From rookie on the beat to secret babies, there are dozens of themes that your readers adore. Let RA expert Becky Spratford and metadata maven Cathleen Keyser show you how adding themes to your RA toolbox can supercharge your readers’ advisory, circulation, and programming.
We welcome anyone interested to stay for an additional 15-minute training to help you find all those great themes (and the books that go with them) in NoveList.
This webinar is archived. Click below to watch the recording or skip ahead to the training session that took place after the webinar.

Watch the webinar recording



Becky Spratford is a Readers’ Advisor (RA) in Illinois specializing in serving patrons ages 13 and up and trains library staff worldwide on how to match books with readers through the local public library. She runs the critically acclaimed RA training blog RA for All and is on the Steering Committee of the Adult Reading Round Table. Spratford is also known for her work with horror readers as the author of The Reader’s Advisory Guide to Horror, 2d ed. (ALA Editions, 2012) and is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association. You can follow her on Twitter @RAforAll.
Cathleen Keyser is Metadata Strategy Manager at NoveList. Cathleen leads a team of metadata librarians whose work includes assessing and redefining our taxonomies to create clearer access points and targeted reading recommendations for every reader, from fans of Lovecraftian horror to tea-sipping cozy mystery aficionados. Together they build and refine dynamic metadata standards that respond to trends in the publishing industry and keep pace with readers’ evolving interests, such as creating an #ownvoices access point. Cathleen likes to read true crime, gossipy memoirs, and scary stories, especially ones about vengeful ghosts, bloodthirsty killers, and tacos. Her favorite themes involve revenge and body horror. Her favorite taco is carne asada.