*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Source Type | ISSN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | PDF Images (full page) | Country | Availability* | MID |
International Book / Monograph | | 1813 Crossing of the Blue Mountains | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY8 |
International Book / Monograph | | 2000 Olympic Games | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVU |
International Magazine | 1035-6754 | 21 C | Australian Commission for the Future | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-Jan-1998 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 21C |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | 48 Hours (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2000 | | 01-Dec-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB6 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0726-2418 | 4X4 Australia | 4x4 Media Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2009 | | 01-Feb-2009 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 87TF |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | 60 Minutes (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 26-Nov-2000 | | 26-Nov-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB7 |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | 7.30 Report (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 28-Nov-2002 | 04-Jun-2014 | 28-Nov-2002 | 04-Jun-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-730R |
Australia/NZ Newswire | | AAP Australian National News Wire | Australian Associated Press Ltd | 13-Sep-2003 | | 13-Sep-2003 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 74C-APG |
Australia/NZ Newswire | | AAP Australian Sports News Wire | Australian Associated Press Ltd | 25-Oct-2000 | | 25-Oct-2000 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 74D-APS |
International Academic Journal | 0218-2203 | AAPPS Bulletin | Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies | 01-Jan-2011 | | 01-Jan-2011 | | | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | 1CDF |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | ABC Premium News | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 29-Jan-2003 | 04-Jul-2021 | 29-Jan-2003 | 04-Jul-2021 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-APR |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | ABC Regional News | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 07-Jan-2003 | 07-Jun-2021 | 07-Jan-2003 | 07-Jun-2021 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-ARE |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | ABC Rural News | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 02-Dec-2002 | 20-May-2013 | 02-Dec-2002 | 20-May-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-ARU |
International Biography | | Abel Janszoon Tasman | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1321-9812 | ABM: Australian Business Monthly | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-May-1995 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | BMO |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780822520764 | Aboriginal Art of Australia | Lerner Publishing Group | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | | | United States of America | Available Now | U9M |
International Book / Monograph | | Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1976 | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY7 |
International Book / Monograph | | Aboriginal Rock Art | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYK |
International Book / Monograph | | Aboriginals | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYL |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Abortion Regulations 1978 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1978 | 31-Jan-1978 | 01-Jan-1978 | 31-Jan-1978 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B919 |
International Magazine | | Achieve - Celebrating ABWA's Women in Business | ABWA Management LLC | 01-Jan-2024 | | 01-Jan-2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NO4K |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1442-7281 | ACTCOSS Update | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Oct-2009 | 30-Jun-2021 | 01-Oct-2009 | 30-Jun-2021 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 90EC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2203-8671 | Acuity | Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | I6BA |
International Book / Monograph | | Adelaide | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4T |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0112-6997 | AdMedia | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Jan-1999 | 30-Sep-2013 | 01-Jan-1999 | 30-Sep-2013 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 3NG |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Advertiser, The (Woolgoolga) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 16-Dec-2017 | 15-Sep-2010 | 16-Dec-2017 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UMN-CWA |
International Magazine | 0001-8996 | Advocate | Equal Entertainment LLC | 17-Sep-1996 | 28-Feb-2024 | 17-Sep-1996 | 28-Feb-2024 | | | United States of America | Available Now | AVT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Advocate (Hepburn) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD9Q-AHE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1448-8086 | Aero Australia | Wilson Media Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2017 | 31-Jan-2020 | 01-Dec-2017 | 31-Jan-2020 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GU0Y |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-9195 | AFR Smart Investor | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2005 | 31-Mar-2015 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2Q7I |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-580X | Age, The (Melbourne) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Dec-2004 | | 30-Dec-2004 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZ8-AG |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Agile Antechinus | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82U |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1839-5619 | Agricultural Commodities | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Sep-2011 | 01-Sep-2018 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | H6MS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1839-8235 | Agricultural Commodity Statistics | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Jan-2011 | 01-Dec-2017 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | FSOA |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Agricultural Products Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | | 01-Oct-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XX4 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1322-9869 | AIAL Forum | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Oct-2009 | | 01-Oct-2009 | | 12 | Y | Australia | Available Now | 90NQ |
International Company Profile | | Air New Zealand Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | | 01-May-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HT05 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Airlines Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | | 01-Oct-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XXI |
International Company Profile | | Airservices Australia MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | 16-Feb-2024 | 01-Jul-2014 | 16-Feb-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HT0K |
International Biography | | Alan Bollard | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4U |
International Biography | | Alan Bond | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4V |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Alcoholic Drinks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Jul-2015 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Jul-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XXW |
International Academic Journal | 1177-1801 | AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples | Sage Publications | 01-Jul-2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FSL4 |
International Academic Journal | | AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Scholarship | Sage Publications Inc. | 01-Jul-2007 | 30-Jun-2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 40T |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Aluminum Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2012 | 31-Dec-2014 | 01-Sep-2012 | 31-Dec-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FKI8 |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | AM (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 07-Dec-2002 | 08-Jun-2021 | 07-Dec-2002 | 08-Jun-2021 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-AMTR |
International Academic Journal | 1549-4934 | American Geographical Society's Focus on Geography | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Dec-2015 | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Dec-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K16 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | American Morning (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Dec-2011 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Dec-2011 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNAM |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | | 01-Dec-2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNAC |
International Academic Journal | 0003-3286 | Anglican Theological Review | Sage Publications Inc. | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2023 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2001 | | | United States of America | Available Now | ATR |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Animal Welfare Act 1999 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91A |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-2464 | Animals Today | Animals Australia Inc. | 01-Jan-1997 | 28-Feb-2007 | 01-Jan-2000 | 28-Feb-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1IT |
International Academic Journal | 0268-540X | Anthropology Today | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jul-1996 | | 01-Jul-1996 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AOY |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | ANZ Bank New Zealand, LTD | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81W |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | ANZ Banking Group | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81X |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | ANZAC | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | ANZUS Treaty | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83F |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1178-5527 | Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Review | Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers Inc. | 01-Mar-2007 | | 01-Mar-2007 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B64B |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0725-4415 | APC (Bauer Media Group) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2005 | 31-Oct-2013 | 01-Jun-2005 | 31-Oct-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | 1DK6 |
International Magazine | 0725-4415 | APC (Future Publishing Ltd.) | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Nov-2013 | | 01-Apr-2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HLXN |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1030-5033 | APLIS | Auslib Press | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LIS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Apparel Retail Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | | 01-Oct-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XY9 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1039-4273 | Ararat Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EO4-AA |
International Magazine | 0003-8113 | Archaeology | Archaeological Institute of America | 01-May-1984 | | 01-Jan-1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ARC |
International Academic Journal | 0728-4896 | Archaeology in Oceania | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jul-2000 | | 01-Jul-2000 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7OV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Archey's Frog | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82V |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1034-4101 | Architect Designed Houses | Architecture Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Dec-1997 | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Dec-1997 | | | Australia | Available Now | ADH |
International Trade Publication | 0003-858X | Architectural Record | BNP Media | 01-May-1984 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now‡ | ARR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0003-8725 | Architecture Australia | Architecture Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-1995 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | AAI |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0113-4566 | Architecture New Zealand | AGM, a division of BCI New Zealand | 01-Nov-2009 | | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 24SF |
International Magazine | 0882-0171 | Ardell Wellness Report | Ardell | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Mar-2007 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AWR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Area News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD79-AN |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1039-1010 | Arena Magazine | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Dec-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 65HB |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Armidale Express | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL0-AE |
International Magazine | 1326-5822 | ARN: Australian Reseller News | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | | 01-Sep-2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | U22 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1832-9829 | Aromatherapy Today | Aromatherapy Today Publications | 01-Jan-2012 | | 01-Jan-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8RQ9 |
International Magazine | 0195-8208 | Art & Antiques | Art & Antiques Worldwide Media, LLC | 01-Jan-2004 | | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jul-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | TFM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-301X | Art & Australia | Art & Australia Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-2014 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | ATA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1837-2422 | Art + Australia | Art & Australia Pty Ltd | 01-Jun-2015 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | NAVI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-1102 | Art New Zealand | Art Magazine Press Ltd. | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Mar-2020 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 1OF |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0044-9075 | Artefact | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3S |
International Magazine | 1521-5210 | Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel (Newsweek LLC) | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01-Jun-2004 | 01-Jan-2010 | 01-Jun-2004 | 01-Jan-2010 | | | United States of America | Available Now | QW4 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1323-4552 | Artonview | National Gallery of Australia | 01-Jun-2002 | 31-Jan-2022 | 01-Jan-2011 | 31-Jan-2022 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZI1 |
International Magazine | 0004-3931 | Arts & Activities | Publishers Development Corporation | 01-May-1990 | 30-Jun-2019 | 01-May-1990 | 30-Jun-2019 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ANA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-7271 | Arts + Law | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Mar-2009 | | 01-Mar-2009 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 90NU |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVY |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Ashleigh Barty | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81R |
International Book / Monograph | | Ashmore & Cartier Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVZ |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1446-6880 | Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter | Venture Media | 01-Jul-2009 | | 01-Jul-2009 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1WI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Asian Business Review | Alan Davis Media | 01-Feb-1995 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Feb-1995 | 31-Jan-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ABU |
International Newspaper | 1716-1843 | Asian Pacific Post | Asian Post Publishing Media | 01-Jun-2006 | | 01-Jun-2006 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 1WY4 |
International Magazine | 1012-6244 | Asiaweek | Asiaweek Ltd. | 26-Oct-1994 | 08-Dec-2001 | | | | | Hong Kong | Available Now | AEE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-1484 | ASME Update | Australian Society for Music Education, Inc. | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Apr-2006 | 31-Dec-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 175B |
International Academic Journal | 0260-2938 | Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Mar-1981 | | 01-Mar-1981 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EVA |
International Magazine | 0091-6358 | Astronomy | Firecrown Media | 01-Jul-1984 | 04-Nov-2024 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AST |
International Magazine | 0160-6506 | Atlantic (0160-6506) | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 01-Jul-1955 | 30-Jun-1971 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCWF |
International Magazine | 0276-9077 | Atlantic (0276-9077) | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 01-Apr-1981 | 31-Oct-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Oct-1993 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATL |
International Magazine | 1072-7825 | Atlantic Monthly | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 01-Nov-1993 | | 01-Nov-1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 161I |
International Magazine | 0004-6795 | Atlantic Monthly (0004-6795) | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 01-Jul-1971 | 31-Mar-1981 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 30RB |
International Book / Monograph | | Atmospheric Circulation (Southern Hemisphere) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4W |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Auckland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW0 |
International Book / Monograph | | Auckland (City & Region) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4X |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Auckland War Memorial Museum | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Augusta Margaret River Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOF-AMR |
International Academic Journal | 0001-2793 | AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian University of Modern Language Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2T4 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 2202-3178 | Ausmarine | Baird Publications Party Ltd | 01-Nov-2005 | 31-Dec-2018 | 01-Nov-2005 | 31-Dec-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1IHJ |
International Academic Journal | 2052-174X | Austral Entomology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Feb-2014 | | 01-Feb-2014 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | H08S |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1036-7128 | Australasian Biotechnology | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3T |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australasian Bittern (Botaurus Poiciloptilus) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82W |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0810-4123 | Australasian Drama Studies | Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama & Performance Studies | 01-Jan-2004 | | 01-Jan-2004 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | VWK |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1322-9214 | Australasian Historical Archaeology | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 38RJ |
International Academic Journal | 0004-8380 | Australasian Journal of Dermatology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1951 | | 01-Jan-1951 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQL |
International Academic Journal | 1836-9391 | Australasian Journal of Early Childhood | Sage Publications | 01-Mar-2009 | | 01-Mar-2009 | | 12 | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8YW5 |
International Academic Journal | 2205-4952 | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2009 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3E0 |
International Academic Journal | 1448-6563 | Australasian Journal of Environmental Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3CNZ |
International Academic Journal | 1032-335X | Australasian Journal of Neuroscience | Sciendo | 01-Jun-2005 | | 01-Jun-2005 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | GY4 |
International Academic Journal | 0004-8402 | Australasian Journal of Philosophy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Mar-2005 | | 01-Mar-2005 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BHK |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1328-0694 | Australasian Journal of Podiatric Medicine | Australasian Podiatry Council | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ILF |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1324-0935 | Australasian Journal of Regional Studies | Regional Science Association | 01-Oct-2007 | | 01-Oct-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 24N7 |
International Academic Journal | 1440-6381 | Australasian Journal on Ageing | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Mar-2004 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GTC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1446-5604 | Australasian Parks & Leisure | Parks & Leisure Australia | 01-Dec-2006 | 30-Sep-2022 | 01-Dec-2006 | 30-Sep-2022 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1FLB |
International Academic Journal | 1039-8562 | Australasian Psychiatry | Sage Publications | 01-Aug-1998 | | 08-Apr-2006 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7ZS |
International Academic Journal | 0004-8461 | Australasian Radiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQM |
International Book / Monograph | 9781559160070 | Australia | Rourke Publishing, LLC. | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | | | United States of America | Available Now | LO1 |
International Company Profile | | Australia & New Zealand Banking Group MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | 01-Dec-2022 | 01-May-2014 | 01-Dec-2022 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTGY |
International Book / Monograph | 9781888325522 | Australia & New Zealand's Heritage & Environment | Allosaurus Publishers | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 46NM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1033-6192 | Australia & World Affairs | National Observer | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Sep-1998 | 01-Mar-1994 | 30-Sep-1998 | | | Australia | Available Now | AUW |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842089 | Australia (9781590842089) | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-1998 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-1998 | | | United States of America | Available Now | O4O |
International Industry Report | 1748-9768 | Australia Autos Report | Fitch Solutions Group Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 86B5 |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | Australia Career Guide | Going Global | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ON2 |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | Australia Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4XZ |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | Australia Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Apr-2003 | | 01-Apr-2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VZ9 |
Australia/NZ Country Report | 1520-2151 | Australia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 01-Jul-2000 | | 01-Jul-2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTB |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australia Day | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW2 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | 1749-1266 | Australia Defence & Security Report | Fitch Solutions Group Limited | 01-Oct-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5039 |
International Industry Report | 1749-2580 | Australia Food & Drink Report | Fitch Solutions Group Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 86B7 |
International Industry Report | 1752-5268 | Australia Infrastructure Report | Fitch Solutions Group Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 86B8 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1036-0921 | Australia's Parents | FPC Magazines | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-May-2000 | 01-Jun-1997 | 31-May-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | SPA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1445-3436 | Australia's Paydirt Magazine | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Dec-2022 | | 01-Dec-2022 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H9ZB |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1176-337X | Australian & New Zealand Apparel | Review Publishing Co Ltd | 01-Feb-2008 | 30-Jun-2008 | 01-Feb-2008 | 30-Jun-2008 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 3AGF |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1448-0131 | Australian & New Zealand Continence Journal | CSIRO Publishing | 01-Mar-2005 | | 01-Mar-2005 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 15LU |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1446-8212 | Australian & New Zealand Grapegrower & Winemaker | Winetitles Media & Ryan Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3U |
International Academic Journal | 1443-4318 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Art | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-May-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 95F2 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1443-4873 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Audiology | Australian Academic Press | 01-May-2006 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-May-2006 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2IUZ |
International Academic Journal | 0814-723X | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Mar-2003 | | 01-Oct-2003 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BMH |
International Academic Journal | 0004-8674 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry | Sage Publications | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7ZU |
International Academic Journal | 1369-1473 | Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | | 01-Jan-1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BM8 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0819-2421 | Australian & New Zealand Wine Industry Journal | Winetitles Media & Ryan Media Pty Ltd | 01-May-2006 | 31-Oct-2010 | 01-May-2006 | 31-Oct-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GXN |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0729-4352 | Australian Aboriginal Studies | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jul-2006 | | 01-Jul-2006 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6LS |
International Academic Journal | 0004-8623 | Australian Academic & Research Libraries | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Sep-2004 | 31-Dec-2016 | 01-Sep-2004 | 31-Dec-2016 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4GW |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0004-8631 | Australian Accountant | CPA Australia | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Mar-1998 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | AOU |
International Company Profile | | Australian Agricultural Company Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | | 01-May-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTGZ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Antarctic Territory | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW3 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1448-7330 | Australian Anthill | Australian Anthill | 01-Feb-2006 | 30-Apr-2009 | 01-Feb-2006 | 30-Apr-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GUX |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0312-2417 | Australian Archaeology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2014 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8SZ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Art | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-2073 | Australian Auto Action | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Feb-2009 | 12-May-2016 | 01-Feb-2009 | 12-May-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 87TG |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0813-0876 | Australian Aviation | Phantom Media trading as Australian Aviation | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BXJ |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0045-0308 | Australian Biblical Review | Fellowship for Biblical Studies | 01-Jun-2005 | | 01-Jun-2005 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GZK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1030-8954 | Australian Birdkeeper | ABK Publications | 01-Oct-2014 | 31-Mar-2024 | 01-Oct-2014 | 31-Mar-2024 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HBWK |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842140 | Australian Birdlife | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUU |
International Company Profile | | Australian Broadcasting Corporation MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2014 | 27-Sep-2021 | 01-Mar-2014 | 27-Sep-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HREX |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0311-6336 | Australian Bulletin of Labour | National Institute of Labour Studies | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Jan-2017 | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Jan-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | SK1 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0157-3039 | Australian Canegrower | Copyright Agency Limited | 07-Aug-2017 | | 07-Aug-2017 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ATNN |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Capital Territory | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW4 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Colonies Government Act | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83G |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1321-7844 | Australian Commodities | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Jun-2007 | 30-Jun-2011 | 01-Jun-2007 | 30-Jun-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 24LD |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1325-8109 | Australian Commodity Statistics | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Dec-2006 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-Dec-2006 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WSA |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1440-8880 | Australian CPA | CPA Australia | 01-Apr-1998 | 30-Sep-2004 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 3S4 |
Australia/NZ Report | 1832-228X | Australian Crime: Facts & Figures | Australian Institute of Criminology | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2013 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | B80C |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1325-8931 | Australian Crop Report | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Jan-2007 | 01-Jun-2018 | 01-Jan-2007 | 13-Feb-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WS8 |
International Book / Monograph | | Australian Cuisine | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4Y |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0814-4494 | Australian Dairyfarmer | Fairfax Media Publications Party Limited | 01-Jun-2012 | | 01-Jun-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BGXL |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Dance Theatre | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81I |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1039-7116 | Australian Doctor | Australian Doctor Group | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QT3 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781876557980 | Australian Economic Statistics 2005: Trends, Objectives & Policies | Warringal Publications | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GH4 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781921128202 | Australian Economic Statistics 2009: Trends, Objectives & Policies | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AUBU |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781876557973 | Australian Economy 2005: A Student's Guide to Current Economic Conditions | Warringal Publications | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GH3 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781921128189 | Australian Economy 2008: A Student's Guide to Current Economic Conditions | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6MUH |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-8245 | Australian Educational Leader | Australian Council for Educational Leaders | 01-Mar-2014 | | 01-Mar-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | B8BW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0311-6999 | Australian Educational Researcher (Australian Association for Research in Education) | Australian Association for Research in Education | 01-Sep-2007 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-Sep-2007 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1CGF |
Australia/NZ Encyclopedia | 9781862760141 | Australian Encyclopedia -- About Australia | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7SM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Australian Bushrangers | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGW |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Australian Explorer Chronology | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGZ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Australian Geography | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KH0 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Australian Stories | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGY |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Federation of Australia | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGX |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- Gold in Australia | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- History of Australia | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KGU |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Encyclopedia -- World War I Battle History | Dynamic Learning Online | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | 01-Jul-2007 | 31-Jul-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KH1 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0811-3661 | Australian Family | Australian Family Association | 01-Jan-2012 | 30-Nov-2014 | 01-Nov-2012 | 30-Nov-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | L5F |
International Academic Journal | 1320-0968 | Australian Feminist Law Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2003 | | 01-Dec-2007 | 31-Dec-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L5G |
International Academic Journal | 0816-4649 | Australian Feminist Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Dec-1985 | | 01-Dec-1985 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1NM |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0404-2018 | Australian Financial Review | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-May-2014 | | 01-May-2014 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 843A-AFR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-9123 | Australian Flying | Yaffa Publishing Group Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-2014 | | 01-Sep-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8T2O |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2208-5912 | Australian Foreign Affairs | Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd. | 01-Aug-2022 | | 01-Feb-2023 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MVOM |
International Company Profile | | Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTH0 |
International Magazine | 1832-987X | Australian FourFourTwo | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Mar-2008 | 30-Apr-2018 | 01-Mar-2013 | 30-Apr-2018 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 9507 |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842164 | Australian Frogs & Reptiles | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUX |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1033-3673 | Australian Garden History | Australian Garden History Society | 01-Jul-2007 | | 01-Jul-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 05V |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1039-0987 | Australian Gay & Lesbian Law Journal | Federation Press Pty Limited | 01-Mar-1992 | 30-Sep-1993 | 01-Mar-1992 | 30-Sep-1993 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LA1 |
International Academic Journal | 0004-9182 | Australian Geographer | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-May-1997 | | 01-May-1997 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0V5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0816-1658 | Australian Geographic | Australian Geographic Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Jun-2018 | | | Australia | Available Now | AGO |
International Academic Journal | 0004-9190 | Australian Geographical Studies | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2004 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 53A |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0312-5327 | Australian Giftguide | Charted Media Group | 01-Apr-2009 | 25-Feb-2015 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8NYQ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Gold Rushes | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1034-9006 | Australian Gourmet Traveller | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2002 | | 01-Jun-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 7AK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1446-9510 | Australian Gourmet Traveller WINE | GT Wine Magazine Pty Limited | 01-Oct-2002 | 31-Aug-2020 | 01-Oct-2002 | 28-Dec-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 7BM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1329-7686 | Australian Guitar | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jul-2023 | | 01-Sep-2023 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FYFY |
International Magazine | 1328-4037 | Australian Hi-Fi | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jul-2023 | | 01-Nov-2023 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3C66 |
International Academic Journal | 1031-461X | Australian Historical Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Apr-1988 | | 01-Apr-1988 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UHS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-931X | Australian House & Garden | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Oct-1994 | | 01-Jun-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | AHG |
International Book / Monograph | | Australian Human Rights Comission | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU4Z |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-9328 | Australian Humanist | Humanists Australia | 01-Nov-2014 | | 01-Nov-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H9XM |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1325-5029 | Australian International Law Journal | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2014 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3W |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1443-1394 | Australian Journal of Adult Learning | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2005 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RUW |
International Academic Journal | 1364-985X | Australian Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | | 01-Jan-1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2VC |
International Academic Journal | 1035-8811 | Australian Journal of Anthropology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1992 | | 01-Feb-1992 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AUJ |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1443-0738 | Australian Journal of Asian Law | Australian Journal of Asian Law | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3ANH |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0156-0417 | Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Nov-2017 | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Nov-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GXV |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0810-0713 | Australian Journal of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Hypnosis | Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists | 01-Feb-2008 | 30-Sep-2020 | 01-Feb-2008 | 30-Sep-2020 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GXF |
International Academic Journal | 0312-5033 | Australian Journal of Early Childhood | Sage Publications Inc. | 01-Feb-2005 | 31-Dec-2008 | 01-Sep-2006 | 31-Dec-2008 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FVV |
International Academic Journal | 0812-0099 | Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7ZV |
International Academic Journal | 1448-837X | Australian Journal of Electrical & Electronic Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2009 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8S0J |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1324-1540 | Australian Journal of Emergency Management | Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience | 01-Jul-2017 | | 01-Jul-2017 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | D9Y |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1449-0706 | Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society | Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society (AJETS) | 01-May-2006 | 30-Apr-2008 | 01-May-2006 | 30-Apr-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1CGI |
International Academic Journal | 1326-6756 | Australian Journal of Entomology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Nov-2013 | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Nov-2013 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQN |
International Academic Journal | 0045-0618 | Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 17WA |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0004-9468 | Australian Journal of French Studies (Australian Journal of French Studies) | Liverpool University Press / Journals | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | TA6 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2209-119X | Australian Journal of Herbal & Naturopathic Medicine | National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) | 01-Jan-2018 | | 01-Jan-2018 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LFFF |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2200-3886 | Australian Journal of Herbal Medicine | National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) | 01-Jan-2012 | 31-Dec-2017 | 01-Jan-2012 | 31-Dec-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | F2RD |
International Academic Journal | 1035-7718 | Australian Journal of International Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-May-1995 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UAF |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1037-0838 | Australian Journal of Jewish Studies | Australian Association for Jewish Studies | 01-Jan-2006 | | 01-Jan-2006 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GXK |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1328-1143 | Australian Journal of Labour Economics | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 24LO |
International Academic Journal | 1038-1562 | Australian Journal of Language & Literacy | Springer Nature | 01-Oct-2002 | | 01-Oct-2002 | 31-Dec-2022 | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 3J3 |
International Academic Journal | 1940-4158 | Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Feb-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5EVU |
International Academic Journal | 0726-8602 | Australian Journal of Linguistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Apr-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35P |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0312-8962 | Australian Journal of Management (University of New South Wales) | University of New South Wales | 01-Apr-1976 | 31-Dec-2009 | 01-Apr-1976 | 31-Dec-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AUM |
International Academic Journal | 1836-6503 | Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Mar-2009 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3QG |
International Academic Journal | 1448-4846 | Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 16-Apr-2010 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3DU |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1033-8330 | Australian Journal of Medical Herbalism | National Herbalists Association of Australia (NHAA) | 01-Oct-2007 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Oct-2007 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GUF |
International Academic Journal | 1448-8388 | Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2009 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3DV |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0004-9484 | Australian Journal of Music Education | Australian Society for Music Education, Inc. | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 53L2 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1036-9457 | Australian Journal of Music Therapy | Australian Music Therapy Association, Inc. | 01-Jul-2005 | | 01-Jul-2005 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | T9M |
International Academic Journal | 1032-1322 | Australian Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2001 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2001 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DIE |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0311-8002 | Australian Journal of Pharmacy | Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Co. Ltd. | 01-Mar-2009 | | 01-Mar-2009 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 39LX |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0004-9514 | Australian Journal of Physiotherapy | Australian Physiotherapy Association | 01-Mar-2007 | 28-Feb-2010 | 01-Mar-2007 | 28-Feb-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GXX |
International Academic Journal | 1036-1146 | Australian Journal of Political Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-May-1990 | | 01-May-1990 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UPS |
International Academic Journal | 0004-9522 | Australian Journal of Politics & History | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jun-1998 | | 01-Jun-1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3J4 |
International Academic Journal | 0004-9530 | Australian Journal of Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Apr-1995 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AJP |
International Academic Journal | 0313-6647 | Australian Journal of Public Administration | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Sep-1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AUA |
International Academic Journal | 1038-5282 | Australian Journal of Rural Health | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Aug-1998 | | 01-Aug-1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQO |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0157-6321 | Australian Journal of Social Issues (Australian Council of Social Service) | Australian Council of Social Service | 01-Feb-1995 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AJI |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0157-6321 | Australian Journal of Social Issues (John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GQR1 |
International Academic Journal | 0810-2686 | Australian Journalism Review | Intellect Ltd. | 01-Mar-2007 | | 01-Mar-2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 259B |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842171 | Australian Kangaroos & Wallabies | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUY |
International Company Profile | | Australian Leaders Fund Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | 26-Apr-2021 | 01-Jun-2014 | 26-Apr-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HREY |
International Academic Journal | 0004-9670 | Australian Library Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2016 | 01-Jan-2005 | 31-Dec-2016 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ULJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1448-9791 | Australian Life Scientist | Westwick-Farrow Pty. Ltd. | 01-Nov-2007 | 31-Aug-2014 | 01-Nov-2007 | 31-Aug-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | 3FLT |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0004-9697 | Australian Literary Studies | Australian Literary Studies | 01-Jan-1990 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | 12 | Y | Australia | Available Now | AUL |
International Case Study | | Australian Low-Carb Beer Case Study: Positioning Beer as Healthy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2008 | 31-Mar-2008 | 01-Mar-2008 | 31-Mar-2008 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8P1Z |
International Case Study | | Australian Loyalty Scheme Case Study: Reassessing Loyalty Schemes Post Interchange Reforms | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Nov-2005 | 02-Nov-2005 | 01-Nov-2005 | 02-Nov-2005 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 241R |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1322-9753 | Australian Macuser | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | UMU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1329-9484 | Australian MacWorld | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 01-Mar-1998 | 30-May-2011 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2YB |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842157 | Australian Marine Fish | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2652-0176 | Australian Mathematics Education Journal (AMEJ) | Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers | 01-Mar-2019 | | 01-Mar-2019 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LW5D |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0045-0685 | Australian Mathematics Teacher | Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers | 01-Jan-2001 | 01-Oct-2018 | 01-Jan-2001 | 01-Oct-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JXR |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1447-1159 | Australian Mineral Statistics (14471159) | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Mar-2011 | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Mar-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3AF5 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0004-976X | Australian Mining | Prime Creative Media | 01-Nov-2003 | | 01-Nov-2003 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QSR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0819-4734 | Australian Model Engineering | Australian Model Engineering Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-2007 | 31-Mar-2017 | 01-Nov-2007 | 11-Jun-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1HJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-2103 | Australian Motorcycle News | Citrus Media | 01-Mar-2008 | 17-Aug-2016 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 87TH |
International Book / Monograph | | Australian National University | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU50 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-9840 | Australian Natural History | Australian Museum | 01-Sep-1994 | 30-Sep-1995 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | AUN |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1440-5520 | Australian NetGuide | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Aug-2009 | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Aug-2009 | | | Australia | Available Now | 87T5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2202-7114 | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation | 01-Sep-2013 | | 01-Sep-2013 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GNH9 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-3185 | Australian Nursing Journal | Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Aug-2013 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Aug-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ANJ |
International Academic Journal | 0045-0766 | Australian Occupational Therapy Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Open (Golf) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83W |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Open (Tennis) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW5 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Outback | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVW6 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0726-5026 | Australian Parents | FPC Magazines | 01-Jun-2000 | 30-Apr-2009 | 01-Jun-2000 | 30-Apr-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | C8U |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1322-3712 | Australian PC User | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-May-2012 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-May-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 08J |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0725-4415 | Australian Personal Computer | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-May-2005 | 01-Jun-2002 | 31-May-2005 | | | Australia | Available Now | ACJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-1258 | Australian Pipeliner | Great Southern Press Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-2012 | 05-Dec-2017 | 01-Nov-2012 | 05-Dec-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | EGSD |
International Academic Journal | 0729-3682 | Australian Planner | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2010 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ZWV |
International Company Profile | | Australian Postal Corporation MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | 10-Jan-2020 | 01-Jul-2014 | 10-Jan-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTH1 |
Australia/NZ SWOT Analysis | | Australian Postal Corporation SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2015 | 10-Jan-2020 | 01-Jun-2015 | 10-Jan-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JE23 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1326-0286 | Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom | Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers | 01-Jan-2001 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H83 |
International Academic Journal | 0005-0067 | Australian Psychologist | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Mar-2003 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 05Z |
International Company Profile | | Australian Rail Track Corporation Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | | 01-May-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HREZ |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842133 | Australian Rainforest Animals | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUS |
International Book / Monograph | 9781598042122 | Australian Rare & Endangered Wildlife | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUR |
Australia/NZ Case Study | | Australian Retail Grocery Case Study: Challenging the Dominance of Coles & Woolworths | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2009 | 31-Oct-2009 | 01-Oct-2009 | 31-Oct-2009 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B9SE |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1832-1526 | Australian Review of Public Affairs: Digest | Australian Review of Public Affairs | 01-Jan-2009 | 01-Mar-2016 | 01-Jan-2009 | 01-Mar-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | B9JR |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1832-1526 | Australian Review of Public Affairs: Journal | Australian Review of Public Affairs | 01-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2016 | 01-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2016 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 77TS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Rules Football | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXR6 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0045-0855 | Australian Science Teachers Journal | Australian Science Teachers Association | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Mar-1995 | 31-Dec-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ATJ |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842119 | Australian Sealife | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUV |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0819-4564 | Australian Senior Mathematics Journal | Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers | 01-Jan-2001 | 01-Jul-2018 | 01-Jan-2001 | 01-Jul-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JXS |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0818-8149 | Australian Slavonic & East European Studies | Australian Slavonic & East European Studies (ASEES) | 01-Mar-2005 | 31-Jan-2014 | 01-Jun-2007 | 31-Jan-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H72 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1442-6331 | Australian Social Policy Journal | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2011 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3Y |
International Academic Journal | 0312-407X | Australian Social Work | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2003 | | 01-Jan-2003 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q0S |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian Super | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81Y |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1442-5807 | Australian Table | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Aug-2008 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Aug-2008 | | | Australia | Available Now | JMO |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-5769 | Australian Traveller | Australian Traveller Media Pty Ltd | 01-May-2019 | | 01-May-2019 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HBWP |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-5773 | Australian Triathlete | Publicity Press Pty Ltd. | 01-Sep-2007 | 28-Feb-2014 | 01-May-2012 | 28-Feb-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1FKN |
International Company Profile | | Australian Unity Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | | 01-Jun-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRF0 |
International Company Profile | | Australian Vintage Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2014 | | 01-Aug-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTH2 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1329-0436 | Australian Viticulture | Winetitles Media & Ryan Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 634K |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1325-1317 | Australian Voice | Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing | 01-Nov-2006 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2IV0 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0812-8227 | Australian WellBeing | Wellspring Publishers Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-May-1995 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | AWE |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842102 | Australian Wildlife | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OUQ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1839-6437 | Australian Wine Showcase | Australian Wine Showcase | 01-Oct-2014 | 23-May-2022 | 01-Oct-2014 | 23-May-2022 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H9OM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0005-0458 | Australian Women's Weekly | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2002 | | 01-Jun-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 45H |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0818-0261 | Australian Woodworker | Skills Book Publishing Pty Ltd | 01-Jun-2012 | 31-Jan-2024 | 01-Jun-2012 | 31-Jan-2024 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AWO |
International Academic Journal | 0084-7658 | Australian Year Book of International Law | Brill Academic Publishers | 01-Dec-2008 | | 01-Dec-2008 | | 36 | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3UU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1446-1056 | Australian Yoga Life | Australian Yoga Life | 01-Dec-2016 | 08-Jun-2021 | 01-Dec-2016 | 08-Jun-2021 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | IUVW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0067-2238 | Australian Zoologist | Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales | 01-Feb-2008 | | 01-Feb-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LYM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian/New Zealand Films | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVW8 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian/New Zealand Literature | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVW9 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Australian/New Zealand Music | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVW7 |
International Trade Publication | 0005-1551 | Automotive News | Crain Communications | 01-Jan-1993 | | 22-Jul-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ATN |
International Trade Publication | 0192-9674 | AutoWeek | Crain Communications | 01-Jul-1993 | 05-Nov-2019 | 30-Sep-1996 | 05-Nov-2019 | | | United States of America | Available Now | ATW |
International Trade Publication | 0005-2175 | Aviation Week & Space Technology | Penton Media, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Jul-2017 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AVW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Avon Valley Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOQ-AV |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Baby Food Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2013 | 30-Sep-2014 | 01-Mar-2013 | 30-Sep-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FXYS |
International Country Report | 1049-5517 | Background Notes on Countries of the World 2003 | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-1986 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Mar-1992 | 31-Dec-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | BKN |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Afghanistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCD |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Albania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2003 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Oct-2003 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCK |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Australia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Aug-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ9 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Austria | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7E |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bosnia & Herzegovina | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7S |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Central African Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4H |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Czech Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Feb-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCR |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7U |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6D |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: France | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | 01-Feb-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCJ |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Georgia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7F |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Greece | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W63 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Italy | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6F |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Jamaica | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7K |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Belgium | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUL |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Nepal | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7T |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Thailand | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUM |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kyrgyzstan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W68 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Macedonia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W65 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Malta | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Aug-2011 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Aug-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6C |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Monaco | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUN |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Pakistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Oct-2010 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Oct-2010 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7G |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: People's Republic of Bangladesh | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCB |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: People's Republic of China | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Sep-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Sep-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUP |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Angola | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXU |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Botswana | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6A |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Bulgaria | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUO |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Cape Verde | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXW |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Cyprus | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5Y |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Estonia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W61 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Ghana | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXS |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Guinea-Bissau | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4G |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Hungary | Superintendent of Documents | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4D |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of India | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUJ |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Latvia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5Z |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Lithuania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6E |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Moldova | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jul-2011 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jul-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7W |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Mozambique | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Feb-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5S |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Namibia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W64 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Niger | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXT |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Poland | Superintendent of Documents | 01-May-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4F |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Senegal | Superintendent of Documents | 01-May-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4E |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Seychelles | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXR |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Slovenia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXX |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of the Sudan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W66 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Turkey | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W69 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Uzbekistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4I |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Zambia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6B |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Romania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6H |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Serbia & Montenegro | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2013 | 01-Jan-2004 | 30-Apr-2013 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6E |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: South Korea | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W67 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: State of Eritrea | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXV |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Switzerland | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 29-Feb-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6G |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Commonwealth of the Bahamas | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7J |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Holy See | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCQ |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Slovak Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W60 |
International Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: United Kingdom | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Mar-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6F |
International Magazine | 0277-867X | Backpacker | Pocket Outdoor Media | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Oct-2022 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Oct-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BPK |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1037-0374 | Ballarat Courier | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2011 | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2011 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EO5-BC |
International Newspaper | | Bangkok Post (Thailand) | Tribune Content Agency LLC | 01-Oct-2001 | | 01-Oct-2001 | | | | Thailand | Available Now | 2W6-TH |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Bank of New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81Z |
International Company Profile | | Bank of New Zealand MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRFU |
International Company Profile | | Bank of Western Australia Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2014 | 08-Feb-2023 | 01-Sep-2014 | 08-Feb-2023 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTMA |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Banyule - Nillumbik Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 07-Dec-2010 | 03-Jul-2012 | 07-Dec-2010 | 03-Jul-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7L-HEI |
International Book / Monograph | 0966-9035 | Baobab | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWA |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5523 | Barossa & Light Herald | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 14-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 14-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENP-BL |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1832-6412 | Bars & Clubs | Food & Beverage Media | 01-Jun-2009 | 31-Jan-2013 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1GXP |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Batemans Bay Post | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL2-BBP |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Bath & Shower Products Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PH |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Bath & Shower Products Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QA |
International Biography | | Battle of Beersheba | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8A |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Bay of Plenty | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXR7 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0068 | Bay of Plenty Times | NZME Publishing Limited | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | H53-BPT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1329-2188 | Bayside Bulletin | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 03-Dec-2010 | 29-Jun-2014 | 03-Dec-2010 | 29-Jun-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7A-BB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1836-7879 | BBC Australian Good Food | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Sep-2008 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Sep-2008 | 31-Dec-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8BBB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1449-2547 | BeanScene Magazine | Prime Creative Media | 01-Feb-2012 | | 01-Feb-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | B7O8 |
International Magazine | 0005-7517 | Beaver | Canada's National History Society | 01-Jan-1990 | 28-Feb-2010 | 01-Jan-1990 | 28-Feb-2010 | | | Canada | Available Now | BEA |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Beehvie Building (Parliament, Aukland) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1834-5115 | Beer & Brewer | Food & Beverage Media | 01-Apr-2010 | 25-Feb-2015 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | B7OB |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Beer Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Apr-2015 | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Apr-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WDG |
International Industry Report | | Beer Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Bega District News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL5-BDN |
International Academic Journal | 0813-4839 | Behaviour Change | Cambridge University Press | 01-Nov-2006 | 31-Dec-2023 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GXG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-1452 | Belle | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Aug-2002 | | 01-Aug-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 7AQ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Bellingen Courier Sun | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 06-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 06-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8E-BCS |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Beltway Boys (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 25-Nov-2000 | 28-Mar-2009 | 25-Nov-2000 | 28-Mar-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-2479 | Bendigo Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EO7-BA |
International Book / Monograph | | BHP Billiton | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF88 |
International Magazine | 0006-2073 | Bicycling | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-May-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BIC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1034-8085 | Bicycling Australia | Yaffa Publishing Group Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-2007 | | 01-Jan-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1F6H |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-0597 | Bicycling Buyer's Guide | Yaffa Publishing Group Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8NN6 |
International Biography | | Bill English | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU51 |
International Biography | | Bill Manhire, CNZM | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | LU7C |
International Biography | | Bill Rowling | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWC |
International Trade Publication | 0006-2510 | Billboard | PME Holdings LLC | 01-Jul-1993 | | 01-Jan-1994 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BBD |
International Magazine | 1092-7891 | Biography | A&E Television Networks | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Dec-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1J2 |
International Biography | | Biography Reference Bank - Australia/New Zealand | Salem Press | 01-Jan-2015 | | 01-Jan-2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JOKB |
International Academic Journal | 0006-3568 | BioScience | Oxford University Press | 01-Jan-1964 | | 01-Jan-1964 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIO |
International Book / Monograph | | Bitcoin | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7K |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Black Wednesday | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | L83H |
International Book / Monograph | | Black Wednesday (January 8, 1878) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU52 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Blacktown Sun | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8F-BS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Blayney Chronicle | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL7-BCH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Blood Sweat & Cheers | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | | 15-Sep-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UMS-BBS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Blue Mountains Gazette | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 22-Dec-2010 | 11-Nov-2015 | 22-Dec-2010 | 11-Nov-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL8-BMG |
International Magazine | 0195-0320 | BMX Plus | Hi-Torque Publications Inc. | 01-Jul-1989 | 30-Nov-2015 | 01-Aug-2005 | 30-Nov-2015 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BMX |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0113-0838 | Boating New Zealand | Stuff Limited | 01-Jan-1998 | 01-Dec-2018 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 1OI |
International Magazine | 1059-5155 | Boating World | Duncan McIntosh Company, Inc. | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Dec-2019 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PPZ |
International Biography | | Bob Hawke | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWD |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2202-3607 | Bombala Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EL9-BOM |
International Magazine | 1055-4742 | Book Links | American Library Association / Booklist Publications | 01-Jul-1994 | 30-Nov-2022 | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Nov-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BOO |
International Magazine | 0731-4388 | Book Report | Bloomsbury Publishing | 01-Sep-1989 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BRP |
International Magazine | 0006-7385 | Booklist | American Library Association / Booklist Publications | 01-Aug-1993 | | 01-Jan-2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BLL |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Books Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2013 | 30-Apr-2014 | 01-Mar-2013 | 30-Apr-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FXYW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Boorowa News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 19-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 19-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELA-BOO |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Border Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7C-BM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Bottled Water Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PI |
International Industry Report | | Bottled Water Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QB |
Australia/NZ Report | | Bouverie Centre's Aboriginal Family Therapy Training Program: Impact Analysis Report | Lowitja Institute | 01-Jan-2015 | 31-Jan-2015 | 01-Jan-2015 | 31-Jan-2015 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | KBZY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Boyne-Tannum Post | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | | 15-Sep-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UMT-OBT |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | BP Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L820 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-1030 | Braidwood Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELE-BT |
International Academic Journal | 1443-9646 | Brain Impairment (Cambridge University Press) | Cambridge University Press | 01-Nov-2006 | 31-Dec-2023 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2IUY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Brimbank Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 07-Dec-2010 | 29-Oct-2019 | 07-Dec-2010 | 29-Oct-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD77-AVF |
International Book / Monograph | | Brisbane | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU53 |
International Magazine | 1757-9732 | Britain | Chelsea Magazine Corp | 01-Jul-2009 | 31-Mar-2017 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AXUC |
International Biography | | Britannica Biographies (26,088 biographies) | Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. | 01-Jan-2008 | | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IX8 |
International Magazine | 0195-2633 | British Heritage | Kliger Heritage Group | 01-Jun-1996 | 31-Dec-2015 | 01-Jun-1996 | 31-Dec-2015 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BRH |
International Magazine | 2572-2158 | British Heritage Travel | Irish Studio | 01-Jan-2016 | 31-Jul-2018 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KFUF |
International Academic Journal | 0007-1269 | British Journal of Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Feb-1975 | | 01-Feb-1975 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJP |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Broadcast & Media | Cirrus Media | 01-Dec-2007 | 28-Feb-2008 | 01-Dec-2007 | 28-Feb-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3KLM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0819-677X | Broadsheet | Contemporary SA Incorporated, trading as ACE Open | 01-May-2013 | 30-Sep-2017 | 01-May-2013 | 30-Sep-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | FAQS |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0727-758X | BRW | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-1994 | 26-Feb-2016 | 01-Dec-2013 | 26-Feb-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BRW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Build Australia | Sage Media Group | 01-Apr-2023 | | 01-Apr-2023 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MT5F |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0007-3431 | Building Economist | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Sep-2019 | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Sep-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E3Z |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320534 | Building Prosperity | Centre for Independent Studies | 31-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Coming Soon | 12B6 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 2652-4023 | Built Environment Economist | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Mar-2020 | | 01-Mar-2020 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MD51 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1325-233X | Bulletin of Good Practice in Popular Education | University of Technology, Sydney | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HB0 |
International Academic Journal | 0007-4918 | Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B86 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | | Bulletin of the Case Management Society of Australia | Case Management Society of Australia | 01-Dec-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Dec-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3LF5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1440-7485 | Bulletin with Newsweek | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Sep-1994 | 04-Feb-2008 | 01-Jan-1997 | 04-Feb-2008 | | | Australia | Available Now | BTI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Bulli | Orff Schulwerk Association of New South Wales | 01-Jan-2015 | 30-Apr-2019 | 01-Jan-2015 | 30-Apr-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GXKN |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Bullies (Fish) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82X |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Bunbury Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOG-BUN |
International Book / Monograph | | Burke & Wills Expedition | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1449-6496 | Burke's Backyard | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Mar-2013 | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | 7AR |
International Book / Monograph | | Bushfires | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWE |
International Book / Monograph | | Bushrangers | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYF |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1837-8161 | BusiDate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-2008 | | 01-Jan-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AZ9E |
International Magazine | 1538-1730 | Business 2.0 | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jul-2000 | 31-Oct-2007 | 01-Nov-2002 | 31-Oct-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5VU |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | Business Breakfast (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 21-Jul-2003 | 28-Aug-2003 | 21-Jul-2003 | 28-Aug-2003 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-BUBR |
International Trade Publication | 1351-8348 | Business Travel World | Northstar Travel Media LLC | 01-Mar-2003 | 28-Feb-2009 | 01-Mar-2003 | 28-Feb-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | IEK |
International Newspaper | | Business, The (London) | Tribune Content Agency LLC | 30-Jul-2000 | 02-Feb-2008 | 30-Jul-2000 | 02-Feb-2008 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2W6-SU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-971X | Businessdate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BUS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Busselton Dunsborough Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 24-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 24-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOH-BUS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Cabbage Tree | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L848 |
International Company Profile | | Cabcharge Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2015 | 29-Dec-2017 | 01-Jan-2015 | 29-Dec-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTZM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Cabinet Endorses Tino Rangatiratanga Flag | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83I |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | CAC Wirraway | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83J |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Caltex Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L821 |
International Company Profile | | Caltex Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | 20-Feb-2020 | 01-Jun-2014 | 20-Feb-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HU0Z |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Camden Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8G-CAM |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2209-8097 | Camden Haven Courier | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8H-CHC |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Campbelltown - Macarthur Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8I-CMA |
International Magazine | 0740-4131 | Camping Magazine | American Camping Association | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-Jan-1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CGZ |
International Magazine | 1920-9894 | Canada's History | Canada's National History Society | 01-Mar-2010 | | 01-Mar-2010 | | | | Canada | Available Now | BATB |
International Magazine | 0706-2168 | Canadian Geographic | Canadian Geographic Enterprises | 01-Jan-1990 | | 01-Apr-1994 | | | | Canada | Available Now | CGI |
