I’m sitting at my kitchen table, looking out at a beautiful North Carolina spring day, and it’s easy to imagine a scenario where I shut down my computer and meet up with friends for a walk around the neighborhood or enjoy a dinner al fresco at a local restaurant. However, 2020 has different plans for us, and instead we are social distancing and doing our best to remain calm and composed in a world that feels like it’s changing hour by hour. 

We know that librarians continue serving their communities, even if that is taking a different form than it would have a mere week ago.  As people #stayhome and parents plan educational activities to keep their children occupied, books become an invaluable resource. And let’s face it, most readers don’t need an excuse to turn to books for any reason, but in times of stress, they can provide an unparalleled element of comfort and escape in a chaotic world. 

Maybe your patrons are looking to escape into a romance or want a calm and comforting read. They might want something uplifting or to go on a journey, without leaving the house. Is there a teen in your world that needs the catharsis of a good cry? Or a tween who could use some belly laughs? Perhaps some of your young patrons can’t get enough of Dog Man

I hope that the flyers linked above can provide a good starting point as you serve your communities from a distance. We have many more templates in LibraryAware that can be adapted to help your patrons find good reads during these uncertain times. If there are other templates that would help you communicate with your customers right now, please contact libraryaware@ebsco.com. We always want to provide you with the best content possible. As for me, I’m going to queue up an audiobook and take the dogs for a nice, long walk. 

Halle Eisenman is a Content Development Manager at NoveList. She is currently reading The Lions of Fifth Avenue by Fiona Davis and listening to Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel.