*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Source Type | ISSN / ISBN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | Peer-Reviewed | PDF Images (full page) | Country | Availability* | MID |
Pamphlet | | 1999 Report on Cyberstalking: A New Challenge for Law Enforcement & Industry | US Department of Justice | 08/01/2000 | 12/31/2000 | 08/01/2000 | 12/31/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CIK |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | 48 Hours (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2000 | | 12/01/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB6 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | 60 Minutes (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/26/2000 | | 11/26/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB7 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | 60 Minutes II (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/28/2000 | 06/29/2005 | 11/28/2000 | 06/29/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB8 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Abrams Report (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 01/05/2005 | 07/05/2006 | 01/05/2005 | 07/05/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS4 |
Book / Monograph | 9781857285987 | Accident & Design | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/26/1996 | 10/26/1996 | 09/26/1996 | 10/26/1996 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13GJ |
Academic Journal | 0567-932X | Adelphi Papers | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2005 | 04/30/2008 | 03/01/2005 | 04/30/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | A9R |
Academic Journal | 1944-5571 | Adelphi Series | Routledge | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B3W7 |
Trade Publication | 1529-823X | Advisor Today | National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors Service Corporation | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7K3 |
Country Report | 1520-2070 | Afghanistan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT3 |
Academic Journal | 1569-2094 | African & Asian Studies | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2002 | | 02/01/2002 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | KHJ |
Academic Journal | 0002-0184 | African Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | 18 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35L |
Report | | Air Force Energy Conservation Handbook | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 01/01/1977 | 01/30/1977 | 01/01/1977 | 01/30/1977 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 398C |
Report | | ALARM 1.0-- Decision Support Software for Cost-Effective Compliance with Fire Safety Codes | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 12/01/1994 | 12/31/1994 | 12/01/1994 | 12/31/1994 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397A |
Report | | ALARM 2.0 User Manual: Minimizing Compliance Costs of the Life Safety Code for Prisons | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/2001 | 10/31/2001 | 10/01/2001 | 10/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3977 |
Country Report | 1520-2089 | Albania Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT4 |
Academic Journal | 0002-4678 | Albany Law Review | Albany Law Review | 09/01/1998 | | 09/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1X7 |
Country Report | 1520-2097 | Algeria Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT5 |
Academic Journal | 0304-3754 | Alternatives: Global, Local, Political | Sage Publications | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FXD |
Academic Journal | 1303-5525 | Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations | Department of International Relations at Yalova University | 01/01/2002 | 12/01/2015 | 01/01/2002 | 12/01/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVK |
SWOT Analysis | | American Family Insurance Group SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 04/01/2005 | 01/01/2016 | 04/01/2005 | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1818 |
Academic Journal | 1080-3920 | American Foreign Policy Interests | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2001 | 12/31/2015 | 02/01/2001 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J1N |
Academic Journal | 1066-2316 | American Journal of Criminal Justice | Springer Nature | 09/01/2002 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GYC |
Academic Journal | 0092-2315 | American Journal of Criminal Law | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 09/01/1997 | | 09/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6MM |
Academic Journal | 1465-7252 | American Law & Economics Review | Oxford University Press | 09/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BHJ |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | American Morning (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 12/30/2011 | 12/01/2005 | 12/30/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNAM |
SWOT Analysis | | American National Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 07/01/2005 | 07/16/2021 | 07/01/2005 | 07/16/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 260X |
Report | | Analysis of Cost-Sharing Programs for Pollution Abatement of Municipal Wastewater | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/1974 | 09/30/1974 | 09/01/1974 | 09/30/1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398K |
Report | | Analytical Approach to Cost-Effective, Risk-Based Budgeting for Federal Information System Security | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3972 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | | 12/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNAC |
Country Report | 1520-2100 | Andorra Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT6 |
Country Report | 1520-2119 | Angola Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT7 |
Law | | Anti-Discrimination | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SX0 |
Report | | Anti-Gay Initiatives | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SX1 |
Country Report | 1520-2127 | Antigua Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT8 |
Report | | Applications of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis to Homeland Security Issues in Constructed Facilities: A Case Study | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | 10/01/2003 | 10/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3976 |
Report | | Approach for Measuring Reductions in Construction Worker Illnesses & Injuries | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/2000 | 09/30/2000 | 09/01/2000 | 09/30/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398P |
Report | | Approach for Measuring Reductions in Delivery Time: Baseline Measures of Construction Industry Practices for the National Construction Goals | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397X |
Report | | Approach for Measuring Reductions in Operations, Maintenance & Energy Costs | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398O |
Country Report | 1520-2135 | Argentina Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DT9 |
Academic Journal | | Arizona Humanities Association Journal | International Journal of Humanities & Peace | 02/01/1984 | 02/28/1988 | 02/01/1984 | 02/28/1988 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1GOJ |
Country Report | 1520-2143 | Armenia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTA |
SWOT Analysis | | Asahi Mutual Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2006 | 02/28/2006 | 02/01/2006 | 02/28/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 95G |
Academic Journal | 0306-8374 | Asian Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1974 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ASA |
Academic Journal | 0092-7678 | Asian Affairs: An American Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1985 | | 06/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AFF |
Industry Report | | ASPs in Insurance Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W89 |
Academic Journal | 1705-7299 | Assurances et Gestion des Risques | Universite Laval, Faculty of Business Administration | 10/01/2010 | | 10/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | FVQ |
Magazine | 0276-9077 | Atlantic (0276-9077) | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 04/01/1981 | 10/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 10/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ATL |
Magazine | 1072-7825 | Atlantic Monthly | Atlantic Media Group, LLC | 11/01/1993 | | 11/01/1993 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 161I |
Country Report | 1520-2151 | Australia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTB |
Country Report | 1520-216X | Austria Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTC |
Report | | AutoBid 2.0: The Microcomputer System for Police Patrol Vehicle Selection | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1996 | 02/28/1996 | 02/01/1996 | 02/28/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3979 |
Country Report | 1520-2178 | Azerbaijan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTD |
Country Report | 1049-5517 | Background Notes on Countries of the World 2003 | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/1986 | 12/31/2003 | 03/01/1992 | 12/31/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BKN |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Afghanistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 01/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCD |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Albania | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCK |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Algeria | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ3 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Andorra | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ4 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Antigua & Barbuda | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ5 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Argentina | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ6 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Armenia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ7 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Aruba | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 05/31/2010 | 08/01/2004 | 05/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Australia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJ9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Austria | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7E |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Azerbaijan | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJC |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bahrain | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJF |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Barbados | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJI |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Belarus | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJJ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Belize | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJK |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Benin | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJM |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bermuda | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJN |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bhutan | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/28/2010 | 11/01/2003 | 02/28/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SJR |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bolivia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SK9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Bosnia & Herzegovina | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7S |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Brazil | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKF |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Brunei Darussalam | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | 05/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKJ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Burkina Faso | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKL |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Burma | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 08/31/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 08/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKM |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Burundi | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SKX |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Cambodia | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SL0 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Cameroon | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SL1 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Canada | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SL2 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Cayman Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SL5 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Central African Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4H |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Chad | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SL6 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Chile | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLH |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Colombia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLR |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Comoros | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLU |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Costa Rica | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLX |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Cote d'Ivoire | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SM3 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Croatia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SM5 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Cuba | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SM8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Czech Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 02/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCR |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Democratic Republic of Congo | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SM9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7U |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Denmark | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMC |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Djibouti | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMO |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Dominica | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMQ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Dominican Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMS |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: East Timor | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | 05/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMX |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Ecuador | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMY |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Egypt | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SN8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: El Salvador | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SN9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Equatorial Guinea | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SNG |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6D |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Fiji | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SNH |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Finland | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SNK |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: France | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 02/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCJ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Gabon | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SNQ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Gambia | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SNT |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Georgia | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7F |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Germany | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SO0 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Greece | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W63 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Grenada | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SO5 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Guatemala | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SO9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Guinea | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SOQ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Guyana | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SP8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Haiti | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SP9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Honduras | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQ3 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Hong Kong | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQB |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Iceland | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 05/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQC |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Indonesia | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQG |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Iran | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQO |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Iraq | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQP |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Ireland | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQV |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Israel | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SQW |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Italy | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6F |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Jamaica | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7K |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Japan | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W62 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Jordan | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SR0 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kazakhstan | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 04/30/2009 | 06/01/2004 | 04/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SR1 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kenya | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SR7 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Belgium | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 02/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUL |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Nepal | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7T |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kingdom of Thailand | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUM |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kiribati | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SR9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kuwait | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRG |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Kyrgyzstan | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W68 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Laos | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRL |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Lebanon | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRQ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Lesotho | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRR |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Liberia | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SRZ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Libya | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SS0 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Liechtenstein | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SS4 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Luxembourg | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SS6 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Macau | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SS8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Macedonia | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W65 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Madagascar | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SS9 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Malawi | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSF |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Malaysia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSH |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Maldives | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSK |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Mali | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSU |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Malta | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 08/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6C |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Marshall Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSX |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Mauritania | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | 06/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ST2 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Mauritius | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | STV |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Mexico | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | STZ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Micronesia | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU0 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Monaco | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUN |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Mongolia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU1 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Morocco | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU2 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Nauru | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU3 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Netherlands | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU6 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Netherlands Antilles | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2010 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU7 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: New Zealand | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SU8 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Nicaragua | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SUW |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Nigeria | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SXU |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: North Korea | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SY2 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Norway | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T09 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Oman | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1L |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Pakistan | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 10/31/2010 | 01/01/2004 | 10/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7G |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Palau | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1N |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Panama | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1O |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Papua New Guinea | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1P |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Paraguay | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1Q |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: People's Republic of Bangladesh | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCB |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: People's Republic of China | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUP |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Peru | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1R |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Philippines | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1S |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Portugal | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1T |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Qatar | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1U |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Angola | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXU |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Botswana | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 07/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 07/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6A |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Bulgaria | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUO |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Cape Verde | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXW |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Congo | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1V |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Cyprus | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5Y |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Estonia | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W61 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Ghana | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXS |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Guinea-Bissau | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4G |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Hungary | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4D |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of India | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VUJ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Latvia | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5Z |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Lithuania | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6E |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Moldova | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2011 | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7W |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Mozambique | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 02/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5S |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Namibia | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W64 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Niger | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXT |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Poland | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4F |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Senegal | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4E |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Seychelles | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 07/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 07/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXR |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Slovenia | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXX |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of the Sudan | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W66 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Turkey | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W69 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Uzbekistan | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z4I |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Republic of Zambia | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6B |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Romania | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6H |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Russia | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1W |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Rwanda | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1X |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Samoa | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1Y |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: San Marino | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T1Z |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Sao Tome & Principe | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T20 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Saudi Arabia | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T21 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Serbia & Montenegro | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2013 | 01/01/2004 | 04/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6E |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Sierra Leone | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T22 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Singapore | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T23 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Solomon Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T24 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Somalia | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T25 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: South Africa | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 07/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T26 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: South Korea | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W67 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Spain | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T27 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: St. Kitts & Nevis | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T28 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: St. Lucia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T29 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: St. Vincent & Grenadines | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2A |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: State of Eritrea | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VXV |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Suriname | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 06/30/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 06/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2B |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Swaziland | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 07/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2C |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Sweden | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 06/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2D |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Switzerland | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V6G |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Syria | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 10/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2E |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Taiwan | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2F |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Tajikistan | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2G |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Tanzania | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2H |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Commonwealth of the Bahamas | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | V7J |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Holy See | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 02/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VCQ |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: The Slovak Republic | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | 03/01/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W60 |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Togo | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 02/29/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2I |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Tonga | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2J |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Tunisia | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2L |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Turkmenistan | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2M |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Tuvalu | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | 12/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2N |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Uganda | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | 12/01/2003 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2O |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Ukraine | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2P |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: United Arab Emirates | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | 08/01/2004 | 12/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2Q |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: United Kingdom | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W6F |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Uruguay | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2R |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Vanuatu | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2S |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Venezuela | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | 08/01/2004 | 04/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2U |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Vietnam | Superintendent of Documents | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | 05/01/2004 | 01/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2V |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Yemen | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 03/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2W |
Country Report | | Background Notes on Countries of the World: Zimbabwe | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | 11/01/2003 | 10/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T2X |
Country Report | 1520-2186 | Bahamas Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTE |
Country Report | 1520-2194 | Bahrain Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTF |
Country Report | 1520-2208 | Bangladesh Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTG |
Academic Journal | | Bankruptcy Developments Journal | Emory University School of Law | 01/01/1984 | 09/30/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | BDJ |
Country Report | 1520-2216 | Barbados Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTH |
Report | | Baseline Measures for Improving Housing Durability | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/2002 | 09/30/2002 | 09/01/2002 | 09/30/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397O |
Report | | BEES 3.0: Building for Environmental & Economic Sustainability Technical Manual & User Guide | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/2002 | 10/31/2002 | 10/01/2002 | 10/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397N |
Country Report | 1520-2224 | Belarus Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTJ |
Country Report | 1520-2232 | Belgium Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTK |
Country Report | 1520-2240 | Belize Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTL |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Beltway Boys (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/25/2000 | 03/28/2009 | 11/25/2000 | 03/28/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX1 |
Report | | Benefit-Cost Analysis for the Modernization & Associated Restructuring of the National Weather Service | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1992 | 07/31/1992 | 07/01/1992 | 07/31/1992 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 397B |
Report | | Benefits & Cost Research: A Case Study of Construction Systems Integration & Automation Technologies in Industrial Facilities | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 06/01/2000 | 06/30/2000 | 06/01/2000 | 06/30/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397Q |
Report | | Benefits & Costs of Research: A Case Study of Cybernectic Building Systems | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 03/01/1999 | 03/31/1999 | 03/01/1999 | 03/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397V |
Report | | Benefits & Costs of Research: A Case Study of the Fire Safety Evaluation System | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3980 |
Report | | Benefits & Costs of Research: Two Case Studies in Building Technology | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397Z |
Magazine | 0703-7732 | Benefits Canada | Contex Group Inc. | 08/01/1997 | | | | | | | Canada | Available Now | 1JH |
Academic Journal | 0962-7898 | Benefits: The Journal of Poverty & Social Justice | Policy Press | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2009 | 01/01/2007 | 10/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N9T |
Country Report | 1520-2259 | Benin Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTN |
Academic Journal | 1544-9882 | Berkeley La Raza Law Journal | University of California School of Law | 09/01/2001 | 03/31/2014 | 09/01/2001 | 03/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 05B |
Academic Journal | | Berkeley Latine Journal of Law & Policy | University of California School of Law | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NF9Q |
Academic Journal | 1086-3818 | Berkeley Technology Law Journal | University of California School of Law | 07/01/1997 | | 05/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1L4 |
Academic Journal | 0882-4312 | Berkeley Women's Law Journal | University of California School of Law | 05/01/2000 | 12/31/2004 | 05/01/2000 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8IX |
Trade Publication | 1527-5914 | Best's Review | AM Best Company Inc. | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 73R |
Trade Publication | 0005-9706 | Best's Review / Life-Health Insurance Edition | AM Best Company Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BHL |
Trade Publication | 0161-7745 | Best's Review / Property-Casualty Insurance Edition | AM Best Company Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | 10/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BPC |
Country Report | 1520-2267 | Bhutan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTP |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Big Story with John Gibson (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/03/2003 | 07/01/2008 | 11/03/2003 | 07/01/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX9 |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Aerospace & Defense: Commercial & Defense Cycles Align for Growth | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 05/01/2005 | 05/02/2005 | 05/01/2005 | 05/02/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CCZ |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - At What Price Growth: Reinvestment Risk At Mid-decade | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 06/05/1995 | 06/30/1995 | 06/05/1995 | 06/30/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1JPF |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Consolidation & Structural Change in the Property-Casualty Insurance Industry | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 04/01/1997 | 04/02/1997 | 04/01/1997 | 04/02/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17NK |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Endgame in Credit Cards: Adverse Selection & Risk Management | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17IW |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Multiline Insurance Companies | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 07/24/1992 | 07/31/1992 | 07/24/1992 | 07/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1JQJ |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Non-Life Insurance 2002 Yearbook: Perverse Incentives | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 09/01/2002 | 09/02/2002 | 09/01/2002 | 09/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17K2 |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Non-Life Insurance 2003 10-K Reserve Analysis: Public Companies Gap to the Good | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 05/01/2004 | 05/02/2004 | 05/01/2004 | 05/02/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1698 |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Non-Life Insurance Reserve Adequacy: Down But Not Out | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 10/01/2003 | 10/02/2003 | 10/01/2003 | 10/02/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16FE |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Non-Life Insurance: Strong Reserve Adequacy & Profits, Even If Pricing Down | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 02/01/2005 | 02/02/2005 | 02/01/2005 | 02/02/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17UX |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Pharmaceutical Quarterly: Less Growth, More Risk, Lower Multiple | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 04/01/2002 | 04/02/2002 | 04/01/2002 | 04/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17JF |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Rate Risk & Fannie Mae: Growth At A Discount | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 12/28/1993 | 12/31/1993 | 12/28/1993 | 12/31/1993 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1JQA |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Specialty Property-casualty Insurance | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 10/12/1992 | 10/31/1992 | 10/12/1992 | 10/31/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1J98 |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Taking Advantage of What Life (Insurance) Has to Offer | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 06/01/2003 | 06/02/2003 | 06/01/2003 | 06/02/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16EP |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - The Mortgage Insurance Industry | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 01/01/1996 | 01/02/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/02/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17MD |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - The Mortgage Insurance Industry: From Growth to Value | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 03/01/2001 | 03/02/2001 | 03/01/2001 | 03/02/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17HU |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - The Private Passenger Auto Insurance Market | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 07/01/1996 | 07/02/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 07/02/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17MV |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - The Times, Are They A-Changin' for Non-Life Insurance? | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 09/01/2000 | 09/02/2000 | 09/01/2000 | 09/02/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17HC |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - U.S. Cards: Deregulation & Reinvestment Risk | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 05/01/2004 | 05/02/2004 | 05/01/2004 | 05/02/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 169C |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - U.S. Cards: From Risk-Based to Relationship Pricing | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 06/01/2005 | 06/02/2005 | 06/01/2005 | 06/02/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CCQ |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - U.S. Life Insurance: Countdown to Convergence | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 04/01/2002 | 04/02/2002 | 04/01/2002 | 04/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17JC |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Understanding the Property-Casualty Insurance Industry: An Introduction | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 09/01/1998 | 09/02/1998 | 09/01/1998 | 09/02/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17PW |
Market Research Report | | Black Book - Unlearn What You Have Learned: Post-Cycle Investing in Non-Life Insurance | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 08/01/2004 | 08/02/2004 | 08/01/2004 | 08/02/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 169S |
Country Report | 1520-2275 | Bolivia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTQ |
Country Report | 1520-2283 | Bosnia & Herzegovina Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTR |
Academic Journal | 0190-7034 | Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review | Boston College Law School | 01/01/1979 | 05/02/2017 | 01/01/1990 | 05/02/2017 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCE |
Country Report | 1520-2291 | Botswana Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTS |
Country Report | 1520-2305 | Brazil Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTT |
Academic Journal | 0273-0995 | Brief | American Bar Association | 10/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 9MK |
Academic Journal | 1930-5273 | Brigham Young University Education & Law Journal | Brigham Young University Law School | 03/01/1992 | | 03/01/1992 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BYJ |
Academic Journal | 0360-151X | Brigham Young University Law Review | Brigham Young University Law School | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BYL |
Academic Journal | 1353-0194 | British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BMS |
Academic Journal | 0007-2303 | Brookings Papers on Economic Activity | Johns Hopkins University Press | 03/01/1970 | | 03/01/1970 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BPE |
Magazine | 0745-1253 | Brookings Review | Brookings Institution Press | 03/01/1990 | 09/30/2003 | 03/01/1990 | 09/30/2003 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BRR |
Magazine | 1520-5479 | Brookings Trade Forum | Brookings Institution Press | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2008 | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N8E |
Academic Journal | 1098-3651 | Brookings-Wharton Papers on Financial Services | Brookings Institution Press | 01/01/2003 | 07/31/2004 | 01/01/2003 | 07/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N8F |
Academic Journal | 1080-0786 | Brown Journal of World Affairs | Brown Journal of World Affairs | 05/01/2002 | | 05/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JI8 |
Country Report | 1520-2313 | Brunei Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTU |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Buchanan & Press (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/03/2003 | 11/21/2003 | 11/03/2003 | 11/21/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS3 |
Report | 9781584870678 | Budget Policy & Fiscal Risk: Implications for Defense | Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College | 09/01/2001 | 09/02/2001 | 09/01/2001 | 09/02/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1VC0 |
Country Report | 1520-2321 | Bulgaria Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTW |
Academic Journal | | Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (1996) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1996 | 12/15/2001 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NEL4 |
Academic Journal | 1174-9857 | Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering | New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering Inc. | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | B7J6 |
Country Report | 1520-233X | Burkina Faso Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTX |
Country Report | 1520-2348 | Burundi Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTY |
Magazine | 0007-6864 | Business Insurance | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | 08/30/2016 | 09/09/1996 | 08/30/2016 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BIN |
Academic Journal | 1045-7798 | Business Library Review: An International Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1997 | 02/28/2000 | 02/01/1997 | 02/28/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8HD |
Book / Monograph | 9780736800457 | Buying Insurance | Capstone Press | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MQ5 |
Country Report | 1520-2356 | Cambodia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTZ |
Academic Journal | 0955-7571 | Cambridge Review of International Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2002 | | 04/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J1Y |
Country Report | 1520-2364 | Cameroon Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU0 |
Country Report | 1520-2372 | Canada Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU1 |
Academic Journal | 0163-6391 | Canada-United States Law Journal | Case Western Reserve University School of Law | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CUJ |
Trade Publication | 0008-5251 | Canadian Underwriter | Newcom Media Inc. | 10/01/2002 | | 10/01/2002 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 1PB |
Country Report | 1520-2380 | Cape Verde Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415075466 | Capitalism & Development (9780415075466) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/01/1994 | 10/01/1994 | 09/01/1994 | 10/01/1994 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 144B |
Book / Monograph | 9780415107624 | Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/31/1994 | 04/30/1994 | 03/31/1994 | 04/30/1994 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 147Z |
Magazine | 2152-8489 | Capitol Ideas | Council of State Governments | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B4ZW |
Academic Journal | 0008-7262 | Case Western Reserve Law Review | Case Western Reserve University School of Law | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWW |
SWOT Analysis | | Cathay Life Insurance Co., Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 04/01/2004 | 02/16/2016 | 04/01/2004 | 02/16/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | K6D |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with Dan Rather | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/22/2000 | 07/18/2005 | 11/22/2000 | 07/18/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB1 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with John Roberts | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/10/2000 | 05/20/2007 | 12/10/2000 | 05/20/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB2 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS Evening News with Katie Couric | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 05/15/2007 | | 05/15/2007 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB3 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CBS News Sunday Morning | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/26/2000 | | 11/26/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB4 |
Country Report | 1520-2399 | Central African Republic Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU3 |
Country Report | 1520-2402 | Chad Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU4 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Charlie Rose Show (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 11/17/2017 | 12/01/2005 | 11/17/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS8 |
Country Report | 1520-2429 | Chile Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU5 |
Country Report | | China Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YA |
Country Report | | China Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VZF |
Country Report | 1520-2437 | China Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU6 |
SWOT Analysis | | China Insurance Company, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2005 | 11/01/2014 | 11/01/2005 | 11/01/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VXU |
SWOT Analysis | | China Life Insurance Company, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 09/01/2004 | 09/30/2004 | 09/01/2004 | 09/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1541 |
Academic Journal | 0009-4609 | Chinese Law & Government | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 26R |
SWOT Analysis | | Churchill Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 03/01/2004 | 03/30/2004 | 03/01/2004 | 03/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | M2X |
Academic Journal | 1362-1025 | Citizenship Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 55Y |
Magazine | 0895-7991 | Claims | ALM Global LLC | 10/01/2004 | 06/03/2019 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EWG |
Academic Journal | 0007-8573 | CLU Journal | Society of Financial Service Professionals | 01/01/1967 | 12/31/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KTP |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 06/10/2005 | 01/28/2010 | 06/10/2005 | 01/28/2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-PF7 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNBC/Dow Jones Business Video Analyst Interview | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 07/19/2016 | 12/01/2005 | 07/19/2016 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-PF8 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Breaking News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 12/12/2017 | 12/01/2005 | 12/12/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNBN |
Video | | CNN Headline News: Primetime Justice with Ashleigh Banfield | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 10/26/2016 | 12/31/2018 | 10/26/2016 | 12/31/2018 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KJ9S |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN In The Money | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 07/07/2007 | 12/01/2005 | 07/07/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 01/11/2009 | 12/01/2005 | 01/11/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLE |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Event/Special | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | | 12/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNEV |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Saturday | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 10/07/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 10/07/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSA |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Sunday | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 09/17/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 09/17/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSU |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Live Today | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 08/30/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 08/30/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNTD |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Money Morning | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 10/28/2004 | 12/01/2005 | 10/28/2004 | 12/01/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FN20 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Presents | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 11/30/2013 | 12/01/2005 | 11/30/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNPR |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Reliable Sources | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 02/13/2022 | 12/01/2005 | 02/13/2022 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNRS |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Saturday Morning News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 06/15/2013 | 12/01/2005 | 06/15/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Saturday Night News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 09/16/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 09/16/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSN |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Sunday Morning News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 05/19/2013 | 12/01/2005 | 05/19/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNUM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | CNN Sunday Night News | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 09/22/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 09/22/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNUN |
SWOT Analysis | | Co-operative Insurance Society, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | OZ7 |
Academic Journal | 2331-1975 | Cogent Business & Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2014 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JX4N |
Country Report | | Colombia Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YB |
Country Report | | Colombia Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W48 |
Country Report | 1520-2445 | Colombia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU7 |
Book / Monograph | 9781854180667 | Commercial Due Diligence -- Techniques for Minimising the Risks of Acquisitions | Thorogood Publishing Ltd. | 10/01/1996 | 10/31/1996 | 10/01/1996 | 10/31/1996 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VSM |
Magazine | 0888-8000 | Commercial Law Bulletin | Commercial Law League of America | 11/01/1996 | 10/31/2004 | 11/01/1996 | 10/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0IJ |
Academic Journal | 0010-3055 | Commercial Law Journal | Commercial Law League of America | 06/01/1996 | 08/31/2002 | 06/01/1996 | 08/31/2002 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWA |
Magazine | | Commercial Law World | Commercial Law League of America | 07/01/2011 | | 07/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FD5M |
Academic Journal | 1081-1680 | Communication Law & Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7LN |
Country Report | 1520-2453 | Comoros Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU8 |
Book / Monograph | 9781402018961 | Comparative Risk Assessment & Environmental Decision Making | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C2V |
Academic Journal | 0149-5933 | Comparative Strategy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CSY |
Academic Journal | 1089-201X | Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, & the Middle East | Duke University Press | 04/01/2004 | | 04/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6YX |
Book / Monograph | 9780415244169 | Competing Economic Theories | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/14/2002 | 04/13/2002 | 03/14/2002 | 04/13/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13N8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415929042 | Complex Inequality | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 06/14/2001 | 07/14/2001 | 06/14/2001 | 07/14/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13JA |
Academic Journal | 1467-8802 | Conflict, Security & Development | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RF2 |
Country Report | 1520-2461 | Congo, DRC Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DU9 |
Country Report | 1520-2488 | Congo, RC Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUA |
Academic Journal | 0734-3469 | Congress & the Presidency | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1981 | | 03/01/1981 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CTP |
Magazine | 0010-5899 | Congressional Digest | Congressional Digest Corp | 10/01/1921 | | 10/01/1921 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CGD |
Report | | Congressional Research Service: Issue Brief | US Congressional Research Service | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2005 | 12/01/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CAR |
Report | 0731-7069 | Congressional Research Service: Report | US Congressional Research Service | 08/14/1992 | | 08/14/1992 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CAQ |
Academic Journal | 0378-1100 | Contemporary Crises | Springer Nature | 01/01/1977 | 12/31/1990 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 5O6 |
Academic Journal | 1028-2580 | Contemporary Justice Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VQ |
Academic Journal | 1352-3260 | Contemporary Security Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RHJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780415252966 | Controlling a New Migration World | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/16/2001 | 09/15/2001 | 08/16/2001 | 09/15/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13ML |
Book / Monograph | 9780415928045 | Controversy & Coalition | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 10/19/2000 | 11/18/2000 | 10/19/2000 | 11/18/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13JE |
Report | | Cost Conscious Guide to Fire Safety in Health Care Facilities | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 12/01/1982 | 12/31/1982 | 12/01/1982 | 12/31/1982 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397F |
Report | | Cost Sharing as an Incentive to Attain the Objectives of Shoreline Protection | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 01/01/1973 | 01/31/1973 | 01/01/1973 | 01/31/1973 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398N |
Report | | Cost-Effective Responses to Terrorist Risks in Constructed Facilities | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2004 | 03/01/2004 | 03/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3975 |
Country Report | 1520-2496 | Costa Rica Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUB |
Country Report | 1520-250X | Cote d'Ivoire Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUC |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Countdown (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 01/21/2011 | 12/01/2005 | 01/21/2011 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS5 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Afghanistan | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FY8Y |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Laos | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBA |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Latvia | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCR |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Lebanon | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBB |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Libya | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBE |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Liechtenstein | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBF |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Lithuania | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCS |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Luxembourg | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBG |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Macau | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBH |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Macedonia | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBI |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Malaysia | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBL |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Mali | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBN |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Malta | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBO |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Marshall Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBP |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Mauritania | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBQ |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Mauritius | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBR |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Moldova | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCT |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Mongolia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBV |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Montenegro | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDD |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Morocco | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBW |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Mozambique | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCU |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Netherlands | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYBY |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Nicaragua | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYC0 |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Pakistan | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYC5 |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Panama | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYC7 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Papua New Guinea | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYC8 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Paraguay | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYC9 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Peru | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCC |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Republic of Congo | Superintendent of Documents | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYCK |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Republic of Turkey | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD2 |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Russia | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD6 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Rwanda | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD7 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Samoa | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD8 |
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Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Slovenia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD0 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Solomon Islands | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDG |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Somalia | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDH |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: South Africa | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDI |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: South Korea | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDJ |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Spain | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDK |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Kitts & Nevis | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDL |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Lucia | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDM |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: St. Vincent & Grenadines | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDN |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: State of Eritrea | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDO |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sudan | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYD1 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Suriname | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDP |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Swaziland | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | 08/02/2017 | 10/01/2012 | 08/02/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDQ |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Sweden | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDR |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Switzerland | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDS |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Syria | Superintendent of Documents | 10/01/2012 | | 10/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDT |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Taiwan | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDU |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tajikistan | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDV |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tanzania | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDW |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: The Commonwealth of the Bahamas | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDX |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: The Holy See | Superintendent of Documents | 12/01/2012 | | 12/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYDY |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Timor-Leste | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/2012 | | 07/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYA7 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Togo | Superintendent of Documents | 09/01/2012 | | 09/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE0 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tonga | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE1 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tunisia | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE2 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Turkmenistan | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE3 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Tuvalu | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE4 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Uganda | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE5 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Ukraine | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE6 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: United Arab Emirates | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | 06/11/2013 | 06/01/2012 | 06/11/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE7 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: United Kingdom | Superintendent of Documents | 04/01/2013 | | 04/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE8 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Uruguay | Superintendent of Documents | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYE9 |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Vanuatu | Superintendent of Documents | 06/01/2012 | | 06/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEA |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Venezuela | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEB |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Vietnam | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | | 08/01/2012 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEC |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Yemen | Superintendent of Documents | 08/01/2012 | 08/28/2013 | 08/01/2012 | 08/28/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYED |
Country Report | | Country Fact Sheets: Zimbabwe | Superintendent of Documents | 02/01/2013 | | 02/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FYEE |
Book / Monograph | 9781586033682 | Country Studies Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia | IOS Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 1TW |
Book / Monograph | 9781586033699 | Country Studies Cyprus, Malta, Turkey | IOS Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 1TX |
Book / Monograph | 9781586033675 | Country Studies Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland | IOS Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | 1TV |
Book / Monograph | 9781586033668 | Country Studies Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania | IOS Press | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | YPS |
Trade Publication | | CPCU eJournal | CPCU Society | 03/01/2002 | 11/30/2012 | 03/01/2002 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 162W |
Trade Publication | 0162-2706 | CPCU Journal | CPCU Society | 12/01/1993 | 12/31/2001 | 12/01/1993 | 12/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CPJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780415000291 | Creative Morality | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | 01/01/1993 | 01/31/1993 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G2S |
Academic Journal | 0925-4994 | Crime, Law & Social Change | Springer Nature | 07/01/1993 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CRG |
Academic Journal | 0731-129X | Criminal Justice Ethics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1982 | | 06/01/1982 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CRJ |
Academic Journal | 1478-601X | Criminal Justice Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RF4 |
Report | | Criminal Law | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SX3 |
Magazine | 0011-1422 | Crisis (00111422) | Crisis Publications Inc. | 06/01/1993 | 02/28/1996 | 06/01/1993 | 02/28/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | J5Q |
Magazine | 1559-1573 | Crisis (15591573) | Crisis Publications Inc. | 05/01/2003 | 03/02/2021 | 05/01/2003 | 03/02/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2EYM |
Academic Journal | 1467-2715 | Critical Asian Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BF1 |
Academic Journal | 1066-9922 | Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | 12/31/2008 | 03/01/2002 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J2H |
Country Report | 1520-2410 | Croatia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUD |
Trade Publication | 1540-904X | CSO Magazine | IDG Communications, Inc. | 10/01/2006 | 03/31/2020 | 10/01/2006 | 03/31/2020 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1GFT |
Country Report | 1520-2518 | Cuba Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUE |
Country Report | 1520-2526 | Cyprus Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUF |
Country Report | 1520-2534 | Czech Republic Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUG |
SWOT Analysis | | Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 08/01/2004 | 07/01/2015 | 08/01/2004 | 07/01/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 154Z |
Government Document | 1946-6986 | Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents | Superintendent of Documents | 01/30/2009 | | 01/30/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8TNV |
Magazine | 1554-883X | Debt Cubed | Commercial Law League of America | 11/01/2004 | 05/31/2011 | 11/01/2004 | 05/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 15LR |
Academic Journal | 1024-2694 | Defence & Peace Economics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VT |
Academic Journal | 1470-2436 | Defence Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IXP |
Magazine | 1084-2829 | Defense & Security Electronics | Penton Media, Inc. | 09/01/1995 | 05/31/1996 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DSE |
Academic Journal | 0743-0175 | Defense Analysis | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1999 | 02/28/2002 | 04/01/1999 | 02/28/2002 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B8D |
Academic Journal | 0895-0016 | Defense Counsel Journal | International Association of Defense Counsel | 06/01/1996 | | 01/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DFC |
Country Report | 1520-2542 | Denmark Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUH |
Industry Report | | Dental Insurance Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | WVR |
SWOT Analysis | | Direct Line Insurance SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Z5P |
Academic Journal | 1532-0359 | DISAM Journal of International Security Assistance Management | Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1VQ |
Academic Journal | 0361-3666 | Disasters | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7QS |
Academic Journal | 1564-0701 | Disasters: Preparedness & Mitigation in the Americas | Pan American Health Organization | 10/01/2007 | 12/31/2013 | 10/01/2007 | 09/14/2013 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 55OF |
Country Report | 1520-2550 | Djibouti Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUI |
Book / Monograph | 9780415223294 | Doing Business in China | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 06/15/2000 | 07/15/2000 | 06/15/2000 | 07/15/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13P4 |
Country Report | 1520-2569 | Dominica Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUJ |
Country Report | 1520-2577 | Dominican Republic Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUK |
Magazine | 0300-7324 | Dow Theory Forecasts | Horizon Publishing Co. | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CT3 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Early Show, The (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/27/2000 | 05/11/2001 | 11/27/2000 | 05/11/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB9 |
Academic Journal | 1674-4519 | Earthquake Science | KeAi Communications Co. | 02/01/2016 | | 02/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | China | Available Now | AUBY |
Book / Monograph | 9780415297356 | East Asian Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/12/2002 | 10/12/2002 | 09/12/2002 | 10/12/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KD |
Academic Journal | 1350-1674 | East European Jewish Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/2004 | | 06/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UPE |
Newswire | | East-Asia-Intel Reports | East West Services, Inc. | 01/01/2006 | 05/07/2015 | 01/01/2006 | 05/07/2015 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1XSM |
Book / Monograph | 9780471521839 | eBusiness Essentials | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/02/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLE |
Academic Journal | 0046-1121 | Ecology Law Quarterly | University of California School of Law | 03/01/1973 | | 08/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 04W |
Academic Journal | 1529-7470 | Economía | London School of Economics & Political Science | 10/01/2003 | | 10/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N8H |
Report | | Economic Analysis of Building Code Impacts: A Suggested Approach | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/1978 | 10/31/1978 | 10/01/1978 | 10/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3989 |
Report | | Economic Analysis of Residential Abandonment & Rehabilitation | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 05/01/1976 | 05/31/1976 | 05/01/1976 | 05/31/1976 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398G |
Report | | Economic Analysis of Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 12/01/2005 | 12/31/2005 | 12/01/2005 | 12/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3973 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415125536 | Economic Development in the Middle East | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/23/1995 | 12/23/1995 | 11/23/1995 | 12/23/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1401 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415173339 | Economic Growth & Environmental Sustainability | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/25/1999 | 12/25/1999 | 11/25/1999 | 12/25/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13U9 |
Report | | Economic Impacts of Flow-Control Machining Technologies: Early Applications in the Automobile Industry | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/1999 | 10/31/1999 | 10/01/1999 | 10/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397T |
Report | | Economic Objectives of Utility Companies & Developers in Evaluating a MIUS | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 11/01/1975 | 11/30/1975 | 11/01/1975 | 11/30/1975 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398H |
Book / Monograph | 9780415224451 | Economics & Interdisciplinary Exchange | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/12/2001 | 05/12/2001 | 04/12/2001 | 05/12/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13P0 |
Report | | Economics of New-Technology Materials: A Case Study of FRP Bridge Decking | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 07/31/1996 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3981 |
Report | | Economics of Protection Against Progressive Collapse | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/1974 | 09/30/1974 | 09/01/1974 | 09/30/1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398J |
Book / Monograph | 9780415236706 | Economies in Transition | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/31/2001 | 06/30/2001 | 05/31/2001 | 06/30/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13O3 |
Country Report | 1520-1708 | Ecuador Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUL |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Edge with Paula Zahn, The (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/24/2000 | 09/03/2001 | 11/24/2000 | 09/03/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX7 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415944885 | Education as Enforcement: The Militarization & Corporatization of Schools | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G2V |
Book / Monograph | 9780415174978 | Education, Exclusion & Citizenship | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/18/1999 | 04/17/1999 | 03/18/1999 | 04/17/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13U3 |
Report | | Effect of 'Resource Impact Factors' on Energy Conservation Standards for Buildings | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1977 | 02/28/1977 | 02/01/1977 | 02/28/1977 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 398E |
Book / Monograph | 9781854180766 | Effective Techniques for Managing & Handling Insurance Claims | Thorogood Publishing Ltd. | 02/01/1997 | 02/01/1997 | 02/01/1997 | 02/01/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VTF |
Country Report | 1520-1716 | Egypt Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUM |
Industry Report | | eInsurance Technology Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YKJ |
Industry Report | | eInsurance Technology Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YKK |
Industry Report | | eInsurance Technology Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YKL |
Industry Report | | eInsurance Technology Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YKN |
Industry Report | | eInsurance Technology Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | YKM |
Country Report | 1520-1724 | El Salvador Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUN |
Academic Journal | 1064-6663 | Elementa: Journal of Slavic Studies & Comparative Cultural Semiotics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2000 | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7VW |
Trade Publication | 2156-2490 | Emergency Management | eRepublic, Inc. | 12/01/2007 | 10/31/2017 | 12/01/2007 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3LIO |
Report | | EMISS--A Program for Estimating Local Air Pollution Emission Factors Related to Energy Use in Buildings User's Guide & Reference Manual | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/1995 | 10/31/1995 | 10/01/1995 | 10/31/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3982 |
Magazine | 0361-4050 | Employee Benefits Journal | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 01/01/1993 | 06/30/2004 | 03/01/1993 | 06/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EBJ |
Book / Monograph | 9780471899419 | Enabling eBusiness | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VLL |
Book / Monograph | 9780415154260 | Encyclopedia of Political Economy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/04/1999 | 03/06/1999 | 02/04/1999 | 03/06/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13WK |
Book / Monograph | 9780415214476 | Environmental Risks & the Media | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/11/1999 | 12/11/1999 | 11/11/1999 | 12/11/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13PZ |
Country Report | 1520-1759 | Equatorial Guinea Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUO |
Report | | Equipment Maintenance for Energy Conservation | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1977 | 02/28/1977 | 02/01/1977 | 02/28/1977 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 398D |
Country Report | 1520-1732 | Eritrea Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUP |
Book / Monograph | 9789051995046 | Essays in Economic Globalization, Transnational Policies & Vulnerability | IOS Press | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/1999 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | SVB |
Report | | Estimating Economic Impacts of Government Technology Programs: Manufacturing Studies Using the REMI Model | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 12/01/1997 | 12/31/1997 | 12/01/1997 | 12/31/1997 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397Y |
Country Report | 1520-1740 | Estonia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUQ |
Academic Journal | 0892-6794 | Ethics & International Affairs | Cambridge University Press | 04/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | G4K |
Country Report | 1520-1767 | Ethiopia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUR |
Academic Journal | 0141-9870 | Ethnic & Racial Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1978 | | 01/01/1978 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ERS |
Book / Monograph | 9780415309424 | Europe, America, Bush: Transatlantic Relations in the Twenty-First Century | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G2X |
Academic Journal | 0966-8136 | Europe-Asia Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1993 | | 01/01/1993 | | 18 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EAS |
Book / Monograph | 9780415158220 | European Foreign Policy: Key Documents | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G2Y |
Academic Journal | 0928-9569 | European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law & Criminal Justice | Brill Academic Publishers | 02/01/1998 | | 08/01/1998 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | GG1 |
Academic Journal | 1568-0584 | European Journal of East Asian Studies | Brill Academic Publishers | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | ED2 |
Academic Journal | 1867-299X | European Journal of Risk Regulation | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2011 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6WW |
Academic Journal | 1351-5993 | European Law Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1995 | | 03/01/1995 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7PX |
Book / Monograph | 9789051991116 | European Public Administration & Informatization | IOS Press | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1992 | 01/31/1992 | | | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | SVD |
Book / Monograph | 9780415198431 | European Societies: Fusion or Fission? | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/20/1999 | 06/19/1999 | 05/20/1999 | 06/19/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13RP |
Book / Monograph | 9780415296670 | Europeanisation, National Identities & Migration | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/21/2002 | 12/21/2002 | 11/21/2002 | 12/21/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KG |
Report | | Evaluating Incentives for Solar Heating | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/1976 | 09/30/1976 | 09/01/1976 | 09/30/1976 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 398F |
Book / Monograph | 9780792340652 | Exploring Risk Communication | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | 01/01/1996 | 01/31/1996 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C3F |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Face the Nation (CBS News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/26/2000 | | 11/26/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CB5 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Fair Disclosure Wire (Quarterly Earnings Reports) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | | 12/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FDW |
Academic Journal | 1544-9947 | FDCC Quarterly | Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel | 09/01/2001 | 06/30/2015 | 09/01/2001 | 06/30/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9MX |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | FDCH Nightly Business Report | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 05/26/1998 | 08/01/2003 | 05/26/1998 | 08/01/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-NB1 |
Academic Journal | 0887-0942 | Federation of Insurance & Corporate Counsel Quarterly | Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/1999 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FCQ |
Academic Journal | 1542-1651 | FICC Quarterly | Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel | 09/01/1999 | 06/30/2001 | 01/01/2000 | 06/30/2001 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IWC |
Country Report | 1520-1775 | Fiji Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUT |
Book / Monograph | 9780415240888 | Finance & Competitiveness in Developing Countries | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/20/2001 | 09/30/2001 | 09/20/2001 | 09/30/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NQ |
Trade Publication | 1558-5328 | Financial & Insurance Meetings | Penton Media, Inc. | 11/01/2005 | 05/31/2009 | 11/01/2005 | 05/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1H5F |
Magazine | 1475-245X | Financial Technology | Informa Business Intelligence | 09/04/2001 | 02/28/2003 | 09/04/2001 | 02/28/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 63Y |
Country Report | 1520-1783 | Finland Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUU |
Academic Journal | 0308-0501 | Fire & Materials | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O7X |
Report | | Firefighter Turnout Coat Configurations: Performance Data for Acquisition Decisions | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/2005 | 02/28/2005 | 02/01/2005 | 02/28/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3974 |
Magazine | 0015-7120 | Foreign Affairs | Foreign Affairs | 09/15/1922 | | 09/15/1922 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FAF |
Book / Monograph | 9780415238144 | Foreign Direct Investment | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/08/2002 | 09/07/2002 | 08/08/2002 | 09/07/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NY |
Book / Monograph | 9780415220231 | Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Economies | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/17/2000 | 03/18/2000 | 02/17/2000 | 03/18/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13PF |
Magazine | 0015-7228 | Foreign Policy | Foreign Policy | 01/01/1984 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FPO |
Magazine | 1056-6937 | Forum (10566937) | CINN Worldwide Inc. | 01/01/1996 | 04/30/1999 | 07/01/1996 | 04/30/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FOU |
Book / Monograph | 9780415146517 | Foundations of International Economics | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 06/10/1999 | 07/10/1999 | 06/10/1999 | 07/10/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13XB |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | FOX News Sunday | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/26/2000 | | 11/26/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX3 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | FOX News Watch | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/08/2003 | 08/24/2013 | 11/08/2003 | 08/24/2013 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX8 |
Country Report | 1520-1791 | France Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUV |
Magazine | 1054-3090 | Freedom Review | Freedom House | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1997 | 12/01/1993 | 12/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FAI |
Country Report | 1520-1805 | Gabon Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUW |
Country Report | 1520-1813 | Gambia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUX |
Government Document | | GAO Reports | United States Government Accountability Office | 05/01/1998 | | 05/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1EFG |
Academic Journal | 1018-5895 | Geneva Papers on Risk & Insurance - Issues & Practice | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | 12/09/2010 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7QJ |
Academic Journal | 0926-4957 | GENEVA Papers on Risk & Insurance - Theory | Springer Nature | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/2004 | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OFN |
Academic Journal | 1554-964X | Geneva Risk & Insurance Review | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | 12/09/2010 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1FPR |
Newswire | | Geo-Strategy Direct | East West Services, Inc. | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1XSL |
Magazine | | GeoIntelligence | Questex Media Group | 01/01/2005 | 04/30/2006 | 01/01/2005 | 04/30/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CR |
Academic Journal | 1947-5705 | Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6JK |
Academic Journal | 1465-0045 | Geopolitics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IXQ |
Country Report | 1520-1821 | Georgia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUY |
Academic Journal | 1749-9518 | Georisk: Assessment & Management of Risk for Engineered Systems & Geohazards | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 30NP |
Country Report | 1520-183X | Germany Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DUZ |
Country Report | 1520-1848 | Ghana Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV0 |
Academic Journal | 1478-1158 | Global Change, Peace & Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RFC |
Academic Journal | 1744-0572 | Global Crime | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | UPH |
Book / Monograph | 9780415244060 | Global Financial Crises & Reforms | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/14/2000 | 01/13/2001 | 12/14/2000 | 01/13/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13N9 |
Academic Journal | 1360-0826 | Global Society: Journal of Interdisciplinary International Relations | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0V3 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415140775 | Globalisation & the Third World | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/09/1998 | 08/08/1998 | 07/09/1998 | 08/08/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13XS |
Academic Journal | 1476-7724 | Globalisation, Societies & Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J35 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415238540 | Globalization | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/14/2000 | 01/13/2001 | 12/14/2000 | 01/13/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NV |
Book / Monograph | 9780415285230 | Globalization & its Terrors | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/19/2002 | 01/18/2003 | 12/19/2002 | 01/18/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KX |
Book / Monograph | 9780415204354 | Globalization of Corporate R & D | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/24/2000 | 09/23/2000 | 08/24/2000 | 09/23/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13R2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415147248 | Governance of Cyberspace | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/20/1997 | 04/19/1997 | 03/20/1997 | 04/19/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13X7 |
Academic Journal | 0017-257X | Government & Opposition | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/1982 | | 10/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GOV |
Academic Journal | 0740-624X | Government Information Quarterly | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GIQ |
Magazine | 1078-0769 | Government Procurement | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2014 | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25M |
Magazine | 1544-1687 | Government Security | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2004 | 08/31/2008 | 01/01/2004 | 08/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RV4 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415102025 | Grasping the Changing World | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/08/1996 | 09/07/1996 | 08/08/1996 | 09/07/1996 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1427 |
Country Report | 1520-1856 | Greece Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV1 |
Country Report | 1520-1864 | Grenada Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV2 |
Country Report | 1520-1872 | Guatemala Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV3 |
Report | | Guide & Criteria for Training FEMP-Qualified Life-Cycle Cost Instructors | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/1998 | 09/30/1998 | 09/01/1998 | 09/30/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3978 |
Report | | Guide to Computing & Reporting the Life- Cycle Cost of Environmental Management Projects | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2003 | 03/01/2003 | 03/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397M |
Report | | Guide to Printed & Electronic Resources for Developing a Cost-Effective Risk Mitigation Plan for New & Existing Constructed Facilities | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/2007 | 02/28/2007 | 02/01/2007 | 02/28/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397G |
Country Report | | Guinea Bissau Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV5 |
Country Report | 1520-1880 | Guinea Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV4 |
Country Report | 1520-1902 | Guyana Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV6 |
Country Report | 1520-1910 | Haiti Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV7 |
Book / Monograph | 9780792379119 | Handbook of Insurance | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2001 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C3I |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Hannity & Colmes (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/24/2000 | 01/09/2009 | 11/24/2000 | 01/09/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX5 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Hardball (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/04/2003 | 04/07/2020 | 11/04/2003 | 04/07/2020 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS2 |
Magazine | 0017-789X | Harper's Magazine | Harper's Magazine Foundation | 01/01/1992 | | 01/01/1992 | 05/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HAM |
Academic Journal | 0017-8063 | Harvard International Law Journal | Harvard Law School Journals | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1380 |
Magazine | 0739-1854 | Harvard International Review | Harvard International Review | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HRV |
Academic Journal | 0193-4872 | Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy | Harvard Law School Journals | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJP |
Academic Journal | 1369-8575 | Health, Risk & Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1999 | | 03/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 35X |
Country Report | 1520-1929 | Holy See Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DV8 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | House Call with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 01/02/2010 | 12/01/2005 | 01/02/2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSG |
Academic Journal | 0265-5527 | Howard Journal of Criminal Justice | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1998 | 12/31/2015 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7RB |
Academic Journal | 1350-7516 | Hume Papers on Public Policy | Edinburgh University Press | 03/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | 03/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | C0M |
Academic Journal | 0261-9288 | Immigrants & Minorities | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LT7 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415257282 | Immigrants & National Identity in Europe | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/23/2001 | 09/22/2001 | 08/23/2001 | 09/22/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13MB |
Report | | Immigration, Asylum, & International Human Rights | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/2004 | 01/02/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/02/2004 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SX9 |
Book / Monograph | 9781864320404 | In Praise of the Free Economy | Centre for Independent Studies | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | | Australia | Available Now | 6A6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415260237 | Inclusions & Exclusions in European Societies | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/16/2001 | 09/15/2001 | 08/16/2001 | 09/15/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13M2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415162463 | Industrial Change in China | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/30/1998 | 08/29/1998 | 07/30/1998 | 08/29/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13VI |
Book / Monograph | 9780415180184 | Industrialization & Globalization | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/28/2002 | 04/27/2002 | 03/28/2002 | 04/27/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13TS |
SWOT Analysis | | Ineas Insurance Company N.V. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 05/01/2003 | 08/31/2004 | 05/01/2003 | 08/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZC6 |
Academic Journal | 1570-1255 | Information Polity: The International Journal of Government & Democracy in the Information Age | IOS Press | 03/01/2002 | | 03/01/2002 | | 6 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | KL4 |
Magazine | 1096-8903 | Information Security | TechTarget, Inc. | 09/01/2004 | 11/30/2020 | 09/01/2004 | 11/30/2020 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RRV |
Academic Journal | 1939-3555 | Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6MR3 |
Trade Publication | 1065-898X | Information Systems Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFC |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Inside Africa (CNN International) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 08/01/2009 | 12/01/2005 | 08/01/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIA |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Insight (CNN International) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 01/29/2007 | 12/01/2005 | 01/29/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIS |
Magazine | 0020-4587 | Insurance Advocate | CINN Worldwide Inc. | 11/18/1995 | | 11/18/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IAV |
SWOT Analysis | | Insurance Australia Group, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2004 | | 10/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 158I |
Trade Publication | 0193-0516 | Insurance Conference Planner | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 07/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1LF |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEI |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2V |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEJ |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Brazil | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 11/30/2021 | 10/01/2005 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2W |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Canada | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEK |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: China | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEL |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Czech Republic | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2X |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Denmark | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2Y |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Europe | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEM |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEN |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEO |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEP |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Hungary | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2012 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y2Z |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: India | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y30 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEQ |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Japan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XER |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Mexico | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 11/30/2021 | 10/01/2005 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y31 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Norway | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y32 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Poland | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y33 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Russia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y34 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: South Africa | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y35 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: South Korea | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y36 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Spain | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XES |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Sweden | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y37 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: Taiwan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y38 |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEV |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XET |
Industry Report | | Insurance Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2021 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XEU |
Industry Report | | Insurance Services Industry Yearbook | IHS Markit Ltd. | 12/01/1998 | 12/31/2001 | 12/01/1998 | 12/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4XH |
Academic Journal | 2065-8168 | Internal Auditing & Risk Management | Athenaeum University | 08/01/2010 | | 08/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | B7JB |
Academic Journal | 0020-5850 | International Affairs | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1975 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | INA |
Academic Journal | 1060-4073 | International Business: Strategies for the Global Marketplace | New Media Productions | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/1997 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | IBK |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | International Correspondents (CNN International) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 07/18/2009 | 12/01/2005 | 07/18/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNIC |
Country Report | 1539-9826 | International Country Risk Guide Annual - Asia & the Pacific | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJND |
Country Report | | International Country Risk Guide Annual - East Europe | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNE |
Country Report | 1539-9834 | International Country Risk Guide Annual - Risk Ratings & Statistics | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNF |
Country Report | | International Country Risk Guide Annual - Sub-Saharan Africa | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNG |
Country Report | 1539-9699 | International Country Risk Guide Annual - The Americas | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNH |
Country Report | 1539-980X | International Country Risk Guide Annual - The Middle East & North Africa | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNI |
Country Report | | International Country Risk Guide Annual - West Europe | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | 01/01/2014 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJNJ |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Albania | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APN |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Algeria | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ2 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Angola | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQM |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Argentina | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AO7 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Armenia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APO |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Australia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARH |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Austria | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOY |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Azerbaijan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APP |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Bahamas | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AO8 |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Bahrain | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ3 |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Bangladesh | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARI |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Belarus | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APQ |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Belgium | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOZ |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Bolivia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AO9 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Botswana | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQN |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Brazil | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOA |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Brunei | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARJ |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Bulgaria | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APR |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Burkina Faso | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQO |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Cameroon | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQP |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Canada | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOB |
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Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Congo (DRC) | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQQ |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Congo (RC) | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQR |
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Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Cote d'Ivoire | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQS |
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Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Czech Republic | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP1 |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Denmark | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP2 |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Dominican Republic | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOG |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Ecuador | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOH |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Egypt | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ4 |
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Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Estonia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP3 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Ethiopia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQT |
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Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Gabon | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQU |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Gambia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQV |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Germany | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP6 |
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Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Greece | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP7 |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Guatemala | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOJ |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Guinea | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQX |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Guinea-Bissau | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQY |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Guyana | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOK |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Haiti | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOL |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Honduras | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOM |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Hong Kong | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARL |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Hungary | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AP8 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Iceland | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APT |
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Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Israel | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ7 |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Italy | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APA |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Jamaica | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AON |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Japan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARO |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Jordan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ8 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Kazakhstan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APU |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Kenya | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQZ |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Korea, D P R | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARP |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Korea, Republic | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARQ |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Kuwait | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ9 |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Latvia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APB |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Lebanon | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQA |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Liberia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR0 |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Libya | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQB |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Lithuania | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APC |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Luxembourg | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APD |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Madagascar | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR1 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Malawi | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR2 |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Malaysia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARR |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Mali | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR3 |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Malta | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APE |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Mexico | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOO |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Moldova | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APV |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Mongolia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARS |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Morocco | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQC |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Mozambique | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR4 |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Myanmar | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ART |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Namibia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR5 |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Netherlands | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APF |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: New Zealand | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARU |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Nicaragua | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOP |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Niger | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR6 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Nigeria | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR7 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Norway | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APW |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Oman | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQD |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Pakistan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARV |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Panama | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOQ |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Papua New Guinea | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARW |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Paraguay | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOR |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Peru | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOS |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Philippines | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARX |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Poland | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APG |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Portugal | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APH |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Qatar | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQE |
Country Report | 9781933539263 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Risk Ratings & Statistics | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AS3 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Romania | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APX |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Russia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APY |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Saudi Arabia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQF |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Senegal | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR8 |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Serbia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APZ |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Sierra Leone | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AR9 |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Singapore | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARY |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Slovak Republic | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3API |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Slovenia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APJ |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Somalia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARA |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: South Africa | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARB |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Spain | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APK |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Sri Lanka | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARZ |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Sudan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQG |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Suriname | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOT |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Sweden | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APL |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Switzerland | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ0 |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Syria | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQH |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Taiwan | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AS0 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Tanzania | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARC |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Thailand | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AS1 |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Togo | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARD |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Trinidad & Tobago | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOU |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Tunisia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQI |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Turkey | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQJ |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Uganda | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARE |
Country Report | 9781933539225 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Ukraine | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQ1 |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: United Arab Emirates | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQK |
Country Report | 9781933539218 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: United Kingdom | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3APM |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: United States | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOV |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Uruguay | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOW |
Country Report | 9781933539201 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Venezuela | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AOX |
Country Report | 9781933539256 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Vietnam | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AS2 |
Country Report | 9781933539232 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Yemen | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AQL |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Zambia | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARF |
Country Report | 9781933539249 | International Country Risk Guide Annual: Zimbabwe | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3ARG |
Book / Monograph | 9780415208802 | International Economics | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | 01/01/2000 | 01/31/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13QE |
Trade Publication | 0020-6997 | International Insurance Monitor | CINN Worldwide Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/2000 | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IIN |
Academic Journal | 2095-0055 | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | Springer Nature | 12/01/2015 | | 12/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | E739 |
Academic Journal | 1364-971X | International Journal of Iberian Studies | Intellect Ltd. | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | L2B |
Academic Journal | 1615-5262 | International Journal of Information Security | Springer Nature | 08/01/2001 | | 08/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | EJ4 |
Academic Journal | 1461-3557 | International Journal of Police Science & Management | Sage Publications | 01/01/2024 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 6OH |
Academic Journal | 0953-8186 | International Journal of Refugee Law | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BI9 |
Academic Journal | 1385-4879 | International Journal on Minority & Group Rights | Brill Academic Publishers | 03/01/1996 | | 03/01/1996 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LTC |
Magazine | 1089-5450 | International Law Update | Transnational Law Associates, LLC | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3SG |
Book / Monograph | 9780415222792 | International Political Economy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/23/1999 | 10/23/1999 | 09/23/1999 | 10/23/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13P7 |
Academic Journal | 0162-2889 | International Security | MIT Press | 06/01/1993 | | 06/01/1993 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ISC |
Academic Journal | 1521-9488 | International Studies Review | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1999 | | 03/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 61I |
Book / Monograph | 9780415156271 | International Trade | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/28/2000 | 10/28/2000 | 09/28/2000 | 10/28/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13WF |
Book / Monograph | 9780419218906 | International Trade in Hazardous Wastes | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/12/1998 | 04/11/1998 | 03/12/1998 | 04/11/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13IS |
Academic Journal | 1609-8498 | Iran & The Caucasus | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | ED3 |
Country Report | | Iran Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4YZ |
Country Report | 1520-1988 | Iran Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVF |
Academic Journal | 2008-2029 | Iranian Journal of Health & Environment | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 10/01/2011 | | 10/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | BO1O |
Country Report | | Iraq Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Z0 |
Country Report | 1520-1996 | Iraq Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVG |
Academic Journal | 1353-7121 | Israel Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1999 | | 09/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IY7 |
Country Report | | Israel Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Z2 |
Country Report | | Israel Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | VZZ |
Country Report | 1520-2011 | Israel Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVI |
Academic Journal | 1084-9513 | Israel Studies | Indiana University Press | 03/01/1996 | | 03/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6L3 |
Academic Journal | 8756-8160 | Issues in Law & Medicine | Issues in Law & Medicine | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ILM |
Book / Monograph | 9780415259903 | Issues in Positive Political Economy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/09/2002 | 06/08/2002 | 05/09/2002 | 06/08/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13M4 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415192613 | Issues in Transnational Policing | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 10/19/2000 | 11/18/2000 | 10/19/2000 | 11/18/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13SG |
Country Report | | Japan Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Z4 |
Country Report | | Japan Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W02 |
Country Report | 1520-2046 | Japan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVL |
Book / Monograph | 9780415205597 | Japanese Capitalism in Crisis | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/13/2000 | 05/13/2000 | 04/13/2000 | 05/13/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13QY |
Book / Monograph | 9780415208048 | Japanese Economics & Economists since 1945 | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/13/2000 | 05/13/2000 | 04/13/2000 | 05/13/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13QJ |
Academic Journal | 1037-1397 | Japanese Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 36C |
Country Report | | Jordan Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4Z5 |
Country Report | 1520-2054 | Jordan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVN |
Academic Journal | 1559-1646 | Journal of African American Studies | Springer Nature | 06/01/2003 | | 06/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | W1F |
Academic Journal | 0733-5113 | Journal of Arts Management & Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1992 | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/1992 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Q76 |
Academic Journal | 1063-2921 | Journal of Arts Management, Law & Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1992 | | 03/01/1992 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ARM |
Academic Journal | 0278-6087 | Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems | Graceway Publishing Company | 03/01/1994 | 11/30/2004 | 03/01/1994 | 11/30/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JFR |
Academic Journal | 0021-9495 | Journal of Canadian Studies | University of Toronto Press | 01/01/1992 | | 03/01/2001 | | 6 | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | JCS |
Academic Journal | 0926-227X | Journal of Computer Security | IOS Press | 03/01/1996 | | 03/01/1996 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | LCY |
Academic Journal | 1467-7954 | Journal of Conflict & Security Law | Oxford University Press | 06/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BIF |
Academic Journal | 0258-9001 | Journal of Contemporary African Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3U4 |
Academic Journal | 0966-0879 | Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1993 | | 03/01/1993 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | D8B |
Academic Journal | 1051-1253 | Journal of Criminal Justice Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | DJ5 |
Academic Journal | 0091-4169 | Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology | Northwestern University School of Law | 03/01/1973 | | 03/01/1973 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CLC |
Academic Journal | 1598-2408 | Journal of East Asian Studies | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SVR |
Trade Publication | 2766-1024 | Journal of Electromagnetic Dominance | Association of Old Crows | 05/01/2020 | | 05/01/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MRW8 |
Trade Publication | 0192-429X | Journal of Electronic Defense | Association of Old Crows | 07/01/1998 | 04/30/2020 | 08/01/2002 | 04/30/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0OZ |
Academic Journal | 0264-6811 | Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1995 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KNN |
Academic Journal | 1070-0757 | Journal of Environmental Law & Practice | Environmental Law Centre | 09/01/1995 | 06/30/1998 | 09/01/1995 | 06/30/1998 | | Y | | Canada | Available Now | EVL |
Academic Journal | 1369-183X | Journal of Ethnic & Migration Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1998 | | 07/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 56F |
Academic Journal | 1460-8464 | Journal of European Area Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 05/01/1999 | 11/30/2002 | 05/01/1999 | 11/30/2002 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 36E |
Academic Journal | 1478-9949 | Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/2003 | | 04/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | P3X |
Academic Journal | 1097-198X | Journal of Global Information Technology Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QFH |
Academic Journal | 2476-1397 | Journal of Global South Studies | University of Florida, Board of Trustees | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KYYP |
Academic Journal | 1547-7355 | Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management | De Gruyter | 06/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | W16 |
Academic Journal | 1475-4835 | Journal of Human Rights | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2002 | | 03/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | J49 |
Academic Journal | 1470-1847 | Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1999 | | 06/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 55M |
Academic Journal | 1553-6548 | Journal of Information Privacy & Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | 10/01/2017 | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15IJ |
Academic Journal | 1522-8053 | Journal of Information Technology Case & Application Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | 02/01/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3CJ0 |
Academic Journal | | Journal of Information Technology Cases & Applications | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QFI |
Academic Journal | 1531-6076 | Journal of Insurance Issues | Western Risk & Insurance Association | 09/01/1995 | | 09/01/1995 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61W |
Academic Journal | 0736-248X | Journal of Insurance Regulation | National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) | 09/01/1982 | | 09/01/1982 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IRG |
Academic Journal | 0022-1937 | Journal of Interamerican Studies & World Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2000 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JIS |
Academic Journal | 0725-6868 | Journal of Intercultural Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3U5 |
Academic Journal | 1226-8550 | Journal of International & Area Studies | Seoul National University | 06/01/2004 | 06/30/2019 | 06/01/2004 | 06/30/2019 | | Y | Y | Korea, Republic of (South) | Available Now | AYA |
Academic Journal | 0022-197X | Journal of International Affairs | Journal of International Affairs | 03/01/1975 | | 03/01/1975 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JIA |
Academic Journal | 0263-323X | Journal of Law & Society | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7Q3 |
Academic Journal | 1759-8273 | Journal of Poverty & Social Justice | Policy Press | 10/01/2009 | 07/21/2017 | 10/01/2009 | 07/21/2017 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ATND |
Academic Journal | 1096-3367 | Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management | Emerald Publishing Limited | 03/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Q7 |
Academic Journal | 0022-4367 | Journal of Risk & Insurance | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1965 | | 03/01/1965 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RAS |
Academic Journal | 0895-5646 | Journal of Risk & Uncertainty | Springer Nature | 03/01/1988 | | 03/01/1988 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OIX |
Academic Journal | 1526-5943 | Journal of Risk Finance (Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC) | With Intelligence Limited | 08/01/2002 | 01/31/2004 | 08/01/2002 | 01/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7X7 |
Academic Journal | 1366-9877 | Journal of Risk Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5BT |
Academic Journal | 0140-2390 | Journal of Strategic Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IY9 |
Academic Journal | | Journal of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters | Society of Financial Service Professionals | 09/01/1946 | 12/31/1966 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KTQ |
Academic Journal | 0742-9517 | Journal of the American Society of CLU | Society of Financial Service Professionals | 01/01/1984 | 10/31/1986 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KTO |
Academic Journal | 1052-2875 | Journal of the American Society of CLU & CHFC | Society of Financial Service Professionals | 11/01/1986 | 10/31/1998 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CLU |
Academic Journal | 0096-3984 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of America | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 11/01/1952 | 01/31/1956 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | LNH |
Academic Journal | 8755-3449 | Journal of Third World Studies | University of Florida, Board of Trustees | 01/01/1984 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/1984 | 12/31/2015 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JTW |
Academic Journal | 1078-5906 | Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics & Policy | Association of Transportation Law Professionals | 09/01/1999 | | 06/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 42D |
SWOT Analysis | | KBC Bank & Insurance Holding Company NV SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 12/15/2004 | 10/01/2013 | 12/15/2004 | 10/01/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1590 |
Academic Journal | 0145-840X | Korean Studies | University of Hawai'i | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6MA |
Country Report | 1520-1651 | Kuwait Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVU |
Country Report | 1520-166X | Kyrgyzstan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVV |
Academic Journal | 8755-8815 | La Raza Law Journal | University of California School of Law | 07/01/2000 | 07/31/2000 | 07/01/2000 | 07/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NF9P |
Academic Journal | 0023-6586 | Labor Law Journal | CCH Incorporated | 10/01/1949 | | 10/01/1949 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LLJ |
Trade Publication | 0024-3078 | LAN: Life Association News | National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors Service Corporation | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/1999 | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0LN |
Country Report | 1520-1678 | Laos Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVW |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Larry King Live (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 12/30/2010 | 12/01/2005 | 12/30/2010 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLK |
Academic Journal | 1752-1440 | Law & Financial Markets Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3PXB |
Academic Journal | 0023-9216 | Law & Society Review | Cambridge University Press | 11/01/1966 | | 11/01/1966 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LSR |
Academic Journal | 1470-8396 | Law, Probability & Risk | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2002 | | 01/01/2002 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5W |
Country Report | | Lebanon Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZB |
Country Report | 1520-1694 | Lebanon Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVY |
Country Report | 1520-0760 | Liberia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DW0 |
SWOT Analysis | | Liberty Mutual Insurance Companies SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2004 | 03/01/2015 | 01/01/2004 | 03/01/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZFG |
Country Report | | Libya Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZD |
Country Report | 1520-0779 | Libya Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DW1 |
Industry Report | | Life & Health Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2011 | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2011 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGS |
Report | | Life Cycle Costing of Police Patrol Cars: Summary Report | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 03/01/1974 | 03/31/1974 | 03/01/1974 | 03/31/1974 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 398L |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGT |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Australia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3D |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGU |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Brazil | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3E |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Canada | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGV |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: China | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGW |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Czech Republic | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3F |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Denmark | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGX |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Europe | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGY |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Finland | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XGZ |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH0 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH1 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH2 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Hungary | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3G |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: India | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3H |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH3 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Japan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH4 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Mexico | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3I |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Norway | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH5 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Poland | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3J |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Russia | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3K |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: South Africa | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3L |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: South Korea | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3M |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Spain | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH6 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Sweden | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3N |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: Taiwan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | 10/01/2005 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y3O |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH9 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH7 |
Industry Report | | Life Insurance & Pensions Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XH8 |
Report | | Life-Cycle Costing Workshop for Energy Conservation in Buildings: Student Manual | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2000 | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2000 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397R |
Book / Monograph | 9780415105668 | Limits of Globalization | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/01/1997 | 11/30/1997 | 11/01/1997 | 11/30/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 141W |
Magazine | 0889-0986 | LIMRA's MarketFacts (0889-0986) | LL Global Inc. | 01/01/1997 | 03/31/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1ID |
Report | 9781558273023 | Liquidity Risk Management | Reed Elsevier Properties SA | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | 01/01/2011 | 01/31/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BDKB |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Live From... | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 09/01/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 09/01/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLF |
Academic Journal | 0300-3930 | Local Government Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2004 | | 03/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LBQ |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 11/11/2009 | 12/01/2005 | 11/11/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNLD |
Book / Monograph | 9780415274814 | Market & Society in Korea | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/04/2002 | 05/04/2002 | 04/04/2002 | 05/04/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13LJ |
Magazine | 1083-5512 | Market: Africa/Mid-East | Media Contact Resources | 03/01/2003 | 04/30/2008 | 03/01/2003 | 04/30/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Q40 |
Magazine | 1059-275X | Market: Asia Pacific | Media Contact Resources | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Q3Z |
Magazine | 1050-9410 | Market: Europe | Media Contact Resources | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Q3X |
Magazine | 1066-7024 | Market: Latin America | Media Contact Resources | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | 03/01/2003 | 05/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Q3Y |
SWOT Analysis | | Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 04/01/2004 | 06/30/2006 | 04/01/2004 | 06/30/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZGI |
Report | | Measuring & Assessing the Consequences of Technology & Innovation for Affordability of Housing: Proceedings of the NIST - PATH Workshop | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/2004 | 02/28/2004 | 02/01/2004 | 02/28/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397K |
Trade Publication | 2397-7310 | MEED Business Review | MEED Media FZ LLC | 01/01/2016 | | 01/01/2016 | | 0.2 | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KHV5 |
Magazine | 0047-7230 | MEED: Middle East Economic Digest | MEED Media FZ LLC | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2015 | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2015 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MDI |
Newspaper | | Meet the Press Daily (MPT Daily) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 08/22/2016 | 03/31/2023 | 08/22/2016 | 03/31/2023 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | KJ34 |
Book / Monograph | 9780815701293 | Mega-Projects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment | Brookings Institution Press | 05/01/2003 | 05/31/2003 | 05/01/2003 | 05/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2YPZ |
SWOT Analysis | | Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2004 | | 11/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15AG |
SWOT Analysis | | Metropolitan Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/18/2003 | 10/01/2014 | 11/18/2003 | 10/01/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15AL |
Book / Monograph | 9780415243865 | Mexico Beyond NAFTA | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/17/2001 | 06/16/2001 | 05/17/2001 | 06/16/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NB |
Country Report | | Mexico Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4ZI |
Country Report | | Mexico Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W04 |
Country Report | 1520-0922 | Mexico Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DWF |
Academic Journal | 0026-2234 | Michigan Law Review | Michigan Law Review Association | 06/01/1996 | | 06/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MGL |
Magazine | 0305-0734 | Middle East | TME Media 21 Limited | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MLE |
Magazine | 0731-6305 | Middle East Business Intelligence | Middle East Executive Reports, Ltd. | 01/01/2001 | 02/28/2003 | 01/01/2001 | 02/28/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0M4 |
Academic Journal | 1943-6149 | Middle East Critique | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8UV3 |
Academic Journal | 1061-1924 | Middle East Policy | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1996 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MEP |
Academic Journal | 1073-9467 | Middle East Quarterly | Middle East Forum | 03/01/1999 | | 09/01/2006 | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | E15 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415333221 | Middle East's Relations with Asia & Russia | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G3A |
Academic Journal | 0026-3206 | Middle Eastern Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MES |
Book / Monograph | 9780700717057 | Migrants & Identity in Japan & Brazil | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 10/24/2002 | 11/23/2002 | 10/24/2002 | 11/23/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13IE |
SWOT Analysis | | Mitsui Mutual Life Insurance Co. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2004 | 02/28/2006 | 10/01/2004 | 02/28/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15AV |
SWOT Analysis | | Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 04/01/2004 | 12/01/2013 | 04/01/2004 | 12/01/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZI0 |
Magazine | 0362-8841 | Mother Jones | Foundation for National Progress | 04/01/1990 | | 04/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MJO |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XON |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2011 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOO |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Europe | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOP |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOQ |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOR |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOS |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: Japan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOT |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 10/31/2011 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOW |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOU |
Industry Report | | Motor Insurance Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | 01/01/2003 | 10/31/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XOV |
Industry Report | | Multi-line Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2011 | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2011 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XPC |
Report | | Multiattribute Decision Analysis Method for Evaluating Buildings & Building Systems | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 09/01/1995 | 09/30/1995 | 09/01/1995 | 09/30/1995 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3983 |
Magazine | 0197-4637 | Multinational Monitor | Corporate Accountability Research | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2009 | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MTM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Nancy Grace (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 10/13/2016 | 12/01/2005 | 10/13/2016 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNNG |
Magazine | 0027-8378 | Nation | Nation Company, L. P. | 01/01/1975 | | 01/01/1975 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAT |
Magazine | 0028-0038 | National Review | National Review Inc. | 11/19/1955 | | 11/19/1955 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NRV |
Magazine | 0893-8202 | National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services | ALM Global LLC | 07/01/1993 | 03/31/2017 | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z3N |
Magazine | 1940-1353 | National Underwriter / P&C | ALM Global LLC | 03/08/2004 | 12/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BMDR |
Magazine | 1042-6841 | National Underwriter / Property & Casualty Risk & Benefits Management | ALM Global LLC | 07/01/1993 | 03/07/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NUP |
Academic Journal | 1353-7113 | Nationalism & Ethnic Politics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IYA |
Report | | Natural Disasters: Some Empirical & Economic Considerations | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1974 | 02/28/1974 | 02/01/1974 | 02/28/1974 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398M |
Academic Journal | 0921-030X | Natural Hazards | Springer Nature | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MJL |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | NBR Nightly Business Report | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 08/29/2003 | 11/06/2019 | 08/29/2003 | 11/06/2019 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-NB2 |
Magazine | 1559-1603 | New Crisis (15591603) | Crisis Publications Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 03/31/2003 | 07/01/1997 | 03/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AAC |
Report | | New Look at Windows | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | 01/01/1978 | 01/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398B |
Academic Journal | 2336-825X | New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central & East European Politics & International Relations | Sage Publications | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JHBE |
Academic Journal | 1211-8303 | New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs | Martin Jan Stransky | 07/01/2001 | 09/30/2013 | 07/01/2001 | 09/30/2013 | | Y | Y | Czech Republic | Available Now | DSA |
SWOT Analysis | | New York Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2004 | 05/27/2016 | 01/01/2004 | 05/27/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZIX |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | NewsHour (PBS) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 07/18/2006 | | 07/18/2006 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-PBS1 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Newshour with Jim Lehrer (PBS) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 06/02/2006 | 12/04/2009 | 06/02/2006 | 12/04/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-NEW2 |
Magazine | 0028-9604 | Newsweek | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/1984 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NWK |
Magazine | 2572-5343 | Newsweek Global | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FXPI |
SWOT Analysis | | Nippon Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2012 | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZJB |
Pamphlet | | NIS Information Sheet: How to Make Health Insurance Work for You | National Information System | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1995 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1995 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | C51 |
Industry Report | | Non-Life Insurance Industry Profile: Hungary | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2005 | 02/28/2015 | 11/01/2005 | 02/28/2015 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Y6G |
Industry Report | | Non-Life Insurance Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2016 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | XSH |
Country Report | 1520-1635 | North Korea Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVR |
Academic Journal | 0196-3228 | Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business | Northwestern University School of Law | 09/01/1999 | | 09/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5FP |
Magazine | | NU Claims | ALM Global LLC | 07/01/2019 | 12/30/2022 | 07/01/2019 | 12/30/2022 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MVIB |
Magazine | 2331-5326 | NU Property & Casualty | ALM Global LLC | 07/01/2019 | 12/30/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MVIC |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | O'Reilly Factor (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/24/2000 | 04/21/2017 | 11/24/2000 | 04/21/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX2 |
Country Report | 2072-5035 | OECD Economic Surveys: China | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 01/01/2007 | 09/04/2024 | | | | | | France | Available Now | 37EO |