International Magazine | 0708-9635 | Canadian Musician | Norris-Whitney Communications Inc. | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jul-2023 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jul-2023 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 46H |
International Book / Monograph | | Canberra | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | LU7D |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0314-8211 | Canberra Bird Notes | Canberra Ornithologists Group | 01-Apr-2017 | | 01-Apr-2017 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JX43 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0157-6925 | Canberra Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | | 30-Nov-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 232Q-CAN |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Cane Toads in Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYE |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Canowindra News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELF-CAW |
International Magazine | 1538-991X | Canter Magazine | Canter Magazine | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OMV |
International Book / Monograph | | Canterbury (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWF |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-7771 | Canzona | Composers Association of New Zealand | 01-Apr-2003 | 30-Apr-2008 | 01-Apr-2003 | 30-Apr-2008 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 13FB |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PJ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QC |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Care of Children Act 2004 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91C |
International Magazine | 0744-1002 | Career World | Weekly Reader Corporation | 01-Jul-1989 | 30-Apr-2010 | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Apr-2010 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CAW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Casey Weekly (Berwick) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7B-BDJ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Casey Weekly (Cranbourne) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 10-Jun-2013 | 29-Nov-2010 | 10-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7G-CAJ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Casinos & Gaming Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2011 | 30-Jun-2019 | 01-May-2011 | 30-Jun-2019 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BODY |
International Book / Monograph | | Cataraqui Disaster | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYH |
International Biography | | Cate Blanchett | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU54 |
International Academic Journal | 0008-7912 | Catholic Biblical Quarterly | Catholic Biblical Association of America | 01-Jan-1990 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CBQ |
International Biography | | Cathy Freeman | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8F |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with Dan Rather | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 22-Nov-2000 | 18-Jul-2005 | 22-Nov-2000 | 18-Jul-2005 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB1 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with John Roberts | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 10-Dec-2000 | 20-May-2007 | 10-Dec-2000 | 20-May-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB2 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with Katie Couric | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 15-May-2007 | | 15-May-2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB3 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS News Sunday Morning | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 26-Nov-2000 | | 26-Nov-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB4 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Central Midlands Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8J-CEN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Central Western Daily | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 15-Jun-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 15-Jun-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7D-CWD |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Cessnock Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELG-CES |
International Magazine | 0009-143X | Changing Times | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jan-1984 | 30-Jun-1991 | 01-Jul-1990 | 30-Jun-1991 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CHT |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1035-0748 | Charter | Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand | 01-Sep-2009 | 30-Jun-2014 | 01-Sep-2009 | 30-Jun-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 11YJ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Chatham Island Christmas Tree | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82Y |
International Book / Monograph | | Chatham Island Plants | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYN |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Cheese Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q6 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Cheese Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R2 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Chemicals Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | | 01-Oct-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E55 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0314-4240 | Chemistry in Australia | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E41 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Child & Family Protection Bill 72-1 2009 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91D |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1035-0772 | Children Australia | Cambridge University Press | 01-Jun-2008 | 01-Mar-2018 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3W4U |
Australia/NZ Report | | Children's Rights | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 65Z |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Childrenswear Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jul-2014 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jul-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNNO |
International Country Report | | China Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YA |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWG |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1036-0913 | Chiropractic Journal of Australia | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | IO9 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Chocolate Confectionery Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PK |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Chocolate Confectionery Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Apr-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QD |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0009-496X | Choice | Australian Consumers' Association | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Feb-2010 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | CCE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2202-4999 | Choice Computer | Australian Consumers' Association | 01-Sep-2014 | 31-May-2024 | 01-Sep-2014 | 31-May-2024 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HBWZ |
International Biography | | Chris Wood | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU55 |
International Book / Monograph | | Christchurch | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU56 |
International Magazine | 0009-5281 | Christian Century | Christian Century | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | XNC |
International Magazine | 0009-5753 | Christianity Today | Christianity Today International | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | XNT |
International Book / Monograph | | Christmas Island | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWH |
International Biography | | Christopher Chandler | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU57 |
International Biography | | Christopher Hemsworth | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU58 |
International Company Profile | | CIC Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2015 | 21-Oct-2016 | 01-Jan-2015 | 21-Oct-2016 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRLA |
International Magazine | 0009-7004 | Cineaste | Cineaste | 01-Jan-1990 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CIN |
International Trade Publication | 1328-4045 | CIO (13284045) | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | | 01-Sep-2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | U2C |
International Magazine | 1707-0090 | Citizens Centre Report | United Western Communications Ltd. | 17-Feb-2003 | 31-Aug-2003 | | | | | Canada | Available Now | Q06 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-1797 | Cleo | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Mar-2016 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Mar-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 7AV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Climate Change (Australia) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVYO |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Climate Change (General Exemptions) Order 2009 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91E |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Climate Change in Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82Z |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Climate Change in New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWI |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Climate Change Response Act 2002 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91F |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 10-Jun-2005 | 28-Jan-2010 | 10-Jun-2005 | 28-Jan-2010 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-PF7 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video Analyst Interview | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 19-Jul-2016 | 01-Dec-2005 | 19-Jul-2016 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-PF8 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Breaking News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 12-Dec-2017 | 01-Dec-2005 | 12-Dec-2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNBN |
International Video | | CNN Headline News: Primetime Justice with Ashleigh Banfield | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 26-Oct-2016 | 31-Dec-2018 | 26-Oct-2016 | 31-Dec-2018 | | | United States of America | Available Now | KJ9S |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN In The Money | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 07-Jul-2007 | 01-Dec-2005 | 07-Jul-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIM |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Saturday | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 07-Oct-2006 | 01-Dec-2005 | 07-Oct-2006 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSA |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Today | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Aug-2006 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Aug-2006 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNTD |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Presents | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2013 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNPR |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Reliable Sources | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 13-Feb-2022 | 01-Dec-2005 | 13-Feb-2022 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNRS |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Sunday Morning News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 19-May-2013 | 01-Dec-2005 | 19-May-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNUM |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-9616 | Cobar Age | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 07-Jan-2014 | 01-Feb-2011 | 07-Jan-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELH-COB |
International Book / Monograph | | Cocos (Keeling) Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWJ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Coffs Coast Independent | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 30-May-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 30-May-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8K-COF |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5361 | Collie Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOI-COL |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0588-3237 | Colloquium: The Australian & New Zealand Theological Review | Australian & New Zealand Society for Theological Studies | 01-Apr-2007 | | 01-Apr-2007 | | 9 | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25J1 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780876148846 | Colors of Australia | Lerner Publishing Group | 01-Jan-1997 | 02-Jan-1997 | 01-Jan-1997 | 02-Jan-1997 | | | United States of America | Available Now | U8X |
International Database | 9780787650155 | Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition | Columbia University Press | 01-Jun-2013 | | 01-Jun-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IXB |
International Magazine | 0010-2601 | Commentary | Commentary, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Sep-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CMM |
International Magazine | 0010-3330 | Commonweal | Commonweal Foundation | 01-Jan-1984 | | 04-May-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWL |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Commonwealth Bank of Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L822 |
International Company Profile | | Commonwealth Bank of Australia MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Apr-2014 | | 01-Apr-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HUGV |
International SWOT Analysis | | Commonwealth Bank of Australia SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2008 | | 01-Aug-2008 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | P6O |
International Book / Monograph | | Commonwealth Games | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWK |
International Trade Publication | 0305-2109 | Communications International | MEED Media FZ LLC | 01-Jul-1997 | 31-Dec-2002 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1PC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Company Vehicle | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Dec-2006 | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Dec-2006 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1YON |
International Magazine | 8899-0190 | Compass | Greenpeace Inc | 01-Mar-2001 | | 01-Mar-2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FY7 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Computer Hardware Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Jun-2015 | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Jun-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XZ2 |
International Magazine | 1041-7915 | Computers in Libraries | Information Today Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | | 01-Jul-1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CLB |
International Trade Publication | 0010-4841 | Computerworld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | 30-Jun-2014 | 01-Jul-1999 | 30-Jun-2014 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWD |
International Trade Publication | 0813-295X | ComputerWorld (0813295X) | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | | 01-Sep-2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | U2E |
International Trade Publication | 0010-4841 | Computerworld (Online Only) | IDG Communications, Inc. | 24-Feb-2020 | | 24-Feb-2020 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MC2Q |
International Trade Publication | | Computerworld Digital Magazine | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Aug-2014 | 30-Jun-2017 | 01-Aug-2014 | 30-Jun-2017 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HR55 |
International Magazine | 1340-7228 | Computing Japan | Japan Inc Communications, K.K. | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Oct-1999 | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Oct-1999 | | Y | Japan | Available Now | 1DJ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Confectionery Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jul-2023 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jul-2023 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q1 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Confectionery Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QW |
Australia/NZ Conference Papers Collection | 1448-6571 | Conference Papers - Australian Institute of Family Studies | Australian Institute of Family Studies | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 38AX |
International Magazine | 0010-5910 | Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report | Congressional Quarterly Inc. | 01-Jul-1990 | 30-Apr-1998 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CQR |
International Magazine | 0250-4499 | Connect: UNESCO International Science, Technology & Environmental Education Newsletter | UNESCO | 01-Dec-1992 | 30-Sep-2006 | 01-Dec-1992 | 30-Sep-2006 | | Y | France | Available Now | UPN |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0159-0286 | Connexions / Australia | CEIDA | 01-Jan-1997 | 30-Apr-2001 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1IX |
International Magazine | | ConnSENSE Bulletin | Connsense Report | 01-Apr-2003 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Apr-2003 | 31-Jan-2008 | | | United States of America | Available Now | P8Z |
International Biography | | Conrad Smith | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU59 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1447-3682 | Conservation Science Western Australia | Western Australia Department of Parks & Wildlife | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2017 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | UH3 |
International Magazine | 0010-650X | Conservationist | NYS Conservationist | 01-Sep-1984 | 31-Jul-1995 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Jul-1995 | | | United States of America | Available Now | CNS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Construction & Engineering Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2005 | 31-Aug-2013 | 01-Feb-2005 | 31-Aug-2013 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E5R |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Construction Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HCKQ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-5949 | Consumer | Consumer NZ | 01-Jan-1995 | | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | CNU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Consumer Electronics Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2005 | 30-Apr-2015 | 01-Jul-2005 | 30-Apr-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E6B |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Consumer Electronics Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2010 | 30-Apr-2015 | 01-Jan-2010 | 30-Apr-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNOM |
International Magazine | 0010-7174 | Consumer Reports | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jul-1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CRP |
International Magazine | | Consumer Reports Buying Guide | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01-Dec-1998 | | 01-Dec-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5K4 |
International Magazine | 1058-0832 | Consumer Reports on Health | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01-Jan-1992 | 30-Jun-2026 | 01-Nov-1996 | 30-Jun-2026 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CRH |
International Magazine | 0887-8439 | Consumer Reports Travel Letter | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jul-1997 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PTL |
International Magazine | 0095-2222 | Consumers' Research Magazine | Consumers Research Magazine | 01-Jan-1984 | 29-Feb-2004 | 01-May-1990 | 29-Feb-2004 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CRE |
International Academic Journal | 1037-6178 | Contemporary Nurse: A Journal for the Australian Nursing Profession | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Dec-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G9U |
International Academic Journal | 0129-797X | Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International & Strategic Affairs | ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute | 01-Jun-1996 | | 01-Aug-1998 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | CYS |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Contraception, Sterilisation & Abortion Act 1977 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1977 | 31-Jan-1977 | 01-Jan-1977 | 31-Jan-1977 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91G |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-7516 | Cooma Monaro Express | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELI-COO |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5213 | Cootamundra Herald | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELJ-COH |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill 119-1 2010 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Jan-2010 | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Jan-2010 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91H |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Copyright Act 1994 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91I |
International Book / Monograph | | Coral Sea Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWL |
International Biography | | Corey Flynn | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5A |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Corowa Conference of Federation | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83K |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Cost Foodservice Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Sep-2010 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Sep-2010 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XZH |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754471 | Counting, Health & Identity | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-May-2003 | 31-May-2003 | 01-May-2003 | 31-May-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZ6 |
International Book / Monograph | 9781884925719 | Countries of the World | Toucan Valley Publications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1999 | 03-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 03-Jan-1999 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 62L |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Afghanistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FY8Y |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Albania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FY8Z |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Austria | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jul-2012 | | 01-Jul-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FY97 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Montenegro | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDD |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Niger | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2012 | | 01-Oct-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCW |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Poland | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2012 | | 01-Oct-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCX |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Republic of Turkey | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD2 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Republic of Uzbekistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD3 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Republic of Zambia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | | 01-Aug-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD4 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Romania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2013 | | 01-Apr-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD5 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Russia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD6 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Rwanda | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2012 | | 01-Oct-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD7 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Samoa | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD8 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: San Marino | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2012 | | 01-Mar-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD9 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sao Tome & Principe | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Mar-2012 | | 01-Mar-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDA |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Saudi Arabia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | 23-Aug-2013 | 01-Jun-2012 | 23-Aug-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDB |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Senegal | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCY |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Serbia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2013 | | 01-Apr-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDC |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Seychelles | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCZ |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sierra Leone | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDE |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Singapore | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jul-2013 | | 01-Jul-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDF |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Slovakia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDZ |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Slovenia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | | 01-Aug-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD0 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Solomon Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | | 01-Jun-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDG |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Somalia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDH |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: South Africa | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jul-2012 | | 01-Jul-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDI |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: South Korea | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDJ |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Spain | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDK |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Kitts & Nevis | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDL |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Lucia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDM |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Vincent & Grenadines | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDN |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: State of Eritrea | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDO |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sudan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | | 01-Aug-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD1 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Suriname | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDP |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Swaziland | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2012 | 02-Aug-2017 | 01-Oct-2012 | 02-Aug-2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDQ |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sweden | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDR |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Switzerland | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDS |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Syria | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Oct-2012 | | 01-Oct-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDT |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Taiwan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDU |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tanzania | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDW |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: The Commonwealth of the Bahamas | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDX |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: The Holy See | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDY |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Togo | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE0 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tonga | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | | 01-Jun-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE1 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tunisia | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | | 01-Aug-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE2 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Turkmenistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE3 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tuvalu | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | | 01-Jun-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE4 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Uganda | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE5 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Ukraine | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE6 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: United Arab Emirates | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | 11-Jun-2013 | 01-Jun-2012 | 11-Jun-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE7 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: United Kingdom | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Apr-2013 | | 01-Apr-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE8 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Uruguay | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE9 |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Vanuatu | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jun-2012 | | 01-Jun-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEA |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Venezuela | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEB |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Vietnam | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | | 01-Aug-2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEC |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Yemen | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Aug-2012 | 28-Aug-2013 | 01-Aug-2012 | 28-Aug-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYED |
International Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Zimbabwe | Superintendent of Documents | 01-Feb-2013 | | 01-Feb-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEE |
International Magazine | 0045-8856 | Country Life | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jan-1995 | 01-Sep-1997 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CLF |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-9624 | Cowra Guardian | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELL-COW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1038-846X | Craft Arts International | Craft Art Pty Limited | 01-Sep-1994 | 01-Jun-2013 | 01-Jul-1999 | 01-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | CAI |
International Biography | | Craig Norgate | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5B |
International Biography | | Craig Will | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5C |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Credit Unions Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Apr-2014 | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Apr-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU2M |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Credit Unions Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Apr-2014 | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Apr-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU2T |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0111-8994 | Crescendo | International Association of Music Libraries, Archives & Documentation Centres New Zealand | 01-Jun-2006 | | 01-Jun-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 2YAN |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Cricket (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83X |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1030-1046 | Crime & Justice Bulletin | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2006 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 16PK |
Australia/NZ Report | 1442-5815 | Crime Bulletin | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | 28-Feb-2010 | 01-Jan-2008 | 28-Feb-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E42 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Crimes Act 1961 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1961 | 31-Jan-1961 | 01-Jan-1961 | 31-Jan-1961 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91J |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Crimes of Torture Act 1989 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91K |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Crimson Spider Orchid | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L830 |
International Book / Monograph | | Cronulla Riots | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWM |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1446-8123 | Cultural Studies Review | Melbourne University Publishing | 01-Sep-2006 | 31-Jul-2019 | 01-Sep-2006 | 31-Jul-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | DE7 |
International Magazine | 0011-3905 | Current Science | Weekly Reader Corporation | 01-Jul-1989 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Jan-1997 | 30-Apr-2012 | | | United States of America | Available Now | CSI |
International Book / Monograph | | Curtin University | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5D |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1446-4829 | Curve (Australia) | Beesting Publishing Pty Ltd / Curve | 01-Apr-2009 | 30-Apr-2012 | 01-Apr-2009 | 30-Apr-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8RSZ |
International Magazine | 0574-8135 | Cycle | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Oct-1991 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CYY |
International Book / Monograph | | Cyclones | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5E |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1443-2102 | D!ssent | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Mar-2014 | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Mar-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E44 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2202-6878 | Daily Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7H-DAV |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0254 | Daily Post (Rotorua, New Zealand) | NZME Publishing Limited | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 911F-DAP |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Dairy Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | | 01-Jun-2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q2 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Dairy Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QX |
International Book / Monograph | | Darwin, City of | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5F |
International Magazine | 0162-4105 | Database | Information Today Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Jul-1999 | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Jul-1999 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DBS |
International Biography | | David Lange | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWN |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Defence Act 1990 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Jan-1990 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Jan-1990 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91L |
International Company Profile | | Defence Housing Australia MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | | 01-Jun-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRO2 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | | DEMM: Digest of Equipment, Materials, & Management | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-May-2006 | 31-Mar-2007 | 01-May-2006 | 31-Mar-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 3NF |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1172-4536 | DEMM: Engineering & Manufacturing | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Apr-2007 | | 01-Apr-2007 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 6MQL |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Deodorants Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PL |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Deodorants Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QE |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1172-6873 | Department of Conservation Technical Series | New Zealand Department of Conservation | 01-Jan-2014 | 31-Jan-2015 | 01-Jan-2014 | 31-Jan-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | K1LC |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Depilatories Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WW1 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754440 | Dhuuluu Yala to Talk Straight | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZ8 |
International Biography | | Dick Frizzell | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5G |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Dingoes | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L831 |
International Magazine | 0012-3242 | Director | Director Publications Ltd. | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Apr-2020 | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Apr-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DRC |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Disability (United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) Act 2008 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91M |
International Magazine | 0274-7529 | Discover | Discover Magazine, Inc. | 01-Nov-1985 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DIC |
International Academic Journal | 0158-7919 | Distance Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-May-2002 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5F0 |
International Magazine | 0012-4893 | Dog World | Lumina Media | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Sep-2012 | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Sep-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DWG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0811-7179 | Dolly | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Dec-2016 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Dec-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | JM8 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Domestic Violence Act 1995 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-1995 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-1995 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91N |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Domestic Violence Reform Bill 304-1 2008 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91O |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1175-9488 | Dominion Post, The | Stuff Limited | 09-Nov-2004 | | 09-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DBD-DP |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Donnybrook Bridgetown Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Sep-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Sep-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOJ-DON |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Downer New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L823 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Dubbo Daily Liberal | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 22-Jun-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 22-Jun-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELN-DUB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1838-7012 | Dumbo Feather | Dumbo Feather | 01-Jun-2012 | 12-Apr-2015 | 01-Jun-2012 | 12-Apr-2015 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | EUSQ |
International Book / Monograph | | Dunedin | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5H |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2202-7041 | Dungog Chronicle | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELP-DUG |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1835-9132 | E-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching | Australian Business Education Research Association | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 82XO |
International Magazine | 1046-8021 | E: The Environmental Magazine | E: The Environmental Magazine | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Jun-2013 | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Jun-2013 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EMA |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Early Show, The (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 27-Nov-2000 | 11-May-2001 | 27-Nov-2000 | 11-May-2001 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB9 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-222X | Earth Garden | Earth Garden Magazine | 01-Sep-1994 | 30-Jun-2022 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | EAG |
International Magazine | 1526-4092 | Earthwatch Institute Journal | Earthwatch Institute | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Nov-2007 | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Nov-2007 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | F91 |
International Magazine | 8750-0183 | Earthwatch: The Journal of Earthwatch Institute | Earthwatch Institute | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-1999 | 01-Nov-1996 | 31-Dec-1999 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EWT |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Eastern Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus Nanus) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L846 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Eastern Riverina Chronicle | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8M-ERC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1835-5145 | Ecodate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-Jan-1995 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ECE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1447-2309 | EcoGeneration | Great Southern Press Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-2012 | 05-Dec-2017 | 01-Nov-2012 | 05-Dec-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | EGS8 |
International Magazine | 0041-638X | Economic Bulletin for Europe | United Nations Publications | 01-Mar-1991 | 31-Mar-1998 | 01-Mar-1991 | 31-Mar-1998 | | | United States of America | Available Now | EBE |
International Academic Journal | 0013-0249 | Economic Record | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1965 | | 01-Jan-1965 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ERC |
International Magazine | 0070-8712 | Economic Survey of Europe | United Nations Publications | 01-Apr-1998 | 30-Jun-2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 60X |
International Trade Publication | 1525-2531 | EContent | Information Today Inc. | 01-Aug-1999 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Aug-1999 | 31-Dec-2019 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6FU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0311-4546 | Ecos | CSIRO Publishing | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Jan-1998 | 30-Jun-2001 | | | Australia | Available Now | EOS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1832-3774 | Eden Magnet | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELQ-EDE |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Edge with Paula Zahn, The (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 24-Nov-2000 | 03-Sep-2001 | 24-Nov-2000 | 03-Sep-2001 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX7 |
