We all know that book displays are the backbone of collection promotion. You get creative and come up with a theme, pull titles, and get those front-facing book jackets in front of the people in your library. You sit back, smiling to yourself each time the display stops someone in their tracks. And you feel a little thrill of satisfaction each time someone borrows one of the books displayed. 

What if I told you that you could roll that creative joy and channel that thrill of satisfaction into your email marketing plan?  

Email marketing is one of your library’s most popular digital promotion tactics because you're not reliant on mercurial social media algorithms. If you'd like to use email to promote your collection, here are some ideas to try: 

  • Feature titles from popular genres. NextReads, which is included in every LibraryAware subscription, makes that super easy.   

  • Use themes — think book clubs, staff picks, or popular TV shows! 

  • Set up a reading challenge like this one

  • Include related books in your program and event promotions. 

  • Offer personalized reading recommendations like this library

Using email for collection promotion is good customer service – subscribers can simply click on an item and place a hold or check out the e-version immediately. That's why we've launched the new Multiple Records feature in LibraryAware. You can take any Drag & Drop Email template and quickly include a list of books or AV titles. Search for titles by keyword, ISBN, or UPC, or even upload a list of all the ISBNS or UPCs you want to feature! Customize the look by easily adjusting the layout of the list and choosing the parts of the book records to be displayed.   

So go on, and use your book display skills to promote your collection by email. That books-checked-out thrill will be yours in no time.


Tell your library story through email, social media, on your website, in print, and more. 

Caleigh Haworth is an Engagement Consultant for NoveList. She is currently reading The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman.