A library’s visibility on the web can be complicated to measure, but the release of embed, share, and catalog clicks for your linked data are one step to untangling the many threads that make up visibility.

While these stats are only one piece of your library’s visibility story, they help tell the story of what *your* data is doing for you and what *you* are doing for your data.

Access your stats under the Services menu off your library’s linked data page. If you don’t have a login, you will need to request one. To do so, click cancel on the user name/password window and click to request access.

Share statistics

Linked Library Service and Linked Library Enrichment allow you to easily share pieces of your catalog data to social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Because your linked data is open to the web, your community may also be sharing your data. The newly available share statistics give you information about what pieces of your data are being shared and where.

Embed statistics

Libraries around the world are making use of their newly embeddable catalog data in their resource guides and on their websites. These embeddable widgets are available for community partners to share on their websites as well, providing more visibility. Embed statistics allow you to see how many carousels of your library data are being shared on websites and provides information about which websites, as well as how many people are looking at them.

Catalog click statistics

Sharing and embedding your library data has one goal: to increase your library’s visibility and encourage use of your library’s resources, especially among communities that don’t think of the library as their first stop. Catalog click statistics give you information about how many people are clicking from your embedded widgets and shared data on social into your catalog.

These statistics are only the beginning of the story of library data on the web. What kinds of statistics would you like to see for linked data? If you have questions or feedback about your stats, please contact us.