Can one size ever fit all? It can when you use the newest LibraryAware campaign guide.
Each of our six topic-specific campaign guides gives you a step-by-step plan and suggested templates to help ensure your promotion gets noticed. What if you want to promote a service or solution that isn’t covered by one of our campaign guides? Just DIY it with our new Comprehensive Promotional Campaign Guide.

This new all-purpose guide is based on our existing campaign guides but works for any event or service you want to promote. So, whether you’re promoting a movie streaming service or a community-wide reading event, you now have a guide for that! And like our other guides, the Comprehensive Promotional Campaign Guide includes eight tactics plus the how-to you need to maximize results for any size library. We even suggest a variety of templates that are best to use for each step. To find this new DIY guide and our topic-specific guides, search “campaign guide” in LibraryAware. Take a deeper dive into using the guides for your next promotion by watching our recorded microtrainings.
Want to learn how to create a marketing strategy customized to your library using proven practices that get measurable results? You can hire a NoveList expert to lead interactive remote staff training that goes beyond simple webinars. You and your staff will leave with a plan to increase circulation, promote events and services, as well as create brand awareness and library loyalty through goal-based, measurable library promotions. See our course offerings and request a free consultation to talk about your library’s professional development needs, budget, and timing.
Kathy Lussier is the Manager of Engagement and Services. She is reading Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art by Madeleine L’Engle.