Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

A. I live near the ocean in San Francisco and love taking walks in the fog. I am the mother of two young adults, one of whom is at University of Michigan working on a PhD in cancer biology and the other is a senior at Tulane — they have flown very far from the nest! I love travel, am comfortably conversational in German, and would love to relocate to Europe for a time.

Q. What did you do prior to joining EBSCO’s Nursing and Allied Health Editorial Leadership Team?

A. I worked in critical care, primarily in a surgical ICU caring for post-op open heart surgery patients. I also spent a few years working in oncology at a teaching hospital, primarily caring for patients undergoing their first round of chemotherapy to treat leukemia and other blood disorders.  Additionally, I spent several years writing clinical content for EBSCO’s Nursing & Allied Health team before becoming a Section Editor.

Q. What inspired you to become a healthcare professional?

A. I became very interested in biology and medicine in high school and went to college planning to go to medical school. After being treated for cancer in college, however, I decided I liked the hands-on nursing role better and pursued a BSN at the University of San Francisco after completing my BS in biology at Stanford.

Q. What drew you to EBSCO and our Nursing and Allied Health Editorial Leadership Team?

A. The opportunity to stretch myself in a leadership role.

Q. What is your favorite part of your job?

A. Knowing that we are creating a quality product that will positively impact healthcare delivery.

Q. What is your professional passion as it relates to healthcare?

A. Quality of care, clinical accuracy and evidence-based nursing practice are my professional passions!