photonics, Volume II | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-1710 | eLight | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0951-0893 | ELT Journal: English Language Teaching Journal | Oxford University Press | 09/01/1973 | 07/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ELT |
Core | Magazine | 1558-2493 | Embedded Systems Design | United Business Media | 12/01/2005 | 05/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1XWM |
Core | Magazine | 1040-3272 | Embedded Systems Programming | United Business Media | 01/01/2001 | 11/30/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 03I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1638-623X | EMC-Maladies infectieuses | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2005 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QUZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1525-4658 | EMedia -- The Digital Studio Magazine | Information Today Inc. | 08/01/2002 | 12/31/2004 | 08/01/2002 | 12/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SXM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1529-7306 | EMedia Magazine | Information Today Inc. | 06/01/2000 | 07/31/2002 | 06/01/2000 | 07/31/2002 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QF3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1090-946X | EMedia Professional | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/1997 | 08/30/1999 | 01/01/1997 | 08/30/1999 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1QW |
Core | Magazine | 1521-7167 | eMediaweekly | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 08/24/1998 | 02/01/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 51U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2832-448X | Emergency Management Science & Technology | Emergency Management Science & Technology Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N8QG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2773-5540 | Emerging Advances in Integrated Technology (EmAIT) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBGS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1080-6040 | Emerging Infectious Diseases | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) | 10/01/2005 | 10/01/2005 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EFD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-9892 | Emirates Journal for Engineering Research | United Arab Emirates University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Arab Emirates | Available Now | BOCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2355-391X | EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology | Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya | 06/01/2017 | | 06/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | LAD8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1382-3256 | Empirical Software Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OEU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0158-4197 | Emu | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NB9 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471899419 | Enabling eBusiness | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLL |
Core | Book / Monograph | | Encyclopedia of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VK9 |
Core | Book / Monograph | | Encyclopedia of Imaging Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKC |
Core | Book / Monograph | | Encyclopedia of Smart Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471210078 | Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Volume 2 | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W5M |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471210085 | Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Volume 1 | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKE |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471324089 | Encyclopedia of Space Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471369721 | Encyclopedia of Telecommunications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-6472 | Energetic Materials Frontiers | KeAi Communications Co. | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2720-0973 | Energetyka Rozproszona | AGH University of Science & Technology Press | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | NB6I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0360-5442 | Energy | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-1233 | Energy & Built Environment | KeAi Communications Co. | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N9IG |
Core | Magazine | 0887-0624 | Energy & Fuels | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1990 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BJ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814749497 | Energy & Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of 2015 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-9834 | Energy Chemical Industry | Energy Chemical Industry Editorial Office | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAT2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-7480 | Energy Conversion | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/05/1977 | 04/01/1979 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M5L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0196-8904 | Energy Conversion & Management | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1980 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0199-8595 | Energy Engineering | Tech Science Press | 02/01/1980 | | 09/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M5P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-2951 | Energy Engineering & Management | University of Kashan | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDXG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2383-1111 | Energy Equipment & Systems | University of Tehran | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N1J7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2520-8942 | Energy Informatics | Springer Nature | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LXGA |
Core | Magazine | 1037-9460 | Energy Magazine (1037-9460) | Prime Creative Media | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MTAQ |
Priority | Magazine | 0093-0512 | Energy Pipelines & Systems | Reed Elsevier | 01/01/1974 | 12/01/1974 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M5V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-0505 | Energy Science & Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FU4P |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0090-8312 | Energy Sources | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/02/1977 | 03/15/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EGY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-7036 | Energy Sources Part A: Recovery, Utilization & Environmental Effects | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XDP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-7249 | Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning & Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1X05 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2578-4862 | Energy Storage (2578-4862) | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2018 | | 04/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LWCT |
Priority | Magazine | 0090-8347 | Energy Systems & Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/02/1977 | 03/01/1982 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1S7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2194-4288 | Energy Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GTVU |
Core | Magazine | 2230-5289 | EnergyNZ | Contrafed Publishing Co. LTD | 09/01/2015 | 09/30/2015 | 09/01/2015 | 09/30/2015 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JURQ |
Priority | Magazine | 0013-7758 | Engineer (00137758) | Mark Allen Holdings Limited | 01/02/1914 | 12/12/2011 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FWW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2539-6161 | Engineering & Applied Science Research | Khon Kaen University, Faculty of Engineering | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Thailand | Available Now | KYJO |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering & Contracting (1926) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1926 | 12/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0361-7564 | Engineering & Contracting. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/07/1914 | 12/30/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OG |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering & Industrial Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/10/1920 | 02/08/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering & Instrumentation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1959 | 01/02/1972 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0095-8948 | Engineering & Mining Journal (00958948) | Mining Media International | 01/04/1913 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EGM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0377-841X | Engineering & Process Economics | Elsevier Science | 03/01/1976 | 12/31/1979 | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 0H5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering & Science Series (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1750-9637 | Engineering & Technology (17509637) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 11/02/2011 | 10/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2WMX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1681-6900 | Engineering & Technology Journal | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | 10/31/2018 | 01/01/2018 | 10/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCEB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2622-9374 | Engineering & Technology Quarterly Reviews | Asian Institute of Research | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZJL |
Core | Trade Publication | 0013-7782 | Engineering (00137782) | Gillard Welch Ltd. | 10/07/1916 | 06/30/2020 | 01/01/2000 | 06/01/2010 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GG6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0952-1976 | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1994-2060 | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HKSB |
Core | Academic Journal | | Engineering Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MKJJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Bulletin (United States. Fuel Administration) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Bulletin (University of Kansas) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-188X | Engineering Costs & Production Economics | Elsevier Science | 06/01/1980 | 07/31/1991 | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 0H6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0046-2012 | Engineering Design Graphics Journal | Engineering Design Graphics Journal | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2XGA |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-7901 | Engineering Digest | Canadian Engineering Publications Ltd. | 11/01/1983 | 08/01/1990 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82SQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Education (1916) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1920 | 06/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2Z9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Experiment Station Series (University of Missouri) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 01/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZB |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Experiment Station Series (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1939 | 01/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZC |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Experiment Station Series Bulletin (Virginia Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1920 | 01/02/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZD |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6342 | Engineering Experiment Station Series. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OI |
Priority | Report | | Engineering Experiment Station Series. Report (University of Washington) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-7944 | Engineering Fracture Mechanics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2521-0904 | Engineering Heritage Journal / Galeri Warisan Kejuruteraan (GWK) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMJR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1618-0240 | Engineering in Life Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-8029 | Engineering Journal (00138029) | American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. | 01/02/1970 | 10/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QV2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Engineering Journal (Montréal, Québec) | Engineering Institute of Canada | 01/03/1958 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | Canada | Available Now | DAEA |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3682 | Engineering Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1912 | 12/01/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-6239 | Engineering Management & Soft Computing | University of Qom | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N4L2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-5189 | Engineering Management & Technology Discussion | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZFE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-4750 | Engineering Mechanics / Gongcheng Lixue | Engineering Mechanics Editorial Department | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4WV |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0013-807X | Engineering News-Record | S&P Global, Inc | 04/05/1917 | 12/18/1986 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SS |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3690 | Engineering News. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1913 | 12/26/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-215X | Engineering Optimization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1974 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J2Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2757-9077 | Engineering Perspective | Engineering Perspective | 01/01/2023 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NF87 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814324045 | Engineering Plasticity & Its Applications - Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-4591 | Engineering Proceedings | MDPI | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IY |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3704 | Engineering Record. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1913 | 03/31/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9ON |
Core | Academic Journal | 2577-8196 | Engineering Reports | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LXGG |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-4099 | Engineering Research Bulletin (University of Michigan). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OO |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Research Circular (University of Michigan) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1928 | 01/03/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Engineering Research Series (University of Texas) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1940 | 01/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZK |
Cover-to-Cover | Newspaper | | Engineering Review | Knowledge Bylanes | 06/01/2014 | | 06/01/2014 | | | | | Pakistan | Available Now | G9OU-EGR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1302-0056 | Engineering Science & Technology, an International Journal | Engineering Science & Technology, an International Journal | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2013 | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | F2BS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-5316 | Engineering Science Research & Application | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZ7U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2318-3055 | Engineering Sciences (2318-3055) | CBPC - Companhia Brasileira de Producao Cientifica | 08/01/2012 | 01/30/2013 | 08/01/2012 | 01/30/2013 | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | GNGW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0867-888X | Engineering Transactions | Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences | 03/01/2007 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | 2ZSU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0177-0667 | Engineering with Computers | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | O4C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2241-4487 | Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research | Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research | 02/01/2011 | | 02/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Greece | Available Now | FKTR |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-4102 | Engineers & Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 03/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OP |
Core | Trade Publication | 0891-9526 | ENR: Engineering News-Record | BNP Media | 01/01/1987 | | 04/01/2001 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ENR |
Core | Magazine | 1085-2395 | ENT | Boucher Communications Inc. | 07/01/1996 | 04/25/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SMW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-7575 | Enterprise Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30NL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1860-6059 | Enterprise Modelling & Information Systems Architectures | Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI) | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B3LG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1875-9521 | Entertainment Computing | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B28T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-9157 | Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/1972 | | 01/01/1975 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ENV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0376-8929 | Environmental Conservation | Cambridge University Press | 03/01/1977 | 06/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZR |
Priority | Magazine | | Environmental Control & Safety Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1970 | 12/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZS |
Priority | Magazine | 0361-9915 | Environmental Control Management. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1969 | 02/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OT |
Core | Academic Journal | | Environmental Data Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQBW |
Core | Trade Publication | 1095-8932 | Environmental Design & Construction | BNP Media | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2014 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 69C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1866-6280 | Environmental Earth Sciences | Springer Nature | 11/01/2009 | | 01/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B1VZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1092-8758 | Environmental Engineering Science | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | C1A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0943-0105 | Environmental Geology | Springer Nature | 04/01/1993 | 10/31/2009 | 01/01/2000 | 10/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KSB |
Core | Magazine | 0177-5146 | Environmental Geology & Water Sciences | Springer Nature | 01/01/1986 | 11/30/1992 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | M6W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0319-6771 | Environmental Health Review (Online) | Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MRDF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1364-8152 | Environmental Modelling & Software | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JE3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-4491 | Environmental Progress | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1991 | 12/31/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QV1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1944-7442 | Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ZNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-9351 | Environmental Research | Academic Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KZQ |
Core | Magazine | 0835-605X | Environmental Science & Engineering | Environmental Science & Engineering Publications Inc. | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B71P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-936X | Environmental Science & Technology | American Chemical Society | 08/01/1973 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EVS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2162-2515 | Environmental Technology Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FUZW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0939-8368 | EPE Journal | EPE Association | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | Belgium | Available Now | JKF0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2272-2394 | EPJ Applied Metamaterials | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | KGEA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2193-1127 | EPJ Data Science | Springer Nature | 03/25/2016 | | 03/25/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F2HD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2195-0008 | EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics | EDP Sciences | 01/27/2016 | 01/31/2017 | 01/27/2016 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | FV59 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2491-9292 | EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | JZ38 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-0763 | EPJ Quantum Technology | Springer Nature | 03/24/2016 | | 03/24/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FV5A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2195-7045 | EPJ Techniques & Instrumentation | Springer Nature | 03/17/2016 | | 03/17/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FV5B |
Core | Magazine | 0362-3416 | EPRI Journal | Electric Power Research Institute | 01/01/1980 | 07/31/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ERI |
Selective | Magazine | 0741-8744 | Equipment Superintendent | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1961 | 10/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9OU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0143-3857 | Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 06/01/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0014-0139 | Ergonomics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1991 | 12/15/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ERO |
Core | Newspaper | 1098-0814 | eSchool News | eSchool News | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6C7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498711 | ESD in Silicon Integrated Circuits | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO3 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087579 | Esquemas Algorítmicos | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MO |
Core | Trade Publication | 2103-8260 | Essais & Simulations | MRJ Presse | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | 12 | | Y | France | Available Now | AWHS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479086381 | Estadística Informática: Casos y Ejemplos Con el Spss | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471416555 | Estimiation with Applications to Tracking & Navigation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087036 | Estructuras de Computadores. Problemas Resueltos | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479084783 | Estructuras de Computadores. Un Computador Ejemplo: Manotas | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MR |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844762 | Ethernet Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780974094564 | Ethernet Quick Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 05/01/2006 | 05/31/2006 | 05/01/2006 | 05/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4790 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1388-1957 | Ethics & Information Technology | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OEZ |
Core | Magazine | 0397-6572 | Ethnozootechnie | Societe d Ethnozootechnie | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | JZ2Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1225-6463 | ETRI Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2009 | | 06/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1CO7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Etz. Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/02/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2ZY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1562-3920 | Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal | Institute of Combustion Problems | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | K5BE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2617-1139 | Eurasian Journal of Applied Biotechnology | National Center for Biotechnology | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | MAJL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2522-9869 | Eurasian Journal of Physics & Functional Materials | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University | 01/01/2023 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | N8GT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1811-1165 | Eurasian Physical Technical Journal | E.A. Buketov Karaganda University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | MT7D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-6172 | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 77Z5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-4714 | EURASIP Journal on Audio Speech & Music Processing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1WZB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-3955 | EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2006 | 02/27/2019 | 01/01/2006 | 02/27/2019 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1WZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-4161 | EURASIP Journal on Information Security | Springer Nature | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 77Z6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-1472 | EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications & Networking | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1CO9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0014-2875 | European Chemical News | Reed Business Information Limited | 06/10/2002 | 01/08/2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EEI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | European Conference Data Mining | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ1W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-7925 | European Journal of Applied Mathematics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7XU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2103-3641 | European Journal of Electrical Engineering / Revue Internationale de Génie Electrique | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | IQPL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2601-8675 | European Journal of Formal Sciences & Engineering | Sciendo | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NBLR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-085X | European Journal of Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1KT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1434-1948 | European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/15/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5AF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1438-7697 | European Journal of Lipid Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BVV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0377-2217 | European Journal of Operational Research | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | EJO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1434-193X | European Journal of Organic Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5AG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2279-7254 | European Journal of Remote Sensing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FI6W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2542-4742 | European Journal of Sustainable Development Research | Modestum Publications | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N71A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1567-7133 | European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research | European Journal of Transport & Infrastructure Research | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 77ZA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2587-1110 | European Mechanical Science | European Mechanical Science | 01/01/2023 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NKWG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1286-0042 | European Physical Journal - Applied Physics | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2007 | | 04/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | C7B |
Core | Trade Publication | 1554-2009 | EventDV | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2005 | 02/28/2012 | 01/01/2005 | 02/28/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 147G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2163-2472 | Evolution Equations & Control Theory | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 36 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EGL0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-6560 | Evolutionary Computation | MIT Press | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EVC |
Core | Magazine | 1530-6283 | eWeek | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 05/08/2000 | | 05/08/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9HE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0014-4029 | Exceptional Children | Sage Publications | 10/01/1951 | 02/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EXC |
Core | Magazine | 1536-2965 | Exchange & Outlook Administrator | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2004 | 02/28/2007 | 04/01/2004 | 02/28/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VTV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814329552 | Exclusive Reactions At High Momentum Transfer Iv - Proceedings of the 4th Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814632034 | Exotic Nuclei (Iasen-2013) - Proceedings of the First International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCP3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814508858 | Exotic Nuclei: Exon-2012 - Proceedings of the International Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCME |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814699457 | Exotic Nuclei: Exon-2014 - Proceedings of International Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCON |
Core | Academic Journal | 0014-4851 | Experimental Mechanics | Springer Nature | 01/01/1977 | | 03/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | L2V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0732-8818 | Experimental Techniques | Springer Nature | 03/01/1909 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | QV0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1002-4956 | Experimental Technology & Management | Experimental Technology & Management Editorial Office | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LEW6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Experimental Wireless | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1925 | 08/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D306 |
Priority | Magazine | | Experimental Wireless & the Wireless Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 06/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D307 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-4720 | Expert Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1997 | | 02/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BPI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-4174 | Expert Systems with Applications | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JF2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2766-8509 | Exploration | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N7E4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Explosives Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1929 | 01/05/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D308 |
Core | Magazine | 0971-3379 | Express Computer | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 01/01/2013 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | India | Available Now | B6PE |
Priority | Magazine | | Extension Bulletin (Oregon State Agricultural College) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30A |
Priority | Magazine | | Extension Series (Purdue University. Dept. of Engineering Extension) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-1999 | Extremes | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OF5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Factory & Industrial Management | S&P Global, Inc | 01/01/1928 | 02/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30C |
Core | Magazine | 0728-9413 | Factory Equipment News | Cirrus Media | 10/01/2003 | 11/30/2013 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | QSS |
Priority | Magazine | | Factory Management & Maintenance | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1933 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30F |
Priority | Magazine | 0146-3314 | Factory Management. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1933 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9P6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-056X | Factory. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1916 | 09/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9P4 |
Core | Magazine | 0896-6028 | Family Computing | Scholastic Inc. | 05/01/1986 | 12/31/1987 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0014-8237 | Farmacia | Societatea de Stiinte Farmaceutice Romania | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | JVCO |
Priority | Magazine | | Farmers' Bulletin (United States Department of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1911 | 01/25/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0892-6638 | FASEB Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2005 | 08/01/2005 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GN |
Core | Magazine | 1085-9241 | Fast Company | Mansueto Ventures LLC | 11/01/2000 | | 11/01/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2W3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2211-5463 | FEBS Open Bio | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EGLC |
Core | Magazine | 0893-052X | Federal Computer Week | 1105 Media, Inc. | 03/17/2003 | 03/31/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BVY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0014-9209 | Federal Reserve Bulletin | Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System | 01/01/1924 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FRV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780691135762 | Feedback Systems | Princeton University Press | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8WG3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-7454 | Ferdowsi Civil Engineering | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MPL8 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0936-8760 | Fertigung | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5Q |
Core | Magazine | 1051-1946 | Fiber Optic Sensors & Systems | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30Z0 |
Core | Magazine | 0275-0457 | Fiber Optics & Communications | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30YZ |
Core | Magazine | 1051-189X | Fiber Optics Weekly Update | IGI Group Inc. | 01/20/2012 | | 01/20/2012 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 11ZJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471215714 | Fiber-Optic Communication Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLN |
Core | Magazine | 2053-5147 | Fibre Systems | Europa Science Ltd | 05/01/2017 | | 05/01/2017 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L51L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2686-3650 | Fidelity: Jurnal Teknik Elektro | Universitas Nusa Putra, Program Studi Teknik Elektro | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N6QJ |
Core | Magazine | 1527-4470 | Field Force Automation | Edgell Communications Inc. | 12/01/2002 | 09/30/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CF5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814374279 | Field Robotics - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Climbing & Walking Robots & the Support Technologies For Mobile Machines | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSE |
Core | Trade Publication | 1096-3553 | Field Technologies | Jameson Publishing | 01/01/2011 | 03/31/2019 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DACI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471222903 | Fields of Electronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Filing (New York) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1922 | 10/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30N |
Core | Magazine | 1096-360X | Fine Homebuilding | Active Interest Media, Inc. | 01/01/2007 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 30G4 |
Core | Magazine | 0273-1398 | Fine Homebuilding (0273-1398) | Taunton Trade Co. | 01/01/1993 | 01/01/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FHM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-874X | Finite Elements in Analysis & Design | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3KW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1071-5797 | Finite Fields & Their Applications | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L1A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2822-2881 | Firat University Journal of Experimental & Computational Engineering (FUJECE) | Firat University Journal of Experimental & Computational Engineering (FUJECE) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N98P |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0746-9586 | Fire Command | National Fire Protection Association | 01/01/1984 | 10/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82ST |
Core | Trade Publication | 0015-2587 | Fire Engineering | Clarion Events, Inc | 01/01/1983 | 12/19/2021 | 01/01/1995 | 12/19/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FEN |
Priority | Magazine | 0015-2617 | Fire Journal | National Fire Protection Association | 01/01/1977 | 11/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QV7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1524-900X | Fire Protection Engineering | Penton Publishing | 01/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 09/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 18J1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0379-7112 | Fire Safety Journal | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JF3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-5309 | Fire Safety Science | Fire Safety Science Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MR12 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0279-3563 | Fire Service Today | National Fire Protection Association | 01/01/1983 | 09/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0015-2684 | Fire Technology | Springer Nature | 02/01/1967 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BW4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1396-0466 | First Monday | First Monday | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DZZ |
Selective | Magazine | | First National City Bank of New York. Monthly Letter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1957 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D30P |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814525428 | Fission & Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Icfn5 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844380 | Fixed Broadband Wireless | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPX |
Priority | Magazine | 0015-3567 | Fleet Owner (1928) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1957 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9PK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1936-6582 | Flexible Services & Manufacturing Journal | Springer Nature | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 8NXU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0015-3710 | Flight International | DVV Media International | 01/01/2002 | 04/19/2021 | 01/01/2002 | 04/19/2021 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3C0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-6184 | Flow, Turbulence & Combustion | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | UOY |
Core | Academic Journal | | Flow: Applications of Fluid Mechanics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQBX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-4775 | Fluctuation & Noise Letters | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NKF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2311-5521 | Fluids | MDPI | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU23 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-8249 | Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization | Hebei Fly Ash Comprehensive Utilization Magazine Co., Ltd. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTOS |
Priority | Magazine | 0015-4806 | Flying | FLYING Media Group | 01/01/1919 | 07/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FLY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1451-2092 | FME Transactions | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 10/01/2016 | | 10/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | K57X |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0015-511X | Focus on Exceptional Children | Love Publishing Company | 09/01/1977 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FEC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814556859 | Foliations 2012 - Proceedings of the International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL3 |
Core | Trade Publication | | Food & Beverage Industry News | Prime Creative Media | 01/01/2016 | | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | KFUD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2048-3694 | Food & Energy Security | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EEGZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1522-2292 | Food Engineering | BNP Media | 08/01/1983 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0I4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-2236 | Food Industries. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 03/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9PQ |
Core | Trade Publication | 2202-0268 | Food Magazine | Cirrus Media | 06/01/2004 | 12/31/2015 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1W6 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Food Production, Processing & Nutrition | BioMed Central | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUIS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0015-6639 | Food Technology | Institute of Food Technologists | 01/01/1958 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FTK |
Priority | Magazine | 0015-6914 | Forbes | Forbes Inc. | 01/05/1924 | 01/15/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FRB |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-3041 | Foreign Commerce Weekly | US Department of Commerce | 10/05/1940 | 12/30/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3NO8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Foreign Port Series (United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D310 |
Priority | Magazine | | Foreign Tariff Notes | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/02/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D311 |
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Core | Trade Publication | 1054-1756 | Forging | Endeavor Business Media | 07/01/1999 | 09/30/2012 | 07/01/1999 | 09/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1RO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1825-7321 | Form@re | Firenze University Press | 04/01/2013 | | 04/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | G9EV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0934-5043 | Formal Aspects of Computing | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2007 | 03/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | O4E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-9856 | Formal Methods in System Design | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OF9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2830-3040 | Formosa Journal of Computer & Information Science (FJCIS) | Formosa Publisher | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NKWB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0172-1518 | Forschung | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | 12/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O80 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0015-8208 | Fortschritte der Physik / Progress of Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N6U |
Priority | Magazine | 0015-8259 | Fortune | Fortune Media (USA) Corporation | 01/01/1932 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FOR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Forum Bildverarbeitung 2012 | KIT Scientific Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0852-0682 | Forum Geografi | Forum Geografi | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NB4A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-5086 | Forum of Mathematics, Pi | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FRWE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-5094 | Forum of Mathematics, Sigma | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FRWF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1567-2328 | Foundations & Trends in Communications & Information Theory | Now Publishers | 01/01/2006 | 07/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38AR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1572-2759 | Foundations & Trends in Computer Graphics & Vision | Now Publishers | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2XJH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1931-7883 | Foundations & Trends in Databases | Now Publishers | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38AS |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1554-0677 | Foundations & Trends in Information Retrieval | Now Publishers | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38B3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1935-8237 | Foundations & Trends in Machine Learning | Now Publishers | 01/01/2008 | 10/31/2015 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 50FW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1554-057X | Foundations & Trends in Networking | Now Publishers | 01/01/2006 | 10/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38B5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1932-8346 | Foundations & Trends in Signal Processing | Now Publishers | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38B6 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1555-077X | Foundations & Trends in Web Science | Now Publishers | 01/01/2006 | 03/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 38BA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9321 | Foundations (2673-9321) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1615-3375 | Foundations of Computational Mathematics | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O5J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0867-6356 | Foundations of Computing & Decision Sciences | Sciendo | 09/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | G5BO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2639-8001 | Foundations of Data Science | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | 36 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MXVA |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Foundry | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 04/01/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CUKJ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0360-8999 | Foundry Management & Technology | Endeavor Business Media | 05/01/1974 | 11/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FOM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-8365 | Foundry Technology (1000-8365) | Foundry Technology Editorial Office | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MU6H |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9783527402892 | Fourier Transforms in Spectroscopy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Fourth Series, Bulletin (Geological Survey of Ohio) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D316 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-1136 | Frequenz | De Gruyter | 02/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | F26S |
Core | Academic Journal | 3026-5339 | Frontier Advances in Applied Science & Engineering | Tinta Emas Institute | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMRI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-8082 | Frontiers in Acoustics | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | NKU3 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9283 | Frontiers in Analytical Science | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5KF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-4680 | Frontiers in Antennas & Propagation | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5KG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-4974 | Frontiers in Batteries & Electrochemistry | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5KH |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2673-530X | Frontiers in Communications & Networks | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5KN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1662-5188 | Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience | Frontiers Media S.A. | 05/01/2012 | | 05/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 52XL |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9895 | Frontiers in Electronic Materials (2673-9895) | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5L0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-5857 | Frontiers in Electronics | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5K4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814383714 | Frontiers in Electronics - Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics 2009 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814536844 | Frontiers in Electronics: Selected Papers From the Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics 2011 (Wofe-11) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814651769 | Frontiers in Electronics: Selected Papers From the Workshop on Frontiers in Electronics 2013 (Wofe-2013) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCP2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-1121 | Frontiers in Food Science & Technology (2674-1121) | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5L1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-5210 | Frontiers in Future Transportation | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5K8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2151-8629 | Frontiers in Heat & Mass Transfer | Tech Science Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BHFG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-3862 | Frontiers in Lab on a Chip Technologies | Frontiers Media S.A. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N5KB |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2769-6715 | Frontiers of Mathematical Finance | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | 36 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MY0W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1615-6846 | Fuel Cells | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3994 | Fuels | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2435-6662 | Fujitsu Technical Review | Fujitsu Limited | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MMHK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2435-6085 | Fujitsu Tekunikaru Rebyu | Fujitsu Limited | 10/01/2020 | | 10/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MP3C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-2663 | Functional Analysis & Its Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N9L |
Core | Academic Journal | | Functional Composite Materials | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LX3P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-2968 | Fundamenta Informaticae | IOS Press | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | FLB |
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Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471351986 | Fundamentals of Distributed Object Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471381549 | Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471839651 | Fundamentals of Photonics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO8 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471497936 | Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471296997 | Fundamentals of Telecommunications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLR |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479084233 | Fundamentos de Informática | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479084462 | Fundamentos de Inteligencia Artificial | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MT |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479082789 | Fundamentos de Óptica Para Ingeniería Informática | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MU |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479086565 | Fundamentos de Programación. Vol. I. Metodología | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087562 | Fundamentos de Programación. Vol. II. Lenguajes | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-1184 | FUPRE Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | FUPRE Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRDM |
Core | Magazine | 1740-6501 | Furnaces International | Quartz Business Media Ltd. | 07/01/2003 | 11/01/2011 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | UIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0911-9280 | Furukawa Electric Review | Furukawa Electric Company Co. Ltd | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K4WQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1536-1055 | Fusion Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GIU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0748-1896 | Fusion Technology | American Nuclear Society | 07/01/1984 | 12/01/1996 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2770-0070 | Fusion: Practice & Applications | American Scientific Publishing Group | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N4KC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-7288 | Future Computing & Informatics Journal | Future University in Egypt | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | L3N7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-7229 | Future Engineering Journal | Future University in Egypt | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | MPLC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-739X | Future Generation Computer Systems | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3L4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7590 | Future Transportation | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7B |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Futuristic Trend in Computational Analysis & Knowledge Management | Amity University Greater Noida Campus | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KSDF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471323242 | Fuzzy Control Systems Design & Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VO9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1568-4539 | Fuzzy Optimization & Decision Making | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OFE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-0114 | Fuzzy Sets & Systems | Elsevier Science | 02/16/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3L5 |
Core | Magazine | 1605-7376 | Gadget (1605-7376) | World Wide Worx (PTY) LTD | 03/17/2023 | | 03/17/2023 | | | | | South Africa | Available Now | MO8J |
Core | Trade Publication | 1073-922X | Game Developer | United Business Media | 01/01/2001 | 07/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8LU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-6930 | Game Theory (Hindawi) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/02/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHX |
Core | Academic Journal | 3008-9093 | Gamification & Augmented Reality | AG Editor (Argentina) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Argentina | Available Now | NOQ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0936-7195 | GAMM Mitteilungen | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBV |
Priority | Magazine | | Gas | Stichting Tijdschrift Openbare Gasvoorziening | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1973 | | | | | | Netherlands | Available Now | LYR |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-0780 | Gas Age. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1916 | 12/02/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Q9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Gas Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1923 | 11/23/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-3251 | Gas Processing Journal (2322-3251) | University of Isfahan | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MLJM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0435-1312 | Gas Turbine International | Business Journals, Inc. | 01/02/1977 | 07/01/1977 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HSA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-5628 | Gases (2673-5628) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2241-9055 | Gate to Computer Science & Research | Science Gate Publishing P. C. | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Greece | Available Now | HCM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1757-1693 | GCB Bioenergy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B64J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2310-2861 | Gels (2310-2861) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI62 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-626X | Gems & Gemology | Gemological Institute of America | 01/01/2005 | | 03/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1YC4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0099-9318 | General Contracting. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/20/1926 | 06/16/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9QB |
Priority | Magazine | | General Electric Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 11/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31I |
Core | Report | 0888-5168 | General Series, Utah Water Research Laboratory | General Series, Utah Water Research Laboratory | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KBDA |
Priority | Magazine | | General Vocational Education Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1389-2576 | Genetic Programming & Evolvable Machines | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OFG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-6723 | Genetics Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1759-6653 | Genome Biology & Evolution | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8WSV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0102-9800 | Geochimica Brasiliensis | Sociedade Brasileira de Geoquimica | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 6EH1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2645-4661 | Geoconservation Research | Geoconservation Research | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MZI2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0286-4886 | Geographical Sciences / Chiri-Kagaku (0286-4886) | Japanese Society for Geographical Sciences | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPY6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1735-0735 | Geography & Development Iranian Journal / Jughrāfiyā va Tusi̒ah | University of Sistan & Baluchestan | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MYA3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-0504 | Geography & Geographic Information Science | Geography & Geo-Information Science Editorial Office | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ7O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-2277 | Geography & Territorial Spatial Arrangement | University of Sistan & Baluchestan | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MY7H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-795X | GeoHazards | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ7H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1384-6175 | GeoInformatica | Springer Nature | 04/01/1997 | | 04/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OFO |
Priority | Magazine | | Geological Bulletin (Louisiana Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31N |
Priority | Magazine | | Geological Bulletin (Tallahassee, Fla.) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31O |
Priority | Magazine | | Geological Series (Michigan. Geological Survey Division) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31P |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-896X | Geological Series (University of New Mexico). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/03/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9QF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-7606 | Geological Society of America Bulletin | Geological Society of America | 03/01/1930 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GSA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0091-7613 | Geology | Geological Society of America | 01/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GLG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1691-4341 | Geomatics | RTU Publishing House | 06/01/2007 | 06/30/2012 | 06/01/2007 | 06/30/2012 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | 62M4 |
Core | Magazine | 0016-7967 | Géomètre | Publi - Topex | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | K5JJ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814460040 | Geometric, Algebraic & Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the 2011 Villa De Leyva Summer School | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL2 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814730877 | Geometric, Algebraic & Topological Methods For Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the 2013 Villa De Leyva Summer School | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0309-1929 | Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J34 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-8033 | Geophysics | Society of Exploration Geophysicists | 04/01/1958 | 03/01/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | H5V |
Priority | Magazine | | Georgia Geological Survey Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D31T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0474-8476 | GeoScience Engineering | VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mining & Geology | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | FQL7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1226-9328 | Geosystem Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FS4L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-3182 | Geotechnical & Geological Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OFT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0046-5828 | Geotechnical Engineering (00465828) | Southeast Asia Geotechnical Society (SEAGS) | 02/01/2016 | | 02/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Thailand | Available Now | K4YC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814365154 | Geotechnical Engineering For Disaster Mitigation & Rehabilitation 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd Int'l Conf Combined With the 5th Int'l Conf on Geotechnical & Highway Engineering - Practical Applications, Challenges & Opportunities (With CD-ROM) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSU |
Core | Magazine | 0948-6615 | Geothermische Energie: Fachzeitschrift des Bundesverbandes Geothermie e. V. (BVG) | Bundesverband Geothermie e.V | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KPUR |
Core | Magazine | 1528-6274 | GEOWorld | EPG Media & Specialty Information | 11/01/1998 | 10/31/2013 | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RXH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2749-0149 | German Journal of Microbiology | German Multidisciplinary Publishing Center | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MX0K |
Core | Trade Publication | 0016-9765 | Giesserei | DVS Media GmbH | 05/01/2020 | | 05/01/2020 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KCCQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0016-9862 | Gifted Child Quarterly | Sage Publications | 06/01/1969 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GCQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1588-9130 | GIKOF Journal | John von Neumann Computer Society | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | HDN0 |
Priority | Magazine | | GIS World | EPG Media & Specialty Information | 01/01/1997 | 10/01/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 4Q7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0017-0895 | Glasgow Mathematical Journal | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7Y0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0843-7041 | Glass Canada | Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | MT5C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2940-8830 | Glass Europe | TIB Open Publishing | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NBHF |
Priority | Magazine | 0017-1026 | Glass Industry | Ashlee Publishing Co. | 12/07/1929 | 04/01/2001 | 01/10/1997 | 04/01/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QVP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0017-1050 | Glass Technology | Society of Glass Technology | 08/01/1983 | 01/31/2011 | 10/01/1998 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QVU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1753-3546 | Glass Technology: European Journal of Glass Science & Technology Part A | Society of Glass Technology | 02/01/2006 | | 02/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2KSL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2248-9444 | Global & Stochastic Analysis | Academic Science Publications & Distributions (ASPD) | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NBF0 |
Priority | Trade Publication | | Global Design News | Reed Business Information | 02/01/2001 | 11/01/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5RY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1596-292X | Global Journal of Engineering Research | Bachudo Science Company Limited | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | DUHE |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471350323 | Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, & Integration | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1067-6317 | Global Telephony | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/1999 | 03/31/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2589-7918 | Global Transitions | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N2CB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2798-4125 | Glosains: Jurnal Sains Global Indonesia | Green Publisher | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZHU |
Priority | Magazine | 0161-0872 | Good Roads. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1914 | 06/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9QM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2199-1324 | Göttingen Contributions to Geosciences | Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Göttingen | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LGD2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2191-9860 | Göttingen Series in X-Ray Physics | Niedersaechsische Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Göttingen | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LGD3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0740-624X | Government Information Quarterly | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GIQ |
Core | Magazine | 1043-9668 | Government Technology | eRepublic, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QF7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1080-5370 | GPS Solutions | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | P4M |
Core | Magazine | 1524-0703 | Graphical Models | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | P67 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1077-3169 | Graphical Models & Image Processing | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1995 | 11/01/1999 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82SW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-3463 | Grasses (2813-3463) | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6Q2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-9147 | Green Chemical Engineering | KeAi Communications Co. | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N9IH |
Core | Magazine | | Green Data Centers & Internet Business Newsletter | IGI Group Inc. | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BO2H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2152-3878 | Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDC0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2395-5287 | Grenze International Journal of Engineering & Technology (GIJET) | GRENZE Scientific Society | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | K5HC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814350181 | Gribov-80 Memorial Volume: Quantum Chromodynamics & Beyond - Proceedings of the Memorial Workshop Devoted To the 80th Birthday of V N Gribov | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCTU |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813141698 | Gribov-85 Memorial Volume: Exploring Quantum Field Theory - Proceedings of the Memorial Workshop Devoted To the 85th Birthday of V N Gribov | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNR |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470853191 | Grid Computing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0017-467X | Ground Water | Wiley-Blackwell | 11/01/1980 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GWT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1069-3629 | Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1992 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GMJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843222 | GSM & UMTS | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ0 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471499039 | GSM Switching, Services & Protocols | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ1 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471491859 | GSM, cdmaOne & 3G Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-3701 | GSTF Journal of Engineering Technology | Global Science & Technology Forum | 08/01/2013 | 07/31/2018 | 08/01/2013 | 07/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | FY79 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2382-5758 | GSTF Journal on Aviation Technology | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LDSG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2010-2283 | GSTF Journal on Computing | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2011 | 04/30/2018 | 01/01/2011 | 04/30/2018 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | EGM4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-4563 | Guangdong Architecture Civil Engineering | Guangdong Architecture Civil Engineering Editorial Office | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JF7A |
Priority | Magazine | | Guaranty Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1929 | 11/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D322 |
Core | Trade Publication | | GUI Program News | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2367-3931 | H2 International | Hydrogeit Verlag | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KQRO |
Core | Trade Publication | 2836-4082 | H2Tech | Gulf Energy Information | 10/01/2022 | 04/30/2024 | 10/01/2022 | 04/30/2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MYNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2227-9164 | Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences | Association of Arab Universities | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N30Y |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471020530 | Handbook of Human Systems Integration | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471419020 | Handbook of Wireless Networks & Mobile Computing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Handbook Series of the Bureau of Standards | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1921 | 01/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D326 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-6640 | Hardware | MDPI | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | NKLN |
Core | Magazine | 1527-4063 | Hart's E&P | Hart Energy Publishing, LP | 10/01/1999 | 07/02/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6T4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0017-8012 | Harvard Business Review | Harvard Business School Publishing | 01/01/1924 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HBR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0017-8055 | Harvard Educational Review | Harvard Education Publishing Group | 01/01/1937 | 11/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HER |
Priority | Magazine | | Harvard University. Bureau of Business Research. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 01/02/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D32E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0882-5696 | Hazardous Waste & Hazardous Materials | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 01/15/1991 | 10/15/1996 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | M08 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1089-4187 | Health Care on the Internet | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2000 | 03/31/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 67Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1460-4582 | Health Informatics Journal | Sage Publications | 03/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EJK |
Core | Trade Publication | 1074-4770 | Health Management Technology | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/1998 | 11/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EHT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2688-4534 | Heat Transfer | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUAA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1099-2871 | Heat Transfer-Asian Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | 12/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2578-7616 | Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LRBT |
Priority | Magazine | 0017-9361 | Heating & Air Conditioning Contractor. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1955 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9R1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Heating & Ventilating | Industrial Press, Inc. | 08/01/1928 | 12/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D32J |
Priority | Magazine | | Heating & Ventilating Magazine | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 11/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D32K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0385-9851 | Heating Piping & Air Conditioning / Kenchiku Setsubi & Haikan Koji | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MYUJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Heating, Air Conditioning, Sheet Metal Contractor | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1954 | 09/01/1955 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D32L |
Core | Trade Publication | 1527-4055 | Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering | Endeavor Business Media | 12/01/1999 | | 12/01/1999 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1R3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0017-940X | Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning. | Penton Publishing | 05/01/1929 | 11/01/1999 | 01/01/1997 | 11/01/1999 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9R2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1791-4701 | Hellenic Open University Journal of Informatics | Hellenic Open University | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Greece | Available Now | B0BB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-019X | Helvetica Chimica Acta | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NZN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1042-7163 | Heteroatom Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3W |
Core | Trade Publication | 0018-1153 | Hewlett-Packard Journal | HP Inc. | 02/01/1995 | 08/31/1998 | 02/01/1995 | 08/31/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HPJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1453-7303 | Hidraulica | Hidraulica | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BA7D |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814602099 | High Gradient Accelerating Structure - Proceedings of the Symposium on the Occasion of 70th Birthday of Junwen Wang | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMS |
Core | Trade Publication | | High Power Computing | Worldwide Videotex | 10/01/2019 | | 10/01/2019 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBTQ |
Core | Magazine | | High Speed Access Report | IGI Group Inc. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BFPH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471983583 | High Speed Digital Transmission Networking | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2949-8678 | High-speed Railway | KeAi Communications Co. | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NAFA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1388-3690 | Higher-Order & Symbolic Computation | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2013 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OG3 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0362-0506 | Highway & Heavy Construction | Gordon Publications | 01/01/1976 | 12/01/1991 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82SX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-0144 | History & Computing | Edinburgh University Press | 01/01/1998 | 03/31/2002 | 01/01/1998 | 03/31/2002 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | C0L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-1512 | History & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1997 | | 03/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7W0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2190-5010 | History of Geo & Space Sciences | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FBQ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2149-2123 | Hittite Journal of Science & Engineering | Hitit Journal of Science & Engineering | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MFZ3 |
Core | Magazine | 0941-4665 | HLRS Annual Report | Hochstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KPV3 |
Core | Magazine | | HLRS Jahresbericht | Hochstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart (HLRS) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | NBSL |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088484 | Hoja de Cálculo Excel 2003 | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MX |
Priority | Magazine | | Home Economics Circular (State College of Washington. Extension Service) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1918 | 01/02/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D332 |
Core | Magazine | 1324-4302 | Home Office | Alan Davis Media | 01/01/1995 | 05/31/1995 | 03/01/1995 | 05/31/1995 | | | | Australia | Available Now | HOF |
Core | Magazine | 0899-7373 | Home Office Computing | Scholastic Inc. | 07/01/1988 | 04/30/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HOC |
Priority | Magazine | | Homemaking Education Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D338 |
Core | Magazine | 1073-1784 | HomePC | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 05/31/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HPC |
Priority | Magazine | | Horseless Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/19/1913 | 05/15/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33B |
Priority | Magazine | 0018-6414 | House & Home. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1952 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RC |
Priority | Magazine | | Housing Betterment | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1920 | 05/01/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2578-1863 | Human Behavior & Emerging Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LWCS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-7208 | Human Factors | Sage Publications | 02/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | HMF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1402-1501 | Human IT | Human IT | 02/01/2005 | 01/31/2019 | 02/01/2005 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Sweden | Available Now | F9G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0964-6906 | Human Molecular Genetics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | 09/30/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CSZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-1336 | Human-Centric Intelligent Systems | Springer Nature | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NA50 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0737-0024 | Human-Computer Interaction | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1985 | | 03/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7LY |
Core | Academic Journal | 3004-0000 | Hungarian Materials & Chemical Sciences & Engineering | University of Miskolc | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | NKQ4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Hybridantriebe für Mobile Arbeitsmaschinen. 4. Fachtagung des VDMA und des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie | KIT Scientific Publishing | 02/01/2013 | 02/28/2013 | 02/01/2013 | 02/28/2013 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92X |
Core | Trade Publication | 1550-3232 | Hydraulic & Mechanical MRO | Penton Publishing | 03/01/2004 | 10/31/2004 | 03/01/2004 | 10/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HFB |
Core | Trade Publication | 0018-814X | Hydraulics & Pneumatics | Endeavor Business Media | 06/01/1960 | 12/31/2021 | 04/01/2004 | 12/31/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0W3 |
Priority | Trade Publication | | Hydraulics & Pneumatics (1996) | Endeavor Business Media | 07/01/1996 | 01/01/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HAP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0914-6253 | Hydraulics & Pneumatics / Yukūatsu gijutsu | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | LE42 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0018-8190 | Hydrocarbon Processing | Gulf Energy Information | 01/01/1966 | 04/30/2024 | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HYD |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-2406 | Hydrocarbon Processing & Petroleum Refiner | Gulf Energy Information | 05/01/1961 | 05/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2980-8537 | Hydrogen, Fuel Cell & Energy Storage | Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology (IROST) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NA92 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3665 | Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology / Shuiwendizhi Gongchengdizhi | Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology Editorial Office | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KSOY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-3044 | Hydrographic Surveying & Charting / Haiyang Cehui | Hydrographic Surveying & Charting Editorial Board | 10/01/2015 | 07/31/2022 | 10/01/2015 | 07/31/2022 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JDUU |
Core | Trade Publication | 2220-346X | Hydrolink | International Association for Hydraulic Research | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | KC74 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-2617 | Hydrometallurgy of China | Hydrometallurgy of China Editorial Office | 07/01/2018 | | 07/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAYM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1618-162X | I-com | De Gruyter | 03/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FS41 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2349-7912 | i-Manager's Journal of Pattern Recognition | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2017 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LAYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-9128 | i-Manager's Journal on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (JAIM) | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NM6D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2584-1505 | i-Manager's Journal on Augmented & Virtual Reality (JAVR) | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NKWE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-9101 | i-Manager's Journal on Chemical Sciences (JCHEM) | i-manager Publications | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NM9Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-7502 | i-Manager's Journal on Circuits & Systems | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2231-1068 | i-Manager's Journal on Civil Engineering | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FASL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2349-6835 | i-Manager's Journal On Cloud Computing | i-manager Publications | 11/01/2013 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LARD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2277-5102 | i-Manager's Journal on Communication Engineering & Systems | i-manager Publications | 02/01/2019 | | 02/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | GYJ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2347-2227 | i-Manager's Journal on Computer Science | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 3048-5460 | i-Manager's Journal on Data Science & Big Data Analytics (JDS) | i-manager Publications | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NCAY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-911X | i-Manager's Journal on Digital Forensics & Cyber Security (JDF) | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NKWD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-7480 | i-Manager's Journal on Digital Signal Processing | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-8835 | i-Manager's Journal on Electrical Engineering | i-manager Publications | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | BD9H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-7286 | i-Manager's Journal on Electronics Engineering | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FASN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2278-7895 | i-Manager's Journal on Embedded Systems | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | GYJ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-2632 | i-Manager's Journal on Future Engineering & Technology | i-manager Publications | 02/01/2011 | | 02/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | BD9F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2349-4530 | i-Manager's Journal on Image Processing | i-manager Publications | 04/01/2016 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LAYF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2277-5110 | i-Manager's Journal on Information Technology | i-manager Publications | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | GYJ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-113X | i-Manager's Journal on Instrumentation & Control Engineering | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2347-2235 | i-Manager's Journal on Material Science | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-9055 | i-Manager's Journal on Mechanical Engineering | i-manager Publications | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FASM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2350-1413 | i-Manager's Journal on Mobile Applications & Technologies | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LUO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-7499 | i-Manager's Journal on Power Systems Engineering | i-manager Publications | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KIOH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-5151 | i-Manager's Journal on Software Engineering | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | BD9G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2278-7887 | i-Manager's Journal on Structural Engineering | i-manager Publications | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | GYJ6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2319-4839 | i-Manager's Journal on Wireless Communication Networks | i-manager Publications | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | HAM0 |
Priority | Magazine | | I.B.A. of A. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/30/1924 | 02/27/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33H |
Priority | Magazine | | I.I.F. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/07/1931 | 07/08/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33I |
Core | Magazine | 0896-3231 | I/S Analyzer | United Communications Group | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ISA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1646-3692 | IADIS International Journal on Computer Science & Information Systems | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Portugal | Available Now | AXY3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1645-7641 | IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Portugal | Available Now | AXY4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1819-656X | IAENG International Journal of Computer Science | Newswood Limited | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 4W5R |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814439077 | Iaeng Transactions on Electrical Engineering Volume 1 - Special Issue of the International Multiconference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2012 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCM6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814667357 | Iaeng Transactions on Engineering Sciences: Special Issue For the International Association of Engineers Conferences 2014 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813142718 | Iaeng Transactions on Engineering Sciences: Special Issue For the International Association of Engineers Conferences 2015 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNU |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814390002 | Iaeng Transactions on Engineering Technologies Volume 7 - Special Edition of the International Multiconference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2011 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCT9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0970-0102 | IAPQR Transactions | Prints Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LW7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-8646 | IBM Journal of Research & Development | IBM Corporation/IBM Journals | 01/01/1977 | 01/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IBM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-8670 | IBM Systems Journal | IBM Corporation/IBM Journals | 01/02/1977 | 12/31/2008 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ISY |
Core | Academic Journal | | ICFAI Journal of Computer Sciences | IUP Publications | 07/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | 07/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 6MCF |
Core | Academic Journal | | ICFAI Journal of Information Technology | IUP Publications | 06/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | 06/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 2WPI |
Core | Academic Journal | | ICFAI Journal of Science & Technology | IUP Publications | 09/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | 09/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 2WPG |
Core | Academic Journal | | ICFAI Journal of Systems Management | IUP Publications | 10/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | 10/01/2007 | 07/31/2009 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 2WPH |
Core | Grey Literature | 0161-6951 | ICP Information Newsletter | ICP Information Newsletter, Inc. | 06/01/2017 | | 06/01/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K6PW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | ICSE: International Conference on Software Engineering | Association for Computing Machinery | 02/01/2008 | | 02/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3R |
Core | Magazine | 1018-9580 | ICSTI Forum: Quarterly Newsletter of the International Council for Scientific & Technical Information | ICSTI: International Council for Scientific & Technical Information | 08/01/2003 | 09/30/2004 | | | | | | France | Available Now | RUL |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789984633206 | ICTE in Regional Development: 2009/2010 Proceedings | Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | DVG0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0894-5373 | ID: International Design | F + W Media | 03/01/1988 | 01/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IID |
Core | Academic Journal | 0324-6329 | Idöjárás | Hungarian Meteorological Service / Orszagos Meteorlogiai Szolgalat | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | JX4A |
Priority | Magazine | | IEE Computing & Control Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/2003 | 04/01/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2409 | IEE Proceedings -- Circuits, Devices & Systems | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | 02/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EBQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2425 | IEE Proceedings -- Communications | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2387 | IEE Proceedings -- Computers & Digital Techniques | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EBR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2379 | IEE Proceedings -- Control Theory & Applications | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2352 | IEE Proceedings -- Electric Power Applications | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2360 | IEE Proceedings -- Generation, Transmission & Distribution | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1747-0722 | IEE Proceedings -- Information Security | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 10/01/2005 | 12/31/2006 | 10/01/2005 | 12/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BWV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-0248 | IEE Proceedings -- Intelligent Transport System | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2417 | IEE Proceedings -- Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1478-1581 | IEE Proceedings -- Nanobiotechnology | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 06/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2433 | IEE Proceedings -- Optoelectronics | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2395 | IEE Proceedings -- Radar, Sonar & Navigation | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-2344 | IEE Proceedings -- Science, Measurement & Technology | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EBW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1462-5970 | IEE Proceedings -- Software | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EBX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-245X | IEE Proceedings -- Vision, Image & Signal Processing | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 02/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNX |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-702X | IEE Proceedings. Part A, Physical Science, Measurement & Instrumentation, Management & Education, Reviews. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RM |
Priority | Magazine | 0960-764X | IEE Proceedings. Part A, Science, Measurement & Technology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1991 | 11/01/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7038 | IEE Proceedings. Part B, Electric Power Applications. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7046 | IEE Proceedings. Part C, Generation, Transmission & Distribution. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7054 | IEE Proceedings. Part D, Control Theory & Applications. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7062 | IEE Proceedings. Part E, Computers & Digital Techniques. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1980 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7070 | IEE Proceedings. Part F, Communications, Radar & Signal Processing. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1980 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0956-375X | IEE Proceedings. Part F, Radar & Signal Processing. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1989 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7089 | IEE Proceedings. Part G, Electronic Circuits & Systems. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1980 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7097 | IEE Proceedings. Part H, Microwaves, Optics & Antennas. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1980 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RX |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0956-3776 | IEE Proceedings. Part I, Communications, Speech & Vision. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1989 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-7100 | IEE Proceedings. Part I, Solid-State & Electron Devices. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1980 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9RZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0953-5683 | IEE Review | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/1988 | 03/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-6180 | IEEE Annals of the History of Computing | IEEE | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AHC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1045-9243 | IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine | IEEE | 02/01/1991 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3VK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0163-6804 | IEEE Communications Magazine | IEEE | 01/01/1983 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IEZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-1716 | IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications | IEEE | 01/01/1983 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CGA |
Core | Magazine | 1066-033X | IEEE Control Systems | IEEE | 02/01/2001 | 12/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QVY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0740-7475 | IEEE Design & Test of Computers | IEEE | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3UK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0883-7554 | IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine | IEEE | 03/01/2001 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3VE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0741-3106 | IEEE Electron Device Letters | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3T7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0739-5175 | IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Magazine | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 05/31/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1541-1672 | IEEE Intelligent Systems | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2VU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-7167 | IEEE Intelligent Systems & Their Applications | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2000 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IEX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1089-7801 | IEEE Internet Computing | IEEE Computer Society | 03/01/2002 | 06/30/2015 | 09/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3VM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2168-2194 | IEEE Journal of Biomedical & Health Informatics | IEEE | 01/01/2013 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FV7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0364-9059 | IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering | IEEE | 01/01/1983 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9197 | IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics | IEEE | 01/01/1983 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JQE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9200 | IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits | IEEE | 02/01/1983 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 4B4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-8716 | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3T8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-1732 | IEEE Micro | IEEE | 10/01/1983 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-986X | IEEE MultiMedia | IEEE | 01/01/2003 | 07/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0890-8044 | IEEE Network | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IET |
Core | Academic Journal | 1536-1268 | IEEE Pervasive Computing | IEEE | 01/01/2002 | 07/01/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QF8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2154-2287 | IEEE Pulse | IEEE | 06/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BF9K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-9932 | IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine | IEEE | 03/01/2001 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-9908 | IEEE Signal Processing Letters | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3T2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0740-7459 | IEEE Software | IEEE Computer Society | 01/01/1984 | 06/30/2015 | 09/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IES |
