We’re at the end of 2021 and what better time to reflect on the year, its highlights and milestones, and how we spent it with you!
We’ve created this snapshot of 2021 to share how you and your patrons used NoveList this year, including the most searched titles of the year, product updates, top blog posts, and the most popular templates.

Download the infographic here.
What you were reading
The most popular blog posts of 2021 were:
- Summer Reading: Your 2021 Guide
- TikTok, BookTok, and You
- Let’s stop saying that libraries are more than just books
- 5 outside the box ideas for Library Card Sign-up Month success
- Anatomy of a good eNewsletter
Speaking of reading…
Did you participate in the inaugural NoveList Reading Challenge? In 2021 we kicked off our very first Reading Challenge to get readers to explore outside of their comfort zones. Our mid-year check-in highlighted some of the ways libraries can enhance and promote their reading challenges. And our wrap-up offered some suggestions to round out the year, or even complete an extra mini challenge before we close the books on 2021.
And when you weren’t reading…
…clearly you were binge-watching. (We were, too.)
Class is in session
You attended SIXTY-THREE webinars, trainings, and microtrainings this year, from Success at the Ballot Box, to the State of Readers’ Advisory, and from genre training Crash Courses with LibraryReads to “Ask us Anything” with our Engagement Team. Check out our events page and catch a replay!
Party time
We had plenty to celebrate in 2021 at NoveList with the release of several new product features including book club best bets, brand new book journals and reading logs in LibraryAware as well as easier emails with RSS feeds. We updated and added new Graphic Novel content in NoveList Plus and added the themes Celebrating Identity and Magical Girls!
Canadian readers found some new results in the Google knowledge panel when searching for books in 2021 with the help of Linked Library Service (you can read the product release here).
Also in 2021 we added four new courses to our professional services offerings including Marketing Foundations, Promoting Your Collection, Telling Your Library Story, and Using Story Elements with Readers.
New to Learn with NoveList? Check it out!
Want to make a "2021 in Review" for your library? LibraryAware customers can search year in review and create their own using these templates:

It’s been a wonderful year of working with you and we look forward to even more in 2022.
Molly Wyand is the Communications Specialist at NoveList. She is currently reading All About Me! by Mel Brooks.