As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to announce one of our favorite NoveList traditions: the reading challenge for the upcoming year. For the third year in a row, we are encouraging readers to stretch out of their comfort zones a bit by reading books in the twelve categories we’ve selected.
You can read along with NoveList — every month, we will provide suggested titles for that month’s challenge prompt via our social media channels. Or you can customize the challenge for your library patrons. If you’re a LibraryAware customer, all of the materials, including the tracker and the challenge prompts, are available and completely editable.
We are looking forward to another fulfilling reading year. Read on to see this year’s challenge (and a few tips for finding fitting titles in NoveList)!
January: Start the new year off right by picking up a 2022 favorite from the NoveList Best of the Year lists.
February: Read a romance or a love story starring Black characters.
March: Read a book made popular by BookTok. Need inspiration? Check out our For Fans of BookTok Recommended Reads Lists.
April: Read a book that is being adapted into a movie or TV show in 2023. (NoveList tip: Search GN Page to screen.)
May: Read a book starring a main character who has a disability.
June: Use the genre Book Club Best Bets to pick a title.
July: Read a mystery or thriller set in the summer.
August: Read a book that stars an unreliable or unnamed narrator.
September: It's time to go back to school! Read a book with the theme dark academia.
October: Read a book with an orange or black cover.
November: Give thanks and read a book about chosen family or family gatherings.
December: Read a collection of short stories or essays by a non-American author.

Download the flyer here or make your own in LibraryAware.
Download your reading log here.
Happy Reading!
Kaitlin Conner is a Senior Readers’ Advisory Librarian at NoveList. She is currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova