The events of the past year have made it more important than ever to have communication plans that reach your library audiences electronically, via the web, social media, and email. LibraryAware is a multi-channel communication software that has helped many libraries start or grow their digital presence.
Email emerged as a critical communication channel in 2020, empowering libraries to reach their communities with essential information and news, and we saw libraries send substantially more emails last year than in prior years.
To make creating LibraryAware emails even easier and faster, we have introduced a feature that allows your organization to set up RSS feeds as a content source for your e-blasts and newsletters. Does your library have RSS feeds for news updates, events, blog posts, or the like? You can now use the information from those feeds to create content in your LibraryAware e-blasts and electronic newsletters.
A LibraryAware administrator for your organization will be able to set up an unlimited number of RSS feeds for you to use. Once your RSS feeds are created, you can select any RSS feed item to insert in the email you’re crafting, and with the click of a button, the title, link, description, and date will appear in that section of your e-blast or e-newsletter. Some RSS feeds include lengthy titles and descriptions, while others include abbreviated details, so once you have added your RSS item, you can edit or add images, links and text to your liking.
Here’s a sample email using an RSS feed to add select virtual events:

Imagine being able to pull your library’s latest blog post into an email with just a few clicks. This new feature could save your library valuable time in communicating news and events to your patrons.
Jenny Schafer is the Manager of Product Management for NoveList. She is currently reading The Silence of the White City by Eva García Sáenz, which was recommended by one of NoveList’s librarians who knows Jenny loves a good mystery!