Core | Magazine | 0018-9235 | IEEE Spectrum | IEEE | 01/01/1967 | 11/30/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IEU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-0097 | IEEE Technology & Society Magazine | IEEE | 01/15/1991 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IEY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1521-3323 | IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging | IEEE | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5OU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9251 | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace & Electronic Systems | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-926X | IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0536-1524 | IEEE Transactions on Applications & Industry | IEEE | 03/03/1963 | 11/02/1964 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D33K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1051-8223 | IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IAS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1558-7916 | IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech & Language Processing | IEEE | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q74 |
Core | Magazine | 0018-9286 | IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 11/30/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ITU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1545-5955 | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engineering | IEEE | 07/01/2004 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 9TI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9294 | IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9316 | IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting | IEEE | 03/01/1991 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IBA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0098-4094 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 10/01/2001 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1051-8215 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems for Video Technology | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ICV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1057-7122 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems Part I: Fundamental Theory & Applications | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1057-7130 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems Part II: Analog & Digital Signal Processing | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IAN |
Core | Magazine | 1549-8328 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems. Part I: Regular Papers | IEEE | 01/01/1992 | 11/30/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1549-7747 | IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems. Part II: Express Briefs | IEEE | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0536-1532 | IEEE Transactions on Communication & Electronics | IEEE | 03/07/1963 | 11/02/1964 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D33L |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0018-9332 | IEEE Transactions on Communication Technology | IEEE | 03/01/1965 | 04/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D33M |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-6778 | IEEE Transactions on Communications | IEEE | 02/01/1971 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1521-3331 | IEEE Transactions on Components & Packaging Technologies | IEEE | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 6B0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2156-3950 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology | IEEE | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DS1D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-9886 | IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology, Part A | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/1998 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-0070 | IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits & Systems | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IIY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9340 | IEEE Transactions on Computers | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ICC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-3063 | IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics | IEEE | 02/01/1991 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ISO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-6536 | IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3VI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1545-5971 | IEEE Transactions on Dependable & Secure Computing | IEEE Computer Society | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | 07/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4W6G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-9878 | IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9375 | IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9383 | IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ILD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-8969 | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion | IEEE | 03/01/1986 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9391 | IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management | IEEE | 02/01/1994 | 01/31/2023 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IEE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1089-778X | IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation | IEEE | 04/01/1997 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5H7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-6706 | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | IEEE | 02/01/1997 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3VC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0196-2892 | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IGR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1057-7149 | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-0046 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | IEEE | 08/01/1996 | 03/31/2023 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0018-943X | IEEE Transactions on Industry & General Applications | IEEE | 01/01/1965 | 01/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D33N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0093-9994 | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications | IEEE | 01/01/1972 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IIP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1089-7771 | IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine | IEEE | 03/01/1997 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3G8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9448 | IEEE Transactions on Information Theory | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IIF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9456 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement | IEEE | 08/01/1996 | 01/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1041-4347 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9480 | IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory & Techniques | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1536-1233 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing | IEEE | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QF9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1045-9227 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2011 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOY |
Core | Magazine | 2162-237X | IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks & Learning Systems | IEEE | 01/01/2012 | 12/31/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FS1E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1534-4320 | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering | IEEE | 03/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QVV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9499 | IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | IEEE | 08/01/1996 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1045-9219 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 01/31/2023 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IPU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0162-8828 | IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 12/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IAY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0093-3813 | IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 08/01/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ITT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0018-9510 | IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus & Systems | IEEE | 04/04/1963 | 12/01/1985 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3NUM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-8977 | IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery | IEEE | 01/01/1986 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IPD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-8950 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | IEEE | 02/01/1986 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IPW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1063-6528 | IEEE Transactions on Rehabilitation Engineering | IEEE | 03/01/1997 | 12/01/2000 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 10LW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9529 | IEEE Transactions on Reliability | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IOT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1552-3098 | IEEE Transactions on Robotics | IEEE | 08/01/2004 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 9TH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1042-296X | IEEE Transactions on Robotics & Automation | IEEE | 02/01/1991 | 08/07/2004 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IBO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-6507 | IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ISF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1053-587X | IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing | IEEE | 01/01/1991 | 06/15/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IGO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-5589 | IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | IEEE Computer Society | 01/01/1977 | 06/30/2015 | 08/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IGG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-6676 | IEEE Transactions on Speech & Audio Processing | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 01/01/2007 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2168-2216 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics. Systems | IEEE | 01/01/2013 | 12/15/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GRAT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1083-4427 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Part A | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 11/30/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | III |
Core | Academic Journal | 1083-4419 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Part B | IEEE | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IIB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-6977 | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Part C - Applications & Reviews | IEEE | 01/01/2000 | 11/30/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5CC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9545 | IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IVH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-8210 | IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems | IEEE | 02/01/2001 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3VD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1077-2626 | IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics | IEEE | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3T3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-6692 | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking | IEEE | 02/01/1997 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3UJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1931-4973 | IEEJ Transactions on Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B2JO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM African Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 11/01/2018 | | 04/01/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM Annual International Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM Australian Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAOP |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM European Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 07/01/2019 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM GCC Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MFMP |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM India Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAON |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM Industry Solutions Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NAOO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM North American Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 10/01/2019 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMQ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | IEOM South American Conference Proceedings | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2017 | | 05/09/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-858X | IET Circuits, Devices & Systems (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z14 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-858X | IET Circuits, Devices & Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8628 | IET Communications (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z15 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8628 | IET Communications (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9632 | IET Computer Vision (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9632 | IET Computer Vision (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8601 | IET Computers & Digital Techniques (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z16 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8601 | IET Computers & Digital Techniques (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8644 | IET Control Theory & Applications (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z17 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8644 | IET Control Theory & Applications (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8660 | IET Electric Power Applications (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z19 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8660 | IET Electric Power Applications (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1754-1778 | IET Electronics | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 06/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 06/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4UCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8687 | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8687 | IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9659 | IET Image Processing (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9659 | IET Image Processing (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8709 | IET Information Security (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8709 | IET Information Security (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-956X | IET Intelligent Transport Systems (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-956X | IET Intelligent Transport Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8725 | IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8725 | IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8741 | IET Nanobiotechnology (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8741 | IET Nanobiotechnology (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2047-4954 | IET Networks (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 03/01/2012 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EHB4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2047-4954 | IET Networks (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8768 | IET Optoelectronics (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8768 | IET Optoelectronics (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8784 | IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8784 | IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1752-1416 | IET Renewable Power Generation (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1752-1416 | IET Renewable Power Generation (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8822 | IET Science, Measurement & Technology (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8822 | IET Science, Measurement & Technology (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9675 | IET Signal Processing (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-9675 | IET Signal Processing (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8806 | IET Software (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8806 | IET Software (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1752-1394 | IET Synthetic Biology | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 02/28/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8849 | IET Systems Biology (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-8849 | IET Systems Biology (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2043-6386 | IET Wireless Sensor Systems (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 03/01/2011 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BK6E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2043-6386 | IET Wireless Sensor Systems (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMI9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2455-4383 | IETE Journal of Education (Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd.) | Wolters Kluwer India Pvt Ltd | 04/01/2009 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | India | Available Now | 8NSZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2455-4383 | IETE Journal of Education (Taylor & Francis Ltd) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H6GD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0377-2063 | IETE Journal of Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2009 | | 04/01/2009 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NKD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0256-4602 | IETE Technical Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2009 | | 04/01/2009 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GDV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0794-4896 | Ife Journal of Science | Obafemi Awolowo University, Faculty of Science | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRE5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2746-8658 | IGKOJEI Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat | Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8WA |
Core | Magazine | 1085-1259 | IIE Solutions | Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2281-7727 | Il Colle di Galileo | Firenze University Press | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | G9EW |
Priority | Magazine | | Illuminating Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 04/01/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33O |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0019-2333 | Illuminating Engineering | Illuminating Engineering Society of North America | 01/01/1940 | 05/02/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2392 |
Core | Magazine | 1239-8950 | Ilmansuojelu | Ilmansuojeluyhdistys ry | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | MU7L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-4960 | IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BI3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1471-678X | IMA Journal of Management Mathematics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0265-0754 | IMA Journal of Mathematical Control & Information | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-4979 | IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BI5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0262-8856 | Image & Vision Computing | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3LG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471321163 | Image Databases | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471998839 | Image Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1425-140X | Image Processing & Communications | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | 03/31/2018 | 08/01/2013 | 03/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQL8 |
Core | Magazine | 1745-5758 | Imaging & Machine Vision Europe | Europa Science Ltd | 02/01/2007 | | 02/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 24RJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1439-4243 | Imaging & Microscopy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDC1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0889-9142 | Imaging Update | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2691-7734 | IMEOM Conferences - Dhaka, Bangladesh | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFMS |
Core | Magazine | | IMI Insights (Online) | Electronic Publishing Services Ltd. | 11/01/2004 | 03/31/2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TGG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470847930 | Implementing Service Quality in IP Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471216667 | Implementing Voice over IP | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1073-7928 | IMRN: International Mathematics Research Notices | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6YY |
Core | Trade Publication | 1054-6456 | InCider A+ | IDG Communications | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | INI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2334-5837 | Incose International Symposium | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/02/2014 | | 08/01/2019 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6ZD |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471405405 | Independent Component Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOC |
Core | Trade Publication | 1043-7320 | Independent Energy | Clarion Events, Inc | 04/01/1989 | 03/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1PU |
Core | Magazine | 1042-5829 | Independent Power | Clarion Events, Inc | 11/01/1988 | 03/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M0L |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Index. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/08/1948 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9S4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-4131 | Indexer | Liverpool University Press / Journals | 10/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RPG |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5790 | India Rubber World. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 10/02/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9S5 |
Core | Magazine | | Indian Aviation News | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 10/24/2022 | | 10/24/2022 | | | | | India | Available Now | N2A4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-4506 | Indian Chemical Engineer | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8VWA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-7490 | Indian Journal of Materials Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 01/23/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-5464 | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education & Research | Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India | 05/01/2016 | | 05/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JVCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-5537 | Indian Journal of Power & River Valley Development | Books & Journal Private Ltd. | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | LGTR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2394-7675 | Indian Journal of Sustainable Development (IJSD) | Publishing India Group | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JT2I |
Priority | Magazine | | Indiana Studies in Business (Indiana University. Bureau of Business Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/02/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33X |
Priority | Magazine | 0884-8203 | Indiana University Studies. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9S6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2745-3502 | Indonesian Applied Physics Letters | Universitas Airlangga | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2722-6395 | Indonesian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR) | Universitas Djuanda | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MY0B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2502-4752 | Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | Institute of Advanced Engineering & Science | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8D5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2528-1410 | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology | Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NBZ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1979-9330 | Indonesian Journal on Computer Science Speed / Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Informatika | Universitas Surakarta, Fakultas Teknologi Informatika | 11/01/2013 | 02/28/2014 | 11/01/2013 | 02/28/2014 | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | GBL5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry | American Chemical Society | 04/11/1931 | 07/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D33Z |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (1923) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 12/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D340 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0196-4313 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals | American Chemical Society | 02/01/1962 | 11/01/1986 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0196-4305 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design & Development | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1962 | 10/01/1986 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VX |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0196-4321 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Product Research & Development | American Chemical Society | 03/01/1962 | 12/01/1986 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0888-5885 | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1986 | 06/20/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BK |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. Analytical Edition | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/15/1929 | 12/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D341 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-667X | Industrial Artificial Intelligence | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4G6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Chemist | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 05/01/1964 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D344 |
Core | Magazine | | Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse | WTWH Media, LLC | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MP5V |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0883-8267 | Industrial Design | F + W Media | 01/01/1977 | 01/01/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5F1Z |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0192-3021 | Industrial Design Magazine | Design Publications | 01/02/1982 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82VZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0537-5185 | Industrial Electronics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1962 | 01/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9S9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Engineer (1922) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1922 | 08/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D348 |
Core | Magazine | 1542-894X | Industrial Engineer: IE | Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2018 | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Q0C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-8234 | Industrial Engineering | Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers | 01/01/1969 | 11/01/1995 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IDN |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Engineering & Engineering Digest | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 09/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D349 |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Engineering (1927) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1927 | 03/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34A |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814678995 | Industrial Engineering, Machine Design & Automation (Iemda 2014) - Proceedings of the 2014 Congress & Computer Science & Application (Ccsa 2014) - Proceedings of the 2nd Congress | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0019-8323 | Industrial Finishing | BNP Media | 11/01/1957 | 09/30/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IDF |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-1671 | Industrial Laboratories. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1958 | 12/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0263-5577 | Industrial Management & Data Systems | Emerald Publishing Limited | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IMD |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Management (London) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/07/1922 | 01/11/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34D |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-168X | Industrial Management (New York, N.Y.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1916 | 12/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SD |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0019-8498 | Industrial Marketing | Crain Communications | 08/01/1940 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92OM |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Medicine & Surgery | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1949 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34G |
Selective | Magazine | | Industrial Medicine & Surgery of Trauma | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1949 | 07/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34H |
Priority | Magazine | 0093-2183 | Industrial Medicine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1941 | 05/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1008-7524 | Industrial Minerals & Processing / Huagong Kuangwu yu Jiagong | Industrial Minerals & Processing Editorial Office | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAYN |
Core | Magazine | 0019-8595 | Industrial Photography | PTN Publishing Company | 01/01/1958 | 01/01/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IDP |
Priority | Magazine | 0884-822X | Industrial Quality Control. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SF |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc. Library Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0143-991X | Industrial Robot | Emerald Publishing Limited | 09/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IRB |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Series. United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1941 | 01/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34L |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Standardization & Commercial Standards Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1933 | 06/01/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34N |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2932 | Industrial Standardization (1932). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1932 | 06/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SH |
Priority | Magazine | 0360-1919 | Industrial Standardization. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1943 | 12/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SG |
Priority | Magazine | | Industrial Standards (United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1918 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34P |
Core | Magazine | 0046-9262 | Industrial Wastes | Scranton Gillette Communications Inc. | 11/01/1972 | 11/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M0S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1807-4545 | INFOCOMP: Journal of Computer Science | INFOCOMP: Journal of Computer Science | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 781Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1451-4397 | InfoM | Belgrade University, Faculty of Organizational Sciences | 03/01/2010 | | 03/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | B6H1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2567-3165 | InfoMat | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LXGI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0350-5596 | Informatica (03505596) | Slovene Society Informatika | 05/01/2005 | | 05/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Slovenia | Available Now | 17LZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2227-9709 | Informatics | MDPI | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | HE0F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2223-5744 | Informatics & Mathematical Methods in Simulation / Informatika ta Matematičnì Metodi v Modelûvannì | Odessa Polytechnic University | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FAI9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2083-0157 | Informatics Control Measurement in Economy & Environment Protection / Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska | Lublin University of Technology | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | L1UX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1753-8157 | Informatics for Health & Social Care | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8P2T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1360-0834 | Information & Communications Technology Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1996 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ICT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0890-5401 | Information & Computation | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1002-0411 | Information & Control | Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui | 09/01/2019 | | 09/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JM1L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2049-8764 | Information & Inference: A Journal of the IMA | Oxford University Press | 12/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ETY2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-7206 | Information & Management | Elsevier Science | 08/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | IFA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1471-7727 | Information & Organization | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JG1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0950-5849 | Information & Software Technology | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1987 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 1L9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0929-9610 | Information & Systems Engineering | IOS Press | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | FSE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-6669 | Information Development | Sage Publications | 09/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | H0S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0362-0972 | Information Display | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1LA |
Core | Trade Publication | 1092-0374 | Information Executive | Association of Information Technology Professionals | 07/01/1999 | 09/30/2002 | 09/01/2002 | 09/30/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1566-2535 | Information Fusion | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JG2 |
Core | Magazine | 1195-3616 | Information Highways | Information Highways | 11/01/2003 | 05/31/2005 | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 3T0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1383-7605 | Information Infrastructure & Policy | IOS Press | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2000 | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2000 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | IFP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1630-649X | Information Interaction Intelligence | Editions Cepadues | 07/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | 07/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | 781S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1389-1995 | Information Knowledge Systems Management | IOS Press | 03/01/1999 | 06/30/2013 | 03/01/1999 | 06/30/2013 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 5RG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2616-5961 | Information Management & Computer Science (IMCS) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMR2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0968-5227 | Information Management & Computer Security | Emerald Publishing Limited | 11/01/2002 | 08/31/2015 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8EL |
Core | Magazine | 1080-286X | Information Management (1080286X) | IGI Global | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 00F |
Core | Magazine | 1521-2912 | Information Management (1521-2912) | Arizent | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8X6I |
Core | Magazine | 1535-2897 | Information Management Journal | Association of Records Managers & Administrators | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6FO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670150 | Information Modeling | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 08/01/2008 | 08/31/2008 | 08/01/2008 | 08/31/2008 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 8NBS |
Core | Trade Publication | 1091-0808 | Information Outlook | Special Libraries Association | 01/01/1997 | 04/30/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1SB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0306-4573 | Information Processing & Management | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | INM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-0190 | Information Processing Letters | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 1LB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1743-694X | Information Professional | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BWY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-1628 | Information Resources Management Journal | IGI Global, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1LC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-4564 | Information Retrieval Journal | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OG8 |
Core | Magazine | 0020-0255 | Information Sciences | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1994 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | INN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1338-1237 | Information Sciences & Technologies: Bulletin of the ACM Slovakia | STU Press | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | EUZJ |
Core | Magazine | 1096-8903 | Information Security | TechTarget, Inc. | 09/01/2004 | 11/30/2020 | 09/01/2004 | 11/30/2020 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RRV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1939-3555 | Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6MR3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1363-4127 | Information Security Technical Report | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | 05/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6T1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Information Service (New York, NY: 1926) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/09/1928 | 02/20/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-5265 | Information Services & Use | IOS Press | 01/01/1994 | | 04/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | ISU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0197-2243 | Information Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1HQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0971-6726 | Information Studies | Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2016 | | | | Y | | India | Available Now | TG8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0306-4379 | Information Systems | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JG3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1617-9846 | Information Systems & e-Business Management | Springer Nature | 04/01/2004 | | 04/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | W3F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1387-3326 | Information Systems Frontiers | Springer Nature | 07/01/2002 | | 03/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 95F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-1917 | Information Systems Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EVI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-0530 | Information Systems Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1990 | | 07/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-7047 | Information Systems Research | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 03/01/1990 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1LD |
Core | Trade Publication | 1065-898X | Information Systems Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1544-7529 | Information Technologies & International Development | University of Southern California, USC Annenberg Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2020 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TQJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388630 | Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume I | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM0 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471414926 | Information Technologies in Medicine, Volume II | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1392-124X | Information Technology & Control | Kaunas University of Technology | 05/01/2017 | | 05/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | K4PU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0730-9295 | Information Technology & Libraries | American Library Association | 07/01/1993 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ITL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1385-951X | Information Technology & Management | Springer Nature | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BSM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-9086 | Information Technology & Management Science | RTU Publishing House | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | LU8S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-5133 | Information Technology & Network Security / Xinxi Jishu yu Wangluo Anquan | Editorial Office of Information Technology & Network Security | 06/01/2021 | 06/30/2022 | 06/01/2021 | 06/30/2022 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MD1J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0959-3845 | Information Technology & People | Emerald Publishing Limited | 10/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 67S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-1102 | Information Technology for Development | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1986 | | 03/01/1986 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFD |
Core | Magazine | 1080-286X | Information Technology Management | IGI Global | 01/01/2008 | 08/30/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B1VW |
Core | Trade Publication | 8755-6286 | Information Today | Information Today Inc. | 11/01/1983 | | 11/01/1983 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IFT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1473-8716 | Information Visualization | Sage Publications | 01/01/2007 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N66 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0950-9879 | Information World Review | Closerstill E-Learning Awards Ltd | 01/01/2000 | 01/30/2013 | 01/01/2000 | 01/30/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0JO |
Core | Magazine | 8750-6874 | Informationweek | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 09/30/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IFW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2644-0865 | INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MBED |
Core | Academic Journal | 1091-9856 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7EE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0199-6649 | InfoWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 04/30/2007 | 03/01/1997 | 04/30/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471350330 | Infrared Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VR2 |
Core | Magazine | 2206-7906 | Infrastructure (2206-7906) | Prime Creative Media | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MS5G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2412-3811 | Infrastructures | MDPI | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU26 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1847-8220 | INFuture Conference Proceedings | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences | 06/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | 06/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | Croatia | Available Now | FVBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0121-750X | Ingeniería (0121-750X) | Ingenieria | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | H07V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1134-2196 | Ingeniería del Agua | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | HOQE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1900-3102 | Ingeniería Solidaria | Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | HB3V |
Core | Magazine | 0020-1146 | Ingenieur | Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (KIVI) | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LFGS |
Core | Magazine | 0020-1200 | Ingénieurs de l'Automobile | Pneumatique Editions | 10/01/2014 | 05/31/2018 | 10/01/2014 | 05/31/2018 | | | Y | France | Available Now | FS5K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1390-650X | Ingenius, Revista Ciencia y Tecnología | Universidad Politecnica Salesiana | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | L4SL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2954-5463 | Ingente Americana | Ingente Americana | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | N36O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1454-5837 | Ingineria Iluminatului | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Ingineria Iluminatului | 12/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | 12/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | B2MH |
Priority | Magazine | | Inland & American Printer & Lithographer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1958 | 07/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D34W |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-1502 | Inland Printer, American Lithographer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1961 | 12/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SP |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Inland Printer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 10/01/1958 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-4023 | Innovation | World Scientific Publishing Company | 09/01/2002 | 12/31/2016 | 09/01/2002 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | P5G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2737-5994 | Innovation & Emerging Technologies | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZLV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-4990 | Inorganic Chemicals Industry | Editorial Office of Inorganic Chemicals Industry | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQL0 |
Core | Magazine | 1075-1580 | Inside Microsoft Excel | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 06/01/2009 | 02/28/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0X4 |
Core | Magazine | 1550-6622 | Inside Microsoft Office (15506622) | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 06/01/2009 | 09/30/2014 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8OHE |
Core | Magazine | 1076-8106 | Inside Microsoft PowerPoint | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 06/01/2009 | 05/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0X3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2048-7754 | Insights: the UKSG journal | Ubiquity Press | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | E70M |
Core | Magazine | 1342-9825 | Inspection Engineering / Kensa Gijutsu | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS2D |
Core | Trade Publication | 0170-6993 | Instandhaltung (0170-6993) | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 01/01/2015 | 09/30/2020 | 01/01/2015 | 09/30/2020 | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5R |
Core | Magazine | 0385-9886 | Instrumentation & Automation | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ2G |
Priority | Magazine | 1074-2328 | Instrumentation & Control Systems | Clarion Events, Inc | 03/01/1992 | 08/01/2000 | 09/01/1998 | 08/01/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 10CO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1538-2893 | Instrumentation Technology | International Society of Automation | 01/01/1967 | 07/01/1980 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3NYT |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-4366 | Instrumentation. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1967 | 01/04/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9SZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Instruments & Automation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1954 | 11/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D355 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0020-4404 | Instruments & Control Systems | Clarion Events, Inc | 02/01/1959 | 05/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HTD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2410-390X | Instruments (2410-390X) | MDPI | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI67 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-2066 | Instruments. (00962066) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 12/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DAB4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Insurance Field (Fire, Marine & Casualty Edition) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 12/28/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D357 |
Priority | Magazine | | Insurance Field (Life & Disability Edition) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1925 | 12/29/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D358 |
Core | Magazine | 0192-303X | InTech | International Society of Automation | 01/01/1979 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4BB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1069-2509 | Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering | IOS Press | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | FLN |
Core | Trade Publication | 1096-3553 | Integrated Solutions | Jameson Publishing | 04/01/2003 | 12/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5YL |
Core | Trade Publication | 1080-2797 | Integrated System Design | United Business Media | 01/01/2001 | 06/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8M9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-9260 | Integration: The VLSI Journal | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3LO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1900-7612 | Intekhnia | Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Division de Ingenierias | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | | Y | | Colombia | Coming Soon | FIOI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1535-864X | Intel Technology Journal | Intel Corporation | 01/01/2002 | 04/01/2015 | 01/01/2002 | 04/01/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IHD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1534-3618 | Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 06/01/2001 | | 06/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IWS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-4527 | Intelligence & National Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IY4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1079-8587 | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing | Tech Science Press | 03/01/2009 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 54YI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471980940 | Intelligent Broadband Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1872-4981 | Intelligent Decision Technologies | IOS Press | 08/01/2010 | | 08/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B2C4 |
Core | Magazine | 1524-3621 | Intelligent Enterprise | United Business Media | 04/16/2001 | 04/30/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5CJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471406372 | Intelligent Image Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1055-615X | Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance & Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3960 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0736-2935 | INTER-NOISE & NOISE-CON Congress & Conference Proceedings | Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N93Y |
Core | Magazine | 1078-7259 | Inter@ctive Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 07/01/1996 | 10/22/2000 | 01/01/1998 | 10/22/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ITW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0953-5438 | Interacting with Computers | Oxford University Press | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G1G |
Core | Magazine | 1080-4927 | Interactive Age | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 08/29/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IAG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-4820 | Interactive Learning Environments | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EI4 |
Core | Magazine | 1078-7259 | Interactive Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 10/23/2000 | 11/18/2001 | 10/23/2000 | 11/18/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HQP |
Core | Magazine | 1423-3215 | Interavia Business & Technology | Aerospace Media Publishing | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2008 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | France | Available Now | IAR |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2285-0945 | Interdisciplinarity in Engineering | University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences & Technology of Tîrgu Mures | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FWRT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Interdisciplinary Conference on Mechanics, Computers & Electrics (ICMECE) | Erol Kurt | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N98O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1555-1229 | Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge & Management | Informing Science | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1DH9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2767-4401 | Interdisciplinary Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5RV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2307-4515 | Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Systems | Ukrainian State University named after Mykhailo Drahomanov | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | NCDK |
Core | Magazine | 0270-6717 | Interface (02706717) | American Library Association | 03/01/2010 | 06/30/2017 | 03/01/2010 | 06/30/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0Y3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0092-2102 | Interfaces | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 11/01/1970 | 12/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IFE |
Core | Magazine | 0020-5745 | Internal Auditor | Internal Auditor | 08/01/1993 | 02/28/2021 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IAU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-7095 | International Applied Mechanics | Springer Nature | 07/01/2002 | | 07/01/2002 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N9W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1997-6364 | International Arab Journal of e-Technology | Arab Open University | 01/01/2014 | 06/30/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 06/30/2019 | | Y | Y | Jordan | Available Now | GXIJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1683-3198 | International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) | Colleges of Computing & Information Society | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Jordan | Available Now | 3BPH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1682-1750 | International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 05/01/2014 | | 05/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | H0KL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2333-5432 | International Biomechanics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KFO8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0020-6407 | International Conciliation | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | 09/01/1920 | 09/01/1920 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3HY5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision & Image Processing | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ1Y |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Connected Smart Cities | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ20 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Game & Entertainment Technologies | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ1Z |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Intelligent Systems & Agents | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 07/01/2013 | 07/31/2015 | 07/01/2013 | 07/31/2015 | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ1U |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Interfaces & Human Computer Interaction | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ1X |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing | Global Science & Technology Forum | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B44U |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Cloud Computing & Virtualization | Global Science & Technology Forum | 05/01/2010 | 12/31/2011 | 05/01/2010 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B44S |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Data Analysis, Data Quality & Metadata Management | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B44V |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2384-3004 | International Conference on Future Information & Communication Engineering (ICFICE) | Korea Institute of Information & Communication Engineering | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | IV01 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Green Information Technology | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 10/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 10/31/2010 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on ICT, Society & Human Beings | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | JZ21 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on ICT, Society & Human Beings - ICT 2017 | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Portugal | Coming Soon | L997 |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | 2306-6105 | International Conference on Information Technology | International Conference on Information Technology | 01/01/2013 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 12/31/2016 | | | Y | Jordan | Available Now | FYF2 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Information Technology in Asia | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak | 05/01/2013 | 09/30/2013 | 05/01/2013 | 09/30/2013 | | | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | FRTX |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | | International Conference on Information Technology Security | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Information Theory & Applications | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDVX |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on Interfaces & Human Computer Interaction 2017 - IHCI 2017 | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Portugal | Coming Soon | L996 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference on POF Proceedings | IGI Group Inc. | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZM |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | | International Conference on Real-Time & Embedded Systems | Global Science & Technology Forum | 01/01/2010 | 11/30/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 11/30/2010 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | BDW3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Conference Web Based Communities & Social Media | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | K5A1 |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | 1822-508X | International Conference: Radiation Interaction with Material & Its Uses in Technologies | Mechanika | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 3AFL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2563-9269 | International Health Trends & Perspectives | International Health Trends & Perspectives | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MRHO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1749-5148 | International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BMRL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1550-2287 | International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science & Mechanics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15UA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1849-8671 | International Journal for Engineering Modelling | University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture & Geodesy | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | N8GB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0363-9061 | International Journal for Numerical & Analytical Methods in Geomechanics | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2040-7939 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B991 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-5981 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/06/2012 | | 07/06/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BW7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0271-2091 | International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1758-1206 | International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EGCC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2545-5214 | International Journal of Academic Research & Innovation | Perfect Engineering & Associated Services | 11/01/2018 | | 11/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRA8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2545-5931 | International Journal of Academy of Engineering Research & Theory | Perfect Engineering & Associated Services | 11/01/2019 | | 11/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRA9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1467-0895 | International Journal of Accounting Information Systems | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JGZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1027-5851 | International Journal of Acoustics & Vibration | International Institute of Acoustics & Vibration | 03/01/2007 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2ZSS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0890-6327 | International Journal of Adaptive Control & Signal Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BW8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2545-5559 | International Journal of Advanced Geotechnic & Impact Engineering | Perfect Engineering & Associated Services | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRAC |
Core | Academic Journal | | International Journal of Advanced Network, Monitoring & Controls | Sciendo | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MV7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0976-5697 | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science | International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science | 05/01/2011 | | 05/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | B9MC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1729-8806 | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | Sage Publications | 01/01/2005 | | 04/08/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 13CR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2636-8277 | International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Pure Sciences | Marmara University | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N99E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2442-6571 | International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics | International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | KC0Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2220-931X | International Journal of Advances in Optical Communication & Networks | 3KbioXML Publishers | 12/01/2010 | 12/31/2011 | 12/01/2010 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | BGD5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2710-1274 | International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications | Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Faculty of Science & Information Technology | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Jordan | Available Now | B500 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2472-1840 | International Journal of Aerospace Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MASL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2187-5413 | International Journal of Affective Engineering | Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRYM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2010-1325 | International Journal of Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration | Springer Nature | 12/02/2015 | | 11/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ETYD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-1967 | International Journal of Algebra & Computation | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8JM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2394-5133 | International Journal of Analytical, Experimental & Finite Element Analysis | RAME Publishers | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KSST |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5869 | International Journal of Antennas & Propagation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3GPI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2415-0835 | International Journal of Applied & Physical Sciences | KKG Publications | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | KFSP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1546-542X | International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1723 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1942-3594 | International Journal of Applied Evolutionary Computation | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BJPK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2041-1286 | International Journal of Applied Glass Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B64N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-4665 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computation | PSIT Kanpur | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2014 | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2014 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | B2MI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1641-876X | International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computer Science | Sciendo | 03/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 1CR6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2333-2425 | International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing Science | Cayley Nielson Press, Inc. | 11/01/2015 | | 11/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JEOG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2640-0383 | International Journal of Applied Nanotechnology Research (IJANR) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MXVN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-6867 | International Journal of Applied Operational Research | Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | EGL7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2640-0324 | International Journal of Applied Research in Bioinformatics | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MU7R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2720-5215 | International Journal of Applied Technology & Leadership | Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | ND1L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1478-0771 | International Journal of Architectural Computing | Sage Publications | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | U1D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-7298 | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8G7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1473-5504 | International Journal of Astrobiology | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-8649 | International Journal of Automotive & Mechanical Engineering | Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | FWMZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2185-0984 | International Journal of Automotive Engineering (2185-0984) | Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MSID |
Core | Academic Journal | 2587-0963 | International Journal of Automotive Science & Technology | Turkish Society of Automotive Engineers | 10/01/2020 | | 10/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MMJ1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1050-8414 | International Journal of Aviation Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7M1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2374-6793 | International Journal of Aviation, Aeronautics & Aerospace | Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI2E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0265-2323 | International Journal of Bank Marketing | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IJK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2644-1675 | International Journal of Big Data Intelligence & Applications (IJBDIA) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6K3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2475-9651 | International Journal of Biobased Plastics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/2017 | 12/31/2022 | 10/01/2017 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEK8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2563-9218 | International Journal of Biomedical & Clinical Analysis | Research Lake International Inc | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MRHR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2185-2421 | International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing & Human Sciences (IJBSCHS) | Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQO1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2771-5817 | International Journal of Blockchain Applications & Secure Computing (IJBASC) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MZM4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2578-3270 | International Journal of Ceramic Engineering & Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LXGJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2348-0726 | International Journal of Chemical & Pharmaceutical Analysis | Aarya Publishing House | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | HHXF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0538-8066 | International Journal of Chemical Kinetics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-9886 | International Journal of Circuit Theory & Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1735-0522 | International Journal of Civil Engineering | Springer Nature | 09/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | H50H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-3074 | International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering | KeAi Communications Co. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1363-7681 | International Journal of COMADEM | COMADEM International | 06/01/2006 | | 10/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ZS8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2278-9723 | International Journal of Communication & Computer Technologies (IJCCTS) | Siree Publications | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MY6T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2395-4116 | International Journal of Computational & Electronic Aspects in Engineering (IJCEAE) | RAME Publishers | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N0ZP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1465-8763 | International Journal of Computational Engineering Science | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8JO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-8562 | International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J3J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-1959 | International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8JP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1469-0268 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence & Applications | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | | 12/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | H56 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1875-6891 | International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems | Springer Nature | 08/01/2016 | | 08/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FS4N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2047-6841 | International Journal of Computational Materials Science & Engineering | World Scientific Publishing Company | 12/01/2016 | | 08/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | ETYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-797X | International Journal of Computational Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 03/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 03/21/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-8762 | International Journal of Computational Methods | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | DCR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0952-8091 | International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G3F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7047 | International Journal of Computer Games Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 782F |
Core | Academic Journal | 0951-192X | International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7M |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7160 | International Journal of Computer Mathematics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J3K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-9090 | International Journal of Computer Network & Information Security | Modern Education & Computer Science Press | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Hong Kong | Available Now | ESYU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1793-8406 | International Journal of Computer Processing of Languages | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2008 | 06/30/2012 | 03/01/2008 | 06/30/2012 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B93A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-4279 | International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2000 | 02/28/2008 | 03/01/2000 | 02/28/2008 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | H55 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0972-9038 | International Journal of Computer Science & Applications | Technomathematics Research Foundation | 01/01/2013 | 07/31/2020 | 01/01/2013 | 07/31/2020 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | 782G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2231-5268 | International Journal of Computer Science & Management Studies | Imperial Foundation | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FKH8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0920-5691 | International Journal of Computer Vision | Springer Nature | 04/01/1991 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OGP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2155-6989 | International Journal of Computer Vision & Image Processing | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRY5 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1382-3892 | International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning | Springer Nature | 05/01/1997 | 12/31/2010 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 3UR |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1976-0485 | International Journal of Concrete Structures & Materials | Springer Nature | 03/01/2016 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F2GQ |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7179 | International Journal of Control | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7N |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9325 | International Journal of Corrosion | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NCK |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0894-3222 | International Journal of Digital & Analog Cabled Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1988 | 12/31/1989 | 01/01/1988 | 12/31/1989 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VY3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-9627 | International Journal of Digital & Analog Communication Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1993 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1993 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W4W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2642-2263 | International Journal of Digital Innovation in the Built Environment | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MU7S |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1728-1431 | International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics | International Journal of Engineering (IJE) | 01/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | LFV4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-9077 | International Journal of Expert Systems | Elsevier B.V. | 06/01/1996 | 06/30/1997 | 06/01/1996 | 06/30/1997 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EXY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2577-4794 | International Journal of Extreme Automation & Connectivity in Healthcare (IJEACH) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6KB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0920-6299 | International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | DIJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2572-4908 | International Journal of Fog Computing (IJFC) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6KC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2671-3063 | International Journal of Food Technology & Nutrition | University of Tetova | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | North Macedonia | Available Now | N2JJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-0541 | International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8JR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1562-2479 | International Journal of Fuzzy Systems | Springer Nature | 12/01/2004 | | 12/01/2004 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 15LJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7276 | International Journal of Game Theory | Springer Nature | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 71Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 0308-1079 | International Journal of General Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J3O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1365-8816 | International Journal of Geographical Information Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 07/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2186-2982 | International Journal of GEOMATE | Geomate International Society | 02/01/2014 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | FCWF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-3641 | International Journal of Geomechanics | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | I60 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1938-6362 | International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4V8R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2948-4030 | International Journal of Global Optimization & Its Application (IJGOIA) | SRN Intellectual Resources | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | N8M0 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0142-727X | International Journal of Heat & Fluid Flow | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JH8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0017-9310 | International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JH9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0392-8764 | International Journal of Heat & Technology | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | FCMV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-3420 | International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications | Sage Publications | 07/01/1998 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Z2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-0533 | International Journal of High Speed Computing | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/1999 | 06/30/2004 | 01/01/1999 | 06/30/2004 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8JU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-1564 | International Journal of High Speed Electronics & Systems | World Scientific Publishing Company | 11/01/2017 | | 11/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8JV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1044-7318 | International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1989 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7M5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1071-5819 | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | Academic Press | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 89L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1753-8548 | International Journal of Humanities & Arts Computing: A Journal of Digital Humanities | Edinburgh University Press | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2QD7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-8436 | International Journal of Humanoid Robotics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | DCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1448-5869 | International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems | IOS Press | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | U1T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-4365 | International Journal of Hyperconnectivity & the Internet of Things (IJHIoT) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6KE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1947-9832 | International Journal of Image & Data Fusion | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7KD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-4678 | International Journal of Image & Graphics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | NKH |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2771-5647 | International Journal of Imaging & Sensing Technologies & Applications (IJISTA) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MXVO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-9457 | International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1989 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2228-5970 | International Journal of Industrial Chemistry | OICC Press | 06/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | F2GS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2645-3517 | International Journal of Industrial Electronics Control & Optimization | University of Sistan & Baluchestan & Iranian Association of Electrical & Electronic Engineers | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MYAD |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1307-9697 | International Journal of InformaticsTechnologies | Institute of Informatics, Gazi University | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | 82XQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-6107 | International Journal of Information & Communication Technology Research (2251-6107) | Iran Telecom Research Center (ITRC) | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MZEM |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1708-296X | International Journal of Information & Systems Sciences | Institute for Scientific Computing & Information | 10/01/2011 | 10/31/2011 | 10/01/2011 | 10/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | B3LH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-8789 | International Journal of Information Acquisition | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2005 | 07/31/2016 | 03/01/2005 | 07/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | DCV |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0268-4012 | International Journal of Information Management | Elsevier Science | 02/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 1LL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1615-5262 | International Journal of Information Security | Springer Nature | 08/01/2001 | | 08/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | EJ4 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0219-6220 | International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | P5H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1461-4111 | International Journal of Information Technology & Management | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G3R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-1906 | International Journal of Innovation in Engineering | International Journal of Innovation in Engineering | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAHU |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0092-1815 | International Journal of Instructional Media | Westwood Press Inc. | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-838X | International Journal of Integrated Engineering (IJIE) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKJ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-109X | International Journal of Intelligent Computing & Information Sciences | Ain Shams University, Faculty of Computer & Information Sciences | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | JEP1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2185-310X | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems | Intelligent Networks & Systems Society | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K57Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1999-2459 | International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application | Engineering Technology Press | 02/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | 02/01/2009 | 06/30/2010 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 84NR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-6030 | International Journal of Intelligent Networks | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N2CC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0884-8173 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1986 | | 03/01/1986 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-904X | International Journal of Intelligent Systems & Applications | Modern Education & Computer Science Press | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Hong Kong | Available Now | ESYT |
Core | Academic Journal | | International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance & Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/2002 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4UO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2155-4218 | International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems & Technologies | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRYP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1865-7923 | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies | 10/01/2007 | | 10/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | 6EYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1989-1660 | International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence | Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | B0BV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1941-8663 | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications & Networking | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRYQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1476-1300 | International Journal of Internet & Enterprise Management | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RVF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-3062 | International Journal of IT Standards & Standardization Research | IGI Global | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PFI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-5623 | International Journal of Knowledge Based Computer Systems | Publishing India Group | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JEON |
Core | Academic Journal | 1327-2314 | International Journal of Knowledge Based Intelligent Engineering Systems | IOS Press | 04/01/2004 | | 04/01/2004 | | 6 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | UFZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2474-4956 | International Journal of Laser Science: Fundamental Theory & Analytical Methods | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 08/01/2017 | | 08/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LA8F |
Core | Academic Journal | 0967-0769 | International Journal of Law & Information Technology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BI7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-1317 | International Journal of Low Carbon Technologies | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3B2W |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0020-7373 | International Journal of Man-Machine Studies | Academic Press | 01/01/1991 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82W0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1479-8751 | International Journal of Maritime Engineering - Transactions of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects - Part A | Royal Institution of Naval Architects | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IQP6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-739X | International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IMT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2455-7749 | International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering & Management Sciences | Ram Arti Publishers | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N00N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2198-2791 | International Journal of Mechanical & Materials Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2015 | 02/04/2022 | 01/01/2015 | 02/04/2022 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BM8Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0306-4190 | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education | Sage Publications | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8D8 |
Core | Academic Journal | | International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Technologies & Applications | Brawijaya University | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8SQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2767-1402 | International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5RW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-704X | International Journal of Metals | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 01/10/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0915-3616 | International Journal of Microgravity Science & Application | Japan Society of Microgravity Application | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRIT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1050-1827 | International Journal of Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1991 | 11/30/1997 | 01/01/1991 | 11/30/1997 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-0396 | International Journal of Microwave & Optical Technology | International Journal of Microwave & Optical Technology | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B2F6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5826 | International Journal of Microwave Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/2007 | 11/30/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30MC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-0930 | International Journal of Mining, Reclamation & Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2YAF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1793-9623 | International Journal of Modeling, Simulation & Scientific Computing | World Scientific Publishing Company | 12/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | B9KY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0228-6203 | International Journal of Modelling & Simulation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G63 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2067-3604 | International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies (IJMMT) | Professional Association in Modern Manufacturing Technologies, ModTech Iasi-Romania | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MT7E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-1831 | International Journal of Modern Physics C: Computational Physics & Physical Computation | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8K1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-581X | International Journal of Nanoscience | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2007 | | 01/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | P5I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1055-7148 | International Journal of Network Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2211-7938 | International Journal of Networked & Distributed Computing | Springer Nature | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NA4T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1470-9503 | International Journal of Networking & Virtual Organisations | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 10/15/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RVO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-0657 | International Journal of Neural Systems | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8K4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2692-6148 | International Journal of Neutrosophic Science (IJNS) | American Scientific Publishing Group | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MPZI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-4678 | International Journal of Next-Generation Computing | Perpetual Innovation Media Pvt. Ltd. | 02/01/2010 | | 02/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | B958 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7462 | International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 09/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JHT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-6822 | International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis & Applications | Semnan University | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | FTAW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2376-9955 | International Journal of Nuclear Security | University of Tennessee | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N9OR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-3370 | International Journal of Numerical Modelling | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1988 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2626-8493 | International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering | International Journal of Online Engineering | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | MBMX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1868-1646 | International Journal of Online Engineering | International Journal of Online Engineering | 08/01/2006 | 12/31/2018 | 08/01/2006 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | 2IZ8 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9384 | International Journal of Optics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NDI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-7458 | International Journal of Parallel Programming | Springer Nature | 07/01/1996 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | IIR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1744-5760 | International Journal of Parallel, Emergent & Distributed Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2005 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GV6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-0014 | International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence | World Scientific Publishing Company | 04/01/2012 | | 12/01/2019 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8K9 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0973-1318 | International Journal of Performability Engineering | Totem Publisher, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6398 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7090 | International Journal of Photochemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 01/02/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2822-454X | International Journal of Pioneering Technology & Engineering (IJPTE) | International Journal of Pioneering Technology & Engineering (IJPTE) | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N8JU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1881-8692 | International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology (IJPEST) | Institute of Electrostatics Japan | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K58P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1023-666X | International Journal of Polymer Analysis & Characterization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1995 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J3Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9422 | International Journal of Polymer Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NCR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0888-7462 | International Journal of Powder Metallurgy | APMI International | 01/01/1986 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GJ0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0361-3488 | International Journal of Powder Metallurgy & Powder Technology | APMI International | 01/01/1977 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82W1 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 0925-5273 | International Journal of Production Economics | Elsevier Science | 09/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | IPE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1661-8556 | International Journal of Public Health (Springer Nature) | Springer Nature | 03/01/1921 | 03/01/1921 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 46AY |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7144 | International Journal of Quality, Statistics & Reliability | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NCT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2089-4864 | International Journal of Reconfigurable & Embedded Systems | Institute of Advanced Engineering & Science | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | E74E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7195 | International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0143-1161 | International Journal of Remote Sensing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4QB |
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Core | Academic Journal | 1754-5730 | International Journal of RF Technologies: Research & Applications | IOS Press | 02/01/2008 | | 02/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 5EW2 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2775-2658 | International Journal of Robotics & Control Systems | Association for Scientific Computing Electronics & Engineering (ASCEE) | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MYZP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-3649 | International Journal of Robotics Research | Sage Publications | 03/01/1982 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IRR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-8923 | International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2334-4598 | International Journal of Rough Sets & Data Analysis (IJRSDA) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MXVQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2041-9031 | International Journal of Safety & Security Engineering | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | B54P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1542-0973 | International Journal of Satellite Communications & Networking | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6KA |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2223-2257 | International Journal of Science, Innovation & New Technology | Albanian Socio-Economic Think-Tank (ASET) | 11/01/2011 | 07/31/2016 | 11/01/2011 | 07/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Albania | Available Now | FALA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1793-351X | International Journal of Semantic Computing | World Scientific Publishing Company | 06/01/2011 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B9KZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2384-8766 | International Journal of Serious Games | Serious Games Society | 07/01/2014 | | 07/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | HBWB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1460-6720 | International Journal of Services Technology & Management | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 09/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RVR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-6543 | International Journal of Shape Modeling | World Scientific Publishing Company | 06/01/2000 | 06/30/2010 | 06/01/2000 | 06/30/2010 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8K7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1737-9253 | International Journal of Signal & Image Processing | HyperSciences Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Tunisia | Available Now | B2K2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1473-8031 | International Journal of Simulation: Systems, Science & Technology | UK Simulation Society | 11/01/2009 | | 11/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United Arab Emirates | Available Now | 1XD4 |
