Today’s library worker is expected to take on a lot of roles including marketer, reader specialist, collection development manager, and social service provider. And the success with which that worker can fulfill those tasks will make all the difference for your library.
Here’s the thing: Companies are cutting costs by eliminating personal customer service in favor of automated emails and chatbots. Your library’s unique value proposition is that you always offer personalized service provided by real people. Every interaction with a community member is an opportunity to showcase the library and create a lasting connection with that user.
So, it’s essential to recognize the library staff's role in that connection. The best way to ensure your staff are prepared and supported is through ongoing professional development courses. I know from experience that thriving libraries provide ongoing, skill-building professional development training to staff.
I’ve noticed that skilled library workers share the same traits. Let’s go through them. There’s a fun download you can use to follow along.
Download this infographic and use it to follow along or make the case for ongoing professional development for your library staff.
Skilled library staff have books top of mind
We can all agree that it’s impossible to be prepared for every interaction with readers. But there are ways to suggest books with skill and confidence. A thorough knowledge of readers’ advisory (sometimes referred to as RA) is essential to everyone on the front lines at the library. Staff might learn about how to suggest books on the job and by reading widely but it's not a topic you can “finish” learning. Trends change, and your readers’ tastes and preferences also change. Anyone working with readers can make meaningful reading recommendations and enhance customer service if they are trained.
Skilled library staff keep their eyes open
Library staff must keep their eyes peeled to stay on top of trends and make the changes their communities need. Easier said than done, right? Trends could include spikes of interest in certain kinds of programs, staying ahead of changes in marketing, and of course, book trends!
Skilled library staff speak clearly about the library
We cannot talk loudly enough about libraries and what they offer their communities: Books! Programs! Services! Social opportunities! Skilled library staff can create smart promotions that match community needs with library services. But if they are not trained in marketing and communication they may be unsure of how to interpret the results and can become frustrated or disappointed by the work. Training helps ensure staff can effectively create marketing and promotions for the library, drawing in new visitors for programs and services, and boosting circulation numbers.
Skilled library staff leverage their passion for good
Libraries benefit a community in a way almost no other organization can. Fostering an open and inclusive space for all community members takes skill and training. But the payoff is that your library is seen as a compassionate, essential part of the community.
Skilled library staff are prepared to face challenges
It’s a challenging time to be a reader and a book advocate. If anyone has a position (and legitimate platform) to stand on for the freedom to read, it’s library staff. It’s not easy. Library staff can and should be advocates for the freedom to read.
Skilled library staff create and maintain a well-rounded collection
When library workers create a well-rounded, inclusive collection, they greet their community with open arms and make people feel welcome in the library. The training tools available to library staff make this work easier.
How to create well-rounded and skilled library staff
The Learn with NoveList staff subscription trains library staff to deliver great service to readers. Staff learn how to ask the right questions and make personalized reading recommendations based on readers’ core preferences, not an algorithm.
Learn with NoveList courses also teach staff to communicate your library’s unique value proposition, showcase the library, and create a lasting connection with your community.
Library staff who have taken our courses tell us it has changed the way they perform their everyday jobs. They can’t wait to put their new skills to practical use. And they are excited to apply the tips and tricks they learned. Highly engaged and skilled staff will deliver customer service beyond expectations.
Leigh Gaddy is the Lead/Demand Generation Specialist for NoveList. She is reading The Last Murder at the End of the World by Stuart Turton.