What are Storytime standouts?
Whether your storytime is in person or online, something magical happens when you can share a fabulous picture book with kids. They elicit a response from your audience that energizes you and makes them a joy to read.
Here at NoveList, we realized there are a lot of picture books out there to choose from! We wanted a simple way for librarians, educators, and patrons to find picture books for an enchanting, crowd-pleasing storytime. These are books that you can read over and over, and they never lose their spark. They are exceptional for group storytime sharing. Some of the traits taken into consideration are repetition or repetitive phrases, wordplay, alliteration, and energy (although these books don’t have to be happy in tone). This heading is a work in progress. Did we misidentify (or neglect to identify) your favorite Storytime standouts book? Please, let us know.
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Bonus for LibraryAware subscribers: Learn more about how to promote storytimes to drive up attendance during an exclusive 20-minute microtraining session on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 2 p.m. EST. NoveList Senior Engagement Consultant Angela Hursh will share tips and new templates to effectively promote storytimes. Plus, she’ll show you templates to create learning experiences for storytime attendees that can be completed at home. And you’ll get the first look at a new LibraryAware campaign guide full of tips for effective promotion that will position your library storytime as an essential resource to set kids up for a lifetime of reading and learning. Register now.
Brierley Ash is a Metadata Librarian for NoveList. She is currently reading The Searcher by Tana French.