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Core | Academic Journal | 2644-1845 | International Journal of Smart Sensor Technologies & Applications (IJSSTA) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6LI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2642-1631 | International Journal of Smart Vehicles & Smart Transportation (IJSVST) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6LJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2642-2247 | International Journal of Social Media & Online Communities | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MU7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1875-4791 | International Journal of Social Robotics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 8YZ5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1941-6253 | International Journal of Sociotechnology & Knowledge Development | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRZ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-7288 | International Journal of Software & Informatics | Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | B503 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-1940 | International Journal of Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2470-8542 | International Journal of Standardization Research | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2572-4959 | International Journal of Strategic Engineering (IJoSE) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | | United States of America | Coming Soon | N6LK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-2543 | International Journal of Students Research in Technology & Management | Maya Global Education Society | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N99I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1389-5265 | International Journal of Surface Mining, Reclamation & Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2005 | 12/31/2005 | 03/01/2005 | 12/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FB5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2995-9438 | International Journal of Sustainability & Innovation in Engineering (IJSIE) | Science Publishing House | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NMO5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2180-3242 | International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering & Technology (IJSCET) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2246-2929 | International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning & Management | Aalborg University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Denmark | Available Now | MR8U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2586-1247 | International Journal of Sustainable Lighting (IJSL) | Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Ingineria Iluminatului | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MOZS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-6107 | International Journal of System & Software Engineering | Publishing India Group | 07/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | 07/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JEOO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1737-927X | International Journal of Systems Control | HyperSciences Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Tunisia | Available Now | B2K3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7721 | International Journal of Systems Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1947-3451 | International Journal of Technoethics | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRZH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2086-9614 | International Journal of Technology | Universitas Indonesia, International Journal of Technology | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | FS5M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2415-0924 | International Journal of Technology & Engineering Studies | KKG Publications | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | KFSQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-4623 | International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-5730 | International Journal of Technology Management | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 07/01/1993 | 10/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ITM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2189-8405 | International Journal of the JSRM | Japanese Society for Rock Mechanics | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1923-7316 | International Journal of Thermal & Environmental Engineering (IJTEE) | International Association for Sharing Knowledge & Sustainability (IASKS) | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MWAW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1301-9724 | International Journal of Thermodynamics | International Centre for Applied Thermodynamics | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | 4V8G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2371-5782 | International Journal of Traffic & Transportation Management (JTTM) | International Association for Sharing Knowledge & Sustainability (IASKS) | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MX28 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0334-0082 | International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines | De Gruyter | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F27D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-186X | International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion & Power | MDPI | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU27 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-4885 | International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1548-7199 | International Journal of Unconventional Computing | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 08/01/2006 | | 08/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1358 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1737-9296 | International Journal of Universal Computer Science | HyperSciences Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 03/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Tunisia | Available Now | B2K4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2052-112X | International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering | Marques Engineering Ltd | 01/01/2015 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 10/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HE24 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2668-3245 | International Journal of User-System Interaction | Matrix Rom | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | | Romania | Coming Soon | MNMO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-5702 | International Journal of Vehicular Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30ME |
Core | Academic Journal | 1473-3315 | International Journal of Ventilation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2002 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8T04 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-537X | International Journal of Virtual & Augmented Reality (IJVAR) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6LO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1081-1451 | International Journal of Virtual Reality | IPI Press | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | YS8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-6913 | International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution & Information Processing | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/2003 | | 03/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | P5J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-5035 | International Journal of Wettability Science & Technology | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 08/01/2017 | | 08/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LA8H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2692-4056 | International Journal of Wireless & Ad Hoc Communication | American Scientific Publishing Group | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N4KE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1068-9605 | International Journal of Wireless Information Networks | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 5GO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2088-5334 | International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering & Information Technology | INSIGHT - Indonesian Society for Knowledge & Human Development | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | KSS7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-9084 | International Journal on Applied Bioengineering | Sathyabama University | 01/01/2013 | 07/31/2017 | 01/01/2013 | 07/31/2017 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EUJF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-2130 | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | World Scientific Publishing Company | 07/01/2012 | | 10/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8KA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2039-5086 | International Journal on Communications Antenna & Propagation | Praise Worthy Prize S.r.L. | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | DBL9 |
Core | Academic Journal | | International Journal on Computing | Global Science & Technology Forum | 08/01/2010 | 12/31/2010 | 08/01/2010 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B9Z2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1874-5482 | International Journal on Critical Infrastructure Protection | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ONA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-9106 | International Journal on Design & Manufacturing Technologies | Sathyabama University | 07/01/2015 | 07/31/2017 | 07/01/2015 | 07/31/2017 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EUJG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-5012 | International Journal on Digital Libraries | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 8HC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1433-2833 | International Journal on Document Analysis & Recognition | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NQX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1537-2456 | International Journal on E-Learning | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 07/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QPW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2281-5295 | International Journal on Energy Conversion | Praise Worthy Prize S.r.L. | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | MZ7W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2281-2881 | International Journal on Engineering Applications | Praise Worthy Prize S.r.L. | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | MZ7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2642-4088 | International Journal on Engineering, Science & Technology (IJonEST) | International Journal on Engineering, Science & Technology (IJonEST) | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MO28 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-9092 | International Journal on Information Sciences & Computing | Sathyabama University | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EUJH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1313-8251 | International Journal on Information Technologies & Security | SAER Forum Group | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | DIBA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-9238 | International Journal on Intelligent Electronics Systems | Sathyabama University | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EUJI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2219-1127 | International Journal on Internet & Distributed Computing Systems | International Journal on Internet & Distributed Computing Systems | 06/01/2011 | 01/31/2013 | 06/01/2011 | 01/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | BM2J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2737-8314 | International Journal on Optimization & Applications | International Journal on Optimization & Applications | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Morocco | Available Now | N7ER |
Core | Academic Journal | 2682-860X | International Journal on Robotics, Automation & Sciences (IJORAS) | UNIVERSITI TELEKOM SDN BHD | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKLP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1178-5608 | International Journal on Smart Sensing & Intelligent Systems | Sciendo | 12/01/2009 | | 12/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B0T3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1433-2779 | International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | 06/30/2011 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NQY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-7995 | International Journal on Wireless & Optical Communications | World Scientific Publishing Company | 04/01/2006 | 05/31/2007 | 04/01/2006 | 05/31/2007 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | DD5 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0020-7780 | International Labour Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1921 | 10/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ILB |
Priority | Magazine | 0272-2879 | International Marine Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 08/01/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9TF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0950-6608 | International Materials Reviews | Sage Publications | 01/01/2005 | | 04/08/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1312 |
Core | Academic Journal | 9789889867133 | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2006 | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 1VIQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9789889867140 | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2007 (Volume 1) | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 55MM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9789889867171 | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2007 (Volume 2) | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 55MP |
Core | Book / Monograph | | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2008 | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 8Z49 |
Core | Book / Monograph | | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2009 | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2009 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 8Z4A |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881821034 | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2011 (Volume 1) | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | BN60 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925121 | International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2011 (Volume 2) | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | BN61 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-9295 | International Nano Letters | Springer Nature | 06/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | F2GT |
Core | Academic Journal | | International Periodical of Recent Technologies in Applied Engineering | Marmara University | 06/01/2020 | | 06/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MR9L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2383-3602 | International Political Economy Studies | Razi University | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MPMQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2581-3048 | International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering & Technology | International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering & Technology (IRJIET) | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MY3P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2582-1040 | International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Technovation (IRJMT) | Asian Research Association | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NA8P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2062-0810 | International Review of Applied Sciences & Engineering | Akademiai Kiado | 12/01/2016 | | 12/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | JFDS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2036-9913 | International Review of Civil Engineering | Praise Worthy Prize S.r.L. | 07/01/2011 | | 07/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | BAUE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0020-8566 | International Review of Education / Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft | Springer Nature | 06/01/1961 | 12/01/1981 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | IRE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1360-0869 | International Review of Law, Computers & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1984 | | 01/01/1984 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RLC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0892-2624 | International Sampe Technical Conference | Society for the Advancement of Material & Process Engineering | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KPU7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7872 | International Scholarly Research Notices | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | 07/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JWZI |
Priority | Magazine | | International Science & Technology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1967 | 09/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-6129 | International Scientific Journal of Engineering & Management | International Scientific Journal of Engineering & Management | 08/01/2024 | | 08/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NMP6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814365925 | International Seminar on Nuclear War & Planetary Emergencies - 43rd Session | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSQ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814415002 | International Seminar on Nuclear War & Planetary Emergencies - 44th Session: the Role of Science in the Third Millennium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814623438 | International Seminar on Nuclear War & Planetary Emergencies - 46th Session: the Role of Science in the Third Millennium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814531771 | International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies - 45th Session: the Role of Science in the Third Millennium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLF |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813148642 | International Seminars on Nuclear War & Planetary Emergencies - 48th Session: the Role of Science in the Third Millennium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-868X | International Shipbuilding Progress | IOS Press | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3FMR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0306-7734 | International Statistical Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1C3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2039-2362 | International Symposium on Computing in Science & Engineering | Gediz University | 09/01/2013 | 10/31/2013 | 09/01/2013 | 10/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FXPN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-5068 | International Transactions in Mathematical Sciences & Computer | Association for Advancement in Combinatorial Sciences | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2011 | 07/01/2010 | 07/31/2011 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | B3PR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-1461 | International Transactions on Systems Science & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | 10/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 10/31/2014 | | Y | | Germany | Coming Soon | FV51 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2042-6445 | International Wood Products Journal | Sage Publications | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BMRM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Workshop on Integration of Solar into Power Systems | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KYL6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KYL7 |
Core | Magazine | 2156-843X | Internet @ Schools | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2011 | 11/30/2017 | 01/01/2011 | 11/30/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BL0G |
Core | Trade Publication | 1366-2821 | Internet Business | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 05/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 05/31/2002 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G2O |
Core | Magazine | 1086-5691 | Internet Medicine | MCMC LLC | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GH2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2774-4353 | Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence Journal (IOTA) | Internet of Things & Artificial Intelligence Journal (IOTA) | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N98M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-3452 | Internet of Things & Cyber Physical Systems | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-831X | Internet of Things (IoT) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZKV |
Core | Trade Publication | | Internet Protocols | Worldwide Videotex | 10/01/2019 | 01/31/2021 | 10/01/2019 | 01/31/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBTP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1066-2243 | Internet Research | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 58X |
Core | Magazine | 1098-0008 | Internet Telephony | Technology Marketing Corporation | 04/01/2003 | 04/01/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QFD |
Core | Magazine | 1097-8291 | Internet World | Penton Publishing | 07/01/1999 | 06/30/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5SW |
Core | Magazine | | Internet World UK | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2004 | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VTZ |
Core | Magazine | 1096-9969 | InternetWeek | United Business Media | 09/01/1997 | 01/08/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28A |
Core | Magazine | 1079-0373 | Internetwork | Boucher Communications Inc. | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TRK |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471975144 | Internetworking LANs & WANs | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1212-7299 | Interní Medicína pro Praxi | SOLEN sro | 02/01/2017 | | 02/01/2017 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | K577 |
Core | Magazine | 1546-3087 | Intranets | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | T4A |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088736 | Introducción a la Programación Orientada a Objetos | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479085735 | Introducción a la Programación, Algoritmos y C/C++ | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87MZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087630 | Introducción a la Teoría de la Computabilidad | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N0 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088101 | Introducción a las Bases de Datos Access 2003 | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N1 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087661 | Introducción a las Operaciones de Separación. Cálculo Por Etapas de Equilibrio | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N2 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087128 | Introducción a las Operaciones de Separación. Contacto Continuo | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N3 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479084356 | Introducción a TCP/IP. Sistemas de Transporte de Datos | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479085759 | Introducción a Word 2000 | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N5 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471491873 | Introduction to IP & ATM Design & Performance | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471406341 | Introduction to Optical Waveguide Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2411-5134 | Inventions (2411-5134) | MDPI | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI6I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-5611 | Inverse Problems | IOP Publishing | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 58Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1930-8337 | Inverse Problems & Imaging | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGL1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1741-5977 | Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2021 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | V1K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2344-8652 | Investigación e Innovación en Ingenierías | Universidad Simon Bolivar | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | L8IB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1390-5546 | Investigación y Desarrollo (1390-5546) | Direccion de Investigacion y Desarrollo (DIDE) de la Universidad Tecnica de Ambato | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | NLL8 |
Priority | Report | | Investigational Report. United States. Bureau of Fisheries | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35K |
Priority | Magazine | | Investment Banking | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1931 | 01/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2710-5873 | INWASCON Technology Magazine (ITECH MAG) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMQY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1640-4920 | Inzynieria Mineralna | Polskie Towarzystwo Przerobki Kopalin | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | KAX8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa State College Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1916 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35N |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa State College. Engineering Experiment Station. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35O |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa Studies in Business (University of Iowa. Bureau of Business & Economic Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35P |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa University Studies in Engineering Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35Q |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa University Studies in Natural History | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35R |
Priority | Magazine | | Iowa University Studies in Social Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35S |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486978 | IP for 3G | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ6 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844175 | IP Over WDM | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM5 |
Core | Magazine | 2167-5325 | iPro Developer | Penton Publishing | 05/01/2012 | 04/30/2014 | 05/01/2012 | 04/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GBK6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1882-6679 | IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics | Information Processing Society of Japan | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | LDQE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1882-6687 | IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology | Information Processing Society of Japan | 02/01/2020 | | 02/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | LDQF |
Core | Magazine | | IPTV Monthly Newsletter | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCLP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670051 | IPv6 Deployment Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 09/01/2008 | 09/30/2008 | 09/01/2008 | 09/30/2008 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 8NBR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-1043 | Iranian Journal of Applied Physics | Dr. Fakhri Sadat Hosseini, the Vice President for Research | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NNFM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-4803 | Iranian Journal of Biosystem Engineering | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N7XZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1607-2316 | Iranian Journal of Engineering Education | Iranian Journal of Engineering Education | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | HAMD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1735-0808 | Iranian Journal of Materials Science & Engineering | Iran University of Science & Technology | 09/01/2015 | | 09/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | H50E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2980-793X | Iranian Journal of Pulses Research | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KFEO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1819-2076 | Iraqi Journal for Mechanical & Materials Engineering | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 11/01/2017 | 09/30/2018 | 11/01/2017 | 09/30/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GYP6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1992-7428 | Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCDX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1811-9212 | Iraqi Journal of Computers, Communication & Control & Systems Engineering | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | 07/31/2018 | 01/01/2018 | 07/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCEC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1683-3597 | Iraqi Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 07/01/2017 | 07/31/2018 | 07/01/2017 | 07/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GYGU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1680-855X | Iraqi Journal of Statistical Sciences | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GYGM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1891-9863 | IRIS: Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia | IRIS Association, the Scandinavian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems | 08/01/2009 | 08/21/2023 | 08/01/2009 | 08/21/2023 | | Y | Y | Sweden | Available Now | BKXB |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0021-1559 | Iron & Steel Engineer | Association for Iron & Steel Technology | 01/02/1948 | 11/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82W2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1547-0423 | Iron & Steel Technology | Association for Iron & Steel Technology | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30AA |
Core | Magazine | 0897-4365 | Iron Age | Euromoney Trading Limited | 10/03/1983 | 09/30/1993 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IRN |
Priority | Magazine | 0021-1508 | Iron Age (New York, N.Y.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1913 | 12/06/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9TK |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0747-6329 | Iron Age Metals Producer | American Metal Market LLC | 01/02/1984 | 11/01/1987 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82W3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-7638 | Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium | Iron Steel Vanadium Titanium Editorial Office | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KYOL |
Priority | Magazine | | Iron Trade Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1913 | 06/26/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D35T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0301-9233 | Ironmaking & Steelmaking | Sage Publications | 01/01/1974 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D4M |
Core | Magazine | 1153-0561 | Irrigazette | S.A.R.L Irrigazette | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | MMVP |
Core | Magazine | 2327-4395 | IS&T Reporter | Society for Imaging Science & Technology | 10/01/2012 | 04/01/2016 | 10/01/2012 | 04/01/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4UK1 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-0810 | Isa Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9TL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-0578 | ISA Transactions | Elsevier Science | 01/04/1967 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3M4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1944-1967 | ISACA Journal | Information Systems Audit & Control Association (ISACA) | 05/01/2021 | | 05/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JP9E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2042-5678 | iSChannel | iSChannel | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCTF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471979050 | ISDN Explained | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM6 |
Core | Trade Publication | 2470-0517 | ISE Magazine | Endeavor Business Media | 11/03/2023 | | 11/03/2023 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NKY2 |
Core | Magazine | 2471-9579 | ISE: Industrial & Systems Engineering at Work | Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers | 05/01/2016 | | 05/01/2016 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LLB9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-2045 | ISeCure | Iranian Society of Cryptology | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | BAUD |
Core | Magazine | 1536-755X | iSeries NEWS | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2006 | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VU0 |
Core | Magazine | 1475-9128 | iSeries NEWS UK | UBM Information Ltd. | 02/01/2005 | 08/31/2006 | 02/01/2005 | 08/31/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VU1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0971-5010 | ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FS4P |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-1753 | Isis: A Journal of the History of Science in Society | University of Chicago Press | 03/01/1946 | 03/01/1946 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ISI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-1907 | Isotope & Radiation Research | Middle Eastern Regional Radioisotope Center for the Arab Countries | 01/01/2017 | 05/31/2018 | 01/01/2017 | 05/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | JF6N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2194-9042 | ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 03/01/2014 | | 03/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | H0KK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-0522 | Israa University Journal of Applied Science | Israa University Journal of Applied Science | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Palestine, State of | Available Now | NB86 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-2148 | Israel Journal of Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GJD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-7443 | ISRN Artificial Intelligence | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FDUI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-7494 | ISRN Ceramics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FA6Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-861X | ISRN Chemical Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSNX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8636 | ISRN Chromatography | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-4355 | ISRN Communications & Networking | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BFDC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8903 | ISRN Corrosion | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSNZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8679 | ISRN Electronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | 02/01/2013 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSO0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8946 | ISRN Geophysics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSO2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8717 | ISRN Metallurgy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSO3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-7907 | ISRN Molecular Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSO4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-6064 | ISRN Nanotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BLHZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-5041 | ISRN Signal Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BFDQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-8776 | ISRN Spectroscopy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSO5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1949-0550 | ISSA Journal | Information Systems Security Association, Inc. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JHBA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1529-7314 | Issues in Information Systems | International Association for Computer Information Systems | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FYFP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-5840 | Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology | Informing Science | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16XL |
Core | Magazine | 0748-5492 | Issues in Science & Technology | Arizona State University, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication | 07/01/1990 | | 09/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IST |
Core | Academic Journal | 0321-4095 | Issues of Chemistry & Chemical Technology / Voprosy Khimii & Khimicheskoi Tekhnologii | Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | MT7T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1303-0914 | Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Istanbul University - Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering | 07/01/2017 | 07/31/2017 | 07/01/2017 | 07/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | BGRH |
Core | Trade Publication | 1557-2145 | IT Architect | United Business Media | 09/01/2005 | 03/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1E2O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1520-9202 | IT Professional | IEEE Computer Society | 01/01/1999 | 06/30/2015 | 09/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5R9 |
Core | Magazine | 1462-396X | IT Week | Incisive Media Services Ltd | 05/30/2005 | 08/31/2008 | 05/30/2005 | 08/31/2008 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13E0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0162-8178 | ITE Journal | Institute of Transportation Engineers | 06/01/1978 | | 09/01/1998 | 01/01/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 24I |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2431-7578 | ITM Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | JNBO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1746-5702 | ITNOW | Oxford University Press | 03/01/2005 | | 03/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 18AD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-6544 | IUP Journal of Computational Mathematics | IUP Publications | 12/01/2009 | 03/31/2012 | 12/01/2009 | 03/31/2012 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AZ7D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-441X | IUP Journal of Computer Sciences | IUP Publications | 08/01/2009 | | 08/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AUCX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-2896 | IUP Journal of Information Technology | IUP Publications | 08/01/2009 | | 08/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AUD9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-6536 | IUP Journal of Mechanical Engineering | IUP Publications | 11/01/2009 | | 11/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AZ7C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0973-2268 | IUP Journal of Science & Technology | IUP Publications | 08/01/2009 | 12/31/2011 | 08/01/2009 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AUDO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0972-6896 | IUP Journal of Systems Management | IUP Publications | 08/01/2009 | 02/29/2012 | 08/01/2009 | 02/29/2012 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AUDR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1638-5705 | J3eA | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | 3ANZ |
Core | Magazine | 1345-4846 | J@pan Inc. | Japan Inc Communications, K.K. | 11/01/1999 | 07/31/2009 | 11/01/1999 | 07/31/2009 | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | 6Z4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2436-6021 | Japanese Journal of JSCE / Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu | Japan Society of Civil Engineers | 06/02/2023 | | 06/02/2023 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | NBY0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0914-2843 | Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow | Japanese Journal of Multiphase Flow | 08/01/2015 | | 08/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | HHVU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-1503 | Japanese Journal of Radiation Safety Management / Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkaishi | Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ0R |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-0949 | Japanese Journal of System Dynamics / Shisutemu Dainamikkusu | Japanese Chapter of the System Dynamics Society | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS1G |
Core | Magazine | 0894-0630 | JAPCA | Air & Waste Management Association | 01/01/1987 | 12/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1X4S |
Core | Magazine | 2567-8671 | JavaSPEKTRUM | SIGS DATACOM GmbH | 09/01/2023 | 12/31/2024 | 09/01/2023 | 12/31/2024 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | NCD6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-0083 | JCT CoatingsTech | American Coatings Association | 01/01/2004 | 11/01/2011 | 01/01/2004 | 11/01/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | U25 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-0091 | JCT Research | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | 09/01/2008 | 01/01/2004 | 09/01/2008 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | U24 |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-8751 | Jet Propulsion. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9TN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-3667 | JGE: The Journal of General Education | Pennsylvania State University Press | 01/01/1973 | 07/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GL7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2412-0448 | JISR on Computing | Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology (SZABIST) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | 8WST |
Core | Academic Journal | 2561-3278 | JMIR Biomedical Engineering | JMIR Publications Inc. | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MR5O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2561-326X | JMIR Formative Research | JMIR Publications Inc. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MR6B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2292-9495 | JMIR Human Factors | JMIR Publications Inc. | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MUYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2369-2529 | JMIR Rehabilitation & Assistive Technologies | JMIR Publications Inc. | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MUYK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2056-5135 | Johnson Matthey Technology Review | Johnson Matthey PLC | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LTZE |
Priority | Magazine | | JOM (1974) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1974 | 10/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D369 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-4838 | JOM: The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) | Springer Nature | 12/01/1975 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | QVT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2413-9351 | Jordanian Journal of Computers & Information Technology | Jordanian Journal of Computers & Information Technology | 01/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Jordan | Available Now | N2E7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2436-1070 | Jounal of Atomic Collision Research | Atomic Collision Society of Japan | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPXS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2531-2952 | Journal Applied Computing / Revista de Cómputo Aplicado | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUWW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-999X | Journal Baltic Surveying | Latvia University of Life Sciences & Technologies | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | K5HD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2659-6962 | Journal BIM & Construction Management | Journal BIM & Construction Management | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MRHT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-2428 | Journal Civil Engineering / Revista de Ingeniería Civil | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2531-2197 | Journal Computer Technology | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2987-9167 | Journal Electrical & Computer Experiences | Tinta Emas Institute | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMV8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-2517 | Journal Electrical Engineering / Revista de Ingeniería Eléctrica | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUJT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1269-6935 | Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | LEC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1866-7406 | Journal for Electrochemistry & Plating Technology | Eugen G. Leuze Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JODE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2467-8406 | Journal for Sustainable Development Law & Policy | Institute for Oil, Gas, Energy, Environment & Sustainable Development (OGEES Institute) | 07/01/2020 | | 07/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MR96 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2568-020X | Journal for Technology in Theory & Practice / Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis (TATuP) | Oekom Verlag GmbH | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 78HD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-0344 | Journal Industrial Engineering / Revista de Ingeniería Industrial | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUJV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0099-1333 | Journal of Academic Librarianship | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/1977 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ALN |
Priority | Magazine | 0021-8448 | Journal of Accountancy | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | 01/01/1913 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JAJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1555-0281 | Journal of Active & Passive Electronic Devices | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 10/01/2007 | | 10/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3BT3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1343-0130 | Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics | Fuji Technology Press Ltd. | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | 8WHK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2285-1070 | Journal of Advanced Distributed Learning Technology (JADLET) | Romania Advanced Distributed Learning Partnership Lab | 11/01/2014 | 01/31/2015 | 11/01/2014 | 01/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | HJJ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-7097 | Journal of Advanced Industrial Technology & Application (JAITA) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBGR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2637-403X | Journal of Advanced Manufacturing & Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LWCR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-6201 | Journal of Advanced Mechanical Engineering Applications (JAMEA) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2964-6162 | Journal of Advanced Technology & Multidiscipline | Universitas Airlangga | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N5KZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1557-6418 | Journal of Advances in Information Fusion | International Society of Information Fusion | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K4HL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-7203 | Journal of Advances in Manufacturing Engineering (JAME) | Yildiz Technical University | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N2E2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1942-2466 | Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B0C4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8502 | Journal of Aerosol Science | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JI5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0893-1321 | Journal of Aerospace Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1991 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JNG |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Affective Computing & Human Interfaces (JACHI) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | | United States of America | Coming Soon | N6R1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-8561 | Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1958 | 09/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2407-0475 | Journal of Agricultural Engineering / Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian | IPB University | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWAY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-5614 | Journal of Agricultural History | Agricultural History Society of Japan | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRJ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0216-3160 | Journal of Agroindustrial Technology / Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian | IPB University | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWB2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8669 | Journal of Aircraft | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JIR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0196-6774 | Journal of Algorithms | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2009 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2476-2776 | Journal of Algorithms & Computation | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAHC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-3018 | Journal of Algorithms & Computational Technology | Sage Publications | 11/01/2009 | | 11/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25L8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1876-1364 | Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Smart Environments | IOS Press | 08/01/2010 | | 08/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B4Y6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2752-7735 | Journal of Ammonia Energy (JAE) | Cardiff University Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NKMK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2791-8718 | Journal of Anatolian Physics & Astronomy | Aves Yayincilik Ltd. STI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7HM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1060-3271 | Journal of AOAC International | Oxford University Press | 11/01/2008 | 11/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4BJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2383-4536 | Journal of Applied & Computational Mechanics | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MR99 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-918X | Journal of Applied & Computational Sciences in Mechanics | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | JEOI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2562-5527 | Journal of Applied & Numerical Optimization | Biemdas Academic Publishers | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N2RT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-8863 | Journal of Applied Behavioral Science | Sage Publications | 09/01/1969 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-7901 | Journal of Applied Biology | Dr. Fakhri Sadat Hosseini, the Vice President for Research | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NNFL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1065-8483 | Journal of Applied Biomechanics | Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. | 02/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 0DM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0975-685X | Journal of Applied Bioscience | International Society of Applied Biology | 06/01/2020 | | 06/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | L0HT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0375-9210 | Journal of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology | John Wiley & Sons | 01/01/1971 | 11/02/1976 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D36E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2981-0582 | Journal of Applied Chemistry (JAC) | Semnan University | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NETW |
Priority | Magazine | 0021-8871 | Journal of Applied Chemistry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1951 | 12/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9TS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1526-9914 | Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1371 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2066-4273 | Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics | Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics | 07/01/2010 | | 07/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | B0C6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-4398 | Journal of Applied Computing & Information Technology | Computing & Information Technology Research & Education New Zealand (CITRENZ) | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | FBP1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8898 | Journal of Applied Crystallography | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8E1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-891X | Journal of Applied Electrochemistry | Springer Nature | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OH5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2247-3769 | Journal of Applied Engineering Sciences | Sciendo | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F25A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1735-3572 | Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics | Isfahan University of Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | 784A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1559-1948 | Journal of Applied Functional Analysis | Eudoxus Press, LLC | 01/01/2006 | 01/30/2015 | 01/01/2006 | 01/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 222W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-6115 | Journal of Applied Information Science | Publishing India Group | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JEOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2160-0953 | Journal of Applied Learning Technology | Society for Applied Learning Technology | 08/01/2011 | 10/31/2015 | 08/01/2011 | 10/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BN53 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2784-0379 | Journal of Applied Life Sciences & Environment | Iasi University of Life Sciences | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MYQS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1570-8683 | Journal of Applied Logic | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FXU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2658-0152 | Journal of Applied Materials Engineering | Lukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology | 04/01/2019 | 10/31/2020 | 04/01/2019 | 10/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MB48 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8936 | Journal of Applied Mechanics | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/01/1958 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JUA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1558-8424 | Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 22R7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-8763 | Journal of Applied Meteorology (1988) | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/1988 | 12/31/2005 | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JIY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1166-3081 | Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 91NJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8979 | Journal of Applied Physics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1940 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JUY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8995 | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4BL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9002 | Journal of Applied Probability | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1997 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1LR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9010 | Journal of Applied Psychology | American Psychological Association | 06/01/1929 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JAY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-414X | Journal of Applied Research in Electrical Engineering | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MVOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2695-8821 | Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MR77 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-5100 | Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering | Ayandegan Institute of Higher Education | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MR9B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2664-2026 | Journal of Applied Science & Engineering A | Mongolian University of Science & Technology, School of Applied Sciences | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Mongolia | Available Now | N7WH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1939-8565 | Journal of Applied Science & Engineering Technology | Rochester Institute of Technology | 09/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | 09/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B08U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0855-2215 | Journal of Applied Science & Technology | Journal of Applied Science & Technology (JAST) | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | BA5J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-4763 | Journal of Applied Statistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0260-437X | Journal of Applied Toxicology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1990 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KQM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2301-7309 | Journal of Aquaculture & Fish Health | Universitas Airlangga | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXO0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1076-0431 | Journal of Architectural Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3Y2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-2049 | Journal of Architecture & Civil Engineering | Chang'an Daxue Zazhishe | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JF79 |
Core | Academic Journal | 3041-850X | Journal of Artificial Intelligence & System Modelling (JAISM) | Bilijipub Publisher | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NMKP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0021 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence (2579-0021) | Tech Science Press | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI68 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1076-9757 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research | AI Access Foundation | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | YS9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1737-9334 | Journal of Artificial Intelligence: Theory & Application | HyperSciences Publisher | 02/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | 02/01/2010 | 07/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Tunisia | Available Now | B2K6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1028-6020 | Journal of Asian Natural Products Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J40 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-718X | Journal of Astrophysics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/01/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6PW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0739-0572 | Journal of Atmospheric & Oceanic Technology | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9LU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-7433 | Journal of Automated Reasoning | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OH7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-2315 | Journal of Automation & Information Sciences | Begell House Incorporated | 01/01/2002 | 09/30/2005 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LD7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1112-8542 | Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering | Journal of Automation & Systems Engineering | 01/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | 01/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | H02F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1897-8649 | Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems | Sciendo | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | B0C9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-286X | Journal of Automotive Powertrain & Transportation Technology (JAPTT) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKJA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1992-0652 | Journal of Babylon University | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 03/01/2018 | 07/31/2018 | 03/01/2018 | 07/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | H03I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-499X | Journal of Ballistics / Dandao Xuebao | Journal of Ballistics Editorial Department | 09/01/2017 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KBDU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-9872 | Journal of Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture | Journal of Beijing University of Civil Engineering & Architecture Editorial Office | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JF6U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2962-343X | Journal of Bio-Molecule Research & Engineering | Universitas Airlangga | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N5KY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1095-6670 | Journal of Biochemical & Molecular Toxicology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O5V |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9258 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Elsevier B.V. | 03/18/2005 | 08/11/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1H1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-3758 | Journal of Biological Dynamics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30NX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0148-0731 | Journal of Biomechanical Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TTA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-0464 | Journal of Biomedical Informatics | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | OMB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9304 | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 01/01/2001 | 12/15/2007 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2TW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1549-3296 | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part A | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XPL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1552-4973 | Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Part B: Applied Biomaterials | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/15/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XPM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-7200 | Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering | Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | FI78 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2791-7169 | Journal of Biometry Studies | Journal of Biometry Studies | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N0FV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-0702 | Journal of Bridge Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1996 | | 02/01/1996 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0883-8151 | Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media | Broadcast Education Association | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JBE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2353-0057 | Journal of Building Materials & Structures | Journal of Building Materials & Structures | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Algeria | Available Now | MV84 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1940-1493 | Journal of Building Performance Simulation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2008 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5EW4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9398 | Journal of Business | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/1928 | 10/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JBU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0740-9168 | Journal of Business of the University of Chicago | University of Chicago Press | 07/01/1931 | 10/01/1947 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 7CAU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9517 | Journal of Catalysis | Academic Press | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KZT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-5102 | Journal of Catalysts | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2014 | 01/02/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FV7A |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9533 | Journal of Cell Science | Company of Biologists Ltd. | 04/15/2006 | 04/15/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2352-3689 | Journal of Cellular Biotechnology | IOS Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | 3 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | JUIF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-1190 | Journal of Central China Normal University | Huazhong Normal University | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JOE3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-784X | Journal of Ceramics / Taoci Xuebao | Journal of Ceramics Editorial Office | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LA7N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-5170 | Journal of Cereal Biotechnology & Biochemistry / Biyutichnuluzhī va Biyushīmī-i Ghallāt | Razi University | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N717 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1879-9523 | Journal of Chain-computerisation | Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals (Uopen Journals) | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | BA3D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9568 | Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1977 | 06/14/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-673X | Journal of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering | University of Tehran | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MXOD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9584 | Journal of Chemical Education | American Chemical Society | 12/01/1929 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JCM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0095-2338 | Journal of Chemical Information & Computer Sciences | American Chemical Society | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1549-9596 | Journal of Chemical Information & Modeling | American Chemical Society | 01/01/2007 | 05/29/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1CA1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9606 | Journal of Chemical Physics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1941 | 10/04/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 33J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-2575 | Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1991 | | 08/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2663-2934 | Journal of Chemistry & Technologies | Oles Honchar Dnipro National University | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | MT7H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2349-7564 | Journal of Chemistry, Environmental Sciences & its Applications | Chitkara University | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MZJQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9630 | Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/1968 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JYY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-1964 | Journal of China Institute of Mining & Technology / Zhongguo Kuangye Xueyuan Xuebao | Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui | 09/01/2019 | | 09/01/2019 | | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | KSOA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-8224 | Journal of Chongqing University / Chongqing Daxue Xuebao | Chongqing Daxue | 03/01/2007 | 09/30/2012 | | | | Y | | China | Available Now | 6ML5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-825X | Journal of Chongqing University of Posts & Telecommunications (Natural Science Edition) | Chongqing University of Posts & Telecommunications | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FY4E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-8425 | Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Natural Science) | Chongqing University of Technology | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N714 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-1266 | Journal of Circuits, Systems & Computers | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-7918 | Journal of Civil & Environmental Engineering (2008-7918) | University of Tabriz | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NLLC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2676-332X | Journal of Civil Engineering & Materials Application | Journal of Civil Engineering & Materials Application | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MXZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-140X | Journal of Civil Infrastructure Researches | University of Qom | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N4L1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-3021 | Journal of Climate & Applied Meteorology | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/1987 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | M1S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2059-8661 | Journal of Clinical & Translational Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JVXI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9762 | Journal of Clinical Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1949 | 04/01/1961 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JLP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2192-113X | Journal of Cloud Computing (2192-113X) | Springer Nature | 03/17/2016 | | 03/17/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F2HQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0749-0208 | Journal of Coastal Research | KnowledgeWorks Global, Ltd | 03/01/1994 | | 01/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | H11 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-8773 | Journal of Coatings Technology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/2003 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 4BT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1945-9645 | Journal of Coatings Technology & Research | Springer Nature | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 8B9K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0898-929X | Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | MIT Press | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JGU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-381X | Journal of Cold Regions Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 03/01/1991 | | 03/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JGN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9797 | Journal of Colloid & Interface Science | Academic Press | 01/01/1966 | 11/01/1966 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 4BU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0095-8522 | Journal of Colloid Science | Academic Press | 02/01/1958 | 12/01/1965 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D36G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-8539 | Journal of Combinatorial Designs | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BXX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1382-6905 | Journal of Combinatorial Optimization | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OHE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0097-3165 | Journal of Combinatorial Theory - Series A | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0B |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Combustion Toxicology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1977 | 05/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-9916 | Journal of Communication | Oxford University Press | 09/01/1961 | 12/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JCO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1979-2484 | Journal of Communication & Information Technology (CommIT Journal) | Journal of Communication & Information Technology (CommIT Journal) | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NBME |
Core | Academic Journal | 1845-6421 | Journal of Communications Software & Systems | Croatian Communications & Information Society | 03/01/2010 | | 03/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | B7WD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-2269 | Journal of Communications Technology & Electronics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GJZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-4963 | Journal of Complex Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | 01/15/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/15/2019 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FV7C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2051-1310 | Journal of Complex Networks | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSW6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7244 | Journal of Complex Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/01/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBG6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-064X | Journal of Complexity | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-7995 | Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences | JVE International Ltd. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | MZKR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9983 | Journal of Composite Materials | Sage Publications | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H5C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7252 | Journal of Composites | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 08/30/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 08/30/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBG5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1090-0268 | Journal of Composites for Construction | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1997 | | 02/01/1997 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-477X | Journal of Composites Science | MDPI | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU28 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0377-0427 | Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3MI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1586-2070 | Journal of Computational & Applied Mechanics | Institute of Mathematics, University of Miskolc | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | 784I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-8600 | Journal of Computational & Graphical Statistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1994 | | 09/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CGS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-396X | Journal of Computational Acoustics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/1993 | 12/31/2017 | 03/01/1993 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8KF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1521-1398 | Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications | Eudoxus Press, LLC | 04/01/2003 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-6713 | Journal of Computational Applied Mechanics | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAHD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2737-4165 | Journal of Computational Biophysics & Chemistry | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2021 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | MI6M |
Core | Academic Journal | 0192-8651 | Journal of Computational Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 33K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2158-2491 | Journal of Computational Dynamics | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGL2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-3408 | Journal of Computational Innovation & Analytics (JCIA) | UUM Press | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | N9PB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-9409 | Journal of Computational Mathematics | Global Science Press | 03/01/1999 | 09/06/2023 | 03/01/1999 | 09/06/2023 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 8P6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1472-7978 | Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences & Engineering | IOS Press | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 22NV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2444-5002 | Journal of Computational Systems & ICTs | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2980-177X | Journal of Computer & Electrical & Electronics Engineering Sciences (JCEEES) | MediHealth Academy (MHA) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NF2N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0000 | Journal of Computer & System Sciences | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KZV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-2307 | Journal of Computer & Systems Sciences International | Springer Nature | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 46D4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0266-4909 | Journal of Computer Assisted Learning | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6M1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-4417 | Journal of Computer Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6M3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-7141 | Journal of Computer Networks & Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FI99 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Computer Resource Management | Computer Measurement Group | 09/01/2002 | 01/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QFE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1844-6043 | Journal of Computer Science & Control Systems | Journal of Computer Science & Control Systems | 10/01/2009 | | 10/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 8H1P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-9000 | Journal of Computer Science & Technology (10009000) | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | YSC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1666-6046 | Journal of Computer Science & Technology (JCS&T) | Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 10/01/2008 | | 10/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Argentina | Available Now | 38N2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2985-5772 | Journal of Computer Science & Technology (JOCSTEC) | PT. Padang Tekno Corp | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N6AY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2709-104X | Journal of Computer Science & Technology Studies | Al-Kindi Center for Research & Development | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N19N |
Core | Academic Journal | 3026-3379 | Journal of Computer Science Advancements | Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NF70 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2544-0764 | Journal of Computer Sciences Institute | Lublin University of Technology | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N6HC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0926-227X | Journal of Computer Security | IOS Press | 03/01/1996 | | 03/01/1996 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LCY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7381 | Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, & Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ND0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1003-9775 | Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics / Jisuanji Fuzhu Sheji Yu Tuxingxue Xuebao | Gai Kan Bian Wei Hui | 10/01/2019 | | 10/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4XQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0928-1045 | Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OHI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0920-654X | Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OHK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1083-6101 | Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QPA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1943-5908 | Journal of Computers in Mathematics & Science Teaching | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GWS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1530-9827 | Journal of Computing & Information Science in Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/2007 | 12/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | N76 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1330-1136 | Journal of Computing & Information Technology | CIT. Journal of Computing & Information Technology | 09/01/2002 | | 06/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | QFG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-4460 | Journal of Computing & Security | University of Isfahan | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | KBSY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-3801 | Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JVE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2600-8793 | Journal of Computing Research & Innovation | Journal of Computing Research & Innovation | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | MR9E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1548-5390 | Journal of Concrete & Applicable Mathematics | Eudoxus Press, LLC | 01/01/2006 | 07/30/2015 | 01/01/2006 | 07/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 222V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2227-3123 | Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science | Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | NCWU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1994-7402 | Journal of Construction (JOC) | Association of Schools of Construction of Southern Africa (ASOCSA) | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | NBRW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9364 | Journal of Construction Engineering & Management | American Society of Civil Engineers | 09/01/1983 | | 03/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EEE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-8285 | Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RE6 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0362-1677 | Journal of Consumer Product Flammability | Sage Publications | 03/01/1977 | 06/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | A0F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2561-3103 | Journal of Contact Lens Research & Science (JCLRS) | Dougmar Publishing Group, Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | LM7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2330-7706 | Journal of Control & Decision | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GQIA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0221 | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | Sage Publications | 09/01/1977 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CCP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-7025 | Journal of Cryptologic Research (2095-7025) | Editorial Board of Journal of Cryptologic Research | 05/01/2023 | 12/31/2023 | 05/01/2023 | 12/31/2023 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N0BO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-4116 | Journal of Cryptologic Research (2097-4116) | Editorial Board of Journal of Cryptologic Research | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NM2O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0933-2790 | Journal of Cryptology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LNJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2374-2917 | Journal of Cyber Security Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEKB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2057-2093 | Journal of Cybersecurity | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KIOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2769-7851 | Journal of Cybersecurity & Information Management | American Scientific Publishing Group | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N4KB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-800X | Journal of Cybersecurity & Privacy | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ75 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0072 | Journal of Cybersecurity (2579-0072) | Tech Science Press | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI69 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-5499 | Journal of Cyberspace Studies (JCSS) | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAGF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-1388 | Journal of Dalian Ocean University | Journal of Dalian Ocean University Editorial Office | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MR0G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-1404 | Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University | Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University Editorial Department | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L52L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2972-3841 | Journal of Data Science & Intelligent Systems (JDSIS) | Bon View Publishing | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NC7B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2805-5160 | Journal of Data Sciences | INTI International University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NO3C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-8016 | Journal of Database Management | IGI Global, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 0L4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1246-0125 | Journal of Decision Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/28/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 91NL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1823-4208 | Journal of Design & Built Environment | University of Malaya, Faculty of Built Environment | 12/01/2014 | | 12/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | HJN3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2757-9093 | Journal of Design Architecture & Engineering (FBU-DAE) / Tasarım, Mimarlık ve Mühendislik Dergisi | Journal of Design Architecture & Engineering | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MZ54 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2709-4510 | Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS) | Journal of Digital Food, Energy & Water Systems (JD-FEWS) | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | MVPN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0897-1889 | Journal of Digital Imaging | Springer Nature | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2024 | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2024 | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | DOQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-9837 | Journal of Discrete Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2014 | 01/02/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FV7E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0418 | Journal of Documentation | Emerald Publishing Limited | 06/01/1945 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GRF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-0444 | Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science Edition) | Journal of Donghua University (Natural Science) Editorial Office | 03/01/2021 | | 03/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MK4N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-8530 | Journal of Drainage & Irrigation Machinery Engineering / Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao | Editorial Department of Drainage & Irrigation Machinery Engineering | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K5BY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0434 | Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, & Control | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JYM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1079-2724 | Journal of Dynamical & Control Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N6M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2164-6066 | Journal of Dynamics & Games | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 11/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JV7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1542-4049 | Journal of E-Government | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2006 | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Y64 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-0523 | Journal of East China Jiaotong University | Journal of East China Jiaotong University Editorial Office | 08/01/2024 | | 08/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NEUA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2470-5357 | Journal of Ecohydraulics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEKC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0485 | Journal of Economic Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1977 | 06/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JMD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0574 | Journal of Education | Sage Publications | 01/07/1929 | 02/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JED |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0612 | Journal of Education for Social Work | Council on Social Work Education | 05/01/1980 | 09/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5OJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0735-6331 | Journal of Educational Computing Research | Sage Publications | 11/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | E69 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0655 | Journal of Educational Measurement | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1969 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MEA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1055-8896 | Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FZQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0663 | Journal of Educational Psychology | American Psychological Association | 04/01/1943 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JEP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0671 | Journal of Educational Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1974 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ERE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-3525 | Journal of Educational Sociology | Sage Publications Inc. | 01/01/1929 | 05/31/1963 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5OK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0047-2395 | Journal of Educational Technology Systems | Sage Publications | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ETS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0374-3535 | Journal of Elasticity | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OHP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-9140 | Journal of Electric Power Science & Technology | Changsha University of Science & Technology | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQKO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-4596 | Journal of Electric Propulsion | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-0147 | Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9033 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-3952 | Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering Innovations (JECEI) | Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N1FH |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Electricity | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 12/15/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-3471 | Journal of Electrochemistry | Journal of Electrochemistry Editorial Office | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MR0S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2671-7255 | Journal of Electromagnetic Engineering & Science | Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering & Science | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H8P5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-2937 | Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PFG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1938-9027 | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | Journal of Electronic Commerce Research | 02/01/2000 | | 06/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FYE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1017-9909 | Journal of Electronic Imaging | SPIE - International Society of Optical Engineering | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | O1A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-5235 | Journal of Electronic Materials | Springer Nature | 01/02/1991 | | 02/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | QVS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-7105 | Journal of Electronic Measurement & Instrument | Journal of Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JGKK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1043-7398 | Journal of Electronic Packaging | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/01/2001 | 12/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JEK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-6074 | Journal of Electronic Voltage & Application (JEVA) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBEO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1740-4460 | Journal of Embedded Computing | IOS Press | 01/01/2005 | 08/31/2011 | 01/01/2005 | 08/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 22NW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-0787 | Journal of Employment Counseling | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1978 | 03/01/1979 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-2239 | Journal of End User Computing | IGI Global | 07/01/1997 | 10/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 0L5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0737-0652 | Journal of Energetic Materials | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RFN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0146-0412 | Journal of Energy | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1983 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82WN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-735X | Journal of Energy (2356-735X) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBI1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9402 | Journal of Energy Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 03/01/1983 | | 04/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0195-0738 | Journal of Energy Resources Technology | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 09/01/1983 | 12/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TAJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1110-1903 | Journal of Engineering & Applied Science | Springer Nature | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K4XU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0923-4748 | Journal of Engineering & Technology Management | Elsevier Science | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | JGI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1069-4730 | Journal of Engineering Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1924 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6M4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Engineering Educational Research | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/02/1933 | 06/02/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0742-4795 | Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines & Power | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TAR |
Priority | Magazine | 0022-0817 | Journal of Engineering for Industry | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 11/01/1959 | 02/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8MX |
