Long before their fingers hit the keyboard, students and scholars writing research papers must consider the rules for evaluating, using and citing sources. EBSCO’s support site is full of handy, downloadable resources to help students not only conduct research properly, but also understand library terminology to enhance their research experience.

Try these five tools to help researchers in your library:

  1. Looking for Reliable Information?” A guide to help students distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable websites and authors
  2. Writing a Research Paper?” An explanation of plagiarism and how to avoid it
  3. Researching at the Library?” A reference for common library terms to facilitate communication between researchers and librarians
  4. How to Write a Works Cited Page” Examples of how to properly cite sources
  5. How to Avoid Plagiarism” A guide for properly paraphrasing and citing others’ work

Access these free resources and more on EBSCO Connect