"Core" coverage refers to sources which are indexed and abstracted in their entirety (i.e. cover to cover), while "Priority" coverage refers to sources which include only those articles which are relevant to the field.
This title list does not represent the Selective content found in this database. The Selective content is chosen from thousands of titles containing articles that are relevant to this subject.
*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Coverage Policy | Source Type | ISSN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | Peer-Reviewed | Country | Availability* | MID |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | 21st Century Gardening Series | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/15/1995 | 01/02/2002 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D2FD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0906-4702 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section A, Animal Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B5D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0906-4710 | Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica: Section B, Soil & Plant Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B68 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2052-5192 | Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering & Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G5G5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2053-2296 | Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GY0E |
Core | Academic Journal | 2053-2733 | Acta Crystallographica. Section A, Foundations & Advances | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GULY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0907-4449 | Acta Crystallographica: Section D, Structural Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/15/2015 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOE2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2053-230X | Acta Crystallographica: Section F, Structural Biology Communications | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GY0D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1000-9515 | Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3BW9 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0065-2113 | Advances in Agronomy | Academic Press | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2164 | Advances in Applied Microbiology | Academic Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2296 | Advances in Botanical Research | Academic Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2504 | Advances in Ecological Research | Academic Press | 01/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0065-2563 | Advances in Environmental Science & Technology | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 01/01/1990 | 01/02/1994 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 92KX |
Core | Academic Journal | 1043-4526 | Advances in Food & Nutrition Research | Academic Press | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2660 | Advances in Genetics | Academic Press | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2776 | Advances in Immunology | Academic Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2806 | Advances in Insect Physiology | Academic Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2881 | Advances in Marine Biology | Academic Press | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-2911 | Advances in Microbial Physiology | Academic Press | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0065-308X | Advances in Parasitology | Academic Press | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNY |
Priority | Magazine | 1047-4781 | AgExporter | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/1989 | 12/11/2004 | 01/01/1997 | 12/11/2004 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 9IG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0303-1853 | Agrekon | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/10/2004 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UGP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0742-4477 | Agribusiness | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1989 | 12/15/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AGB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-1369 | Agricultural & Biological Chemistry | Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology & Agrochemistry | 02/01/1983 | 12/01/1991 | | | | Y | Japan | Available Now | 92L3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0169-5150 | Agricultural Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 10/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3HF |
Priority | Magazine | 0002-1458 | Agricultural Engineering. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/1994 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9GC |
Priority | Magazine | 0099-1066 | Agricultural Outlook | U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Economic Research Service | 03/01/1996 | 12/01/2002 | 05/01/1999 | 12/01/2002 | | | United States of America | Available Now | QOP |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-3774 | Agricultural Water Management | Elsevier Science | 05/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HG |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0269-2457 | Agriculture International | Research Information Ltd. | 07/01/1985 | 11/01/1988 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92L4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-8809 | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment | Elsevier Science | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0167-4366 | Agroforestry Systems | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | KNK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-1962 | Agronomy Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1997 | 05/01/2011 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6X9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0044-7447 | AMBIO - A Journal of the Human Environment | Springer Nature | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | KNR |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-7686 | American Birds | American Birding Association | 01/01/1983 | 04/15/1994 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 923D |
Core | Academic Journal | 1046-2821 | American Entomologist | Oxford University Press | 07/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 14DQ |
Core | Magazine | 0002-8541 | American Forests | American Forests | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1994 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AFE |
Core | Trade Publication | 0002-8568 | American Fruit Grower | Meister Media Worldwide | 08/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BLZ |
Core | Magazine | 1087-9978 | American Gardener | American Horticultural Society | 05/01/1996 | 05/31/2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AGD |
Priority | Magazine | 0096-4417 | American Horticulturist | American Horticultural Society | 01/01/1983 | 02/01/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AHO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9092 | American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1968 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AJA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0889-1893 | American Journal of Alternative Agriculture | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1989 | 12/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ALT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9122 | American Journal of Botany | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ABO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9165 | American Journal of Clinical Nutrition | Elsevier B.V. | 12/01/1982 | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AJC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9297 | American Journal of Human Genetics | Cell Press | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1WZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-9513 | American Journal of Physiology | American Physiological Society | 12/01/1982 | 06/03/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AHY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-9645 | American Journal of Veterinary Research | American Veterinary Medical Association | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QO9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-0031 | American Midland Naturalist | University of Notre Dame / American Midland Naturalist | 04/01/1983 | 10/31/2022 | 01/01/1995 | 10/31/2022 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MDL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-0147 | American Naturalist | University of Chicago Press | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ANN |
Core | Trade Publication | 0003-0198 | American Nurseryman | Grand View Media Group | 01/01/1983 | 03/31/2018 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ANY |
Core | Trade Publication | 0741-9848 | American Vegetable Grower | Meister Media Worldwide | 10/01/1989 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BM3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-1569 | American Zoologist | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | 12/02/2001 | 01/01/1997 | 12/02/2001 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AZL |
Priority | Magazine | 0276-7201 | Amicus Journal (02767201) | Natural Resources Defense Council | 01/15/1996 | 12/15/2001 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AIS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-276X | Anatomical Record | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 01/01/1990 | 04/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | O9A |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1751-7311 | Animal | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/2007 | 12/01/2008 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2ZTE |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-3472 | Animal Behaviour | Academic Press | 05/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ANB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1570-7555 | Animal Biology | Brill Academic Publishers | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | R4T |
Core | Academic Journal | 1049-5398 | Animal Biotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2001 | | 05/01/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KU4 |
Priority | Magazine | | Animal Nutrition & Health | WATT Global Media | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/1986 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92LB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-3561 | Animal Production | Cambridge University Press | 02/01/1983 | 12/01/1994 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92LC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1357-7298 | Animal Science | Cambridge University Press | 02/01/1995 | 12/01/2006 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QP1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-4746 | Annals of Applied Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1983 | | 12/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GX5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-7364 | Annals of Botany | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DNU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-8746 | Annals of the Entomological Society of America | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0026-6493 | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | Missouri Botanical Garden Press | 01/01/1982 | 01/02/1989 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 10XD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4154 | Annual Review of Biochemistry | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83E |
Core | Academic Journal | 1081-0706 | Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0066-4162 | Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83K |
Core | Academic Journal | 1543-592X | Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution & Systematics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V49 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4170 | Annual Review of Entomology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1984 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4197 | Annual Review of Genetics | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ARG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0732-0582 | Annual Review of Immunology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4227 | Annual Review of Microbiology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MIB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0147-006X | Annual Review of Neuroscience | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0199-9885 | Annual Review of Nutrition | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83T |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4278 | Annual Review of Physiology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0066-4286 | Annual Review of Phytopathology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 83Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 1543-5008 | Annual Review of Plant Biology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JZ1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1040-2519 | Annual Review of Plant Physiology & Plant Molecular Biology | Annual Reviews Inc. | 01/01/1988 | 01/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 84A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2041-2851 | AoB Plants | Oxford University Press | 10/01/2018 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B838 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2168-0450 | Applications in Plant Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2015 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HKOM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0099-2240 | Applied & Environmental Microbiology | American Society for Microbiology | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AEM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-6838 | Applied Biochemistry & Microbiology | Springer Nature | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | N2H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0175-7598 | Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology | Springer Nature | 08/01/1989 | 09/01/2002 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | NNA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0268-2605 | Applied Organometallic Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7E |
Priority | Trade Publication | | Apply | Questex Media Group | 01/01/2003 | 05/01/2007 | 01/01/2003 | 05/01/2007 | | | United States of America | Available Now | JX9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0044-8486 | Aquaculture | Elsevier Science | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3HU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-0424 | Aquatic Insects | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EHK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1935-5297 | Arboriculture & Urban Forestry | International Society of Arboriculture | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 221P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1745-039X | Archives of Animal Nutrition | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1933-8244 | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | 07/15/2009 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2R0X |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-4341 | Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | KO0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-9896 | Archives of Environmental Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1989 | 02/01/2005 | 01/01/1997 | 02/01/2005 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AEI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-8038 | Auk (University of California Press) | University of California Press | 10/01/2011 | 10/31/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 639H |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-8038 | Auk. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 04/01/1983 | 07/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | D9ID |
Core | Academic Journal | 0004-8038 | Auk: Ornithological Advances | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2014 | 07/31/2020 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GUPJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-9417 | Australian Journal of Biological Sciences | CSIRO Publishing | 01/01/1983 | 01/03/1988 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | LYK |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0067-1924 | Australian Journal of Botany | CSIRO Publishing | 01/01/1983 | 01/05/1988 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 9EQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1322-7130 | Australian Journal of Grape & Wine Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 55Q6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0307-9457 | Avian Pathology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AVP |
Core | Trade Publication | 0005-7738 | BEEF | Penton Media, Inc. | 02/01/2002 | 11/30/2017 | 02/01/2002 | 11/30/2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 18Y |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0163-1047 | Behavioral & Neural Biology | Academic Press | 12/01/1982 | 05/01/1989 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 92LT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0735-7044 | Behavioral Neuroscience | American Psychological Association | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BEN |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-2928 | Biochemical Genetics | Springer Nature | 02/01/1983 | | 02/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | 5MG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-2960 | Biochemistry | American Chemical Society | 01/04/1983 | 05/31/2016 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0829-8211 | Biochemistry & Cell Biology | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1986 | | 02/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35G |
Core | Academic Journal | 1488-8386 | Biodiversity | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2009 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AXYV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0265-9247 | BioEssays | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1367-4803 | Bioinformatics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N56 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3185 | Biological Bulletin | University of Chicago Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BIL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3207 | Biological Conservation | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J9J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1464-7931 | Biological Reviews | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 23VJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | Cambridge University Press | 05/01/1983 | 02/01/2012 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-205X | Biologie in unserer Zeit | Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland e.V. - VBIO | 06/01/2012 | 04/01/2014 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | OL7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0248-4900 | Biology of the Cell (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2F7P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-3879 | Biomedical Chromatography | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2003 | 01/31/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7G |
Core | Academic Journal | 0323-3847 | Biometrical Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 08/31/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N6S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-341X | Biometrics | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3VW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0006-3444 | Biometrika | Oxford University Press | 08/01/1983 | 03/01/1989 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N57 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3568 | BioScience | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1964 | | 01/01/1994 | 12/01/2010 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0916-8451 | Bioscience, Biotechnology & Biochemistry | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QON |
Core | Academic Journal | 1537-5110 | Biosystems Engineering | Academic Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JT3 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0006-3592 | Biotechnology & Bioengineering | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/05/1989 | 09/01/2008 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O39 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0264-8725 | Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-3606 | Biotropica | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2005 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3TX |
Priority | Magazine | 0006-8071 | Botanical Gazette | University of Chicago Press | 03/01/1983 | 12/01/1991 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FWC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0006-8101 | Botanical Review | Springer Nature | 04/01/1983 | | 01/01/1998 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | BOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1916-2790 | Botany | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 8762 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1679-8759 | Brazilian Journal of Oceanography | Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2019 | | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 8B90 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-1145 | British Journal of Nutrition | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1XX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-1668 | British Poultry Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 57W |
Priority | Magazine | 0362-5850 | Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, Plants & Gardens. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/15/1982 | 10/15/1993 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9JI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-4853 | Bulletin of Entomological Research | Cambridge University Press | 06/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-4861 | Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | M29 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0007-4977 | Bulletin of Marine Science | Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science | 01/01/1996 | 10/31/2018 | 11/01/1997 | 11/10/2004 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Q6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0253-2964 | Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1CJF |
Priority | Magazine | 0164-5331 | California-Arizona Farm Press | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/05/2002 | 12/17/2011 | 01/05/2002 | 12/17/2011 | | | United States of America | Available Now | A5I |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-3976 | Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | 03/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FYJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-3984 | Canadian Journal of Animal Science | Canadian Science Publishing | 06/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | GCO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0714-7511 | Canadian Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology | Canadian Science Publishing | 05/01/1983 | 12/01/1985 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 92M7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0008-4026 | Canadian Journal of Botany | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/2007 | 04/01/2005 | 12/01/2007 | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35E |
Core | Academic Journal | 0706-652X | Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1990 | | 09/01/2002 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 34X |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-5067 | Canadian Journal of Forest Research | Canadian Science Publishing | 09/01/2005 | | 09/01/2005 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 34Z |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Canadian Journal of Genetics & Cytology | Canadian Science Publishing | 02/01/1983 | 12/01/1986 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 92M8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4166 | Canadian Journal of Microbiology | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4212 | Canadian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology | Canadian Science Publishing | 10/01/2005 | | 10/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Canada | Available Now | 34Y |
Core | Academic Journal | 0706-0661 | Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4220 | Canadian Journal of Plant Science | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | GCU |
Core | Magazine | 0008-4271 | Canadian Journal of Soil Science | Canadian Science Publishing | 05/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | GCV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0008-4301 | Canadian Journal of Zoology | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/1983 | | 08/01/2002 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35C |
Core | Academic Journal | 0092-8674 | Cell | Cell Press | 08/11/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CEL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0009-0352 | Cereal Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | M4J |
Core | Academic Journal | 1527-8999 | Chemical Record | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0275-7540 | Chemistry & Ecology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J22 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2191-1363 | ChemistryOpen | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FT2J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0103-8478 | Ciência Rural | Ciencia Rural | 07/01/2002 | | 07/01/2002 | | | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 1CKH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0748-3007 | Cladistics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L0K |
Core | Academic Journal | 0091-7451 | Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | 01/01/1988 | 01/31/2019 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0010-5422 | Condor | Oxford University Press | 05/01/1983 | 11/30/2013 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CND |
Core | Academic Journal | 0888-8892 | Conservation Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FQU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0045-8511 | Copeia | American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists | 02/01/1983 | 12/31/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 47T |
Core | Magazine | 1544-1644 | Corn & Soybean Digest | Penton Media, Inc. | 03/03/2004 | 12/31/2018 | 03/03/2004 | 12/31/2018 | | | United States of America | Available Now | Q4W |
Priority | Magazine | 1544-1644 | Corn & Soybean Digest. | Penton Media, Inc. | 04/01/2003 | 04/03/2004 | 04/01/2003 | 04/03/2004 | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9MG |
Priority | Magazine | 0010-8901 | Cornell Veterinarian | Cornell Veterinarian, Inc. | 04/01/1983 | 10/01/1993 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92MQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-9238 | Critical Reviews in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1AU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0738-8551 | Critical Reviews in Biotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/21/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1AW |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-841X | Critical Reviews in Microbiology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/21/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1B2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1518-7853 | Crop Breeding & Applied Biotechnology | Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | Y | Brazil | Available Now | 45XW |
Priority | Magazine | 0264-3049 | Crop Research | Scottish Academic Press | 05/01/1983 | 11/01/1989 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0011-183X | Crop Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CSE |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1364-6559 | Crops | Reed Business Information Limited | 06/22/2002 | 09/01/2011 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2153-9553 | Culture, Agriculture, Food & Environment | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2011 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDDB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1758-0463 | Database: The Journal of Biological Databases & Curation | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8ONH |
Core | Trade Publication | 0011-8036 | Delta Farm Press | Penton Media, Inc. | 11/01/2002 | | 11/01/2002 | 01/06/2012 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19H |
Core | Academic Journal | 0950-1991 | Development (09501991) | Company of Biologists Ltd. | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0012-1606 | Developmental Biology | Academic Press | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVB |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-8388 | Developmental Dynamics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | 09/30/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OB7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-249X | Diatom Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/08/2015 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8X1 |
Core | Magazine | 0012-7337 | DVM: The Newsmagazine of Veterinary Medicine | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 03/01/1999 | 12/31/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DVM |
Core | Magazine | 1943-345X | Earth | American Geosciences Institute | 01/01/2010 | 04/30/2019 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8B7Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 0197-9337 | Earth Surface Processes & Landforms | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KQI |
Core | Academic Journal | 2328-4277 | Earth's Future | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G5GD |
Priority | Podcasts | | Earthsky (Web Site) | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/2007 | 01/01/2009 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BRNN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1936-0584 | Ecohydrology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2011 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDBQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 2993-7965 | Ecological & Evolutionary Physiology | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/2024 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NF30 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0307-6946 | Ecological Entomology | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EU4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0012-9615 | Ecological Monographs | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EMG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0012-9658 | Ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ECL |
Core | Academic Journal | 2045-7758 | Ecology & Evolution (20457758) | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FT2S |
Core | Academic Journal | 0013-0001 | Economic Botany | Springer Nature | 07/01/1983 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | 48X |
