Corporate Responsibility

EBSCO is a company with a conscience. We are committed to conducting ourselves according to the highest standards of conduct and ensuring that our high ethical standards are upheld by our suppliers.

How We Operate

  • Anti-Corruption

    EBSCO seeks to conduct our operations in accordance with all anti-corruption laws. We prohibit all forms of corruption and bribery. Learn more from our Anti-Corruption Policy.

  • Employee Code of Conduct

    EBSCO recognizes that our team members must adhere to certain practices in order to drive our culture, support our values and meet our commitment to high ethical standards. Learn more from our Employee Code of Conduct.

  • Our Culture

    We are committed to building a culture that operates with fairness and equity and creates a sense of inclusion where teammates feel they belong. We believe that by securing an inclusive workplace culture and providing all teammates opportunities to succeed, we will continue to grow as individuals and as a business.

  • Human Rights

    EBSCO is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our corporate activities and our supply chains. Learn more from our Modern Slavery Act Statement.

  • Supplier Code of Conduct

    EBSCO has a long-standing commitment to operate ethically in all communities where we live and work. Our Supplier Code of Conduct was created to ensure that the high ethical standards to which EBSCO holds itself are also upheld by our suppliers.

  • Carbon Neutrality

    EBSCO is committed to achieving carbon neutrality (net zero) as an organization, and to doing our part to generate greater awareness, provide support, and facilitate initiatives that will help individuals and organizations address and reduce their own carbon footprint.