Q1: Could you please tell us about yourself eg. your background, your experience and your role at EBSCO?

My name is Ryan, but some of my friends call me Ry. I am working from my home office in the Philippines. I am a Registered Librarian in the Philippines with a bachelor’s degree in library and information Science from the University of Santo Tomas. Prior to joining EBSCO, I was the Technical Services Head Librarian at the University of Makati Library.

Currently my Position in EBSCO is Training Specialist for the region of Southeast Asia. I facilitate online and onsite training sessions on EBSCO products, services, and enhancements for customers in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia. I also assist in the creation and maintenance of customer training documents designed to improve the experience and success of the customers.

Q2: Why you choose working with EBSCO?

Prior to joining EBSCO, I used to train students on how to use the different electronic resources. I really enjoyed facilitating training sessions for the end users because of the fulfillment and satisfaction that I got after the session. When I saw the job advertisement for Training Specialist, I immediately applied for the position because I knew that this role and EBSCO would help me develop my skills.

Q3: How is your experience with EBSCO so far?

Working for EBSCO is something that I am really proud of. One of my favorite things about working for EBSCO is the privilege of working with competent and professional colleagues and customers. I also appreciate and value the opportunity to learn and become an expert in EBSCO’s products and services and share the information I learned with the customers.

Q4: Please tell us the top 3 interesting EBSCO products in your point of view and why they are?

My personal EBSCO product favorites are EBSCO Discovery Service, Business Source, and DynaMed. I like EBSCO Discovery Service because it provides me with a multitude of resources, and it also enables me to search and retrieve authoritative resources. I also like Business Source, especially the company information feature, because it allows me to retrieve information on different companies. DynaMed is also one of my personal favorites because it has a drug interaction tool.

Q5: What is the significant change(s) in your daily life by before and after pandemic?

One of the significant changes during the pandemic is that I learned to slow down and look at things differently and truly be in a state of gratitude. I have also become more conscious of my health and ensure I remain active and fit by doing physical activities after work.

Q6: How about change change(s) in your work?

The dynamics of my work changed during the pandemic. I am mostly working from home, which I really enjoy because of the work-life balance.

Q7: What do you spend time with after work?

I spend the majority of my free time baking, trying out different restaurants, and spending quality time with my family and dogs.

Q8: Most recommended book/ reading by your?

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth - reading about passion, goal and achievement.

Q9: Do you have the best quotes from yourself?

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

We hope you enjoy reading about Ryan , and if you would like to know more about him or would like to learn more about our training, request for training session within Southeast Asia, please feel free to contact him at:Email: ryansalas@ebsco.com: Phone number: +63 945 100 4034 . We are sure that Ryan would be very happy to know you as well.