Recent events have led to more discussions about systemic racism and increased interest in antiracism. This is a huge topic, and there is a starting point for each person who wants to learn more. Realizing the importance of this topic, we want to make sure there's an easy way for librarians and readers to find the books they need. So, our metadata librarians have created a new genre, Antiracist literature. From white fragility to the Black Power movement, these books present antiracist ideas, history, and commentary.
Consisting of nonfiction titles for all ages, they help inspire a deeper understanding of racism and how to work against it actively. They are the perfect way to introduce readers of all ages to the history and concept of antiracism or expand existing knowledge. There are so many brilliant books on this topic. From the inspiring picture book, Hidden figures: The True Story of Four Black Women and the Space Race to the thought-provoking and colorful young adult book This Book Is Anti-racist, there are options for younger readers to begin learning about the history of racism, what is antiracism, and how to practice it in their daily lives. There are engaging, sobering options like How to Be an Antiracist, White Fragility, and March for adults. The wide age range for these titles means that you have a title to use for various library programs. From storytimes to book clubs, there is a book for everyone.
If you'd like to see all the titles we have in this genre, you can use an exact genre search. In the NoveList Plus search, type GX antiracist literature. Once you've got all the titles, you can narrow it down using the sidebar by age ranges, tone, and even time period. Or, you can add a field code, like subject (SU) to search. To do this, you would type GX antiracist literature AND SU (keyword). If you're looking for antiracist literature about civil rights, search GX antiracist literature AND SU civil rights.
For most, being antiracist is a process of continual learning and practice. We hope to help readers connect with books that can help them process and react to issues that affect our society every day.

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Yaika Sabat is a Senior Readers' Advisory Librarian at NoveList. She is currently reading the Locke & Key series by Joe Hill and Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia.