The reaction to LibraryAware’s drag and drop editor has been phenomenal. Libraries around the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are creating thousands of programming flyers, readers’ advisory endcap flyers, display signs, closing signs, and more. Creating bookmarks to go along with those flyers and displays is about to become even easier. The drag and drop editor is now available in all three different sizes of bookmarks.

Show off your book knowledge

New drag and drop bookmarks will make it easier for your library to show off your knowledge through what attracts a reader’s attention most -- the cover. Like with all items in the drag and drop editor, you’ll be able to rotate and resize book covers, layer them on top of each other, add shapes, images and more. Of course, you don’t need to be limited to books. Add information about library programs, services, and whatever else you’d like for your readers to remember as they tuck it between the pages of their current read.

Coordinate your efforts

Items in LibraryAware are designed to make it easy for you to coordinate your promotion efforts from flyers to displays to emails. The new bookmarks are no different. You’ll find award bookmarks to match many of the awards and other readers’ advisory templates we create. Of course, you’ll have the freedom to customize all these templates to match your collection and your community.

Connect your collection to your programs

Now it’s easier than ever to promote your collection. Use our new drag and drop bookmarks to create rack cards or mini program flyers with details about your next event on one side, and related books or other materials on the back. It’s the perfect pocket-sized take-away to spread the word about your next event. You can also reach readers at your events with a suggested book list to learn more on the topic.

Do you have questions or concerns? Please feel free to contact us or view help documentation for the drag and drop editor. We’ve also got training sessions to help make sure you aren’t missing out on any of the great new features of LibraryAware.

Jennifer Lohmann is the Director of Sales and Marketing at NoveList.