We are thrilled to announce the three recipients of the first ever Engaging Readers at Your Public Library Grant. The response to the call for applications was amazing -- more than 50 libraries submitted ideas! While the final decision was tough, it was truly inspiring to hear such great ideas and to hear how important it is for our libraries to help readers find just the right books. So, thank you for taking the time to submit an application.

The three recipients are:

  • Chatham-Kent Public Library (Ontario)
    CKPL staff will design print and digital marketing materials for a multi-channel marketing campaign. To further engage the community at large, they plan a friendly competition with neighbor public library systems with reading and social media challenges. We were excited by the way their application show a desire to engage with all their staff, all their readers, and library staff and readers from nearby communities. Reading is bigger than town borders.
  • Dallas Public Library (Texas)
    DPL’s diverse 29-location system presents some unique challenges their application embraced head on with the creation and promotion of a personal librarian service to showcase their collections for niche audience. The depth of their planned personal librarian service is awe-inspiring. We’re excited to see their success.
  • Sherwood Public Library (Oregon)
    As part of their strategic plan, Sherwood is taking their readers’ advisory to the next level. Following on their success with last year’s 84% increase in adult summer reading participation, staff are launching form-based readers’ advisory. We love that they’re building on past success to keep those new readers hooked on their librarians’ book expertise.

Each of these grant recipients will receive a $5,000 grant. In addition, the LibraryAware team will be working with them over the next six months -- sign up for NoveList News to make sure you’re notified of the results.

Nancy Dowd is the Product Manager for LibraryAware. Her passion is helping libraries connect to their communities.