EBSCO Headquarters

Ipswich, MA, USA

5 7 - 24 8 2024

Topics covered


Sam Brooks

Executive Vice President – Marketing, Sales, Publisher Relations & Strategic Partnerships

Chappy Floyd

Vice President of Discovery Innovation, Corporations

Katherine Eisenberg, MD, PhD, FAAFP

Senior Medical Director, DynaMed Decisions

Kamila Rogowska-Swircz

Senior Marketing Manager for CEE & Sub-Saharan Africa


Conference Collateral Title

Girl studying in library with AI icons around her

EBSCO Information Services Defines Guiding Principles for the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) stands poised to revolutionize various industries, including the library sector. As EBSCO explores its opportunities, read about the company’s approach to using AI in a responsible, ethical manner.

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Academic Search Ultimate is the best

Watch this video to see the many ways Academic Search Ultimate is the best product for your institution.




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A piggy bank transferring a coin from text that reads Business Source Complete to text that reads Business Source Ultimate

Business Source Ultimate 商學研究必備寶藏資源-BSU

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