Can you tell us a little about yourself? 
Although only with EBSCO for the past years, I have worked in IT Sales since 2005 in companies of various sizes and industries, covering various regions and verticals. Outside of EBSCO, I work a few hours per week at a gym as an instructor.

How long have you been with EBSCO, and what is your current position?
I have worked at EBSCO for 4.5 years. My current role is Regional Sales Manager for EBSCO Subscription Services and GOBI Library Solutions covering all Nordic countries.

What will your role with GOBI Library Solutions entail? 
Lots of things! Sales primarily, which means preparing various presentations according to customers’ needs and wants and training them on the services they take. Also, educating customers about market trends and helping them to make decisions to benefit their internal workflows and their end users alike. In order to do so, a good customer relationship is key, so I also spend much time building those relationships and ensuring I am in a position to understand each individual customers needs. I also respond to various public tenders, as well as attend and present at conferences and EBSCO hosted events, Lunch & Learns and Open Days. 

What benefits do you see GOBI bringing to academic libraries in the Nordics? 
GOBI is a single platform which allows customers to consolidate all book purchases (print, electronic, single purchase, collections, Evidence Based Acquisition (EBA), Demand Driven Acquisition (DDA), and subscription collections), and boasts the broadest selection of Academic titles in the market. This allows for reduced  Features like APIs to integrate with third-party systems, invoicing (consolidated or point-of-purchase), and de-duplication services.

What is your favourite part of your job? 
I love the variation – the mix of people I am privileged to work with, both internally and externally, the different locations and venues I visit during customer visits and meetings, the range of tasks I have to carry out daily, monthly and annually, all the different events I have to attend. It never gets monotonous or boring.

What are you currently reading? 
e-mails, always e-mails…and tenders, so many tenders…

What do you see your job looking like in the future?
As we have seen over the past few years, I see even more focus on e-resources and adapting to the ever-changing market requirements. For example, integrating with third-party systems, availability of more local content, mobility, Open Access, Plan S, etc.

Find out more about how GOBI Library Solutions can help your library.