Did you know that 70 percent of U.S. households own a pet? Or that in 2021, $123.6 billion was spent by Americans on their pets? Based on these numbers from Forbes Magazine, it’s safe to say that Americans love their furry, feathered or scaly friends.

If you’re already a pet owner or have been in the past, you might already know that April 11 is National Pet Day. National Pet Day is not only a great day to spoil your pet, but it’s also a great time to learn new things about being a pet owner. For example, did you know pet ownership can be good for your health? An article titled “Science Says Your Pet Is Good for Your Mental Health” featured in TIME Magazine, notes that pet owners experience lower blood pressure, heart rate and heart-disease risk than their peers without animal companions. This same article mentions that animal ownership can improve mental health by calming stress and lowering anxiety in people of all ages. Plus, active animals like dogs often encourage owners to exercise and spend more time outdoors than they would otherwise.

Studies reported in an article from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found a range of interesting benefits stemming from pet ownership. One study found that dogs can help children with ADHD focus their attention. Another found that fish ownership helped teens better manage their diabetes.

With all the joy and health benefits that pets bring into our lives, it’s important to remember pets who are still looking for their forever homes. National Pet Day is a great time to learn about volunteer opportunities in your area and share the benefits of pet ownership with friends and neighbors.

As libraries increase their digital collections, patrons might not be aware of convenient resources available to them through their local library. A great resource for pet parents is Flipster’s digital magazines. Unlike static books, new issues of digital magazines are updated with the latest information so that patrons can stay engaged with current news about pet health, products and trends. Digital magazines are easily accessible on most devices and can be accessed on the go.

Some popular magazines for pet owners include:

  • Animal Wellness Magazine
    With readership of more than one million every year, Animal Wellness is North America’s top natural health and lifestyle magazine for dogs and cats.
  • Catster
    Catster Magazine has the latest information on vets, breeds, treats and more so that you can keep your feline friend as healthy and happy as possible.
  • Dogster
    Dogster Magazine has current information on training, health, trends and more.
  • FIDO Friendly
    Featuring reviews, wellness trends and hot topics, FIDO Friendly is the Travel & Lifestyle magazine that every dog owner needs.
  • Modern Cat
    Modern Cat Magazine has a little bit of everything from heart-warming rescue stories to insight into your cat's behavior.
  • Pets Magazine
    With useful articles, recommendations and stories, Pets Magazine seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond for pet owners and animal lovers.

In addition to a variety of pet-related magazines to choose from, Flipster is committed to high accessibility standards so EBSCO can provide a positive reading experience for everyone.

Flipster also recently received the highest platinum distinction from the Modern Library Awards  (MLA) for the sixth year in a row. Created by LibraryWorks and judged by librarians, the MLAs recognize the top products in the library industry.

Choose from more than 1,200 digital magazines on a variety of topics or add to your existing collection using EBSCOhost Collection Manager.