EBSCO’s Commitment

Time and resources are devoted to implement and support modern standards-based approaches in accessibility, data security and compliance. Our continuous commitment is on preserving the confidentiality, integrity and security of personal information while ensuring exceptional usability for all customers and users.


Privacy & Security

EBSCO has policies, procedures and infrastructure in place to handle physical and digital security. Our ongoing compliance efforts include FERPA, COPPA, GDPR and more. EBSCO is committed to protecting our users’ privacy.

View EBSCO's privacy policy

Learn more about EBSCO's GDPR compliance


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Supporting people with all types of abilities is a key consideration in product development and delivery strategies. EBSCO makes every reasonable effort to have our products and services available to all customers and users, including those with print disabilities, allocating significant time and resources towards ensuring their equal access.

Learn more about EBSCO's commitment to accessibility



EBSCO is determined to bring people and information together no matter the language or location. Therefore a key consideration in our product development and delivery strategies is to supply unrestricted international usability.

Learn more about EBSCO's commitment to Globalization.

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ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is an international standard that represents best practices for information security. The standard lays out a set of approaches and requirements to examine risks and implement security controls that apply to people, process and technology.

EBSCO’s ISO 27001 certification for its products and services provides for customer trust and reassurance. The certification is maintained through a rigorous assessment process conducted by independent audit and certification bodies. We continue to invest in the security of information that customers entrust to us.

See EBSCO's ISO 27001 certificate of registration