Priority | Magazine | 0022-0825 | Journal of Engineering for Power | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/1959 | 10/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3O2T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-2060 | Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy & Power / Reneng Dongli Gongcheng | Journal of Engineering for Thermal Energy & Power | 06/01/2017 | | 06/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K5BJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-9665 | Journal of Engineering Geology / Gongcheng Dizhi Xuebao | Journal of Engineering Geology | 02/01/2017 | | 02/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KSOL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-8859 | Journal of Engineering Management / Gongcheng Guanli Xuebao | Journal of Engineering Management Editorial Office | 02/01/2019 | | 02/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LA64 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0094-4289 | Journal of Engineering Materials & Technology | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/1973 | 01/01/2019 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TAE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9399 | Journal of Engineering Mechanics | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2537-320X | Journal of Engineering Sciences & Innovation (JESI) | Technical Sciences Academy of Romania | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MAJY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2068-7559 | Journal of Engineering Studies & Research | Alma Mater | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FDE7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0747-9964 | Journal of Engineering Technology | ASEE | 04/15/1991 | | 04/15/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QVR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2682-8383 | Journal of Engineering Technology & Applied Physics (JETAP) | UNIVERSITI TELEKOM SDN BHD | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKLO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2548-0391 | Journal of Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences | Journal of Engineering Technology & Applied Sciences | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MXD2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2221-6529 | Journal of Engineering, Project & Production Management | Association of Engineering, Project & Production Management | 07/01/2011 | | 07/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | FA85 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Enviromental Sciences & Natural Resources / Revista de Ciencias Ambientales & Recursos Naturale | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MSPA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0095-8964 | Journal of Environmental Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1977 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9372 | Journal of Environmental Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JMI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1496-2551 | Journal of Environmental Engineering & Science | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | P6C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0854-9796 | Journal of Environmental Engineering / Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan | Indonesian Combinatorial Society & Institut Teknologi (ITB) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N93G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0892 | Journal of Environmental Health | National Environmental Health Association | 07/01/1973 | | 07/01/1993 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EVH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1829-7285 | Journal of Environmental Health / Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan | Universitas Airlangga | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXNR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0047-2425 | Journal of Environmental Quality | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/01/1973 | | 01/01/1997 | 09/01/2003 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0906 | Journal of Environmental Sciences (00220906) | Institute of Environmental Sciences & Technology | 02/01/1967 | 11/30/1989 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MJE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2377-374X | Journal of Environmental Solutions For Oil, Gas & Mining | College Publishing | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L1V1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0047-2433 | Journal of Environmental Systems | Sage Publications Inc. | 01/13/1977 | 01/13/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | E68 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-1901 | Journal of Equity in Sciences & Sustainable Development | Madda Walabu University | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ethiopia | Available Now | MR9I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2147-2955 | Journal of ETA Maritime Science | Galenos Yayinevi Tic. LTD. STI | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MFUC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2358-0348 | Journal of Exact Sciences | Master Editora | 04/01/2014 | | 04/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | LAEK |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0887-5405 | Journal of Exceptional Children | Council for Exceptional Children | 10/01/1945 | 05/01/1951 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BOV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-4648 | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Analyses | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0952-813X | Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 07/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-6654 | Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 87K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2315-9650 | Journal of Experimental Research | Journal of Experimental Research | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MR9J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-302X | Journal of Facade Design & Engineering | TU Delft Open | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | H6UH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2303-5145 | Journal of Faculty of Mining, Geology & Civil Engineering / Glasnik Rudarsko-gradevinskog fakulteta | University of Tuzla, Faculty of Mining, Geology & Civil Engineering | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | KBXO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-4959 | Journal of Field Robotics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2SGZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-0500 | Journal of Finsler Geometry & its Applications | University of Mohaghegh Ardabili | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MXDP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1104 | Journal of Fire & Flammability | Sage Publications | 01/01/1977 | 04/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | A0K |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0362-1693 | Journal of Fire Retardant Chemistry | Sage Publications | 02/01/1977 | 05/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | A0O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-9041 | Journal of Fire Sciences | Sage Publications | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IZL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1120 | Journal of Fluid Mechanics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G02 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7376 | Journal of Fluids | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 10/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 10/27/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-2202 | Journal of Fluids Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/02/1973 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TFE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2676-3494 | Journal of Food & Bioprocess Engineering | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAGH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0145-8876 | Journal of Food Process Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1728 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7384 | Journal of Food Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 04/26/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 04/26/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBG9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-515X | Journal of Food Research / Pizhūhish Hā-yi Sanāyi̒-i Ghaz̠āyī | University of Tabriz | 01/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NA59 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1147 | Journal of Food Science (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LVE1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1147 | Journal of Food Science (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1973 | 12/31/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FOS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7392 | Journal of Fuels | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 11/30/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 11/10/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1080-5230 | Journal of Functional & Logic Programming | European Association for Programming Languages & Systems | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 18N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-4983 | Journal of Functional Biomaterials | MDPI | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | DRYI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-7968 | Journal of Functional Programming | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6V7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-1442 | Journal of Fuzzy Extension & Applications (JFEA) | Journal of Fuzzy Extension & Applications | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MPI1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1757-191X | Journal of Gaming & Virtual Worlds | Intellect Ltd. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6BOM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1325 | Journal of Genetic Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1977 | 12/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GNP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-4257 | Journal of Genetic Resources | University of Mazandaran | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDUF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-2880 | Journal of Geo-Engineering Science | IOS Press | 07/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 07/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | H6UI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1990-8326 | Journal of GeoEngineering | Taiwan Geotechnical Society | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | K54H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1376 | Journal of Geology | University of Chicago Press | 01/02/1958 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2169-9380 | Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B86W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1090-0241 | Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JNN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9410 | Journal of Geotechnical Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1996 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4TE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1062-7375 | Journal of Global Information Management | IGI Global, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 0LA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1097-198X | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QFH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-5001 | Journal of Global Optimization | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1352-0237 | Journal of Government Information | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2004 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KJJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1309-2243 | Journal of Graduate School of Natural & Applied Sciences of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University / Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N8Q1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0364-9024 | Journal of Graph Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BWU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-302X | Journal of Graphics | Journal of Graphics Editorial Office | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ7V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-7195 | Journal of Ground Improvement | Journal of Ground Improvement Editorial Office | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3RH |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Guidance & Control | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1978 | 09/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0731-5090 | Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1991 | 11/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1EU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-2683 | Journal of Harbin University of Science & Technology | Journal of Harbin University of Science & Technology | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | GCTQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0304-3894 | Journal of Hazardous Materials | Elsevier Science | 03/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3MX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2153-5493 | Journal of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BG45 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-807X | Journal of Health & Safety at Work | Iranian Occupational Health Association | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | JEPB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1178-4407 | Journal of Health Informatics in Developing Countries | Dr. Mowafa Househ | 11/01/2010 | | 11/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Saudi Arabia | Available Now | B039 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-508X | Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer Research | Semnan University | 01/01/2023 | | 11/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NB8J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1481 | Journal of Heat Transfer | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 02/01/1959 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | THT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1008-1542 | Journal of Hebei University of Science & Technology | Hebei University of Science & Technology, Journal of Hebei University of Science & Technology | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | GC61 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-7262 | Journal of Heilongjiang University of Science & Technology | Journal of Heilongjiang University of Science & Technology Editorial Department | 01/01/2018 | 05/31/2022 | 01/01/2018 | 05/31/2022 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L9JF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1381-1231 | Journal of Heuristics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OI0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0926-6801 | Journal of High Speed Networks | IOS Press | 06/01/1996 | | 06/01/1996 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | HSN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1546 | Journal of Higher Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1930 | 05/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JHE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1646-7752 | Journal of History of Science & Technology (HoST) | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N070 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1570 | Journal of Home Economics | American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences | 03/01/1921 | 04/01/1921 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JHC |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Huazhong Normal University | Huazhong Normal University | 08/01/2012 | 12/31/2014 | 08/01/2012 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FBL5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9429 | Journal of Hydraulic Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JDU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-413X | Journal of Hydraulic Structures | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MXRZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-0699 | Journal of Hydrologic Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0042-790X | Journal of Hydrology & Hydromechanics / Vodohospodarsky Casopis | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BA9P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-5608 | Journal of Hydrosciences & Environment | University of Sistan & Baluchestan | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MYA4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2337-5787 | Journal of ICT Research & Applications | Institut Teknologi Bandung | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | FXSA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-8961 | Journal of Image & Graphics | Editorial Office of Journal of Image & Graphics | 04/01/2015 | 08/31/2020 | 04/01/2015 | 08/31/2020 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | HPBJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2301-3699 | Journal of Image & Graphics (United Kingdom) | Journal of Image & Graphics | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NLJT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2313-433X | Journal of Imaging | MDPI | 03/01/2017 | | 03/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU2A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1062-3701 | Journal of Imaging Science & Technology | Society for Imaging Science & Technology | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4UK0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-1819 | Journal of Immunoassay & Immunochemistry | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KUT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2549-1407 | Journal of Indonesian Civil & Environmental Engineering / Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Lingkungan | IPB University | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWB0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 12/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9U8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-5816 | Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FR6P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1843-3766 | Journal of Industrial Design & Engineering Graphics | SORGING | 12/01/2010 | | 12/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | B9R0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-2269 | Journal of Industrial Engineering Research in Production Systems | Bu-Ali Sina University | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | ND73 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Industrial Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1967 | 12/01/1968 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D5V5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Industrial Hygiene | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 11/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36P |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Industrial Hygiene & Abstract of the Literature | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 09/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36Q |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Industrial Hygiene & Toxicology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 11/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-8853 | Journal of Industrial Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 01/02/2015 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1537-0429 | Journal of Industrial Technology | Association of Technology, Management, & Applied Engineering | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CTT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-875X | Journal of Informatics & Mathematical Sciences | RGN Publications | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | AZBS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-370X | Journal of Informatics & Web Engineering (JIWE) | UNIVERSITI TELEKOM SDN BHD | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKZS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2234-8255 | Journal of Information & Communication Convergence Engineering | Korea Institute of Information & Communication Engineering | 09/01/2015 | | 09/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H8PL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1675-414X | Journal of Information & Communication Technology | UUM Press | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | AX5W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2178-7107 | Journal of Information & Data Management (2178-7107) | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | | Brazil | Coming Soon | N765 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0252-2667 | Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences | Taru Publications | 01/01/2013 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | India | Available Now | B957 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2475-1839 | Journal of Information & Telecommunication | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2017 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L51B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1598-0316 | Journal of Information Display | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EG6P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-9321 | Journal of Information Ethics | McFarland & Company, Inc. | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GMM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2637-4234 | Journal of Information Hiding & Privacy Protection | Tech Science Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI35 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2158-3897 | Journal of Information Policy | Institute for Information Policy | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FSPI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-6548 | Journal of Information Privacy & Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | 10/01/2017 | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15IJ |
Core | Magazine | 0021-7298 | Journal of Information Processing & Management / Joho Kanri | Japan Science & Technology Agency | 01/01/2004 | 02/28/2018 | | | | | | Japan | Available Now | RRK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1976-913X | Journal of Information Processing Systems | Korea Information Processing Society | 12/01/2011 | | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | DRZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-5515 | Journal of Information Science | Sage Publications | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | INJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1016-2364 | Journal of Information Science & Engineering | Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica | 11/01/2007 | | 11/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | RRF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2214-2126 | Journal of Information Security & Applications | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | L3QU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1843-4711 | Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management | Romanian American University | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | DRXL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1946-1836 | Journal of Information Systems Applied Research | Information Systems & Computing Academic Professionals (ISCAP) | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B75E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1945-5240 | Journal of Information Systems Technology & Planning | Intellectbase International Consortium | 11/01/2010 | | 11/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B8HB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2531-2200 | Journal of Information Technologies & Communications / Revista de Tecnologías de la Información & Comunicaciones | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2232-9625 | Journal of Information Technology & Applications | Pan-European University Apeiron | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | EH5X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1933-1681 | Journal of Information Technology & Politics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3AFS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-3962 | Journal of Information Technology (Routledge, Ltd.) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1986 | 12/31/2003 | 02/01/1986 | 12/31/2003 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5BO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-3962 | Journal of Information Technology (Sage Publications Inc.) | Sage Publications | 03/01/2004 | | 06/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | H8PE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-8053 | Journal of Information Technology Case & Application Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | 02/01/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3CJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Information Technology Cases & Applications | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QFI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1874-4753 | Journal of Information Technology in Construction | Journal of Information Technology in Construction | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 784U |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-1577 | Journal of Informetrics | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 31NR |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Infrastructure Preservation & Resilience | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MWF2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2805-5179 | Journal of Innovation &Technology | INTI International University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NO3D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-6873 | Journal of Innovative Engineering / Revista de Ingenieria Innovativa | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2602-4217 | Journal of Innovative Science & Engineering (JISE) | Journal of Innovative Science & Engineering (JISE) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NAZK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2708-0242 | Journal of Institute of Mathematics & Digital Technology (JIMDT) | Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics & Digital Technology | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Mongolia | Available Now | N7WG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1807-1953 | Journal of Integrated Circuits & Systems | Brazilian Microelectronics Society | 08/01/2016 | | 08/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 46EI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-1246 | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | IOS Press | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | FLU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0921-0296 | Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OI6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-7217 | Journal of Intelligent Agriculture Mechanization | Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQPC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2958-3861 | Journal of Intelligent Construction | Journal of Intelligent Construction Editorial Office | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NEW2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-9902 | Journal of Intelligent Information Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OI7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-5515 | Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OI8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1045-389X | Journal of Intelligent Material Systems & Structures | Sage Publications | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H5D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0334-1860 | Journal of Intelligent Systems | De Gruyter | 03/02/2011 | | 03/02/2011 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GSK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2769-786X | Journal of Intelligent Systems & Internet of Things | American Scientific Publishing Group | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N4KD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-2450 | Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | W5N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-0370 | Journal of Interactive Instruction Development | Society for Applied Learning Technology | 10/01/2002 | 07/31/2011 | 10/01/2002 | 07/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | H5J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1093-023X | Journal of Interactive Learning Research | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 02/01/2004 | 07/31/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GWV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-2659 | Journal of Interconnection Networks | World Scientific Publishing Company | 04/01/2012 | | 03/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8KK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2645-4173 | Journal of Interfaces, Thin Films & Low dimensional systems (JITL) | Dr. Fakhri Sadat Hosseini, the Vice President for Research | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NNFI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1072-303X | Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2004 | 07/31/2020 | 09/01/2004 | 07/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | U1L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2233-5951 | Journal of International Council on Electrical Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | H8LP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1533-2861 | Journal of Internet Commerce | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 88N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1598-0170 | Journal of Internet Computing & Services | Korean Society for Internet Information | 11/01/2014 | | 11/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H906 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-2904 | Journal of Internet Law | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 96W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-3317 | Journal of Irrigation & Drainage | Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Editorial Office | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ7U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9437 | Journal of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 03/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-7512 | Journal of Isotopes | Journal of Isotopes Editorial Office | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N6QO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-7986 | Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory & Intelligent Informatics | Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory & Intelligent Informatics | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | B0CK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1882-8930 | Journal of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering / Kansei Kogaku | Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQOX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0387-6217 | Journal of Japan Wind Energy Association, JWEA | Japan Wind Energy Association | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPXD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1023-9510 | Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences | Kerman University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Medical Education Development Center | 08/01/2016 | | 08/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | K578 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1319-1047 | Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Engineering Sciences | King Abdulaziz University, Scientific Publishing Centre | 12/01/2010 | | 12/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Saudi Arabia | Available Now | B2MW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-2165 | Journal of Knot Theory & Its Ramifications | World Scientific Publishing Company | 02/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1226-3133 | Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering & Science / Han-Guk Jeonjapa Hakoe Nonmunji | Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering & Science | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H8P3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2076-1171 | Journal of Kufa for Mathematics & Computer | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2016 | 06/30/2018 | 01/01/2016 | 06/30/2018 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCE9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Land & Public Utility Economics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 11/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36S |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2194 | Journal of Learning Disabilities | Sage Publications | 10/01/1969 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LED |
Core | Academic Journal | 2524-7859 | Journal of Leather Science & Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2017 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LX3S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-6952 | Journal of Liaoning Shihua University / Liaoning Shiyou Huagong Daxue Xuebao | Journal Editorial Department Of Liaoning Shihua University | 12/01/2020 | | 12/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LRBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2691-5979 | Journal of Library Resource Sharing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MPHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2630-5569 | Journal of Literature Pharmacy Sciences | Turkiye Klinikleri | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MWB9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-9725 | Journal of Location Based Services | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30O0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1567-8326 | Journal of Logic & Algebraic Programming | Elsevier B.V. | 04/01/2002 | 01/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KJR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0955-792X | Journal of Logic & Computation | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-8531 | Journal of Logic, Language & Information | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OIA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-9268 | Journal of Low Power Electronics & Applications | MDPI | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | DRYJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2305 | Journal of Lubrication Technology | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/04/1977 | 07/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3NWO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1232-9312 | Journal of Machine Construction & Maintenance | Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute | 10/01/2017 | 10/31/2019 | 10/01/2017 | 10/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | KB2H |
Core | Academic Journal | 2940-3693 | Journal of Machine Design & Automation Intelligence | De Gruyter | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NM60 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-4435 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | Microtome Publishing | 10/01/2000 | | 10/01/2000 | 07/11/2005 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HZR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1947-4369 | Journal of Machining & Forming Technologies | Nova Science Publishers, Inc. | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2017 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B75G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2348 | Journal of Macromolecular Science: Physics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GH6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1939-7984 | Journal of Management & Engineering Integration | Journal of Management & Engineering Integration | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FA88 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0742-1222 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1984 | | 06/01/1984 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-4494 | Journal of Manufacturing & Materials Processing | MDPI | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU2B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1087-1357 | Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 05/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MCE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-6125 | Journal of Manufacturing Systems | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0LB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2301-6159 | Journal of Marine & Coastal Science | Universitas Airlangga | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXO1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2787-8880 | Journal of Maritime Sciences / Casopis Pomorskog Fakulteta Kotor | University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Montenegro | Available Now | N4D1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2429 | Journal of Marketing | American Marketing Association | 01/01/1948 | 10/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JMK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2170-127X | Journal of Materials & Engineering Structures | Journal of Materials & Engineering Structures | 01/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Algeria | Available Now | NC9Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1059-9495 | Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance | Springer Nature | 02/01/1992 | | 02/01/1999 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | QVQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-4381 | Journal of Materials Engineering / Cailiao Gongcheng | Journal of Materials Engineering Editorial Office | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JESV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-1561 | Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0884-2914 | Journal of Materials Research | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | QVJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2461 | Journal of Materials Science | Springer Nature | 01/01/1991 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OIB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-2812 | Journal of Materials Science & Engineering (1673-2812) | Journal of Materials Science & Engineering Editorial Office | 10/01/2020 | | 10/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | M9GA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-4522 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OID |
Core | Academic Journal | 3004-8958 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Engineering | Springer Nature | 06/17/2024 | | 06/17/2024 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NO8R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-4530 | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine | Springer Nature | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OIE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-9907 | Journal of Mathematical Imaging & Vision | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OIF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2351-5279 | Journal of Mathematical Models in Engineering | JVE International Ltd. | 12/01/2017 | | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | KSRQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2636-8692 | Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Modelling | Journal of Mathematical Sciences & Modelling | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7TC |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-1421 | Journal of Mathematics & Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/1959 | 12/01/1968 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M8C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2709-4200 | Journal of Mathematics & Statistics Studies | Al-Kindi Center for Research & Development | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N2RU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1563-0277 | Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics & Computer Science | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | MPM8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-8042 | Journal of Measurement Science & Instrumentation | Journal of Measurement Science & Instrumentation | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | DBQ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-4551 | Journal of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering | Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Magazine | 05/01/2014 | | 05/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | H93I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1050-0472 | Journal of Mechanical Design | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 28J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1823-5514 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering (1823-5514) | Universiti Teknologi MARA | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | K57S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0039-2472 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering (2450-5471) | Sciendo | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MU7Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2531-2189 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering / Revista de Ingeniería Mecánica | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MR74 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2305-9001 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering the National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute' | National Technical University of Ukraine KPI | 05/01/2014 | 09/30/2016 | 05/01/2014 | 09/30/2016 | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HJMR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2669-2600 | Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Automation & Control Systems | JVE International Ltd. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | MZKQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-9669 | Journal of Mechanical Strength / Jixie Qiangdu | Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4IE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2710-1436 | Journal of Mechanical, Civil & Industrial Engineering | Al-Kindi Center for Research & Development | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MR8A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2669-1116 | Journal of Mechatronic & Artificial Intelligence in Engineering | JVE International Ltd. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | MZ6L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-018X | Journal of Mechatronics & Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | 02/29/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9036 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0309-1902 | Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 07/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1439-4456 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | JMIR Publications Inc. | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Canada | Available Now | DNC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1366-4786 | Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission | Journal of Memetics | 06/01/1998 | 03/01/2005 | 06/01/1998 | 03/01/2005 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3ED |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-7462 | Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MPMP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9465 | Journal of Metallurgy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 10/04/2019 | 01/01/2008 | 10/04/2019 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ND3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0148-6608 | Journal of Metals | Springer Nature | 01/01/1977 | 12/01/1988 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 82WO |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Metals (1949) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1949 | 11/01/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1057-7157 | Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems | IEEE | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JJI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2516-5984 | Journal of Micromanufacturing | Sage Publications | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LRK1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0832-7823 | Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1991 | | 06/01/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QVO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2179-1074 | Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics & Electromagnetic Applications | Brazilian Microwave & Optoelectronics Society | 05/01/2012 | | 05/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | FBPX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1804-9338 | Journal of Middle European Construction & Design of Cars | Sciendo | 09/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | G5BQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-251X | Journal of Mine Automation | Industry & Mine Automation Editorial Department | 10/01/2017 | | 10/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6V7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-5143 | Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering / Muhandisī-i Manābi̒-i Ma̒danī | Imam Khomeini International University | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MUDR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1881-6118 | Journal of MMIJ | Mining & Materials Processing Institute of Japan | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | JI8U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2067-4074 | Journal of Mobile, Embedded & Distributed Systems | Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies, Department of Economic Informatics & Cybernetics | 12/01/2012 | 07/31/2015 | 12/01/2012 | 07/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FNPM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1737-9377 | Journal of Modelling & Simulation of Systems | HyperSciences Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Tunisia | Available Now | B2K8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1930-5311 | Journal of Modern Dynamics | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGL3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-087X | Journal of Modern Transportation | Springer Nature | 03/01/2016 | 12/31/2019 | 03/01/2016 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FV53 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2251-2373 | Journal of Molecular & Engineering Materials | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | ETYJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2836 | Journal of Molecular Biology | Academic Press | 12/15/2006 | 12/15/2006 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L00 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1093-3263 | Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JKW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-9035 | Journal of Molecular Science | Journal of Molecular Science Editorial Office | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MPL6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1796-2048 | Journal of Multimedia | Academy Publisher | 06/01/2007 | 01/01/2015 | 06/01/2007 | 01/01/2015 | | Y | Y | Finland | Available Now | 3291 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1542-3980 | Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic & Soft Computing | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 11/01/2002 | | 05/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SZS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2917 | Journal of Music Therapy | Oxford University Press | 09/01/1977 | 12/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GTA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-0456 | Journal of Nanchang University (Engineering & Technology) | Nanchang University | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MRL4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2077-6772 | Journal of Nano- & Electronic Physics | Sumy State University | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FASI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-749X | Journal of Nanoscience | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 08/20/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 08/20/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9503 | Journal of Nanotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ND4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-845X | Journal of Nanotheranostics | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2086-4639 | Journal of Natural Resources & Environment Management / Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan | IPB University | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWAZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0967-0335 | Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy | Sage Publications | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B9YH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2529-850X | Journal of Negative & No Positive Results | Research & Science S.L. | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | KYI0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2984 | Journal of Negro Education | Howard University | 01/01/1963 | 06/01/1964 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JNE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-8045 | Journal of Network & Computer Applications | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LX7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-6859 | Journal of Network & Information Security | Publishing India Group | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JEOQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-7570 | Journal of Network & Systems Management | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 10/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 3YF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-321X | Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, & Economics | Association for NeuroPsychoEconomics | 12/12/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 53UE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-6886 | Journal of New Approaches in Civil Engineering | Journal of New Approaches in Civil Engineering | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MRES |
Core | Academic Journal | 1480-2422 | Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 07/01/2012 | | 05/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | BAC1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0110 | Journal of New Media | Tech Science Press | 03/01/2021 | | 03/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MVFT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2560-6921 | Journal of Nonlinear & Variational Analysis | Biemdas Academic Publishers | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MT7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7503 | Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 04/11/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 04/11/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2562-2854 | Journal of Nonlinear Modeling & Analysis | Edilite | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MR9S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-4107 | Journal of Northeast Petroleum University | Journal of Northeast Petroleum University Editorial Office | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ83 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1345-4749 | Journal of Nuclear & Radiochemical Sciences | Japan Society of Nuclear & Radiochemical Sciences | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | 1CUG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-314X | Journal of Number Theory | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L02 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2363-8761 | Journal of Numerical Cognition (JNC) | Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MXMU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0148-4834 | Journal of Nursing Education | SLACK Incorporated | 09/01/1977 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 4C7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-3166 | Journal of Nutrition | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1958 | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NUI |
Priority | Magazine | 0896-8438 | Journal of Object-Oriented Programming | SIGS Publications Inc/New York | 03/01/1997 | 10/01/2001 | | | | | | | Available Now | 10QA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2383-336X | Journal of Occupational Hygiene Engineering | Journal of Occupational Hygiene Engineering | 09/01/2015 | | 09/01/2015 | | | Y | | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | JEOE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0892-7219 | Journal of Offshore Mechanics & Arctic Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 08/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JUC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2514-1708 | Journal of Open Hardware | Ubiquity Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MVP3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2049-9647 | Journal of Open Research Software | Ubiquity Press | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KIP6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2617-7595 | Journal of Open Systems Evolution Problems / Žurnal Problem Èvolûcii Otkrytyh Sistem | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | NLYA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-4576 | Journal of Operation & Automation in Power Engineering | University of Mohaghegh Ardabili | 12/01/2024 | | 12/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NB7P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2325-6184 | Journal of Operational Meteorology | National Weather Association | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FQ5T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-752X | Journal of Optimization | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3239 | Journal of Optimization Theory & Applications | Springer Nature | 10/01/2002 | | 10/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 41C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-2304 | Journal of Ordnance Equipment Engineering | Chongqing University of Technology | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N36F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1302-6798 | Journal of Ore Dressing | Mineral Processing Society | 06/01/2011 | 07/31/2015 | 06/01/2011 | 07/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | BBJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2308-8303 | Journal of Organic & Pharmaceutical Chemistry / Zhurnal Organichnoi ta Farmatsevtichnoi Khimii | National University of Pharmacy | 01/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | NEM7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1546-2234 | Journal of Organizational & End User Computing | IGI Global, Inc. | 09/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | U44 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1091-9392 | Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7MD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0743-7315 | Journal of Parallel & Distributed Computing | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-4087 | Journal of Particle Science & Technology | Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology (IROST) | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NA90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-3828 | Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/03/1991 | | 02/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JPM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-3506 | Journal of Personality | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1945 | 03/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JPS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-396X | Journal of Petrochemical Universities / Shiyou Huagong Gaodeng Xuexiao Xuebao | Journal Editorial Department Of Liaoning Shihua University | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K53F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2190-0558 | Journal of Petroleum Exploration & Production Technology | Springer Nature | 03/01/2016 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ESIC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0149-2136 | Journal of Petroleum Technology | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3530 | Journal of Petrology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-9918 | Journal of Pharmaceutics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2020 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FV7I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0189-8442 | Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources | Journal of Pharmacy & Bioresources | 05/01/2021 | | 05/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MR9U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7562 | Journal of Photonics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 06/29/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBGW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0047-2689 | Journal of Physical & Chemical Reference Data | American Institute of Physics | 01/06/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BR |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Physical & Colloid Chemistry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1947 | 12/03/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36V |
Priority | Magazine | 0022-3654 | Journal of Physical Chemistry | American Chemical Society | 01/02/1952 | 12/19/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BS |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Physical Chemistry (1896) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 11/01/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1089-5639 | Journal of Physical Chemistry A | American Chemical Society | 01/02/1997 | 06/21/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2Y3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1520-6106 | Journal of Physical Chemistry B | American Chemical Society | 04/01/2003 | 06/21/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2Y4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-3230 | Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BX2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3727 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | IOP Publishing | 01/02/1970 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3W3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of Physics. E, Scientific Instruments. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1970 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0950-1290 | Journal of Physics. E: Journal of Scientific Instruments (09501290) | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1968 | 12/01/1969 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9UM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-1433 | Journal of Pipeline Science & Engineering | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N7W3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-3443 | Journal of PLA University of Science & Technology (Natural Science Edition) / Jiefangjun Ligong Daxue Xuebao | Magazine of PLA University of Science & Technology | 12/01/2016 | 06/30/2017 | 12/01/2016 | 06/30/2017 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4XL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3778 | Journal of Plasma Physics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G06 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0334-6447 | Journal of Polymer Engineering | De Gruyter | 02/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | F27H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-624X | Journal of Polymer Science. Part A, Polymer Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 12/15/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0887-6266 | Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 12/15/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7570 | Journal of Polymers | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 11/14/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 11/14/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1302-0900 | Journal of Polytechnic | Journal of Polytechnic | 04/01/2017 | | 04/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | KBW2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2090-7710 | Journal of Powder Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2015 | 11/30/2018 | 05/01/2015 | 11/30/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6Q0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2083-4187 | Journal of Power Technologies | Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Heat Engineering | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | EG8E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-6848 | Journal of Poyang Lake | Journal of Poyang Lake Editorial Office | 05/01/2021 | | 05/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | BDTE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-2872 | Journal of Practical Information Technology | Medbiotech Journal | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | MZMK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-2910 | Journal of Practical Management Information Systems | Medbiotech Journal | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | MZFC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-2166 | Journal of Pragmatics | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3NT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0094-9930 | Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 02/01/1977 | 10/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JOV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0959-1524 | Journal of Process Control | Elsevier B.V. | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KJ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-0961 | Journal of Production & Industrial Engineering (JPIE) | RAME Publishers | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N0ZN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0733-9380 | Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | 07/01/1990 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82WX |
Priority | Magazine | 0569-7964 | Journal of Professional Practice. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1958 | 07/01/1972 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0145-3378 | Journal of Psychohistory | Association for Psychohistory Inc. | 07/01/1977 | 10/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GXB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2231-4202 | Journal of Pure & Applied Science & Technology | Natthan Lal Sevarth Samiti | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | EGO4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-0204 | Journal of Qadisiyah Computer Science & Mathematics | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCE0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2314-8055 | Journal of Quality & Reliability Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | 12/21/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 12/21/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G9F4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-4065 | Journal of Quality Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1969 | | 08/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1MI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0137 | Journal of Quantum Computing | Tech Science Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI3E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-5971 | Journal of Radiation Safety Measurement / Sanjish va Īmanī-i Partu | University of Kashan | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDXK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-7029 | Journal of Railway Science & Engineering | Journal of Railway Science & Engineering Editorial Office | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQLM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0970-5910 | Journal of Ravishankar University, Part-B Science | Ravishankar Shukla University | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JF5L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0970-1990 | Journal of Recent Advances in Applied Sciences | Anveshika Publishing & Informatics | 11/01/2010 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | | India | Available Now | B74T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0253-4339 | Journal of Refrigeration | Journal of Refrigeration Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MR0K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-4415 | Journal of Rehabilitation in Civil Engineering | Semnan University | 01/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NB8K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2210-464X | Journal of Remanufacturing | Springer Nature | 03/31/2016 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | ESID |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-4619 | Journal of Remote Sensing | Editorial Office of Journal of Remote Sensing & Science Publishing Co. | 04/01/2015 | | 04/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | HPUW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2164-6325 | Journal of Renewable Materials | Tech Science Press | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GD8X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2444-4987 | Journal of Research & Development / Revista de Investigación & Desarrollo | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUJX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1443-458X | Journal of Research & Practice in Information Technology | Australian Computer Society, Inc. | 03/01/2003 | 02/28/2015 | 03/01/2003 | 02/28/2015 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | QFJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-2791 | Journal of Research & Rural Planning | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MWAU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4294 | Journal of Research in Music Education | Sage Publications | 03/01/1966 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3UG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4308 | Journal of Research in Science Teaching | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1969 | 05/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | STE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0160-1741 | Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/1977 | 09/01/1988 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3O3P |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1060-1783 | Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards. D, Radio Propagation. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1959 | 11/01/1963 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1044-677X | Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards & Technology | US Department of Commerce | 11/01/1988 | 01/31/2021 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/2021 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QVM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0888-6504 | Journal of Research on Computing in Education | International Society for Technology in Education | 03/01/1990 | 06/30/2001 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | RCE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-231X | Journal of Research on Many-Body Systems | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | 11/01/2023 | | 11/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDZB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-1523 | Journal of Research on Technology in Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2001 | 12/31/2013 | 09/01/2001 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I02 |
Priority | Magazine | 0502-2568 | Journal of Research, National Bureau of Standards. Section D, Radio Science. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1964 | 12/01/1965 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UP |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of Research. Bureau of Standards (1934) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 06/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D36Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1544-8053 | Journal of Residuals Science & Technology | Destech Publications, Inc. | 01/01/2015 | 08/31/2017 | 01/01/2015 | 08/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2XPG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4359 | Journal of Retailing | Elsevier B.V. | 10/01/1925 | 12/16/1957 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | REN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-0498 | Journal of Road Engineering | KeAi Communications Co. | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NCZ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0741-2223 | Journal of Robotic Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1984 | 01/01/2006 | 03/01/1984 | 12/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9600 | Journal of Robotics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 903A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2715-5056 | Journal of Robotics & Control (JRC) | Journal of Robotics & Control (JRC) | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NBM5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-7527 | Journal of Safety Science & Resilience | KeAi Communications Co. | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NBL0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-3869 | Journal of Saffron Research | University of Birjand | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | ND6S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2475-370X | Journal of Sailing Technology | Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N9F1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-6136 | Journal of Scheduling | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BX9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1198-9742 | Journal of Scholarly Publishing | University of Toronto Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 6 | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 2UY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4391 | Journal of School Health | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1949 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1548-520X | Journal of Science & Technology Law | Boston University, School of Law | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7YV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0914-7020 | Journal of Science Policy & Research Management | Japan Society for Research Policy & Innovation Management | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS18 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2830-7275 | Journal of Science Technology (JoSTec) | PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N5BT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2676-248X | Journal of Sciences & Technology | Universite des Freres Mentouri Constantine | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Algeria | Available Now | N6JG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1410-8917 | Journal of Scientific & Applied Chemistry | Journal of Scientific & Applied Chemistry | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8JI |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Scientific & Technical Applications / Revista de Aplicación Científica & Técnica | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MT8D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-7474 | Journal of Scientific Computing | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 41B |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0368-4253 | Journal of Scientific Instruments (03684253) | IOP Publishing | 01/02/1948 | 12/02/1967 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9UQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2224-2708 | Journal of Sensor & Actuator Networks | MDPI | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | FDTW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-725X | Journal of Sensors | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 785G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2194-8771 | Journal of Sensors & Sensor Systems | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FR2X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-4543 | Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University | Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University Editorial Office | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAMI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-444X | Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science / Shanghai Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao | Journal of Shanghai University of Engineering Science Editorial Office | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LATO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1003-1251 | Journal of Shenyang Ligong University | Journal of Shenyang Ligong University Editorial Office | 09/01/2024 | | 09/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LATP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-2858 | Journal of Shenyang Pharmaceutical University | Shenyang Pharmaceutical University | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ7S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1003-0530 | Journal of Signal Processing | Journal of Signal Processing | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | GCTP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1342-6230 | Journal of Signal Processing (1342-6230) | Research Institute of Signal Processing, Japan | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQP6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1747-7778 | Journal of Simulation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NNG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2956-8323 | Journal of Smart Internet of Things (JSIoT) | Sciendo | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NFO2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2774-5147 | Journal of Social & Technology / Jurnal Sosial dan Teknologi (SOSTECH) | Green Publisher | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZFI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4545 | Journal of Social Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1930 | 11/01/1930 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JSY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-621X | Journal of Soft Computing & Data Mining (JSCDM) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NBEN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2289-8603 | Journal of Soft Computing & Decision Support Systems | Penerbit UTM Press | 12/01/2014 | | 12/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | JEPD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-2872 | Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering | Pouyan Press | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MR9Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2195-1721 | Journal of Software Engineering Research & Development | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | HABK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-060X | Journal of Software Maintenance & Evolution: Research & Practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QHP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-550X | Journal of Software Maintenance: Research & Practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1989 | 12/31/2000 | 09/01/1989 | 12/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BXA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2047-7473 | Journal of Software: Evolution & Process | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FD4A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0928-0707 | Journal of Sol-Gel Science & Technology | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0199-6231 | Journal of Solar Energy Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JSD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7643 | Journal of Solid State Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/02/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBH9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-4321 | Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Natural Science Edition) | Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Natural Science Edition) Editorial Office | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MRJX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-4560 | Journal of Space Science & Technology (JSST) | Journal of Space Science & Technology (JSST) | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NMOC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-4650 | Journal of Spacecraft & Rockets | American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1EW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1948-660X | Journal of Spatial Information Science | Journal of Spatial Information Science | 07/01/2017 | | 07/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | K5D3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4669 | Journal of Special Education | Sage Publications | 12/01/1969 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SET |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-3758 | Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference | Elsevier Science | 02/15/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3NW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0963-8687 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3NX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2996-5136 | Journal of Structural Design & Construction Practice | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/2025 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | NPJ3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9445 | Journal of Structural Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JRO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-3432 | Journal of Structural Monitoring & Built Environment (JSMBE) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NCBK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-766X | Journal of Structures | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0920-8542 | Journal of Supercomputing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OJ2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0896-1107 | Journal of Superconductivity | Springer Nature | 02/01/1991 | 12/01/2005 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 82X3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1557-1939 | Journal of Superconductivity & Novel Magnetism | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 3XP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2325-0984 | Journal of Survey Statistics & Methodology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSW8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9453 | Journal of Surveying Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 03/01/1983 | | 02/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JRK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1985-7527 | Journal of Surveying, Construction & Property | University of Malaya, Faculty of Built Environment | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | HOJ5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2165-0373 | Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKR8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1848-9257 | Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water & Environment Systems (JSDEWES) | SDEWES Centre | 07/01/2017 | | 11/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | L6WU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2310-9122 | Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering | Journal of Sustainable Research in Engineering | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Kenya | Available Now | MRA1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0747-7171 | Journal of Symbolic Computation | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L0J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-4812 | Journal of Symbolic Logic | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3TY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0164-1212 | Journal of Systems & Software | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JYS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1383-7621 | Journal of Systems Architecture | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | ICM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1804-2724 | Journal of Systems Integration (1804-2724) | Czech Society for Systems Integration | 05/01/2012 | 04/30/2020 | 05/01/2012 | 04/30/2020 | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | E746 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1478-9906 | Journal of Systems Science & Information | Research Information Ltd. | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Z3T |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4871 | Journal of Teacher Education | Sage Publications | 03/01/1950 | 09/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JTE |
Selective | Academic Journal | 0733-9461 | Journal of Technical Topics in Civil Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 04/01/1983 | 12/01/1985 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XI |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of Technological Development / Revista del Desarrollo Tecnológico | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MT87 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2444-4995 | Journal of Technological Prototypes / Revista de Prototipos Tecnológicos | ECORFAN-Mexico S.C. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MUK6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2773-6202 | Journal of Technology & Innovation (JTIN) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMR0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-168X | Journal of Technology & Nuclear Energy | Shahid Beheshti University | 01/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NFCA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1823-514X | Journal of Technology & Operations Management | UUM Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | N3LQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1059-7069 | Journal of Technology & Teacher Education | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | 05/01/2003 | 07/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QQ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-5060 | Journal of Technology Development Management | Iranian Research Organization for Science & Technology (IROST) | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NA91 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-8835 | Journal of Technology in Human Services | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8AO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2166-0123 | Journal of Technology, Management & Applied Engineering | Association of Technology, Management, & Applied Engineering | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FAU1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1509-4553 | Journal of Telecommunications & Information Technology | National Institute of Telecommunications (Instytut Lacznosci) | 06/01/2006 | | 06/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | 2QVH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-3973 | Journal of Testing & Evaluation | ASTM International | 01/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QVL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2356-7678 | Journal of Textiles | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2015 | 03/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 03/22/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBHC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-5411 | Journal of the ACM | Association for Computing Machinery | 07/02/2011 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1QT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0001-4966 | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | American Institute of Physics | 07/01/1940 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 4CN |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9820 | Journal of the Aero/space Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1958 | 07/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UU |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9812 | Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1939 | 06/02/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UV |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences. Aeronautical Review Section | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1940 | 03/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D376 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Aerospace Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1960 | 12/01/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D377 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-3289 | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (10473289) | Air & Waste Management Association | 01/01/1990 | 07/01/1997 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JAW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1096-2247 | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Air & Waste Management Association) | Air & Waste Management Association | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2011 | 12/01/1997 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16VX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1096-2247 | Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (Taylor & Francis Ltd) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FI7E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-2470 | Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association | Air & Waste Management Association | 01/01/1967 | 01/01/1988 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | M2R |
Priority | Magazine | 0272-4375 | Journal of the Air Transport Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1956 | 08/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-7820 | Journal of the American Ceramic Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/02/1920 | | 07/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6VP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-7863 | Journal of the American Chemical Society | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1914 | 06/20/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ACS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0164-4300 | Journal of the American College Health Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/1977 | 02/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1742 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-8061 | Journal of the American Concrete Institute | American Concrete Institute | 11/01/1929 | 11/01/1986 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the American Institute of Architects | American Institute of Architects | 01/01/1914 | 12/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37A |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0360-6449 | Journal of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers | IEEE | 01/01/1920 | 12/03/1948 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D37B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0894-0347 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society | American Mathematical Society | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 86K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1067-5027 | Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-021X | Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (JAOCS) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1958 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QVK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-8231 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2000 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ASY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-2882 | Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IGD |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the American Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers | ASHRAE | 01/01/1917 | 04/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37C |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-909X | Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 02/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0099-7056 | Journal of the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc.. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1958 | 02/01/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1967 | 09/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37F |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0162-1459 | Journal of the American Statistical Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1924 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ASN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1093-474X | Journal of the American Water Resources Association | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2VR |
Priority | Magazine | 0884-0776 | Journal of the Asse. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1969 | 08/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V5 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery | Association for Computing Machinery | 03/01/1995 | 07/01/1997 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JTR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2330-1635 | Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H6JN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1536-9323 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L5X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1815-3852 | Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic & Applied Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 52QO |
Priority | Magazine | 0095-9103 | Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 12/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9142 | Journal of the Astronautical Sciences | Springer Nature | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | QW0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-4928 | Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/1977 | | 07/01/1993 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1449-3764 | Journal of the Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine | Sciendo | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MRC8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1446-7887 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8OHA |
Priority | Magazine | 0569-7921 | Journal of the Board of Direction. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1956 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0006-8012 | Journal of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1914 | 10/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9V9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0104-6500 | Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 11/20/2015 | | 11/20/2015 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 1CV7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the British Institution of Radio Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1958 | 12/02/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0951-7359 | Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1989 | 03/01/2005 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0368-1769 | Journal of the Chemical Society | Royal Society of Chemistry | 01/01/1921 | 11/01/1955 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9VA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0300-9246 | Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions | Royal Society of Chemistry | 01/02/1983 | 09/01/1990 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82XL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-4343 | Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths | Editorial Department of Journal of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths | 09/01/2017 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L2YP |
Priority | Magazine | 0193-0796 | Journal of the City Planning Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1956 | 05/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2581-1037 | Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum | Universitas Gadjah Mada, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N0GP |
Priority | Magazine | 0569-7948 | Journal of the Construction Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1957 | 01/01/1979 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2538-371X | Journal of the Earth & Space Physics / Fīzīk-i Zamīn va Faz̤ā | University of Tehran | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | K51P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-4651 | Journal of The Electrochemical Society | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1948 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ELM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1743-9671 | Journal of the Energy Institute (Elsevier Science) | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H96B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1743-9671 | Journal of the Energy Institute (Maney Publishing) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/05/2004 | 12/31/2013 | 06/05/2004 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XDM |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/02/1956 | 01/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3KJT |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 09/01/1976 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VD |
Priority | Magazine | 0569-7972 | Journal of the Highway Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1956 | 12/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VE |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Hydraulics Division | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1956 | 07/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3KJS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1052-2883 | Journal of the IES | Institute of Environmental Sciences & Technology | 01/01/1990 | 11/01/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 11/01/1997 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1098-4321 | Journal of the IEST | Institute of Environmental Sciences & Technology | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QTQ |
Core | Academic Journal | | Journal of the IGPL | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AY0U |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0099-4480 | Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society | Illuminating Engineering Society of North America | 10/01/1971 | 12/25/2004 | 01/15/1997 | 12/25/2004 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0144-2600 | Journal of the Institute of Energy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1979 | 03/31/1998 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IEN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1810-3383 | Journal of the Institute of Engineering | Journal of the Institute of Engineering | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Nepal | Available Now | DBNM |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-2886 | Journal of the Institute of Fuel. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1977 | 12/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1342-6907 | Journal of the Institute of Image Information & Television Engineers | Institute of Image Information & Television Engineers | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K4UV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1474-7480 | Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 04/01/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8U |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-2975 | Journal of the Institute of Metals. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1958 | 01/04/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VH |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-3068 | Journal of the Institute of Petroleum. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1939 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1302-3055 | Journal of the Institute of Science & Technology of Dumlupinar University / Dumlupinar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | Dumlupinar University, Institute of Science & Technology | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2019 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | F2BT |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1914 | 12/04/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37V |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (1949) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1955 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37W |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Institution of Petroleum Technologists | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1921 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1355-6177 | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7Y5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Iron & Steel Institute | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 12/01/1973 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37Y |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Irrigation & Drainage Division | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/02/1956 | 01/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D37Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1346-7719 | Journal of the Japan Fluid Power System Society | Japan Fluid Power System Society | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ38 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1342-3134 | Journal of the Japan Forest Engineering Society | Japan Forest Engineering Society | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRIY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0367-6110 | Journal of the Japan Health Physics Society | Japan Health Physics Society | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS1W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-4876 | Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals & Materials / Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi | Japan Institute of Metals & Materials | 10/01/2020 | | 10/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K4UY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0914-2703 | Journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology | Japan Society for Abrasive Technology | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQS1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0532-8799 | Journal of the Japan Society of Powder & Powder Metallurgy / Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin | Japan Society of Powder & Powder Metallurgy | 12/01/2014 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | JQ1V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1346-4930 | Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics | Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ35 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2234-4772 | Journal of the Korea Institute of Information & Communication Engineering | Korea Institute of Information & Communication Engineering | 09/01/2015 | | 09/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | H8PJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-6107 | Journal of the London Mathematical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2DU |
Core | Magazine | 0022-5096 | Journal of the Mechanics & Physics of Solids | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JLW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2379-3244 | Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers | National Academy of Forensic Engineers | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JT2C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1391-4588 | Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka | National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka | 02/01/2017 | | 02/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Sri Lanka | Available Now | K2C9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-4939 | Journal of the New England Water Works Association. | New England Water Works Association | 03/01/1921 | 12/01/1947 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VL |
Core | Magazine | 2463-3011 | Journal of the NZIPM | New Zealand Institute of Primary Industry Management | 03/01/2021 | | 03/01/2021 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MR62 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0160-5682 | Journal of the Operational Research Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ORS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0030-3941 | Journal of the Optical Society of America | Optica Publishing Group | 01/01/1930 | 08/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0740-3232 | Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics & Image Science | Optica Publishing Group | 01/02/1984 | 07/01/1993 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-7529 | Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, Image Science, & Vision | Optica Publishing Group | 08/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QU6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0740-3224 | Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical Physics | Optica Publishing Group | 03/03/1984 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QU5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0569-8014 | Journal of the Pipeline Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1957 | 10/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VM |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Power Division | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/03/1956 | 10/01/1960 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3KJW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-3761 | Journal of the Quality Assurance Institute | Quality Assurance Institute | 07/01/2003 | 04/30/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QHQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0368-3931 | Journal of the Royal Aeronautical Society | Royal Aeronautical Society | 01/01/1923 | 12/03/1967 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3OLL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0952-8385 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/02/1924 | 01/13/1929 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3O90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0964-1998 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BQN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1369-7412 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BQO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0035-9254 | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1965 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BQP |
Priority | Magazine | 0044-7986 | Journal of the Sanitary Engineering Division. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/02/1956 | 12/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1820-6530 | Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics | Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics | 12/01/2016 | | 12/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | K58R |
Priority | Magazine | 0361-4573 | Journal of the Smpte. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1954 | 12/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1071-0922 | Journal of the Society for Information Display | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Y0K |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1920 | 05/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D384 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 12/03/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D385 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0037-9859 | Journal of the Society of Dyers & Colourists | Society of Dyers & Colorists | 01/02/1923 | 11/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | A1J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0918-9890 | Journal of the Society of Electrical Materials Engineering / Denki-Zairyo-Gijutsu-Zasshi | Society of Electrical Materials Engineering | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | L3SP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2433-0507 | Journal of the Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan / Nihon Sozai Bussei Gakkaishi | Society of Materials Engineering for Resources of Japan | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MAXM |
Priority | Magazine | 0898-042X | Journal of the Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers | Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers | 01/01/1950 | 12/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D386 |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1941 | 12/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D387 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0915-5023 | Journal of the Society of Plant Engineers Japan | Society of Plant Engineers Japan | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPY0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0386-6157 | Journal of the Society of Powder Technology, Japan | Society of Powder Technology, Japan | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | JI88 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0044-7994 | Journal of the Soil Mechanics & Foundations Division | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/02/1956 | 04/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | M30 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1021-2019 | Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering | South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE) | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | 916V |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the State Bar of California | State Bar of California | 03/02/1959 | 02/01/1960 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | B971 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Journal of the Structural Division | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/03/1956 | 01/01/1981 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3KJX |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Surveying & Mapping Division | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1956 | 07/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D388 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1876-1070 | Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8TC5 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0040-5000 | Journal of the Textile Institute | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1923 | 10/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | YOX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2149-0120 | Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society Section A: Chemistry | Turkish Chemical Society / Turkiye Kimya Dernegi | 01/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MBKD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-0548 | Journal of the University of Electronic Science & Technology of China | University of Electronic Science & Technology of China | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | KBE4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0916-4731 | Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan / Kashika Joho Gakkaishi | Visualization Society of Japan | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRYI |
