What is your role within EBSCO?
Director of Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) Innovation – Sub-Saharan Africa.

Explain your job as you would to a five-year-old. 
Gosh, how do I explain my job to anyone, really? I normally tell my son, who is 7, that I work with libraries. To which he asks, “Are you a librarian?” I slowly shake my head but then tell him I try my best to make a librarian’s job easier. I help them make sure the right resources, such as books and articles, are getting to the right person. I am not sure he really understands, but he smiles at me and swiftly moves on to what’s for dinner.

What is the best aspect of your job?
How do you choose just one? I love the constant learning that comes from continuous change. I also love the interactions with the people, both customers, and colleagues. 

How long have you worked at EBSCO?
14 and a half years, I think. I have lost count. It could be 15. 

How has your work changed in recent years? How do you think it will evolve in the future?
When I started at EBSCO, I was an Account Executive only selling EBSCOhost databases. Every year since, something has changed. And it is great because you don’t get bored.

Last year, I moved from being a Regional Sales Manager to a Director of SAAS Innovation. This was quite a big change, not only in terms of my day to day, but also in my role in the sales team. Moving into the technology space has been awesome. I am learning so much every day, and I think that is only going to continue. I love how technology is changing how we do things. I am very excited about some of the new technologies that EBSCO is releasing, especially products like BiblioGraph and Panorama. It is very fulfilling to share these innovations with our customers and see how they add value to the library ecosystem.

In terms of evolution, I feel my job evolves every day, and I thoroughly enjoy that. I grow, so I change, which is also part of it.

Did you attend college/university? If so, what did you study?
I did. I attended the University of Johannesburg in South Africa, where I received an honours degree in Marketing Management.

What excites you most about EBSCO’s future?
The constant innovation that is happening at EBSCO is pretty cool. I love that people have the space for big ideas, and EBSCO sees and nurtures those ideas into realities.

What invention would you most like to see in your lifetime?
Teleportation. I love traveling, but the flying is awful, and it takes so much time, especially coming from South Africa. Everything is so far away.

What was the last book you read? 
I am part of a book club, so I have been reading many different books. I recently read Daisy Jones and the Six. I really enjoyed it.

How do you define success?
For me, success is about happiness and balance.

What is the best way to reach you?
brassmann@ebsco.com | +27 11 380 1800

Learn more about Panorama, one of the innovative SaaS products Bronwyn is responsible for in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Panorama is a modern library analytics platform that simplifies the evaluation of library and campus data sets to enable unique insights and enhance decision making for library stakeholders.