Use NoveList Select's Analytics Dashboard to see your NoveList Select usage data from any web-enabled device, anywhere, at any time. This dashboard provides a window into how your library’s patrons are viewing and interacting with information in the catalog and consists of two areas of focus: Reader Engagement and Reader Insights.
Reader Engagement
The Reader Engagement portion of the dashboard provides both broad measures of engagement as well as more focused measures of interaction with your catalog.
You'll see this information at a glance:
- Total views for last month
- Total clicks for last month
- Chart comparing clicks year-to-year
- Breakdown of clicks on individual features

Reader Insights
The Reader Insights page in the dashboard provides a detailed analysis of NoveList Select's views data. While Reader Engagement provides the number of times NoveList Select provided enrichment in your catalog, Reader Insights will help you see what’s popular with *your* readers.
Based on views generated by your readers, Readers Insights will provide monthly lists of:
- Top titles
- Top authors
- Top series

Ready to learn more?
Contact us with questions about your organization’s dashboard or about gaining access.
Learn how NoveList Select can help you connect readers to the books they want.