Priority | Magazine | | Journal of the Waterways & Harbors Division | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1956 | 08/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D38B |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3585 | Journal of the Western Society of Engineers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 06/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0718-1876 | Journal of Theoretical & Applied Electronic Commerce Research | MDPI | 04/01/2006 | | 04/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 2WSQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0861-6663 | Journal of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Committee of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | 08/01/2013 | 08/21/2023 | 01/01/2014 | 08/21/2023 | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | 8NZP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1429-2955 | Journal of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (14292955) | Polish Society for Theoretical & Applied Mechanics - PTMTS | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | L8LZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2591-7285 | Journal of Theoretical & Computational Acoustics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LF4E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-6336 | Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry | World Scientific Publishing Company | 07/01/2002 | 12/31/2020 | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | P5M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-3022 | Journal of Thermal & Fluid Science (JTFS) | RAME Publishers | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N0ZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-9244 | Journal of Thermodynamics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 09/11/2017 | 01/01/2008 | 09/11/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ND7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1991-8690 | Journal of Thi-Qar Sciences | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 07/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | 07/01/2017 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GYGP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-7564 | Journal of Traffic & Transportation Engineering (English Edition) | KeAi Communications Co. | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N0A7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-947X | Journal of Transportation Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JAG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2473-2907 | Journal of Transportation Engineering. Part A. Systems | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KSCE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2573-5438 | Journal of Transportation Engineering. Part B. Pavements | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L4MZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-5350 | Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Engineering | Semnan University | 01/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NETV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0742-4787 | Journal of Tribology | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/1984 | 11/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JTB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2685-144X | Journal of Tropical Chemistry Research & Education | Journal of Tropical Chemistry Research & Education | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N9H0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0889-504X | Journal of Turbomachinery | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/2001 | 11/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JOT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1468-5248 | Journal of Turbulence | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G15 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1923-7324 | Journal of Ubiquitous Systems & Pervasive Networks | International Association for Sharing Knowledge & Sustainability (IASKS) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MRA4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2229-3531 | Journal of Ultra Computer & Information Technology (Computer Science, Engineering Information Technology) | Dr. A. H. Ansari | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | BE8P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-6845 | Journal of Ultrafine Grained & Nanostructured Materials | University of Tehran | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MRET |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9488 | Journal of Urban Planning & Development | American Society of Civil Engineers | 09/01/1984 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UPD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-0732 | Journal of Urban Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3U6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-2101 | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology: Part A-Vacuums, Surfaces & Films | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2F7I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1071-1023 | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology: Part B-Microelectronics & Nanometer Structures | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-211X | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology: Part B-Microelectronics Processing & Phenomena | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/1990 | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/1990 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | F252 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2166-2746 | Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology: Part B-Nanotechnology & Microelectronics | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | F254 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1048-9002 | Journal of Vibration & Acoustics | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 01/01/2001 | 12/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JVA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2523-3920 | Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies | Springer Nature | 04/01/2018 | | 04/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | IQPS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-6801 | Journal of Vibration, Measurement & Diagnosis | Journal of Vibration, Measurement & Diagnosis Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 38Q7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1392-8716 | Journal of Vibroengineering | JVE International Ltd. | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 24GP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1083-5601 | Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 106G |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-538X | Journal of Virology | American Society for Microbiology | 12/01/2005 | 12/01/2005 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 16D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1047-3203 | Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L13 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1045-926X | Journal of Visual Languages & Computing | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L11 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-8907 | Journal of Visualization & Computer Animation | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/1990 | 01/31/2004 | 08/01/1990 | 01/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4UL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-0223 | Journal of Viticulture & Enology / Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | KGE9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2582-1458 | Journal of VLSI Circuits & Systems (JVCS) | Siree Publications | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MC0U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2322-2069 | Journal of Water & Soil Conservation | Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources | 03/01/2021 | | 03/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MXLV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2292-6062 | Journal of Water Management Modeling | Computational Hydraulics International | 04/30/2021 | | 04/30/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MR7U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0043-1303 | Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation | Water Environment Federation | 01/02/1960 | 08/01/1989 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | M36 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-9496 | Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2345-0363 | Journal of Water Security (JWS) | Vytautas Magnus University | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | KC19 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0733-950X | Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Engineering | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-7675 | Journal of Xinjiang University (Natural Science Edition) | Xinjiang University | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MRZ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0048 | Journal on Big Data | Tech Science Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI3L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-436X | Journal on Communication / Tongxin Xuebao | Journal on Communications Editorial Office | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K4Y9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-6951 | Journal on Electronic & Automation Engineering | REST Publisher | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NC8W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2763-7719 | Journal on Interactive Systems | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | N75W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2579-0099 | Journal on Internet of Things | Tech Science Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MI3M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1875-5011 | Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling & Computation | IOS Press | 10/01/2007 | 12/31/2024 | 10/01/2007 | 12/31/2024 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3FMS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2321-3906 | Journal on Today's Ideas - Tomorrow's Technologies | Chitkara University | 07/01/2020 | 07/31/2020 | 07/01/2020 | 07/31/2020 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MZWB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-150X | Journal: American Water Works Association | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1914 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KNS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-5517 | Journalism Educator | Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication | 07/01/1977 | 07/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1U5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1868-9892 | Julius-Kühn-Archiv | Julius Kuehn Institut | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JVWW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2442-5982 | Jurnal Agribisains | Universitas Djuanda | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZIN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2442-3548 | Jurnal Agroindustri Halal | Universitas Djuanda | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZJC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2549-9068 | Jurnal Farmasi Sains dan Praktis (JFSP) | Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NA9J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2985-8615 | Jurnal Greenation Ilmu Teknik (JGIT) | Greenation Publisher | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N7WE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2087-9423 | Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis | IPB University | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWAX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1411-5735 | Jurnal Ilmu Dasar | Fakultas MIPA Universitas Jember | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | K2BK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2089-6026 | Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Agri-Informatika | IPB University | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N1MS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2723-6609 | Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Teknologi | Publikasi Indonesia | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MXD4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2714-9730 | Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi | Jurnal Informasi dan Teknologi | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NNHL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1978-0524 | Jurnal Informatika | Jurnal Informatika | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MZXD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2528-0414 | Jurnal Kimia Riset | Universitas Airlangga | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MY2A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2829-5439 | Jurnal Locus: Penelitian dan Pengabdian | Riviera Publishing | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N1Q5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2088-4842 | Jurnal Optimasi Sistem Industri (JOSI) | Andalas University / Universitas Andalas | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMU4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1978-1431 | Jurnal Teknik Industri | Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMJI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2798-2386 | Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air | Brawijaya University | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8SO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471392545 | Kalman Filtering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471369981 | Kalman Filtering & Neural Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOH |
Priority | Magazine | | Kansas State College Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1932 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D38G |
Priority | Magazine | | Kansas Studies in Business | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1926 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D38H |
Priority | Magazine | 0075-496X | Kansas. University. Kansas Studies in Education. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1928 | 01/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9VV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2146-4987 | Karaelmas Science & Engineering Journal / Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi | Karaelmas Science & Engineering Journal | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | F2N8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1867-3813 | Karlsruhe Series on Intelligent Sensor-Actuator-Systems | KIT Scientific Publishing | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LFOU |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Karlsruher Tage 2012 - Holzbau: Forschung für die Praxis | KIT Scientific Publishing | 10/01/2012 | 10/31/2012 | 10/01/2012 | 10/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92R |
Core | Trade Publication | 2194-0754 | Ke NEXT: Automatisierung & Konstruktion | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5S |
Core | Magazine | 1064-1211 | Key Words | American Society for Indexing | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RRE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2621-038X | Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika | Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NBM4 |
Core | Magazine | 1865-5432 | KI - Kälte Luft Klimatechnik | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 11/13/2018 | | 11/13/2018 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KGEO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-5093 | Kinetic & Related Models | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EGL4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2503-2259 | Kinetik: Game Technology, Information System, Computer Network, Computing, Electronics & Control | Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMJH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0350-1426 | Klimatizacija, Grejanje, Hladjenje (KGH) | Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | MPNL |
Core | Trade Publication | 1099-8284 | KM World | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5OW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0219-1377 | Knowledge & Information Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-8889 | Knowledge Engineering Review | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G09 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0943-7444 | Knowledge Organization | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | RRC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1946-4789 | Knowledge, Technology & Policy | Springer Nature | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0950-7051 | Knowledge-Based Systems | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3O6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0288-4534 | KONA: Powder & Particle Journal | Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | DURH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-8055 | Konya Journal of Engineering Sciences / Konya Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi | Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science & Technology | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N77B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0452-599X | Koroze a Ochrana Materiálu | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FR2R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0023-4249 | Kosmos | Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | JVUQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1976-7277 | KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems | Korean Society for Internet Information | 06/01/2008 | | 06/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | 865K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2071-5528 | Kufa Journal of Engineering | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCEA |
Core | Magazine | 0368-492X | Kybernetes | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2007 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NFW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0023-5954 | Kybernetika | Ustav teorie Informace a automatizace AV CR, v.v.i. | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | 54YL |
Priority | Magazine | | Labor Bulletin (Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D38T |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479083779 | Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N6 |
Core | Magazine | 0266-7169 | Laboratory News | Synthesis Media Ltd. | 04/01/2013 | | 04/01/2013 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FE0O |
Core | Trade Publication | | LAN Product News | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0023-7639 | Land Economics | University of Wisconsin Press | 02/01/1948 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LAE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2194-3605 | Landbauforschung | Thuenen Institut | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JHVB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0921-5034 | Language & Computers | Brill / Rodopi | 01/01/2007 | 06/28/2019 | 10/01/2009 | 06/28/2019 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | NFH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0023-8333 | Language Learning | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1961 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LGL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1574-020X | Language Resources & Evaluation | Springer Nature | 02/01/2005 | | 02/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 179V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3983 | Large Electric Machine & Hydraulic Turbine | Large Electric Machine & Hydraulic Turbine Editorial Office | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTQD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1112-3680 | Larhyss Journal | Biskra University, Research Laboratory in Subterranean & Surface Hydraulics | 10/01/2013 | | 10/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Algeria | Available Now | G60Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0263-0346 | Laser & Particle Beams | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 03/01/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1863-8880 | Laser & Photonics Reviews | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3K5 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0740-2511 | Laser Focus | Clarion Events, Inc | 10/01/1983 | 12/01/1988 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XX |
Core | Magazine | 1043-8092 | Laser Focus World | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1989 | | 01/01/1994 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LFW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813200609 | Laser Spectroscopy - Proceedings of the Xxii International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNZ |
Core | Magazine | 1759-0752 | Laser Systems Europe | Europa Science Ltd | 05/01/2017 | | 05/01/2017 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L51M |
Priority | Magazine | | Le Génie Civil | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1920 | 12/15/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D393 |
Priority | Magazine | | Leaflet (United States. Department of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D394 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0953-1513 | Learned Publishing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | L89 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0256-6575 | Lebensmittel Technologie | Swiss Professional Media AG | 02/06/2019 | | 02/06/2019 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | KH8Y |
Core | Magazine | 0883-1297 | Legal Information Alert | Alert Publications Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 02/28/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 20X |
Priority | Magazine | | Lehigh University Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D395 |
Priority | Magazine | | Lehigh University Institute of Research Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D396 |
Priority | Magazine | | Letter Circular (United States. National Bureau of Standards) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39B |
Core | Academic Journal | 1550-2724 | Leukos | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2004 | | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QU7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0024-1822 | Liberal Education | American Association of Colleges & Universities | 01/01/1963 | 01/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LIB |
Priority | Magazine | | Librarian & Book World | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1921 | 03/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39E |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Libraries | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1927 | 06/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BUG2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0024-2195 | Library Association Record | Chartered Institute of Library & Information Professionals | 03/02/1929 | 05/01/1938 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | YVC |
Priority | Magazine | | Library Extension Publication | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39F |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0363-0277 | Library Journal | Media Source, Inc. | 07/01/1977 | 05/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LIJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0000-0027 | Library Journal (1876) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/15/1920 | 04/14/1951 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WK |
Core | Trade Publication | 1542-4715 | Library Media Connection | Bloomsbury Publishing | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | P7V |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0024-2519 | Library Quarterly | University of Chicago Press | 04/01/1931 | 01/01/1947 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LIQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Library Studies (Pennsylvania State College) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39G |
Priority | Magazine | 0024-2616 | Library World (London, England: 1907). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1922 | 11/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WM |
Priority | Magazine | | Life Insurance Courant | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1945 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39K |
Priority | Magazine | | Light & Lighting | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1936 | 11/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-2895 | Light Industry Machinery | Light Industry Machinery Editorial Office | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6PH |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0024-3345 | Light Metal Age | Fellom Publishing | 02/01/1948 | 10/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2047-7538 | Light: Science & Applications | Springer Nature | 04/01/2013 | | 04/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQAL |
Core | Trade Publication | 0360-6325 | Lighting Design & Application | Sage Publications | 08/01/1971 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QU4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0741-5834 | Lightwave | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LGT |
Core | Magazine | 2463-5774 | Line of Defence Magazine | Defsec Media | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MY66 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0308-1087 | Linear & Multilinear Algebra | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J4J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-3795 | Linear Algebra & its Applications | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JMJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0739-988X | Link-Up | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 07/31/2002 | 07/01/1997 | 07/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0JN |
Core | Magazine | 1470-4234 | Linux Format | Future Publishing Ltd. | 06/01/2016 | | 06/01/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9JK |
Core | Trade Publication | 1075-3583 | Linux Journal | Slashdot Media, LLC | 12/01/2000 | 08/07/2019 | | | | | | | Available Now | BYF |
Core | Magazine | 1536-4674 | Linux Magazine | InfoStrada, LLC | 05/01/2003 | 06/30/2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QII |
Core | Academic Journal | 2168-0396 | Liquid Crystals Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKRC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8015 | Liquids (2673-8015) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-1145 | Literary & Linguistic Computing | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJ1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2367-3621 | Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1C5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814436854 | Localisation 2011 - Proceedings of the Satellite Conference of Lt 26 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCM9 |
Core | Magazine | 0886-2397 | LOCALNetter | Architecture Technology Corporation | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NTT |
Priority | Magazine | 0741-8760 | Locomotive. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 10/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1367-0751 | Logic Journal of the IGPL | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5303 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1860-5974 | Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS) | Logical Methods in Computer Science | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1CX6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2305-6290 | Logistics (2305-6290) | MDPI | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MI6A |
Priority | Magazine | | London, Edinburgh & Dublin Philosophical Magazine & Journal of Science | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1921 | 12/03/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D39X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-2547 | Low-Carbon Chemistry & Chemical Engineering | Low-Carbon Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Editorial Office | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N9YP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-6319 | Low-Carbon Materials & Green Construction | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N52L |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471417774 | Low-Voltage SOI CMOS VLSI Devices & Circuits | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-7154 | Lubrication Engineering | Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers | 01/02/1958 | 09/30/2003 | 09/01/2002 | 09/02/2003 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QUM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-0150 | Lubrication Engineering (0254-0150) | Editorial Office of LUBRICATION ENGINEERING | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MRB3 |
Core | Magazine | 1088-548X | Mac Addict | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | T4E |
Core | Magazine | 1935-4010 | Mac Life | Future Publishing Ltd. | 02/01/2007 | | 02/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 32BW |
Core | Magazine | 1062-452X | MacAuthority | Eli Journals | 03/01/2004 | 07/31/2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0X0 |
Core | Magazine | 0968-3305 | MacFormat | Future Publishing Ltd. | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9JL |
Core | Trade Publication | 0024-9114 | Machine Design | Endeavor Business Media | 12/01/1940 | | 01/30/1997 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MDS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1230-0535 | Machine Graphics & Vision | Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Science | 07/01/2011 | | 07/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | B9Y1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-6125 | Machine Learning | Springer Nature | 01/01/1991 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OJK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-4990 | Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-3881 | Machine Tool & Hydraulics | Guangzhou Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (GMERI) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N36E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0922-6567 | Machine Translation | Springer Nature | 10/01/2001 | 12/31/2021 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OJL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0932-8092 | Machine Vision & Applications | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NRX |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814719384 | Machinery, Materials Science & Energy Engineering (Icmmsee 2015) - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPI |
Priority | Magazine | 0024-9181 | Machinery. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1912 | 05/03/1973 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WV |
Core | Magazine | 1539-7335 | MacHome | Net Professional | 02/01/2004 | 06/30/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RTQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0915-0560 | Macro Review | Japan Macro-Engineers Society | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MSPP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-6209 | Macromol | MDPI | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N1MY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-1352 | Macromolecular Chemistry & Physics | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1438-7492 | Macromolecular Materials & Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-1336 | Macromolecular Rapid Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1862-832X | Macromolecular Reaction Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3K7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-1360 | Macromolecular Symposia | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OM6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-1344 | Macromolecular Theory & Simulations | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLS |
Core | Magazine | 0884-0997 | MacUser (08840997) | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 07/01/1993 | 09/30/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MUR |
Core | Magazine | 0892-8118 | MacWeek | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 08/19/1996 | 08/03/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MCW |
Core | Magazine | 0741-8647 | Macworld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01/01/1992 | 11/30/2014 | 01/01/2001 | 11/30/2014 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MWR |
Core | Magazine | | Macworld - Digital Edition | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IV0Z |
Core | Magazine | 2200-2375 | Macworld Australia | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 06/01/2011 | 12/31/2018 | 06/01/2011 | 12/31/2018 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GTWE |
Priority | Magazine | | Magazine of Business | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1927 | 08/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3A5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2959 | Magazine of Standards. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1954 | 07/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WY |
Selective | Magazine | | Magazine of Wall Street & Business Analyst | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/09/1957 | 12/21/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3A7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Magazine of Wall Street (1912). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/05/1926 | 10/26/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9WZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Magazine of Wall Street. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 10/26/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D61W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0749-1581 | Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0740-3194 | Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | 02/29/2004 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O6T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-0048 | Magnetic Resonance Letter | KeAi Communications Co. | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NAF9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8724 | Magnetism (2673-8724) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2312-7481 | Magnetochemistry | MDPI | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU2D |
Core | Trade Publication | | Mainframe Computing | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | 09/30/2019 | 07/01/1999 | 09/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1507-2711 | Maintenance & Reliability / Eksploatacja i Niezawodność | Polish Scientific & Technical Society Consumables, Polish Maintenance Society | 03/01/2017 | | 03/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K4WH |
Priority | Magazine | | Maintenance Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1931 | 02/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3A8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2669-2961 | Maintenance, Reliability & Condition Monitoring (MARC) | Extrica | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | NAF8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-4117 | Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices | Majlesi Azad University | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | G99M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2355-2786 | Makara Journal of Technology | Makara Journal of Technology | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NEWB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0127-9084 | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | University of Malaysia, Faculty of Computer Science & Information Technology | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | H74 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1675-7319 | Malaysian Journal of Phamaceutical Sciences | Universiti Sains Malaysia | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | BDQY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1394-3065 | Malaysian Journal of Science | Malaysian Journal of Science (MJS) | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | N8MG |
Core | Magazine | 0277-9951 | MAN: Modern Applications News | Nelson Publishing | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5GR |
Priority | Magazine | | Management & Administration in Manufacturing Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1924 | 06/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3A9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Management & Administration. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1923 | 06/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D62Y |
Priority | Magazine | | Management Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1922 | 06/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814759281 | Management Information & Optoelectronic Engineering - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Management, Information & Communication & the 2015 International Conference on Optics & Electronics Engineering | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCO6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Management Methods | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 06/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AC |
Core | Magazine | 0745-6921 | Management of World Wastes | Primedia Special Interest Publications | 03/01/1983 | 01/01/1992 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M3U |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0025-1895 | Management Review | American Management Association | 01/02/1926 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MGR |
Core | Magazine | 0895-3805 | Managing Automation | Thomas Publishing Company LLC | 12/01/2002 | 05/31/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QIJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1070-4051 | Managing Office Technology | OfficeVision, Inc | 09/01/1993 | 09/20/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MOF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470848487 | Managing Service Level Quality | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471800033 | Managing TCP/IP Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/02/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Manufacturers Record | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1924 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AG |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0262-4230 | Manufacturing Chemist | HPCi Media Limited | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MCM |
Core | Magazine | 0361-0853 | Manufacturing Engineering | Society of Manufacturing Engineers | 08/01/1975 | | 01/01/1998 | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0MA |
Priority | Magazine | 0040-9219 | Manufacturing Engineering & Management. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1970 | 07/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9X7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9060 | Manufacturing Industries. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1926 | 02/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9X8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2265-4224 | Manufacturing Review | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | KGEB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0975-3303 | Mapana Journal of Sciences | Centre for Publications, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MV89 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2564-3029 | Maple Transactions | Maple Transactions | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N9P2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Marine Engineering & Shipping Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1921 | 10/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AL |
Priority | Magazine | | Marine Engineering & Shipping Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1935 | 12/01/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AM |
Priority | Magazine | | Marine Engineering (New York, NY: 1920) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1920 | 08/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AN |
Priority | Magazine | 0272-2887 | Marine Engineering (Philadelphia, PA.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1953 | 03/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XA |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0732-5460 | Marine Engineering/Log | Simmons Boardman Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1979 | 10/01/1987 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82XZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0025-3219 | Marine Engineering/Log (1956). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1956 | 06/15/1977 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XB |
Priority | Magazine | 0885-4912 | Marine Engineering/Log International. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1977 | 12/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2087-4235 | Marine Fisheries: Jurnal Teknologi & Manajemen Perikanan Laut | IPB University | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MWB3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-119X | Marine Georesources & Geotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1993 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BAL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0360-8867 | Marine Geotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | 01/02/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82Y0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0897-0491 | Marine Log | Simmons Boardman Publishing Corp. | 11/01/1987 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 108O |
Core | Trade Publication | | Marine Power & Propulsion | Royal Institution of Naval Architects | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KT85 |
Priority | Magazine | | Marine Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1919 | 10/02/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0025-3316 | Marine Technology | Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers | 01/01/1977 | 01/01/1999 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Y1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1945-3582 | Marine Technology & SNAME News | Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers | 10/01/1998 | 03/31/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DI |
Priority | Magazine | | Marine Technology & Sname News. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1987 | 07/01/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-3324 | Marine Technology Society Journal | Marine Technology Society | 01/08/1977 | | 01/15/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M45 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471443377 | Market Operations in Electric Power Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1099-6621 | Markup Languages: Theory & Practice | MIT Press | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2001 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5W3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0898-6088 | Masonry Construction | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 08/01/2002 | 11/01/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8GS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0364-3484 | Mass Transit | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/2017 | 12/02/2011 | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MTS |
Priority | Magazine | | Mass Transportation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1935 | 12/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AQ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2274-7214 | MATEC Web of Conferences | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | FT5Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2577-6576 | Material Design & Processing Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZS |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814759670 | Material Engineering & Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of Material Engineering & Mechanical Engineering (Meme2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCO3 |
Core | Magazine | 2157-0302 | Material Handling & Logistics | Endeavor Business Media | 09/01/2010 | 11/30/2019 | 09/01/2010 | 11/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BF9L |
Core | Trade Publication | 0025-5262 | Material Handling Engineering | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1967 | 12/31/1999 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0MT |
Core | Magazine | 1529-4897 | Material Handling Management | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2000 | 08/31/2010 | 01/01/2000 | 08/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7FL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-7353 | Material Science & Applied Chemistry | RTU Publishing House | 07/01/2008 | 01/31/2018 | 07/01/2008 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | 55PE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813143395 | Material Science & Environmental Engineering - the Proceedings of 2016 International Workshop (Iwmsee2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-5289 | Materiale Plastice | SC REVISTA DE CHIMIE S.R.L. | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | JVVO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0947-5117 | Materials & Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O6W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2716-7100 | Materials & Corrosion Engineering Management (MACEM) | Zibeline International | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NMW4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Materials & Methods | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1945 | 06/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1580-2949 | Materials & Technologies / Materiali in Tehnologije | Institute of Metals & Technology | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Slovenia | Available Now | 1CXE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-3409 | Materials at High Temperatures | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AYSE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-2428 | Materials Chemistry Horizons | Damghan University | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDZX |
Priority | Magazine | 0025-5319 | Materials Engineering | Penton Publishing | 04/01/1967 | 12/01/1992 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QV6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814759977 | Materials Engineering & Environmental Science - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Mees2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1335-0803 | Materials Engineering / Materiálové Inžinierstvo | University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 09/01/2012 | 01/31/2018 | 09/01/2012 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | EGZD |
Core | Magazine | 0025-5327 | Materials Evaluation | American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | 02/01/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QU1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Materials in Design Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1957 | 03/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2811-0862 | Materials Open | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | NA61 |
Core | Magazine | 0094-1492 | Materials Performance | Association for Materials Protection & Performance (AMPP) | 01/01/1974 | 01/01/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 4DH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2673-4605 | Materials Proceedings | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6J0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Materials Protection | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1967 | 12/01/1973 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AU |
Priority | Magazine | | Materials Protection & Performance | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1970 | 12/01/1973 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0351-9465 | Materials Protection (0351-9465) | Engineers Society for Corrosion Republic of Serbia, Belgrade | 01/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NB4I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-9358 | Materials Reports: Energy | KeAi Communications Co. | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N3LN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0025-5394 | Materials Research & Standards | ASTM International | 01/01/1961 | 12/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3Q7D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-8917 | Materials Research Innovations | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NS0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2166-3831 | Materials Research Letters | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2016 | | 06/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKRD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814678964 | Materials Science & Energy Engineering (Cmsee 2014) - Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCP7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2063-6792 | Materials Science & Engineering | University of Miskolc | 01/01/2021 | 01/31/2021 | 01/01/2021 | 01/31/2021 | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | LU3T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-0836 | Materials Science & Technology | Sage Publications | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PO9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1369-8001 | Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JN4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1066-7857 | Materials Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1HI5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2509-8012 | Materials Theory | Springer Nature | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQUT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0967-8638 | Materials World | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 09/30/2017 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 10KA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813109377 | Materials, Manufacturing Technology, Electronics & Information Science - Proceedings of the 2015 International Workshop (Mmtei2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0933-5137 | Materialwissenschaft und Werkstoffechnik | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0137-2971 | Materiały Budowlane | Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N60V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1300-686X | Mathematical & Computational Applications | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 3FVP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0895-7177 | Mathematical & Computer Modelling | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | 02/28/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JN5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1387-3954 | Mathematical & Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EI9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2156-8472 | Mathematical Control & Related Fields | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 02/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | F2I0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-5572 | Mathematical Gazette | Cambridge University Press | 08/01/2012 | 10/26/2017 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 46DI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0942-5616 | Mathematical Logic Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 63K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1477-8599 | Mathematical Medicine & Biology: A Journal of the IMA | Oxford University Press | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0170-4214 | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-2994 | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research | Springer Nature | 02/01/1998 | | 02/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 72G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-2025 | Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-0041 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2UG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1393-7197 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy | Royal Irish Academy | 08/01/2000 | 12/31/2019 | 08/01/2000 | 12/01/2010 | | Y | | Ireland | Available Now | B63I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-5610 | Mathematical Programming | Springer Nature | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 3ON |
Core | Academic Journal | 2588-2546 | Mathematical Researches | Kharazmi University | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N20H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 2008-1359 | Mathematical Sciences | Springer Nature | 01/01/1968 | 01/04/1977 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | D3AX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-1295 | Mathematical Structures in Computer Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-5661 | Mathematical Systems Theory | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | 11/30/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 11/30/1996 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2Q7T |
Core | Magazine | 0378-4754 | Mathematics & Computers in Simulation | Elsevier Science | 02/26/2002 | | | | | | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3OP |
Priority | Magazine | | Mathematics & Mathematical Physics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1959 | 10/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3AY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2563-1926 | Mathematics in Applied Sciences & Engineering | University of Western Ontario, Canada Western Libraries | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MR5V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2640-3501 | Mathematics in Engineering | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MY4I |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0025-570X | Mathematics Magazine | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | 11/01/1982 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MAT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-5718 | Mathematics of Computation | American Mathematical Society | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 86L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0932-4194 | Mathematics of Control, Signals & Systems | Springer Nature | 06/01/2003 | | 06/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O4R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0364-765X | Mathematics of Operations Research | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 02/01/1976 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-584X | Mathematische Nachrichten | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2DW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2468-2047 | Matter & Radiation at Extremes | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L3OF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-3427 | Mauerwerk | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | 12/31/2022 | 05/01/2012 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDCE |
Core | Magazine | 1522-4279 | Maximum PC | Future Publishing Ltd. | 06/01/1998 | | 06/01/1998 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4SJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-0233 | Measurement Science & Technology | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1392-1223 | Measurements | Metrology Institute of Kaunas University of Technology | 04/01/2007 | 10/31/2009 | 04/01/2007 | 10/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 300C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-7653 | Mecatronica | Romanian Society of Mechatronics-SROMECA | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2007 | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2007 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 32DW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-6455 | Meccanica | Springer Nature | 12/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OJP |
Core | Magazine | 1093-8753 | Mech | Naval Safety Center | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 46JD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-5197 | Mechanical & Electronic Control Engineering | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZMN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2000-6993 | Mechanical Circulatory Support | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2011 | 01/31/2013 | 12/01/2011 | 01/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FBR6 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0025-6501 | Mechanical Engineering | American Society of Mechanical Engineers | 03/01/1919 | | 01/01/1992 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MEE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814740609 | Mechanical Engineering & Control Systems - Proceedings of 2015 International Conference (Mecs2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2798-5245 | Mechanical Engineering for Society & Industry | Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NA9I |
Priority | Magazine | 0025-6528 | Mechanical Handling. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1930 | 12/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2191-9151 | Mechanical Sciences | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FBQ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2247-9635 | Mechanical Testing & Diagnosis | Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Machine Design Department & Graphics | 04/01/2012 | | 04/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | EH5I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2521-1943 | Mechanics & Advanced Technologies | National Technical University of Ukraine KPI | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | LVXY |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813149014 | Mechanics & Architectural Design - Proceedings of 2016 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2257-7777 | Mechanics & Industry | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | EV6V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1428-1511 | Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering | Wydawnictwo Politechniki Lodzkiej | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2021 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2021 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K54N |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813145597 | Mechanics & Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Mme2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814699136 | Mechanics & Mechatronics (Icmm2015) - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-4220 | Mechanics of Advanced & Smart Materials Journal | Arak University | 01/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | ND6E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-4826 | Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures (MACS) | Semnan University | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NB8L |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Mechanika w Lotnictwie | Polish Society for Theoretical & Applied Mechanics - PTMTS | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MPLH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0094-114X | Mechanism & Machine Theory | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JO1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2087-3379 | Mechatronics, Electrical Power & Vehicular Technology | Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Research Centre for Electrical Power & Mechatronics | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | GCW1 |
Core | Magazine | | MechChem Africa | Crown Publications | 03/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | Y | South Africa | Available Now | N1DU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2209-2528 | Medbiotech Journal | Medbiotech Journal | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | MR66 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0025-6897 | Media & Methods | Media & Methods | 09/01/1993 | 01/31/2006 | 05/01/1997 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1411-4348 | Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin | Media Mesin: Majalah Teknik Mesin | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NB49 |
Core | Magazine | 2275-4881 | Mediakwest | Generation Numerique | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | MQ05 |
Priority | Magazine | | Medical & Biological Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1967 | 11/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3B8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0140-0118 | Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | PO0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0149-9734 | Medical Electronics | Measurements & Data Corporation | 02/01/1997 | 12/01/1998 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Y2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1463-9238 | Medical Informatics & the Internet in Medicine | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1999 | 12/31/2007 | 03/01/1999 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BAX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0350-1221 | Medical Journal / Medicinski Časopis | Serbian Medical Society, Section Kragujevac | 07/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | K55Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1427-9622 | Medical Rehabilitation / Rehabilitacja Medyczna | Medical Rehabilitation | 01/01/2013 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K564 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814719803 | Medicine & Biopharmaceutical - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1330-013X | Medicus (1330-013X) | Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. | 12/01/2016 | | 12/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | K57T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0254-7821 | Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology | Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro | 08/01/2015 | | 08/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | HQWF |
Priority | Magazine | | Melliand | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1929 | 12/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3B9 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4638 | Melliand Textile Monthly. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 11/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XL |
Priority | Magazine | | Memoir (Montana Bureau of Mines & Geology) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1934 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BB |
Priority | Magazine | | Memoir. Geological Survey of Canada | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/04/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BD |
Selective | Magazine | | Memoires de la Société des Ingenieurs Civils de France | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1938 | 09/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BE |
Priority | Magazine | | Memoires et Compte-Rendu des Travaux de la Société des Ingenieurs Civils de France | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 07/03/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BF |
Priority | Magazine | | Memoirs (South Africa). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XN |
Priority | Magazine | 1073-0850 | Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XP |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-0379 | Memoirs of the University of California. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0047-6765 | Mental Retardation | American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities | 02/01/1977 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MRT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2687-654X | Mersin Photogrammetry Journal | Mersin University | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MP5Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 2958-6542 | Mesopotamian Journal of CyberSecurity | Mesopotamian Academic Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | N6AX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0026-0576 | Metal Finishing | Elsevier B.V. | 06/01/1940 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4DR |
Priority | Magazine | 0360-5159 | Metal Industry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1913 | 05/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XW |
Core | Trade Publication | 1547-1411 | Metal Producing & Processing | Penton Publishing | 01/01/2003 | 07/31/2009 | 01/01/2003 | 07/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QE5 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0026-0665 | Metal Progress | ASM International | 09/01/1930 | 09/01/1986 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Y4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Metal Worker, Plumber & Steam Fitter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1914 | 09/24/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-165X | Metal Working (1674-165X) | Metal Working Editorial Office | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTQH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2436-5173 | Metallomics Research | Japan Society for Biomedical Research on Trace Elements | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MXDV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1024-1809 | Metallophysics & Advanced Technologies / Metallofizika i Novejsie Tehnologii | G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, N.A.S.U | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | JS0Y |
Priority | Magazine | 0141-8602 | Metallurgia | Quartz Business Media Ltd. | 07/01/1953 | 03/01/2003 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0U6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Metallurgia & Metal Forming | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1971 | 12/01/1977 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BT |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-0835 | Metallurgia (Manchester, England). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1947 | 07/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XX |
Priority | Magazine | 0361-2694 | Metallurgical & Chemical Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 11/15/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9XY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2956-1787 | Metallurgical & Materials Data | Association of Metallurgical Engineers of Serbia | 04/01/2024 | | 04/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NN99 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2217-8961 | Metallurgical & Materials Engineering | Netherlands Press | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | NC8O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1073-5623 | Metallurgical & Materials Transactions. Part A | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2UK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1073-5615 | Metallurgical & Materials Transactions. Part B | Springer Nature | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2UL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1816-1200 | Metallurgical Processes & Equipment | Technopark Ltd. DonSTU, Unitech | 12/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | 12/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | EU1T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2271-3646 | Metallurgical Research & Technology | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | H6DW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0026-0894 | Metallurgist | Springer Nature | 05/27/1927 | 05/25/1928 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NAQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Metals & Alloys | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1937 | 09/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BV |
Priority | Magazine | | Metals & Materials | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 12/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3BW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2075-4701 | Metals (2075-4701) | MDPI | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | FDTX |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0307-1693 | Metals Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | 12/01/1984 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82Y5 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5855 | Metals Technology (1934). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 12/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Y0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0461-9579 | Metalurgia | Fundatia Metalurgia Romana | 06/01/2006 | 06/30/2014 | 06/01/2006 | 06/30/2014 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 2IZ1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0026-1033 | Metalworking Production | Centaur Communications | 10/01/2001 | 11/30/2006 | 10/01/2001 | 11/30/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 40C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2953-4577 | Metaverse Basic & Applied Research | Fundacion Salud, Ciencia y Tecnologia | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Argentina | Available Now | N763 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0494 | Meteorology | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ76 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0389 | Methane | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZ79 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1991-0290 | Methods & Objects of Chemical Analysis / Metody & Obekty Himičeskogo Analiza | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | MT7L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2409-9279 | Methods & Protocols | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2942-3899 | Methods in Microscopy | De Gruyter | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NM5Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2171-911X | Mètode Science Studies Journal | Metode Science Studies Journal | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | LGU2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1756-4409 | Metro Report International | DVV Media International | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KBSI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8244 | Metrology | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2080-9050 | Metrology & Measurement Systems | Polish Academy of Sciences | 06/29/2013 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | FS08 |
Priority | Magazine | 0076-7840 | Michigan Business Papers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/03/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Y4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Michigan. University. School of Business Administration. Bureau of Business Research. Business Studies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 01/02/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-9621 | Micro & Nano Systems Letters | Springer Nature | 02/03/2016 | | 02/03/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FV5G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8023 | Micro (2673-8023) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZH1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814405034 | Microbes in Applied Research: Current Advances & Challenges | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMP |
Core | Magazine | 1076-8289 | MicroComputer Journal | William E. Gates | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MCJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0744-4567 | Microcomputing | CW Communications Peterborough | 01/01/1983 | 11/01/1984 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82Y6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0026-2714 | Microelectronics Reliability | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1343-8565 | Micromechatronics (1343-8565) / Maikuromekatoronikusu | Horological Institute of Japan | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MS6K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2662-4966 | Microplastics & Nanoplastics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N4ZM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0141-9331 | Microprocessors & Microsystems | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3Q5 |
Core | Magazine | | Microsoft Executive Circle | Microsoft Corporation | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | F9B |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388777 | Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0946-7076 | Microsystem Technologies | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NS5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-1030 | Microsystems & Nanoengineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ITCT |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471520191 | Microwave & Wireless Synthesizers | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1997 | 01/02/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/02/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VON |
Core | Trade Publication | 0192-6225 | Microwave Journal | Horizon House Publications Inc. | 05/01/2002 | | 05/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0OY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1450-5835 | Microwave Review | Society for Microwave Technique, Technologies & Systems | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | FQDB |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471207559 | Microwave Solid State Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQY |
Core | Trade Publication | 0745-2993 | Microwaves & RF | Endeavor Business Media | 11/01/1982 | | 01/01/1997 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5Z3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-2919 | Microwaves. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 10/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Y9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Middlebury College Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/02/1923 | 02/02/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Midwest Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1948 | 09/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C4 |
Core | Magazine | 0722-3226 | Military Technology | Monch Publishing Group | 01/01/2002 | 05/31/2024 | 01/01/2002 | 05/31/2024 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 21G |
Priority | Magazine | | Mill & Factory | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-6495 | Minds & Machines | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OJU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2572-6641 | Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy | Sage Publications | 07/01/2021 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MU80 |
Priority | Magazine | | Mineral Resources Circular (Kansas Geological Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1937 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Mineral Resources of the United States | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/14/1920 | 01/08/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3C9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Minerals Investigations Series (United States. Bureau of Mines) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1918 | 01/03/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CA |
Priority | Magazine | | Mines & Minerals | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/01/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-6489 | Mining | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Mining & Metallurgy | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 11/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-7854 | Mining & Metallurgy (10057854) | Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Technology Group | 06/01/2019 | | 06/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LNF8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5723 | Mining & Scientific Press. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1920 | 03/25/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YC |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-5160 | Mining Congress Journal | American Mining Congress | 01/01/1924 | 10/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M49 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0026-5187 | Mining Engineering | Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration, Inc. | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QU0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2719-3306 | Mining Machines | Komag Institute of Mining Technology | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MPKP |
Core | Trade Publication | 2653-634X | Mining Magazine | Prime Creative Media | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | N336 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2415-3435 | Mining of Mineral Deposits | Dnipro University of Technology | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | MT7M |
Core | Academic Journal | 2195-6529 | Mining Report | GVSt,GesamtverbandSteinkohlee.V. | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FU4U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2300-9586 | Mining Science | Mining Science | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | JEOB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1474-9009 | Mining Technology | Sage Publications Inc. | 04/01/2000 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PKK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2572-6668 | Mining Technology (2572-6668) | Sage Publications | 01/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MW13 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2450-7326 | Mining: Informatics, Automation & Electrical Engineering | Index Copernicus International | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N45E |
Priority | Magazine | | Minnesota University Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1110-0265 | Minufiya Journal of Agricultural Research | Egyptian National Agricultural Library (ENAL) | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 04/30/2016 | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | H0KF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0276-7783 | MIS Quarterly | MIS Quarterly | 03/01/1977 | | 03/01/1977 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MIS |
Priority | Magazine | | Miscellaneous Publication (U.S., Public Health Service) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CE |
Priority | Magazine | | Miscellaneous Publications (United States. Office of Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-384X | Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering | Egyptian National Agricultural Library (ENAL) | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Egypt | Available Now | H0JJ |
Core | Magazine | 1947-1521 | Mission Critical | BNP Media | 05/01/2009 | | 05/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8W9M |
Core | Magazine | 2749-649X | MIT Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JE15 |
Core | Magazine | 2474-6606 | MIT Technology Review Special Edition | MIT Technology Review | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LGTX |
Core | Magazine | 1096-3715 | MIT's Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 02/01/1997 | 11/01/1998 | 02/01/1997 | 11/01/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2M1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1346-6089 | Mizu Junkan Choryu to Shinto | Association for Rainwater Storage & Infiltration Technology | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | LEYI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1803-1269 | MM Science Journal | MM Science Journal | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | FD5K |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1543-5679 | MobiCom: International Conference on Mobile Computing & Networking | Association for Computing Machinery | 01/01/2008 | | 02/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8K3S |
Core | Magazine | 1542-1457 | Mobile Business Advisor | Advisor Media Inc | 05/01/2003 | 04/30/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QIK |
Core | Magazine | 1547-4828 | Mobile Enterprise | Edgell Communications Inc. | 11/01/2003 | 05/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TGW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495499 | Mobile Fading Channels | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470848760 | Mobile Messaging Technologies & Services | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VM9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1383-469X | Mobile Networks & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BTD |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471975953 | Mobile Radio Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ8 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471988571 | Mobile Radio Propagation Channel | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQ9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0745-7626 | Mobile Radio Technology | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 07/31/2008 | 07/01/1997 | 07/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 19P |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471720478 | Mobile Satellite Communication Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814623346 | Mobile Service Robotics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470850565 | Mobile Telecommunications Protocols for Data Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-9449 | Modares Journal of Civil Engineering | Tarbiat Modares University Press | 01/01/2014 | 05/31/2015 | 01/01/2014 | 05/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | HBVF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2228-527X | Modares Journal of Electrical Engineering | Tarbiat Modares University Press | 06/01/2014 | 12/31/2016 | 06/01/2014 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | HBVE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1027-5940 | Modares Mechanical Engineering | Tarbiat Modares University Press | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | HBVG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1574-1699 | Model Assisted Statistics & Applications | IOS Press | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 22NY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0332-7353 | Modeling, Identification & Control | Research Council of Norway | 04/01/2003 | 10/31/2008 | | | | Y | | Norway | Available Now | NPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-3951 | Modelling | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1240-4551 | Modelling, Measurement & Control. D: Manufacturing, Management, Human & Socio-Economic Problems | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | MREV |
Core | Trade Publication | | Modem Users News | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | 02/29/2020 | 07/01/1999 | 02/29/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YT |
Core | Magazine | 0026-7562 | Modern Casting | American Foundry Society, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QTY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2062-1655 | Modern Geográfia | Publikon Publishers/ IDResearch Ltd. | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | MVVU |
Priority | Magazine | | Modern Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 07/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CK |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0026-7902 | Modern Language Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1929 | 03/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MLJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0149-6611 | Modern Language Notes | Johns Hopkins University Press | 01/02/1950 | 01/02/1952 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BBGD |
Core | Trade Publication | 0026-8003 | Modern Machine Shop | Gardner Business Media, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | | 08/01/1996 | 12/01/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MMS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0026-8038 | Modern Materials Handling | Peerless Media | 01/01/1958 | | 02/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MMH |
Core | Magazine | 0026-8127 | Modern Metals | Trend Publishing | 02/01/1958 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QTP |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-8224 | Modern Packaging. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1940 | 12/01/1979 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YH |
Core | Magazine | 0098-7786 | Modern Paint & Coatings | Chemical Week Associates | 05/01/1983 | 08/01/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0EI |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-8240 | Modern Photography | Diamandis Communications Inc. | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MPO |
Core | Magazine | 0026-8275 | Modern Plastics | United Business Media | 09/01/1934 | 09/01/2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MPL |
Core | Magazine | 1554-8589 | Modern Plastics Worldwide | United Business Media | 01/01/2005 | 04/30/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 22R9 |
Core | Trade Publication | | Modern Quarrying | Crown Publications | 01/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | | South Africa | Coming Soon | FI8X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2472-5625 | Modern Rheumatology Case Reports | Oxford University Press | 02/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEKE |
Priority | Magazine | 0279-5027 | Modern Textile Business | Vista Publications | 09/01/1981 | 10/01/1982 | | | | | | | Available Now | A2T |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4980 | Modern Textiles | Rayon Pub. Corp. | 12/01/1969 | 09/01/1981 | | | | | | | Available Now | A2U |
Priority | Magazine | 0026-8488 | Modern Textiles Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1952 | 11/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YJ |
Priority | Magazine | 1520-2585 | Molding Systems | Society of Manufacturing Engineers | 11/01/1997 | 06/01/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2M6 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1098-3198 | Moldmaking Technology Magazine | Gardner Business Media, Inc. | 03/01/2005 | | 03/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17SQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1882-501X | Molecular Science | Japan Society for Molecular Science | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQSD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1907-9761 | Molekul: Jurnal Ilmiah Kimia Molekul | Molekul: Jurnal Ilmiah Kimia Molekul | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8K0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0121-4470 | Momento: Revista de Física | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Fisica | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | FR43 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0037-976X | Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1977 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SRC |
Core | Magazine | 1554-303X | Montague Institute Review | Montague Institute | 12/01/2011 | 09/30/2013 | 12/01/2011 | 09/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B8MP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0929-9629 | Monte Carlo Methods & Applications | De Gruyter | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | C4A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0027-0105 | Montes | Colegio y Asociación de Ingenieros de Montes | 10/01/2016 | | 10/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | JPZW |
Priority | Magazine | | Monthly Bulletin (St. Louis Public Library) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1918 | 01/02/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CU |
Priority | Magazine | | Monthly Bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1917 | 03/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0098-1818 | Monthly Labor Review | US Department of Labor | 08/01/1918 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MLR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0035-8711 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 81Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1745-3925 | Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GVM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0027-0644 | Monthly Weather Review | American Meteorological Society | 01/01/1977 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9LV |
Priority | Magazine | | Moodys Investors Service | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1924 | 01/06/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3CY |
Core | Magazine | 2680-980X | Moovee | Generation Numerique | 10/01/2021 | 01/31/2022 | 10/01/2021 | 01/31/2022 | | | Y | France | Available Now | MQ06 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2665-8623 | Moroccan Journal of Quantitative & Qualitative Research | National Association for Applied Sciences - Academy of Researchers | 09/01/2020 | | 09/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Morocco | Available Now | MRAI |
Core | Magazine | 2642-0929 | Motion Design | SAE Media | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NKTR |
Core | Magazine | 1537-1794 | Motion System Design | Endeavor Business Media | 08/07/2004 | 12/31/2012 | 08/07/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EWD |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1543-6470 | Motion System Hydraulics & Pneumatics | Endeavor Business Media | 02/01/2003 | 03/01/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | Z3Q |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1520-9385 | Motor Age | Endeavor Business Media | 06/06/1918 | 10/21/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MTA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0027-2639 | Mousaion | Unisa Press | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | South Africa | Available Now | RQO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844656 | MPEG-4 Facial Animation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2731-5894 | MRS Advances | Springer Nature | 01/01/2019 | 02/29/2020 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | JVXK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0883-7694 | MRS Bulletin | Springer Nature | 01/01/2011 | 03/01/2018 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | 8SE6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2159-6859 | MRS Communications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | EV6W |
Core | Magazine | 1528-4859 | MSDN | United Business Media | 01/01/2003 | 10/01/2019 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7FI |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1533-7758 | MSI | Reed Business Information | 01/01/2001 | 10/01/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2149-3596 | Mugla Journal of Science & Technology | Mugla Journal of Science & Technology | 04/01/2015 | | 04/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | KC1H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1574-1702 | Multiagent & Grid Systems | IOS Press | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 22NZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0923-6082 | Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OK2 |
Core | Magazine | 1546-4636 | Multimedia & Internet @ Schools | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2010 | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | V0Z |
Core | Trade Publication | 1466-190X | Multimedia Information & Technology | Multimedia Information & Technology | 02/01/2005 | 03/31/2018 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N3Z |
Core | Magazine | 1075-0479 | MultiMedia Schools | Information Today Inc. | 05/01/1994 | 11/30/2003 | 05/01/1994 | 11/30/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MLT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0942-4962 | Multimedia Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NSH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1380-7501 | Multimedia Tools & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2011 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OK3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2414-4088 | Multimodal Technologies & Interaction | MDPI | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU2E |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498773 | Multiple Access Protocols for Mobile Communcations | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQB |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471205067 | Multisensor Instrumentation 6 Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-4794 | Multisensory Research | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | FR6Q |
Priority | Magazine | | Municipal & County Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1918 | 07/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3D0 |
Priority | Magazine | 0820-4446 | Municipal & Industrial Water & Pollution Control | Business Information Group | 02/01/1986 | 09/01/1993 | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 82Y7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-4129 | Municipal Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 06/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YP |
Priority | Magazine | 0143-4187 | Municipal Journal | Municipal Engineering Ltd. | 01/01/1914 | 01/31/1920 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6185 | Municipal News & Water Works. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1928 | 08/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YS |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6177 | Municipal News. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1927 | 06/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YR |
Priority | Magazine | | Municipal Reference Library Notes | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1920 | 12/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3D5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Municipal Utilities | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1950 | 11/01/1955 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3D6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0369-2671 | Municipal Utilities Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1954 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YT |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0027-4321 | Music Educators Journal | Sage Publications | 09/01/1934 | 10/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MUE |
Priority | Magazine | 0735-6692 | Musical America (1898). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1914 | 12/01/1914 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9YX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2601-5773 | Muszaki Tudományos Közlemények | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2021 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N07K |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-873X | MUX: The Journal of Mobile User Experience | Springer Nature | 03/01/2015 | 11/10/2016 | 03/01/2015 | 11/10/2016 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | H6E4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1674-1641 | MW Metal Cutting | Metal Working Editorial Office | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTQI |
Core | Trade Publication | 0026-1033 | MWP | Centaur Communications | 08/01/2003 | 09/30/2016 | 08/01/2003 | 09/30/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4UFH |
Core | Magazine | | My Mobile | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | | Y | India | Available Now | N1Q2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2150-1203 | Mycology: An International Journal on Fungal Biology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7KL |
Priority | Magazine | | N.A.C.A. Bulletin. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1934 | 06/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Z1 |
Priority | Magazine | | NAA Bulletin | National Society of Accountants | 07/01/1957 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 91A2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1439-9598 | Nachrichten aus der Chemie | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DSI8 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0179-504X | Nahverkehrsnachrichten | DVV Media Group GmbH | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KBSE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-3621 | Nanning Zhiye Jishu Xueyuan Xuebao | Nanning College for Vocational Technology | 07/01/2018 | 01/31/2021 | 07/01/2018 | 01/31/2021 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAT5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2196-5404 | Nano Convergence | Springer Nature | 03/15/2016 | | 03/15/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GQHZ |
Core | Academic Journal | | Nano Select | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9781848169050 | Nano-Biomedical Engineering 2012 - Proceedings of the Tohoku University Global Centre of Excellence Programme | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCT7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2055-0324 | Nanocomposites | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HL96 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-706X | Nanoenergy Advances | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2792-0666 | NanoEra | Ataturk University Coordinatorship of Scientific Journals | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7HL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-687X | Nanomanufacturing | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1847-9804 | Nanomaterials & Nanotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EUMZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2582-8622 | NanoNEXT | Asian Research Association | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | N8S1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-7265 | Nanoscale & Microscale Thermophysical Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 24FO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1931-7573 | Nanoscale Research Letters | Springer Nature | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 46OO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2164-2311 | Nanoscience Methods | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FV86 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1816-5230 | Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii | G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, N.A.S.U | 03/01/2017 | | 03/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | KC27 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-6030 | Nanotechnology & Precision Engineering | American Institute of Physics | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K4VD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2038-968X | Nanotechnology Development | PAGEPress | 07/01/2012 | 01/31/2013 | 07/01/2012 | 01/31/2013 | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | EGNS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1177-8903 | Nanotechnology, Science & Applications | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2012 | | 05/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B06Q |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0192-6365 | NASSP Bulletin | Sage Publications | 05/01/1972 | 05/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NAS |
Priority | Magazine | 0027-8378 | Nation | Nation Company, L. P. | 01/29/1930 | 04/20/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NAT |
Priority | Magazine | 0028-047X | Nation's Business | US Chamber of Commerce | 01/01/1920 | 12/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NAB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1026-6496 | National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Reports / Doklady Nacionalnaâ Akademiâ Nauk Armenii | National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia | 03/01/2016 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Armenia | Available Now | K44D |
Priority | Report | | National Bureau of Standards Report | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1938 | 01/07/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3DP |
Priority | Magazine | | National City Bank | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3DR |
Priority | Magazine | | National Electric Light Association Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 02/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3DW |
Priority | Magazine | | National Institute of Health Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1937 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3DX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2582-2659 | National Journal of Antennas & Propagation (NJAP) | Siree Publications | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | MC0V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0974-3308 | National Journal of System & Information Technology (NJSIT) | National Journal of System & Information Technology (NJSIT) | 06/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | 06/01/2015 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | JEOR |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0149-5267 | National Petroleum News | EPG Media & Specialty Information | 01/07/1920 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NPN |
