NoveList’s structured and curated metadata is part of what makes NoveList Select for Linked Data so strong -- adding power to libraries’ existing linked data services. We’ve been busy adding as much of our data as possible to our libraries’ linked data to help increase their visibility and we’re happy to announce that lists are coming to NoveList Select for Linked Data.

Even better -- these lists will be embeddable on your website and sharable on social. Since these embedded lists link back to your library catalog, your visibility is further increased.

Recommended Reads lists: now linkable

You may already love our Recommended Reads Lists and rely on them as an easy way to quickly find great books to read. We’ve got hundreds of lists -- everything from lists on popular culture like “For Fans of … Hamilton” to picture book recommendations for parents who need to talk with children about moving. These lists will be great to share on your blogs, on partner websites, and on social. Think of all the daycare centers that would love to put reading recommendations on their website for parents who need help talking to their kids about starting school.

Awards lists: now linkable

We know you love NoveList’s awards lists, too. We track over a thousand awards, so you don’t have to. If you’ve got staff pages with reading recommendations, include a widget with all the books in your library collection that have won that staff member’s favorite award, like this one for the Man Booker Prize:


NoveList’s lists will be added to NoveList Select for Linked Data customers as they are being refreshed. You’ll find the entire set of lists off your linked data homepage, under lists.


Be sure to sign up for our Linked Data Partners newsletter to hear more about product releases like this one and, once you’ve started using these lists, share you success with us! We’d love to see examples and hear the creative ways your library has found to paint the web with library data.

Jennifer Lohmann is a NoveList Consultant.