Being a teen librarian for almost six years was the highlight of my public library experience. It's rewarding to watch these young individuals grow into adulthood, and I enjoyed the challenge of keeping up with their trends and finding new things they might enjoy. However, even the most experienced teen librarians can find it difficult to capture the "lightning in a bottle" that is teens' interests. NoveList can help you in a few ways to capitalize on these quick trends.
Power up your programming
I was notorious for having a cart of books to complement all my programs. Even if we were playing a dungeon-based adventure game or had an anime movie night, a cart of books with similar appeal, themes, or genres was my sidekick. If you are new to manga, don't speak "video games," or simply want to learn more of what teens enjoy, we have a section called Working with Youth in NoveList that includes articles like "Readers' Advisory for Gamer Patrons," "Graphic Novel FAQ," "Manga Glossary: Common Terms," and more to guide you in finding titles.
If it's trendy, they will come
Teens love social media trends, and with all the social media platforms, it can sometimes be challenging to keep up with the content. Our For Fans Of... Recommended Reads Lists help tie in pop culture movies, TV, and more, making it easy to create an eye-catching book display or strike up a conversation with that group of teens dancing in the corner of the youth department (we have ALL been there). Some of our current lists include titles for fans of Wednesday, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Marvel, Stranger Things, and more! If your library subscribes to LibraryAware, Recommended Reads Lists flyers are also available and can be posted on social media, added to emails, or printed and placed near your teen spaces.

Strike up a convo or two
My teens were obsessed with the “Would you rather....” conversations and loved any chance they could to have a good debate. Among the many programming templates for book clubs, art programs, and more, you will also find these fun “This or That” prompts in LibraryAware to help jump-start the “Which is better?” discussions. You can easily switch these templates with different movies or books to continue the engagement with your teens or even create a display board where they can stick on a thumbs up or heart under the flyer to vote.

Embrace your inner child
The teenage years are hard, and trying to get this age group engaged in programs can be difficult. NoveList can help elevate some of that stress and keep your programming fun while promoting your library’s collection and, most importantly, having fun!
Maria Fonseca-Gonzalez is a NoveList Consultant. She’s currently reading Silly Lullaby by Sandra Boynton to her daughter for the 15th evening in a row.