EBSCO partnered with customers and observed their subscription renewal process from start to finish. During this process EBSCO was able to identify many integration opportunities and has recently launched a new feature to integrate the EBSCONET Journal Renewal Service with Integrated Library Systems (ILS). EBSCO customers can now configure a fully customizable integration profile and deliver automatic updates to ILS purchase order lines as they renew orders in EBSCONET. Customers are using terms like “real-time renewals” and sharing the value and efficiencies this new service is offering.
Integration of EBSCONET with ILS Platform Helps University of Washington Libraries
EBSCO recently launched a new feature to integrate the EBSCONET Journal Renewal Service with Integrated Library Systems (ILS). Learn how the University of Washington Libraries is benefiting from the new feature.
![EBSCONET University of Washington Blog Image](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/EBSCONET-University-of-Washington-Blog-Image-780.jpg)