Core | Academic Journal | 1195-6860 | Ecoscience (Ecoscience) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1BSB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0261-4189 | EMBO Journal | Springer Nature | 08/01/1989 | 12/17/2008 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1VT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1469-221X | EMBO Reports | Springer Nature | 07/01/2000 | 10/31/2006 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | N5C |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-9157 | Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/1982 | 06/05/2004 | 01/01/1991 | 06/05/2004 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ENV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0098-8472 | Environmental & Experimental Botany | Elsevier B.V. | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JE1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0893-6692 | Environmental & Molecular Mutagenesis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OBG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0376-8929 | Environmental Conservation | Cambridge University Press | 03/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FZR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0046-225X | Environmental Entomology | Oxford University Press | 04/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KRC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1758-2229 | Environmental Microbiology Reports | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8W7O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0269-7491 | Environmental Pollution | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1987 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JE4 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0143-1471 | Environmental Pollution Series A: Ecological & Biological | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | 01/11/1986 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | M7L |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-9351 | Environmental Research | Academic Press | 01/01/1997 | 07/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KZQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1181-8700 | Environmental Reviews | Canadian Science Publishing | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | 12 | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35I |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0013-936X | Environmental Science & Technology | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1996 | 05/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EVS |
Core | Academic Journal | 1559-2294 | Epigenetics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 44TT |
Core | Academic Journal | 1736-602X | Estonian Journal of Ecology | Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2014 | 03/01/2008 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Estonia | Available Now | 56RZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0394-9370 | Ethology Ecology & Evolution | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 65MB |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0014-2956 | European Journal of Biochemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/15/1996 | 12/11/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7ZX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0967-0262 | European Journal of Phycology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7XV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1351-0754 | European Journal of Soil Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1994 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 80W |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-1587 | European Review of Agricultural Economics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0FG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0014-3820 | Evolution | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EVO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0014-4797 | Experimental Agriculture | Cambridge University Press | 07/01/1983 | 10/31/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7XY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0014-4827 | Experimental Cell Research | Academic Press | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1VZ |
Priority | Magazine | 0014-5637 | FAO Plant Protection Bulletin | Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 01/01/1982 | 01/03/1988 | | | | | Italy | Available Now | 92NM |
Core | Trade Publication | 0892-8312 | Farm Industry News | Penton Media, Inc. | 03/01/1999 | 04/30/2017 | 03/01/1999 | 04/30/2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19L |
Core | Trade Publication | 0014-8474 | Farmers Weekly | Mark Allen Holdings Limited | 06/14/2002 | 02/29/2020 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IHQ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0892-6638 | FASEB Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1987 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GN |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1742-464X | FEBS Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2005 | 03/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16DS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2211-5463 | FEBS Open Bio | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2011 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EGLC |
Priority | Conference Proceedings Collection | | Federation Proceedings (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology). | Book Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 06/01/1987 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9PF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-6496 | FEMS Microbiology Ecology | Oxford University Press / USA | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3KS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-1097 | FEMS Microbiology Letters | Oxford University Press / USA | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3KT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-6445 | FEMS Microbiology Reviews | Oxford University Press / USA | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3KU |
Core | Academic Journal | 1567-1356 | FEMS Yeast Research | Oxford University Press / USA | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JQU |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0378-4290 | Field Crops Research | Elsevier Science | 08/01/1990 | 02/10/2009 | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3KV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0363-2415 | Fisheries | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1989 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M7Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-0656 | Fishery Bulletin | National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration | 10/01/1989 | | 07/01/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOU |
Priority | Magazine | 0046-4384 | Food & Nutrition (Washington, D.C.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 08/01/1993 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9PO |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0306-9192 | Food Policy | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 05/01/1983 | 02/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JF9 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0015-6639 | Food Technology | Institute of Food Technologists | 01/01/1983 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FTK |
Priority | Academic Journal | | Foreign Agriculture | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/1988 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3NO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-1127 | Forest Ecology & Management | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3L1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0015-749X | Forest Science | Springer Nature | 06/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | M84 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1071-5762 | Free Radical Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J32 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0046-5070 | Freshwater Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EV2 |
Priority | Magazine | 0191-3999 | Garden (Bronx, N.Y.). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 11/01/1990 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Q6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0308-5457 | Garden (London, England). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/1989 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9Q7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0378-1119 | Gene | Elsevier Science | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 1W9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0890-9369 | Genes & Development | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | 01/01/1996 | 06/30/2017 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1GP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0016-6723 | Genetical Research | Cambridge University Press | 02/01/1983 | 04/01/1989 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9QD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-6731 | Genetics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | 10/09/2004 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GNT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0831-2796 | Genome | Canadian Science Publishing | 02/01/1987 | | 04/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Canada | Available Now | 35J |
Priority | Trade Publication | 1536-7495 | Genomics & Proteomics | Advantage Business Media | 11/01/2001 | 04/01/2006 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HZ4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0016-7568 | Geological Magazine | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GLM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0956-540X | Geophysical Journal International | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F0F |
Priority | Magazine | 0017-114X | Gleanings in Bee Culture | A.I. Root Co. | 03/01/1983 | 05/01/1989 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92O2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2054-4200 | Global Health, Epidemiology & Genomics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JVXH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1744-6961 | Grassland Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2005 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1720 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2152-3878 | Greenhouse Gases: Science & Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDC0 |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0017-4688 | Grounds Maintenance | Penton Media, Inc. | 11/01/2002 | 10/01/2006 | 11/01/2002 | 10/01/2006 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19N |
Priority | Book / Monograph | | Growth | Book Collection (Sage) | 01/15/1983 | 10/15/1987 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7416 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1041-1232 | Growth, Development & Aging | Growth Publishing Company Inc. | 01/15/1988 | 07/15/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 27E |
Core | Trade Publication | 0891-5946 | Hay & Forage Grower (Penton Media, Inc.) | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2014 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-067X | Heredity | Springer Nature | 02/01/1983 | 12/31/2015 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F0H |
Core | Magazine | 0018-5329 | Horticulture | Active Interest Media, Inc. | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HOR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-5345 | HortScience | American Society for Horticultural Science | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QO8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0018-7143 | Human Biology | Wayne State University Press | 02/01/1983 | | 06/01/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HUB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0964-6906 | Human Molecular Genetics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1998 | 09/30/2001 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CSZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1934-4392 | Human-Wildlife Conflicts | Jack H. Berryman Institute | 04/15/2007 | 10/15/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B61A |
Core | Academic Journal | 2155-3858 | Human-Wildlife Interactions | Jack H. Berryman Institute | 09/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 92OH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0885-6087 | Hydrological Processes | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KPD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0019-1019 | Ibis | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K8N |
Core | Academic Journal | 1054-3139 | ICES Journal of Marine Science / Journal du Conseil | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1991 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L17 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2766-1512 | Ichthyology & Herpetology | American Society of Ichthyologists & Herpetologists | 01/01/2021 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MPHM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0818-9641 | Immunology & Cell Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FRK |
Priority | Magazine | | In Practice | Australian Studies Teachers Association | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/1989 | | | | | Australia | Available Now | INP |
Core | Academic Journal | 1540-7063 | Integrative & Comparative Biology | Oxford University Press | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K89 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0164-7954 | International Journal of Acarology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/30/2008 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 65MA |
Core | Academic Journal | 1364-727X | International Journal of Dairy Technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2001 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F0L |
Core | Academic Journal | 0306-7319 | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J3M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-5893 | International Journal of Plant Sciences | University of Chicago Press | 03/01/1992 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IPS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0020-7608 | International Journal of Quantum Chemistry | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5A7 |
Priority | Magazine | 0020-8256 | International Pest Control | Research Information Ltd. | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/1989 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KQD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1077-8306 | Invertebrate Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1995 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QO5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1531-0353 | Irrigation & Drainage | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8P |
Core | Academic Journal | 1471-0358 | Journal of Agrarian Change | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | D89 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1074-0708 | Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics (Cambridge University Press) | Cambridge University Press | 03/01/2016 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IQRO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1187-7863 | Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | KQH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8561 | Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry | American Chemical Society | 01/01/1983 | 05/16/2018 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1BL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-857X | Journal of Agricultural Economics | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QNZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1043-3309 | Journal of Agricultural Economics Research | United States Department of Agriculture | 10/15/1987 | 10/15/1994 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 24WZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-8634 | Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research | Academic Press | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | P6B |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8596 | Journal of Agricultural Science | Cambridge University Press | 04/01/1973 | 12/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7Y2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8790 | Journal of Animal Ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 81J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-8812 | Journal of Animal Science | Oxford University Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JIC |
Core | Academic Journal | 1060-3271 | Journal of AOAC International | Oxford University Press | 09/01/1992 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4BJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1088-8705 | Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7M6 |
Priority | Magazine | 0021-8847 | Journal of Applied Bacteriology | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/1982 | 12/01/1996 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M8W |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0021-8901 | Journal of Applied Ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/1983 | 12/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 81O |
Core | Academic Journal | 1364-5072 | Journal of Applied Microbiology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2VJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 8750-7587 | Journal of Applied Physiology | American Physiological Society | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 15U |
Core | Academic Journal | 1056-6171 | Journal of Applied Poultry Research | Elsevier B.V. | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 91NK |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0278-5226 | Journal of Arboriculture | International Society of Arboriculture | 01/01/1983 | 11/01/2005 | 05/01/1999 | 11/01/2003 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9193 | Journal of Bacteriology | American Society for Microbiology | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BAC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0233-111X | Journal of Basic Microbiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OLJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1095-6670 | Journal of Biochemical & Molecular Toxicology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O5V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-924X | Journal of Biochemistry | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3O2O |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0305-0270 | Journal of Biogeography | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1996 | 12/01/2008 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EV5 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9258 | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Elsevier B.V. | 01/10/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1H1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0168-1656 | Journal of Biotechnology | Elsevier Science | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 3M8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0373-6687 | Journal of Bryology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2003 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PK9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1303-3646 | Journal of Cell & Molecular Biology | Halic University | 01/01/2002 | 12/01/2014 | 01/01/2002 | 12/01/2014 | | Y | Türkiye | Available Now | QBV |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9525 | Journal of Cell Biology | Rockefeller University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JCB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9533 | Journal of Cell Science | Company of Biologists Ltd. | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1582-1838 | Journal of Cellular & Molecular Medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 34U9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0021-9541 | Journal of Cellular Physiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OCD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0886-9383 | Journal of Chemometrics | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 58Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 0735-7036 | Journal of Comparative Psychology | American Psychological Association | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JCY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0299 | Journal of Dairy Research | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G00 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0302 | Journal of Dairy Science | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QO1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0477 | Journal of Ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0493 | Journal of Economic Entomology | Oxford University Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KNG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0738-2898 | Journal of Environmental Horticulture | Horticultural Research Institute | 03/01/1996 | 12/31/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0301-4797 | Journal of Environmental Management | Academic Press | 02/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EMJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0047-2425 | Journal of Environmental Quality | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | 07/31/2020 | 01/01/1997 | 11/01/2011 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KNY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1041-2905 | Journal of Essential Oil Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/02/2009 | | 01/02/2009 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VB4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1066-5234 | Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2VK |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0949 | Journal of Experimental Biology | Company of Biologists Ltd. | 03/01/1983 | 09/30/2019 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EXB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-0957 | Journal of Experimental Botany | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIP |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-104X | Journal of Experimental Zoology | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 03/01/1983 | 04/15/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4BY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1112 | Journal of Fish Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KZW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0362-028X | Journal of Food Protection | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | 12/31/2022 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1147 | Journal of Food Science (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LVE1 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1147 | Journal of Food Science (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FOS |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1201 | Journal of Forestry | Springer Nature | 06/01/1973 | | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | D4V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0270-5060 | Journal of Freshwater Ecology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KOC |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1287 | Journal of General Microbiology | Microbiology Society | 12/01/1982 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92PA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1295 | Journal of General Physiology | Rockefeller University Press | 05/01/1983 | 12/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GPH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1503 | Journal of Heredity | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HDT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1511 | Journal of Herpetology | Society for the Study of Amphibians & Reptiles | 03/01/1996 | | 06/01/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOS |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-1589 | Journal of Horticultural Science | Headley Brothers Ltd. | 04/01/1983 | 11/01/1997 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92PD |
Core | Academic Journal | 1462-0316 | Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOH |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1767 | Journal of Immunology | American Association of Immunologists | 08/01/1989 | 06/30/2021 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JIM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-1910 | Journal of Insect Physiology | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KGS |
Core | Academic Journal | 2053-9711 | Journal of Law & the Biosciences | Oxford University Press | 04/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GDPU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2372 | Journal of Mammalogy | Oxford University Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MAM |
Core | Magazine | 0022-2402 | Journal of Marine Research | Journal of Marine Research | 01/01/1996 | 11/01/2017 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MAR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2836 | Journal of Molecular Biology | Academic Press | 08/05/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L00 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-2844 | Journal of Molecular Evolution | Springer Nature | 03/01/1983 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | O6I |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-2895 | Journal of Motor Behavior | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2001 | 10/01/2009 | 12/01/2001 | 10/01/2009 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MBH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0009-2258 | Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia) | Lloyd Library & Museum | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/1989 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | D9UI |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-300X | Journal of Nematology | Sciendo | 04/01/1983 | 04/01/1989 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 92PJ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0270-6474 | Journal of Neuroscience | Society for Neuroscience | 01/01/1996 | 12/16/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1Z2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3166 | Journal of Nutrition | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/2023 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NUI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3360 | Journal of Paleontology | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JTO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3395 | Journal of Parasitology | KnowledgeWorks Global, Ltd | 12/01/1982 | | 02/01/1998 | | 6 | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-3751 | Journal of Physiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G05 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0142-7873 | Journal of Plankton Research | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5U |
Core | Academic Journal | 1742-9145 | Journal of Plant Interactions | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W5O |
Core | Academic Journal | 0190-4167 | Journal of Plant Nutrition | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KUV |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-3921 | Journal of Protozoology | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1983 | 11/01/1992 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92PL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-8179 | Journal of Quaternary Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 59J |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-409X | Journal of Range Management | Society for Range Management | 01/01/1983 | 11/10/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KPA |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4251 | Journal of Reproduction & Fertility | Bioscientifica | 09/01/1989 | 11/01/2000 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1HF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-4561 | Journal of Soil & Water Conservation | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1983 | 05/31/2020 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JSW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-4588 | Journal of Soil Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1983 | 12/01/1993 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | M2P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0587-2871 | Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association | American Animal Hospital Association | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QO0 |
Priority | Magazine | 1547-3317 | Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association (Online). | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 11/01/2003 | 11/01/2011 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D9UZ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0002-8223 | Journal of the American Dietetic Association | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1983 | 11/01/2011 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ADA |
Core | Magazine | 0003-1062 | Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science | American Society for Horticultural Science | 01/01/1983 | 09/30/2016 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | QOY |
Core | Academic Journal | 0003-1488 | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | American Veterinary Medical Association | 01/15/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QOA |
Priority | Magazine | 0004-2625 | Journal of the Arnold Arboretum | Harvard University | 07/01/1983 | 04/01/1989 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92PP |
Core | Academic Journal | 2769-3295 | Journal of the ASABE | American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers | 11/01/2021 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MUAE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0004-5756 | Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists | AOAC International | 03/01/1983 | 11/01/1991 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 92PR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-5010 | Journal of the History of Biology | Springer Nature | 04/15/1983 | | 10/02/2008 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | 41U |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0025-3154 | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Cambridge University Press | 05/01/1983 | 02/01/1989 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G07 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-5142 | Journal of the Science of Food & Agriculture | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | 04/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8FX |
Core | Academic Journal | 0893-8849 | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1WQR |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-538X | Journal of Virology | American Society for Microbiology | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16D |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-3558 | Journal of Wildlife Diseases | Wildlife Disease Association, Inc. | 10/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | M34 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0022-541X | Journal of Wildlife Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JWM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0952-8369 | Journal of Zoology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7Y7 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0022-5460 | Journal of Zoology (00225460) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | 12/01/1986 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | D9VT |
Priority | Magazine | 0023-1746 | Kiplinger Agriculture Letter (Database) | Future Publishing Ltd. | 03/22/2002 | 10/10/2008 | 06/13/2003 | 10/10/2008 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HA7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1085-3278 | Land Degradation & Development | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KQ7 |
Core | Trade Publication | 0894-1254 | Landscape Management | North Coast Media, LLC | 03/01/1999 | | 03/01/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LSM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-1164 | Lethaia | H. Aschehoug & Co. (W. Nygaard) AS | 08/31/2000 | | | | | Y | Norway | Available Now | BAF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-3205 | Life Sciences | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JMB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0024-3590 | Limnology & Oceanography | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4D9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1539-607X | Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2WZN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1541-5856 | Limnology & Oceanography, Methods | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2014 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2WZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-7235 | Luminescence: Journal of Biological & Chemical Luminescence | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O8Z |
Core | Academic Journal | 1942-5120 | Marine & Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management & Ecosystem Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AZYR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1755-2672 | Marine Biodiversity Records | BioMed Central | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2021 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AYT9 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0025-3162 | Marine Biology | Springer Nature | 02/01/1983 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | MRB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0090-1830 | Marine Fisheries Review | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1989 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MFH |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0163-1411 | Massachusetts Law Review. | Journal Collection (H.W. Wilson) | 10/15/2003 | 10/15/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | D9XE |
Core | Academic Journal | 2041-210X | Methods in Ecology & Evolution | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2012 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDCF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0095-3628 | Microbial Ecology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1997 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | O6M |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0146-0749 | Microbiological Reviews | American Society for Microbiology | 03/01/1983 | 12/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MIV |
Core | Academic Journal | 1092-2172 | Microbiology & Molecular Biology Reviews | American Society for Microbiology | 03/01/1997 | 12/01/2018 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1SK |
Core | Academic Journal | 1350-0872 | Microbiology (13500872) | Microbiology Society | 01/01/1994 | 06/01/2011 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N2R |
Core | Academic Journal | 2470-1394 | Mitochondrial DNA. Part A | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2016 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K61A |
Core | Academic Journal | 0270-7306 | Molecular & Cellular Biology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15Y |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0026-8925 | Molecular & General Genetics MGG | Springer Nature | 08/01/1989 | 02/01/2001 | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 21J |
Core | Academic Journal | 0026-8933 | Molecular Biology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 11/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | GK3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1617-4615 | Molecular Genetics & Genomics | Springer Nature | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | NS7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0267-8357 | Mutagenesis | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5X |
Core | Academic Journal | 0027-5514 | Mycologia | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1983 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOW |
Core | Trade Publication | 0027-9447 | National Hog Farmer | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/15/2002 | 10/30/2017 | 01/15/2002 | 10/30/2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-8339 | Native Plants Journal (University of Wisconsin Press) | University of Wisconsin Press | 04/16/2011 | | 04/16/2011 | | 12 | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BE4N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0028-0836 | Nature | Springer Nature | 01/04/1996 | 11/30/2015 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NAE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1087-0156 | Nature Biotechnology | Springer Nature | 03/01/1996 | | 11/01/1998 | 08/02/2003 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4ED |
Core | Academic Journal | 1465-7392 | Nature Cell Biology | Springer Nature | 05/01/1999 | 11/30/2015 | 05/01/1999 | 11/30/2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DZY |
Core | Academic Journal | 1061-4036 | Nature Genetics | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | 11/30/2015 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1HH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1740-1526 | Nature Reviews Microbiology | Springer Nature | 05/01/2004 | 12/31/2015 | 05/01/2004 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UND |
Core | Academic Journal | 1545-9993 | Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | Springer Nature | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2015 | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2015 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VRQ |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0028-8233 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/1989 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G9M |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-2055 | North American Journal of Aquaculture | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QO2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0275-5947 | North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/15/1989 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QO4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0305-1048 | Nucleic Acids Research | Oxford University Press | 05/01/2001 | 05/31/2001 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CS8 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0271-5317 | Nutrition Research | Elsevier B.V. | 08/01/1989 | 03/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KI3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0954-4224 | Nutrition Research Reviews | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LZF |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-6643 | Nutrition Reviews | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | NUV |
Core | Academic Journal | 2675-2824 | Ocean & Coastal Research | Instituto Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Brazil | Available Now | N5CE |
Priority | Magazine | 0029-8174 | Oceans | Oceans | 01/01/1983 | 03/01/1989 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | OCE |
Core | Magazine | 0029-8182 | Oceanus | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution | 06/01/1989 | | 03/01/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | OCU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0029-8549 | Oecologia | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/02/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | NZ9 |
Priority | Magazine | 1536-108X | OG (Emmaus, PA.) (1536108X) | Rodale Inc. | 09/01/2001 | 03/01/2003 | 11/01/2002 | 03/01/2003 | | | United States of America | Available Now | DA0E |
Core | Magazine | 1537-4246 | Onearth | Natural Resources Defense Council | 04/15/2002 | 05/30/2020 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | I04 |
Core | Magazine | 1536-108X | Organic Gardening | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 12/02/2011 | 03/31/2015 | 12/02/2011 | 03/31/2015 | | | United States of America | Available Now | PU8 |
Priority | Magazine | 0897-3792 | Organic Gardening (08973792) | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 07/01/1989 | 07/01/2001 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2EZO |
Core | Academic Journal | 2732-4621 | Ornithological Applications | Oxford University Press | 02/01/2021 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MNR3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 2732-4613 | Ornithology (Oxford University Press) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2021 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MNR2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-5982 | Perspectives in Biology & Medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 07/15/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PGY |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1526-498X | Pest Management Science | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2000 | 03/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LZW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0048-3575 | Pesticide Biochemistry & Physiology | Academic Press | 02/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L07 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0031-613X | Pesticide Science | John Wiley & Sons | 02/01/1983 | 12/01/1999 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KRG |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-9317 | Physiologia Plantarum | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FS6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1522-2152 | Physiological & Biochemical Zoology | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2023 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EW2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-9333 | Physiological Reviews | American Physiological Society | 04/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PYR |
Priority | Magazine | 0031-935X | Physiological Zoology | University of Chicago Press | 04/01/1983 | 11/01/1998 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 4FT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-9422 | Phytochemistry | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JKD |
Core | Academic Journal | 0031-949X | Phytopathology | American Phytopathological Society | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QO6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-0781 | Plant & Cell Physiology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N60 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-079X | Plant & Soil | Springer Nature | 01/01/1982 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | KRJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 1126-3504 | Plant Biosystems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2004 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | V1S |
Core | Academic Journal | 1467-7644 | Plant Biotechnology Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F16 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1040-4651 | Plant Cell | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GTI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0191-2917 | Plant Disease | American Phytopathological Society | 12/01/1982 | 02/28/2019 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QO7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1755-0874 | Plant Ecology & Diversity | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2008 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 62BU |
