Following this summer’s uprisings protesting police brutality and violence against Black people, libraries and other community groups are holding conversations and book discussions on racial justice. Our book flyer templates in LibraryAware can help you promote these important works.
Highlight the Black Lives Matter titles in your collection with our pre-made templates in LibraryAware. Save the flyers as they are with the listed books or swap in other titles specific to your collection. For the titles that are always on hold, we even have “While You Wait” flyers to show your patrons what they can read in the meantime. Easily post these book flyers to your social media accounts to draw attention to a specific discussion series or to show your patrons resources that are available to them.
We love the series of book flyers that Sonoma County Library created in LibraryAware and posted on their Twitter account: Resistance & Hope in Black Fiction, Non-Fiction, and YA books.
Continue the essential conversation with our social justice, antiracism, and activist templates in LibraryAware. Search Black Lives Matter and social justice and as keywords to bring up book flyers for adults, teens, and kids.

Jessica Lin is an Engagement Specialist at NoveList. She is reading Legendborn by Tracy Deonn.