Country Report | 1995-3623 | OECD Economic Surveys: Romania | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 10/01/2001 | 10/31/2002 | | | | | | France | Available Now | 37EN |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | On The Story (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 06/04/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 06/04/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNOS |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Open House (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 09/12/2009 | 12/01/2005 | 09/12/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNOH |
Report | | Optimal Pricing of Publicly Supplied Private Goods: A Case Study of the Pricing of NIST Standard Reference Materials | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 06/01/1999 | 06/30/1999 | 06/01/1999 | 06/30/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397U |
Academic Journal | 0030-851X | Pacific Affairs | Pacific Affairs | 07/01/1990 | | 08/01/2002 | 03/18/2011 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | PAA |
Country Report | | Pakistan Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50A |
Country Report | | Pakistan Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | 03/31/2012 | 02/01/2004 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0A |
Country Report | 1520-1031 | Pakistan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DWZ |
Magazine | 0793-1395 | Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics & Culture | Palestine-Israel Journal | 09/01/2001 | | 09/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | Israel | Available Now | FU1 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Paula Zahn Now (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 07/24/2007 | 12/01/2005 | 07/24/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNPZ |
Academic Journal | 1554-8597 | Peace Economics, Peace Science, & Public Policy | De Gruyter | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | YS1 |
Trade Publication | 1078-9766 | Pension Management | Penton Media, Inc. | 10/01/1994 | 04/30/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PEM |
Magazine | 1050-4974 | Pensions & Investments | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 06/24/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PAI |
Magazine | | Perryman Long-Term Economic Forecast | Perryman Group | 01/01/2004 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2004 | 06/30/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VBS |
Magazine | | Perryman Short-Term Economic Forecast | Perryman Group | 01/01/2003 | 09/30/2015 | 01/01/2003 | 09/30/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VBR |
Academic Journal | 1045-7097 | Perspectives on Political Science | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PPS |
Academic Journal | 1210-762X | Perspectives: Central European Review of International Affairs | Ustav Mezinarodnich Vztahu, v. v. i. (Institute of International Relations) | 07/01/2001 | 12/31/2014 | | | | Y | | Czech Republic | Available Now | DSH |
Book / Monograph | 9781429815758 | Points of View: NAFTA | Great Neck Publishing | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | VEU |
Academic Journal | 1043-9463 | Policing & Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BJQ |
Book / Monograph | 9780415924467 | Political Participation & Ethnic Minorities | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 06/01/2000 | 07/01/2000 | 06/01/2000 | 07/01/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13JQ |
Book / Monograph | 9780415268714 | Political Parties & Terrorist Groups | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G3C |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Algeria Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFL |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Angola Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFM |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Argentina Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFN |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Australia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFO |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Austria Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFP |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Azerbaijan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFQ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Bangladesh Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFR |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Belgium Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFS |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Bolivia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFT |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Botswana Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFU |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Brazil Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFW |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Bulgaria Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFX |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Cameroon Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFY |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Canada Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QFZ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Chile Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG0 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: China Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG1 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Colombia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG2 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Congo Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG3 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Congo DR Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG4 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Costa Rica Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG5 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Cote d'Ivoire Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG6 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Cuba Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG7 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Czech Republic Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG8 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Denmark Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QG9 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Dominican Republic Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGA |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Ecuador Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGB |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Egypt Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGC |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: El Salvador Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGD |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Finland Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGE |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: France Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGF |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Gabon Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGG |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Germany Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGH |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Ghana Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGI |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Greece Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGJ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Guatemala Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGK |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Guinea Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGL |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Guyana Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGM |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Haiti Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGN |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Honduras Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGO |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Hong Kong Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGP |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Hungary Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGQ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: India Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGR |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Indonesia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGS |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Iran Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGT |
Country Report | 1054-5638 | Political Risk Yearbook: Iraq Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGU |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Ireland Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGV |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Israel Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGW |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Italy Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGX |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Jamaica Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGY |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Japan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QGZ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Kazakhstan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH0 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Kenya Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH1 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Kuwait Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH2 |
Country Report | 1054-5719 | Political Risk Yearbook: Libya Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH3 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Malaysia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH4 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Mexico Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH5 |
Country Report | 1054-5743 | Political Risk Yearbook: Morocco Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH6 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Myanmar Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH7 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Netherlands Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH8 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: New Zealand Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QH9 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Nicaragua Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHA |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Nigeria Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHB |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Norway Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHC |
Country Report | 1054-5808 | Political Risk Yearbook: Oman Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHD |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Pakistan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHE |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Panama Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHF |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Papua New Guinea Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHG |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Paraguay Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHH |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Peru Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHI |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Philippines Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHJ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Poland Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHK |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Portugal Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHL |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Romania Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHM |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Russia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHN |
Country Report | 1054-6111 | Political Risk Yearbook: Saudi Arabia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHS |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Singapore Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHT |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Slovak Republic Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHU |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: South Africa Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHV |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: South Korea Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHW |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Spain Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHX |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Sri Lanka Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHY |
Country Report | 1054-6170 | Political Risk Yearbook: Sudan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QHZ |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Suriname Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI0 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Sweden Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI1 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Switzerland Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI2 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Syria Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI3 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Taiwan Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI4 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Thailand Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI5 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Trinidad & Tobago Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI6 |
Country Report | 1054-6227 | Political Risk Yearbook: Tunisia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI7 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Turkey Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI8 |
Country Report | 1054-6251 | Political Risk Yearbook: UAE Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QI9 |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Ukraine Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIA |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: United Kingdom Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIB |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: United States Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIC |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Uruguay Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QID |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Venezuela Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIE |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Vietnam Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIF |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Zambia Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIG |
Country Report | | Political Risk Yearbook: Zimbabwe Country Report | PRS Group, Inc. | 01/01/2009 | | 01/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QIH |
Academic Journal | 0032-3195 | Political Science Quarterly (Academy of Political Science) | Academy of Political Science | 01/01/1975 | 12/31/2013 | 01/01/1975 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PSQ |
Academic Journal | 0032-3195 | Political Science Quarterly (Oxford University Press / USA) | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | H6QN |
Book / Monograph | 9780415237468 | Politics & Post-Colonial Theory | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 11/23/2000 | 12/23/2000 | 11/23/2000 | 12/23/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13O0 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415151856 | Politics of Development Co-operation | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/28/1997 | 09/27/1997 | 08/28/1997 | 09/27/1997 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13WR |
Academic Journal | 0267-5315 | Portuguese Studies | Modern Humanities Research Association | 01/01/2003 | 07/01/2018 | 01/01/2003 | 11/02/2008 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | U29 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415238304 | Post-Colonial Transformation | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 01/11/2001 | 02/10/2001 | 01/11/2001 | 02/10/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NX |
Academic Journal | 1463-1377 | Post-Communist Economies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1999 | | 03/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 53T |
Book / Monograph | 9780415171946 | Post-Industrial Socialism | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 04/09/1998 | 05/09/1998 | 04/09/1998 | 05/09/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13UD |
Academic Journal | 1368-8790 | Postcolonial Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 04/01/1998 | | 04/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 56Z |
Book / Monograph | 9780415243605 | Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/13/2000 | 08/12/2000 | 07/13/2000 | 08/12/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13ND |
Book / Monograph | 9780415147453 | Postcolonial Translation | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/10/1998 | 01/09/1999 | 12/10/1998 | 01/09/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13X6 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415700160 | Power in the Global Information Age: From Realism to Globalization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G3D |
Magazine | 1060-5088 | Presidents & Prime Ministers | EQES, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 01/31/2004 | 07/01/1993 | 01/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PPR |
Book / Monograph | 9789241572286 | Principles & Methods for the Assessment of Risk from Essential Trace Elements | World Health Organization | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | 08/01/2002 | 08/31/2002 | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 22HB |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Asia-Pacific | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0R |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0S |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Europe | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0T |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: France | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0U |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Germany | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0V |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0W |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0X |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Japan | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0Y |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: Spain | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y0Z |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: United Kingdom | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y10 |
Industry Report | | Private Health Insurance Industry Profile: United States | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/2003 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y11 |
Academic Journal | 1075-8216 | Problems of Post-Communism | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1994 | | 09/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PPC |
Report | | Productivity Impacts in Building Life-Cycle Cost Analysis | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1992 | 02/28/1992 | 02/01/1992 | 02/28/1992 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3985 |
Report | | Program Documentation for the Resource Recovery Planning Model | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 05/01/1983 | 05/31/1983 | 05/01/1983 | 05/31/1983 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 397E |
Report | | Programmer's Manual for the Fire Safety Evaluation System Cost Minimizer Computer Program | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1983 | 07/31/1983 | 07/01/1983 | 07/31/1983 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397D |
Book / Monograph | 9781854182579 | Project Risk Management -- The Commercial Dimension | Thorogood Publishing Ltd. | 07/01/2003 | 07/31/2003 | 07/01/2003 | 07/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VVT |
Report | | Project-Oriented Life-Cycle Costing Workshop for Energy Conservation in Buildings | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/2004 | 07/31/2004 | 07/01/2004 | 07/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397H |
Magazine | 2326-8670 | Property & Casualty 360 | ALM Global LLC | 01/01/2013 | 07/31/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FICL |
Industry Report | | Property & Casualty Insurance Industry Profile: Global | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | 01/01/2003 | 05/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1T |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Belgium | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1U |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Denmark | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1V |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Finland | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1W |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Italy | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1X |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Norway | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1Y |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Spain | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y1Z |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Sweden | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y20 |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: Switzerland | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y21 |
Industry Report | | Property Insurance Industry Profile: the Netherlands | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | Y22 |
Academic Journal | 1068-316X | Psychology, Crime & Law | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 12/01/2000 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 7WL |
Book / Monograph | 9781854181039 | Public Liability Insurance | Thorogood Publishing Ltd. | 07/01/1999 | 07/31/1999 | 07/01/1999 | 07/31/1999 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VVV |
SWOT Analysis | | QBE Insurance Group, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 03/01/2004 | | 03/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZNB |
Book / Monograph | 9780415093859 | Racism, Sexism, Power & Ideology | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/23/1995 | 04/22/1995 | 03/23/1995 | 04/22/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 142Y |
SWOT Analysis | | RBS Insurance SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 06/01/2006 | 01/31/2008 | 06/01/2006 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1HFV |
Book / Monograph | 9780714654966 | Realignments in Russian Foreign Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 01/31/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G3E |
Report | | Recommended Practice for Measuring Net Benefits & Internal Rates of Return for Investments in Buildings & Building Systems | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/1983 | 10/31/1983 | 10/01/1983 | 10/31/1983 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3988 |
Report | | Recommended Practice for Measuring Simple & Discounted Payback for Investments in Buildings & Building Systems | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | 01/01/1984 | 01/31/1984 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3987 |
Academic Journal | 1359-7566 | Regional & Federal Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RJF |
Academic Journal | 0218-3056 | Regional Outlook | ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute | 08/01/2002 | 01/31/2012 | 08/01/2002 | 01/31/2012 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | JZJ |
Academic Journal | 0034-3404 | Regional Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1996 | | 02/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RIO |
Academic Journal | 0963-7494 | Religion, State & Society | Routledge | 03/01/1999 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 55P |
Magazine | 1744-8026 | Research Information | RI Media Ltd | 07/01/2007 | | 07/01/2007 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 24RK |
Book / Monograph | 9780415195409 | Rethinking International Organisation | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/21/2002 | 03/23/2002 | 02/21/2002 | 03/23/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13S5 |
Academic Journal | 1475-3553 | Review of International Affairs | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/2001 | 06/30/2004 | 09/01/2001 | 06/30/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IXT |
Academic Journal | 1475-3685 | Review of Middle East Economics & Finance | De Gruyter | 12/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | RG8 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415175654 | Revolution in a Chinese Village | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 01/29/1998 | 02/28/1998 | 01/29/1998 | 02/28/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13U1 |
Academic Journal | 1584-5273 | Riscuri şi Catastrofe | Riscuri si Catastrofe | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FBQI |
Book / Monograph | 9780415241595 | Risk & Citizenship | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 05/17/2001 | 06/16/2001 | 05/17/2001 | 06/16/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13NN |
Academic Journal | 1569-7371 | Risk & Decision Analysis | IOS Press | 08/01/2010 | | 08/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | B4Y9 |
Book / Monograph | 9781857280685 | Risk (1-85728-068-7) | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/16/1995 | 03/18/1995 | 02/16/1995 | 03/18/1995 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13GR |
