Is your library visible on the web?

When people in your community search for the latest best-seller on the web is your library one of the top results? Probably not because most library records are hidden from the web. Linked data can change that.

With linked data, your collections become visible (and discoverable) on the Web. You’ll be able to reach both users and non-users who are searching in their favorite search engine or searching by voice on mobile devices. Zepheira and NoveList are leading the way in creating linked data solutions for public libraries.

This free webcast, led by Eric Miller and Duncan Smith, will fill you in on the strategy and the ‘why’ of linked data, and provide a preview of enrichment possibilities. Then Rachel Fewell will share how the Denver Public Library has taken the lead in getting their library discovered on the web.

Follow up materials

The Panelists

Eric Miller is co-founder and president of Zepheira which provides solutions to effectively integrate, navigate and manage information across boundaries of person, group and enterprise. Formerly with the Semantic Web Initiative at the W3C, he now serves as an adviser to businesses and other organizations, and as speaker at conferences worldwide providing insights on the evolution of the web.

Duncan Smith is co-founder and general manager of NoveList. He helps transform the lives of readers by leading a team that creates the tools library staff use to provide their most important service -- connecting readers with the books that will make a difference in their lives.

Rachel Fewell coordinates efforts at the Central Library of the Denver Public Library to provide services to the Denver community. In her previous role she was the Collection Services Manager and project manager for Denver Public Library's involvement in the Library Link initiative. Denver Public Library has taken the lead in transforming library catalog data into a format the internet can read, consume, and serve back up to our users.


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