Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources
Enhance the research experience for all users by demonstrating that they are represented in the community as well as in the database content and curated collections in your library.

Full-Text Databases
Ethnic Diversity Source is a new, full-text database that covers the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of many ethnic populations in North America.
LGBTQ+ Source provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text plus historically important primary sources.
Jewish Studies Source offers a multidisciplinary view of the study of Jewish civilization, from its historical origins to the present.
Arab World Research Source: Al-Masdar offers content pertaining to the Arab World for Arabic studies, Middle Eastern studies and Islamic studies.
Caribbean Search is the most extensive research database of full-text content pertaining to the countries and people of the Caribbean.
Exploring Race in Society is a free database offering essential content covering important issues related to race in society today.

Archive Databases and Magazine Archives
African American Historical Serials Collection is an archive that documents the history of African American religious life and culture between 1829 and 1922.
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 1 is an archive of publications focused exclusively on U.S. Hispanic history, literature and culture from colonial times until 1960.
Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection: Series 2 includes rare manuscripts and newspapers on Hispanic American civil rights, religion and women’s rights through the 20th century.
Ebony Magazine Archive covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship and other social topics with an African American focus, from its first issue in 1945 through 2014.
Jet Magazine Archive covers art, news, politics and other social topics with an African-American focus, from its first issue in 1951 through 2014.
Moment Magazine Archive covers Jewish history, the arts, Israel, world news, and Jewish cultural issues from 1975 through 2010.

EBSCO eBooks
To help libraries support diverse writers, illustrators and publishers, EBSCO offers highly curated e-book collections such as:
- African American History Collection
- African American Studies Collection
- African Voices on Africa Collection
- Antiracist Reading Collection
- Asian American Studies Collection
- Children’s: African American History Collection
- Children’s: Asian & Asian American Collection
- Children’s: Diverse Perspectives Collection
- Children’s: Diversity & Inclusion Collection
- Children’s: Indigenous History & Culture Collection
- Children’s: Women’s History Collection
- Diverse Perspectives in Literary Criticism Collection
- Diverse Voices Collection
- Diversity & Ethnic Studies Subscription Collection
- Diversity in the Workplace Collection
- DRM-Free - Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice Collection
- Global Black Studies Collection
- Global Topics in Antiracism Collection
- Hispanic & Latin American Studies Collection
- Indigenous History of the Americas Collection
- Indigenous Studies Collection
- Indigenous Studies Collection: Australia & New Zealand Collection
- Indigenous Studies Collection: Canada Collection
- Indigenous Studies Collection: United States Collection
- Japanese History & Culture Collection
- Justice & Peace Collection
- LGBTQIA+ Studies Collection
- Neurodiversity Awareness Collection
- Social Justice Collection
- Spanish & Portuguese Subscription Collection
- Women's Health Collection
- Women’s History Collection
- Young Adult: Diverse Perspectives Collection
- Young Adult: Diversity & Inclusion Collection

Bibliographic Databases
Africa-Wide Information is an index to research and publications by Africans and about Africa. Produced by NISC South Africa, it combines dozens of databases sourced from Africa, Europe and North America.
American Bibliography of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ABSEEES) provides information on East-Central Europe, Russia, Soviet Union and the former Soviet republics, with a vast collection of indexed sources.
Index Islamicus, produced by Brill Academic Publishers, is an international bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world.
Index to Jewish Periodicals provides a comprehensive guide to English-language articles, book reviews and feature stories devoted to Jewish affairs and published throughout the world.
Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America is a bibliographic database covering many topics pertaining to native North Americans, including culture, history and daily life.
Bibliography of Asian Studies covers East, Southeast and South Asia and provides special focus on the humanities and social sciences.
HAPI: Hispanic American Periodicals Index provides citations for scholarly journals published around the world on Latin America and the Caribbean since the late 1960s.
Women’s Studies International is a bibliographic database for women’s studies and feminist research covering sociology, history and humanities.