Strange times we’re living in. Chances are you’re reading more (or possibly less, if you find it hard to focus on a book — Autumn Winters recommends scrapbooking tutorials on YouTube during these difficult days), so we thought we’d share what books we are reading in our days of social distancing. Please share yours as well! 

The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan 
It is a reread (currently on Crossroads of Twilight), but it brings me back to happier days of being able to do anything but sit inside. I love stories with more than one character whose point of view we see the world through. Wide varieties of characters all with their own passions who we get to know as well as the main character.
Eric Bechtle, Senior Software Engineer I

The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin
Supernatural problems are *waaaaay* more fun to read about than actual pandemic-related problems. Plus, NYC with avatars. And it's N.K Jemisin — 'nuff said.
Elizabeth Coleman, Senior Metadata Librarian I

Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
Written to resemble a TV script, it's a moving and inventive satire exploring the limits of Asian representation in Hollywood. LOVED it. 
Kaitlin Conner, Readers’ Advisory Librarian 

The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver 
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa
The Return by Rachel Harrison

They're all fast-paced and distracting. Exactly what I need right now. 
Halle Eisenman, Content Development Manager (and overachiever reader)

Xeni by Rebekah Weatherspoon 
(and a whole lot of fanfic by various authors)

Xeni is an escapist romance about characters in a charmingly absurd situation. Fanfiction provides exciting new stories starring comfortable, familiar characters. 
Rebecca Honeycutt, Readers' Advisory Librarian

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
Spooky, claustrophobic sci-fi with some body horror elements. I like it so far!
Alex Jackson, Senior Software Engineer II

The Mirror and The Light by Hilary Mantel
Well, there are beheadings and plague and death. Mantel is funny, but it might be a bit much for right now. I love the series, but this might be a case of right book, wrong time.
Jennifer Lohmann, Director of Sales and Marketing

The Stand by Stephen King 
I have always wanted to read it, but never seem to have the time. Now I have plenty and it ‘s the perfect (?!) book to read during stay-at-home. 
Lori Reed, Marketing Specialist

The Sol Majestic by Ferret Steinmetz
It's a quirky space opera about (among other things) food. What's not to like?
Sam Stover, Product Manager

Deeplight by France Hardinge
I am loving it! Frances Hardinge is one of my favorite authors. It is a YA fantasy - great world-building in a society where there were once gods who have now all perished.
Suzanne Temple

Winter Prey by John Sandford
It's escapist fiction. Someone definitely has it worse in Minnesota with -20 degree weather and a killer on the loose.
Renee Young, Senior Metadata Librarian I

If you missed the webinar, check back for the recording of Great Reads in Not-So-Great Times and get some great reading recommendations!

Stay healthy and sane. 

Molly Wyand is a Communications Specialist at NoveList. During quarantine, she's read How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell, Separation Anxiety by Laura Zigman, and Severance by Ling Ma (which was her favorite). She is about to start Wow, No Thank You. by Samantha Irby.