Core | Academic Journal | 0735-9640 | Plant Molecular Biology Reporter | Springer Nature | 01/01/1983 | | 01/01/1983 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | PMB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-0862 | Plant Pathology | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F0V |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-0889 | Plant Physiology | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4FW |
Core | Academic Journal | 0913-557X | Plant Species Biology | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/1986 | | 04/01/1986 | | 12 | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FS8 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-0935 | Planta: An International Journal of Plant Biology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Germany | Available Now | O0F |
Core | Academic Journal | 1544-9173 | PLoS Biology | Public Library of Science | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RXN |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-7390 | PLoS Genetics | Public Library of Science | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 166Q |
Core | Academic Journal | 1553-7366 | PLoS Pathogens | Public Library of Science | 01/01/2006 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 166R |
Core | Academic Journal | 0032-5791 | Poultry Science | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOQ |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0032-5813 | Poultry World | Reed Business Information Limited | 07/01/2002 | 09/01/2011 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O4N |
Core | Academic Journal | 0027-8424 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | National Academy of Sciences | 08/01/1989 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCE |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0029-6651 | Proceedings of the Nutrition Society | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/1989 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 29M |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0033-0779 | Progressive Fish-Culturist | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1996 | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2H3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-5770 | Quarterly Review of Biology | University of Chicago Press | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QRB |
Core | Academic Journal | 0033-5894 | Quaternary Research | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2AW |
Core | Magazine | 1550-7424 | Rangeland Ecology & Management | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 16V4 |
Core | Academic Journal | 1550-7424 | Rangeland Ecology & Management (Elsevier Science) | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/2015 | 09/30/2015 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JDFE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1742-1705 | Renewable Agriculture & Food Systems | Cambridge University Press | 03/02/2004 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W35 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1470-1626 | Reproduction | Bioscientifica | 01/01/2001 | 03/01/2009 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOO |
Core | Academic Journal | 0179-5953 | Reviews of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology | Springer Nature | 01/01/1987 | | | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | QOT |
Core | Academic Journal | 0307-8698 | Ringing & Migration | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2008 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 65RH |
Core | Academic Journal | 1547-6286 | RNA Biology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/2004 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 44TZ |
Core | Magazine | 2377-2778 | Rodale's Organic Life | Hearst Magazines, a division of Hearst Communications, Inc. | 05/01/2015 | 03/31/2017 | 05/01/2015 | 03/31/2017 | | | United States of America | Available Now | HOU0 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0036-8075 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 01/05/1996 | 07/11/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SCI |
Priority | Magazine | 0036-8733 | Scientific American | Scientific American | 04/01/1996 | 07/01/2003 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | R61 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0960-2585 | Seed Science Research | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8N |
Priority | Magazine | 0199-9060 | Soil & Water Conservation News | USDA/ Soil Conservation Service | 01/01/1983 | 09/01/1992 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SWC |
Core | Academic Journal | 0038-0717 | Soil Biology & Biochemistry | Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2E8 |
Core | Magazine | 0038-075X | Soil Science | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 01/01/1983 | 06/30/2019 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2E6 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0361-5995 | Soil Science Society of America Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SIJ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0373-6245 | South African Geographical Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1995 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SGJ |
Core | Trade Publication | 0194-0937 | Southeast Farm Press | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/02/2002 | | 01/02/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1AH |
Core | Trade Publication | 0194-0945 | Southwest Farm Press | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/03/2002 | | 01/03/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1AI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0165-0521 | Studies on Neotropical Fauna & Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EIR |
Core | Academic Journal | 1063-5157 | Systematic Biology | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1992 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2F3 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0363-6445 | Systematic Botany | American Society of Plant Taxonomists | 07/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F2 |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0039-7989 | Systematic Zoology | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1983 | 12/01/1991 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92SL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1477-2000 | Systematics & Biodiversity | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8OI2 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0040-0262 | Taxon | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QOL |
Core | Academic Journal | 1556-9543 | Toxin Reviews | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2005 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1GV7 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0002-8487 | Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2HW |
Priority | Academic Journal | 0003-0023 | Transactions of the American Microscopical Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/1983 | 10/01/1994 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 92SX |
Core | Academic Journal | 2151-0032 | Transactions of the ASABE | American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers | 03/01/2006 | 12/31/2021 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 92SY |
Priority | Magazine | 0001-2351 | Transactions of the ASAE | American Society of Agricultural & Biological Engineers | 01/01/1983 | 01/01/2006 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2HT |
Core | Academic Journal | 2154-1264 | Transcription (2154-1264) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 08/25/2011 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B2I1 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0829-318X | Tree Physiology | Oxford University Press | 06/01/1986 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O0P |
Core | Academic Journal | 0041-3216 | Tropical Agriculture | University of the West Indies, Faculty of Food & Agriculture | 07/01/1983 | | | | | Y | Trinidad & Tobago | Available Now | 2HI |
Core | Academic Journal | 0394-6975 | Tropical Zoology | PAGEPress | 07/30/2008 | | | | | Y | Italy | Available Now | 65T0 |
Core | Academic Journal | 8750-7943 | Veterinary Medicine | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 13E |
Priority | Trade Publication | 0042-4889 | Veterinary Medicine & Small Animal Clinician | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 01/01/1983 | 12/01/1984 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 92TE |
Core | Academic Journal | 1058-8183 | Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound | Wiley-Blackwell | 05/01/2004 | 11/30/2006 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0PL |
Core | Academic Journal | 0042-4900 | Veterinary Record: Journal of the British Veterinary Association | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/04/1982 | 04/04/2016 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2GR |
Core | Magazine | 2469-3987 | Vetted | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2021 | 01/01/2016 | 01/31/2021 | | | United States of America | Available Now | KFTM |
Core | Academic Journal | 0042-6822 | Virology | Academic Press | 12/01/1982 | | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1YM |
Priority | Academic Journal | 1061-4303 | Water Environment Research (10614303) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1996 | 05/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2FZ |
Core | Academic Journal | 0083-7792 | Webbia: Journal of Plant Taxonomy & Geography | Firenze University Press | 11/01/2018 | 11/30/2019 | | | | Y | Italy | Available Now | FKRK |
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Priority | Academic Journal | 0043-1737 | Weed Research | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1983 | 02/01/2009 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2G5 |
Core | Trade Publication | 1525-1217 | Western Farm Press | Penton Media, Inc. | 12/04/2011 | | 12/04/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 19B |
Core | Trade Publication | 1073-5658 | Wildfire | Endeavor Business Media | 09/01/2002 | 11/30/2013 | 09/01/2002 | 11/30/2013 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MWA |
Core | Academic Journal | 0084-0173 | Wildlife Monographs | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/2009 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WLM |
Priority | Magazine | 0043-8391 | World Crops | Research Information Ltd. | 05/01/1982 | 03/01/1985 | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | M76 |
Core | Academic Journal | 0939-7140 | Zoology in the Middle East | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2008 | | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 65U0 |