The feedback we’ve heard from librarians about the newest version of NoveList Select for Catalog has been overwhelmingly positive. Librarians and their patrons love how interactive the new interface is, especially the story mixer. Not only does the new version make it easier for your patron to see curated read-alikes, but the story mixer makes it easier for them to pick their own next favorite read with NoveList’s unique appeal factors, genres, and themes.

If you’re one of the libraries that hasn’t yet made the switch because some of your favorite features (On The Shelf and the optional upgrades) weren’t available yet, then we have good news. The latest version of Select has been updated to be compatible with these features, too.

The Optional Upgrades

The optional upgrades we offer with NoveList Select include professional reviews, book excerpts, and tables of contents. You can see a complete list of the base features of NoveList Select and the optional upgrades on our website. You can see what these optional upgrades look like in the Williamsburg Regional Library catalog.

On The Shelf (OTS)

With On The Shelf, your readers will know -- in real time -- if a recommended title is available in your library and in what format, and will be able to scope read-alikes and their picks in the story mixer:


OTS is available in NoveList Plus, LibraryAware, and NoveList Select for Catalog and is free of charge. OTS is only supported by some ILS systems. Write to to see if yours is on the list.

If you’re a NoveList Select for Catalog customer, making the switch to the newest version is easy! Not a NoveList Select for Catalog customer? Request a demo to learn more.