No, you have not entered The Twilight Zone. We are revisiting Science Fiction (the topic of our very first Crash Course with LibraryReads!) with new and updated information, media, and titles.
Do you have a go-to readers’ advisory strategy for helping readers of Science Fiction? Whether your readers are fans of space operas or alternate histories, let NoveList and LibraryReads break down the best science fiction has to offer your readers — from first contact to climate change apocalypses.
Join Matthew Galloway, Collection Development Librarian at Anythink Libraries, and Anna Mickelsen of Springfield City Library as they cover:
- Popular subgenres, appeals, and themes
- Current trends and authors to watch
- How to help readers of sci-fi
- Other popular media in the genre
This webinar is available along with added bonus content for a small fee on Learn with NoveList.

Matthew Galloway is a collection development librarian at Anythink Libraries in Colorado. He enjoys learning new board games and is wild for readers' advisory. His passion for great fiction is only matched by his commitment to bringing great works to his community.
Anna Mickelsen is the Adult Information Services Supervisor at the Springfield City Library in Massachusetts. When she isn't fiddling with spreadsheets, ordering fiction, or weeding library materials, she fights tabletop adversaries and wrangles cats.
Moderator Yaika Sabat comes from a background in public libraries and now works on editorial content as part of the Book Discovery team. While she is a horror fan first, she does her best to read across genres and is passionate about diverse representation in books and media.
Molly Wyand is a Communications Specialist at NoveList. She is currently reading The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka.