Data-driven decision-making is something that information professionals rely on, both in libraries and here at NoveList. Based on user research and usage data within our products, we are making some changes to content in NoveList which will make it easier for you to find the best that we have to offer.
The most visible change is in our database icons. The image featuring a figure seated in a tree has been updated. The new icon offers a fresh and appealing look that better matches the items in the NoveList promotional kit, making it easier for your readers to know they’ve come to the right place. You can find those icons for your website in the NoveList promotional kit.

The menu bar at the top of NoveList interfaces provides you with easy shortcuts to different kinds of content, from being able to Browse By genre or appeal to quick How Do I? links which provide cheat sheets for things like finding read-alikes or exploring books by grade level. Changes in this update can be seen under the Quick Links menu option.
- Articles (formerly Feature Articles) will lead you to a list of topical discussions of readers’ advisory, from gift book ideas to explorations of pop culture trends such as folk horror. Our very popular Genre Outlines are now called Genre Guides; you can read more about them here. Books to Movies is now Page to Screen because the line between movies, television, and streaming series has become increasingly fuzzy.
- Author Read-alikes are available on every single author page in NoveList (we are just removing the old and rarely used text documents). Quick Tip: We also have read-alikes for titles and series!
- We’ve removed Book Display Ideas because any of the lists in NoveList can help you create a book display, from browsing appeal combos and genres on the homepage to Recommended Reads lists. Curricular Connections and Grab and Go Book Lists have also been removed, with grade level information and some of the topical areas (such as social and emotional learning) now being included in Recommended Reads lists.
The goal of these changes is to give you more of the content that you use most. As always, please reach out with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. In the meantime, stay tuned for an update about the new NoveList “Explore” pages. These will make all the good things in NoveList even easier to find!
Victoria Caplinger Fredrick is the Director of Book Discovery at NoveList.