Creating higher resolution images sized right for social media and large enough for in-library screens is now possible in LibraryAware. That means you can create all your digital communications in one program, using the curated library-focused images and professionally designed templates you love. And with our new widget sizes, you’ll get sharp images even on a big screen. It’s all possible through these wonderful things called widgets. What’s a widget, and why should you care? Read on. 

We say widget; you say Facebook post. 
And display screen slide, and website carousel, and more. You’ve probably seen a website with a row of rotating book jackets or a “book carousel.” Or maybe your library is using display screens that rotate through promos for upcoming events. The website and display screens are likely using widgets. 

A widget is a virtual container that holds one or more rotating images and that you can embed on the web via a snippet of code. The widget code can be added to most webpages, including blogs, or display screen software that accepts image URLs. So now in LibraryAware, you can create much larger widget containers, which means higher-quality, bolder graphics on your display screens. 

Your job just got easier. 
LibraryAware has always had widgets. Now we’ve upgraded the resolution to allow for crisp images on many library display screens. 

Widgets aren’t only helpful for creating web carousels, they’re great time-savers when creating a graphic for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just search the social channel’s name in LibraryAware, select a ready-to-go design, or create your own (search “blank”) and post it directly to Facebook or Twitter. For Instagram posts, save it as an image and post it as you do now. You can even use widgets to make it easy for your patrons to find NoveList or other online resources on your library’s website. 

Here’s your easy button.
Ready to create engaging posts and display screen slides? Use this guide to pick the widget that’s right for your needs. Then watch or read a quick tutorial or two, and you’ll be good to go. Give our new widgets a try and show us how you’re using them. 

Widgets are a wonderful tool for engaging readers right where they are – in your library, on your website and on social. We can’t wait to see how widgets make your job easier! 

Kathy Lussier is the Engagement Manager at NoveList. She is an extrovert who is currently reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.