International Biography | | Edmund Barton | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYP |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0013-1156 | Education (0013-1156) | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 01-Jun-2011 | 01-Jul-2008 | 01-Jun-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E4A |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Education Act 1989 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91P |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0814-6802 | Education Links | University of Technology, Sydney | 01-Jun-2000 | 31-Mar-2004 | 01-Jun-2000 | 31-Mar-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HAZ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Eight-hour Day | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83L |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Electoral Act 1993 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91Q |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1177-2123 | Electrical & Automation Technology | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Aug-2009 | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Aug-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1YOO |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1839-2288 | Electrical Connection | Lanella Media | 01-Jun-2021 | | 01-Jun-2021 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8RWR |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1179-4534 | Electrical Technology | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Sep-2009 | 12-Nov-2011 | 01-Sep-2009 | 12-Nov-2011 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | AZ9F |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Electricity Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2005 | 28-Feb-2015 | 01-Aug-2005 | 28-Feb-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E6W |
International Magazine | | Electronic Ardell Wellness Report (E-AWR) | Ardell | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Mar-2017 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Mar-2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6XF |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1328-6218 | Electronics Australia | FPC Magazines | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-Oct-2001 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | ETI |
International Biography | | Elle Macpherson | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5I |
International Academic Journal | 1742-6731 | Emergency Medicine Australasia | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Feb-2014 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | Z3W |
International Academic Journal | 0158-4197 | Emu | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NB9 |
Australia/NZ Encyclopedia | 9780855752347 | Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jan-1994 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7D5 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Energy Consumption Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2014 | 31-Jul-2021 | 01-Sep-2014 | 31-Jul-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HJA7 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Energy Efficiency & Conservation Amendment Bill 263-1 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91R |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Energy Equipment & Services Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Dec-2006 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Dec-2006 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E77 |
International Company Profile | | Energy Resources of Australia Ltd MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRQG |
International SWOT Analysis | | EnergyAustralia SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2011 | 01-May-2011 | 01-May-2011 | 01-May-2011 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BN2F |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0113-7867 | English in Aotearoa | New Zealand Association for the Teaching of English | 01-Sep-2005 | | 01-Sep-2005 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 17T1 |
International Academic Journal | 1175-8708 | English Teaching: Practice & Critique (Emerald Group Publishing Limited) | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01-Jan-2015 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I6TO |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1175-8708 | English Teaching: Practice & Critique (University of Waikato) | University of Waikato | 01-Nov-2002 | 31-Dec-2014 | 01-Nov-2002 | 31-Dec-2014 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 2YFI |
International Magazine | 1049-0434 | Entertainment Weekly | Meredith Corporation | 01-May-1973 | 30-Apr-2022 | 31-Dec-1993 | 30-Apr-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ENW |
International Company Profile | | Envestra Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2014 | 20-May-2019 | 01-Mar-2014 | 20-May-2019 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HV7P |
International Academic Journal | 0013-9157 | Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1975 | | 01-Jan-1975 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ENV |
International Magazine | 0013-922X | Environmental Action | Environmental Action | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Mar-1996 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Mar-1996 | | | United States of America | Available Now | ENA |
Australia/NZ Report | 1035-6150 | Environmental Law Reporter | Environmental & Planning Law Association | 04-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2019 | 04-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JSB0 |
International Magazine | 1099-8713 | Equip | ZDNet (Ziff-Davis Publishing) | 01-Aug-1998 | 31-Dec-1998 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 4TH |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Eremophila | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L832 |
International Biography | | Eric Bana | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5J |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5388 | Esperance Express | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 19-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 19-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOK-ESP |
International Magazine | 0194-9535 | Esquire | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ESQ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Establishment of Maori Women's League | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83M |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Esther James | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81L |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | eStudies | Ryebuck Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2015 | 31-Jan-2017 | 01-Jul-2015 | 31-Jan-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | IT65 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1448-1324 | Ethos | Social Education Victoria Inc (SEV) | 01-Apr-2003 | | 01-Apr-2003 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QTN |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1328-1941 | Ethos 7-12 | Social Education Victoria Inc (SEV) | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7OT |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1328-1933 | Ethos Annual | Social Education Victoria Inc (SEV) | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7OR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1328-1925 | Ethos P-6 | Social Education Victoria Inc (SEV) | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7OS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Eucalyptus (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L833 |
International Book / Monograph | | Eureka Stockade | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWO |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1833-7724 | Eureka Street | Eureka Street Magazine Pty Ltd | 19-Sep-2006 | | 19-Sep-2006 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | EUK |
International Trade Publication | 0014-2433 | Euromoney | Euromoney Trading Limited | 01-Jan-1981 | 30-Sep-2024 | 01-Jul-1998 | 30-Sep-2024 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EUM |
International Academic Journal | 0965-4313 | European Planning Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1993 | | 01-Jan-1993 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EUP |
Australia/NZ Report | 9780731326938 | Evaluation of the New South Wales Domestic Violence Intervention Court Model | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0113-9248 | Evening Post | Stuff Limited | 01-Jan-1995 | 06-Jul-2002 | 01-Jan-1995 | 06-Jul-2002 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 7C5-EP |
International Magazine | 1530-6283 | eWeek | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 08-May-2000 | | 08-May-2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9HE |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Exports (Australia) Chart? | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Exports (New Zealand) Chart? | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Eye Make-Up Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X0A |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Eyre Peninsula Tribune | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 14-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 14-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENH-EYR |
International Academic Journal | 1033-1867 | Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia & New Zealand | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2QUY |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Face the Nation (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 26-Nov-2000 | | 26-Nov-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB5 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Facial Care Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-May-2004 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X1E |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Facial Care Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QG |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Facial Moisturizers Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X1Z |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Fairfield Champion | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Sep-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Sep-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8N-FFC |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921306167 | Fairfield Local Government Area Crime Report 2006 | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X5 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1030-2646 | Family Matters | Australian Institute of Family Studies | 01-Mar-1995 | 31-Jan-2018 | 01-Jul-1997 | 31-Jan-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | FMA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-4337 | FamilyPC Australia | APN Business Information Group | 01-Jan-1997 | 30-Sep-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1J3 |
International Magazine | 1095-8258 | Fantasy & Science Fiction | Spilogale, Inc. | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Jan-1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FSF |
International Academic Journal | 0014-7591 | Far Eastern Economic Review | Review Publishing Company Ltd. | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Dec-2009 | | | | | Hong Kong | Available Now | FEE |
International Magazine | 1085-9241 | Fast Company | Mansueto Ventures LLC | 01-Nov-2000 | | 01-Nov-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2W3 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fast Food Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2010 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Sep-2010 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCSH |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fats & Spreads Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fats & Spreads Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QF |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Female Fragrances Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X30 |
International Magazine | 1554-8066 | Field & Stream | Field & Stream | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2020 | 01-Jan-2001 | 31-Dec-2020 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FST |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855752866 | Fighters From The Fringe | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-1995 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-1995 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZC |
International Magazine | 1526-9884 | Film Journal International | Box Office Media LLC | 01-Apr-2002 | 31-Dec-2018 | 01-Apr-2002 | 31-Dec-2018 | | | United States of America | Available Now | IYZ |
International Magazine | 0015-1688 | Films in Review | National Board of Review of Motion Pictures Inc. | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Oct-1996 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Oct-1996 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FIR |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Films, Videos & Publications Classification Act 1993 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91S |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | First National Park | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83N |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Fisheries (Western & Central Pacific Ocean Highly Migratory Fish Stocks) Regulations 2003 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91T |
International Magazine | 1079-3615 | Fit Pregnancy | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Apr-2015 | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Apr-2015 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1DM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fixed Line Telecoms Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2005 | 28-Feb-2015 | 01-Jun-2005 | 28-Feb-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E7Q |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fixed Line Telecoms Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2010 | 28-Feb-2015 | 01-Oct-2010 | 28-Feb-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCSP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Flame Robin | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L845 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Flavored Alcoholic Drinks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X4C |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Fletcher Building Limited | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L824 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Flight of the Conchords | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81J |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Flinders News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENN-FLN |
International Magazine | 0891-9534 | Flower & Garden | KC Publishing, Inc. | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Aug-2002 | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Aug-2002 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FLG |
International Magazine | 0015-4741 | Fly Fisherman | KSE Sportsman Media, Inc. | 01-Jul-1996 | | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Dec-1997 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FFM |
International Book / Monograph | | Fly Fishing in New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5K |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1175-8279 | FMCG | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Mar-2012 | 30-Nov-2013 | 01-Mar-2012 | 30-Nov-2013 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 3AGG |
International Academic Journal | 0015-5004 | Focus | American Geographical Society | 01-Jan-1989 | 01-Jun-2008 | 01-Jan-1990 | 30-Jun-2001 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FOC |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Fonterra Co-op Group | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L825 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | | Food & Beverage Industry News | Prime Creative Media | 01-Jan-2016 | | 01-Jan-2016 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | KFUD |
International Magazine | 0046-4384 | Food & Nutrition (0046-4384) | United States Department of Agriculture | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Aug-1993 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Aug-1993 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FNU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Food Retail Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2005 | 29-Feb-2020 | 01-Oct-2016 | 29-Feb-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E84 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1178-3575 | Food Service | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Sep-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Sep-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 8RL6 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1177-584X | Food Service - Grill | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Aug-2007 | 31-Aug-2007 | 01-Aug-2007 | 31-Aug-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 3AGJ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Foodservice Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2005 | | 01-Aug-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E8J |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Footwear Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Dec-2022 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Dec-2022 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y0T |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Forbes Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELT-FAV |
International Magazine | 0015-7120 | Foreign Affairs | Foreign Affairs | 15-Sep-1922 | | 15-Sep-1922 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FAF |
International Magazine | 0015-7228 | Foreign Policy | Foreign Policy | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FPO |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Forests Act 1949 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1949 | 31-Jan-1949 | 01-Jan-1949 | 31-Jan-1949 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91U |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | FOX News Watch | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 08-Nov-2003 | 24-Aug-2013 | 08-Nov-2003 | 24-Aug-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX8 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Fragrances Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-May-2024 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-May-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | X59 |
International Industry Report | | Fragrances Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 30-Sep-2011 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Frankston Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7J-FKI |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Fulton Hogan Ltd | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L826 |
International Magazine | 1536-898X | Fun For Kidz | Bluffton News Publishing | 01-Nov-2002 | | 01-Nov-2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N1P |
International Industry Report | | Functional Drinks Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0112-0328 | Future Times | New Zealand Futures Trust | 01-Jan-2004 | 28-Feb-2013 | 01-Jan-2004 | 28-Feb-2013 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 68M |
International Magazine | 0016-3317 | Futurist | World Future Society | 01-Jul-1986 | 31-Jul-2015 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Jul-2015 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FUT |
International Book / Monograph | | Gallipoli Campaign | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8B |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Gambling Act 2003 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91V |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Gambling Amendment Bill 131-2 2007 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91W |
International Biography | | Gareth Farr | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5L |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Gas Utilities Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Jul-2021 | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Jul-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1E99 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0311-1776 | Genealogist (03111776) | Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies Inc. | 01-Jun-2017 | | 01-Jun-2017 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1HJ3 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1321-6554 | Geo Australasia | Geo Productions Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-Dec-2001 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | GAU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-9698 | Geodate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-Jan-1995 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GDT |
International Biography | | Geoffrey Palmer | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWR |
International Academic Journal | 1745-5863 | Geographical Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-2005 | | 01-Jan-2005 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1FPP |
International Academic Journal | 0266-6979 | Geology Today | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 80X |
International Biography | | Georgina Beyer | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8C |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1032-4410 | Geriaction | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Mar-2009 | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Mar-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | YUE |
International Biography | | Germaine Greer | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8D |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1834-5298 | Gestalt Journal of Australia & New Zealand | Gestalt Australia & New Zealand (GANZ) | 01-May-2008 | | 01-May-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6CQ1 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Gisborne | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXR8 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0726-3856 | Glen Innes Examiner | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELV-GIE |
International Academic Journal | 1478-1158 | Global Change, Peace & Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Feb-2003 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RFC |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0311-3930 | Globe (0311-3930) | Australian & New Zealand Map Society | 01-Jul-2004 | | 01-Jul-2004 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | W73 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Gloucester Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELW-GLA |
International Book / Monograph | | Gold Coast | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5M |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-4396 | Gold Mining Journal | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2021 | | 01-Jan-2021 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H9ZC |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Golden Wattle, Acacia Pycnantha | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L834 |
International Magazine | 0017-176X | Golf Digest | Discovery Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | | 01-Jul-1993 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GDI |
International Magazine | 1056-5493 | Golf Magazine | EB Golf Media | 01-Jan-1992 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GOL |
International Magazine | 0017-1891 | Golf World | Conde Nast Publications | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jul-2014 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jul-2014 | | | United States of America | Available Now | GOW |
International Magazine | | Golf World - Digital Edition | Conde Nast Publications | 01-Aug-2014 | 23-May-2016 | 01-Aug-2014 | 23-May-2016 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3LIJ |
International Magazine | | Good Gear Guide | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | 27-Jan-2023 | 01-Sep-2006 | 27-Jan-2023 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DUM |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1449-6194 | Good Health & Medicine | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jan-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Jan-2007 | 30-Jun-2009 | | | Australia | Available Now | 30V2 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2204-9932 | Good Health (Australia Edition) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2009 | 31-May-2020 | 01-Jul-2009 | 31-May-2020 | | | Australia | Available Now | B0RY |
International Magazine | 0017-209X | Good Housekeeping | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GHS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Good Medicine (Australian Consolidated Press) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Dec-2006 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Dec-2006 | | | Australia | Available Now | 7B1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Goondiwindi Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EKY-GOO |
International Biography | | Gough Whitlam | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Goulburn Post | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 21-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 21-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELX-GOU |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Gouldian Finch | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L835 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2203-4749 | Governance Directions | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2014 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | I6ZK |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1176-2152 | Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies | University of Auckland | 01-Sep-2003 | 01-Dec-2014 | 01-Sep-2003 | 01-Dec-2014 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1CPI |
International Magazine | 0734-5496 | Grand Street | Grand Street Press | 01-Jan-1990 | 30-Apr-2004 | 01-Jan-1990 | 30-Apr-2004 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GRS |
International Book / Monograph | | Great Athletes (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 01-Oct-2001 | 31-Oct-2001 | 01-Oct-2001 | 31-Oct-2001 | | | United States of America | Available Now | HP1 |
International Biography | 9781429811293 | Great Athletes of Our Times | Great Neck Publishing | 01-Sep-2011 | 30-Sep-2011 | 01-Sep-2011 | 30-Sep-2011 | | | United States of America | Available Now | HP0 |
International Book / Monograph | | Great Barrier Reef Ecosystem | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7J |
International Book / Monograph | | Great Fire of Brisbane | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYI |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781869535551 | Great Gardens of New Zealand | David Bateman Ltd. | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1UR9 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-554X | Great Lakes Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8O-GAV |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Greater Dandenong Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 17-Jun-2013 | 29-Nov-2010 | 17-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7O-JFM |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Grenfell Record | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELZ-GRE |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1179-4356 | Grill & Foodservice | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Jul-2009 | 31-Mar-2011 | 01-Jul-2009 | 31-Mar-2011 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | B0RX |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Guardian (Bundaberg) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 05-Jul-2018 | 15-Sep-2010 | 05-Jul-2018 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UNJ-BGU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Gum Confectionery Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PN |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Gum Confectionery Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2209-9026 | Guyra Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM0-GUY |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-2939 | Habitat Australia | Australian Conservation Foundation | 01-Apr-2013 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | HAU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Haircare Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 30-Sep-2023 | 01-May-2004 | 30-Sep-2023 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q7 |
International Industry Report | | Haircare Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R3 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Hamilton's Frog | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L836 |
International Book / Monograph | | Hamilton, City of | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5N |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Hand & Body Care Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PO |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Hand & Body Care Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QI |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Hannity & Colmes (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 24-Nov-2000 | 09-Jan-2009 | 24-Nov-2000 | 09-Jan-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX5 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5221 | Harden Murrumburrah Express | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM1-HAR |
International Magazine | 0017-7873 | Harper's Bazaar | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1989 | | 01-Jun-1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HAB |
International Magazine | 0017-789X | Harper's Magazine | Harper's Magazine Foundation | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-May-2007 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HAM |
International Magazine | 1052-1577 | Harvard Health Letter | Harvard Health Publications | 01-Oct-1990 | | 01-Oct-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HHL |
International Magazine | 0739-1854 | Harvard International Review | Harvard International Review | 01-Mar-1990 | | 01-Mar-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HRV |
International Book / Monograph | | Harvester Case | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYC |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5493 | Hastings Gazette | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 03-Feb-2011 | 19-May-2016 | 03-Feb-2011 | 19-May-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENA-HAS |
International Book / Monograph | | Hawke's Bay | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWT |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Hawke's Bay Earthquake | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83O |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1174-9792 | Hawkes Bay Today | NZME Publishing Limited | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 91KG-HBT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0812-1893 | Hawkesbury Gazette | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 22-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 22-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM3-HAW |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Hazardous Substances & New Organisms (Low-Risk Genetic Modification) Regulations 2003 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91X |
International Magazine | 1059-938X | Health | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-2006 | 30-Apr-2022 | 01-Mar-2010 | 30-Apr-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B3JZ |
International Magazine | 1059-938X | Health (Time Inc. Health) | Time Inc. | 01-Feb-1992 | 31-Dec-2005 | 01-Feb-1992 | 31-Dec-2005 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HEB |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Health Care Providers Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Jun-2014 | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Jun-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU37 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Health Care Providers Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Jun-2014 | 01-Feb-2012 | 30-Jun-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU3L |
International Academic Journal | 1446-1242 | Health Sociology Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1H4V |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Healthcare New Zealand Holdings Ltd | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L827 |
International Magazine | 0738-811X | HealthFacts | Center for Medical Consumers, Inc. | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Jul-2009 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Jul-2009 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HFC |
International Book / Monograph | | Heard Island & McDonald Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWU |
International Biography | | Heath Ledger | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7G |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0311-4198 | Hecate | Hecate | 01-Jul-1996 | | 01-Jul-1996 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HCT |
International Biography | | Helen Clark (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWV |
International Biography | | Henry Triguboff | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5O |
International Biography | | Henry Van Der Heyden | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5P |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-9615 | Heritage New Zealand | New Zealand Historic Places Trust | 01-Aug-2002 | | 01-May-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NDB |
International Magazine | 0711-7485 | Herizons | Herizons, Inc. | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Jan-1994 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | RIZ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Hills News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8P-HIL |
International Academic Journal | 1449-0854 | History Australia | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1WQY |
International Academic Journal | 1037-0196 | History of Economics Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Jun-2013 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 22JO |
International Biography | 9781429811132 | History Remembers Scientists of the 20th Century | Great Neck Publishing | 01-Jun-2000 | | 01-Jun-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9QV |
International Biography | 9781429811125 | History Remembers Scientists of the Past | Great Neck Publishing | 01-Jun-2000 | | 01-Jun-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9QU |
International Magazine | 0018-2753 | History Today | History Today Ltd. | 01-Jan-1975 | | 01-Jan-1975 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HIT |
International Book / Monograph | | Hobart | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5Q |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Hobson's Bay Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD78-ALV |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1320-8209 | Hobson's Bay Weekly Williamstown | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8C-WIL |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Hochstetter's Frog | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L837 |
International Magazine | 0278-2839 | Home | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jul-1994 | 31-Oct-2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HOM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Homebuilding Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | 31-Jul-2014 | 01-Jul-2014 | 31-Jul-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HBXH |
International Country Report | | Hong Kong Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YU |
International Magazine | 0018-5159 | Horse & Rider | Equine Network | 01-Jul-1989 | | 01-Aug-1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HRI |
International Magazine | 0018-5329 | Horticulture | Active Interest Media, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-May-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HOR |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1172-4285 | Hospitality (11724285) | Mediaweb Ltd | 01-Oct-2006 | 30-Sep-2013 | 01-Oct-2006 | 30-Sep-2013 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1GY0 |
International Company Profile | | Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSLQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Hot Drinks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2021 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y1P |
International Industry Report | | Hotels & Motels Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2008 | | 01-Jan-2008 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 61M5 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1037-1354 | House & Home Worker | Skills Book Publishing Pty Ltd | 01-Sep-1994 | 30-Sep-1995 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | HHW |
International Magazine | 0018-6422 | House Beautiful | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jun-1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HBU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Household Appliances Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2005 | 30-Jun-2015 | 01-Jul-2005 | 30-Jun-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EAG |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Household Products Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2015 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Nov-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y28 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1440-3382 | Houses | Architecture Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-1998 | | 01-Jul-2003 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5D7 |
International Company Profile | | Housing New Zealand Corporation MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | 08-Oct-2020 | 01-Jun-2014 | 08-Oct-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HRXD |
International Biography | | Hugh Walpole | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7I |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1173-7522 | Human Resources Magazine | Human Resources Institute of New Zealand | 01-May-2004 | | 01-Dec-2016 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | VBP |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Human Rights Act 1993 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-Jan-1993 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91Y |
International Book / Monograph | | Human Rights Comission | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5R |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Human Tissue Act 2008 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B91Z |
International Book / Monograph | | Hume & Hovell Expedition | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYG |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Hume Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 28-May-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 28-May-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7M-HUM |
International Company Profile | | Hutchison Telecommunications (Australia) Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Apr-2014 | | 01-Apr-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HW8D |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | IAG | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L828 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Ice Fernz | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83Y |
International Company Profile | | IDT Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2014 | | 01-Feb-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HWAN |
International Biography | | Iggy Azalea | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5S |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1443-900X | Illawarra Mercury | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 27-Sep-1999 | 19-May-2016 | 27-Sep-1999 | 19-May-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZA-IM |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Immigration (Refugee Processing) Regulations 1999 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B920 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Immigration Act 2009 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B921 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Immigration Regulations 1999 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B922 |
International Magazine | 0019-3143 | In Britain | Chelsea Magazine Corp | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Jun-2009 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IBR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | In Practice | Australian Studies Teachers Association | 01-Jan-1995 | 02-Mar-1996 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | INP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320404 | In Praise of the Free Economy | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 6A6 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1832-0899 | In the Black | CPA Australia | 01-Oct-2004 | 31-Dec-2018 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 16AK |
International Magazine | 0162-8968 | Inc. | Mansueto Ventures LLC | 01-Feb-1984 | | 01-May-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0158-0876 | inCite | Australian Library & Information Association | 01-Jan-2005 | | 01-Jan-2005 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7B4 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1033-9957 | Independent (10339957) | Independent Monthly | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-Jul-1996 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | ILY |
International Country Report | | India Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YX |
International Trade Publication | 0039-0895 | Industry Week (IW) | Endeavor Business Media | 05-Jul-1993 | | 05-Jul-1993 | | 3 | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IWK |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Infantswear Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Dec-2008 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Dec-2008 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2B |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1834-4232 | inFinance | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Mar-2007 | 30-Jun-2013 | 01-Mar-2008 | 30-Jun-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3HW3 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1833-1602 | InFinsia | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Nov-2006 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 1WD1 |
International Trade Publication | 8755-6286 | Information Today | Information Today Inc. | 01-Jul-1996 | | 01-Jul-1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IFT |
International Trade Publication | 0199-6649 | InfoWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | 30-Apr-2007 | 01-Mar-1997 | 30-Apr-2007 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INW |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | Inside Business (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 04-May-2003 | 29-Sep-2013 | 04-May-2003 | 29-Sep-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-INBU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2207-6530 | Inside Cricket (ACP Publishing PTY Limited) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Jan-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 87TE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1449-6674 | Inside Rugby | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2002 | 31-Jan-2015 | 01-Jun-2002 | 31-Jan-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | JL0 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1037-1648 | Inside Sport | Nextmedia Pty Limited | 01-Jan-1997 | 30-Jun-2020 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | NSP |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | Insiders (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 09-Mar-2003 | 02-Feb-2014 | 09-Mar-2003 | 02-Feb-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-INSI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1038-6726 | Insight (1038-6726) | Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade | 24-Oct-1994 | 31-May-1996 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | ISG |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Insight (CNN International) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 29-Jan-2007 | 01-Dec-2005 | 29-Jan-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1838-5184 | Insight (Victorian Council of Social Service) | Victorian Council of Social Service | 01-Jul-2011 | 31-Aug-2019 | 01-Jul-2011 | 31-Aug-2019 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BEZP |
International Magazine | 1076-0830 | InStyle | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Mar-2022 | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Mar-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INY |
International Magazine | 1527-8492 | InStyle Special | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Oct-2016 | 15-Oct-1997 | 31-Oct-2016 | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3JC |
International Magazine | 1547-2272 | InStyle Weddings | Meredith Corporation | 01-Apr-2003 | 03-Aug-2009 | 01-Apr-2003 | 03-Aug-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3JD |
International Company Profile | | Insurance Australia Group Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2014 | | 01-Mar-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HWEV |
International SWOT Analysis | | Insurance Australia Group, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2008 | | 01-Aug-2008 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 158I |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2017 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2V |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Oct-2017 | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Oct-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNQC |
International Magazine | 1078-7259 | Inter@ctive Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 01-Jul-1996 | 22-Oct-2000 | 01-Jan-1998 | 22-Oct-2000 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ITW |
International Magazine | 1078-7259 | Interactive Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 23-Oct-2000 | 18-Nov-2001 | 23-Oct-2000 | 18-Nov-2001 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HQP |
International Academic Journal | 1060-4073 | International Business: Strategies for the Global Marketplace | New Media Productions | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Mar-1997 | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Mar-1997 | | | United States of America | Available Now | IBK |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | International Correspondents (CNN International) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 18-Jul-2009 | 01-Dec-2005 | 18-Jul-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIC |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1835-8780 | International Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society | Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies & Society (AJETS) | 01-May-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-May-2008 | 31-Jan-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6MOH |
International Magazine | 0020-8957 | International Trade Forum | International Trade Centre (ITC) | 01-Jan-1990 | 30-Sep-2020 | | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | ITF |
International Magazine | 0020-9112 | International Wildlife | National Wildlife Federation | 01-Jan-1984 | 28-Feb-2002 | 01-Jul-1990 | 28-Feb-2002 | | | United States of America | Available Now | IWL |
International Magazine | 1097-8291 | Internet World | Penton Publishing | 01-Jul-1999 | 30-Jun-2003 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5SW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-7999 | Internet.au | Next Publishing Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-1998 | 28-Feb-2005 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2Z3 |
International Magazine | 0149-8932 | Interview | Crystal Ball Media | 01-Nov-2002 | | 01-Nov-2002 | 30-Jun-2018 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ITV |
International Book / Monograph | | Invasive Species ( New Zealand) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5T |
International Book / Monograph | | Invasive Species (Australia) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5U |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-540X | Inverell Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM5-INV |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-1290 | Investigate | Howling At The Moon Publishing Ltd. | 01-Sep-2004 | 30-Jun-2015 | 01-Sep-2004 | 30-Jun-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | R51 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0815-9602 | Investigating: Australian Primary & Junior Science Journal | Australian Science Teachers Association | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | IAP |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1836-7534 | Inwood | Neilson Promotions Pty Ltd. | 01-May-2005 | 31-Oct-2010 | 01-May-2005 | 31-Oct-2010 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1E2S |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1329-8100 | IPA Review | Institute of Public Affairs | 01-Mar-1997 | | 01-Mar-1997 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | VSK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1030-4177 | IPA Review (10304177) | Institute of Public Affairs | 01-Jun-1989 | 30-Sep-1996 | 01-Jun-1989 | 30-Sep-1996 | | | Australia | Available Now | IPA |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Irrigator | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 30-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7N-IRR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Isis Town & Country | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 22-Dec-2016 | 15-Sep-2010 | 22-Dec-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UNN-BIT |
International Biography | | Isla Fisher | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5V |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Islander (Fairfax Media) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD98-ISL |
International Magazine | 0748-5492 | Issues in Science & Technology | Arizona State University, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication | 01-Jul-1990 | | 01-Sep-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IST |
International Magazine | 1345-4846 | J@pan Inc. | Japan Inc Communications, K.K. | 01-Nov-1999 | 31-Jul-2009 | 01-Nov-1999 | 31-Jul-2009 | | Y | Japan | Available Now | 6Z4 |
International Biography | | James Cook | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYQ |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Jandamara | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83P |
International Country Report | | Japan Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Z4 |
International Biography | | Jason Eaton | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5W |
International Biography | | Jenny Shipley | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWW |
International Biography | | Jerome Kaino | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5X |
International Book / Monograph | | Jervis Bay Territory | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWX |
International Biography | | Jim Bolger | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Jindabyne Summit Sun | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8Q-JIN |
International Biography | | Joan Sutherland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYR |
International Magazine | 0744-5105 | Joe Weider's Muscle & Fitness | JW Media, LLC | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Dec-2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MSF |
International Biography | | John Curtin | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8E |
International Biography | | John Gandel | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5Y |
International Biography | | John Howard (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVWZ |
International Biography | | John Key (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX0 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2230-4398 | Journal of Applied Computing & Information Technology | Computing & Information Technology Research & Education New Zealand (CITRENZ) | 01-Jan-2011 | | 01-Jan-2011 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | FBP1 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1835-7644 | Journal of Australian Strength & Conditioning | Australian Strength & Conditioning Association | 01-Mar-2013 | | 01-Mar-2013 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6MR9 |
International Academic Journal | 1444-3058 | Journal of Australian Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2005 | | 01-Jan-2005 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3J2 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1440-5113 | Journal of Battlefield Technology | Argos Press Pty Ltd. | 01-Jul-2009 | 30-Nov-2015 | 01-Jul-2009 | 30-Nov-2015 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1G0Y |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1325-2224 | Journal of Economic & Social Policy | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 01-Jun-2015 | 01-Jul-2008 | 01-Jun-2015 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 24NL |
International Academic Journal | 0725-6868 | Journal of Intercultural Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Apr-1998 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3U5 |
International Academic Journal | 0047-2506 | Journal of International Business Studies | Springer Nature | 01-Jan-1970 | | | | | | Germany | Available Now | IBS |
International Academic Journal | 1321-6597 | Journal of International Communication | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Dec-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1D7 |
International Academic Journal | 1069-031X | Journal of International Marketing | American Marketing Association | 01-Jan-1993 | | 01-Jan-1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0UU |
International Academic Journal | 2051-2856 | Journal of Language, Literature & Culture | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G9AG |
International Academic Journal | 1754-9477 | Journal of Medical Imaging & Radiation Oncology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Feb-2008 | | 01-Feb-2008 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6MOB |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1835-1271 | Journal of Military & Veterans' Health | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Oct-2008 | | 01-Oct-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 629O |
International Academic Journal | 0022-3344 | Journal of Pacific History | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1967 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PHI |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1172-5958 | Journal of Physical Education New Zealand | Physical Education New Zealand Inc. | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-May-2006 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-May-2006 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | DBI |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1836-9553 | Journal of Physiotherapy (Australian Physiotherapy Association) | Australian Physiotherapy Association | 01-Mar-2010 | 31-Mar-2011 | 01-Mar-2010 | 31-Mar-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AX90 |
International Academic Journal | 1836-9553 | Journal of Physiotherapy (Elsevier) | Elsevier B.V. | 01-Jun-2011 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HKLL |
International Academic Journal | 1443-2447 | Journal of Population Research | Springer Nature | 01-Mar-2005 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | RHZ |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1440-3994 | Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association (JARNA) | Cambridge Publishing | 01-Jul-2005 | | 01-Jul-2005 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | YZ6 |
International Academic Journal | 2475-0158 | Journal of the Australian Library & Information Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2017 | | 01-Jan-2017 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KXU1 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1326-3390 | Journal of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society | Australian Traditional-Medicine Society | 01-Jun-1995 | | 01-Jun-1995 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7YW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0032-4000 | Journal of the Polynesian Society | Polynesian Society | 01-Sep-2007 | 30-Sep-2018 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 2H8 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1035-4662 | Journal of Tourism Studies | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Dec-2005 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | PU1 |
International Academic Journal | 0022-5762 | Judaism | American Jewish Congress | 01-Jan-1975 | 30-Sep-2006 | 01-Jan-1975 | 30-Sep-2006 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JUD |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Juices Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PP |
International Industry Report | | Juices Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Aug-2012 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QJ |
International Biography | | Julia Gillard (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX1 |
International Book / Monograph | | Kakadu National Park | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX2 |
International Biography | | Kate Fischer ( Tziporah Atarah Malkah) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU5Z |
International Biography | | Katherine Langford | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU60 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Katherine Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8R-KAT |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1444-7614 | Keeping Good Companies (14447614) | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jun-2009 | 31-Dec-2013 | 01-Jun-2009 | 31-Dec-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 629U |
International Biography | | Keith Caldwell | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU61 |
International Biography | | Keith Urban | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX3 |
International Biography | | Kevin Rudd (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX4 |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Kieran Read | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81S |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1837-638X | Kill Your Darlings | Kill Your Darlings | 01-Oct-2014 | | 01-Oct-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | H9Y0 |
International Magazine | 1528-9729 | Kiplinger Personal Finance | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jan-2000 | | 01-Jan-2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HB4 |
International Magazine | 1056-697X | Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jul-1991 | 02-Jan-2001 | 01-Jul-1991 | 31-Dec-1999 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KPF |
International Biography | | Kiri Te Kanawa (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX5 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Kiwi Rail | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L829 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Knox Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 12-Jun-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 12-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7P-KNO |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Konfrontasi | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83Q |
International Biography | | Kylie Kwong | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU62 |
International Biography | | Kylie Minogue | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU63 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2203-773X | Lab+Life Scientist | Westwick-Farrow Pty. Ltd. | 01-Sep-2014 | | 01-Sep-2014 | | | | Australia | Available Now | I6UA |
International Book / Monograph | | Lambing Flat Riots | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0047-3936 | Lamp | New South Wales Nurses' Association | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | Z05 |
International Academic Journal | 0140-6736 | Lancet | Lancet | 01-Jan-1989 | | 01-Jan-1991 | 31-Dec-2006 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LAN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Land, The | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 29-Oct-2015 | 02-Dec-2010 | 29-Oct-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EKQ-TL |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1833-4814 | Landscape Architecture Australia | Architecture Media Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2009 | | 01-Feb-2009 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WVJ |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | Lateline (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 20-Feb-2003 | 11-Dec-2017 | 20-Feb-2003 | 11-Dec-2017 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-LATE |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Launceston Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Jul-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Jul-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8S-LAU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0035-9742 | League Week | ARE Media Pty Limited | 12-Jun-2002 | 31-Dec-2002 | 12-Jun-2002 | 31-Dec-2002 | | | Australia | Available Now | JM2 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Legal Services Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2012 | | 01-Oct-2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FSHC |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1034-229X | Legaldate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Jan-1994 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LGD |
International Biography | | Len Lye | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU64 |
International Book / Monograph | | Len Lye Centre | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU65 |
International Magazine | 0739-1803 | Lesbian News | Lesbian News Publishing, Inc. | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-2023 | 01-Oct-1996 | 31-Jan-2023 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LBN |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0028-8403 | LG: New Zealand Local Government | Contrafed Publishing Co. LTD | 01-Aug-2013 | | 01-Aug-2013 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B3YU |
International Biography | | Liam Hemsworth | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7F |
International Trade Publication | 0363-0277 | Library Journal | Media Source, Inc. | 01-May-1976 | | 01-May-1976 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LIJ |
International Magazine | 0024-3019 | Life | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2000 | 01-Aug-1996 | 01-May-2000 | | | United States of America | Available Now | LIF |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2005 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2005 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3D |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Life Insurance Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2006 | | 01-Oct-2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 32CU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Light Trucks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Apr-2014 | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Apr-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3P |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-9659 | Lightning Ridge News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 09-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 09-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8T-LIG |
International Company Profile | | Lindsay Australia Ltd. MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HS3M |
International Magazine | 1522-2217 | LinuxWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | 26-Oct-2007 | 01-Sep-2006 | 26-Oct-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2DUJ |
International Biography | | Lisa Wilkinson | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU66 |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921306150 | Lismore Local Government Area Crime Report 2006 | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X6 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2205-9407 | Lithgow Mercury | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM6-LIT |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Live From... | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 01-Sep-2006 | 01-Dec-2005 | 01-Sep-2006 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLF |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Liverpool Champion | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8U-LIV |
International Magazine | | Living | Time Inc. UK | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jan-1996 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LIV |
International Trade Publication | 0360-3113 | LJ: Library Journal | Media Source, Inc. | 01-Jan-1975 | 30-Apr-1976 | 01-Jan-1975 | 30-Apr-1976 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 32B3 |
International Magazine | 0260-9592 | London Review of Books | London Review of Books | 01-Aug-2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYQ |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317216 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: A Casual Estimate of the Effect of Schooling on Full-time Employment Among Young Australians | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Aug-2003 | 02-Aug-2003 | 01-Aug-2003 | 02-Aug-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | TQI |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314413 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Achievement In Literacy & Numeracy By Australian 14-Year-Olds, 1975-1998 | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Nov-2002 | 30-Nov-2002 | 01-Nov-2002 | 30-Nov-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | Q08 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864316257 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Active Citizenship & the Secondary School Experience: Community Participation Rates of Australian Youth | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Jul-2003 | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Jul-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RX9 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313157 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Attitudes to School Life: Their Influences & Their Effects on Achievement & Leaving School | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J10 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317001 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Attitudes, Intentions & Participation | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jul-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1G1L |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317926 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Becoming an Adult: Leaving Home, Relationships & Home Ownership Among Australian Youth | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-2002 | 30-Sep-2002 | 01-Sep-2002 | 30-Sep-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | P54 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864312730 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Completing School in Australia: Trends in the 1990s | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1996 | 30-Sep-1996 | 01-Sep-1996 | 30-Sep-1996 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J0W |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314222 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Completing University: Characteristics & Outcomes of Completing & Non-completing Students | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Mar-2007 | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Mar-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3BFH |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313294 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Curriculum & Careers: The Education & Labour Market Consequences of Year 12 Subject Choice | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1999 | 30-Sep-1999 | 01-Sep-1999 | 30-Sep-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J17 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317131 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Dynamics of the Australian Youth Labour Market: The 1975 Cohort, 1996-2000 | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Aug-2003 | 31-Aug-2003 | 01-Aug-2003 | 31-Aug-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | TGF |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313287 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Early School Leaving in Australia: Findings From the 1995 Year 9 LSAY Cohort | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Aug-1999 | 31-Aug-1999 | 01-Aug-1999 | 31-Aug-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J16 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864316325 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Education Participation & Outcomes | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-2002 | 30-Jun-2002 | 01-Jun-2002 | 30-Jun-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LCQ |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314963 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Educational Attainment in Australia: A Cohort Analysis | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | K0D |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313249 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Effects of Part-Time Work on School Students | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Mar-1999 | 31-Mar-1999 | 01-Mar-1999 | 31-Mar-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J14 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313140 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Factors Influencing Youth Unemployment in Australia: 1980-1994 | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J12 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314802 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Firm-based Training for Young Australians: Changes from the 1980s to the 1990s | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | K0B |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864315564 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: First Year Experience: The Transition from Secondary School to University &TAFE in Australia | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-2005 | 30-Jun-2005 | 01-Jun-2005 | 30-Jun-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1G1O |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317933 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Influences of Achievement in Literacy & Numeracy | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Oct-2003 | 02-Oct-2003 | 01-Oct-2003 | 02-Oct-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | UGY |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313461 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Initial Work & Education Experiences of Early School Leavers: A Comparative Study of Australia & the United | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Dec-1999 | 31-Dec-1999 | 01-Dec-1999 | 31-Dec-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J19 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314987 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Job Finding Methods of Young People in Australia: An Analysis of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Yout | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Nov-2003 | 02-Nov-2003 | 01-Nov-2003 | 02-Nov-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | Z3D |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317407 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Life Satisfaction of Young Australians: Relationships Between Further Education, Training & Employment & Gen | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-2005 | 30-Sep-2005 | 01-Sep-2005 | 30-Sep-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1HIZ |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864315021 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Movement of Non-Metropolitan Youth Towards the Cities | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 394G |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314888 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Neighbourhood Effects & Community Spillovers in the Australian Youth Labour Market | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | K0C |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313669 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Non-Completion of School in Australia: The Changing Patterns of Participation & Outcome | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-2000 | 30-Sep-2000 | 01-Sep-2000 | 30-Sep-2000 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1B |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314321 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Participation & Achievement in VET of Non-Completers of School | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1F |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313355 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Participation in Education & Training 1980-1994 | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1999 | 30-Sep-1999 | 01-Sep-1999 | 30-Sep-1999 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J18 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317322 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Pathways from School to Further Education or Work: Examining the Consequences of Year 12 Course Choices | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-2005 | 30-Sep-2005 | 01-Sep-2005 | 30-Sep-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1G1N |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313973 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Pathways from School to Further Study & Work for Australian Graduates | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-2001 | 30-Jun-2001 | 01-Jun-2001 | 30-Jun-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1E |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864316899 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Patterns of Participation in Year 12 | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Jul-2003 | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Jul-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | T54 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313744 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Patterns of Participation in Year 12 & Higher Education in Australia: Trends & Issues | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Dec-2000 | 31-Dec-2000 | 01-Dec-2000 | 31-Dec-2000 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1C |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864312891 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Patterns of Success & Failure in the Transition from School to Work in Australia | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-2001 | 30-Jun-2001 | 01-Jun-2001 | 30-Jun-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1D |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864312754 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Reading Comprehension & Numeracy Among Junior Secondary School Students in Australia | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Mar-1997 | 31-Mar-1997 | 01-Mar-1997 | 31-Mar-1997 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J0Y |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864312761 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: School Achievement & Initial Education & Labour Market Outcomes | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jul-1997 | 31-Jul-1997 | 01-Jul-1997 | 31-Jul-1997 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J0Z |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 1440-3455 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: School Leavers in Australia: Profiles & Pathways | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-May-2003 | 31-May-2003 | 01-May-2003 | 31-May-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RNY |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864312747 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: School Students & Part-time Work | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Oct-1996 | 31-Oct-1996 | 01-Oct-1996 | 31-Oct-1996 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J0X |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864317841 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Student Engagement with School: Individual & School - level Influences | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Jul-2002 | 01-Jul-2002 | 31-Jul-2002 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | P55 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864316011 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Student Workers in High School & Beyond: The Effects of Part-Time Employment on Participation in Education | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Feb-2003 | 28-Feb-2003 | 01-Feb-2003 | 28-Feb-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RNZ |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313584 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Subject Choice by Students in Year 12 in Australian Secondary Schools | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-2000 | 30-Jun-2000 | 01-Jun-2000 | 30-Jun-2000 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1A |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314482 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Tertiary Entrance Performance: The Role of Student Background & School Factors | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1H |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864314406 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: VET in Schools: Participation & Pathways | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J1G |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313089 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Well-Being Among Young Australians: Effects of Work & Home Life for Four Youth in Transition Cohorts | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J11 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313263 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Work Experience & Work Placements in Secondary School Education | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Jun-1999 | 30-Jun-1999 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | J15 |
Australia/NZ Educational Report | 9780864313072 | Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth: Youth Earnings in Australia 1980-1994: A Comparison of Three Youth Cohorts | Australian Council for Educational Research | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | 01-Sep-1998 | 30-Sep-1998 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | J13 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 11-Nov-2009 | 01-Dec-2005 | 11-Nov-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLD |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Mabo Decision | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83R |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0725-8437 | Macedon Ranges Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 29-Oct-2019 | 30-Nov-2010 | 29-Oct-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7Q-MRS |
International Magazine | 0024-9262 | Maclean's | St. Joseph Communications | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1991 | | | | Canada | Available Now | MAC |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5507 | Macleay Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8V-MAG |
International Book / Monograph | | Macquarie University | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU67 |
International Magazine | 0741-8647 | Macworld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1992 | 30-Nov-2014 | 01-Jan-2001 | 30-Nov-2014 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MWR |
International Magazine | | Macworld - Digital Edition | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-2015 | | 01-Jan-2015 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IV0Z |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2200-2375 | Macworld Australia | Niche Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jun-2011 | 31-Dec-2018 | 01-Jun-2011 | 31-Dec-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GTWE |
International Magazine | 0890-7722 | Magill Book Reviews | Salem Press | 01-Jan-1987 | 31-May-2011 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-May-2011 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MBR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0817-0088 | Magpies | Magpies Magazine | 01-Sep-1994 | 31-Jul-2020 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | MAG |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1039-9895 | Maitland Mercury | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EM8-MMC |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Make-Up Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Sep-2024 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Sep-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PY |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Make-Up Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QS |
International Country Report | | Malaysia Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZG |
International Biography | | Malcolm Fraser | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX6 |
International Biography | | Malcolm Turnbull | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVX7 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Male Fragrances Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XK0 |
International Academic Journal | 0379-5268 | Mana | South Pacific Creative Arts Society | 01-Jan-2001 | 31-Oct-2003 | | | | | Fiji | Available Now | 1OG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1174-5339 | Management (1174-5339) | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-Jan-2024 | | 01-Jan-2024 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NM85 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1176-3558 | Manawatu Standard | Stuff Limited | 01-Nov-2004 | | 01-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DBP-MS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Manawatu-Wanganui | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXR9 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Mandurah Mail | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EON-MUM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780522845235 | Manning Clark's History of Australia: abridged by Michael Cathcart | Melbourne University Publishing | 01-Sep-1993 | 30-Sep-1993 | 01-Sep-1993 | 30-Sep-1993 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 7D8 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5515 | Manning River Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 22-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 22-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN3-MRT |
International Book / Monograph | | Maori | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYS |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1178-6191 | Maori Health Research Review | Research Review Ltd. | 01-Jan-2020 | | 01-Jan-2020 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | L9B5 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Maribyrnong Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 30-Oct-2019 | 01-Dec-2010 | 30-Oct-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7R-MAI |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0113-6895 | Marketing Bulletin | Massey University | 01-May-1990 | 31-Jan-2017 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Jan-2017 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MKB |
International Book / Monograph | | Marlborough | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX8 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Maroondah Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 11-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7S-MAR |
International Biography | | Marton Csokas | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU68 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1328-8431 | Massage Australia | Massage Australia | 01-Oct-1997 | 30-Apr-2013 | 01-Oct-1997 | 30-Apr-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8GN |
International Magazine | | Math Trek | Society for Science & the Public | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Aug-2013 | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Aug-2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | FV1 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Matildas FIFA Team | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83Z |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Maud Island frog | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L838 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Max DuPain (Maxwell Spencer Dupain) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81M |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0025-6293 | Meanjin | Melbourne University Publishing | 01-Jan-1994 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | MJQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Media Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 31-Aug-2017 | 01-Dec-2005 | 31-Aug-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y49 |
International Newspaper | | Meet the Press Daily (MPT Daily) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 22-Aug-2016 | 31-Mar-2023 | 22-Aug-2016 | 31-Mar-2023 | | | United States of America | Available Now | KJ34 |
International Book / Monograph | | Melbourne | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU69 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1444-8602 | Melbourne Journal of International Law | Melbourne Journal of International Law Inc. | 01-Apr-2008 | | 01-Apr-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 31OX |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1833-6353 | Melbourne Review | University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School, Centre for Business & Public Policy | 01-Mar-2008 | 30-Nov-2008 | 01-Mar-2008 | 30-Nov-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3FH1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Melbourne Times Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 26-Jun-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 26-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7T-MEL |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Melbourne Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7X-MWZ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Melbourne Weekly (Port Phillip) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7W-MWH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Melbourne Weekly Bayside | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | 01-Dec-2010 | 22-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7U-MWB |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Melbourne Weekly Eastern | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 25-Jan-2011 | 25-Sep-2012 | 25-Jan-2011 | 25-Sep-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7V-MWE |
International Magazine | 1054-4836 | Men's Health | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jun-1990 | | 01-Jun-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MNH |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Menswear Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Jul-2014 | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Jul-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EBE |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Meredith Braun | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81N |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Merimbula News Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMA-MNW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Merredin Wheatbelt Mercury | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOO-MWM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Metals & Mining Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | | 01-Dec-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y57 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0312-2654 | Metro | Australian Teachers of Media Incorporated (ATOM) | 01-Jan-2000 | 28-Feb-2023 | 01-Jan-2001 | 28-Feb-2023 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 62D |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0113-0668 | Metro (NZ) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jan-1998 | 03-Sep-2019 | 01-May-2002 | 03-Sep-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | 1OK |
International Magazine | 0273-2858 | Metropolitan Home | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jul-1989 | 31-Dec-2009 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MHM |
International Biography | | Michael Cannon-Brookes | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6A |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Migration Act 1966 | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83S |
International Biography | | Mike Moore | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVX9 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Milk Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q8 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Milk Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R4 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0725-3648 | Milton Ulladulla Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN7-MUT |
International Magazine | 1044-5153 | Mirabella | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Jun-2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MML |
International Magazine | 2749-649X | MIT Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 01-Nov-2012 | | 01-Nov-2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JE15 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Mobile Broadband Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Nov-2014 | 30-Nov-2014 | 01-Nov-2014 | 30-Nov-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HOZ9 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Mobile Phones Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2010 | 31-Jul-2024 | 01-Oct-2010 | 31-Jul-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDG5 |
International Book / Monograph | | Monash University | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6B |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Monash Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 17-Jun-2013 | 29-Nov-2010 | 17-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7Y-MON |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1444-6219 | Money (Australia Edition) | Rainmaker Group | 01-Jun-2002 | | 01-Jun-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 7B6 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1322-7254 | Money Management | FE Money Management Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-2003 | | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 64P |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-3421 | Monthly: Australian Politics, Society & Culture | Monthly Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2010 | | 01-Jul-2010 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8Z0Y |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Moonee Valley Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 14-May-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 14-May-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD7Z-MVC |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Moorabool Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD80-MET |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1445-0135 | Moree Champion | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMB-MOR |
International Magazine | 0027-1535 | Mother Earth News | Ogden Publications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Mar-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MEN |
International Magazine | 0362-8841 | Mother Jones | Foundation for National Progress | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Apr-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MJO |
International Magazine | 0733-3013 | Mothering | Mothering Publishing Inc. | 01-Mar-1990 | 31-Mar-2011 | 01-Mar-1990 | 31-Mar-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MOT |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Motor | 4x4 Media Pty Ltd | 01-Apr-1995 | 31-Jul-2022 | 01-Jun-2002 | 31-Jul-2022 | | | Australia | Available Now | MOO |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1175-1908 | Motor Equipment News | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-May-2006 | | 01-May-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1YOP |
International Magazine | 1531-2623 | MotorBoating | Bonnier LLC | 01-Jun-2000 | 31-Aug-2011 | 01-Jan-2001 | 31-Aug-2011 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EAL |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Motorcycles Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Apr-2024 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Apr-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y5M |
International Magazine | 0897-5213 | Mountain Bike | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Nov-2010 | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Nov-2010 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MAB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1446-750X | Mountain Biking Australia | Yaffa Publishing Group Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2008 | 28-Feb-2021 | 01-Feb-2008 | 28-Feb-2021 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8NN5 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Mudgee Guardian | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 18-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMD-MUD |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5302 | Murray Valley Standard | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 17-Jul-2015 | 30-Nov-2010 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENJ-MST |
International Magazine | 0744-5105 | Muscle & Fitness | JW Media, LLC | 01-Jan-2014 | 30-Apr-2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HCJK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-2677 | Museum Matters | Museums Australia | 01-Nov-2011 | 30-Jun-2012 | 01-Nov-2011 | 30-Jun-2012 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86VE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1449-4043 | Museums Australia Magazine | Museums Australia | 01-Nov-2011 | 31-Dec-2021 | 01-Nov-2011 | 31-Dec-2021 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86VG |
International Trade Publication | 1550-9400 | Music Education Technology | Questex Media Group | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2007 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Nov-2007 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T5W |
International Magazine | 0027-4445 | Music Review | Ashgate Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jul-1991 | 01-Nov-1994 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUV |
International Academic Journal | 0814-5857 | Musicology Australia | Routledge | 01-Jan-2005 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 174Q |
International Academic Journal | 0027-4909 | Muslim World | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Jan-2000 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MUW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Muswellbrook Chronicle | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMF-MUS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | My Brilliant Career (Novel) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81O |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Myall Coast NOTA | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 07-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 07-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8W-MCO |
International Book / Monograph | | Myall Creek Massacre | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYA |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | NAB | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82A |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2209-8143 | Nambucca Guardian News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMH-NGN |
International Biography | | Naomi Watts | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6C |
International Book / Monograph | | Napier-Hastings | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6D |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-7524 | Narooma News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMJ-NAR |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Natalie Rooney | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81T |
International Magazine | 0027-8378 | Nation | Nation Company, L. P. | 01-Jan-1901 | | 01-Jan-1975 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAT |
International Company Profile | | National Australia Bank Group Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | 25-Sep-2019 | 01-May-2014 | 25-Sep-2019 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HXLW |
International SWOT Analysis | | National Australia Bank Group, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2003 | | 01-Jun-2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZIH |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0813-9474 | National Economic Review | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Jan-2017 | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Jan-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E46 |
International Magazine | 0027-9358 | National Geographic | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Dec-1959 | | 01-Jan-1995 | 01-Jul-2021 | | | United States of America | Available Now | NGE |
International Magazine | 1523-6226 | National Geographic Adventure | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Dec-2009 | 01-Feb-2004 | 31-Dec-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9HB |
International Magazine | 1542-3042 | National Geographic Kids | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Oct-2002 | | 01-Oct-2002 | 01-Jul-2021 | | | United States of America | Available Now‡ | L3A |
International Magazine | 1044-6613 | National Geographic Magazine | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Jan-1901 | 30-Nov-1959 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BOMW |
International Magazine | 0747-0932 | National Geographic Traveler | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Jan-1987 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-Dec-2019 | | | United States of America | Available Now | NGT |
International Magazine | 0361-5499 | National Geographic World | National Geographic Partners LLC | 01-Dec-1984 | 30-Sep-2002 | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Sep-2002 | | | United States of America | Available Now | NGW |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | National Museum of Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYT |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1442-5548 | National Observer | National Observer | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Mar-2009 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Mar-2009 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5QY |
International Magazine | 0276-8186 | National Parks | National Parks Conservation Association | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NPR |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | National Parks of Australia/New Zealand (with links to individual National Park TOs) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXA |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | National Rugby League | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L840 |
International Magazine | 1545-5157 | National Wildlife | National Wildlife Federation | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jun-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NWL |
International Magazine | 1067-9588 | Natural Health | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Apr-2015 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NHE |
International Magazine | 0028-0712 | Natural History | Natural History Magazine, Inc. | 01-Jan-1974 | | 01-May-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NHI |
International Academic Journal | 0028-0836 | Nature | Springer Nature | 01-Feb-1989 | 30-Nov-2015 | 01-Jun-1997 | 19-Nov-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NAE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-2598 | Nature Australia | Australian Museum | 01-Mar-1995 | 31-Dec-2005 | 01-Jul-2001 | 31-Dec-2005 | | | Australia | Available Now | AUI |
International Biography | | Nellie Melba | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8H |
International Book / Monograph | | Nelson | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXB |
International Book / Monograph | | Nelson (City) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6E |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1173-5678 | Nelson Mail, The | Stuff Limited | 01-Nov-2004 | | 01-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DB7-NM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Netball | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L849 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | New Age Beverages Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | New Age Beverages Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QK |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | New Car Sales Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2011 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2011 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EBZ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | New Cars Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNQZ |
International Magazine | 0305-9529 | New Internationalist | New Internationalist | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Jan-1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NIT |
International Magazine | 0262-4079 | New Scientist | New Scientist Ltd. | 01-Jul-1990 | | 01-Jan-2002 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NSI |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | New South Wales | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXD |
Australia/NZ Report | 1038-6998 | New South Wales Criminal Courts Statistics | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X0 |
Australia/NZ Report | 1035-9044 | New South Wales Recorded Crime Statistics | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2007 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X2 |
Australia/NZ Report | | New South Wales Recorded Crime Statistics Quarterly Update | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | | 01-Jan-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86WZ |
International Magazine | 1364-7431 | New Statesman | New Statesman Ltd. | 14-Jun-1996 | 12-Dec-2020 | 14-Jun-1996 | 12-Dec-2020 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NSM |
International Magazine | 0954-2361 | New Statesman & Society | New Statesman Ltd. | 01-Jan-1991 | 13-Jun-1996 | 01-Jan-1995 | 13-Jun-1996 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NSS |
International Magazine | 2157-1082 | New York State Conservationist | NYS Conservationist | 01-Aug-1995 | | 01-Aug-1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1QK |
International Magazine | 0028-792X | New Yorker | Conde Nast Publications | 21-Feb-1983 | | 01-Jan-2004 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NYK |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590842072 | New Zealand | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-1998 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jan-1998 | | | United States of America | Available Now | O4J |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1171-2287 | New Zealand Apparel | Review Publishing Co Ltd | 01-Jul-2008 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | DRYA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-6136 | New Zealand Armed Forces Law Review | Armed Forces Law Association of New Zealand | 01-Oct-2001 | 31-Dec-2009 | 01-Oct-2001 | 31-Dec-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | UHR |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | New Zealand Art | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVVX |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Jan-1990 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Jan-1990 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B923 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0114-7870 | New Zealand College of Midwives Journal | New Zealand College of Midwives | 01-Nov-2005 | | 01-Nov-2005 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1DK4 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1171-9265 | New Zealand Company Vehicle | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Feb-2007 | | 01-Feb-2007 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 6MTY |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | New Zealand Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Jan-1999 | | 01-Jan-1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZV |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | New Zealand Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2004 | | 01-Mar-2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W07 |
Australia/NZ Country Report | 1520-1058 | New Zealand Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 01-Jul-2000 | | 01-Jul-2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DWT |
International Book / Monograph | | New Zealand Cuisine | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6F |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0111-915X | New Zealand Dairy Exporter | NZ Farm Life Media Ltd. | 01-Jul-2005 | | 01-Jul-2005 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 16PJ |
International Magazine | 1176-5631 | New Zealand Doctor | Askin Moore Industries | 19-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2016 | 19-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2016 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z3L |
International Academic Journal | 0077-9954 | New Zealand Economic Papers | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 53F |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1176-8789 | New Zealand Export & Trade Handbook | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-Jan-2015 | | 01-Jan-2015 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | H9PS |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1175-7272 | New Zealand Forest Industries | Neilson Promotions Pty Ltd. | 01-Jan-2001 | 30-Apr-2005 | 01-Jan-2001 | 30-Apr-2005 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1E2R |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1174-0248 | New Zealand Forest Industries Magazine | Neilson Promotions Pty Ltd. | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2000 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Dec-2000 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 3NH |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-4012 | New Zealand Genealogist | New Zealand Society of Genealogists | 01-Jul-2022 | | 01-Jul-2022 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | LRCV |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | New Zealand General Service Medal (Afghanistan) Regulations 2002 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B924 |
International Academic Journal | 0028-8144 | New Zealand Geographer | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-May-2004 | | 01-May-2004 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DAI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0113-9967 | New Zealand Geographic | Kowhai Media Ltd. | 01-Jan-1998 | | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 1OJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1170-7488 | New Zealand Golf Magazine | Eikon Media Limited | 01-Jul-2015 | 30-Nov-2019 | 01-Jul-2015 | 30-Nov-2019 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JE06 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0777 | New Zealand Herald | NZME Publishing Limited | 02-Feb-2002 | 25-Oct-2018 | 02-Feb-2002 | 25-Oct-2018 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | HOB-NZH |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0114-9172 | New Zealand Historic Places | New Zealand Historic Places Trust | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Jul-2002 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 1ON |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0110-0262 | New Zealand International Review | New Zealand Institute of International Affairs | 01-Mar-2007 | | 01-Mar-2007 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 52Y |
International Academic Journal | 0028-8233 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G9M |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1175-8007 | New Zealand Journal of Applied Business Research (NZJABR) | Manukau Institute of Technology | 01-Mar-2006 | | 01-Mar-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 22EB |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1174-0175 | New Zealand Journal of Applied Computing & Information Technology | Computing & Information Technology Research & Education New Zealand (CITRENZ) | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Sep-2010 | 01-Mar-2004 | 30-Sep-2010 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | W1H |
International Academic Journal | 0028-825X | New Zealand Journal of Botany | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | 01-Jan-2006 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G9N |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1171-0365 | New Zealand Journal of Counselling | New Zealand Association of Counsellors | 01-Jun-2004 | | 01-Jun-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | DPX |
International Academic Journal | 0114-0671 | New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G9O |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1176-4716 | New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations | ER Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jan-2004 | | 01-Jan-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | V7X |
International Academic Journal | 0028-8306 | New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G7U |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0028-8322 | New Zealand Journal of History | New Zealand Journal of History | 01-Apr-2005 | | 01-Apr-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | AZ6 |
International Academic Journal | 0028-8330 | New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LZ5 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1176-3264 | New Zealand Journal of Music Therapy | New Zealand Society for Music Therapy | 01-Dec-2004 | | 01-Dec-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | E9A |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1172-1146 | New Zealand Journal of Social Studies | New Zealand Journal of Social Studies | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Dec-2005 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Dec-2005 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 165F |
International Academic Journal | 0301-4223 | New Zealand Journal of Zoology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G9P |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2381-9553 | New Zealand Listener | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Mar-2017 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | NZL |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | | New Zealand Management | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-May-1998 | 31-Aug-2015 | 01-May-1998 | 31-Aug-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MNT |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament & Arms Control Act 1987 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1987 | 31-Jan-1987 | 01-Jan-1987 | 31-Jan-1987 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B925 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0111-199X | New Zealand Population Review | Population Association of New Zealand | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-May-2010 | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-May-2010 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | YWG |
International Company Profile | | New Zealand Post Group MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | 01-Mar-2021 | 01-Jun-2014 | 01-Mar-2021 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HXPP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | New Zealand Post Ltd | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82B |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0112-403X | New Zealand Principals' Federation Magazine | New Zealand Principals Federation | 01-Mar-2004 | | 01-Mar-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 9O1 |
International Company Profile | | New Zealand Refining Company Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | 25-Jan-2022 | 01-May-2014 | 25-Jan-2022 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSLY |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-7801 | New Zealand Science Teacher | New Zealand Association of Science Educators | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Jan-2019 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Jan-2019 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | W2O |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0112-921X | New Zealand Sociology | New Zealand Sociology | 01-Jan-1986 | | 01-Jul-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | H2K |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1171-8315 | New Zealand Sport Monthly | Golf.com | 01-Feb-1995 | 31-Jul-2001 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | NZS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | New Zealand Subantarctic Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY6 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0048-0150 | New Zealand Surveyor | New Zealand Institute of Surveyors | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2014 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2014 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | VCG |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | New Zealand Threat Classification System | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L839 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0549-0618 | New Zealand Universities Law Review | Thomson Reuters (New Zealand) | 01-Dec-2006 | | 01-Dec-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 2SCE |
International Academic Journal | 0048-0169 | New Zealand Veterinary Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Sep-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 37LQ |
International Book / Monograph | | Newcastle | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6G |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0727-9825 | Newcastle Herald, The (includes the Central Coast Herald) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 27-Sep-1999 | | 27-Sep-1999 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZB-NH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2209-864X | Newcastle Star | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 21-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 21-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EML-NEW |
International Newspaper | | News of the World | News UK & Ireland Limited | 02-Jan-2000 | 10-Jul-2011 | 02-Jan-2000 | 10-Jul-2011 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7EH-NW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | Newsline | Australian Conservation Foundation | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Dec-2006 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 2WSX |
International Magazine | 0028-9604 | Newsweek | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NWK |
International Magazine | 0163-7053 | Newsweek (Atlantic Edition) | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2012 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SU |
International Magazine | 0163-7061 | Newsweek (Pacific Edition) | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Dec-2012 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SV |
International Magazine | 2572-5343 | Newsweek Global | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01-Jan-2013 | | 01-Jan-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FXPI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1039-0170 | Nexus | Nexus Magazine Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2012 | | 01-Jul-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | GYK |
International Biography | | Nicole Kidman | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXE |
International Academic Journal | 1445-2294 | NJ: Drama Australia Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2007 | 30-Nov-2021 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6ZE |
International Book / Monograph | | Norfolk Island | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXF |
International Biography | | Norman Kirk | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0112-9023 | North & South | School Road Publishing | 01-Jan-2003 | | 01-Jan-2003 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NOR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-1668 | North Queensland Register | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EKO-NQ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | North West Star | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD84-NWS |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | North West Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD83-NWA |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-2999 | Northern Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENG-NAU |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2201-3997 | Northern Daily Leader | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 22-Dec-2010 | 22-Apr-2016 | 22-Dec-2010 | 22-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN1-NDL |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Northern News (Fairfax Media) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Sep-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 04-Sep-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD99-NNF |
International Book / Monograph | | Northern Territory | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXH |
International Book / Monograph | | Northland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXC |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | NSW Health | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82C |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Nuclear-Test-Ban Act 1999 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 31-Jan-1999 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B926 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2703-4542 | Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand | Nursing Praxis in New Zealand | 01-Mar-2020 | | 01-Mar-2020 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MCS6 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0112-7438 | Nursing Praxis in New Zealand | Nursing Praxis in New Zealand | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2019 | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2019 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | YX4 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-9701 | Nutridate | Warringal Publications | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-Jan-1995 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | NRI |
International Academic Journal | 1446-6368 | Nutrition & Dietetics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jan-2002 | | 01-Jan-2002 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QMK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2205-0167 | NW | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2002 | 19-May-2020 | 01-Jun-2002 | 19-May-2020 | | | Australia | Available Now | 7SI |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Nyngan Observer | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMP-NYO |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-1827 | NZ 4WD | Adrenalin Publishing Limited | 01-Jun-2006 | | 01-Jun-2006 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1YOM |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | | NZ Business | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jul-2015 | 01-May-1996 | 31-Jul-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NZB |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0113-4957 | NZ Business (0113-4957) | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-Jan-2024 | | 01-Jan-2024 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NM86 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | | NZ Business + Management | Pure 360 Ltd | 01-Aug-2015 | 31-Dec-2023 | 01-Aug-2015 | 31-Dec-2023 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JET2 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2230-2700 | NZ Grower | Horticulture NZ | 01-Sep-2015 | | 01-Sep-2015 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | BGH2 |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 0111-9044 | NZ Marketing Magazine | Tangible Media Ltd | 01-Jul-1997 | | 01-Jul-1998 | 30-Sep-2017 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | MGZ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-1088 | NZ Rugby World | Dark Horse Collective Ltd | 01-Jan-2006 | 30-Sep-2023 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Dec-2020 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1HK3 |
International Magazine | 2768-668X | O Quarterly | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Mar-2021 | 01-Oct-2023 | 01-Mar-2021 | 01-Oct-2023 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MXVM |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | O'Reilly Factor (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 24-Nov-2000 | 21-Apr-2017 | 24-Nov-2000 | 21-Apr-2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX2 |
International Magazine | 1531-3247 | O, The Oprah Magazine | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Dec-2020 | 01-Jul-2003 | 31-Dec-2020 | | | United States of America | Available Now | R6K |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Oberon Review | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8X-OBE |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Observer (Fairfax Media) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 02-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8L-COV |
International Academic Journal | 0029-8077 | Oceania | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jun-1993 | | 01-Jun-1993 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OCA |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590844328 | Oceania (1-59084-432-7) | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NU0 |
Australia/NZ Country Report | 1995-3089 | OECD Economic Surveys: Australia | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 01-Jan-1997 | 04-Sep-2024 | | | | | France | Available Now | P7W |
International Magazine | 1536-108X | OG | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2001 | 30-Nov-2002 | 01-Sep-2001 | 30-Nov-2002 | | | United States of America | Available Now | IWZ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Oil & Gas Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2005 | | 01-Jun-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1ECP |
International Industry Report | | Oil & Gas Industry Profile: Austria | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HOZF |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Oil & Gas Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HOZP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Oji Fibre Solutions | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82D |
International Magazine | 1079-3941 | Old-House Interiors | Active Interest Media, Inc. | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Aug-2013 | 01-Sep-2001 | 31-Aug-2013 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JZH |
International Magazine | 0149-8711 | Omni | General Media International, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-1995 | 01-Jul-1990 | 31-Dec-1995 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OMN |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Online Gambling Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XUI |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Online Retail Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Nov-2015 | | 01-Nov-2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HP00 |
International Magazine | | Oprah Daily | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-2023 | | 19-Oct-2023 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCOE |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0113-5376 | Oral History in New Zealand | National Oral History Association of New Zealand | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-May-2010 | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-May-2010 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 2Y79 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0045-6705 | Orana | Australian Library & Information Association | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Mar-2005 | 01-May-1998 | 31-Mar-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | ORA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1173-3802 | Orchardist | Horticulture NZ | 01-Jun-2004 | | 01-Jun-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | Z3I |
International Magazine | 1536-108X | Organic Gardening | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Mar-2015 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Mar-2015 | | | United States of America | Available Now | PU8 |
International Magazine | 0163-3449 | Organic Gardening (01633449) | Rodale Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Jul-1985 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ORG |
International Magazine | 0897-3792 | Organic Gardening (08973792) | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Apr-1988 | 31-Jul-2001 | 01-May-1990 | 31-Jul-2001 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2EZO |
International Book / Monograph | 9781921348082 | Orphaned by the Colour of My Skin | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5DHA |
International Book / Monograph | | Otago | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXI |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | OTC Pharmaceuticals Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Sep-2016 | 01-Oct-2005 | 30-Sep-2016 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y6Q |
Australia/NZ Country Fact Sheet | 9781429802086 | Our World: Australia | Great Neck Publishing | 02-Jun-2010 | | 02-Jun-2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 15SF |
International Magazine | 1062-7928 | Out | Equal Entertainment LLC | 01-Jan-2003 | | 01-Jan-2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | L63 |
International Magazine | 0030-7076 | Outdoor Life | Recurrent Ventures Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 30-Sep-2020 | 01-Jan-2001 | 30-Sep-2020 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OUT |
Australia/NZ Conference Proceedings Collection | | Outlook Conference Proceedings | Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry | 01-Mar-2007 | 01-Mar-2014 | 01-Mar-2007 | 10-Feb-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WSD |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0030-7416 | Overland | O.L. Society Limited | 01-Mar-2006 | | 01-Mar-2006 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | DEH |
International Magazine | | Pacific Islands Nutrition | Secretariat of the Pacific Community | 01-Dec-2007 | 31-Dec-2009 | 01-Dec-2007 | 31-Dec-2009 | | Y | New Caledonia | Available Now | 39TX |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1444-5921 | Pacific Rim Property Research Journal | Pacific Rim Real Estate Society | 01-Feb-2018 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | HKS9 |
International Academic Journal | 1030-570X | Pacifica | Sage Publications | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Oct-2017 | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GN0 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Packaged Foods & Meats Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 31-Dec-2008 | 01-Dec-2005 | 31-Dec-2008 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y71 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754563 | Paddy Cahill of Oenpelli | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZE |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754488 | Paddy's Road: Life Stories of Patrick Dodson | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZF |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Pakenham Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BDQN-PAK |
International Book / Monograph | | Palmerston North | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6H |
International Magazine | 1083-6373 | Parents | Meredith Corporation | 01-Oct-1995 | 30-Apr-2022 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IMH |
International Magazine | 0195-0967 | Parents (01950967) | Meredith Corporation | 01-Apr-1994 | 30-Sep-1995 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SUS |
International Magazine | 1047-8574 | Parents (10478574) | Gruner & Jahr USA Publishing | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Mar-1994 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PAR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-9705 | Parkes Champion Post | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 05-Oct-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 05-Oct-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMS-PCP |
International Book / Monograph | | Parliament House Canberra | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXJ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Parramatta Sun | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 20-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 20-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8Z-PAR |
International Book / Monograph | | Passchendaele | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXK |
International Biography | | Paul Hogan | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6I |
International Biography | | Paul Keating | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXL |
International Trade Publication | 0740-1604 | PC Week | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 01-Jan-1993 | 07-May-2000 | 01-Jan-1998 | 07-May-2000 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCK |
International Magazine | 0813-1384 | PC World (08131384) | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2006 | | 01-Sep-2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | U2G |
International Magazine | 0737-8939 | PCWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 01-Jun-1986 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Peninsula Weekly - Mornington New | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 12-Jun-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 12-Jun-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD82-MSP |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Penrith Star | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 31-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD90-PEN |
International Magazine | 0093-7673 | People | Meredith Corporation | 04-Mar-1974 | | 04-Mar-1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PEO |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Personal Hygiene Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Apr-2024 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Apr-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PZ |
International Industry Report | | Personal Hygiene Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Jan-2012 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0813-2992 | Personal Investment | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Jun-1995 | 30-Apr-1999 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | PIV |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0268-0599 | Personal Investor | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-May-1999 | 31-Oct-2005 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 61D |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Personal Products Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Aug-2015 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Aug-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y7T |
International Book / Monograph | | Perth | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6J |
International Biography | | Peter Burling | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6K |
International Biography | | Peter Norman | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6L |
International Biography | | Peter Singer | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF8G |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Pharmaceuticals Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | | 01-Dec-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y86 |