Priority | Magazine | | National Research Council. Reprint & Circular Series of the National Research Council | National Research Council | 01/06/1927 | 01/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3E0 |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | National Research Council. Reprint & Circular Series of the National Research Council. | National Research Council | 01/01/1921 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DBYL |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-0100 | National Safety News | National Safety Council | 01/01/1923 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3QBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-5138 | National Science Review | Oxford University Press | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GDPS |
Priority | Magazine | | National Underwriter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 12/27/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3E3 |
Priority | Magazine | | National Underwriter (1921) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1930 | 11/08/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3E4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0028-033X | National Underwriter (Life & Health Insurance Edition). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1957 | 12/28/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9ZC |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Nations Health | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 12/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CLQK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1567-7818 | Natural Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2011 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OK5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-5539 | Natural Gas & Oil | Editorial Department of Natural Gas & Oil | 02/01/2018 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LATS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-1926 | Natural Gas Geoscience | Natural Gas Geoscience | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K5C1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-0976 | Natural Gas Industry | Natural Gas Industry Journal Agency | 09/01/2017 | | 09/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 3BYG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-806X | Natural Language & Linguistic Theory | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OK6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1351-3249 | Natural Language Engineering | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0L |
Core | Academic Journal | 2380-2693 | Natural Resources & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JQW1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2698-6248 | Natural Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N6RW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-0836 | Nature | Springer Nature | 04/27/1929 | 06/21/1930 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NAE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814525527 | Nature-Inspired Mobile Robotics - Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Climbing & Walking Robots & the Support Technologies For Mobile Machines | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLG |
Core | Trade Publication | 0306-0209 | Naval Architect | Royal Institution of Naval Architects | 06/01/2019 | | 06/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8HS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-1425 | Naval Engineers Journal | American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) | 11/01/1961 | 10/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 10UQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0028-1522 | Navigation (Institute of Navigation) | Institute of Navigation | 01/01/2022 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | NDWB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0028-1522 | Navigation (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2014 | 12/31/2021 | 03/01/2014 | 12/31/2021 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ETV6 |
Core | Report | 0083-209X | NCRP Report | US Department of Commerce | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | G9D2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-477X | NDT | MDPI | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | NKLM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0963-8695 | NDT & E International | Elsevier B.V. | 06/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JP2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Nebraska Conservation Bulletin (University of Nebraska) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EA |
Priority | Magazine | | Nebraska Geological Survey Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 01/04/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EB |
Priority | Magazine | | Nebraska Studies in Business (University of Nebraska) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/05/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2667-7989 | Necmettin Erbakan University, Journal of Science & Engineering | Necmettin Erbakan University, Journal of Science & Engineering | 01/01/2023 | | 08/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NETR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1888-8550 | Nereis | Universidad Catolica de Valencia, San Vicente Martir | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2017 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | LSHQ |
Core | Magazine | 1078-4632 | NetGuide | United Business Media | 12/01/1994 | 08/31/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NTG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-8732 | Network (2673-8732) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZGY |
Core | Trade Publication | 1046-4468 | Network Computing | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670006 | Network Dictionary | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 03/01/2007 | 03/31/2007 | 03/01/2007 | 03/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 478Y |
Core | Trade Publication | 1539-8137 | Network Magazine | United Business Media | 11/01/1999 | 08/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 4TR |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670020 | Network Protocols Handbook | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 04/01/2007 | 04/30/2007 | 04/01/2007 | 04/30/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 478X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-1242 | Network Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSLI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1353-4858 | Network Security | Mark Allen Holdings Limited | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2021 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JR7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0887-7661 | Network World | IDG Communications, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 06/04/2013 | 01/01/2002 | 06/04/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0NA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0954-898X | Network: Computation in Neural Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2003 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | C6M |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471987949 | Networked Futures | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0028-3045 | Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-1801 | Networks & Heterogeneous Media | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EGL5 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471973461 | Networks & Telecommunications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 01/31/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VML |
Core | Trade Publication | | Networks Update | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-7667 | Neural Computation | MIT Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NEC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0941-0643 | Neural Computing & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 8HG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0893-6080 | Neural Networks | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JP3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1370-4621 | Neural Processing Letters | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OKB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814699334 | Neurocomputational Models of Cognitive Development & Processing - Proceedings of the 14th Neural Computation & Psychology Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-2312 | Neurocomputing | Elsevier Science | 06/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2574-1098 | Neutrosophic Computing & Machine Learning | Multimedia Larga | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LUV1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-702X | New Building Materials / Xinxing Jianzhu Cailiao | New Building Materials Editorial Office | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LARS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0194-3081 | New Directions for Community Colleges | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1978 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0YG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0271-0560 | New Directions for Higher Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1978 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NDH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0271-0579 | New Directions for Institutional Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/1982 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NDI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-6780 | New Educational Approaches | University of Isfahan | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | GCKO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0288-3635 | New Generation Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | P4U |
Core | Trade Publication | | New Media Age | Centaur Communications | 06/13/2002 | 06/30/2011 | 06/13/2002 | 06/30/2011 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FX0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1364-7776 | New Media Age (Online Edition) | Centaur Communications | 12/07/2011 | 11/30/2012 | 12/07/2011 | 11/30/2012 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BB11 |
Priority | Magazine | 0028-6583 | New Republic | TNR II, LLC | 01/09/1929 | 05/25/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NRP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1361-4568 | New Review of Hypermedia & Multimedia | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RQN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1471-6313 | New Review of Information Behaviour Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | 12/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RFZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1361-4576 | New Review of Information Networking | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2003 | | 12/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RG1 |
Core | Magazine | 0262-4079 | New Scientist | New Scientist Ltd. | 01/06/1977 | | 01/04/1997 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NSI |
Priority | Magazine | | New Series Bulletin (University of Michigan) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EI |
Core | Trade Publication | 1074-1690 | New Steel | Euromoney Trading Limited | 10/01/1993 | 09/30/2024 | 01/01/1995 | 09/30/2001 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NST |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-1072 | New Technology, Work & Employment | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1997 | | 03/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1ND |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-6851 | New Trends in Computer Sciences | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | NAA4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-0271 | New York State Museum Bulletin. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 02/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9ZY |
Core | Magazine | 1175-2149 | New Zealand Security | Defsec Media | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MU4T |
Priority | Magazine | | Newark Public Library Business Literature | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/02/1932 | 03/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EN |
Priority | Magazine | | Newark. Public Library. The Library | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1926 | 12/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3EO |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6415 | News Edition (American Chemical Society). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/10/1940 | 12/26/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA01 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1560-5655 | News of Kazakhstan Science / Novosti nauki Kazahstana | NCSTE (JSC National Center for State Scientific & Technical Evaluations) | 10/01/2017 | | 10/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | L6W7 |
Selective | Magazine | | News-Record of the Baltimore Museum of Art | Baltimore Museum of Art | 02/26/1948 | 02/26/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3ES |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814571661 | Next Generation Experiments To Measure the Neutron Lifetime - Proceedings of the Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486671 | Next Generation Network Services | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMN |
Core | Magazine | 1054-8793 | NFPA Journal | National Fire Protection Association | 01/01/1991 | 10/31/2019 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NFP |
Core | Magazine | 0734-3795 | Nibble | Mindcraft Inc. | 06/01/1986 | 06/30/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NIB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0794-5698 | Nigerian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences | NJBAS | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRAN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0795-5111 | Nigerian Journal of Technological Research | Federal University of Technology, Minna | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | | Nigeria | Coming Soon | MRAO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0331-8443 | Nigerian Journal of Technology | University of Nigeria, Faculty of Engineering | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | EUI4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1595-5397 | Nigerian Journal of Tropical Engineering | Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | NEYK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1346-907X | Nihon Chikusan Gakkaiho | Japanese Society of Animal Science | 10/01/2018 | | 10/01/2018 | | 6 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | LRNO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-3360 | NIR News | Sage Publications | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L977 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2504-3129 | Nitrogen (2504-3129) | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQD |
Priority | Magazine | 0549-5865 | Noise Control (05495865) | Noise Control | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 23CG |
Priority | Magazine | 0093-9978 | Noise Control Engineering | Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA | 01/01/1977 | 03/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LZ7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0736-2501 | Noise Control Engineering Journal | Institute of Noise Control Engineering of the USA | 05/01/1982 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LZ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2359-8646 | Nonconventional Technologies Review / Revista de Tehnologii Neconventionale | Asociatia Romana de Tehnologii Neconventionale (ARTN) | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BL29 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-9759 | Nondestructive Testing & Evaluation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J4Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-7545 | Nonferrous Metals (Extractive Metallurgy) | Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Technology Group | 04/01/2019 | | 04/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | M58A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-9492 | Nonferrous Metals (Mineral Processing Section) | Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Technology Group | 07/01/2019 | | 07/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LNF4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-4172 | Nonferrous Metals (Mining Section) | Beijing Research Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Technology Group | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LNF5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-090X | Nonlinear Dynamics | Springer Nature | 07/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OKC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0951-7715 | Nonlinearity | IOP Publishing | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2A1 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780415302067 | Nontraditional Database Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13K9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1236-6064 | Nordic Journal of Computing | Nordic Journal of Computing | 06/01/2004 | 09/30/2008 | | | | Y | | Finland | Available Now | YSE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1892-0713 | Norsk Informatikkonferanse | Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (NIKT) | 01/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | 01/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | | | Y | | Available Now | BKX5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1892-0748 | Norsk Konferanse for Organisasjoners Bruk av Informasjonsteknologi | Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (NIKT) | 11/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | 11/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | | | Y | | Available Now | BKX8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2000-1533 | Northern European Journal of Language Technology | Linkoping University Electronic Press | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Sweden | Available Now | AWZ1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1893-6563 | Norwegian Information Security Conference / Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse | Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning (NIKT) | 11/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | 11/01/2009 | 12/07/2022 | | | Y | | Available Now | BKX6 |
Core | Magazine | 1533-7960 | Novell Connection | Netware | 01/01/2004 | 05/31/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LDW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1884-4049 | NPG Asia Materials | Springer Nature | 06/01/2018 | | 06/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FICH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2397-7132 | NPJ 2D Materials & Applications | Springer Nature | 02/19/2019 | | 02/19/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQV1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2057-3960 | NPJ Computational Materials | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KIPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2397-4621 | NPJ Flexible Electronics | Springer Nature | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQV5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2397-2106 | NPJ Materials Degradation | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQV6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2373-8065 | NPJ Microgravity | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KIPI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2056-6387 | NPJ Quantum Information | Springer Nature | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KIPC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2397-4648 | NPJ Quantum Materials | Springer Nature | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQV8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0915-2318 | NTT Gijutsu Journal | Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corporation | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQQW |
Core | Magazine | 0191-815X | Nuclear & Chemical Waste Management | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1980 | 05/31/1988 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LZC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2773-1839 | Nuclear Analysis | KeAi Communications Co. | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N996 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Nuclear Engineering | Journal Collection (Sage) | 01/01/1967 | 09/01/1976 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3QFM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-5493 | Nuclear Engineering & Design | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RJ |
Core | Magazine | 0029-5507 | Nuclear Engineering International | Global Trade Media Ltd. | 06/01/1973 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1R5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1745-2058 | Nuclear Future | Nuclear Institute | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16VU |
Core | Magazine | 0029-5574 | Nuclear News | American Nuclear Society. Commercial Publications Department | 01/01/1977 | 11/01/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QTX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-5360 | Nuclear Safety | Nuclear & Radiation Safety Center | 12/01/2018 | | 12/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LATV |
Core | Magazine | 0029-5604 | Nuclear Safety (0029-5604) | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/1972 | 01/01/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NUC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-5639 | Nuclear Science & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8F4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814360647 | Nuclear Structure in China 2010 - Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Nuclear Structure in China | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSG |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814447478 | Nuclear Structure in China 2012 - Proceedings of the 14th National Conference on Nuclear Structure in China | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMG |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813109629 | Nuclear Structure in China 2014 - Proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Nuclear Structure in China | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814417945 | Nuclear Structure Problems - Proceedings of the French-Japanese Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-5450 | Nuclear Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QU8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0272-3921 | Nuclear Technology/Fusion | American Nuclear Society | 01/01/1981 | 05/01/1984 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QTW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-1048 | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford University Press | 05/01/2001 | 05/31/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6207 | Nucleonics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1951 | 06/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA0C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2155-3289 | Numerical Algebra, Control & Optimization | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 02/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | F2I1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1017-1398 | Numerical Algorithms | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | BSZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0163-0563 | Numerical Functional Analysis & Optimization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | | 02/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I3L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-5325 | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O94 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-8979 | Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods & Applications | Global Science Press | 02/01/2008 | 05/31/2010 | | | | Y | | China | Available Now | 50AN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-599X | Numerische Mathematik | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NZ5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-666X | Nutrition Today | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 09/01/1973 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | NUT |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471623793 | Object Oriented Software Technologies in Telecommunications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOP |
Priority | Magazine | | Occupational Information & Guidance Series (United States. Division of Vocational Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3F5 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 2164-5841 | Occupations: The Vocational Guidance Journal | American Counseling Association | 10/01/1945 | 05/01/1952 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 23CJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-8018 | Ocean Engineering | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JN9 |
Core | Magazine | 0029-8182 | Oceanus | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 09/01/1975 | | 03/01/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1065-075X | OCLC Systems & Services | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2015 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NG4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-5761 | OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 2 | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 01/01/2022 | | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | N3AU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-577X | OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 3 | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 07/05/2017 | | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | N4XL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2074-5788 | OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Section 4 | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 01/01/2022 | | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | N3AV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Öffentliche Wissenschaft und Neue Medien: die Rolle der Web 2.0-Kultur in der Wissenschaftsvermittlung | KIT Scientific Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92T |
Core | Trade Publication | 0030-0128 | Office | Penton Publishing | 07/01/1993 | 10/31/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | OFF |
Priority | Magazine | | Office Economist | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1924 | 11/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3F9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Office Management; a Constructive Monthly Magazine on Business Methods | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1922 | 10/01/1922 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FC |
Priority | Magazine | | Office of Education Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1938 | 01/02/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FD |
Core | Trade Publication | 0030-0608 | Offshore | Endeavor Business Media | 11/01/1972 | | 01/01/1995 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OFS |
Priority | Magazine | | Ohio State University Studies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FE |
Priority | Magazine | | Ohio State University Studies. Bureau of Business Research Monographs | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FF |
Priority | Magazine | | Ohio State University. Engineering Experiment Station Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/02/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FG |
Priority | Magazine | 0030-1388 | Oil & Gas Journal | Endeavor Business Media | 01/03/1929 | 08/11/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | OGJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0030-1469 | Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1921 | 10/16/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA0H |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-4092 | Oilfield Chemistry | Sichuan University, Oilfield Chemistry Editorial Office | 03/25/2023 | | 03/25/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | 3BYU |
Priority | Magazine | | Oklahoma. Geological Survey. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1345-8949 | Oleoscience | Japan Oil Chemists' Society | 09/01/2024 | | 09/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRYL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1822-7732 | Olympiads in Informatics | Vilnius University, Institute of Mathematics & Informatics | 01/01/2010 | 01/01/2015 | 01/01/2010 | 01/01/2015 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | BLOC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1896-8961 | Onkologia i Radioterapia | Wydawnictwo SALVE | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K574 |
Core | Magazine | 0146-5422 | Online (0146-5422) | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 11/30/2012 | 01/01/1994 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ONL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0816-956X | Online Currents | Enterprise Information Management | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2005 | | | | Y | | Australia | Available Now | 0QQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1468-4527 | Online Information Review | Emerald Publishing Limited | 10/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9NA |
Core | Trade Publication | | Online Media News | Worldwide Videotex | 11/01/2020 | | 11/01/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MO8S |
Core | Magazine | 0194-0694 | Online Newsletter | Information Intelligence Inc. | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9EO |
Core | Magazine | 2324-9684 | Online Searcher | Information Today Inc. | 01/01/2013 | 11/30/2022 | 01/01/2013 | 11/30/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FR6S |
Core | Magazine | 0380-1969 | Ontario Technologist | Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists (OACETT) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | MQ09 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2543-6376 | Open Astronomy | De Gruyter | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | M5C1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2299-1093 | Open Computer Science | De Gruyter | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MU7W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2391-5439 | Open Engineering | De Gruyter | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ITNU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2363-7501 | Open Geospatial Data, Software & Standards | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2021 | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2021 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | I6Z0 |
Core | Magazine | 2456-4885 | Open Source For You | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | | Y | India | Available Now | N310 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Open Statistics | De Gruyter | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N0I3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1230-1612 | Open Systems & Information Dynamics (OSID) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | D416 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1230-1612 | Open Systems & Information Dynamics: International Interdisciplinary Journal | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | DSC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2620-1607 | Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory & Applications (ORESTA) | Regional Association for Security & Crisis Management | 01/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NB75 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0030-364X | Operations Research | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1966 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | OPR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-6377 | Operations Research Letters | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0091-3286 | Optical Engineering | SPIE - International Society of Optical Engineering | 01/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GAS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471183730 | Optical Filter Design & Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0925-3467 | Optical Materials | Elsevier Science | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843000 | Optical Metrology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOQ |
Core | Magazine | 1097-8275 | Optical Networks/WDM | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30Z9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1573-4277 | Optical Switching & Networking | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1CAG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0030-3992 | Optics & Laser Technology | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JNI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1793-7140 | Optics & Photonics Letters | World Scientific Publishing Company | 06/01/2011 | 03/31/2016 | 06/01/2011 | 03/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B9L5 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Optics (2673-3269) | MDPI | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N1PQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0146-9592 | Optics Letters | Optica Publishing Group | 01/01/1997 | 05/31/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QTV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0233-1934 | Optimization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J52 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1389-4420 | Optimization & Engineering | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OKH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1055-6788 | Optimization Methods & Software | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2002 | | 02/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J53 |
Core | Magazine | 1537-2308 | Optimize | United Business Media | 03/01/2002 | 06/30/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QIN |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471093909 | Optimum Array Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1230-3402 | Opto-Electronics Review | Polish Academy of Sciences | 07/01/2005 | | 07/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | 46P2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1681-7893 | Optoelectronic Information-Power Technologies | Vinnytsia National Technical University | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | N9PL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0259-191X | Orion | Operations Research Society of South Africa | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | South Africa | Available Now | ORI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0899-1499 | ORSA Journal on Computing | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1989 | 09/30/1995 | 01/01/1989 | 09/30/1995 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q7K |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0474-7534 | Orton Society: Bulletin of Orton Society | Springer Nature | 01/01/1977 | 01/01/1981 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | B4GL |
Core | Magazine | 1354-3172 | Overload | Association of C & C++ Users | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VB7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1584-5990 | Ovidius University Annals, Series Civil Engineering | Sciendo | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | F2HW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2752-5082 | Oxford Open Energy | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N2BP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2633-6979 | Oxford Open Materials Science | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MB4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1943-7536 | Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FIOD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814596343 | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2014 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL0 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814644723 | Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2015 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCP5 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0030-9044 | Package Engineering | Reed Business Information | 01/01/1977 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3QT8 |
Core | Magazine | 1328-3847 | Packaging | Cirrus Media | 05/01/2008 | 10/31/2009 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | PKG |
Priority | Magazine | 0746-3820 | Packaging (07463820) | Reed Business Information | 08/01/1993 | 11/01/1994 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 31XN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0253-4312 | Paint & Coatings Industry (0253-4312) | Paint & Coatings Industry Editorial Office | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQM5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Paint, Oil & Chemical Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1941 | 11/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3FY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1681-4525 | Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | NMON |
Core | Academic Journal | 1812-1837 | Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology | Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology | 10/01/2017 | | 10/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | G993 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2220-2625 | Pakistan Journal of Chemistry | Chem Publishers | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | FQ54 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2222-9930 | Pakistan Journal of Engineering Technology & Science | Institute of Business Management | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | N93W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2080-9778 | Paladyn: Journal of Behavioral Robotics | De Gruyter | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | AXGU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2219-5688 | Palestine Journal of Mathematics | Palestine Polytechnic University | 03/01/2014 | | 03/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Palestine, State of | Available Now | H6HJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2307-8081 | Palestine Technical University: Kadoorie Research Journal | Association of Arab Universities | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N30W |
Priority | Magazine | | Pamphlet (United States. Office of Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1933 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Pamphlet (United States. Womens Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1956 | 01/02/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Pamphlet. Idaho Bureau of Mines & Geology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G3 |
Core | Magazine | 2530-0148 | Papeles de Energía | Fundacion de los Bancos y Cajas de CECA (FUNCAS) | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | | Y | Spain | Available Now | MR5M |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Paper (Journal Collection (Sage)) | Journal Collection (Sage) | 10/01/1919 | 02/12/1925 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3QTI |
Core | Trade Publication | 1933-3684 | Paper 360 | TAPPI | 08/01/2006 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SHD |
Priority | Magazine | | Paper Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 10/03/1965 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G5 |
Priority | Magazine | | Paper Industry & Paper World | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1939 | 12/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0197-3991 | Paper Industry (Paper Industry Management Association). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1977 | 01/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA0S |
Priority | Magazine | | Paper Trade Journal | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 01/06/1920 | 12/30/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 588W |
Priority | Magazine | | Paper. Geological Survey of Canada | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3G8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Papers. Nebraska Geological Survey | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1933 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8191 | Parallel Computing | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0129-6264 | Parallel Processing Letters | World Scientific Publishing Company | 03/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | Singapore | Available Now | 8KT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2571-712X | Particles (2571-712X) | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-6351 | Particulate Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 07/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BC0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1433-7541 | Pattern Analysis & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | O4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-3203 | Pattern Recognition | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 05/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JNQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8655 | Pattern Recognition Letters | Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RY |
Core | Trade Publication | | PC Business Products | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YU |
Core | Magazine | 1080-4471 | PC Gamer (US Edition) | Future Publishing Ltd. | 09/01/2000 | | 07/01/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7NF |
Core | Magazine | 1546-4288 | PC Upgrade | Bedford Communications, Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 06/30/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RTN |
Core | Trade Publication | 0740-1604 | PC Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 01/01/1993 | 05/07/2000 | 01/01/1998 | 05/07/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCK |
Core | Magazine | 0893-8075 | PCNetter | Architecture Technology Corporation | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PNR |
Core | Magazine | 0737-8939 | PCWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 06/01/1986 | | 01/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0161-956X | Peabody Journal of Education (0161956X) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/1970 | 09/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7MT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-9235 | Pearl River | Pearl River Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MVXJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1213-0494 | Pediatrie pro Praxi | SOLEN sro | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | K57A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1741-0126 | PEDS: Protein Engineering, Design & Selection | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2CJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1936-6442 | Peer-to-Peer Networking & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 46TH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2691-6630 | PeerJ Analytical Chemistry | PeerJ Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAFL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2376-5992 | PeerJ Computer Science | PeerJ Inc. | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LUJD |
Core | Academic Journal | | PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry | PeerJ Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAFN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2691-6657 | PeerJ Materials Science | PeerJ Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAFM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2831-6223 | PeerJ Organic Chemistry | PeerJ Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAFJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2689-7733 | PeerJ Physical Chemistry | PeerJ Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAFK |
Priority | Magazine | | Pennsylvania State College Studies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1937 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GK |
Core | Trade Publication | 1935-5572 | Penton's Welding Magazine | Penton Publishing | 01/01/2007 | 08/31/2009 | 01/01/2007 | 08/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 31XC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0166-5316 | Performance Evaluation | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3RZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471972280 | Performance of Computer Communication Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2064-5260 | Periodica Polytechnica: Electrical Engineering & Computer Science | Periodica Polytechnica | 08/01/2015 | | 08/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | JDII |
Core | Academic Journal | 0303-7800 | Periodica Polytechnica: Transportation Engineering | Periodica Polytechnica | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | FCNH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2303-4521 | Periodicals of Engineering & Natural Sciences (PEN) | International University of Sarajevo | 01/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | NB2W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-667X | Perl Review | Perl Review | 03/01/2005 | 03/31/2011 | 03/01/2005 | 03/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 38ZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1617-4909 | Personal & Ubiquitous Computing | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O4Y |
Core | Magazine | 0192-5490 | Personal Computing | Nielsen Business Media, Inc. | 06/01/1984 | 08/01/1990 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PCP |
Priority | Magazine | 0031-5702 | Personnel | Institute of Management & Administration | 08/01/1932 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6MU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0031-5737 | Personnel & Guidance Journal | American Counseling Association | 01/01/1958 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JZB |
Priority | Magazine | 0031-5745 | Personnel Journal | Crain Communications | 05/01/1935 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PER |
Core | Academic Journal | 1569-1500 | Perspectives on Global Development & Technology | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2002 | | 03/01/2002 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | KHL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2831-4824 | Perspectives on Information Fusion | International Society of Information Fusion | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NF3Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0128-7680 | Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology | Universiti Putra Malaysia | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | 6EKD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1574-1192 | Pervasive & Mobile Computing | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1F3I |
Priority | Magazine | | Petro/chem Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1967 | 07/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GN |
Priority | Magazine | | Petroleum Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 10/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GO |
Priority | Magazine | | Petroleum Age & Service Station Merchandising | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1928 | 08/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GP |
Priority | Magazine | | Petroleum Age (Chicago, Ill.: 1936) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1936 | 12/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GQ |
Core | Magazine | | Petroleum Australia | Sage Media Group | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | NAFR |
Priority | Magazine | | Petroleum Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1940 | 06/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GR |
Priority | Magazine | | Petroleum Engineer for Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1956 | 07/15/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3GS |
Core | Trade Publication | 0164-8322 | Petroleum Engineer International | Hart Energy Publishing, LP | 12/01/1944 | 09/30/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 24H |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4514 | Petroleum Management. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1961 | 03/01/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA16 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6525 | Petroleum Processing. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1946 | 09/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA17 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6517 | Petroleum Refiner | Gulf Energy Information | 01/01/1943 | 08/01/1961 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA18 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1002-106X | Petroleum Refinery Engineering | Petroleum Refinery Engineering Editorial Office | 07/15/2019 | | 07/15/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JKLC |
Priority | Magazine | 0369-9013 | Petroleum Technology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1938 | 11/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA19 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0300-8533 | Pharmacometrics / Ōyō Yakuri (0300-8533) | Oyo Yakuri Kenkyukai (The Japanese Society of Pharmacometrics) | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | KC9C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1105-4999 | Pharmakeftiki | Hellenic Society of Medicinal Chemistry | 10/01/2016 | | 10/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Greece | Available Now | K4Q1 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471530763 | Phased Array Antennas | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0117-5564 | Philippine Engineering Journal | University of the Philippines - Diliman | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Philippines | Available Now | L0Q7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2362-8073 | Philippine Journal of Material Science & Nanotechnology | iNano Training Consultancy Services | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Philippines | Available Now | NBMM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-8019 | Philosophia Mathematica | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 12H6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0031-8086 | Philosophical Magazine (00318086) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/02/1921 | 11/02/1925 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | DA1B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2210-5433 | Philosophy & Technology | Springer Nature | 03/01/2011 | | 03/01/2011 | 06/30/2011 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2Y0Z |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-5893 | Photo Technique. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1941 | 12/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7256 | Photochem | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0099-1112 | Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing | ASPRS: The Imaging & Geospatial Information Society | 06/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 4FP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0554-1069 | Photogrammetric Journal of Finland | Finnish Society of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Finland | Available Now | B8IK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1387-974X | Photonic Network Communications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | OKN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2304-6732 | Photonics | MDPI | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | HE14 |
Core | Magazine | 2642-097X | Photonics & Imaging Technology | SAE Media | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NKTS |
Core | Magazine | 1539-3623 | Photonics Components & Subsystems | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2791-1748 | Photonics Insights | SPIE - International Society of Optical Engineering | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NKYM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1629-4475 | Photoniques | EDP Sciences | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | FS2D |
Core | Academic Journal | | PhotoniX | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MWF3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1757-1197 | Photovoltaics International | Solar Media Ltd. | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | 12/11/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8TNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7167 | Physchem | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-9477 | Physica E | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JNY |
Priority | Magazine | | Physical Review Supplement | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1929 | 10/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3H3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0031-899X | Physical Review. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 10/15/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2409-6121 | Physical Sciences & Technology | Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | MPM1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9984 | Physical Sciences Forum | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1643-1049 | Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing | Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej | 10/01/2011 | | 10/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | BOJL |
Priority | Magazine | | Physics & Chemistry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1959 | 03/03/1977 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3H6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1729-4428 | Physics & Chemistry of Solid State | Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | H8IX |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814504775 | Physics of Reality, The: Space, Time, Matter, Cosmos - Proceedings of the 8th Symposium Honoring Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-9228 | Physics Today | American Institute of Physics -- Physics Today | 01/02/1958 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PHY |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814602365 | Physics, Mathematics & All That Quantum Jazz | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1559-9450 | PIERS Proceedings | Electromagnetics Academy | 08/01/2013 | 07/31/2015 | 08/01/2013 | 07/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | H7NC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-2474 | Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics | Piezoelectric & Acoustooptic | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | K56G |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1046-4352 | PIMA Magazine | TAPPI | 08/01/1983 | 12/01/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Y8 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1093-670X | PIMA's Papermaker | TAPPI | 01/01/1997 | 08/01/2001 | 01/01/1997 | 08/01/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Y9 |
Priority | Magazine | 0161-1364 | Pima. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1978 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1G |
Core | Trade Publication | 1079-8765 | Pipe Line & Gas Industry | Euromoney Trading Limited | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2001 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PPI |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0032-0145 | Pipe Line Industry | Hart Energy Publishing, LP | 07/01/1954 | 12/01/1994 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82YA |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-0188 | Pipeline & Gas Journal | Gulf Energy Information | 08/01/1970 | 04/30/2024 | 02/01/1993 | 04/30/2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PGJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Pipeline Engineer International | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1967 | 07/01/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388609 | Pipelined Processor Farms | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0385-9894 | Piping Engineering / Haikan Gijutsu | Japan Industrial Publishing Co., LTD. | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPYJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Pit & Quarry. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1H |
Priority | Magazine | | Plant & Power Services Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/06/1959 | 06/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HD |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-082X | Plant Engineering | WTWH Media, LLC | 01/01/1958 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PEG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0032-0889 | Plant Physiology | Oxford University Press | 09/01/2004 | 09/01/2004 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4FW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2476-6321 | Plant Production Technology | Bu-Ali Sina University | 07/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | ND75 |
Priority | Magazine | | Plant. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 04/01/1962 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0272-4324 | Plasma Chemistry & Plasma Processing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 4KM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0032-1028 | Plasma Physics | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1979 | 09/02/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 82YB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0741-3335 | Plasma Physics & Controlled Fusion | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 29V |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9141 | Plastic Products. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1933 | 08/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1K |
Priority | Magazine | | Plastics & Molded Products | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HF |
Priority | Magazine | 0032-1176 | Plastics Design & Processing | Plastics Design & Processing | 01/01/1977 | 12/01/1984 | | | | | | | Available Now | QTU |
Core | Trade Publication | 0091-9578 | Plastics Engineering | SPE-Inspiring Plastics Professionals | 08/01/1973 | 05/01/2024 | 01/01/2010 | 05/01/2024 | 12 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4FX |
Core | Trade Publication | 2470-5721 | Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing | Endeavor Business Media | 12/02/2023 | | 12/02/2023 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NKY6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-3360 | Plastics Science & Technology / Suliao Ke-Ji | Plastics Science & Technology Editorial Office | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LARZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-1257 | Plastics Technology | Gardner Business Media, Inc. | 01/01/1958 | | 01/01/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PLS |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0032-1273 | Plastics World | PTN Publishing Company | 01/01/1958 | 10/01/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PLW |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2096 | Plastics. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 11/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1L |
Core | Magazine | 0257-9022 | Plasticulture | CIPA (Comite International des Plastiques en Agriculture) | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | L2VT |
Core | Magazine | 0032-1338 | Plastverarbeiter | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 10/11/2018 | | 10/11/2018 | | | | | Germany | Available Now | KG93 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-0534 | Plateau Meteorology | Plateau Meteorology Editorial Office | 12/01/2021 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ3U |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-8331 | Platers Guide. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 06/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1N |
Core | Magazine | 0360-3164 | Plating & Surface Finishing | National Association for Surface Finishing | 04/01/1975 | 12/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QTT |
Priority | Magazine | 0032-1397 | Plating. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 03/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1O |
Core | Trade Publication | 1540-367X | Platts Energy Business & Technology | S&P Global, Inc | 05/01/2002 | 02/28/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KTL |
Priority | Magazine | | Plumber & Steam Fitter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/08/1920 | 07/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HK |
Priority | Magazine | | Pocket Bulletin of the National Association of Manufacturers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1926 | 03/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HL |
Core | Magazine | 1064-1068 | POF Plastic Optical Fiber | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | POF World Proceedings | IGI Group Inc. | 02/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | 02/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814401036 | Polarized Positron 2011 - Proceedings of the 6th Annual Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814324915 | Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry - Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2657-6716 | Polish Technical Review | Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT | 01/01/2023 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | NLYJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1788-1994 | Pollack Periodica | Akademiai Kiado | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | JFDT |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-3640 | Pollution Engineering | BNP Media | 01/01/1977 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-6638 | Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J5G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2573-7619 | Polymer Crystallization | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LE5S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-3888 | Polymer Engineering & Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1967 | | 06/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PYD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0959-8103 | Polymer International | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O9C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-7555 | Polymer Materials Science & Engineering | Sichuan University, Polymer Research Institute | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | JKHV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2574-0881 | Polymer-Plastics Technology & Materials | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LN3Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1042-7147 | Polymers for Advanced Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O9D |
Core | Trade Publication | 0254-2234 | Polyscope, Computer + Elektronik | Swiss Professional Media AG | 01/26/2017 | | 01/26/2017 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | KPIA |
Core | Magazine | 1526-3681 | Poptronics | Poptronix Incorporated | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 70P |
Priority | Magazine | 0736-993X | Popular Mechanics Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 12/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA1X |
Core | Magazine | 1086-1300 | Portable Design | RTC Group | 05/01/2003 | 04/30/2009 | 05/01/2003 | 04/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9D3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-7156 | Powder Diffraction | Cambridge University Press | 10/01/2011 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9JK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-5899 | Powder Metallurgy | Sage Publications | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GAL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-5910 | Powder Technology | Elsevier Science | 01/22/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3PB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0516 | Powders | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZFA |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-5929 | Power | Access Intelligence LLC | 01/07/1913 | | 12/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PWR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-7345 | Power & Electrical Engineering | RTU Publishing House | 12/01/2007 | 01/31/2017 | 12/01/2007 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | 62M7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 2831-4883 | Power & Motion | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | 3 | | | United States of America | Available Now | N52D |
Priority | Magazine | | Power Apparatus & Systems | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/06/1958 | 02/08/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2451-0262 | Power Electronics & Drives | Sciendo | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | L1V7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1540-2800 | Power Electronics Technology | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2002 | 06/30/2013 | 01/01/2002 | 06/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXF |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1540-2800 | Power Electronics Technology for Engineers, Designers & Integrators | Endeavor Business Media | 12/01/2003 | 12/01/2008 | 12/01/2003 | 12/01/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BGFW |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-5961 | Power Engineering | Clarion Events, Inc | 04/02/1929 | 06/30/2018 | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-4528 | Power Generation Technology | Power Generation Technology Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MW2H |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2843 | Power Generation. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1948 | 04/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA20 |
Priority | Magazine | | Power Industry | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 04/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3HT |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-241X | Power Plant Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 12/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA21 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495000 | Power System Restructuring & Deregulation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOT |
Core | Trade Publication | 0033-409X | PPI: Pulp & Paper International | RISI, Inc. | 08/01/2000 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3DQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471393023 | Practical Data Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMU |
Core | Magazine | 0141-0857 | Practical Wireless | Warners Group Publications plc | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B63S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1090-025X | Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic & Radioactive Waste Management | American Society of Civil Engineers | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1084-0680 | Practice Periodical on Structural Design & Construction | American Society of Civil Engineers | 02/01/1996 | 12/31/2024 | 02/01/1996 | 03/30/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0554-9965 | Praktiker | DVS Media GmbH | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KGDB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-0676 | Precious Metals / Guijinshu | Precious Metals Editorial Office | 05/01/2021 | | 05/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQ92 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1082-6068 | Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KV4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0747-2536 | Prepared Foods | BNP Media | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PRP |
Core | Academic Journal | | PRESENCE: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments | MIT Press | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VTE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1054-7460 | PRESENCE: Virtual & Augmented Reality | MIT Press | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MK3F |
Core | Trade Publication | 1072-7531 | Presentations | Nielsen Business Media, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2005 | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1M5 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470851302 | Pricing Communication Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2363-4707 | Primate Biology | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | HKYB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814313872 | Principles & Applications of Spatial Hearing | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471226178 | Principles of Random Signal Analysis & Low Noise Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMW |
Core | Magazine | 0032-8510 | Print | F + W Media | 05/01/1982 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z3M |
Priority | Magazine | | Printed Salesmanship | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1925 | 05/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Printers Ink | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 12/27/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Printers Ink Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1920 | 12/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I2 |
Priority | Magazine | | Printing Art Quarterly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Printing Art. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1920 | 01/04/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA24 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-9648 | Probability in the Engineering & Informational Sciences | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0Q |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814596282 | Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics: Physical, Philosophical & Logical Perspectives | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCM3 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813146273 | Probing the Meaning of Quantum Mechanics: Superpositions, Dynamics, Semantics & Identity | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471439608 | Problem Solving in Automata, Languages, & Complexity | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2307-6143 | Problems of Cryobiology & Cryomedicine / Problemy Kriobiologii i Kriomediciny | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Institute for Problems of Cryobiology & Cryomedicine | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | K32J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2220-685X | Problems of Engineering Graphics & Professional Education | L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | NLYG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0370-2197 | Problems of Friction & Wear | National Aviation University | 09/01/2013 | | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FXXI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-9460 | Problems of Information Transmission | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N2S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2081-5891 | Problems of Mechatronics. Armament, Aviation, Safety Engineering / Problemy Mechatroniki. Uzbrojenie, lotnictwo, Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa | Index Copernicus International | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N45C |
Core | Academic Journal | 2304-8336 | Problems of Radiation Medicine & Radiobiology | Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, National Research Centre for Radiation Medicine | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | K5AZ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2392-9537 | Procedia-Environmental Science, Engineering & Management | National Society of Environmental Science & Engineering | 06/01/2016 | | 06/01/2016 | | | | Y | Romania | Available Now | KBTK |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings (American Petroleum Institute) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1953 | 01/05/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Proceedings - Institution of Mechanical Engineers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 12/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D6OW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0713-5424 | Proceedings Graphics Interface | Canadian Information Processing Society | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | LBBL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2193-2875 | Proceedings in Radiochemistry | De Gruyter | 09/01/2011 | 08/31/2013 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FXRX |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2343-9092 | Proceedings of Francophone Conference on Multidisciplinary Materials, Environment & Electronics (PLUMEE) | Alma Mater | 05/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | 05/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FXT8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2833-7425 | Proceedings of International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, & Technology | Proceedings of International Conference on Studies in Engineering, Science, & Technology | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NMVI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789984633183 | Proceedings of International Conference Virtual & Augmented Reality in Education | Sociotechnical Systems Engineering Institute of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences | 03/01/2011 | 03/31/2011 | 03/01/2011 | 03/31/2011 | | | Y | Latvia | Available Now | EG5O |
Core | Academic Journal | 2076-2429 | Proceedings of Odessa Polytechnic University / Odes'kyi Politechnichnyi Universytet Pratsi | Odessa Polytechnic University | 02/01/2015 | | 02/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HCU9 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the 10th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control | Associacao Portuguesa de Controlo Automatico | 07/16/2012 | 10/31/2013 | 07/16/2012 | 10/31/2013 | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | G8UT |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1822-2951 | Proceedings of the 11th International Conference (Mechanika 2006) | Mechanika | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 2EMC |
Core | Conference Papers Collection | | Proceedings of the 12th International Conference (Mechanika 2007) | Mechanika | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 3GX8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9783981387094 | Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Large - Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Plants | Energynautics GmbH | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | JHCD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB & Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision & Fusion Laboratory | KIT Scientific Publishing | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92W |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9780997519525 | Proceedings of the 2017 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management | American Society for Engineering Management | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2022 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KI8F |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the 2nd International Engineering Education Conference | Proceedings of the International Engineering Education Conference | 09/01/2012 | 09/30/2012 | 09/01/2012 | 09/30/2012 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FARB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9783866448582 | Proceedings of the 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering | KIT Scientific Publishing | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92P |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0065-0684 | Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science | Academy of Political Science | 05/02/1930 | 05/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PAP |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I8 |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Concrete Institute (American Concrete Institute. Convention) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1923 | 01/03/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3I9 |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Gas Association | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IA |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Gas Institute | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1914 | 01/02/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IB |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0097-2444 | Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers | IEEE | 01/01/1913 | 12/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IC |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Petroleum Institute | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1932 | 01/16/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3ID |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1919 | 01/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IE |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1921 | 12/02/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IF |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBIF |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0068-547X | Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences | Scientific Publications | 01/02/1927 | 01/02/1935 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 12MH |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1933 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2941-296X | Proceedings of the Conference on Research Data Infrastructure | TIB Open Publishing | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NKZO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Design Society | Cambridge University Press | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQDF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-0915 | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 06/01/2013 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZ5 |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 01/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3II |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2184-1934 | Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBIG |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the European Congress & Exhibition on Powder Metallurgy | European Powder Metallurgy Association | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | FA8D |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Commerce | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2013 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2013 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | AXY6 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Web Based Communities | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | AXY7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on WWW/Internet | International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | Portugal | Available Now | AXY8 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Applications | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B17W |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B17Z |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Control | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B184 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling Simulation & Identification | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B187 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1025-8973 | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification & Control | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B188 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing & Networks | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B189 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Robotics & Applications | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B18C |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B18G |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering & Applications | Acta Press | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | B18H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-9219 | Proceedings of the IEEE | IEEE | 01/02/1963 | 11/30/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QTS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0731-5996 | Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers | IEEE | 06/01/1939 | 01/03/1961 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IK |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0965-089X | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Civil Engineering | Thomas Telford Ltd | 03/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0965-0903 | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Municipal Engineer | Thomas Telford Ltd | 03/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3G |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1948 | 08/02/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-6509 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part A -- Power & Energy (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Sage Publications | 01/01/1997 | 12/01/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | C3Y |
Core | Magazine | 0954-4054 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part B -- Engineering Manufacture (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Sage Publications | 03/03/1997 | 12/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | C3T |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4062 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part C -- Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 03/11/1998 | 09/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3W |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4070 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part D -- Journal of Automobile Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 02/20/1997 | 05/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3R |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4089 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part E -- Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 04/10/1997 | 08/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HT2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4097 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part F -- Journal of Rail & Rapid Transit (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 01/01/2009 | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNF |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4100 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part G -- Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 02/24/1997 | 09/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3Q |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4119 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part H -- Journal of Engineering in Medicine (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 03/06/2001 | 08/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3S |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4119 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part H -- Journal of Engineering in Medicine (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 12/01/2010 | 12/01/2010 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0959-6518 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part I -- Journal of Systems & Control Engineering (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 02/14/2001 | 09/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HT7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0957-6509 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power & Energy (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 12/02/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJN8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4054 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 01/01/2011 | 01/01/2011 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJN9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4062 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 12/01/2008 | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4070 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 10/01/2008 | 12/01/2010 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJND |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4097 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail & Rapid Transit | Sage Publications | 01/01/1991 | 01/01/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4097 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail & Rapid Transit (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 09/17/1997 | 09/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HT4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4100 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering | Sage Publications | 05/01/2009 | 05/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0959-6518 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems & Control Engineering | Sage Publications | 02/01/2009 | 02/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1350-6501 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology | Sage Publications | 01/01/2001 | 01/01/2012 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2L |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1350-6501 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (Professional Engineering Publishing) | Professional Engineering Publishing | 04/03/2001 | 05/01/2008 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | C3U |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1350-6501 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 12/01/2008 | 05/01/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJNJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0263-7138 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Power & Process Engineering | Sage Publications | 01/01/1983 | 01/04/1988 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA29 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1989 | 12/01/2011 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2A |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0263-7146 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Management & Engineering Manufacture | Sage Publications | 02/01/1983 | 01/04/1988 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2B |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4062 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. | Sage Publications | 05/01/1939 | 01/01/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2C |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0263-7154 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part C, Mechanical Engineering Science. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 06/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2D |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4070 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering. | Sage Publications | 01/01/1991 | 12/01/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2E |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0265-1904 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part D, Transport Engineering | Sage Publications | 01/01/1984 | 01/04/1988 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2F |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4089 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part E, Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. | Sage Publications | 01/01/1989 | 11/01/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2G |
Priority | Magazine | 0954-4100 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering. | Sage Publications | 01/01/1960 | 01/01/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2I |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0954-4089 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 12/01/2010 | 12/01/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BJNE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2367-7635 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Information & Communication Technology & Statistics in Economy & Education | Proceedings of the International Conference on Application of Information & Communication Technology | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | FWPK |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2285-1887 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Diagnosis & Prediction in Mechanical Systems Engineering | Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Machine Design Department & Graphics | 05/01/2012 | 05/31/2012 | 05/01/2012 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | Romania | Available Now | FDEA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2169-8767 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Operations Management | IEOM Society International | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FS5J |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MARG |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1314-1023 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies | SAER Forum Group | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | | | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | 6DSI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9788685535130 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources - ICREPS | Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) | 01/01/2024 | 01/31/2024 | 01/01/2024 | 01/31/2024 | | | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NNTO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering & Research | SAER Forum Group | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | 1VH9 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1822-1262 | Proceedings of the International Conference Vibroengineering | Proceedings of the International Conference Vibroengineering | 11/01/2006 | 11/30/2009 | 11/01/2006 | 11/30/2009 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 33N4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Congress on Process Engineering - Processing | Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NNTN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International HVAC&R Congress | Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NNIH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925114 | Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2012 Volume I | Newswood Limited | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FCHO |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925190 | Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers & Computer Scientists 2012 Volume II | Newswood Limited | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | 07/01/2012 | 07/31/2012 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | FCHP |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computer Science & Computational Technology | Academy Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 08/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 08/31/2010 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | B7M1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electronic Commerce & Security Workshops | Academy Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 06/30/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 06/30/2010 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | BLOI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789525726022 | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Processing | Academy Publisher | 08/01/2009 | 08/31/2009 | 08/01/2009 | 08/31/2009 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | B7LY |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789525726046 | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Systems & Applications | Academy Publisher | 10/01/2009 | 10/31/2009 | 10/01/2009 | 10/31/2009 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | B7LZ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the International Symposium on Networking & Network Security | Academy Publisher | 01/01/2010 | 06/30/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 06/30/2010 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | BLOJ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789525726060 | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Security & Application | Academy Publisher | 01/01/2009 | 11/30/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 11/30/2009 | | | Y | Finland | Available Now | B7M0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0096-8390 | Proceedings of the IRE | IEEE | 07/01/1928 | 12/01/1962 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3QZ1 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Symposium | Vigmostad & Bjoerke A/S | 11/01/2009 | 12/31/2010 | 11/01/2009 | 12/31/2010 | | | Y | Norway | Available Now | BKX7 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) | Association for Information Systems | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MARH |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/03/1929 | 01/03/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics | Vigmostad & Bjoerke A/S | 08/01/2010 | 08/31/2011 | 08/01/2010 | 08/31/2011 | | | Y | Norway | Available Now | BKXC |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | 0041-798X | Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1948 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2M |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925176 | Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering & Computer Science 2011 Volume II | Newswood Limited | 10/01/2011 | 10/31/2011 | 10/01/2011 | 10/31/2011 | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | EUW5 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881821065 | Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Volume I | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | E70J |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925145 | Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Volume II | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | E70K |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789881925152 | Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2011 Volume III | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | Y | | China | Coming Soon | E70L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1829-1740 | Proceedings of the YSU A: Physical & Mathematical Sciences | Publishing House of Yerevan State University | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Armenia | Available Now | N5GM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1829-1767 | Proceedings of the YSU B: Chemical & Biological Sciences / Gitakan Teghekagir. K'imia, Kensabanut'yun | Publishing House of Yerevan State University | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Armenia | Available Now | N5GJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2620-2832 | Proceedings on Engineering Sciences | University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | N8GA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2566-4344 | Proceedings on Metallic & Nonmetallic Materials | University of Zenica, Faculty of Metallurgy & Technology | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | K5HI |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings Volume of the Geological Society of America for ... | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1934 | 09/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IP |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings. 22. Workshop Computational Intelligence | KIT Scientific Publishing | 12/01/2012 | 01/31/2020 | 12/01/2012 | 01/31/2020 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | G92U |
Core | Trade Publication | 1329-6221 | Process & Control Engineering (PACE) | Prime Creative Media | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QST |
Core | Trade Publication | 0370-1859 | Process Engineering | Synthesis Media Ltd. | 08/01/1972 | | 03/01/2001 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FWV |
Core | Trade Publication | 0370-1859 | Process Engineering (Online Edition) | Synthesis Media Ltd. | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BB12 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0352-678X | Process Engineering / Procesna Tehnika | Union of Mechanical & Electrotechnical Engineers & Technicians of Serbia (SMEITS) | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | | Serbia | Coming Soon | NNB7 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0826-7243 | Process Industries Canada | Zanny Publications Ltd. | 10/01/1984 | 09/01/1990 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82YJ |
Core | Magazine | | Process Technology | Westwick-Farrow Pty. Ltd. | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | N7SD |
Priority | Magazine | 0032-9754 | Product Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 12/01/1979 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2N |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0897-8336 | Production & Inventory Management Journal | American Production & Inventory Control Society | 03/01/1991 | 09/01/1996 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PMJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2169-3277 | Production & Manufacturing Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKRG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0103-6513 | Production / Produção | Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 6BZ1 |
Priority | Magazine | 0146-1737 | Production Engineering | Penton Publishing | 01/01/1977 | 09/01/1987 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6JQ |
Core | Magazine | 1548-4378 | Production Machining | Gardner Business Media, Inc. | 09/01/2004 | | 09/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ZZZ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1040-1482 | Productivity Software | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1OA |
Core | Trade Publication | 0032-9940 | Products Finishing | Gardner Business Media, Inc. | 07/01/1996 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PRF |
Core | Trade Publication | 0344-6166 | Produktion | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5T |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0885-8020 | Professional Builder (08858020) | Reed Business Information | 06/01/1923 | 06/01/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92UT |
Priority | Magazine | | Professional Engineer (American Association of Engineers) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 05/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3IU |
Priority | Magazine | 0033-0051 | Professional Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 09/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2R |
Core | Trade Publication | 1437-2592 | Professional System | Ebner Media Group GmbH & Co.KG | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KZ01 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088071 | Programación de Dispositivos Móviles Con J2ME | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479087173 | Programación: Formalización, Análisis y Reutilización de Algoritmos Matemáticos | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87ND |
Core | Academic Journal | 2752-8073 | Programmable Materials | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8KK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-7688 | Programming & Computer Software | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N2T |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-2924 | Progress in Aerospace & Aviation Technology (PAAT) | Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NKJ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2008-2134 | Progress in Color, Colorants & Coatings | Progress in Color, Colorants & Coatings Journal | 02/01/2024 | | 02/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NB4Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-7780 | Progress in Earthquake Sciences | China Earthquake Administration, Institute of Geophysics | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MZHX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1070-4698 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research | Electromagnetics Academy | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0DS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-6472 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research B | Electromagnetics Academy | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0DT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-8718 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research C | Electromagnetics Academy | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0DU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-6480 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters | Electromagnetics Academy | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0DV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1937-8726 | Progress in Electromagnetics Research M | Electromagnetics Academy | 06/01/2011 | | 06/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0DW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2637-1049 | Progress in Microbes & Molecular Biology | HH Publisher | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Malaysia | Available Now | NF8E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1062-7995 | Progress in Photovoltaics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KRN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-4794 | Progress in Physics of Applied Materials | Semnan University | 12/01/2023 | | 12/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NDZ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1608-1021 | Progress in Physics of Metals / Uspehi Fiziki Metallov | G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics, N.A.S.U | 03/01/2017 | | 03/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | KC28 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0079-6727 | Progress in Quantum Electronics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JKU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2562-7171 | Progress in Solar Energy & Engineering Systems | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N71D |
