NoveList Story Elements (genres, appeals, and themes) can be used in many ways, from browsing genres to our appeal mixer to the “Search for More” feature at the bottom of book pages. However, it hasn’t always been easy to get a sense of the breadth and depth of our Story Elements — what kinds of things can you search for? What subgenres can your romance readers explore? What are the different emotional experiences that you can help readers discover in their next book? What kinds of characters can readers expect to find?
In an effort to provide a simple, intuitive way to answer some of the above questions, we are excited to announce the addition of Story Elements Index pages in NoveList! They can be found under the Quick Links dropdown menu.

The index pages cover genres, appeals, and themes — three key Story Elements that help you connect readers to their next favorite book. These pages include an “at a glance” view of our metadata in these areas, along with links to other resources in NoveList so that you can explore the concepts more thoroughly.

Each page is organized into categories to help you understand how the terminology works together. For instance, appeal terms appear in groupings related to humor or emotional content, allowing you to help your readers identify what they are most in the mood for.

These pages will be updated in real time, so if there are any changes or additions to our vocabulary, you will see them here first.
We hope that these pages enrich your experience of using NoveList; if there is additional information you would like to see included, please let us know!
Victoria Fredrick is the Director of Book Discovery.