International Industry Report | | Pharmaceuticals Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2010 | 30-Apr-2014 | 01-Jan-2010 | 30-Apr-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BNS3 |
International Country Report | | Philippines Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50D |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1178-1076 | Physical Educator - Journal of Physical Education New Zealand | Physical Education New Zealand Inc. | 01-May-2007 | 31-Jul-2015 | 01-May-2007 | 31-Jul-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 8TN7 |
International Academic Journal | 0031-9228 | Physics Today | American Institute of Physics -- Physics Today | 01-Jan-1975 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PHY |
International Magazine | 1022-2782 | PIN Pacific Islands NCDs | Secretariat of the Pacific Community | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | New Caledonia | Available Now | BAPC |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0111-9435 | Planning Quarterly | New Zealand Planning Institute | 01-Dec-2004 | | 01-Dec-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | DQ3 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0815-2195 | Plant Protection Quarterly | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Apr-2016 | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Apr-2016 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E47 |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | PM (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 12-May-2003 | 08-Jul-2021 | 12-May-2003 | 08-Jul-2021 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-PMTR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Point Cook Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | 01-Dec-2010 | 13-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BDQO-PCW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1032-6634 | Policy | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Jun-2018 | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Jun-2018 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5WB |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 2324-1098 | Policy Quarterly | Victoria University of Wellington, Institute of Policy Studies | 01-May-2013 | | 01-May-2013 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | BOCH |
Australia/NZ Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Australia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01-Jan-2009 | | 01-Jan-2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFO |
International Book / Monograph | | Poor Knights Islands | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXM |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Popcorn Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Popcorn Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QM |
International Magazine | 1526-3681 | Poptronics | Poptronix Incorporated | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2003 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 70P |
International Magazine | 1042-170X | Popular Electronics | Poptronix Incorporated | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-1999 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Dec-1999 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | POP |
International Magazine | 0032-4558 | Popular Mechanics | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | POM |
International Magazine | 1542-0337 | Popular Photography & Imaging | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jan-2003 | 30-Apr-2008 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SZ0 |
International Magazine | 0032-4582 | Popular Photography (00324582) | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2002 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PHO |
International Magazine | 0161-7370 | Popular Science | Recurrent Ventures Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2020 | 01-Nov-2002 | 31-Dec-2020 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PSI |
International Magazine | 0884-8823 | Popular Woodworking | Active Interest Media, Inc. | 01-Jul-1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PPK |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Pork Producer (Ipswich) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | | 15-Sep-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UO2-TPP |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2200-713X | Port Lincoln Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 27-Oct-2015 | 30-Nov-2010 | 27-Oct-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENL-POR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0312-245X | Port Macquarie News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 01-Jun-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 01-Jun-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMU-PMN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Port Pirie Recorder | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 28-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENM-PPR |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Potato Chips Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PR |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Potato Chips Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QL |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Power Generation Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HP03 |
International Industry Report | | Power Generation Industry Profile: Austria | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HP04 |
International Industry Report | | Power Generation Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HP0I |
International Magazine | 0032-6488 | Practical Woodworking | Business Press International, Ltd. | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Jul-2007 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | POW |
Australia/NZ Magazine | | PréCIS | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Aug-2007 | | 01-Aug-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 27CX |
International Magazine | 1060-5088 | Presidents & Prime Ministers | EQES, Inc. | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Jan-2004 | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Jan-2004 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PPR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0113-9762 | Press, The | Stuff Limited | 09-Nov-2004 | | 09-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 7C8-PR |
International Magazine | 0032-8006 | Prevention | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1989 | | 01-May-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PRE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1447-6436 | Primary & Middle Years Educator | Australian Curriculum Studies Association | 01-Jan-2003 | 01-Dec-2014 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Oct-2014 | | | Australia | Available Now | Q12 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1324-4825 | Primary Educator | Australian Curriculum Studies Association | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1995 | 31-Dec-2002 | | | Australia | Available Now | PMR |
Australia/NZ Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the ASPI Conference: Global Forces 2005: Day 1 -- Global Strategy | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2SD8 |
Australia/NZ Conference Proceedings Collection | | Proceedings of the ASPI Conference: Global Forces 2005: Day 2 -- Strategic Change | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2SD9 |
Australia/NZ Conference Proceedings Collection | 0110-8522 | Proceedings of the WHS of New Zealand | Wesley Historical Society of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2022 | | 01-Jan-2022 | | | | New Zealand | Coming Soon | MP97 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Profit Foodservice Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Sep-2010 | 01-Dec-2005 | 30-Sep-2010 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y8K |
International Magazine | 0033-0736 | Progressive | Progressive, Inc. | 01-Jan-1981 | | 01-Jan-1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now‡ | PRS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Progressive Enterprises, Ltd. | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82E |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320343 | Property Rights & Competition | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 66A |
International Academic Journal | 1321-8719 | Psychiatry, Psychology & Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Nov-2006 | | 01-Nov-2006 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YRU |
International Magazine | 0033-3107 | Psychology Today | Sussex Publishers LLC | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PSY |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1037-9851 | Public History Review | University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Australian Centre for Public History | 01-Sep-2012 | | 01-Sep-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 78BU |
International Trade Publication | 0000-0019 | Publishers Weekly | PWxyz LLC | 01-Jan-1989 | | 20-Jan-1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PWK |
International Book / Monograph | | Qantas | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LF89 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | QBE Insurance Group | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82F |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0033-5002 | Quadrant Magazine | Quadrant Magazine Co Inc. | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QUA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1444-884X | Quarterly Essay | Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd. | 01-Mar-2006 | | 01-Mar-2006 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | DEJ |
International Book / Monograph | | Queensland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Queensland Country Life | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 17-Sep-2015 | 02-Dec-2010 | 17-Sep-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EKZ-QCL |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Queensland Health | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82G |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855752941 | Race Matters | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Nov-1997 | 30-Nov-1997 | 01-Nov-1997 | 30-Nov-1997 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZK |
International Biography | | Rachel Hunter | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6M |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Rainbow Bee-eater | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83A |
International Biography | | Ralph Norris | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6N |
International Biography | | Ralph Waters | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6O |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Range News (Maleny) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 12-May-2016 | 15-Sep-2010 | 12-May-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UO5-SRN |
International Magazine | 0738-6656 | Ranger Rick | National Wildlife Federation | 01-Jul-1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RAN |
International Magazine | 0034-0375 | Reader's Digest | Trusted Media Brands, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | REA |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754587 | Reading Doctors' Writing: Race, Politics & Power in Indigenous Health Research, 1870-1969 | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0155-218X | Reading Time | Children's Book Council of Australia | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Nov-2013 | 01-Sep-2001 | 30-Nov-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RTI |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1833-0398 | Real Living | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Jan-2023 | 01-Feb-2009 | 31-Jan-2023 | | | Australia | Available Now | 87TD |
International Magazine | 1528-1701 | Real Simple | Meredith Corporation | 01-May-2000 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | P58 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0155-7386 | Reconnecting Compassion & Charity | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 66B |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0067-1975 | Records of the Australian Museum | Australian Museum | 01-Jan-2001 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | C8A |
International Trade Publication | 1080-076X | Red Herring | Red Herring / DASAR | 01-May-2007 | 31-Dec-2010 | 01-May-2007 | 31-Dec-2010 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1GVK |
International Magazine | 0034-2106 | Redbook | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Dec-2018 | 01-Jan-1996 | 31-Dec-2018 | | | United States of America | Available Now | RED |
International Company Profile | | Reece Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | 26-Sep-2017 | 01-May-2014 | 26-Sep-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSDL |
International Book / Monograph | | Remembrance Day | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYD |
International Magazine | 1488-8106 | Report / Newsmagazine (BC Edition) | United Western Communications Ltd. | 01-Jul-2000 | 11-Aug-2002 | 01-Jul-2000 | 11-Aug-2002 | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 6WD |
International Magazine | 1488-8084 | Report / Newsmagazine (National Edition) | United Western Communications Ltd. | 01-Jul-2000 | 16-Feb-2003 | 01-Jul-2000 | 16-Feb-2003 | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 6WC |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Reporter (Southern) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 09-Jan-2013 | 15-Sep-2010 | 09-Jan-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UO7-IRS |
International Company Profile | | Reserve Bank of Australia MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2014 | | 01-Jun-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSDU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1174-7943 | Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin | Reserve Bank of New Zealand | 01-Dec-2004 | | 01-Dec-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 13F7 |
International Company Profile | | Restaurant Brands New Zealand Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2015 | | 01-Jan-2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HYNI |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Restaurant Brands New Zealand Ltd | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82H |
International Biography | | Richard Chandler | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6P |
International Biography | | Richard Pratt | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6Q |
International Magazine | 1078-0084 | Ride BMX | A360 Media LLC | 01-Jul-1999 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2001 | 31-Jan-2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3TR |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0815-7251 | RIMA: Review of Indonesian & Malaysian Affairs | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Dec-2004 | 30-Jul-2014 | 01-Jul-2008 | 30-Jul-2014 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | RJH |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Rio Tinto | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82I |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1178-4709 | Rise | New Zealand Ministry of Social Development | 01-Jun-2012 | 30-Sep-2015 | 01-Jun-2012 | 30-Sep-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | BF09 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320275 | Rising Crime in Australia | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 6A3 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Road & Rail Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2005 | 31-Mar-2013 | 01-Jun-2005 | 31-Mar-2013 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1ED3 |
International Biography | | Robert Muldoon | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXO |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Rockhampton & Fitzroy News | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 19-Oct-2011 | 15-Sep-2010 | 19-Oct-2011 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UOA-RCL |
International Magazine | 0884-3252 | Rodale's Organic Gardening | Rodale Inc. | 01-Aug-1985 | 31-Mar-1988 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2EZI |
International Magazine | 2377-2778 | Rodale's Organic Life | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-May-2015 | 31-Mar-2017 | 01-May-2015 | 31-Mar-2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | HOU0 |
International Magazine | 0035-791X | Rolling Stone | Rolling Stone LLC | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jul-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RST |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1320-0615 | Rolling Stone Australia | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Aug-1995 | 28-Feb-2018 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | RSA |
International Book / Monograph | | Rotorua | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6R |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1832-102X | Roxby Downs Sun | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 10-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 10-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENO-ROX |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Royal New Zealand Air Force | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83T |
International Book / Monograph | | Rugby | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVYU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0035-9742 | Rugby League Week | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jan-2003 | 23-Mar-2017 | 01-Jan-2003 | 23-Mar-2017 | | | Australia | Available Now | QE9 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Rugby Union | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L841 |
International Magazine | 1363-9633 | Rugby World | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jan-1995 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RUG |
International Book / Monograph | | Rum Rebellion | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY9 |
International Magazine | 0897-1706 | Runner's World | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-May-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RNW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Rural | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD86-RUR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0036-0090 | Rural Research | CSIRO Publishing | 01-Sep-1995 | 31-Jul-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | RRH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Rural Weekly (New South Wales, Australia) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 31-Oct-2012 | 23-Aug-2019 | 31-Oct-2012 | 23-Aug-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | B3JP-LRW |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0048-8933 | Sabretache | Military Historical Society of Australia | 01-Mar-2019 | | 01-Mar-2019 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 8Y9I |
International Magazine | 0036-3618 | Salt Water Sportsman | Flying Media | 01-Jan-1994 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SWS |
International Magazine | 0048-9239 | Saturday Evening Post | Saturday Evening Post Society, Inc. | 01-Jan-1931 | | 01-Jan-1931 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SEP |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-3092 | Saturday Paper | Schwartz Publishing Pty Ltd. | 11-Feb-2023 | | 11-Feb-2023 | | | | Australia | Available Now | N3HT |
International Industry Report | | Savory Snacks Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Jul-2012 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QN |
International Magazine | 0198-8379 | Scholastic Math | Scholastic Inc. | 01-Jan-1999 | 30-May-2024 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2OL |
International Magazine | 1010-144X | Scholastic SuperScience | Scholastic Inc. | 01-Sep-1997 | 31-Mar-2023 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2MK |
International Magazine | 0362-8930 | School Library Journal | Media Source, Inc. | 01-Sep-1974 | | 01-Sep-1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLJ |
International Academic Journal | 0036-8075 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 01-Jan-1984 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SCI |
International Magazine | 0036-8423 | Science News | Society for Science & the Public | 04-Jan-1975 | | 01-Jun-2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SCN |
International Magazine | 1947-8062 | Science Now | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 01-Jan-2000 | 30-Jun-2015 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Dec-2005 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6D3 |
International Magazine | 1041-1410 | Science World | Scholastic Inc. | 01-Dec-1991 | 08-May-2023 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SCW |
International Magazine | 0036-8733 | Scientific American | Scientific American | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SIA |
International Magazine | 1947-2129 | Scientific American Earth 3.0 | Scientific American | 01-Sep-2008 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Sep-2008 | 30-Jun-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8NY3 |
International Magazine | 1099-5005 | Scientific American Explorations | Scientific American | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Mar-2002 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Mar-2002 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 65Y |
International Magazine | 1524-0223 | Scientific American Presents | Scientific American | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Oct-2000 | 01-Jan-1998 | 31-Oct-2000 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1V0H |
International Magazine | 1551-2991 | Scientific American Special Edition | Scientific American | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Jun-2009 | 01-Jan-2002 | 30-Jun-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1V0I |
International Magazine | 1048-0943 | Scientific American Special Issue | Scientific American | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Dec-1997 | 01-Jan-1997 | 31-Dec-1997 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5CRO |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0812-079X | Scone Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMW-SCO |
International Biography | | Scott Farquhar | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6S |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1834-9013 | Script & Print | Bibliographical Society of Australia & New Zealand | 01-Jan-2010 | | 01-Jan-2010 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 44TM |
International Magazine | 0897-2249 | Sea Frontiers | International Oceanographic Foundation (I.O.F.) | 01-Sep-1984 | 31-May-1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SEA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0004-9549 | Search (0004-9549) | Control Publications Pty Ltd. | 01-Jan-1975 | 31-Oct-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | SRH |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 2206-981X | Selector: Life Food Wine | Selector / Australian Wine Selectors | 01-Mar-2013 | | 01-Mar-2013 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 82VR |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1443-4059 | Senses of Cinema | Senses of Cinema | 01-Jan-2008 | | 01-Aug-2014 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1G6H |
International Magazine | 0958-3009 | Serve & Volley | Lawn Tennis Association | 01-Apr-1995 | 31-Jul-1996 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOL |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Sex Discrimination Act | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83U |
International Company Profile | | SFG Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2014 | 31-Mar-2014 | 01-Mar-2014 | 31-Mar-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HZ08 |
International Academic Journal | 0582-9399 | Shakespeare Studies (Rosemont Publishing & Printing Corporation) | Rosemont Publishing & Printing Corporation | 01-Jan-1975 | 31-Jan-2022 | 01-Jan-1975 | 31-Jan-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SHS |
International Magazine | 0744-5121 | Shape | Meredith Corporation | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Dec-2021 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SHA |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921306181 | Shoalhaven Local Government Area Crime Report 2006 | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X4 |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Showbiz Tonight (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 06-Feb-2014 | 01-Dec-2005 | 06-Feb-2014 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNST |
International Magazine | 0161-7362 | Sierra | Sierra Club | 01-Jan-1980 | | 01-May-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SIE |
International Magazine | 0037-4806 | Sight & Sound | British Film Institute | 01-May-1991 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SIS |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Silver Fern Farms | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82J |
International Biography | | Simon Baker | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7H |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0314-3155 | Simply Living | Next Publishing Pty Ltd | 01-May-1995 | 30-Jun-1996 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | SLY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5434 | Singleton Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMX-SIN |
International Book / Monograph | | Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYV |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Sir Bernard Katz | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81U |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Sir Keith Sinclair | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81V |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Sir Robert Helpmann | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81P |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Situation Room (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | | 01-Dec-2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSR |
International Magazine | 0037-6159 | SKI | Pocket Outdoor Media | 01-Jan-1994 | 30-Nov-2022 | 01-Jan-2001 | 30-Nov-2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKI |
International Magazine | 0037-6264 | Skiing | Outside Interactive, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | 28-Feb-2017 | 01-Jan-2001 | 28-Feb-2017 | | Y | Thailand | Available Now | SII |
International Magazine | 0037-6345 | Skin Diver | PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) | 01-Jul-1993 | 30-Nov-2002 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SKN |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Skincare Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-May-2024 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-May-2024 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q0 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Skincare Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | SKYCITY Entertainment Group Ltd. | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82K |
International Academic Journal | 1321-5906 | Small Enterprise Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jun-2006 | | 01-Jun-2006 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 25N2 |
International Magazine | 0037-7333 | Smithsonian | Smithsonian Magazine | 01-Jan-1974 | | 01-Jun-1990 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SMI |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Smoke-free Environments Regulations 2007 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B927 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Soap Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PV |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Soap Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QP |
International Magazine | 0149-2365 | Soccer Digest | Lakeside Publishing Company, LLC | 01-Jul-1998 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Jul-1998 | 31-Dec-2003 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 00S |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320299 | Social Capital | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 6A9 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320350 | Social Capital Stories | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 6A4 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1172-4382 | Social Policy Journal of New Zealand | New Zealand Ministry of Social Development | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Mar-2007 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1G9T |
Australia/NZ Report | | Social Policy Research Paper Series (FaHCSIA) | Australian Government, Department of Social Services | 01-Dec-2011 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Dec-2011 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BNM2 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0113-7662 | Social Work Review | Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers Inc. | 01-Sep-2005 | 31-Dec-2006 | 01-Sep-2005 | 31-Dec-2006 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 1D6L |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Soft Drinks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Oct-2023 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Oct-2023 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q5 |
International Industry Report | | Soft Drinks Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Nov-2011 | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Dec-2007 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R1 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Software Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | | 01-Dec-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y9L |
International Academic Journal | 0217-9520 | SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia | ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute | 01-Jan-1999 | | 01-Jan-1999 | | | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 2VM |
International Company Profile | | Solid Energy New Zealand Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | 31-Mar-2017 | 01-Jul-2014 | 31-Mar-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HZ75 |
International Biography | | Sophie Monk | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6T |
International Country Report | | South Africa Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Oct-1998 | | 01-Oct-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50Q |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | South Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXP |
International Company Profile | | South Australian Government Financing Authority MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSID |
International Company Profile | | South Australian Water Corporation MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2014 | | 01-Dec-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSIE |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-7664 | South Coast Register | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EMO-SCR |
International Country Report | | South Korea Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50R |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | South West Rural Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD91-SWA |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0038-3732 | Southerly | Brandl & Schlesinger | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Sep-2018 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | SRY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Southern Cross | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD92-SOU |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-7680 | Southern Highland News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ELD-SHN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0159-0405 | Southern Weekly Magazine | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 02-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD93-SWM |
International Book / Monograph | | Southland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXQ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0112-9910 | Southland Times, The | Stuff Limited | 03-Nov-2004 | | 03-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DB4-ST |
Australia/NZ SWOT Analysis | | Spark New Zealand Limited (formerly Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited) SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2015 | | 01-Feb-2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JD83 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Spark New Zealand, Ltd. | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82L |
International Magazine | 0038-6952 | Spectator (00386952) | Spectator Ltd. | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Nov-2018 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | STA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1832-7176 | Spice | Food & Beverage Media | 01-Nov-2010 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | BB46 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Spirits Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | | 01-Jun-2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q4 |
International Industry Report | | Spirits Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 31-Jul-2011 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14R0 |
International Magazine | 0038-7797 | Sport | Petersen Publishing Company | 01-Feb-1989 | 31-Aug-2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SPT |
International Academic Journal | 1441-3523 | Sport Management Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1998 | | 01-Jan-1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W53 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0314-5468 | Sports Coach | Australian Sports Commission | 01-Jan-1996 | 29-Feb-2008 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | SPC |
International Magazine | 0038-822X | Sports Illustrated | Minute Media | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1984 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SPI |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Spotless Facility Services | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82M |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | St George & Sutherland Shire Leader | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD94-STG |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | St Marys Star | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Sep-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 03-Sep-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD95-STM |
International Biography | | Stanley Perron | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6U |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320831 | State of the Nation: An Agenda for Change | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 27CY |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Steel Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2010 | | 01-Sep-2010 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCSQ |
International Magazine | 0039-1220 | Stereo Review | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Feb-1984 | 31-Jan-1999 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SRV |
International Biography | | Steven Tindall | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6V |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0726-1888 | Stilt: The Journal of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway | Australasian Wader Studies Group represented by BirdLife Australia | 01-Dec-2012 | | 01-Dec-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 926L |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0039-162X | Stock Journal | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 02-Dec-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENS-STJ |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0110-4926 | Stockade | Karori Historical Society | 01-Jan-1980 | 30-Nov-2016 | 01-Jan-1980 | 30-Nov-2016 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | Z3K |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1175-0170 | Storylines: The Inside Story | Children's Literature Foundation of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2015 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Jan-2015 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 7T9 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: A Shift in Focus? Australia & Stability in East Asia | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PZ |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Australia & Ballistic Missile Defence: Our Policy Choices | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Apr-2004 | 01-Apr-2004 | 30-Apr-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGY |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Australia-India Reengagement | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Oct-2004 | 31-Oct-2004 | 01-Oct-2004 | 31-Oct-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGR |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Capability of First Resort? Australia's Future Amphibious Requirement | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jul-2004 | 31-Jul-2004 | 01-Jul-2004 | 31-Jul-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGU |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Crunch Time: Planning Australia's Future Defence Force | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2005 | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PX |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Cutting Edge: The Collins Experience | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2006 | 28-Feb-2006 | 01-Feb-2006 | 28-Feb-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PV |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921302107 | Strategic Insights Series: Cutting Their Cloth: New Zealand's Defence Strategy | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2007 | 30-Apr-2007 | 01-Apr-2007 | 30-Apr-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3FHA |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Frozen Assets: Securing Australia's Antarctic Future | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2007 | 30-Apr-2007 | 01-Apr-2007 | 30-Apr-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3A10 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Getting China Right: Australia's Policy Options for Dealing with China | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2005 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-Oct-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PY |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: How is RAMSI Faring? Progress, Challenges & Lessons Learned | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGO |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Invisible Enemies: Infectious Disease & National Security in Australia | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-May-2005 | 31-May-2005 | 01-May-2005 | 31-May-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGM |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Iraq Security Strategy: A Complex Challenge | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Mar-2005 | 31-Mar-2005 | 01-Mar-2005 | 31-Mar-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGP |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Is the JSF Good Enough? | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Aug-2004 | 31-Aug-2004 | 01-Aug-2004 | 31-Aug-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGT |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Malaysia's Two-Step Hedging Strategy: Bilateral & Regional Activism | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | 01-Apr-2006 | 30-Apr-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PT |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Pakistan's Musharraf: Playing a Balancing Act | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2005 | 01-Nov-2005 | 30-Nov-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PW |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Police Join the Front Line | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GH2 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Precarious State: Afghanistan & the International & Australian Response | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Mar-2006 | 31-Mar-2006 | 01-Mar-2006 | 31-Mar-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PU |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Punching Above Our Weight? Australia as a Middle Power | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Aug-2005 | 01-Aug-2005 | 31-Aug-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GFV |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Reforming the United Nations: Kofi Annan's Legacy Gets Reality Check | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-May-2006 | 31-May-2006 | 01-May-2006 | 31-May-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ELF |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Reviewing the Defence Capability Plan 2004-2014 | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GH0 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Securing the Transnational Movement of Trade & People in the Era of Global Terrorism | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jun-2006 | 30-Jun-2006 | 01-Jun-2006 | 30-Jun-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2EYD |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Sudan's Darfur: Peace or More War on the Horizon? | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Aug-2006 | 31-Aug-2006 | 01-Aug-2006 | 31-Aug-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2QXV |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Terrorism & Australian Business | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | 01-Feb-2004 | 28-Feb-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GH1 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: The Agenda for Intelligence Reform | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGW |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: The Defence Capability Review 2003: A Modest & Incomplete Review | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Dec-2003 | 31-Dec-2003 | 01-Dec-2003 | 31-Dec-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WTP |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: The Iraqi Insurgency: Getting Some Perspective | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Oct-2003 | 31-Oct-2003 | 01-Oct-2003 | 31-Oct-2003 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WTU |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: The Prime Minister Speaks on National Security | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jul-2004 | 31-Jul-2004 | 01-Jul-2004 | 31-Jul-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGV |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: The Strategy Behind Gallipoli: Strategic Decision-Making in the Dardanelles & Gallipoli | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGN |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Time for a New Defence White Paper | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2005 | 28-Feb-2005 | 01-Feb-2005 | 28-Feb-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGQ |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Understanding Terrorism: 20 Basic Facts | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Sep-2004 | 30-Sep-2004 | 01-Sep-2004 | 30-Sep-2004 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGS |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Weapons of Mass Construction: Australian Naval Shipbuilding | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGZ |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategic Insights Series: Wedgetail: Australia's Eagle-Eyed Sentinel | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Sep-2006 | 30-Sep-2006 | 01-Sep-2006 | 30-Sep-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2WTS |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921302121 | Strategic Insights Series: Widening Horizons: Australia's New Relationship with India | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-May-2007 | 31-May-2007 | 01-May-2007 | 31-May-2007 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3FHB |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: A Big Deal: Australia's Future Air Combat Capability | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jun-2005 | 30-Jun-2005 | 01-Jun-2005 | 30-Jun-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGL |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: A Trillion Dollars & Counting: Paying for Defence to 2050 | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGK |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Alliance Unleashed: Australia & the U.S. in a New Strategic Age | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGA |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Attitude Matters: Public Opinion in Australia Towards Defence & Security | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGG |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Beyond Baghdad: ASPI's Strategic Assessment 2004 | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGJ |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Future Unknown: The Terrorist Threat to Australian Maritime Security | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | 01-Apr-2005 | 30-Apr-2005 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGC |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: In the Balance: China's Unprecedented Growth & Implications for the Asia-Pacific | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Feb-2006 | 28-Feb-2006 | 01-Feb-2006 | 28-Feb-2006 | | | Australia | Coming Soon | 25PP |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Living with Giants: Finding Australia's Place in a More Complex World | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGB |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Local Jihad: Radical Islam & Terrorism in Indonesia | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GG7 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Plague Anatomy: Health Security from Pandemics to Bioterrorism | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PS |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Power Shift: Challenges for Australia in Northeast Asia | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGI |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Representative Views: Mass & Elite Opinion on Australian Security | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GG9 |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Riding the Wave: The Rise of China & Options for Australian Policy | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Mar-2006 | 31-Mar-2006 | 01-Mar-2006 | 31-Mar-2006 | | | Australia | Coming Soon | 25PN |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Scoping Studies: New Thinking on Security | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGF |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Shared Interests: Australia-India Relations into the Twenty-First Century | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 25PR |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Strengthening Our Neighbour: Australia & the Future of Papua New Guinea | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGE |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: War & Profit: Doing Business on the Battlefield | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGD |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Your Defence Dollar: The 2004-05 Defence Budget | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GGH |
Australia/NZ Report | | Strategy Reports: Your Defence Dollar: The 2005-06 Defence Budget | Australian Strategic Policy Institute | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1GG8 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Stratford Press | NZME Publishing Limited | 19-Jun-2013 | 14-May-2014 | 19-Jun-2013 | 14-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 9275-STP |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0810-0187 | Street Machine | Street Machine Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2002 | | 01-Jul-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | JMW |
International Academic Journal | 0307-5079 | Studies in Higher Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1976 | | 01-Jan-1976 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SHE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1323-4196 | Studies of Society & Environment | Ryebuck Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jun-1997 | 30-Apr-2012 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 37R |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Succession (Homicide) Act 2007 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B928 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Sugar Confectionery Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PW |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Sugar Confectionery Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | 01-May-2004 | 31-May-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Sun Care Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PU |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Sun Care Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QO |
International Newspaper | | Sun, The | News UK & Ireland Limited | 10-Nov-1999 | | 10-Nov-1999 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7EH-SN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1323-1987 | Sun-Herald, The (Sydney) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 26-Sep-1999 | | 26-Sep-1999 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZ7-SH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Sunbury Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 30-Oct-2012 | 30-Nov-2010 | 30-Oct-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD88-SBP |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Suncorp Group | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82N |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1034-1021 | Sunday Age, The (Melbourne) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 26-Sep-1999 | | 26-Sep-1999 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZ9-SA |
International Newspaper | | Sunday Business (United Kingdom) | Tribune Content Agency LLC | 30-Jul-2000 | 08-Sep-2007 | 30-Jul-2000 | 08-Sep-2007 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2W6-SBU |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1172-9740 | Sunday Star-Times | Stuff Limited | 04-Nov-2004 | | 04-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 7BZ-SS |
International Newspaper | | Sunday Times, The | News UK & Ireland Limited | 02-Jan-2000 | | 02-Jan-2000 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7EH-ST |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1324-5295 | Super Review | FE Money Management Pty Ltd | 01-Nov-2003 | | 01-Nov-2003 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QT0 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Superb Parrot (Polytelis Swainsonii) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L847 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Surfing (Salem Press) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L842 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1173-5651 | Survey Quarterly | New Zealand Institute of Surveyors | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jul-2014 | 01-Mar-2004 | 31-Jul-2014 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | VCH |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2382-1604 | Surveying+Spatial | New Zealand Institute of Surveyors | 01-Aug-2014 | | 01-Aug-2014 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | IT66 |
International Book / Monograph | 9781590840054 | Survive the Wilderness with Canadian & Australian Special Forces | Mason Crest Publishers | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | 01-Jan-2003 | 31-Jan-2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | OQ8 |
International Magazine | 1082-8486 | Swim Magazine | H2Media, LLC | 01-Jan-1994 | 28-Feb-2005 | 01-Jan-1994 | 28-Feb-2005 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SWG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1445-2545 | Swimming in Australia | Australian Swimming Coaches & Teachers Association | 01-Sep-2013 | | 01-Sep-2013 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1FH3 |
International Magazine | 0039-7431 | Swimming World | H2Media, LLC | 01-Mar-2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 16AP |
International Book / Monograph | | Sydney | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6W |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Sydney Harbour Bridge | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0312-6315 | Sydney Morning Herald, The | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 27-Sep-1999 | | 27-Sep-1999 | | | | Australia | Available Now | ZZ6-SM |
International Book / Monograph | | Sydney Opera House | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1445-2901 | T3 (Australia Edition) | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Aug-2023 | | 01-Dec-2023 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HBWM |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9781864320268 | Taking Education Seriously | Centre for Independent Studies | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | 01-Jan-2000 | 31-Jan-2000 | | | Australia | Available Now | 6A1 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Taranaki | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXRA |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1176-7596 | Taranaki Daily News | Stuff Limited | 09-Nov-2005 | | 09-Nov-2005 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DB3-TD |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Tasman | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXRB |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Tasmania | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXT |
International Book / Monograph | | Tauranga | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6X |
International Book / Monograph | | Te Arawa People | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1173-6011 | Te Karaka: The Ngai Tahu Magazine | Te Karaka: The Ngai Tahu Magazine | 01-Sep-2004 | | 01-Sep-2004 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 15MD |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXV |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1449-6313 | Teaching Science: The Journal of the Australian Science Teachers Association | Australian Science Teachers Association | 01-Mar-2004 | | 01-Mar-2004 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 73A |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 2200-8551 | Techlife Australia (Bauer Media Group) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2012 | 31-Oct-2013 | 01-Jun-2012 | 31-Oct-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | FWRQ |
International Magazine | 1099-274X | Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 01-May-1998 | 30-Oct-2012 | 01-May-1998 | 30-Oct-2012 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5PP |
International Company Profile | | Telecom Corporation of New Zealand Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Feb-2014 | 25-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2014 | 25-Apr-2016 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HZKD |
International SWOT Analysis | | Telecom Corporation of New Zealand SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2008 | 01-Feb-2014 | 01-Jun-2008 | 01-Feb-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15F7 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Telecommunication Services Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2014 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | H6HX |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Telecommunication Services Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2014 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | H6ID |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Telstra | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82O |
International Magazine | 0040-3423 | Tennis | Tennis Channel LLC | 01-Jan-1984 | 30-Nov-2022 | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Nov-2022 | | | United States of America | Available Now | TNN |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5426 | Tenterfield Star | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN5-TEN |
International Biography | | Teresa Palmer | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6Y |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Terrorism Suppression Act 2002 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B929 |
International Magazine | 0040-7887 | TES: Magazine | TSL Education Limited | 01-Jul-1993 | 26-Nov-2021 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TES |
International Country Report | | Thailand Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51A |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Therapeutic Products & Medicines Bill 103-1 2006 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | 01-Jan-2006 | 31-Jan-2006 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92A |
International Biography | | Theresa Gattung | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU6Z |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Third Generation Mobile Devices Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YE7 |
International Biography | | Thomas Blamey | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0920 | Timaru Herald, The | Stuff Limited | 06-Nov-2004 | | 06-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DB8-TH |
International Magazine | 0818-0628 | Time International - South Pacific Edition | TIME USA, LLC | 01-Jul-1994 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TAU |
International Magazine | 0040-781X | TIME Magazine | TIME USA, LLC | 03-Mar-1923 | | 03-Mar-1923 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TIM |
International Magazine | 2476-2679 | Time.com | TIME USA, LLC | 01-Oct-2013 | | 01-Oct-2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3J1 |
International Magazine | 0049-3929 | Times Higher Education | TSL Education Limited | 01-Jan-2008 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 62A3 |
International Magazine | 0049-3929 | Times Higher Education Supplement | TSL Education Limited | 01-Jul-1993 | 31-Oct-2007 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | THS |
International Newspaper | | Times, The (United Kingdom) | News UK & Ireland Limited | 14-Oct-2000 | | 14-Oct-2000 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7EH-TT |
International Magazine | 0307-661X | TLS. Times Literary Supplement | News UK & Ireland Limited | 01-Jul-1990 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | TLS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Tobacco Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Dec-2005 | 28-Feb-2023 | 01-Dec-2005 | 28-Feb-2023 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1YAE |
International Company Profile | | Toll (New Zealand) Ltd MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | 06-Feb-2017 | 01-Jul-2014 | 06-Feb-2017 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HZWB |
International Book / Monograph | | Tongariro National Park | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXX |
International Biography | | Tony Abbott | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2201-0777 | Toowoomba's Mail | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | 19-Dec-2013 | 15-Sep-2010 | 19-Dec-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UOL-TOM |
International Newspaper | 0319-0781 | Toronto Star (Canada) | Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd | 05-Oct-2000 | | 05-Oct-2000 | | | | Canada | Available Now | 6FP-TS |
International Magazine | 0274-6743 | Total Health | Total Health Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Mar-2010 | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Mar-2010 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TOT |
International Academic Journal | 0954-4127 | Total Quality Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2002 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | TQM |
International Academic Journal | 1478-3363 | Total Quality Management & Business Excellence | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Jan-2003 | | 01-Jan-2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Q4G |
International Trade Publication | 1740-1267 | Total Telecom Magazine | Terrapinn Holdings Limited | 01-Feb-2003 | 28-Feb-2010 | 01-Feb-2003 | 28-Feb-2010 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IEO |
International Magazine | | Total Telecom+ | Terrapinn Holdings Limited | 01-Apr-2010 | 31-Oct-2015 | 01-Apr-2010 | 31-Oct-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BOIQ |
International Magazine | 0040-9952 | Town & Country | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TOW |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Town & Country Magazine | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 12-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD96-TPW |
International Company Profile | | Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Mar-2014 | | 01-Mar-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSN0 |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Trade in Endangered Species Act 1989 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Jan-1989 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92B |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1839-8561 | Training & Development (1839-8561) | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jan-2012 | | 01-Jan-2012 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | FIAS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0310-4664 | Training & Development in Australia | Copyright Agency Limited | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Dec-2011 | 01-Jul-2008 | 31-Dec-2011 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 5E48 |
International Book / Monograph | | Trans-Pacific Partnership | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVXZ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0729-3992 | Transcontinental (Fairfax Media) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD9A-TRA |
International Company Profile | | Transpower New Zealand Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2014 | | 01-May-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSNG |
International Magazine | 1078-0084 | TransWorld Ride BMX | A360 Media LLC | 01-Feb-2007 | 28-Feb-2017 | 01-Feb-2007 | 28-Feb-2017 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BDVH |
International Magazine | 1182-9699 | Travel Courier | Baxter Publications Inc. | 17-Aug-2006 | | 17-Aug-2006 | | | | Canada | Available Now | 25PB |
International Magazine | 0199-025X | Travel Holiday | Hachette Filipacchi Magazines | 01-Jul-1989 | 30-Jun-2003 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TRH |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | | Travel Trade | Misfits Media Company | 01-Nov-2003 | 09-May-2006 | 01-Nov-2003 | 09-May-2006 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | QSX |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1833-5179 | Travel Weekly Australia | Misfits Media Company | 21-Jul-2006 | 30-Nov-2019 | 21-Jul-2006 | 31-Dec-2010 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2742 |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1838-6458 | Treadlie | Green Press Pty Ltd | 01-Mar-2016 | 31-Mar-2020 | 01-Mar-2016 | 31-Mar-2020 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | HJI0 |
International Book / Monograph | | Treaty of Waitangi | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVYW |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 9780855754334 | Treaty: Let's Get It Right! | Aboriginal Studies Press | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | 01-Nov-2001 | 30-Nov-2001 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 2ZZN |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Trucks Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-May-2014 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-May-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EDH |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | True Blue (Whitsunday Times) | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | | 15-Sep-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UOM-MTB |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | 0041-3860 | Tuatara | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83B |
International Trade Publication | 0892-7278 | TWICE: This Week in Consumer Electronics | Future Publishing Ltd. | 01-Jul-1999 | | 01-Jul-1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16U |
International Magazine | 0041-5537 | U.S. News & World Report | US News & World Report, L.P. | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-Dec-2010 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | USN |
International Magazine | | U.S. News & World Report - The Report | US News & World Report, L.P. | 24-Jan-2020 | 12-Jul-2024 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MBO3 |
International Magazine | | U.S. News - The Civic Report | US News & World Report, L.P. | 28-Sep-2018 | 17-Jan-2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LPF5 |
International Magazine | | U.S. News - The Report | US News & World Report, L.P. | 01-Jan-2017 | 27-Sep-2018 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | K4UA |
International Magazine | | U.S. News Digital Weekly | US News & World Report, L.P. | 22-Jan-2009 | 24-Apr-2015 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3IQ |
International Magazine | 0251-7329 | UN Chronicle (Print) | United Nations Publications | 01-Jun-1990 | 31-Jul-2018 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GB9 |
International Magazine | 0041-5278 | UNESCO Courier | UNESCO | 01-Jan-1989 | 31-Dec-2001 | 01-Sep-1993 | 31-Dec-2001 | | Y | France | Available Now | UNE |
International Magazine | 1014-6989 | UNESCO Sources | UNESCO | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Aug-2001 | 01-Jan-1994 | 31-Aug-2001 | | | France | Available Now | USS |
International Country Report | | United Kingdom Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Oct-1998 | | 01-Oct-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51H |
International Magazine | 1564-3913 | United Nations Chronicle (Online) | United Nations Publications | 01-Sep-2023 | | 01-Sep-2023 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NBKE |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Act 1996 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-1996 | 31-Jan-1996 | 01-Jan-1996 | 31-Jan-1996 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92C |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | United Nations Sanctions (Al-Qaida & Taliban) Regulations 2007 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92D |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | United Nations Sanctions (Iran) Regulations 2007 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | 01-Jan-2007 | 31-Jan-2007 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92E |
International Country Report | | United States Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Oct-1998 | | 01-Oct-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51I |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Adelaide | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU70 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Auckland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU71 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Canterbury | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU72 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Melbourne | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU73 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of New South Wales | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU74 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Otago | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU75 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Queensland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU76 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Sydney | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU77 |
International Book / Monograph | | University of Western Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU78 |
International Academic Journal | 0042-0980 | Urban Studies (Routledge) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Aug-1993 | 31-Dec-2007 | 01-Aug-1993 | 31-Dec-2007 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | UST |
International Newspaper | 0734-7456 | USA Today | USA Today | 01-Feb-2002 | | 01-Feb-2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | J0E-USAT |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Utilities Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Aug-2005 | | 01-Aug-2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EE1 |
Australia/NZ Biography | | Valerie Adams | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L843 |
International Magazine | 0733-8899 | Vanity Fair | Conde Nast Publications | 01-Jan-1992 | | 01-Jan-2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | VAN |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Vegetable Sheep | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83C |
International Magazine | 0164-8497 | Vegetarian Times | Outside Interactive, Inc. | 01-Jan-1992 | 31-Dec-2016 | 01-Oct-1996 | 31-Dec-2016 | | Y | Thailand | Available Now | VEG |
International Magazine | 2475-0093 | Vegetarian Today | Outside Interactive, Inc. | 01-Jan-2017 | 30-Apr-2017 | 01-Jan-2017 | 30-Apr-2017 | | Y | Thailand | Available Now | KM9U |
International Magazine | 1040-8150 | Veranda | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 01-Sep-2003 | | 01-Sep-2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | R6J |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-8205 | Victor Harbor Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 02-Dec-2010 | 05-Nov-2015 | 02-Dec-2010 | 05-Nov-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENQ-VIC |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Victoria | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY0 |
International Book / Monograph | | Victoria University of Wellington | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU79 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0310-6780 | Victorian Entomologist | Entomological Society of Victoria | 01-Feb-2019 | | 01-Feb-2019 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JX46 |
International Country Report | | Vietnam Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 01-Nov-1998 | | 01-Nov-1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51M |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1038-0310 | Viewpoints | Australian Studies Teachers Association | 01-Apr-1992 | 31-Mar-1999 | 01-Jul-1992 | 31-Mar-1999 | | | Australia | Available Now | VWP |
Australia/NZ Report | | Vintage Report | Winemakers' Federation of Australia | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Jan-2017 | 01-Jan-2010 | 31-Jan-2017 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 634L |
International Company Profile | | Virgin Australia Holdings Limited MarketLine Company Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2014 | | 01-Jul-2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSPK |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Viva Energy | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82Q |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1036-1561 | Voices (10361561) | National Library of Australia | 01-Mar-1995 | 30-Jun-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | VOI |
International Magazine | 0960-300X | Vox | Time Inc. UK | 01-Jan-1995 | 30-Jun-1998 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | VOX |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Wagin Argus | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EOR-WAG |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Waikato | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXRC |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1173-6135 | Waikato Journal of Education | Waikato Journal of Education | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Dec-2013 | 01-Jan-2004 | 31-Dec-2013 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 16M |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1173-6135 | Waikato Journal of Education (2382-0373) | Waikato Journal of Education | 01-Jan-2014 | | 01-Jan-2014 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | L6OO |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0688 | Waikato Times | Stuff Limited | 04-Nov-2004 | | 04-Nov-2004 | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | DB2-WT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5418 | Walcha News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 09-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 09-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN8-WAL |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1173-9207 | Walking New Zealand | Walking New Zealand | 01-Aug-2015 | | 01-Aug-2015 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JE0D |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Wallaby | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83D |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Wanganui Chronicle | NZME Publishing Limited | 11-Jun-2013 | 17-May-2014 | 11-Jun-2013 | 17-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 9278-WAN |
Australia/NZ Government Document | | Wanganui District Council (Prohibition of Gang Insignia) Act 2009 | Parliamentary Counsel Office of New Zealand | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | 01-Jan-2009 | 31-Jan-2009 | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B92F |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Warehouse Group, Ltd | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82P |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 0157-7514 | Warren Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 22-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EN9-WAR |
International Newspaper | 0190-8286 | Washington Post, The | Washington Post Company | 01-Jan-1995 | | 01-Jan-1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WPT-WP |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Water Utilities Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jan-2015 | 01-Jul-2005 | 31-Jan-2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1EEF |
Australia/NZ Report | 9781921306143 | Waverly Local Government Area Crime Report 2006 | New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics & Research | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | 01-Jan-2008 | 31-Jan-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 86X7 |
Australia/NZ Report | | We are Working for Our People: Growing & Strengthening the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce, Career Pathways Project Report | Lowitja Institute | 01-Jan-2020 | 31-Jan-2020 | 01-Jan-2020 | 31-Jan-2020 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | MXX0 |
International Academic Journal | 0043-1672 | Weatherwise | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01-Aug-1984 | | 01-Jun-1990 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WEW |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Webb Ellis Cup (Inl. Rugby Union) | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L844 |
International Book / Monograph | | Wellington | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY1 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1328-9713 | Wellington Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | 01-Feb-2011 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENB-WEL |
International Book / Monograph | | Wellington, City of | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | LU7E |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Wesfarmers | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82R |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | West Coast | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXRD |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | West Coast Sentinel | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 15-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENF-WCS |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0043-342X | Westerly | Centre for Studies in Australian Literature | 01-Sep-1994 | 01-Nov-2019 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | WRY |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Western Advocate | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | 29-Nov-2010 | 23-Apr-2016 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8B-WAV |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Western Australia | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY2 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0816-9713 | Western Australian Wildlife Management Program | Western Australia Department of Parks & Wildlife | 01-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | 01-Jan-1993 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | JZVL |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Western Magazine (Fairfax Media) | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 13-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD9B-WMF |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Western Port Trader | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 27-Jul-2011 | 30-Nov-2010 | 27-Jul-2011 | | | Australia | Available Now | BDQP-WPT |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1839-7840 | Western Times | Nationwide News Pty Ltd | 15-Sep-2010 | | 15-Sep-2010 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8UOQ-KWT |
International SWOT Analysis | | Westfield Group (Australia) SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Nov-2007 | 01-Dec-2013 | 01-Nov-2007 | 01-Dec-2013 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15GL |
International Book / Monograph | | Westland | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | KVY3 |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Westpac Banking Corporation | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82S |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1170-0769 | Whangarei Northern Advocate | NZME Publishing Limited | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | 25-May-2013 | 17-May-2014 | | | New Zealand | Available Now | 91R9-WNA |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0043-4779 | Wheels | 4x4 Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jul-2002 | | 01-Jul-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 06H |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | While the Billy Boils | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81K |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5337 | Whyalla News | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Oct-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 29-Oct-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENR-WHY |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1030-469X | Wild: Australia's Wilderness Adventure Magazine | Adventure Entertainment | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Jul-2008 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | WLD |
International Magazine | 0736-6477 | Wilderness | Wilderness Society | 01-Dec-1998 | 31-Oct-2009 | 01-Dec-1998 | 31-Oct-2009 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5XK |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1177-0171 | Wilderness (New Zealand Edition) | Lifestyle Publishing | 01-Jun-2015 | | 01-Jun-2015 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | HKNE |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0043-5481 | Wildlife Australia | Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland | 01-Sep-1994 | | 01-Dec-2010 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | WAU |
International Biography | | William McMahon | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2017 | | 15-Mar-2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVY4 |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2203-0743 | Wimmera Mail Times | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 20-May-2011 | 25-Feb-2015 | 20-May-2011 | 25-Feb-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5EO9-WIM |
Australia/NZ Trade Publication | 1838-6547 | Wine & Viticulture Journal | Winetitles Media & Ryan Media Pty Ltd | 01-Jan-2011 | | 01-Jan-2011 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BDRG |
International Book / Monograph | | Wine Industry of New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7A |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Wine Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | | 01-May-2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14Q3 |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Wine Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2012 | 01-May-2004 | 31-Dec-2012 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QZ |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 1321-5531 | Wingham Chronicle | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENC-WIN |
International Biography | | Winston Peters | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2019 | | 15-Mar-2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LU7B |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Wireless Gaming Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | 01-Jan-2002 | 31-Jan-2002 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YIQ |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Wireless Telecommunication Services Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Sep-2010 | | 01-Sep-2010 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCSY |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Witi Ihimaera | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L81Q |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Wollondilly Advertiser | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 17-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD97-WOL |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1321-9839 | Woman's Day (Australia Edition) | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jun-2002 | | 01-Jun-2002 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 7BO |
International Magazine | 0043-7441 | Women in Business | ABWA Management LLC | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2019 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-2019 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WIB |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Women Win Right to Vote in New Zealand | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83V |
International Magazine | 0738-1433 | Women's Review of Books | Old City Publishing, Inc. | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Nov-2021 | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Nov-2021 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WRB |
International Magazine | 8750-653X | Women's Sports & Fitness | Conde Nast Publications | 01-May-1984 | 30-Apr-1998 | 01-Aug-1993 | 30-Apr-1998 | | | United States of America | Available Now | WSF |
International Magazine | 1099-6079 | Women's Sports & Fitness (10996079) | Conde Nast Publications | 01-Jun-1998 | 30-Sep-2000 | 01-Jun-1998 | 30-Sep-2000 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q81 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0112-4099 | Women's Studies Journal | New Zealand Women's Studies Association | 01-Aug-2008 | | 01-Aug-2008 | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | 53LS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Womenswear Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-May-2014 | 01-Oct-2005 | 31-May-2014 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1YB3 |
International Book / Monograph | 9781884925726 | Wonders of the World | Toucan Valley Publications, Inc. | 01-Jan-1999 | 02-Jan-1999 | 01-Jan-1999 | 02-Jan-1999 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 62M |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Woolworths | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L82T |
International Magazine | 0887-9346 | World & I | News World Media Development LLC (NWMD) | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-May-2019 | 01-Jan-1993 | 31-May-2019 | | | United States of America | Available Now | WAI |
International Academic Journal | 0043-8200 | World Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 01-Jun-1974 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | WAF |
International Book / Monograph | | World Book Medical Encyclopedia | World Book, Inc. | 01-Jan-2000 | 02-Jan-2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6UY |
International Magazine | 0043-8502 | World Health | World Health Organization | 01-Apr-1989 | 30-Nov-1998 | | | | | Switzerland | Available Now | WHO |
International Magazine | 0196-3570 | World Literature Today | World Literature Today | 01-Jan-1990 | | 01-Jan-1990 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WLT |
International Magazine | 0195-8895 | World Press Review | Stanley Foundation | 01-Jan-1984 | 31-May-2004 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WPR |
Australia/NZ TV & Radio News Transcript | | World Today, The (ABC) | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | 17-Jun-2003 | 18-May-2021 | 17-Jun-2003 | 18-May-2021 | | | Australia | Available Now | P6S-WOTO |
International Magazine | 0898-4204 | World War II | Historynet LLC | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Apr-2024 | 01-Jul-1996 | 30-Apr-2024 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WWI |
International Magazine | 0043-9517 | Writer (Kalmbach Publishing Co.) | Firecrown Media | 01-Jun-1987 | 31-Dec-2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WRI |
International Magazine | 0279-7208 | Writing | Weekly Reader Corporation | 01-Jul-1999 | 30-Apr-2008 | 01-Jul-1999 | 30-Apr-2008 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25Q |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Wyndham Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Dec-2010 | 30-Oct-2019 | 01-Dec-2010 | 30-Oct-2019 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8A-WER |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1322-3747 | X's & O's | Basketball Australia | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Mar-2008 | 01-Jun-2006 | 31-Mar-2008 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 1FIH |
International Magazine | 0043-9940 | Yachting | Flying Media | 01-Jan-1984 | | 01-Jan-2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | YAT |
Australia/NZ Book / Monograph | | Yarra Gum | Salem Press | 15-Mar-2018 | | 15-Mar-2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L83E |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Yarra Ranges Weekly | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | 30-Nov-2010 | 05-Mar-2013 | | | Australia | Available Now | BD8D-YAR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | | Yass Tribune | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | 01-Feb-2011 | 16-Jul-2015 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5END-YAS |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Yogurt Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14PX |
Australia/NZ Industry Report | | Yogurt Industry Profile: New Zealand | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | 01-Jun-2004 | 30-Jun-2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14QR |
Australia/NZ Newspaper | 2201-4845 | Young Witness | Nine Publishing, successor in interest to Fairfax Media Management Pty Ltd | 01-Feb-2011 | 20-Aug-2012 | 01-Feb-2011 | 20-Aug-2012 | | | Australia | Available Now | 5ENE-YOU |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 0725-3931 | Your Computer | FPC Magazines | 01-Dec-1994 | 30-Jun-1997 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | YCO |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1173-8642 | Your Home & Garden | ARE Media Pty Limited | 01-Jul-1996 | 31-Jul-2019 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | YHG |
Australia/NZ Magazine | 1170-3229 | Your Home (11703229) | Australian Consolidated Press NZ | 01-Oct-1995 | 30-Jun-1996 | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | YHO |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Your World Today (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01-Dec-2005 | 24-Jan-2008 | 01-Dec-2005 | 24-Jan-2008 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNYW |
International TV & Radio News Transcript | | Your World with Neil Cavuto (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 23-Nov-2000 | | 23-Nov-2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX6 |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 0818-7886 | Youth Studies | Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-1991 | 01-Jan-1990 | 31-Dec-1991 | | | Australia | Available Now | YSA |
Australia/NZ Academic Journal | 1038-2569 | Youth Studies Australia | Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies | 01-Feb-1992 | 31-Dec-2013 | 01-Feb-1992 | 31-Dec-2013 | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 24O |