Core | Academic Journal | 2050-3911 | Progress of Theoretical & Experimental Physics: PTEP | Oxford University Press | 12/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FT6P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1896-5644 | Progress on Chemistry & Application of Chitin & its Derivatives | Polish Chitin Society | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K58V |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0033-0752 | Progressive Architecture | Penton Publishing | 01/01/1958 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PAK |
Core | Trade Publication | 0888-9171 | Progressive Builder | Gruner & Jahr AG & Co. | 08/01/1986 | 09/01/1987 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | M0T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0721-3115 | Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2367-2617 | Protection & Control of Modern Power Systems | Springer Nature | 07/02/2018 | | 07/02/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQVG |
Core | Trade Publication | 1430-9084 | Prüfingenieur: Zeitschrift der Bundesvereinigung der Prüfingenieure für Baustatik | Bundesvereinigung der Pruefingenieure fuer Bautechnik eV | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KP7J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-2097 | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | Przeglad Elektrotechniczny | 07/01/2016 | | 07/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K519 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0033-3085 | Psychology in the Schools | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/01/1969 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PIS |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Business (Citizens Research Council of Michigan) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/15/1927 | 10/15/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Health Reports. Supplement | Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health | 01/01/1937 | 01/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Ledger (Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson)) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1938 | 12/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Libraries (Chicago, Ill.: 1896). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1925 | 04/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA2Z |
Core | Magazine | 0033-3735 | Public Roads | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1921 | | 03/01/1990 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PUB |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Service Magazine. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/02/1933 | 11/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA33 |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Service Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 02/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J5 |
Priority | Magazine | 1074-6099 | Public Utilities Fortnightly | Public Utilities Reports, Inc. | 01/09/1930 | 11/21/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1QL |
Priority | Magazine | | Public Utility Compendium | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1928 | 05/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J6 |
Core | Magazine | 0033-3840 | Public Works | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 02/07/1920 | 12/31/2018 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2018 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PWO |
Priority | Magazine | | Publication (Indiana. Dept. of Conservation) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3J7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-6264 | Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | Oxford University Press | 02/24/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | H25 |
Priority | Magazine | | Publications of the Engineering Departments | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1917 | 05/01/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JC |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-5141 | Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in Biological Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA36 |
Selective | Magazine | | Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in Education, Philosophy & Psychology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1933 | 01/06/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JE |
Priority | Magazine | | Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in Mathematical & Physical Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1934 | 01/02/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JF |
Priority | Magazine | | Publications of the University of California at Los Angeles in Social Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1933 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JG |
Core | Magazine | 0897-6007 | Publish | Publish Media LLC | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PHP |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0000-0019 | Publishers Weekly | PWxyz LLC | 03/16/1929 | 03/20/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PWK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1053-8801 | Publishing Research Quarterly | Springer Nature | 03/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | PUQ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0033-4081 | Pulp & Paper | RISI, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2008 | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PAX |
Priority | Magazine | 0033-4103 | Pulp & Paper Magazine of Canada. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/21/1929 | 11/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA37 |
Priority | Magazine | 0380-2507 | Pulp & Paper of Canada. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 03/01/1932 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA38 |
Core | Trade Publication | | Pump Industry Magazine | Prime Creative Media | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MT5D |
Priority | Magazine | | Purdue University. Engineering Experiment Station. Research Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JI |
Core | Trade Publication | 2057-438X | PV Tech Power | Solar Media Ltd. | 05/01/2020 | | 05/01/2020 | 12/11/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MFN2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1834-3147 | Python Papers | Python Papers | 03/01/2010 | 01/31/2018 | 03/01/2010 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | B0DY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1837-7092 | Python Papers Monograph | Python Papers | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | BDDG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1836-621X | Python Papers Source Codes | Python Papers | 01/01/2010 | 01/01/2014 | 01/01/2010 | 01/01/2014 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | BDDH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471499572 | QoS | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMX |
Core | Academic Journal | | QRB Discovery | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQ08 |
Core | Magazine | 0033-4812 | QST | ARRL, Inc. | 01/01/1948 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4G8 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0360-9936 | Quality | BNP Media | 07/01/1996 | | 03/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QAY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471003977 | Quality of Service Control in High-Speed Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1684-3703 | Quality Technology & Quantitative Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCP9 |
Core | Magazine | 1352-8769 | Quality World | Chartered Quality Institute | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | 3 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 56TE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1314-7374 | Quanta | Quanta | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | G99L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1768-6733 | Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2016 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FS4Y |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814401524 | Quantitative Logic & Soft Computing - Proceedings of the Ql&Sc 2012 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCT0 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814343756 | Quantum Bio-Informatics Iv: From Quantum Information To Bio-Informatics | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUE |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814460019 | Quantum Bio-Informatics V - Proceedings of the Quantum Bio-Informatics 2011 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCN6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2577-0470 | Quantum Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZW |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814425216 | Quantum Information & Quantum Computing - Proceedings of Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2299-114X | Quantum Measurements & Quantum Metrology | De Gruyter | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FUNU |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814338738 | Quantum Probability & Related Topics - Proceedings of the 30th Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUS |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814447539 | Quantum Probability & Related Topics - Proceedings of the 32nd Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCN1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-960X | Quantum Reports | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZG |
Core | Magazine | 2463-509X | Quarrying & Mining | Contrafed Publishing Co. LTD | 08/01/2016 | | 08/01/2016 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JURP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-5606 | Quarterly Journal of Mathematics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJ5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-5614 | Quarterly Journal of Mechanics & Applied Mathematics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0033-5630 | Quarterly Journal of Speech | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1929 | 02/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QJS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-569X | Quarterly of Applied Mathematics | American Mathematical Society | 04/01/1977 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2AY |
Priority | Magazine | | Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 04/02/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-5835 | Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2AX |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814412315 | Quest For the Origin of Particles & the Universe - Proceedings of the Kmi Inauguration Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCN0 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471193661 | Queueing Networks & Markov Chains | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VMZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0257-0130 | Queueing Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BT0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0257-9669 | R&D Journal | South African Institution of Mechanical Engineers | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | G5GF |
Core | Trade Publication | 0746-9179 | R&D Magazine | Advantage Business Media | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2019 | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | REO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0286-6722 | Radiation Chemistry | Japanese Society of Radiation Chemistry | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRIS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2645-6397 | Radiation Physics & Engineering | Radiation Physics & Engineering (RPE) | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MRFJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0144-8420 | Radiation Protection Dosimetry | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BWF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-1511 | Radiation Safety Management | Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ0S |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0033-7722 | Radio & Electronic Engineer (0033-7722) | IEEE | 01/01/1963 | 10/02/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | D6R2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6660 | Radio & Television News. (00976660) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1948 | 12/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DAAX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1607-3274 | Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control | Zaporizhzhia National Technical University | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FWDJ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471350521 | Radio Frequency Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQE |
Core | Trade Publication | 1542-0620 | Radio Magazine | Future Publishing Ltd. | 03/01/2002 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QU3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Radio News | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1924 | 07/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JU |
Priority | Magazine | | Radio Publication, University of Pittsburgh | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0048-6604 | Radio Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1966 | 11/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0SK |
Priority | Magazine | | Radio Service Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 08/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JW |
Core | Magazine | 0033-7862 | Radio-Electronics | Poptronix Incorporated | 01/01/1958 | 02/28/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | REL |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471412533 | Radio-Frequency & Microwave Communication Circuits | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-8222 | Radiocarbon | Cambridge University Press | 06/01/2011 | 03/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2AS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-8230 | Radiochimica Acta | De Gruyter | 03/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FS43 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1814-4225 | Radioelectronic & Computer Systems / Radìoelektronnì ì Komp'ûternì Sistemi | National Aerospace University named after M.E. Zhukovsky "Kharkiv Aviation Institute" | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | N8NN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1210-2512 | Radioengineering | Radioengineering Society | 12/01/2008 | | 12/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | 78C3 |
Core | Magazine | 2095-5251 | Rail Transportation Equipment & Technology | CRRC Qishuyan Locomotive & Rolling Stock Technology Research Institute Co. Ltd. | 09/01/2024 | | 09/01/2024 | | | | Y | China | Available Now | MV69 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1867-2728 | Railbusiness | DVV Media Group GmbH | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | 07/04/2016 | 07/11/2019 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KBSF |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway & Engineering Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1913 | 12/27/1913 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JX |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway & Industrial Compendium | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1928 | 06/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3JY |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0033-8826 | Railway Age | Simmons Boardman Publishing Corp. | 02/05/1915 | 12/23/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RWA |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-2317 | Railway Age Gazette. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1913 | 12/28/1917 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3E |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway Age Gazette. Mechanical Edition | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1913 | 04/01/1916 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-4539 | Railway Construction Technology | Railway Construction Technology Editorial Office | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N0V8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2662-4745 | Railway Engineering Science | Springer Nature | 03/01/2020 | | 03/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MRFK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-7479 | Railway Investigation & Surveying | Railway Investigation & Surveying Editorial Office | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MV68 |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway Locomotives & Cars | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1953 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway Mechanical & Electrical Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 09/21/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6695 | Railway Mechanical Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1916 | 03/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3F |
Priority | Magazine | | Railway Review | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1914 | 12/25/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1673-4440 | Railway Signalling & Communication Engineering | Railway Signalling & Communication Engineering | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LARI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1004-2954 | Railway Standard Design | Railway Standard Design Editorial Office | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQLN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2804-7346 | RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics & Applications | EDP Sciences | 08/01/2008 | | 08/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | C7A |
Priority | Magazine | | Rand Mcnally Bankers Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 12/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1042-9832 | Random Structures & Algorithms | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2AR |
Priority | Magazine | | Rayon & Melliand Textile Monthly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1933 | 07/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Rayon & Synthetic Textiles | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 08/01/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3K8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0033-6831 | RCA Review | RCA Corporation | 07/01/1940 | 12/01/1986 | | | | | | | Available Now | 82YX |
Core | Trade Publication | 1533-0796 | RCR Wireless News | Crain Communications | 09/11/2000 | 02/28/2009 | 09/11/2000 | 02/28/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DNH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0157-7271 | Reactions (2624-781X) | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0034-0553 | Reading Research Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1968 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RRQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470841372 | Real Time Digital Signal Processing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1077-2014 | Real-Time Imaging | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | L1B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0922-6443 | Real-Time Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 2AO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471184065 | Real-Time Systems (0-471-18406-3) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0958-3440 | ReCALL | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I8T |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9789889867119 | Recent Advances in Engineering & Computer Science | Newswood Limited | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 4W5U |
Priority | Magazine | 0749-8152 | Record (Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1983 | 03/01/1986 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-5698 | Records Management Journal | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NGG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495178 | Recurrent Neural Networks for Prediction | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN0 |
Core | Magazine | 1096-6323 | Recycling Today | GIE Media | 11/01/1992 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KR7 |
Priority | Magazine | 1051-1091 | Recycling Today (Scrap Market Edition). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/15/1991 | 10/15/1992 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3M |
Priority | Magazine | 1051-1091 | Recycling Today (Scrap-Processing Edition) | GIE Media | 01/01/1991 | 10/01/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M1O |
Core | Trade Publication | 1080-076X | Red Herring | Red Herring / DASAR | 04/16/2007 | 12/31/2010 | 04/16/2007 | 12/31/2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1GVK |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479086640 | Redes de Computadores Para Ingenieros en Informática | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-9054 | Reference & User Services Quarterly | American Library Association | 09/01/1997 | 03/31/2021 | 05/01/2002 | 03/31/2021 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SL |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471417187 | Reference Manual for Telecommunications Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-7324 | Reference Services Review | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RSR |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Reference Shelf | Journal Collection (Sage) | 01/02/1922 | 01/06/1951 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3OI0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-1935 | Refractories / Naihuo Cailiao | Naihuo Cailia (Refractories) Editorial Office | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQL1 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-0470 | Refrigerating Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1922 | 02/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3N |
Priority | Magazine | | Refrigerating World | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1922 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KF |
Core | Trade Publication | 1812-772X | Refrigeration & Airconditioning | Interact Media Defined (Pty) Ltd | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | | Y | South Africa | Available Now | NM37 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0453-8307 | Refrigeration Engineering & Technology | Odesa National University of Technology | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HOYA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471293422 | Reliability of Computer Systems & Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470847701 | Reliability, Survivability & Quality of Large Scale Telecommunication Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1051-5658 | Remediation Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0716-291X | Remetallica | Remetallica | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Chile | Available Now | N2A1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-1138 | Remote Sensing & GIS Applications in Environmental Sciences | University of Tabriz | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NF9I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-034X | Remote Sensing for Natural Resources | Remote Sensing for Natural Resources Editorial Office | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTIX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2056-3485 | Remote Sensing in Ecology & Conservation | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6ZI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2150-704X | Remote Sensing Letters | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B7KT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0034-4257 | Remote Sensing of Environment | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1976 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2BB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1819-8058 | Renewable Energy / Vidnovluvana Energetyka | Institute of Renewable Energy of NAS of Ukraine | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | L0ZC |
Priority | Report | | Report (Canada. Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific & Industrial Research) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KH |
Priority | Report | | Report of Investigations (Illinois State Geological Survey) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/07/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KL |
Priority | Report | | Report of Investigations (South Dakota Geological Survey) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1931 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KM |
Priority | Report | | Report of the Director of the State Museum & Science Department | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KN |
Priority | Report | | Report. National Research Council of Canada | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/03/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-4096 | Reports in Electrochemistry | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 05/01/2017 | 01/01/2011 | 05/01/2017 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | EH4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-5246 | Reports in Organic Chemistry | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 05/31/2017 | 01/01/2011 | 05/31/2017 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | EH4W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-410X | Reports in Theoretical Chemistry | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2012 | 05/01/2017 | 01/01/2012 | 05/01/2017 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | EH4Y |
Priority | Magazine | | Reports of Investigations. Washington State Division of Geology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1935 | 01/01/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2391-8365 | Reports on Geodesy & Geoinformatics | Sciendo | 03/01/2014 | | 03/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GXJE |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-434X | Reprint (engineering Experiment Station, Georgia Institute of Technology). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1944 | 01/02/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA3P |
Priority | Magazine | | Reprint (University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KR |
Priority | Magazine | | Reprint Series. Department of Engineering Research, University of Michigan | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KS |
Priority | Magazine | | Reprint Series. Oregon State Engineering Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KT |
Priority | Magazine | | Reprint Series. University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1939 | 01/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0947-3602 | Requirements Engineering | Springer Nature | 11/01/2003 | | 11/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O51 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-3154 | Research & Reports in Biochemistry | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/2011 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | EH4Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2383-9201 | Research Briefs on Information & Communication Technology Evolution (ReBICTE) | Netherlands Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | NC8P |
Priority | Magazine | | Research Bulletin (Iowa State College. Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KW |
Priority | Magazine | | Research Bulletin (University of Missouri. Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3KX |
Priority | Magazine | | Research Bulletin. West Virginia University | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3L0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2753-8516 | Research Directions: Cyber-Physical Systems | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8KJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2752-9444 | Research Directions: Quantum Technologies | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N7BF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0958-2029 | Research Evaluation | Oxford University Press | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | P91 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0361-0365 | Research in Higher Education | Springer Nature | 01/01/1978 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | RHE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0934-9847 | Research in Nondestructive Evaluation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1996 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LNM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0034-527X | Research in the Teaching of English | National Council of Teachers of English | 03/01/1969 | 02/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | RTE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1047-7624 | Research Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation | Water Environment Federation | 09/01/1989 | 11/01/1991 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Z0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-6849 | Research Letters in Nanotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NDE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-8175 | Research Letters in Optics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NDF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1336-1589 | Research Papers Faculty of Materials Science & Technology Slovak University of Technology | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | 06/30/2016 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FQLB |
Priority | Magazine | | Research/Development | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1960 | 02/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3L2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0737-7797 | Resource Sharing & Information Networks | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RSI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2772-4433 | Resources Chemicals & Materials | KeAi Communications Co. | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N7W6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1348-6012 | Resources Processing | Resources Processing Society of Japan | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQOF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2583-4800 | REST Journal on Advances in Mechanical Engineering | REST Publisher | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | NC8Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2636-7556 | Results in Nonlinear Analysis | RNA journals | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MRFM |
Core | Magazine | 1071-2224 | Retail Systems Reseller | Edgell Communications Inc. | 12/01/2002 | 12/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QIO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2412-4281 | Review of Computer Engineering Research | Conscientia Beam | 10/01/2023 | | 10/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N8UL |
Priority | Magazine | | Review of Economic Statistics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 11/01/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3L5 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0034-6535 | Review of Economics & Statistics | MIT Press | 02/01/1948 | 11/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | RMS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0034-6543 | Review of Educational Research | Sage Publications | 01/01/1931 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | RER |
Core | Academic Journal | 0034-6691 | Review of Polarography | Polarographic Society of Japan | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ0Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0034-6748 | Review of Scientific Instruments | American Institute of Physics | 01/01/1930 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2BL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1543-9976 | Review of the Electronic & Industrial Distribution Industries | Electronic Component Industry Association | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2009 | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1XDN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2063-4803 | Review on Agriculture & Rural Development | University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | MA1B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8299 | Reviews in Chemical Engineering | De Gruyter | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BAQO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-1893 | Reviews of Geophysics & Planetary Physics | Editorial Office of Reviews of Geophysics & Planetary Physics | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N5BN |
Core | Magazine | 0034-6861 | Reviews of Modern Physics | American Physical Society | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2BM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1794-4953 | Revista Avances: Investigación en Ingeniería | Universidad Libre, Facultad de Ingenieria | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | B54C |
Core | Academic Journal | 1850-0870 | Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología | Revista de Ciencia y Tecnologia | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Argentina | Available Now | FXJ1 |
Core | Magazine | 1576-2033 | Revista de Contratacion Electronica | Dykinson SL | 04/01/2004 | 10/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 10/31/2012 | | | Y | Spain | Available Now | UEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1809-2640 | Revista de Gestão da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação / Journal of Information Systems & Technology Management | Revista de Gestao da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informacao | 05/01/2008 | | 05/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 6DQR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2339-3270 | Revista de Ingenieria, Matematicas y Ciencias de la Informacion | Corporacion Universitaria Republicana | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | LU1G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0718-5693 | Revista Electrónica Gestión de las Personas y Tecnologías | Revista Electronica Gestion de las Personas y Tecnologia | 11/01/2013 | | 11/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Chile | Available Now | GBJS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2248-762X | Revista Electrónica Redes de Ingeniería | Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Facultad de Ingenieria | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2013 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | GD48 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1519-8219 | Revista Eletrônica de Iniciação Científica | Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao (SBC) | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | N73I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2145-0935 | Revista Inge@UAN. Tendencias de la Ingeniería | Universidad Antonio Narino | 01/01/2014 | 07/01/2015 | 01/01/2014 | 07/01/2015 | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | HH22 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1909-2458 | Revista Ingeniare | Universidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | JVYX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2318-9851 | Revista Inovação, Projetos e Tecnologia | Revista Inovacao, Projetos e Tecnologia | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | I6PE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2386-8791 | Revista Internacional de Aprendizaje en Ciencia, Matemáticas y Tecnología | Eagora Science | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | 12/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | LW7X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2660-5147 | Revista Investigacion Quimica Vicente Garrido Capa | Asociacion de Quimicos de Castilla & Leon | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MR5L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1518-7470 | Revista Mackenzie de Engenharia e Computação | Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Revista Mackenzie de Engenharia e Computacao | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | FRX5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2631-2654 | Revista Novasinergia | Revista Novasinergia | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | N9L9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2237-9991 | Revista Opara: Ciências Contemporâneas Aplicadas | Revista OPARA | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | H6DH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1676-1901 | Revista Producao Online | Associacao Brasileira de Engenharia de Producao | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 78EK |
Core | Magazine | 2395-9843 | Revista Red TES | PDHTech, LLC | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K5HJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1806-3985 | Revista Sul-Americana de Engenharia Estrutural | Revista Sul-Americana de Engenharia Estrutural | 07/01/2009 | | 07/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 6DRM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1390-5074 | Revista Técnica Energía | Centro Nacional de Control de Energia CENACE | 05/01/2014 | | 05/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | H08R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2444-250X | Revista Tecnología, Ciencia & Educación | Centro de Estudios Financieros SL | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | MZHI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2600-5867 | Revista Tecnológica Ciencia y Educación Edwards Deming | Instituto Corporativo Edwards Deming | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Ecuador | Available Now | N6Q3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2619-4473 | Revistade Ingenierías Interfaces | Revista de Ingenierias INTERFACES | 01/01/2022 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | N2CM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0035-3930 | Revue Roumaine de Chimie | Romanian Academy Publishing House / Editura Academiei Romane | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | JVUX |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471351993 | RF & Microwave Wireless Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQF |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843086 | RF MEMS & their Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOZ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471382676 | RF Technologies for Low Power Wireless Communciations | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471298182 | RF/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844021 | RFID Handbook | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP0 |
Core | Magazine | | RFID: Radio Frequency Identification | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZC |
Core | Trade Publication | 0035-5593 | Risk Management (00355593) | Risk & Insurance Management Society, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RSK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1643-1618 | Roads & Bridges / Drogi i Mosty | Road & Bridge Research Institute | 10/01/2014 | | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | HE9W |
Priority | Magazine | 0316-2176 | Roads & Bridges. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 12/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA4D |
Priority | Magazine | | Roads & Construction | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 12/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3LO |
Priority | Magazine | | Roads & Engineering Construction | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1950 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3LP |
Core | Trade Publication | | Roads & Infrastructure Australia | Prime Creative Media | 09/01/2021 | | 09/01/2021 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MSVF |
Priority | Magazine | | Roads & Streets | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1926 | 12/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3LQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2669-2473 | Robotic Systems & Applications (RSA) | Extrica | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | NAF7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0263-5747 | Robotica | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2C3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1453-2069 | Robotica & Management | University of Resita, "Eftimie Murgu" | 12/01/2013 | | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | H7W1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0921-8890 | Robotics & Autonomous Systems | Elsevier Science | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | RAT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2197-3768 | Robotics & Biomimetics | Springer Nature | 03/24/2016 | 12/21/2018 | 01/01/2018 | 12/21/2018 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GQI3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0736-5845 | Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2C4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0197-1905 | Robotics Age | Helmers Publishing, Inc. | 09/01/1983 | 12/01/1985 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Z1 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0737-7908 | Robotics World | Columbia Books LLC | 07/01/1999 | 12/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0EN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2773-2304 | Rock Mechanics Bulletin | KeAi Communications Co. | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N7FN |
Core | Trade Publication | 0035-7464 | Rock Products | Mining Media Inc. | 11/08/1931 | | 08/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 19U |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Rock Products (1917) | Trade Press Publishing Co | 01/04/1930 | 12/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DBYM |
Priority | Magazine | | Rock Products Mining & Processing | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1964 | 06/01/1964 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3LR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1002-7602 | Rolling Stock (1002-7602) | Rolling Stock Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MVVQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1584-7284 | Romanian Journal of Acoustics & Vibration | Romanian Society of Acoustics | 07/01/2011 | | 07/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | DULA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2068-3987 | Romanian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revista Română de Inginerie Civilă | Matrix Rom | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FWNT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1843-4460 | Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction | Matrix Rom | 05/01/2010 | 10/31/2018 | 05/01/2010 | 10/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | B408 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1220-1758 | Romanian Journal of Information Technology & Automatic Control / Revista Română de Informatică și Automatică | National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics - ICI Bucharest | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 8N1M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1583-3186 | Romanian Journal of Materials / Revista Romana de Materiale | Foundation for Materials Science & Engineering Serban Solacolu | 03/01/2016 | | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FICO |
Priority | Magazine | | Rough Notes. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1945 | 11/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA4I |
Selective | Academic Journal | | Royal Society of Arts Journal | Royal Society of Arts | 04/02/1937 | 04/02/1937 | | | | Y | | | Available Now | D3LU |
Priority | Magazine | | Rubber Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/10/1924 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3LW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0035-9475 | Rubber Chemistry & Technology | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1958 | 04/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2CM |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0035-9572 | Rubber World | Lippincott & Peto / Initial Publications | 06/01/1954 | 12/01/1976 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RUB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1800-279X | Ruhuna Journal of Science | University of Ruhuna Faculty of Science | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Sri Lanka | Available Now | NF1Q |
Core | Academic Journal | | RUSQ: A Journal of Reference & User Experience | American Library Association | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NM2J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-7397 | Russian Microelectronics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N32 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0735-8938 | Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal | Rutgers Computer & Technology Law Journal | 01/01/1999 | | 06/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1VB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2311-7915 | Saber y Hacer: Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería | Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | Peru | Available Now | JVZ1 |
Core | Magazine | 2071-1883 | SABI Magazine / SABI Tydskrif | SABI Magazine | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | MQ42 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1577-2969 | Sabuco Revista de Estudios Albacetenses | Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | KBJE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2691-3747 | SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles | SAE International | 07/01/2020 | 07/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MMXU |
Priority | Magazine | | Sae Journal | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 07/01/1970 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3M0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0097-711X | SAE Journal of Automotive Engineering | SAE International | 03/01/1935 | 06/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3OM6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2313-576X | Safety | MDPI | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | LU2F |
Core | Academic Journal | 2676-9042 | Safety & Security Sciences Review / Biztonságtudományi Szemle | Obuda University | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | N3XP |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Safety Engineering | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1920 | 09/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BX64 |
Priority | Magazine | | Safety Maintenance & Production | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1950 | 12/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3M2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5405 | Safety Maintenance. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1957 | 09/02/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA4J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2749-4802 | Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal | Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MW0W |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-6923 | Safety of Technogenic Environment | RTU Publishing House | 12/01/2013 | 11/30/2017 | 12/01/2013 | 11/30/2017 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | H7KS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2985-8933 | SAGA: Journal of Technology & Information Systems | CV. Media Digital Publikasi Indonesia | 02/01/2023 | | 02/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N75Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 2636-8129 | Sakarya University Journal of Computer & Information Sciences (SAUCIS) | Sakarya University Journal of Computer & Information Sciences (SAUCIS) | 01/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7RZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0885-9019 | Sales Management. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1923 | 12/20/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA4K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0091-1062 | SAMPE Journal | Society for the Advancement of Material & Process Engineering | 10/01/2016 | | 10/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JP9H |
Core | Magazine | 1051-1962 | SAN/LAN | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZD |
Core | Academic Journal | 3030-9832 | SaNa: Journal of Blockchain, NFTs & Metaverse Technology | CV. Media Digital Publikasi Indonesia | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N75Z |
Priority | Magazine | | Sanitary & Heating Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/15/1921 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3M3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2619-9955 | SAR Journal (2619-9955) | UIKTEN-Association for Information Communication Technology Education & Science | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | MXP4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1531-0434 | Satellite Broadband | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/2000 | 06/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DQE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0147-7439 | Satellite Communications | Penton Media, Inc. | 03/01/1997 | 08/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0EO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2662-9291 | Satellite Navigation | Springer Nature | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MWF4 |
Core | Magazine | 1547-6693 | SC Magazine: For IT Security Professionals (15476693) | CyberRisk Alliance, LLC | 01/01/2010 | 05/31/2020 | 01/01/2010 | 05/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AZVO |
Core | Magazine | 1479-9200 | SC Magazine: For IT Security Professionals (UK Edition) | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 12/01/2003 | 01/02/2017 | 01/01/2007 | 01/02/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | T4M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1895-1767 | Scalable Computing: Practice & Experience | Scalable Computing: Practice & Experience | 03/01/2009 | | 03/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | 78FM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0282-7581 | Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BD6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0905-0167 | Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems | Information Systems Research in Scandinavia (IRIS) Association | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Sweden | Available Now | G8T |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388012 | Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Advanced Topics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP1 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388005 | Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Numerical Simulations | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP2 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471387992 | Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Theories & Applications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1732-3916 | Schedae Informaticae | Jagiellonian University Press | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | EUPM |
Priority | Magazine | | Schedule (United States. Bureau of Mines) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1921 | 01/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3MC |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470847664 | Scheduling in Real-Time Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP4 |
Core | Magazine | 1436-8498 | Schiff & Hafen | DVV Media Group GmbH | 07/01/2016 | 07/11/2019 | 07/01/2016 | 07/11/2019 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | JZYB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2699-3244 | Schmierstoff + Schmierung | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH & Co.KG | 02/01/2021 | | 02/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MLN9 |
Priority | Magazine | 0362-8930 | School Library Journal | Media Source, Inc. | 09/01/1977 | 03/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SLJ |
Core | Magazine | 0889-9371 | School Library Media Activities Monthly | Bloomsbury Publishing | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2009 | 09/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLM |
Core | Magazine | 2166-160X | School Library Monthly | Bloomsbury Publishing | 09/01/2009 | 06/30/2015 | 09/01/2009 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AU09 |
Priority | Magazine | | School of Mines Quarterly | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 07/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3MI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0036-6803 | School Science & Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/1928 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SSM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1027-3352 | Schweiss und Pruftechnik | Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Schweisstechnik | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | L3TD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0036-8075 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 12/06/1929 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SCI |
Priority | Encyclopedia | 9780199109746 | Science & Technology | Oxford University Press / Books | 10/01/1967 | 10/01/1969 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14C4 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814354851 | Science & Technology Against Microbial Pathogens: Research, Development & Evaluation - Proceedings of the International Conference on Antimicrobial Research (Icar2010) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCSJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1468-6996 | Science & Technology of Advanced Materials | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 08/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KIR |
Core | Academic Journal | 2054-8923 | Science & Technology of Archaeological Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HL92 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-7561 | Science & Technology of Cereals, Oils & Foods | Science & Technology of Cereals, Oils & Foods Editorial Office | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MV6L |
Core | Academic Journal | 1362-1718 | Science & Technology of Welding & Joining | Sage Publications | 02/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | POD |
Core | Magazine | 1092-3055 | Science & Technology Review | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory | 01/01/2011 | 09/01/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 15ZV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2704-419X | Science Asia Review | Universidad de Zamboanga (UZ) | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Philippines | Available Now | NBMN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0036-8326 | Science Education | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/1929 | 04/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SED |
Core | Academic Journal | 2722-4139 | Science in Information Technology Letters | Science in Information Technology Letters | 05/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NA8J |
Core | Academic Journal | 2663-628X | Science Journal of University of Zakho | Science Journal of University of Zakho | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | N2KN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-6423 | Science of Computer Programming | Elsevier Science | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3PU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0350-820X | Science of Sintering | National Library of Serbia | 06/01/2006 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | 2QVC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2470-9476 | Science Robotics | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KAWT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-1807 | Science Technology & Industry / Keji he Chanye | Chinese Society of Technology Economics | 01/01/2022 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2022 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTQC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2075-0781 | Science-Based Technologies | National Aviation University | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FXXJ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814383288 | Science: Image in Action - Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Data Analysis in Astronomy 'Livio Scarsi & Vito Digesu' | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCTF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1513-1874 | ScienceAsia | ScienceAsia | 11/01/2015 | | 11/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Thailand | Available Now | G8YS |
Core | Magazine | | Sciencemag.org | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KSTB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2986-4887 | Scientechno: Journal of Science & Technology | Yayasan Pedidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah | 08/01/2023 | | 08/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NAI4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1026-3098 | Scientia Iranica. Transaction B, Mechanical Engineering | Scientia Iranica | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | E6ZM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471388029 | Scientific & Technical Acronyms, Symbols & Abbreviations | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VKI |
Priority | Magazine | 0036-8733 | Scientific American | Scientific American | 01/04/1913 | 08/01/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | R61 |
Core | Magazine | 0036-8733 | Scientific American | Scientific American | 01/04/1913 | | 01/01/2007 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SIA |
Core | Magazine | 1947-2129 | Scientific American Earth 3.0 | Scientific American | 09/01/2008 | 06/30/2009 | 09/01/2008 | 06/30/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8NY3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0740-6495 | Scientific American Monthly. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 10/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA54 |
Core | Magazine | 1524-0223 | Scientific American Presents | Scientific American | 01/01/1998 | 10/31/2000 | 01/01/1998 | 10/31/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1V0H |
Core | Magazine | 1551-2991 | Scientific American Special Edition | Scientific American | 01/01/2002 | 06/30/2009 | 01/01/2002 | 06/30/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1V0I |
Core | Magazine | 1048-0943 | Scientific American Special Issue | Scientific American | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/1997 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5CRO |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-3763 | Scientific American Supplement | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 01/04/1913 | 12/27/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6HF4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1843-8121 | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | Scientific Annals of Computer Science | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | AY75 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2392-8956 | Scientific Bulletin 'Mircea cel Batran' Naval Academy | Mircea cel Batran Naval Academy Constanta Press | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | KC5S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1844-1076 | Scientific Bulletin of 'Valahia' University. Materials & Mechanics | Sciendo | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FXZN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2071-2227 | Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University | National Mining University, State Higher Educational Institution | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FAL9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2392-7364 | Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara - Transaction on Engineering & Management | University Politehnica Timisoara | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | BKOK |
Core | Trade Publication | 1930-5753 | Scientific Computing | Advantage Business Media | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | 11/01/2005 | 11/30/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HNQ |
Core | Magazine | 1356-7853 | Scientific Computing World | Europa Science Ltd | 11/01/2003 | | 01/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 61P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2311-9276 | Scientific Herald of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University: Geography Series | Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | N77Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1565-1533 | Scientific Israel: Technological Advantages | Polymate Ltd. | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Israel | Available Now | HR85 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2707-9031 | Scientific Journal of Astana IT University | Astana IT University | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Kazakhstan | Available Now | N1JQ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 2391-9361 | Scientific Journal Systemy Wspomagania w Inzynierii Produkcji | P.A. Nova S.A. | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | KTSC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1874-8562 | Scientific Modeling & Simulation | Springer Nature | 01/01/2008 | 04/30/2008 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 8X81 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2364-4958 | Scientific Phone Apps & Mobile Devices (APD SKEG Pte Ltd) | APD SKEG Pte Ltd | 04/01/2018 | | 04/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MBMU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1338-1954 | Scientific Proceedings Faculty of Mechanical Engineering STU in Bratislava | Sciendo | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2015 | 08/01/2013 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQLC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1582-540X | Scientific Study & Research. Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry | Alma Mater | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FA8H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0138-9130 | Scientometrics | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NMM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2423-3773 | Scientometrics Research Journal / Pizhūhishnāmah-i ̒ilm/sanjī | Shahed University | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | MZJ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2239-4303 | SCIRES-IT | CASPUR-CIBER Publishing | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | DIC4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1793-0537 | SDA Asia Magazine | S&S Media | 11/01/2007 | 03/31/2009 | 11/01/2007 | 03/31/2009 | | | Y | China | Available Now | 27ED |
Core | Academic Journal | 1308-6693 | SDU Journal of Engineering Sciences & Design / Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi | Journal of Engineering Sciences & Design | 05/01/2016 | | 05/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | KI6C |
Core | Trade Publication | 0093-3651 | Sea Technology | Compass Publications, Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | 04/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M3F |
Core | Magazine | 1070-4795 | Searcher (1070-4795) | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2012 | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SEH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2792-0771 | Seatific Journal | Yildiz Technical University | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N2QE |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471499046 | Secure Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1939-0114 | Security & Communication Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2011 | | 05/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BAEG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-2121 | Security & Safety (S&S) | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | NETM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844939 | Security for Ubiquitous Computing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1878-4755 | Seeing & Perceiving | Brill Academic Publishers | 03/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | 03/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B88F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1788-2265 | SEFBIS Journal | John von Neumann Computer Society | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Hungary | Available Now | HDMZ |
Core | Magazine | | Seguridad Minera | Instituto de Seguridad Minera-ISEM | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | | Y | Peru | Available Now | MSP8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0037-1017 | Seikagaku Journal of Japanese Biochemical | Japanese Biochemical Society | 07/05/2022 | | 07/05/2022 | | 6 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | 629D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1300-5200 | Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science & Technology / Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik, Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi | Selcuk University Journal of Engineering, Science & Technology | 04/01/2013 | 06/30/2019 | 04/01/2013 | 06/30/2019 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | GXML |
Core | Academic Journal | 2458-9411 | Selcuk University Journal of Science Faculty / Selçuk Üniversitesi fen Fakültesi fen Dergisi | Selcuk University Journal of Science Faculty | 01/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N8LG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1336-9024 | Selected Scientific Papers: Journal of Civil Engineering | Sciendo | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | EUOW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471319740 | Self-Similar Network Traffic & Performance Evaluation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1570-0844 | Semantic Web (1570-0844) | IOS Press | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | BFWQ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0163-3767 | Semiconductor International | Reed Business Information | 01/01/2001 | 03/01/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 16R |
Core | Academic Journal | 1560-8034 | Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics | V. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | UIK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-1242 | Semiconductor Science & Technology | IOP Publishing | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59V |
Core | Academic Journal | 1815-7459 | Sensor Electronics & Microsystems Technologies / Sensorna Elektronika i Microsystemni Tekhnologii | I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | KQTK |
Core | Magazine | 2642-1003 | Sensor Technology | SAE Media | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NFNW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0914-4935 | Sensors & Materials | MYU, Scientific Publishing Division | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | IQP1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1726-5479 | Sensors & Transducers (1726-5479) | International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | AZVG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9783527295579 | Sensors in Intelligent Buildings | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP5 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9783527295586 | Sensors in Manufacturing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-3511 | Sensors International | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NBSD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1542-2119 | Separation & Purification Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RE9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0149-6395 | Separation Science & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KV6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1312-6555 | Serdica Journal of Computing | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics & Informatics | 04/01/2015 | | 04/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | BDB4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0208-8029 | Seria Badania Systemowe | Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MNN2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0953-0460 | Serials | Ubiquity Press | 03/01/2004 | 02/28/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RQ3 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486695 | Service Efficient Network Interconnection via Satellite | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Sewage & Industrial Wastes | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1950 | 12/01/1959 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3MW |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9362 | Sewage Works Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1948 | 01/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA58 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0889-9762 | Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing | Joss Group | 01/01/1995 | 08/30/1996 | 01/01/1995 | 08/30/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SDP |
Core | Magazine | 1090-4808 | Seybold Report on Internet Publishing | Joss Group | 09/01/1996 | 04/01/2001 | 09/01/1996 | 04/01/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | YIP |
Core | Magazine | 0736-7260 | Seybold Report on Publishing Systems | Joss Group | 01/01/1995 | 04/01/2001 | 01/01/1995 | 04/01/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1533-9211 | Seybold Report: Analyzing Publishing Technologies | Joss Group | 04/01/2001 | | 04/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FTO |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9249 | Sheet Metal Worker. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1920 | 12/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA59 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479085018 | Shell Korn. Manual de Usuario y Programador | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87N9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1858-9022 | Shendi University Jouranl of Applied Science | Shendi University | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2018 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | Sudan | Available Now | LS10 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0937-7255 | Ship Technology Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 10/01/2016 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JFDO |
Core | Magazine | 2513-8227 | Shiprepair & Maintenance | Royal Institution of Naval Architects | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MWBE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1744-5302 | Ships & Offshore Structures | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3AUD |
Priority | Magazine | | Shoe & Leather Reporter. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/04/1918 | 12/02/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5A |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9783527304820 | Short Circuits in Power Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0036-1399 | SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 03/01/1967 | | 02/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2D4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0097-5397 | SIAM Journal on Computing | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 02/01/1983 | | 02/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2D9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0363-0129 | SIAM Journal on Control & Optimization | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 08/01/1969 | | 01/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DA |
Priority | Magazine | | Siam Journal on Control. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/01/1967 | 11/01/1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0895-4801 | SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 02/01/1997 | | 02/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1936-4954 | SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3KLL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0895-4798 | SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis & Applications | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0036-1429 | SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 02/01/1983 | | 02/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2DE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1052-6234 | SIAM Journal on Optimization | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 07/01/2000 | | 02/01/2002 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KTY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-8275 | SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2V0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0036-1445 | SIAM Review | Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 01/01/1967 | | 03/01/1997 | 07/08/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SVS |
Priority | Magazine | | Sibley Journal of Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 06/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3N0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0097-966X | SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FU4X |
Core | Magazine | 0163-5840 | SIGIR Forum | Association for Computing Machinery | 07/01/2004 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RQ2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2317-0840 | Sigmae | Universidade Federal de Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG) | 01/01/2022 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | NELX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2714-6677 | Signal & Image Processing Letters | Signal & Image Processing Letters | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | NA8K |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471986263 | Signal Analysis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-1684 | Signal Processing | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3Q3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0923-5965 | Signal Processing: Image Communication | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3Q4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471573777 | Signaling in Telecommunication Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1009-4369 | Silicone Material | Silicone Material Editorial Office | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LARN |
Core | Magazine | 1091-9503 | Siliconindia | Siliconindia Inc. | 01/01/2000 | 08/31/2020 | 01/01/2000 | 08/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5MP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0037-5497 | Simulation | Sage Publications | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2EK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1046-8781 | Simulation & Gaming | Sage Publications | 03/01/1990 | | 07/01/2009 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 1569-190X | Simulation Modelling Practice & Theory | Elsevier B.V. | 10/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KMB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1692-5238 | Sistemas & Telemática | Universidad ICESI | 01/01/2013 | 10/31/2018 | 01/01/2013 | 10/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | GY04 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088767 | Situación de la Localización de Software en España | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87NC |
Core | Academic Journal | 2426-8399 | SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics | Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et Industrielles- SMAI | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | N8EW |
Core | Magazine | 1529-5117 | Small Business Computing (2000) | Jupitermedia Corporation | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | T4N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2366-9608 | Small Methods | Wiley-Blackwell | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L34A |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471497677 | Smart Card Manufacturing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VP9 |
Core | Magazine | 1093-4170 | Smart Computing | Sandhills Publishing | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 39S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2234-4624 | Smart Computing Review | Smart Computing Review | 10/01/2014 | 12/01/2015 | 10/01/2014 | 12/01/2015 | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | HE2R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2772-8102 | Smart Materials in Manufacturing | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | NKL1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2097-0366 | Smart Rail Transit | Smart Rail Transit Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N2AG |
Core | Academic Journal | | SmartMat | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBZZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0897-6619 | Smith College Studies In History. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/02/1932 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5G |
Priority | Magazine | | Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections | Smithsonian Institution | 01/02/1928 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0036-1682 | SMPTE Journal | Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers | 08/07/1956 | 09/01/2002 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2EG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1545-0279 | SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal | Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers | 10/01/2002 | 10/31/2020 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | REC |
Priority | Magazine | 0037-7481 | Soap & Chemical Specialties. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1954 | 06/01/1971 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5H |
Priority | Magazine | | Soap & Sanitary Chemicals | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1941 | 04/01/1954 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3ND |
Priority | Magazine | 0091-1372 | Soap, Cosmetics, Chemical Specialties. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1971 | 11/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5I |
Core | Academic Journal | 1749-5016 | Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience | Oxford University Press | 06/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 530A |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0037-7724 | Social Education | National Council for the Social Studies | 01/01/1963 | 01/01/1963 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | STI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0037-7732 | Social Forces | Oxford University Press | 06/01/1930 | 12/01/1931 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SFR |
Priority | Magazine | | Social Science Bulletin (University of Arizona) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1934 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NF |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0037-7996 | Social Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1963 | 12/01/1964 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SOC |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Society for the Advancement of Management Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 07/01/1939 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA5N |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0197-7520 | Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 03/01/1967 | 12/01/1985 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Z4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Sociological Series (University of New Mexico) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0038-0393 | Sociology & Social Research | University of Southern California | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1932 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SOS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0038-0407 | Sociology of Education | Sage Publications | 09/01/1963 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SOO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-7643 | Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | O1F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1619-1366 | Software & Systems Modeling | Springer Nature | 10/01/2003 | | 10/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | P51 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-113X | Software (2674-113X) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZGV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780977213306 | Software Conflict 2.0: The Art & Science of Software Engineering | Read Media, LLC | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30V3 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780977213313 | Software Creativity 2.0 | Read Media, LLC | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30V4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470843185 | Software Defined Radio: Enabling Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VRS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470844649 | Software Defined Radio: Origins, Drivers & International Perspectives | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN6 |
Core | Magazine | 1070-8588 | Software Development | United Business Media | 01/01/2003 | 05/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 03G |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814740098 | Software Engineering & Information Technology - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Seit2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPD |
Core | Trade Publication | 0897-8085 | Software Magazine | King Content | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SFT |
Core | Magazine | 1083-6861 | Software Practitioner | Software Practitioner | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2017 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QIS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1077-4866 | Software Process: Improvement & Practice | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/1995 | 12/31/2009 | 08/01/1995 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BXD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0963-9314 | Software Quality Journal | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NMI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-0540 | Software Quality Professional | American Society for Quality, Inc. | 03/01/2012 | 12/31/2020 | 03/01/2012 | 12/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 111P |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471384922 | Software Radio Architecture | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-0833 | Software Testing: Verification & Reliability | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/1991 | | 04/01/1991 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BXE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0038-0652 | Software World | AP Publications, Ltd. | 07/01/2003 | | 01/01/2012 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QIT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-0644 | Software: Practice & Experience | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1977 | | 07/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2E9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-9941 | Solar | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZEW |
Core | Magazine | 0160-8401 | Solar Age | Solar Age | 01/01/1978 | 06/01/1986 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M42 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-092X | Solar Energy | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 08/01/1974 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SER |
Core | Academic Journal | 2367-198X | Solar RRL | Wiley-Blackwell | 11/01/2016 | | 11/01/2016 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L34B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-111X | Solid State Technology | Extension Media | 01/01/1983 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SOL |
Priority | Magazine | 0886-1579 | Solid Wastes Management (08861579) | Communication Channels | 02/01/1980 | 02/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M4H |
Priority | Magazine | | Solid Wastes Management Refuse Removal Journal & Liquid Wastes Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 08/01/1980 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-1101 | Solid-State Electronics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2E4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1537-0275 | Solutions! For People, Processes & Paper | Questex Media Group | 11/01/2001 | 07/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QTZ |
Core | Magazine | 2490-6697 | Sonovision | Generation Numerique | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | MMWX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1541-0161 | Sound & Vibration | Academic Publishing | 08/01/1983 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | M4O |
Core | Trade Publication | 0741-1715 | Sound & Video Contractor | Future Publishing Ltd. | 02/01/1999 | | 02/01/1999 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 19V |
Priority | Magazine | | Sound; Its Uses & Control | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1962 | 11/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1015-7999 | South African Computer Journal | South African Computer Journal | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | South Africa | Available Now | B8XD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2095-8676 | Southern Energy Construction | Southern Energy Construction Editorial Office | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MYUS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0361-8269 | Southern Speech Communication Journal | Southern States Communication Association | 01/01/1978 | 03/01/1978 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QR6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2230-9268 | SP's MAI | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 03/01/2013 | 01/31/2021 | 03/01/2013 | 01/31/2021 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FTDM |
Core | Working Paper | | Space Report White Papers | Space Foundation | 01/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | N1Q3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-8930 | Space-Integrated-Ground Information Networks | Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd. | 06/01/2021 | | 06/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MTHS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-9485 | Space/Aeronautics | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 10/01/1958 | 07/01/1970 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3OS7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0038-6340 | Spaceflight | British Interplanetary Society | 01/01/1991 | 10/01/2000 | 01/01/1997 | 10/01/2000 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9HQ |
Core | Magazine | | Sparks Electrical News | Crown Publications | 04/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | | South Africa | Coming Soon | FI8Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-1015 | Spatial Vision | VSP International Science Publishers | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2009 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | C5T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-6671 | SPE Drilling & Completion | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 06/01/1993 | 09/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QUX |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-9744 | SPE Drilling Engineering | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 02/01/1986 | 03/01/2001 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Z8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-923X | SPE Formation Evaluation | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 02/01/1986 | 09/01/1990 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82Z9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1086-055X | SPE Journal | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 01/01/1967 | 10/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QUW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2690-3857 | SPE Polymers | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MPSF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1064-668X | SPE Production & Facilities | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 05/01/1993 | 01/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QUV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1930-1855 | SPE Production & Operations | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 02/01/2006 | 05/01/2016 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2KSE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-9221 | SPE Production Engineering | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 01/01/1986 | 11/01/1992 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82ZB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0885-9248 | SPE Reservoir Engineering | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 01/01/1986 | 08/01/1990 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82ZC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1094-6470 | SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering | Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | 02/01/2001 | 11/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QUU |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Bulletin (Ohio State University. Bureau of Business Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/04/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NN |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Bulletin (Pennsylvania. Dept. of Labor & Industry) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NO |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Bulletin (United States. Womens Bureau) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 01/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NP |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Bulletins. State of New York, Department of Labor | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1917 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Consular Reports | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/02/1923 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0038-6723 | Special Libraries | Special Libraries Association, Education Division | 01/01/1915 | 01/01/1995 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SPB |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Special Libraries Association. Proceedings | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1938 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2300-7451 | Special Matrices | De Gruyter | 03/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | GXJF |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Special Papers (Geological Society of America). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/03/1945 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DA60 |
Priority | Magazine | | Special Publication (U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NU |
Priority | Report | | Special Report (Geological Survey of Alabama) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NV |
Priority | Report | | Special Report Series. Medical Research Council (Great Britain) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/03/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3NY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2151-4798 | Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media | Begell House Incorporated | 01/01/2012 | 04/30/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FCNL |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0164-5242 | Specifying Engineer | Reed Business Information | 03/01/1977 | 12/01/1986 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 82ZD |
Priority | Magazine | | Spectator (1868) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1924 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3O1 |
Priority | Magazine | | Spectator (Property Edition) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/04/1935 | 12/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3O2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-7010 | Spectroscopy Letters | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/15/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2E0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-6393 | Speech Communication | Elsevier Science | 03/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3QH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0038-7169 | Speech Monographs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 08/01/1961 | 11/01/1975 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q02 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0038-7177 | Speech Teacher | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1961 | 11/01/1975 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q01 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1693-6590 | Spektrum Industri | Spektrum Industri | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | MQOK |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471031703 | Spheroidal Wave Functions in Electromagnetic Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2010-3247 | SPIN (2010-3247) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 06/01/2011 | | 02/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | ETYM |
Core | Magazine | 1522-2187 | SQL Server Magazine | Penton Media, Inc. | 04/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VU8 |
Core | Magazine | 2165-3291 | SQL Server Pro | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | 01/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FIAR |
Core | Academic Journal | | SRELS Journal of Information Management | Informatics | 10/28/2003 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | RRY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471415466 | Stable Adaptive Control & Estimation for Nonlinear Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPB |
Priority | Magazine | 0340-4803 | Stahl und Eisen | Maenken Kommunikation GmbH | 01/06/1921 | 04/27/1944 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | CHJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 1094-4656 | Standardization News | ASTM International | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QLR |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-2991 | Standardization. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1949 | 06/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA64 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2305-6703 | Standards (2305-6703) | MDPI | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZGZ |
Core | Academic Journal | | Standards of Acoustical Society of America | Acoustical Society of America | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N46N |
Priority | Magazine | | State University of New York. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 01/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3O7 |
Priority | Magazine | | Station Bulletin (Oregon State Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/03/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3O8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Statistical Bulletin (National Electric Light Association) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3O9 |
Priority | Magazine | | Statistical Bulletin (United States. Dept. of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1618-2510 | Statistical Methods & Applications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | J0S |
Priority | Magazine | | Statistical Summary (Association of American Railroads. Bureau of Railway Economics) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1928 | 01/02/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-3174 | Statistics & Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NM9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2571-905X | Stats | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2327-2074 | STEAM Journal | Claremont Colleges Library, STEAM Journal | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | I6PU |
Priority | Magazine | | Steel (Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson)) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/03/1930 | 12/26/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1867-0520 | Steel Construction: Design & Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDCX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1001-2311 | Steel Pipe | Steel Pipe Magazine | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MV6D |
Priority | Magazine | 0039-1328 | Stevens Indicator. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 03/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA66 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0736-2994 | Stochastic Analysis & Applications | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I3O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1532-6349 | Stochastic Models | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I3F |
Core | Magazine | 1549-6783 | Storage Magazine | TechTarget, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | 02/28/2022 | 01/01/2011 | 02/28/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIV |
Core | Magazine | 2223-0491 | Storage Management Solutions | West World Productions | 11/01/2002 | 03/31/2006 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 43T |
Core | Magazine | 1093-8494 | Strategic News Service Newsletter | Strategic News Service LLC | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HCLU |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814329514 | Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in Lhc Era - Proceedings of the Workshop in Honor of Toshihide Maskawa's 70th Birthday & 35th Anniversary of Dynamical Symmetry Breaking in Scgt | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCUH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814566247 | Strong Coupling Gauge Theories in the Lhc Perspective (Scgt 12) - Proceedings of the Kmi-Gcoe Workshop | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLS |
Core | Magazine | 1466-5123 | Structural Engineer (1466-5123) | Institution of Structural Engineers | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HOTW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1016-8664 | Structural Engineering International | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2007 | | 01/01/2024 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 37EK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1451-3749 | Structural Integrity & Life / Integritet i vek Konstrukcija | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | NCE9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2657-6902 | Structure & Environment | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N07Y |
Core | Trade Publication | 1536-4283 | Structure (1536-4283) | National Council of Structural Engineers Associations | 03/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JQ0N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0137-6365 | Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica | Sciendo | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 138J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1731-2264 | Studia Informatica. System & information technology | Siedlce University of Natural Sciences & Humanities | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | N2CF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2526 | Studies in Applied Mathematics | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1969 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0039-3541 | Studies in Art Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/1961 | 05/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SAE |
Priority | Magazine | 1080-9155 | Studies In Child Welfare. University of Iowa. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1934 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA68 |
Priority | Magazine | | Studies in Economics & Business | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1932 | 01/06/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3ON |
Priority | Magazine | | Studies in Education (Rutgers University) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1935 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OO |
Priority | Magazine | | Studies in Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1915 | 01/03/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OP |
Priority | Magazine | | Studies in Higher Education (Purdue University) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0039-3746 | Studies in Philosophy & Education | Springer Nature | 03/01/1970 | 12/01/1979 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | SPS |
Priority | Magazine | | Study (University of Georgia. Bureau of Business Research) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3OX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1005-8788 | Study on Optical Communications / Guangtongxin Yanjiu | Study on Optical Communications Editorial Office | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | LAU4 |
