Does your library subscribe to NoveList products? Do you feel confident when you use them? Are you a new user and don’t know where to start? We can help!

Having the tools you need to provide quality library service is just the first step. Using NoveList products fully helps library staff save time and makes their jobs easier while providing patrons with standout collections and readers’ advisory services. Beginning this month, we are offering live online training sessions for NoveList Plus, Core Collections, NoveList Select, and LibraryAware. These live sessions join our suite of support product learning options of how-to documents, user guides, and video tutorials. Whether you are new to the products or are just looking for a refresher, these sessions are for you.

Make the most of your NoveList product subscriptions. Check out NoveList Training or LibraryAware Training to register for a live session or watch a recording.

Caleigh Haworth is an Engagement Consultant at NoveList. She is currently reading All the Living and the Dead by Hayley Campbell.