Academic Journal | 0272-4332 | Risk Analysis: An International Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/2000 | | 02/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2C2 |
Report | | Risk Exposure & Risk Attitude of Homeowners in Fire Protection Investment Decisions | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 12/01/1989 | 12/31/1989 | 12/01/1989 | 12/31/1989 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397C |
Academic Journal | 1098-1616 | Risk Management & Insurance Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5VP |
Trade Publication | 0035-5593 | Risk Management (00355593) | Risk & Insurance Management Society, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | | 01/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RSK |
Academic Journal | 1460-3799 | Risk Management (14603799) | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 03/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RJI |
Book / Monograph | 9783540226826 | Risk Management: Challenge & Opportunity | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C49 |
Trade Publication | 1867-8122 | Risk, Compliance & Audit (RC&A) | Bank-Verlag Medien GmbH | 02/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | 02/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | BMDD |
Academic Journal | 1357-5309 | Risk, Decision & Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/2004 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5C7 |
Academic Journal | 1944-4079 | Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2012 | | 01/01/2012 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DS1P |
Academic Journal | 1073-8673 | Risk: Health Safety & Environment | University of New Hampshire for the benefit of the University of New Hampshire School of Law | 03/01/1994 | 04/30/2002 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KRM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Rita Cosby Live & Direct (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/16/2005 | 06/30/2006 | 12/16/2005 | 06/30/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS1 |
Report | | Role of Economic Analysis in the Development of Energy Standards for New Buildings | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 05/01/1978 | 05/31/1978 | 05/01/1978 | 05/31/1978 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398A |
Magazine | 2293-7684 | Rotman Management | Joseph L. Rotman School of Management | 04/01/2008 | | 04/01/2008 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 54ZE |
SWOT Analysis | | Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group, PLC SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | 09/01/2013 | 02/01/2004 | 09/01/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZOQ |
Country Report | | Russia Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50K |
Country Report | | Russia Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0M |
Country Report | 1520-121X | Russia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DXA |
Academic Journal | 2657-8808 | Safety & Fire Technology (2657-8808) | Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpozarowej | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | MVZJ |
Academic Journal | 1895-8443 | Safety & Fire Technology / Bezpieczeństwo i Technika Pożarnicza | Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpozarowej | 03/01/2012 | 12/31/2018 | 03/01/2012 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Poland | Available Now | DRZ2 |
Magazine | 1524-1564 | Safety Director's Report | Diversified Communications | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYO |
SWOT Analysis | | Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 08/01/2004 | 08/31/2007 | 08/01/2004 | 08/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15D8 |
Country Report | | Saudi Arabia Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50L |
Country Report | 1520-1287 | Saudi Arabia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DXI |
Academic Journal | 0036-5637 | Scandinavian Studies | University of Wisconsin Press | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1995 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SVT |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Scarborough Country (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/03/2003 | 06/27/2007 | 11/03/2003 | 06/27/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS6 |
Academic Journal | 0892-9882 | Science & Global Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | J5U |
Book / Monograph | 9781881508649 | Secretaries of War, Navy & Defense: Ensuring National Security | Oliver Press | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | YOH |
Magazine | 1533-4864 | Security Administrator | Penton Publishing | 04/01/2004 | 03/31/2005 | 05/01/2004 | 03/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | VU7 |
Magazine | 1521-916X | Security Director's Report | Diversified Communications | 01/01/2001 | 08/31/2013 | 01/01/2001 | 08/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYP |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Showbiz Tonight (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 02/06/2014 | 12/01/2005 | 02/06/2014 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNST |
Report | | Simplified Life-Cycle Cost Methodology for Analysis of Lamps & Ballasts in Federal Buildings (1992 Edition) | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 02/01/1992 | 02/28/1992 | 02/01/1992 | 02/28/1992 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3984 |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Situation Room (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | | 12/01/2005 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNSR |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Situation with Tucker Carlson (MSNBC) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 07/06/2006 | 12/01/2005 | 07/06/2006 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-MS7 |
SWOT Analysis | | Skandia Insurance Company, Ltd. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 10/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | 10/01/2005 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VZA |
Book / Monograph | 9780415282789 | Social Security Reform in Advanced Countries | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/26/2002 | 01/25/2003 | 12/26/2002 | 01/25/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13KY |
Book / Monograph | 9780415111706 | Social Theory & the Global Environment | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/14/1994 | 08/13/1994 | 07/14/1994 | 08/13/1994 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 141B |
Academic Journal | 0885-4300 | Socialism & Democracy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1996 | | 04/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SDM |
Book / Monograph | 9780415114608 | Sociology of Nationalism | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/20/1998 | 09/19/1998 | 08/20/1998 | 09/19/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 140Z |
Book / Monograph | 9780415175456 | Sociology of Progress | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | 01/01/1998 | 01/31/1998 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13U2 |
Report | | Solar Heating & Cooling in Buildings: Methods of Economic Evaluation | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1975 | 07/31/1975 | 07/01/1975 | 07/31/1975 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 398I |
SWOT Analysis | | Sompo Japan Insurance, Inc. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 12/01/2003 | 03/01/2016 | 12/01/2003 | 03/01/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZRL |
Academic Journal | 0085-6401 | South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/2003 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | RGC |
Country Report | | South Korea Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 11/01/1998 | | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 50R |
Country Report | | South Korea Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0Q |
Country Report | 1520-1643 | South Korea Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DVT |
Academic Journal | 0377-5437 | Southeast Asian Affairs | ISEAS- Yusof Ishak Institute | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 2VN |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Special Report with Brit Hume (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/23/2000 | 01/19/2009 | 11/23/2000 | 01/19/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX4 |
Academic Journal | 1067-8530 | Spectrum: Journal of State Government | Council of State Governments | 06/01/1992 | 03/31/2005 | 07/01/2000 | 03/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | STM |
SWOT Analysis | | State Farm Insurance Companies SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | 11/01/2014 | 02/01/2004 | 11/01/2014 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZS3 |
Magazine | 0039-0119 | State Government News | Council of State Governments | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2004 | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SGN |
Magazine | 1549-3628 | State News (Council of State Governments) | Council of State Governments | 05/01/2004 | 12/31/2009 | 05/01/2004 | 12/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ZZW |
Magazine | 1532-4400 | State Politics & Policy Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2002 | | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HAX |
Book / Monograph | 9780415196741 | State Power & Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/10/2000 | 03/11/2000 | 02/10/2000 | 03/11/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13RX |
Book / Monograph | 9783540221890 | Statistical Tools in Finance & Insurance | Springer Nature / Books | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2005 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 1C4F |
Academic Journal | 1061-0014 | Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of the USSR & Its Successor States | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2000 | 10/31/2020 | 11/01/2000 | 10/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8D2 |
Academic Journal | 1436-3240 | Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment | Springer Nature | 05/01/2003 | | 05/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NNY |
Academic Journal | 0970-0161 | Strategic Analysis | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3263 |
Academic Journal | 1356-7888 | Strategic Comments | Routledge | 01/01/2005 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AA6 |
Academic Journal | 0459-7230 | Strategic Survey | Routledge | 05/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | AA7 |
Academic Journal | 0039-3606 | Studies in Comparative International Development | Springer Nature | 01/01/1965 | | 01/01/1965 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | CID |
SWOT Analysis | | Sumitomo Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 05/01/2004 | 10/21/2016 | 05/01/2004 | 10/21/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15EJ |
Report | | Survey of Techniques for Evaluating Emergency Planning Models & Data Bases | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 11/01/1984 | 11/30/1984 | 11/01/1984 | 11/30/1984 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | 3986 |
Trade Publication | | Sustainability Magazine | BizClik Media Group | 07/01/2021 | | | | | | | India | Available Now | MUAB |
SWOT Analysis | | Swiss Life Insurance & Pension Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 12/01/2003 | 10/01/2013 | 12/01/2003 | 10/01/2013 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ZSP |
Academic Journal | 0082-5433 | T'oung Pao | Brill Academic Publishers | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | C64 |
SWOT Analysis | | Taiyo Life Insurance Company SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 12/21/2004 | 04/30/2005 | 12/21/2004 | 04/30/2005 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 15F0 |
SWOT Analysis | | Taiyo Mutual Life Insurance Co. SWOT Analysis | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 11/01/2005 | 06/30/2007 | 11/01/2005 | 06/30/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1VZN |
Report | | Technology Adoption Indicators Applied to the ATP Flow-Control Machining Project | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 05/01/2003 | 05/31/2003 | 05/01/2003 | 05/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397L |
Academic Journal | 1359-9372 | Technology, Law & Insurance | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | 09/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5C8 |
Magazine | 1075-3702 | TELEMASP Bulletin | Criminal Justice Center | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2009 | 01/01/2004 | 07/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UGD |
Congressional Document | | Terrorist Risk Insurance | United States Senate | 10/24/2001 | 10/31/2001 | 10/24/2001 | 10/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1H2E |
Academic Journal | 1547-4887 | Texas Hispanic Journal of Law & Policy | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6ZT |
Academic Journal | 1068-1000 | Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 09/01/1999 | | 09/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EIM |
Academic Journal | 0163-7479 | Texas International Law Journal | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6MP |
Academic Journal | 1930-2045 | Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 12/01/1998 | | 12/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6ZU |
Academic Journal | 0040-4411 | Texas Law Review | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 11/01/1996 | | 11/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1MR |
Academic Journal | 1098-4577 | Texas Review of Law & Politics | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 09/01/1998 | | 09/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6ZI |
Book / Monograph | 9780415156721 | Theories of Race & Racism | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/09/1999 | 01/08/2000 | 12/09/1999 | 01/08/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13WD |
Book / Monograph | 9780815313946 | Third World Education | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 02/03/2000 | 03/04/2000 | 02/03/2000 | 03/04/2000 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13HV |
Academic Journal | 0143-6597 | Third World Quarterly | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | 18 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | TWQ |
Book / Monograph | 9780789016270 | Threat Assessment: A Risk Management Approach | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | 11/01/2003 | 11/30/2003 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 254X |
Magazine | 0887-9982 | Tikkun (Duke University Press) | Duke University Press | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2018 | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TIK |
Magazine | 0887-9982 | Tikkun (Institute for Labor & Mental Health) | Institute for Labor & Mental Health | 01/01/2019 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | M7GF |
Book / Monograph | 9780415196963 | Tourism & Political Boundaries | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 06/14/2001 | 07/14/2001 | 06/14/2001 | 07/14/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13RU |
Book / Monograph | 9780415223430 | Transnational Democracy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 08/22/2002 | 09/21/2002 | 08/22/2002 | 09/21/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13P2 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415224239 | Transnational Environmental Policy | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 03/15/2001 | 04/14/2001 | 03/15/2001 | 04/14/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13P1 |
Magazine | | Transparency Watch | Transparency International | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | 07/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | 37ET |
Health Report | | Travel Insurance: Protection for That Dream Vacation | Great Neck Health Publishing | 05/01/2002 | 09/30/2005 | 05/01/2002 | 09/30/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 18Q9 |
Magazine | 0264-0937 | Treasurer | ACT (Administration) Ltd ("ACT") | 12/01/2013 | 01/31/2022 | 12/01/2013 | 01/31/2022 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 55R0 |
Magazine | 0041-3682 | Trusts & Estates | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/2008 | | 07/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TRE |
Country Report | 1520-1503 | Tunisia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DY7 |
Country Report | | Turkey Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51D |
Country Report | | Turkey Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 02/01/2004 | | 02/01/2004 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0X |
Country Report | 1520-1511 | Turkey Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DY8 |
Academic Journal | 1468-3849 | Turkish Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IXV |
Country Report | 1520-152X | Turkmenistan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DY9 |
Country Report | 1520-1538 | Tuvalu Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYA |
Country Report | | U.S. Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0Z |
Magazine | 1051-7693 | U.S. Department of State Dispatch | Office of Public Communication | 09/01/1990 | 12/31/1999 | 11/04/1991 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DIS |
Book / Monograph | 9780415267755 | U.S. Foreign Policy after the Cold War: Global Hegemon or Reluctant Sheriff? | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | 01/01/2002 | 01/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1G3S |
Government Document | | U.S. House Resolution | United States House of Representatives | 01/01/2001 | 07/31/2005 | 01/01/2001 | 07/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1GLM |
Industry Report | | U.S. Industry Quarterly Review: Finance, Insurance, Real Estate | IHS Markit Ltd. | 04/01/2002 | 09/30/2003 | 04/01/2002 | 09/30/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AX6 |
Government Document | | U.S. Senate Resolution | United States Senate | 01/01/2001 | 09/30/2002 | 01/01/2001 | 09/30/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1GLN |
Country Report | 1520-1546 | Uganda Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYB |
Country Report | | UK Country Profile | MarketLine, a Progressive Digital Media business | 07/01/2003 | | 07/01/2003 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | W0Y |
Country Report | 1520-1554 | Ukraine Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYC |
Book / Monograph | 9781422200742 | UN & the Global Marketplace: Economic Developments | Mason Crest Publishers | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2F0B |
Magazine | 0251-7329 | UN Chronicle (Print) | United Nations Publications | 06/01/1990 | 07/31/2018 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GB9 |
Report | | UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating & Cost Analysis | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 10/01/1999 | 10/31/1999 | 10/01/1999 | 10/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397S |
Country Report | | United Arab Emirates Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51G |
Country Report | 1520-1562 | United Arab Emirates Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYD |
Country Report | | United Kingdom Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51H |
Country Report | 1520-1570 | United Kingdom Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYE |
Magazine | 1564-3913 | United Nations Chronicle (Online) | United Nations Publications | 09/01/2023 | | 09/01/2023 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NBKE |
Country Report | | United States Country Monitor | IHS Markit Ltd. | 10/01/1998 | | 10/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 51I |
Country Report | 1520-1589 | United States Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYG |
Academic Journal | 0041-9907 | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | University of Pennsylvania Law Review | 06/01/1996 | | 06/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | UPL |
Academic Journal | 0042-0220 | University of Toronto Law Journal | University of Toronto Press | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 6 | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 4I5 |
Book / Monograph | 9780415244251 | Urban Movements in a Globalising World | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 12/07/2000 | 01/06/2001 | 12/07/2000 | 01/06/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13N7 |
Country Report | 1520-1597 | Uruguay Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYH |
Report | | User Preferences for Life-Cycle Decision Support Tools: Evaluation of a Survey of BEES Users | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/2002 | 07/31/2002 | 07/01/2002 | 07/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397P |
Report | | Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Assess Performance of Manufacturing Extension Centers | U.S. National Institute of Standards & Technology | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | 07/01/1998 | 07/31/1998 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 397W |
Country Report | 1520-1600 | Uzbekistan Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYI |
Country Report | 1520-0663 | Vanuatu Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYJ |
Country Report | 1520-0884 | Venezuela Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYK |
Country Report | 1520-0671 | Vietnam Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYL |
Book / Monograph | 9780415236737 | Virtual Globalization | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 07/12/2001 | 08/11/2001 | 07/12/2001 | 08/11/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13O1 |
Magazine | 0043-0633 | Washington Monthly | Washington Monthly | 05/01/1990 | | 05/01/1990 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WSM |
Government Document | 0511-4187 | Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1995 | 01/31/2009 | 01/01/1995 | 01/29/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WCP |
Book / Monograph | 9780415923415 | Welfare Racism | Taylor & Francis Ltd / Books | 09/13/2001 | 10/13/2001 | 09/13/2001 | 10/13/2001 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 13JU |
Market Research Report | | White Book - France Telecom: Debt Problem Solvable, But Will Require Even More Equity & Faces Risks | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 07/01/2001 | 07/02/2001 | 07/01/2001 | 07/02/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16XW |
Market Research Report | | White Book - Hewlett-Packard + Compaq: Bold, But Not Strategic Enough & Too Risky for Shareholders Short-Term | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 02/01/2002 | 02/02/2002 | 02/01/2002 | 02/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16Y8 |
Market Research Report | | White Book - Non-Life Insurance Industry Valuations: Still Attractive Relatively & Absolutely | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 07/01/2002 | 07/02/2002 | 07/01/2002 | 07/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16YX |
Market Research Report | | White Book - Non-Life Insurance: Analysis of 2002 10-K Reserve Hindsight Tests | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 06/01/2003 | 06/02/2003 | 06/01/2003 | 06/02/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16ET |
Market Research Report | | White Book - Non-Life Insurance: Don't Confuse It With an Ordinary Industry | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 09/01/2003 | 09/02/2003 | 09/01/2003 | 09/02/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16F7 |
Market Research Report | | White Book - Non-Life Insurance: Review of 2001 Reserve Adequacy - Deterioration Since Last Year, But Improving With the Hard Market | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 09/01/2002 | 09/02/2002 | 09/01/2002 | 09/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16Z8 |
Market Research Report | | White Book - The Bernstein Portfolio Optimizer & Risk Model | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 01/01/2005 | 01/02/2005 | 01/01/2005 | 01/02/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16RL |
Market Research Report | | White Book - U.S. Life Insurance: Outlook for Industry Consolidation | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 10/01/2003 | 10/02/2003 | 10/01/2003 | 10/02/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16FC |
Market Research Report | | White Book - U.S. Life Insurance: The Implications of Equity Sensitivity | Bernstein Institutional Services LLC | 10/01/2002 | 10/02/2002 | 10/01/2002 | 10/02/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 16ZA |
Academic Journal | 0043-8200 | World Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1974 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | WAF |
Magazine | 0897-9472 | World Monitor | Christian Science Publishing Society | 01/01/1992 | 05/31/1993 | 01/01/1992 | 05/30/1993 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | WMN |
Academic Journal | 0740-2775 | World Policy Journal | Sage Publications Inc. | 06/01/1990 | 06/30/2018 | 06/01/1993 | 12/31/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WPJ |
Country Report | 1520-0698 | Yemen Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYM |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Your World Today (CNN) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 12/01/2005 | 01/24/2008 | 12/01/2005 | 01/24/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-CNYW |
TV & Radio News Transcript | | Your World with Neil Cavuto (FOX News) | CQ Roll Call Inc. | 11/23/2000 | | 11/23/2000 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 32U-FX6 |
Country Report | 1520-0701 | Zambia Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYN |
Country Report | 1520-071X | Zimbabwe Country Review | CountryWatch Incorporated | 07/01/2000 | | 07/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DYO |