Core | Magazine | 1070-096X | Submarine Fiber Optic Communications | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2829-7342 | Sudo Jurnal Teknik Informatika | Ilmu Bersama Center | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NA6D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1453-0384 | Sudura | Romanian Welding Society / Asociatia de Sudura din Romania | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | N3OL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1027-524X | Sultan Qaboos University Journal for Science | Sultan Qaboos University | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Oman | Available Now | H03P |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | SUMO Conference Proceedings (SCP) | TIB Open Publishing | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | N3SC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0953-2048 | Superconductor Science & Technology | IOP Publishing | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FE |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471177753 | Superconductor Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/02/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VR3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Supplement to the Public Health Reports | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1930 | 01/01/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3P2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1742-447X | Supply Chain Europe | Via Media Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | V0U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-0844 | Surface Engineering | Sage Publications | 02/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | POH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0218-625X | Surface Review & Letters | World Scientific Publishing Company | 04/01/2012 | | 10/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 8KW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1055-5269 | Surface Science Spectra | American Institute of Physics | 12/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2F7K |
Priority | Magazine | 0039-6222 | Survey of Current Business | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1924 | 12/01/1957 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | SCB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1538-1242 | Surveying & Land Information Science | American Association of Geodetic Surveying Geographic & the Geographic & Land Information Society | 03/01/2002 | | 03/01/2002 | 03/01/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QUR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1052-2905 | Surveying & Land Information Systems | American Association of Geodetic Surveying Geographic & the Geographic & Land Information Society | 03/01/1990 | 03/01/2002 | 03/01/1998 | 03/01/2002 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 82ZF |
Priority | Magazine | 0039-6273 | Surveying & Mapping | American Association of Geodetic Surveying Geographic & the Geographic & Land Information Society | 03/01/1977 | 12/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QUQ |
Core | Magazine | 1834-917X | Sustainability Matters | Westwick-Farrow Pty. Ltd. | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BBZA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2378-9689 | Sustainable & Resilient Infrastructure | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2018 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEKH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2520-8748 | Sustainable Earth | BioMed Central | 01/01/2020 | 12/31/2022 | 01/01/2020 | 12/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUIY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2520-8748 | Sustainable Earth Reviews | BioMed Central | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5IJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2712-0562 | Sustainable Engineering & Innovation | Research & Development Academy | 02/01/2022 | | 02/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Bosnia & Herzegovina | Available Now | N3Q2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-4127 | Sustainable Operations & Computers | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N2CA |
Priority | Magazine | 0038-1810 | Sv. Sound & Vibration (00381810) | Acoustical Publications, Inc. | 01/01/1977 | 08/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DAAS |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471963387 | Switching Theory | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0865-4824 | Symmetry: Culture & Science | Public Foundation for the Advancement of Symmetrology | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | | Hungary | Coming Soon | NC9N |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-0583 | SynBio | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF4 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471615507 | Synchronization of Digital Telecommunications Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2068-6331 | Synthesis of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics / Sinteze de Mecanică Teoretică și Aplicată | Matrix Rom | 07/01/2013 | | 07/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FWNS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0346-251X | System | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 04/02/1920 | 05/01/1927 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJX |
Priority | Magazine | | System & Business Management | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1933 | 06/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3P9 |
Selective | Magazine | | System & Management Methods | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1933 | 09/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PA |
Priority | Magazine | | System (Chicago, Ill.) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1929 | 12/01/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PB |
Core | Magazine | 1933-1738 | System iNEWS | Penton Publishing | 09/01/2006 | 04/30/2012 | 09/01/2006 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2YAY |
Core | Magazine | 1752-9123 | System iNEWS UK | UBM Information Ltd. | 09/01/2006 | 03/31/2007 | 09/01/2006 | 03/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3AUG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1681-6048 | System Research & Information Technologies / Sistemnì Doslìdžennâ ta Ìnformacìjnì Tehnologìï | Institute for the Applied System Analysis at the NTUU KPI | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | HJBY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2657-5450 | System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N081 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-5157 | Systematic Biology | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2F3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1804-2716 | Systémová Integrace | Czech Society for Systems Integration | 11/01/2012 | 04/30/2018 | 11/01/2012 | 04/30/2018 | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | FBQF |
Core | Academic Journal | 2079-8954 | Systems | MDPI | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | HE17 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0882-1666 | Systems & Computers in Japan | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BXH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-6911 | Systems & Control Letters | Elsevier Science | 02/15/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3QQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0232-9298 | Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2003 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2003 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J68 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1078-4993 | Systems Contractor News | Future Publishing Ltd. | 06/01/2010 | | 06/01/2010 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8MP |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498759 | Systems Engineering with SDL | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1793-9666 | Systems Research Forum | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | B9L7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2164-2583 | Systems Science & Control Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | K62I |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Systems Supporting Production Engineering | P.A. Nova S.A. | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/2014 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | HKLN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0096-8765 | systems, computers, controls | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1984 | 11/30/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 11/30/1984 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AF2 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0040-9243 | T & P: Tooling & Production | Nelson Publishing | 01/01/2001 | 05/31/2009 | 01/01/2001 | 05/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L31 |
Core | Magazine | 0192-592X | T.H.E. Journal | 1105 Media, Inc. | 08/01/1993 | 04/30/2019 | 08/01/1993 | 03/31/2016 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TJO |
Core | Trade Publication | 0341-0870 | Täglicher Hafenbericht | DVV Media Group GmbH | 07/14/2016 | 07/11/2019 | 07/14/2016 | 07/11/2019 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KBSG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0856-1761 | Tanzania Journal of Science | University of Dar es Salaam, College of Natural & Applied Sciences | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Tanzania, United Republic of | Available Now | MRG0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2507-783X | Tanzania Journal of Science & Technology | Open University of Tanzania | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Tanzania, United Republic of | Available Now | MRF1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0039-8241 | TAPPI | Questex Media Group | 01/01/1949 | 07/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3GNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0734-1415 | TAPPI Journal | Questex Media Group | 09/01/1982 | 10/31/2001 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2F0 |
Core | Academic Journal | | Tappi Journal (2002) | TAPPI | 06/01/2002 | 08/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1YGY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2572-9861 | Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology & Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LEKI |
Core | Trade Publication | | Target: On the Web | IDC | 01/01/2001 | 10/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 10/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BYV |
Priority | Magazine | | Tariff Information Series (United States Tariff Commission) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PG |
Priority | Magazine | | Tariff Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1916 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PH |
Priority | Magazine | | Tariff Series (United States. Bureau of Manufactures) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 01/03/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9789814390156 | TASI 2011: The Dark Secrets of the Terascale | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | FZRN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1428-6394 | TASK Quarterly | Gdansk University of Technology, Academic Computer Centre in Gdansk | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | L6V0 |
Priority | Magazine | | Taylor Society, New York. Bulletin of the Taylor Society & of the Society of Industrial Engineers as Members of Federated Management Societies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1920 | 11/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0302-0797 | TCE: The Chemical Engineer | Institution of Chemical Engineers | 03/01/2007 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 26S |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780974094540 | TCP/IP Quick Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 05/01/2005 | 05/31/2005 | 05/01/2005 | 05/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 478Z |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0161-4681 | Teachers College Record | Sage Publications | 09/01/1970 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TCR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-3679 | Teaching Mathematics & its Applications | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N62 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0092-055X | Teaching Sociology | Sage Publications Inc. | 10/01/1977 | 10/01/1982 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TSO |
Core | Magazine | 1053-6728 | Tech & Learning | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01/01/1993 | 12/31/2021 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TLR |
Core | Trade Publication | 0145-319X | Tech Briefs | SAE Media | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3FH4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0096-4557 | Technical Association Papers | Questex Media Group | 12/03/1920 | 06/02/1927 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3GNB |
Priority | Magazine | | Technical Bulletin (United States. Dept. of Agriculture) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/03/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PL |
Priority | Magazine | | Technical Bulletin (United States. Navy Dept. Bureau of Construction & Repair) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PM |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-8005 | Technical Bulletin (West Virginia University. Engineering Experiment Station). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6M |
Priority | Magazine | | Technical Bulletin. United States Government Printing Office | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0235-3474 | Technical Diagnostics & Nondestructive Testing / Tekhnicheskaya Diagnostika I Nerazrushayushchiy Kontrol | International Association Welding (Paton Publishing House) | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | L46N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1607-7970 | Technical Electrodynamics / Tekhnichna Elektrodynamika | National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Electrodynamics | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | FXTL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1846-6168 | Technical Journal / Tehnički Glasnik | Polytechnic of Varazdin | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Croatia | Available Now | FL27 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1813-1786 | Technical Journal of University of Engineering & Technology Taxila | University of Engineering & Technology Taxila | 07/01/2015 | | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Pakistan | Available Now | HE2D |
Priority | Magazine | | Technical Paper (Pennsylvania State College. Mineral Industries Experiment Station) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1945 | 01/02/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0161-6382 | Technical Paper. Society of Manufacturing Engineers | Society of Manufacturing Engineers | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KPIZ |
Priority | Magazine | | Technical Publication (New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1928 | 01/01/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2411-5363 | Technical Sciences & Technology / Tehnìčnì Nauki ta Tehnologìï | Chernihiv Polytechnic National University | 03/01/2024 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | NMXF |
Core | Academic Journal | 1304-6330 | Technical Sciences Journal / Teknik Bilimler Dergisi | Technical Sciences Journal / Teknik Bilimler Dergisi | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | KFFV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0011-4561 | Technical Transactions / Czasopismo Techniczne | Sciendo | 07/01/2014 | | 07/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | H7KE |
Core | Trade Publication | 1860-1901 | Technik + Einkauf | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5U |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-117X | Technikgeschichte | Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 387W |
Core | Magazine | 0752-4072 | Technique et Science Informatiques | JLE | 07/28/2014 | 05/30/2018 | 09/01/2014 | 05/30/2018 | | | Y | France | Available Now | KCM |
Core | Magazine | 1662-3096 | Technische Rundschau | Swiss Professional Media AG | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | FQ1R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0171-8096 | Technisches Messen | De Gruyter | 03/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FS45 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2734-7990 | Technium BioChemMed | Technium Press Constanta | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | MXNL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2695-9933 | TECHNO Review | Eurasia Academic Publishing Group | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Hong Kong | Available Now | MTHQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1412-2693 | Techno.com | Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer | 04/01/2017 | | 04/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | KC1X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2827-9492 | Technologica | Green Engineering Society | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NMED |
Core | Academic Journal | 2255-9108 | Technologies of Computer Control | RTU Publishing House | 01/01/2012 | 03/31/2015 | 01/01/2012 | 03/31/2015 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | FTG0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2339-5478 | TECHNOLOGY | World Scientific Publishing Company | 08/01/2017 | 12/31/2019 | 08/01/2017 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | HJAM |
Core | Magazine | | Technology & Children | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 07/01/2001 | 05/31/2010 | 07/01/2001 | 05/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6O4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-165X | Technology & Culture | Johns Hopkins University Press | 07/01/1990 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | TCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2994-7111 | Technology & Engineering Education (TEE) | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NLXN |
Core | Academic Journal | 2158-0502 | Technology & Engineering Teacher | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 09/01/2010 | 05/31/2023 | 09/01/2010 | 05/31/2023 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BBGG |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-139X | Technology & Regulation (TechReg) | openjournals.nl | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | N4KR |
Core | Magazine | 1074-4851 | Technology Connection | Bloomsbury Publishing | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/1998 | 10/01/1996 | 06/30/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TCN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-3770 | Technology of Water Treatment | Technology of Water Treatment Editorial Office | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MQM0 |
Core | Magazine | 1099-274X | Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 02/01/1984 | 10/30/2012 | 07/01/1990 | 10/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5PP |
Core | Magazine | 0040-1692 | Technology Review (00401692) | MIT Technology Review | 11/01/1940 | 07/01/1998 | 01/01/1990 | 07/01/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TRV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2455-8613 | Technology Spectrum Review | Publishing India Group | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2018 | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | KC33 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0746-3537 | Technology Teacher | International Technology & Engineering Educators Association | 09/01/1993 | 05/31/2010 | 09/01/1993 | 05/31/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TTC |
Priority | Magazine | | Technology Week Including Missiles & Rockets | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1967 | 07/03/1967 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2211-1662 | Technology, Knowledge & Learning | Springer Nature | 01/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | ESIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-1706 | Technometrics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1965 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TCH |
Core | Magazine | | Techtree.com | OmniEarth Pvt. Ltd | 10/24/2022 | | 10/24/2022 | | | | | India | Available Now | N32D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-1838 | Técnica Industrial: Revista Cuatrimestral de Ingeniería, Industria e Innovación | Fundacion Tecnica Industrial | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Spain | Available Now | KC65 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-1846 | Tecnica Italiana: Italian Journal of Engineering Science | International Information & Engineering Technology Association (IIETA) | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | N6IQ |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479084691 | Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87NA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1693-024X | Teknika: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi | Teknika: Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Sultan Ageng Titayasa | 06/01/2022 | | 06/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N1LG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1302-0056 | Teknoloji | Engineering Science & Technology, an International Journal | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | 3D6Q |
Priority | Magazine | | Tele-tech | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1947 | 10/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PX |
Priority | Magazine | | Tele-tech & Electronic Industries | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1954 | 08/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3PY |
Priority | Magazine | 0735-0899 | Tele-tech (Bristol, Conn.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1952 | 12/01/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6Q |
Core | Trade Publication | 1681-181X | Telecom Asia | Questex Media Group | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2018 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2018 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TMA |
Core | Magazine | | Telecom Tiger | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 01/01/2013 | 10/31/2016 | 01/28/2014 | 10/31/2016 | | | | India | Available Now | BCMI |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471415428 | Telecommunication Circuit Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPD |
Priority | Magazine | 0497-137X | Telecommunication Journal (English Edition). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 07/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1018-4864 | Telecommunication Systems | Springer Nature | 04/01/2003 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BT1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-8880 | Telecommunications & Electronics | RTU Publishing House | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Latvia | Available Now | 62M8 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471988557 | Telecommunications Optimization: Heuristic & Adaptive Techniques | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VN9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-0801 | Telecommunications Science | Beijing Xintong Media Co., Ltd. | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6WO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0736-5853 | Telematics & Informatics | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 05/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJB |
Core | Trade Publication | 0739-8654 | Telephone IP News | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QH |
Core | Trade Publication | 0040-2656 | Telephony | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 08/31/2009 | 03/10/1997 | 08/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TPY |
Priority | Magazine | 0495-0372 | Television Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 04/01/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0280-6495 | Tellus: Series A | Stockholm University Press | 08/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Sweden | Available Now | HYV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0280-6509 | Tellus: Series B | Stockholm University Press | 07/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Sweden | Available Now | HYW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471867791 | Temperature Measurement | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1941-7411 | Terahertz Science & Technology | EDP Sciences | 01/01/2019 | 06/30/2021 | 01/01/2019 | 06/30/2021 | | Y | Y | France | Available Now | MWBW |
Core | Academic Journal | 2088-0561 | Teras Jurnal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil | Teras Jurnal: Jurnal Teknik Sipil | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N9M3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2796-9320 | Tesla Revista Científica | Puerto Madero Editorial Academica | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Argentina | Available Now | N7T9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0039-8322 | TESOL Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1977 | 03/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TEQ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0744-1657 | Test & Measurement World | United Business Media | 07/01/1997 | 03/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 16T |
Priority | Magazine | | Texas Department of Agriculture Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3Q3 |
Priority | Magazine | | Texas. University. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/10/1916 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3Q4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1526-2847 | Textile Chemist & Colorist & American Dyestuff Reporter | American Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists | 09/01/1999 | 12/01/2000 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | A4N |
Priority | Magazine | | Textile Colorist & Converter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1944 | 12/01/1948 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3Q6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5901 | Textile Colorist. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1923 | 09/01/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6W |
Priority | Magazine | 0040-4985 | Textile Industries | R.C. Smith Publishing Company | 01/02/1958 | 12/01/1984 | | | | | | | Available Now | QUY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-5175 | Textile Research Journal | Sage Publications | 12/01/1947 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ES |
Core | Trade Publication | 0040-5213 | Textile World | Textile Industries Media Group, LLC | 01/02/1914 | | 01/01/1997 | 08/01/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TXW |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5936 | Textile World Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 07/01/1915 | 07/01/1915 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA6Y |
Core | Trade Publication | 2296-1208 | Textilplus | Verlag Textilplus AG | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | G987 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | TH Wildau Engineering & Natural Sciences Proceedings | TIB Open Publishing | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MZBG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1450-5584 | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | Theoretical & Applied Mechanics | 10/01/2011 | | 10/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | DRZN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0935-4964 | Theoretical & Computational Fluid Dynamics | Springer Nature | 09/01/2001 | | 09/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O1N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0304-3975 | Theoretical Computer Science | Elsevier Science | 03/06/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3QY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1340-5381 | Theory & Applications of GIS / GIS-Riron to Oyo | Geographic Information Systems Association | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | 24 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MPXL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2067-2764 | Theory & Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science | Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, Faculty of Exact Sciences | 04/01/2016 | 04/30/2021 | 04/01/2016 | 04/30/2021 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FV3X |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814612876 | Theory & Practice of Computation - Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory & Practice Wctp2013 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLM |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814725972 | Theory & Practice of Computation - Proceedings of Workshop on Computation: Theory & Practice Wctp2014 | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1471-0684 | Theory & Practice of Logic Programming | Cambridge University Press | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZ6 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0040-5841 | Theory Into Practice | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1975 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TIP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1432-4350 | Theory of Computing Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2UH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471415411 | Theory of Modern Electronic Semiconductor Devices | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0918-9963 | Thermal Science & Engineering (0918-9963) | Heat Transfer Society of Japan | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MSHY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2673-7264 | Thermo | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZF2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1560-604X | Thermology International | European Association of Thermology | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Austria | Available Now | G9AO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-6090 | Thin Solid Films | Elsevier Science | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | Netherlands | Available Now | 3R0 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470845196 | Third-Generation Systems & Intelligent Wireless Networking | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQL |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471358947 | Three-Dimensional Holographic Imaging | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1813-162X | Tikrit Journal of Engineering Sciences | Republic of Iraq Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research (MOHESR) | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Iraq | Available Now | GCE8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0040-781X | TIME Magazine | TIME USA, LLC | 02/05/1945 | 02/05/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TIM |
Priority | Magazine | 0049-3929 | Times Higher Education Supplement | TSL Education Limited | 03/19/1999 | 03/19/1999 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | THS |
Priority | Magazine | | Times. Review of Industry & Technology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QD |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0040-8573 | Today's Speech | Eastern Communication Association | 11/01/1969 | 09/01/1975 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QRC |
Priority | Magazine | | Tool & Manufacturing Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1960 | 12/02/1969 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QE |
Priority | Magazine | | Tool Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 08/01/1960 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QF |
Core | Trade Publication | 0040-9243 | Tooling & Production | Nelson Publishing | 01/01/1977 | 05/01/2009 | 01/01/1997 | 05/01/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TPD |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814596039 | Topics on Real & Complex Singularities | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCLW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471984641 | Total Area Networking | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNA |
Core | Trade Publication | 1740-1267 | Total Telecom Magazine | Terrapinn Holdings Limited | 02/01/2003 | 02/28/2010 | 02/01/2003 | 02/28/2010 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IEO |
Core | Magazine | | Total Telecom+ | Terrapinn Holdings Limited | 04/01/2010 | 10/31/2015 | 04/01/2010 | 10/31/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BOIQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2783-5162 | Towards Mathematical Sciences | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | N6CN |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470848678 | Towards the Semantic Web | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814449366 | Towards Ultimate Understanding of the Universe - Proceedings of the First Lecospa Symposium | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-9543 | Toxin Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GV7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471492917 | Traceable Temperatures | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471184072 | Tracking & Kalman Filtering Made Easy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQN |
Priority | Magazine | | Trade & Industrial Education Series (United States. Division of Vocational Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QH |
Priority | Magazine | | Trade & Industrial Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QI |
Priority | Magazine | | Trade Promotion Series. United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1924 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QJ |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Traffic Engineering | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1967 | 05/01/1977 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BYEH |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Traffic Quarterly | ENO Transportation Foundation | 01/01/1958 | 10/02/1981 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3R6C |
Core | Magazine | 0041-0721 | Traffic Safety | National Safety Council | 01/01/1983 | 06/30/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QRN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1248-9433 | Traitement Automatique des Langues | Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (ATALA) | 06/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | B0F4 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1266-8753 | TraMétal | MRJ Presse | 04/01/2021 | | 04/01/2021 | | 12 | | Y | France | Available Now | AWI4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0371-7453 | Transactions - Institution of Mining & Metallurgy. Section B. Applied Earth Science | Sage Publications Inc. | 04/01/2000 | 09/30/2009 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0371-9553 | Transactions - Institution of Mining & Metallurgy. Section C. Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy | Sage Publications Inc. | 04/01/2000 | 12/31/2017 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | QEM |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-7416 | Transactions of American Society for Metals. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1934 | 01/02/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA79 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1884-0833 | Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | Japan Society of Kansei Engineering | 10/01/2021 | | 10/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ0P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1347-443X | Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical & Biological Engineering | Japan Society for Medical Electronics & Biological Engineering | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | G99G |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4786 | Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/13/1920 | 04/17/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7A |
Priority | Magazine | | Transactions of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/07/1920 | 10/03/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QN |
Priority | Magazine | | Transactions of the American Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers (incorporated) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1923 | 02/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QO |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-476X | Transactions of the American Society for Steel Treating. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 12/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7B |
Priority | Magazine | | Transactions of the American Society of Heating & Ventilating Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/02/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QQ |
Priority | Magazine | | Transactions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1943 | 11/01/1958 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QR |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Transactions of the ASME | Journal Collection (Sage) | 03/01/1959 | 12/01/1972 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 3R6E |
Priority | Magazine | | Transactions of the Electrochemical Society | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/02/1930 | 03/25/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3QV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1899-2439 | Transactions of the Foundry Research Institute / Prace Instytutu Odlewnictwa | Lukasiewicz Research Network, Krakow Institute of Technology | 01/01/2014 | 03/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 03/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | GY03 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-5952 | Transactions of the Illuminating Engineering Society | Sage Publications | 01/01/1914 | 12/01/1939 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G9G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0142-3312 | Transactions of the Institute of Measurement & Control | Sage Publications, Ltd. | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | 05/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | C4G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-2967 | Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1UJI |
Priority | Magazine | 0046-9858 | Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/01/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1880-3121 | Transactions of the Japan Fluid Power System Society | Japan Fluid Power System Society | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | N6TP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1344-9443 | Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering & Science | Japanese Society for Computational Engineering & Science | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | K5F8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0917-2246 | Transactions of the Japan Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | Japan Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics | 10/01/2022 | | 10/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | L6W3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1884-0485 | Transactions of the Japan Society of Aeronautical & Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan | Japan Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | JHCQ |
Priority | Magazine | 0023-0081 | Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1950 | 01/02/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7F |
Core | Academic Journal | 0287-8321 | Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan | Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MRHY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1213-1962 | Transactions of the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Civil Engineering Series | VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | GUJH |
Core | Academic Journal | 2822-4744 | Transactions on Electromagnetic Spectrum | Transactions on Electromagnetic Spectrum | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N6QP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2745-0120 | Transactions on Energy Systems & Engineering Applications (TESEA) | Universidad Tecnologica de Bolivar | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | N6B0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2821-0131 | Transactions on Fuzzy Sets & Systems | Transactions on Fuzzy Sets & Systems | 01/01/2023 | | 05/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | NAHW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1802-971X | Transactions on Transport Sciences | Palacky University in Olomouc | 08/01/2013 | | 08/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | FR2S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1344-4905 | Transactions the Japan Society of Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers | Japan Society of Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers | 10/01/2020 | | 10/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ8Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1949-0569 | Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science (TJES) | Academy of Transdisciplinary Learning & Advanced Studies (ATLAS) | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NBMG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1339-2654 | Transfer Technológií Bulletin (TTB) | Slovak Centre of Scientific-Technical Information (CVTI SR) | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | N5UD |
Core | Trade Publication | 1534-2832 | Transform Magazine | United Business Media | 05/01/2001 | 12/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FSV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471486398 | Transients in Power Systems | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPI |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6849 | Transit Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 12/01/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7G |
Core | Academic Journal | 2627-1850 | Translational Biophotonics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LXGP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1407-6179 | Transport & Telecommunication Journal | Sciendo | 01/01/2025 | | 01/01/2025 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FS0J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-3913 | Transport in Porous Media | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | NLV |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1822-296X | Transport Means 2006: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference | Mechanika | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | 01/01/2006 | 01/31/2006 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 30MA |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Transport Means 2007: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference | Mechanika | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 78JB |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 1822-296X | Transport Means 2008: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference | Mechanika | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | 8VG2 |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Transport Means 2009: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference | Mechanika | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | | | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | B0RS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2585-8084 | Transport Technic & Technology | Sciendo | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N085 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0049-4488 | Transportation | Springer Nature | 01/01/1984 | | 02/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NLT |
Priority | Magazine | 0148-0170 | Transportation Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/01/1977 | 05/01/1978 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0278-9434 | Transportation Quarterly | ENO Transportation Foundation | 01/01/1982 | 12/15/2003 | 01/01/2002 | 12/15/2003 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TRQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0041-1647 | Transportation Research | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/1977 | 06/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M5R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0191-2607 | Transportation Research Part A: General | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/1979 | 11/30/1991 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M5O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0965-8564 | Transportation Research Part A: Policy & Practice | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TSR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0191-2615 | Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 09/01/1979 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TRB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0968-090X | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 03/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TRC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1361-9209 | Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJM |
Core | Academic Journal | 2631-4428 | Transportation Safety & Environment | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MA0F |
Core | Academic Journal | 0041-1655 | Transportation Science | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 02/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 2HN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1671-7570 | Transportation Science & Technolgy | Transportation Science & Technology Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MW3P |
Priority | Magazine | | Transportation Series (United States. Board of Engineers for Rivers & Harbors) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3R4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-7799 | Trends in Biotechnology | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2HK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0975-0304 | Trends in Carbohydrate Research | Trends in Carbohydrate Research | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | FBPY |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781841501222 | Trends in Functional Programming Volume 4 | Intellect Ltd. | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 398X |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781841501444 | Trends in Functional Programming Volume 5 | Intellect Ltd. | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | 03/01/2006 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 398W |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781841501765 | Trends in Functional Programming Volume 6 | Intellect Ltd. | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 392G |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781841501888 | Trends in Functional Programming Volume 7 | Intellect Ltd. | 09/01/2007 | 09/30/2007 | 09/01/2007 | 09/30/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 56VY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0724-3472 | Tribologie und Schmierungstechnik | Narr Francke Attempto Verlag GmbH & Co.KG | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | HJCW |
Core | Trade Publication | 1545-858X | Tribology & Lubrication Technology | Society of Tribologists & Lubrication Engineers | 10/01/2003 | | 10/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UGG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0354-8996 | Tribology in Industry | Tribology in Industry Journal | 12/01/2013 | | 02/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | G9DT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0301-679X | Tribology International | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJ9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-2004 | Tribology Transactions | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1988 | | 10/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QUP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1751-5831 | Tribology: Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces | Sage Publications | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EGCD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2616-0684 | Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research | University of Benin, Faculty of Pharmacy | 03/01/2022 | | 03/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRGB |
Core | Magazine | 2475-6148 | Truck & Off-Highway Engineering | SAE Media | 05/01/2024 | | 05/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NFNV |
Priority | Magazine | | Trust Companies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 12/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3R9 |
Priority | Magazine | 0041-3682 | Trusts & Estates | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/1939 | 10/01/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TRE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0041-3917 | Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas | BME OMIKK | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | Hungary | Available Now | RV2 |
Core | Magazine | 0896-3207 | TUGboat | TeX Users Group | 02/01/2023 | | 08/23/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N83B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2096-4498 | Tunnel Construction / Suidao Jianshe (Zhong-Yingwen Ban) | Tunnel Construction Editorial Office | 03/01/2018 | | 03/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MS71 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0149-4147 | Turbomachinery International | MJH Life Sciences | 09/02/1977 | 10/01/1982 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3OX6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-6797 | Turkey Lidar Journal / Türkiye Lidar Dergisi | Mersin University | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MP63 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0250-4685 | Turkish Journal of Biochemistry / Turk Biyokimya Dergisi | De Gruyter | 03/01/2011 | | 03/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 78IG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1300-0632 | Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences | Scientific & Technical Research Council of Turkey | 11/01/2002 | | 11/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | KDV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2791-6049 | Turkish Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems | Aves Yayincilik Ltd. STI | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N3EZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2587-1366 | Turkish Journal of Engineering (TUJE) | Murat Yakar | 07/01/2021 | | 07/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | LUQ8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-7165 | Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS / Türk Uzaktan Algılama ve CBS Dergisi | Halil Akinci | 01/01/2023 | | 03/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MP5S |
Core | Academic Journal | 2687-4997 | Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing / Türkiye Uzaktan Algılama Dergisi | Turkish Journal of Remote Sensing | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MY9Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 2687-6590 | Türkiye Fotogrametri Dergisi | Mersin University | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MP1C |
Priority | Magazine | | Turner Constructor | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1929 | 10/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RE |
Core | Magazine | 1461-4197 | TVB Europe | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | TVE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0892-7278 | TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics | Future Publishing Ltd. | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16U |
Core | Academic Journal | 2146-1147 | TWMS Journal of Applied & Engineering Mathematics | Isik University, Department of Mathematics | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FI79 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2011-4990 | UD y la GEOMÁTICA | UD y la GEOMATICA | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | H07W |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814556910 | Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules, Nanostructures & Interfaces - Selected Lectures Presented At Symposium on Ultrafast Dynamics of the 7th International Conference on Materials For Advanced Technologies | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2014 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCL8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0041-624X | Ultrasonics | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1YE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-4177 | Ultrasonics Sonochemistry | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJ7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498292 | UMTS | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQO |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471813750 | UMTS Network & Radio Access Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2536-7404 | Umudike Journal of Engineering & Technology | Michael Okpara University of Agriculture | 07/01/2024 | | 07/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Nigeria | Available Now | MRGI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814417730 | Uncertainty Modeling in Knowledge Engineering & Decision Making - Proceedings of the 10th International Flins Conference | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2012 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCMI |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813146969 | Uncertainty Modelling in Knowledge Engineering & Decision Making - Proceedings of the 12th International Flins Conference (Flins 2016) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCOB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2666-5190 | Unconventional Resources | KeAi Communications Co. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N7W7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471627456 | Understanding Data Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNC |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814719056 | Unified Field Mechanics: Natural Science Beyond the Veil of Spacetime - Proceedings of the Ix Symposium Honoring Noted French Mathematical Physicist Jean-Pierre Vigier | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPS |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. Miscellaneous Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1915 | 01/01/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RI |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. Special Agents Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1912 | 01/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RJ |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Mines. Information Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1980 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RK |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Mines. Miners Circular | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1914 | 01/03/1947 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RL |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Mines. Reports of Investigations | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1920 | 01/31/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RM |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Mines. Technical Paper | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1913 | 01/02/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RN |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Standards. Miscellaneous Publications | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/10/1915 | 01/02/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RO |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Standards. Scientific Papers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/05/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RP |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Bureau of Standards. Technologic Papers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1912 | 01/10/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RQ |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Geological Survey. Professional Paper | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/03/1953 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RR |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Geological Survey. Water-Supply Papers | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/02/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RS |
Priority | Magazine | | United States Public Health Service. Public Health Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RT |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Bureau of Education. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 02/17/1921 | 07/02/1931 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RU |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Bureau of Foreign & Domestic Commerce. Trade Information Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1922 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RW |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/19/1916 | 04/20/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RX |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Childrens Bureau. Publications | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1924 | 01/08/1943 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3RZ |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Department of Agriculture. Yearbook | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1918 | 01/02/1918 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S0 |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Miscellaneous Publications | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1925 | 01/12/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S2 |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Office of Education. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/31/1931 | 01/09/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S4 |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Office of Education. Circulars | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1933 | 01/01/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S5 |
Priority | Magazine | | United States. Office of Education. Vocational Division Bulletin | US Department of the Interior | 01/01/1935 | 01/03/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Unites States National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1917 | 01/02/1952 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2619-9653 | Universal Journal of Mathematics & Applications | Universal Journal of Mathematics & Applications | 01/01/2023 | | 03/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N7T6 |
Priority | Magazine | | University Bulletin (Louisiana State University & Agricultural & Mechanical College) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1938 | 01/03/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3S8 |
Priority | Magazine | | University Journal of Business | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/01/1923 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SA |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Arizona. Bureau of Mines. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SC |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Arkansas Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SD |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications (American Archaeology & Ethnology) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SE |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-6970 | University of California Publications In Agricultural Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7T |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Botany | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1919 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SG |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Economics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1928 | 01/02/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SI |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Education | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/04/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SJ |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9311 | University of California Publications In Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1918 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7U |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Geography | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1929 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SL |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Geological Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/04/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SM |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Mathematics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1921 | 01/04/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SO |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9664 | University of California Publications In Pharmacology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1938 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7W |
Priority | Magazine | 0749-1883 | University of California Publications In Philosophy. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1928 | 01/01/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7X |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-0662 | University of California Publications In Physiology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7Y |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications in Psychology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/02/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3ST |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-8951 | University of California Publications In Public Health. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1928 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA7Z |
Priority | Magazine | 0068-6506 | University of California Publications In Zoology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1932 | 01/02/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA80 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Publications. Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1925 | 01/02/1946 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SW |
Priority | Magazine | | University of California Syllabus Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SX |
Priority | Magazine | 0069-6242 | University of Colorado Studies | University Press of Colorado | 01/02/1934 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3SY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1859-1531 | University of Danang - Journal of Science & Technology | University of Danang | 08/01/2024 | | 08/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Vietnam | Available Now | MXDO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1048-9991 | University of Illinois Bulletin | Journal Collection (Sage) | 01/01/1925 | 01/02/1942 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 7CB3 |
Priority | Magazine | 1048-9975 | University of Illinois Studies In the Social Sciences. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1927 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA82 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Iowa Extension Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T2 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Iowa Studies in Education | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/02/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T3 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Iowa Studies in Natural History | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T4 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Kansas Science Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1932 | 01/02/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T5 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Minnesota School of Mines. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1918 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T7 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Minnesota. Employment Stabilization Research Unit. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1932 | 01/08/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | | University of Missouri Bulletin, Law Series | University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Law | 12/22/1917 | 12/22/1917 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | B9BU |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Missouri Bulletin. Library Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3T9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0076-9703 | University of Missouri Studies | University of Missouri Press | 01/03/1926 | 01/02/1945 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 86D7 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Missouri. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1923 | 01/02/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TA |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Missouri. Journalism Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 12/10/1925 | 01/02/1934 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TB |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Nevada. Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1932 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TC |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-9516 | University of New Mexico Bulletin. Biological Series. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1936 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA85 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of New Mexico Bulletin. Chemistry Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1932 | 01/02/1938 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TG |
Priority | Magazine | | University of New Mexico Bulletin. Economics Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1931 | 01/02/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TI |
Priority | Magazine | | University of North Carolina Extension Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1928 | 01/04/1941 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TJ |
Priority | Magazine | | University of North Carolina Extension Leaflets | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 05/01/1920 | 10/02/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TK |
Priority | Magazine | | University of North Carolina Record. Extension Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1920 | 11/01/1920 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TL |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Publication | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/1924 | 09/02/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TN |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Publication (education Series) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TO |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Publication. Geology Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1927 | 01/02/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TP |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Publication. Mathematics Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/02/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TQ |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Publication. Physical Education Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/02/1926 | 09/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TR |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Oregon Studies in Business | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/03/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TS |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Southern California School of Research Studies | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1934 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TT |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Tennessee Record | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1939 | 01/02/1942 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TU |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Tennessee Record. Extension Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1939 | 01/06/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TV |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Texas Publication | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1938 | 01/15/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TW |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Toronto Studies. Geological Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1926 | 01/01/1927 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TX |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Virginia Record. Extension Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TY |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Washington Extension Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1934 | 01/02/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3TZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0193-2470 | University of Washington Publications In Fisheries. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1926 | 01/07/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA87 |
Priority | Magazine | 0193-1342 | University of Washington Publications In Geology. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 07/02/1944 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA88 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Washington Publications in Mathematics | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1926 | 01/02/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3U3 |
Priority | Magazine | 0193-2454 | University of Washington Publications In Oceanography. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1935 | 01/02/1940 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA89 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Washington Publications in the Social Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1929 | 01/04/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3U5 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Washington Publications. Language & Literature | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1928 | 01/02/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3U6 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Wisconsin Studies in Science | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1927 | 01/01/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3U7 |
Priority | Magazine | | University of Wisconsin Studies in the Social Sciences & History | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1930 | 01/04/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3U8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1337-6047 | University Review (1337-6047) | University Review | 05/01/2013 | | 05/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Slovakia | Available Now | FXT0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0892-8088 | UNIX Update | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1531-0930 | UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal | University of Nevada, Las Vegas | 07/01/2002 | | 07/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16G3 |
Core | Magazine | 1052-0341 | Upside | Upside Magazine | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1PR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-8063 | Uranium Mining & Metallurgy | Uranium Mining & Metallurgy Editorial Office | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | N36K |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0042-0859 | Urban Education | Sage Publications | 10/01/1969 | 01/01/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | UED |
Core | Academic Journal | 2199-6687 | Urban Rail Transit | Springer Nature | 11/01/2015 | | 11/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1C8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0042-0972 | Urban Review | Springer Nature | 09/01/1969 | 12/01/1982 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | URB |
Core | Academic Journal | 2165-0020 | Urban, Planning & Transport Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KFOB |
Core | Trade Publication | 1945-4384 | Urgent Communications | Penton Media, Inc. | 08/01/2008 | 08/31/2013 | 08/01/2008 | 08/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 84SZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2651-3447 | Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences | Usak University Journal of Material Sciences | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | MGAU |
Core | Academic Journal | 2147-2785 | Usak University Journal of Material Science | Usak University Journal of Material Sciences | 06/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | 06/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | FWPE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0924-1868 | User Modeling & User-Adapted Interaction | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NLP |
Core | Magazine | 2203-2797 | Utility (2203-2797) | Prime Creative Media | 05/01/2022 | | 05/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MSXO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0042-207X | Vacuum | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1967 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FD |
Core | Academic Journal | 2433-5835 | Vacuum & Surface Science | Japan Society of Vacuum & Surface Science | 04/01/2023 | | 04/01/2023 | | 12 | Y | Y | Japan | Available Now | MQ1Y |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471322443 | Vacuum Microelectronics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0894-5802 | VARBusiness | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 02/28/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | VAR |
Priority | Magazine | | Vdi. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/05/1924 | 04/15/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8F |
Core | Magazine | 2509-5927 | VDT Magazin | Fortes Medien GmbH | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | MBM4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2624-8921 | Vehicles (2624-8921) | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MVQG |
Core | Magazine | 1547-9943 | Vertical Systems Reseller | Edgell Communications Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2015 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | V7O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0860-6897 | Vibrations in Physical Systems | Poznan University of Technology | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | K593 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471485537 | Video Codec Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNE |
Core | Magazine | 1044-7288 | Video Magazine | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 07/01/1989 | 01/31/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | VID |
Core | Trade Publication | 0361-0942 | Video Systems | Questex Media Group | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2006 | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 19X |
Core | Academic Journal | 2688-3988 | View (2688-268X) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MFHH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1745-2759 | Virtual & Physical Prototyping | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15UT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1359-4338 | Virtual Reality | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | VC7 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471360896 | Virtual Reality Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/02/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VR0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-2084 | Virtual Worlds | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6IV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1909-9746 | Visión Electrónica | Fondo de Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Colombia | Available Now | BOE5 |
Core | Magazine | 1089-3709 | Vision Systems Design | Endeavor Business Media | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9DA |
Core | Academic Journal | 2310-0389 | Visnyk NTUU KPI Seriia - Radiotekhnika Radioaparatobuduvannia | National Technical University of Ukraine KPI | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | NCXG |
Core | Academic Journal | 1997-9266 | Visnyk of Vinnytsia Politechnical Institute | Vinnytsia National Technical University | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Ukraine | Available Now | N9PK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0178-2789 | Visual Computer | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | O20 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2524-4442 | Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine & Art | Springer Nature | 12/01/2019 | | 12/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LQVI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0952-5238 | Visual Neuroscience | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | 11/01/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0V |
Core | Magazine | 1537-002X | Visual Studio Magazine | 1105 Media, Inc. | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QJ0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2213-7459 | Visualization in Engineering | Springer Nature | 03/23/2016 | 06/30/2019 | 03/23/2016 | 06/30/2019 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | FQDP |
Selective | Magazine | | Vital Statistics of the United States | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1939 | 01/06/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0042-7500 | Vitis | Julius Kuehn Institut | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JVVA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0303-9021 | Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift | Ghent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | 09/01/2016 | | 09/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | Belgium | Available Now | JX35 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1066-8888 | VLDB Journal International Journal on Very Large Data Bases | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | O2A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1065-514X | VLSI Design | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2002 | 10/18/2018 | 02/01/2002 | 10/18/2018 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J6J |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9788479088026 | Vocabulario Semitécnico de la Informática E Internet. Problemas de Traducción | Digitalia Publishing Corp. | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 87NB |
Priority | Magazine | | Vocational Education Bulletin (United States. Office of Education) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1934 | 01/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UN |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471495161 | Voice over Packet Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNG |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670075 | VOIP Quick Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4792 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471953029 | VSAT Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VNH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470847619 | W-CDMA | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQS |
Priority | Magazine | | W.I.B. Price Bulletin (United States. War Industries Board) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1919 | 01/01/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UQ |
Core | Magazine | 1060-989X | Wall Street & Technology | United Business Media | 01/01/1997 | 06/30/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0P3 |
Priority | Magazine | | War Minerals Investigations Series | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/07/1918 | 01/02/1919 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3US |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington Historical Quarterly | American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals | 04/01/1921 | 04/01/1921 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 586W |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington State College. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1932 | 01/01/1939 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UT |
Core | Magazine | 1058-9163 | Washington Technology | 1105 Media, Inc. | 12/16/2002 | 06/30/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DCA |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington University Experiment Station Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 06/01/1920 | 01/01/1930 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UU |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington University Studies New Series. Science & Technology | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1928 | 01/03/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UW |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington University Studies New Series. Social & Philosophical Sciences | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1934 | 01/02/1937 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UX |
Priority | Magazine | | Washington University. Engineering Experiment Station Bulletin | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/01/1920 | 01/01/1951 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3UY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0947-5036 | Wasserkraft und Energie | Moritz Schafer GmbH & Co. KG | 01/01/2018 | 04/04/2023 | 01/01/2018 | 04/04/2023 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | KGIY |
Core | Academic Journal | 2813-0391 | Waste (2813-0391) | MDPI | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | N6PY |
Core | Trade Publication | 0043-1001 | Waste Age | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/1973 | 11/30/2013 | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5WC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-053X | Waste Management | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJ2 |
Core | Magazine | 2329-6976 | Waste360 | Penton Media, Inc. | 12/01/2014 | | 12/01/2014 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KSCF |
Core | Trade Publication | 2329-6976 | Waste360 (2329-6976) | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 11/30/2014 | 01/01/2014 | 11/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GY01 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1747-6585 | Water & Environment Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/02/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4LB |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0043-1117 | Water & Pollution Control | Business Information Group | 01/01/1977 | 06/01/1992 | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 82ZS |
Priority | Magazine | | Water & Sanitation | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1950 | 08/01/1950 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3V0 |
Core | Magazine | 1990-8857 | Water & Sanitation Africa | Novus Print (Pty) Ltd trading as 3S Media | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | 08/31/2023 | | | Y | South Africa | Available Now | MQ41 |
Priority | Magazine | | Water & Sewage | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1940 | 12/01/1949 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3V1 |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-1125 | Water & Sewage Works | Scranton Gillette Communications Inc. | 01/01/1946 | 12/01/1980 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M4Q |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-115X | Water & Wastes Engineering | Scranton Gillette Communications Inc. | 01/01/1966 | 12/01/1980 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 2717-5251 | Water Conservancy & Electric Power Technology & Application | Omniscient Pte. Ltd. | 11/01/2021 | | 11/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | MZ7T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1006-7175 | Water Conservancy Science & Techonlogy & Economy | Water Conservancy Science & Technology & Economy Editorial Office | 04/01/2022 | | 04/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MW2M |
Core | Academic Journal | 0273-2238 | Water Engineering & Management | Scranton Gillette Communications Inc. | 01/01/1981 | 05/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | WEM |
Core | Trade Publication | 1044-9493 | Water Environment & Technology | Water Environment Federation | 01/01/1991 | 12/31/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-4303 | Water Environment Research (10614303) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1201-3080 | Water Quality Research Journal of Canada (Canadian Association on Water Quality) | Canadian Association on Water Quality | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | KRZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1201-3080 | Water Quality Research Journal of Canada (IWA Publishing) | IWA Publishing | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HB3H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0043-1354 | Water Research | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/02/1967 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2G1 |
Core | Magazine | 0043-1370 | Water Resources Bulletin | American Water Resources Association | 10/01/1984 | 12/31/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M5M |
Core | Academic Journal | 0043-1397 | Water Resources Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0SI |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-6312 | Water Works & Sewerage. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1929 | 12/01/1945 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8O |
Priority | Magazine | | Water Works & Wastes Engineering | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1964 | 12/01/1965 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3V4 |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-784X | Water Works Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1963 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8P |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-7831 | Water Works. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/13/1926 | 05/01/1928 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8N |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471419013 | Wavelets in Electromagnetics & Device Modeling | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2631-7176 | Wearable Technologies | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MQDQ |
Core | Magazine | 1099-3436 | Web Finance | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | 03/31/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 37W |
Core | Academic Journal | 1570-1263 | Web Intelligence & Agent Systems | IOS Press | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | Q1I |
Core | Academic Journal | 2405-6456 | Web Intelligence (2405-6456) | IOS Press | 01/01/2015 | | 01/01/2015 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | JUIC |
Core | Magazine | 1530-7034 | WebSphere Advisor | Advisor Media Inc | 07/01/2003 | 03/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QJ1 |
Core | Magazine | | WebSphere Advisor Online | Advisor Media Inc | 04/01/2004 | 05/30/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 17V6 |
Priority | Magazine | | Weekly Underwriter | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/04/1930 | 11/16/1957 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3V8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Weekly Weather & Crop Bulletin (Washington, D.C.) | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1929 | 01/01/1929 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3V9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0043-2253 | Welding Design & Fabrication | Penton Publishing | 01/01/1977 | 12/31/2006 | 07/01/1999 | 12/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25O |
Core | Trade Publication | 2151-2663 | Welding Design & Fabrication (21512663) | Penton Publishing | 09/01/2009 | 11/30/2009 | 09/01/2009 | 11/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0MM |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-227X | Welding Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 12/01/1974 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0950-7116 | Welding International | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2007 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3AUF |
Core | Trade Publication | 0043-2296 | Welding Journal | American Welding Society | 09/01/1937 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2G8 |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471434917 | Welding Metallurgy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPL |
Core | Trade Publication | 0936-8760 | Werkzeug & Formenbau | Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum (DIZ) Munchen GmbH | 11/01/2014 | 10/06/2020 | 11/01/2014 | 10/06/2020 | | | | Germany | Available Now | HL5V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0511-5728 | West Indian Journal of Engineering | University of the West Indies, Faculty of Engineering | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Trinidad & Tobago | Available Now | 18J6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-4361 | Westinghouse Engineer. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1948 | 11/01/1966 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8R |
Core | Trade Publication | 0728-3873 | What's New in Electronics (0728-3873) | Westwick-Farrow Pty. Ltd. | 12/01/2022 | | 12/01/2022 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MSXN |
Priority | Magazine | 0097-3467 | Wheat Studies of the Food Research Institute. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/03/1926 | 01/04/1926 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8T |
Core | Magazine | 1541-1303 | WiFi / WLAN | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZH |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471383932 | Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science & Engineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/2009 | 01/31/2009 | | | | United Kingdom | Coming Soon | AX0Z |
Priority | Magazine | 1050-8333 | Wilson Bulletin for Librarians | H W Wilson Company | 09/01/1930 | 10/01/1933 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BN9B |
Core | Academic Journal | 2674-032X | Wind (2674-032X) | MDPI | 12/01/2021 | | 12/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MZDW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471499725 | Wind Energy Explained | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPM |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471489979 | Wind Energy Handbook | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VPN |
Core | Magazine | 1537-4475 | Windows & .NET Magazine | Penton Publishing | 01/01/2003 | 08/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QJ2 |
Core | Magazine | 1552-3136 | Windows IT Pro | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/2004 | 04/30/2014 | 01/01/2007 | 04/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AY8 |
Core | Magazine | 1555-4686 | Windows IT Security | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2005 | 01/31/2007 | 04/01/2005 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16S7 |
Core | Magazine | 1060-1066 | Windows Magazine | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 09/30/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WNM |
Core | Magazine | 1537-4483 | Windows Scripting Solutions | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2007 | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUA |
Core | Magazine | 1054-0784 | Windows Watcher | Softbank Expositions & Conference Company | 07/01/1996 | 11/21/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 11/21/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WWW |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-6003 | Wire & Wire Products. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 04/01/1973 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8X |
Core | Magazine | 0277-4275 | Wire Journal International | Wire Journal International | 04/01/1981 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QUO |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-602X | Wire Journal. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1977 | 03/01/1981 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8Y |
Core | Magazine | 1059-1028 | Wired | Conde Nast Publications | 06/01/2008 | | 06/01/2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0EV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471492986 | Wireless Access Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQT |
Priority | Magazine | | Wireless Age | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/02/1920 | 07/01/1925 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3VI |
Core | Magazine | 1681-1399 | Wireless Asia | Questex Media Group | 09/01/2001 | 01/31/2011 | 09/01/2001 | 01/31/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GCN |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789814733663 | Wireless Communication & Network - Proceedings of 2015 International Workshop (Iwwcn2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | 01/01/2015 | 01/31/2015 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPJ |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9789813140004 | Wireless Communication & Sensor Network - Proceedings of the International Conference (Wcsn 2015) | World Scientific Publishing Company | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | LCPA |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471316510 | Wireless Data Handbook | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/02/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQU |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470849491 | Wireless Data Technologies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQV |
Core | Trade Publication | 1076-4240 | Wireless Design & Development | Advantage Business Media | 08/01/1999 | 08/31/1999 | 08/01/1999 | 08/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16V |
Priority | Magazine | | Wireless Engineer | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1936 | 12/01/1956 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3VJ |
Priority | Magazine | | Wireless Engineer & Experimental Wireless | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 09/01/1931 | 12/01/1935 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3VK |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780471498469 | Wireless Local Loops | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQW |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9780470845295 | Wireless Networks | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VQX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1022-0038 | Wireless Networks (10220038) | Springer Nature | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BT6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0929-6212 | Wireless Personal Communications | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NL8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2052-8418 | Wireless Power Transfer | Maximum Academic Press | 03/01/2019 | | 03/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GZT9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1099-9248 | Wireless Review | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/1998 | 11/30/2005 | 01/01/1998 | 11/30/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2WV |
Core | Magazine | 1058-6695 | Wireless Satellite & Broadcasting | IGI Group Inc. | 11/01/2011 | | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30ZI |
Core | Magazine | 1089-5566 | Wireless Systems Design | Penton Publishing | 09/01/1999 | 03/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 25P |
Core | Trade Publication | 1085-0473 | Wireless Week | Advantage Business Media | 08/09/1999 | 10/31/2013 | 08/09/1999 | 10/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1EM |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-6062 | Wireless World. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1958 | 09/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA8Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1759-0876 | WIREs: Computational Molecular Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | 07/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDD0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1942-4787 | WIREs: Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDD2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-6526 | Wisconsin Library Bulletin | Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Division for Libraries, Technology & Community Learning | 02/01/1919 | 05/01/1924 | | | | | | | Available Now | 37M3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0179-5619 | Wissenschaftliche Berichte des Instituts für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie | KIT Scientific Publishing | 01/01/2018 | | 01/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | LFOV |
Core | Book / Monograph | 9781602670082 | WLAN Quick Guide | Javvin Technologies, Inc. | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | 10/01/2007 | 10/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4793 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0043-7662 | Wood & Wood Products | CCI Media LLC | 01/01/1983 | 04/30/2013 | 01/01/1996 | 04/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WWP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1748-0272 | Wood Material Science & Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XSX |
Core | Magazine | 2327-7823 | Wood Products | CCI Media LLC | 05/01/2013 | 09/30/2014 | 05/01/2013 | 09/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FZSU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0730-8884 | Work & Occupations | Sage Publications | 08/01/2007 | 08/01/2007 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | WRO |
Core | Magazine | 1041-5602 | World Aquaculture | World Aquaculture Society | 05/01/2016 | | 05/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | K1ID |
Core | Trade Publication | 1529-5052 | World Broadcast Engineering | Endeavor Business Media | 02/01/2000 | 12/31/2001 | 02/01/2000 | 12/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7BY |
Core | Trade Publication | 1050-012X | World Broadcast News | Endeavor Business Media | 03/01/1999 | 01/31/2000 | 03/01/1999 | 01/31/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1AP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2032-6653 | World Electric Vehicle Journal | MDPI | 08/01/2021 | | 08/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | MUZL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1672-0636 | World Nuclear Geoscience | World Nuclear Geoscience Editorial Office | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | MW2P |
Core | Academic Journal | 2221-0741 | World of Computer Science & Information Technology Journal | Mauz Conti | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU5U |
Core | Trade Publication | 0043-8790 | World Oil | Gulf Energy Information | 12/01/1947 | 04/30/2024 | 08/01/1993 | 09/30/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WOL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0172-2190 | World Patent Information | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JJ0 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1064-8429 | World Wastes | Penton Media, Inc. | 02/01/1992 | 02/28/1999 | 01/01/1997 | 02/28/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0ET |
Core | Academic Journal | 1386-145X | World Wide Web | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | BT8 |
Priority | Magazine | | Worlds Markets | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 08/02/1920 | 05/01/1924 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3VU |
Core | Trade Publication | | Worldwide Databases | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5QK |
Core | Academic Journal | 2687-7260 | Wright Flyer Papers | Department of the United States Air Force | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N33P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1687-7632 | X-Rays Optics & Instrumentation | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2010 | 01/01/2008 | 01/31/2010 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8NDH |
Core | Conference Proceedings Collection | 9788021453210 | XXV. Mezinárodní Vedecká Konference Soudního InZenYrství Expert Forensic Science (ExFoS) 2016 | International Scientific Conference of Forensic Engineering | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2018 | | | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | KIUI |
Core | Academic Journal | 1857-9043 | Yearbook - Faculty of Computer Science | Goce Delcev University, Yearbook - Faculty of Computer Science | 09/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | 09/01/2015 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | North Macedonia | Available Now | I6EA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0354-0243 | Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research | Belgrade University, Faculty of Organizational Sciences | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Serbia | Available Now | FL2A |
Core | Academic Journal | 1300-5413 | Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of the Institute of Natural & Applied Sciences / Yüzüncü Yl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi | Van Yuzuncu Yil University | 01/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | N9PE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2616-2156 | Zambia ICT Journal | Zambia ICT Journal | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | Zambia | Available Now | MRGO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0044-2267 | ZAMM -- Journal of Applied Mathematics & Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | N6W |
Priority | Magazine | | Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Chemie | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/06/1927 | 04/30/1932 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D3W2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0044-2275 | Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | N7X |
Core | Academic Journal | 0932-0776 | Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences | De Gruyter | 12/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | JQ43 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0942-9352 | Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie | De Gruyter | 10/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | FXRZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1007-1881 | Zhejiang Electric Power | Zhejiang Electric Power Editorial Office | 08/01/2022 | | 08/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | L6XQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1810-0341 | Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology | National University of Science & Technology | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Zimbabwe | Available Now | MRGT |